Collected by
Mostly Femdom
(9 stories listed)
Favorite stories. Mainly F/m, with some F/f, as those are my tastes. I look for themes such as submission via lust, rather than force, and lots of dialog.
by Carmenica Diaz
(Synopsis: Barry had a secret fantasy that involved prolonged teasing and subsequent denial. He never revealed it to anyone until he saw an advertising leaflet that promoted a tease and denial service. Poor Barry, he just had to call. This is a story in three parts and all parts will be posted here. This story will also be published in a collection of short stories at some future time.)
Comment: Pleasingly simple.
Black Meat for A White Lady:
by Marion
(Synopsis: ... and her wimp hubby. Wife's friend acquaints her with a website where white husbands serve their wives and black lovers and submit to castration. Amy, the wife loves the idea and decides that is what she is missing.)
Comment: Sharp, aggressive cuckold story. Nice use of dialog.
My Roomate:
by Ninja Turtle
(Synopsis: Two female freshmen roomates at college. One comes from a very conservative background and feels guilty when she masturbates. The other turns her into her toy using the guilt of her masturbating.)
Comment: Short but sweet F/f story. A lovely trip into shame
Procurement & Training Center:
by tallywacker38
(Synopsis: A dominatrix targets a young college boy for slavery and profit. He is coerced into obedience and learns his schooling will not occur in college.)
Comment: A young man captured by an older woman, via his lusts, oh... and some drugs. The story isn't all there, but there's enough for a good tease
Date Night:
by mwmsissy
(Synopsis: A mostly true story of how my wife took charge of our life.)
Comment: The first half has some delightful cuckold elements, then it becomes a mansion story, so I suggest just enjoying the first half
Owned Teacher:
by thumb
(Synopsis: A female teacher was controlled by her student, completely.)
Comment: F/f and a little over the top in it's plotting, but it's got something
Doctor's Advice:
by M.M.
(Synopsis: A wife inquires with her best friend, the doctor, how to treat her subby hubby.)
Comment: A good example of kiny lust getting the better of someone
Shame On You, Mr. Hyde:
by Dr. Phil
(Synopsis: It'a amazing how easy it is to enslave a young man, once you understand how all the parts work! Girls, don't try this at home. A tale of humiliation in 14 parts.)
Comment: A young man trapped by his lusts. Delightful.
Satisfying Stephanie:
by Wistan
(Synopsis: The story of Jason and Stephanie, a mismatched husband and wife trying to find a way to live together. Although not their intention, they find themselves gradually sliding into the role of mistress and servant as Mark is gradually cowed, beaten and cuckolded into submission by his wife and her lover.)
Comment: Nicely done, if classic, cuckold story.