Carmenica Diaz
(This page has been viewed 361219 times since Feb 20, 2004)
(Author: if you want to add/change/update any information below, please
email me)
- Author's Words:
- Carmenica Diaz lives near London and writes erotic fiction that is either hard and nasty or soft and tender, depending on her moods. Ms Diaz commenced writing at the urging of close friends and now has a substantial following of loyal readers. Her work can be divided into two clear genres – Erotica and Transgender fiction. Carmenica Diaz is, of course, a penname and, in real life, Ms Diaz is an accomplished woman of academia.
- Author's Homepage: http://www.cafeboudoir.com
- Send Author Email: carmenicadiaz (at) gmail (dot) com
Total 31 Stories by Carmenica Diaz