The Auction 4
Sisterly love
Back at the mansion Claudia handed the male slave over to her Nanny, then looked over at Susie.
"She is your responsibility. Feed the slut, make her presentable and make sure she knows how to please me or you will both be whipped!"
Nanny stared in surprise, but left Susie alone as she led her sister down to the slave quarters. When they were finally alone in the small room that served as Susie's sleeping place, when she was not sleeping at the foot of her Mistress's bed, ready to be used, Susie immediately took off the harness and the nose hook, then hugged her sister tightly. Petra cried on her shoulder for a while, then settled down on the couch that doubled up as Susie's bed.
"What brought you here and into this situation, Petra?"
It turned out that Petra had wanted to look for her and decided to take a holiday here. Unfortunately she had also decided to take a couple of joints with her. Petra became all agitated at the unfairness of it all, giving her 5 years for just a couple of joints and the indignity of being shown off naked to all those people. Susie leaned in and softy touched her lips to her sister's.
"Shhhhh, let me calm you down, sis."
It had been a kind of shamefaced game when they were both in their teens. It had started with a kiss and a cuddle, but soon developed into more intimate caresses until they had stroked each other's pussies, when they were agitated for some reason. Soon it had become more of an excuse for mutual masturbation. They had grown out of it, when they had their first boyfriends. Petra looked somewhat shocked, when Susie's hand glided down her body until it softly pushed her legs apart, but after a moment's hesitation opened her thighs and sighed, when Susie started caressing her lower lips. Susie smiled to herself and ran her fingers up and down her sister's pussylips, then reached up to caress her breasts only to find Petra hands cupping them already.
For a few minutes Susie gently stroked her sister feeling her calm down and relax. After a while Petra took a deep breath.
"I talked to someone from the embassy while I was on trial and he said there was nothing he could do for me, since it was all legal etc. I really did not know how I could get through five years of what they did to me. But now I am safe, thanks to you." She smiled. "So what is it you do here? Housework I expect. And what did they get you for? A joint, too?"
Susie took a deep breath. Where to start? She pushed two fingers into Petra's moist pussy and was rewarded with a slight moan. Petra closed her eyes and even pulled apart her lips to give Susie easier access. Susie moved her fingers inside her sister for a while until she felt the juices flowing freely. Slowly she started to explain.
"Remember when we used to do this, I always loved doing it to you? Pleasing you? Making you come? I still love serving. So when I came here, I quickly found out this is what I like." Another deep breath. "I am a slave voluntarily, Petra. I wanted to remain here and be someone's slave. It is not always pleasant, but then again what is? But it gives me fulfillment." She increased her pace a bit and rubbed Petra's clit with her thumb. "And it makes me so horny you wouldn't believe."
Petra gasped at the sudden sensation of having her clitty stroked, then gave a small smile.
"I can understand being horny, sis, but doing someone's housework and being a sort of chambermaid to that young woman? How does that make you horny?"
Here it comes.
"I am not a chambermaid really, at least that is not my main function. And I certainly don't do housework." One more deep breath. "I serve Lady Claudia personally, very personally. In every way. In short, I am a sex slave." She waited for a few seconds, then ploughed on. "And so are you now."
Petra's eyes widened.
"You mean you have sex with that woman?"
"And with anyone she gives me to. Though it is not so much having sex as fulfilling all her intimate wishes and desires. Giving her pleasure is my duty, my own is of no importance to her."
Petra thought for a moment, then her eyes darkened.
"But that makes you little better than a whore!"
Susie did not even flinch.
"Yes, honey. The difference is I don't get paid for it. And that a whore has limits, a slave doesn't."
That kept her sister quiet for a while. Then she shook her head.
"I am not going to judge you, sis. It is your decision. But I could never do anything like that."
Now it was Susie's turn to shake her head.
"You will have to, Petra. Lady Claudia wanted a second sex slave and it was the only way to get you out of the work gangs. And anyway you would probably have been used by anyone who had a mind to there. You are a slave now, sis, whether you like it or not, and for the next 5 years you will have to do what you are told. And do it well, no matter what it is."
* * *
Thankfully they were left alone for a few hours. Susie got some food and for a while the two relaxed and Petra even smiled happy to be with her sister again. Then Susie went in search of a sharp razor and shaved her sister's pussyhair until she was naked as a slave needed to be for Lady Claudia. Petra felt obviously awkward at first, but calmed down when Susie started licking her nipples and caressing her body. She was getting visibly excited, when the small bell in the corner rang. Susie jumped up her heart racing.
"Come, Lady Claudia wants us. And try to be respectful and obey every command. Lady Claudia can be very strict."
When they walked through the kitchen area Nanny told them to wait until Lady Claudia had finished her dinner. They squatted side by side while other slaves walked past and looked them over. Most of the male slaves got erections and some unashamedly stroked their cocks in front of them, though none dared come. One slave kept staring at them, but did not touch his huge erection and Susie recognized the slave Lady Claudia had bought together with her sister. On his chest the word 'Dong' had been written in crude felttip lettering. Apparently this was to be his household name. Then Nanny came in with a tray full of half-eaten dishes. She glanced over at Susie and her sister and jerked her head towards the door.
"Off you go, sluts."
"I'm not a slut, you old crone," Petra protested before Susie could stop her.
Amid the laughter of the other slaves Nanny grinned at them.
"You had better learn quickly, slut."
Susie pulled Petra towards the door and hurried towards Lady Claudia's bedroom.
"Petra, please remember what I told you," she hissed frantically. "Obey no matter what Lady Claudia wants you to do. You are a slave now whether you want to or not. And you will be punished harshly if you displease her."
Before Petra could answer they reached the door. Susie opened it quietly, pulled her sister through and down to her knees beside her. She crawled towards her owner and licked her shoes in greeting. Out of the corner of her eyes she saw Petra following her. Lady Claudia pushed her away with her foot, leaned forward and attached a leash to Petra's collar, then pulled her closer and looked her over. Susie breathed a sigh of relief, when Petra planted a fleeting kiss on Lady Claudia's shoe.
"Not bad, Susie. Now that she is cleaned up, she looks quite presentable. She might even make a decent slut some day." She tugged on the leash. "Come here and let me inspect you."
She pulled harder and Petra got up and reluctantly straddled the chair Lady Claudia was sitting in. The young woman ran her hands over Petra's body appraisingly squeezing and pinching, testing the merchandise.
"Nice lips. I hope you have taught her how to eat pussy. Her tits are a bit on the small side, not like your udders, Susie. But a nice firm ass. I'm sure Walter will like that. He prefers a small ass for fucking. Ok, let's see you do each other."
She pushed Petra off her lap and settled back expectantly. Petra seemed about to protest, but Susie pulled her towards a small sofa and under the guise of nibbling her ear erotically whispered to her.
"Please relax, Petra. You are doing well so far. Just forget she is there and let me relax you. Please."
Petra bit her lip and gave a small nod. Still looking at her sister anxiously Susie lowered her face and softly licked Petra's right nipple. Petra's body still felt tense, but the nipple sprang to attention immediately. Susie renewed her efforts and felt her sister's body relax slowly as the pleasure washed through her. After a while Petra pushed her away slowly and raised her head to kiss her lips lingeringly. Susie felt a wave of pleasure coursing through her body when she felt her sister's hands on her breast. They kissed for a while their hands roving over each other's bodies, then Susie placed her sister on the couch and gently parted her legs. Her fingers found Petra's moist pussy and she lowered her head to start sucking her clit. Petra's body started shivering and she gave small noises of delight as Susie's experienced tongue pleasured her.
"I can't see properly," Lady Claudia complained.
At once Susie lowered her sister to the floor her back raised against the sofa. Petra' legs fell open immediately and Susie lowered herself to her sister's pussy again, nibbling, sucking, licking. Her tongue kept busy entering, then just licking lapping up her sister's juices. Petra was breathing heavily, when Lady Claudia interrupted again.
"Switch places. I want to see the dark slut working on you."
Susie's heart skipped a beat, but Petra seemed eager to please her sister, too. When Susie leaned back, she immediately knelt and caressed Susie's lower lips. Soon she bent forward and hungrily plunged her tongue into her sister's sex. Susie groaned with delight as her sister's tongue worked inside her pussy. Mindful of her Lady's wishes, she straddled her sister's face and felt her tongue darting in and out of her moist slit, presenting her open sex and her ass to her owner.
"Enough. Come here."
Susie pulled herself from the haze of pleasure and crawled to her Owner, her sister reluctantly following. Claudia snapped her finger at Petra and pointed between her legs. Petra gulped and slowly moved between her Owner spread thighs. She gently lifted Claudia's sheer panties to expose her pussy, then hesitated.
"Hurry up, bitch. I don't like to be kept waiting."
Petra's face hardened, but she forced herself to bring her head close to her Mistress's pussy and flicked her tongue over her clit. Claudia pushed her away and slapped her face.
"Not that, cunt. Until you are fully trained, I'll have that slut with the cow udders lick me. Open up, I need to pee."
Petra's eyes widened and she jerked away violently.
"What do you take me for, you perverted bitch? I am not a cunt and I most certainly won't drink your filthy piss."
Lady Claudia's eyes widened and she seemed about to slap Petra harder, but then a dangerous smile spread over her face. She pushed Petra away and looked at Susie.
"Come here, … pisswhore."
Susie looked at her sister pleadingly, but approached her Mistress at once and opened her mouth. Soon she felt the hot stream entering her mouth. Desperate to please her Mistress she swallowed without spilling a drop, then licked the last drop from the wet pussy. She looked over at her sister trying to make her apologize and offer service. But Petra just stared wide-eyed. Suddenly Susie felt her Owner pushing her face down.
"Ass up, whore!"
When Susie hurriedly obeyed Claudia started spanking her hard.
"I told you to prepare your sister or you would share her fate. Now you will. You will both learn what it means to disobey me." Her hand fell on Susie's exposed ass again and again. "You will learn respect and obedience. Oh yes, you will."
Her hand quickly pressed a button by her side, then resumed the spanking. When Nanny entered with a couple of male houseslaves, Susie's ass was bright red, but she bit her lips and did not utter a sound.
"Have them both tied up, Nanny."
Susie was grabbed roughly and seconds later found herself tied standing with her hands above her head. Her sister, she saw, fared worse and she was hanging from her arms. Lady Claudia rose and approached Susie, smiling again.
When Susie obeyed, she backhanded her pussy viciously. Susie groaned in pain.
Biting her lips she obeyed only to have her pussy slapped hard again.
"You think I am spending my money just to keep your dear little sister from the workcamps? You think you can give her an easy ride living at my expense? Spread!"
Another vicious blow made Susie cringe.
"She will turn into the most shameless and degraded slavewhore in the country or you both will feel what it means to displease me. Spread!"
Shivering Susie raised her legs sideways again, then cried out when her Owner's hand hit her swollen pussylips again.
"You will make sure she learns that she is just meat, just a toy like you are, because you will share her fate. The next time I see you, she will come crawling to me, lick my feet and beg me to be allowed to be my and everyone else's pisswhore. And that will be her name, too, for the next 5 years, pisswhore. You can come to me, whenever she is ready, but if you come and she isn't … . You don't even want to know. Spread!"
Moaning Susie obeyed again, the screamed when a particularly hard blow hit her.
"But before you even think about approaching me again, you will learn some manners."
She nodded to the male slave standing in the corner and he approached swinging a whip. Without waiting he directed a first blow at Susie's breasts, then methodically whipped her entire body. But most of the blows did not hit her back or ass, but the front of her body, her big breasts, her stomach, her pussy her thighs. Soon her entire body was a mass of pain and she screamed freely. Lady Claudia stood watching and smiling. When he finally lowered the whip at a curt command of his Mistress Susie hung in chains helpless. When he free her, she collapsed on the floor.
"Here, Susie, service!"
Susie crawled towards the bed and found Lady Claudia on all fours. She set about caressing and licking her bottom at once and despite the pain felt the young woman's eager reaction and delighted in the taste of her juices. She licked her tight pucker with all the devotion she could muster, then concentrated on her clit. Lady Claudia moaned and groaned and soon shuddered with an intense orgasm. She collapsed on the bed and Susie softly cleaned up all her juices.
"Ok, enough. Nanny, take them away and give them to the field slaves for a few days. Tell the workbeasts they can do whatever they want with those fuckpuppets as long as they don't damage them."
Susie's eyes went wide, but Nanny grinned and whispered something she could not understand. Lady Claudia laughed.
"Yes, Nanny, you and the other houseslaves can have them afterwards. Have your fun with them. When Susie here says her sister is ready for me, bring them to me. But no earlier than next weekend. I want them to enjoy all those eager slave cocks."
* * *
Nanny waved the houseslaves away, then grinned broadly at the two slaves tied to the wall in the spacious garage.
"We will have some fun with you pampered pets. Once the field slaves are through with you, you will be so eager to please." She cackled and pinched Petra's ass hard enough to make her cry out behind the gagging tape. "And we will train you to be very obedient even to the lowliest cleaning slave, slut. You will learn that we do an honest day's work and you are just fuckpuppets. And you," she turned to Susie her grin widening. "You will give old Nanny everything you give to Mistress – and more."
With a final slap of Susie's ass she left. Susie stared after her, until she was distracted by a stifled sound from her sister.
Petra's pleading eyes more than her voice told Susie she was trying to apologize for getting her into this mess. Susie took a deep breath and tried to console her sister, but with the duct tape across her mouth and with the hands tied above them all she could manage was rubbing her hip against Petra's.
They had been waiting for hardly ten minutes, when there was the sound of a vehicle outside. The door opened and two men in heavy work boots stomped in. Their eyes took in the sight quickly, running up and down their bodies, assessing their flesh with practiced ease.
"Nice fuckmeat, those two, Larry." A big man with a nearly bald head approached Susie, grabbed her tits and ass with calloused hands and squeezed.
"Yeah, the field slaves will keep their holes filled all night, if we let them." Larry somewhat smaller and stockier explored Petra's body making her squirm. "Come on, Louis. Let's load them up."
"You load the dark slut. I'll take the blonde with the big udders over myself." His broad wink made his partner grin.
Louis tied Susie's hands behind her back before freeing her feet, then used the rope to bind her tits leaving 4 feet dangling. Grabbing the end he led Susie out of the garage by her tits. Outside a tractor waited with idling engine. A small skinny woman was tied on the trailer. Larry pulled Petra onto the trailer, while Susie was pulled down a path that led into the woods. Looking over her shoulder she saw Petra being tied up, too. Her eyes widened when she saw the overseer tie her to the end of the trailer her legs spread fully, her pussy wide open and inviting every man to just step up to the trailer and fuck her. Susie stumbled and was roughly pulled along. When she tried to look back again bushes obstructed the view.
On aching feet Susie tried to follow the man leading her, but when woods gave way to stone ground she had to slow down to pick her way carefully. After pulling her along for a while the man turned.
"If you can't keep pace, bitch, I guess I have to encourage you a bit."
He undid the rope around her tits and slipped it into her mouth, tied it around her shoulders and finally slipped it between her legs. It was done quickly and professionally, he obviously had lots of experience with unruly slaves. When he turned to walk on, he wordlessly gave the rope a hard tug and Susie winced when the rough rope cut into her crack and slipped right between her soft pussylips. She groaned. The man turned around without slowing down.
"Getting horny already, bitch?" He laughed. "Lead a male beast by the balls, a female by her cunt, that's the way to do it."
By the time Susie saw the farm buildings she had walked for over a mile and her feet were hurting. Louis pulled her into a small barn. When he noticed how carefully she tread, he grinned.
"Sore feet, bitch? Won't be a problem. You'll spend the next few days on your back anyway. Or on your knees. Or in some other position. But I don't think anyone will want to use you standing up."
He pushed Susie onto a table and with practice motions tied her up with her ass in the air. Then he dropped his clothes on the floor.
"Haven't got much time, that will come later. But it would be a pity not to be the first one to use your fuckhole."
He rammed his cock into Susie's pussy and started pounding her. After the initial pain Susie got wet quickly and after not having come for a couple of days soon moaned in delight at the hard fucking she got. Louis grabbed her hair.
"Like it, do you, bitch? Good, I like a slut that creams. If I want a dry fuck, I'll fuck your ass."
He pounded away hard and reached his orgasm just as Susie was ready to peak. Feeling his cum spurt inside her pushed her over the edge.
Just as quickly as he had started, he pulled out, wiped his cock on Susie's face and got dressed. Hardly a minute after her orgasm she had to get up again and was roughly pushed through a door into a bigger barn. The first thing Susie noticed was a tiled area at one end with a row of cages stacked stacked three high along the wall. Then she breathed a sigh of relief when she saw her sister kneeling in the straw near her. Louis pushed her to her knees and put her hands in metal shackles just like her sister wore. Both were still gagged, but despite her shivering Petra managed to show Susie that she was alright.
Unable to talk and knowing better than to move the sisters waited in silence. Susie's knees started aching, when the doors opened and about a dozen well-muscled men were herded in with cracks of the whip. They hurried towards the cages and crawled in supervised by Larry and a woman with short blonde hair, who seemed to enjoy aiming her whip at the slaves' cocks. No wonder the men hurried to reach the safety of their cages. The skinny woman who had shared the ride with Petra entered a moment later and started pushing bowls of food and water into the cages through slits obviously left for the purpose. She cringed when the blonde overseer's whip hit her tiny breasts and hurried out. The men started devouring the food immediately, while the blonde leaned against a wall watching occasionally smirking at the two kneeling women.
It was only when the slaves had finished their food that they looked around and discovered Susie and Petra. There was some prodding through the wires as the slaves pointed them out to their neighbours. Within seconds a dozen pairs of eyes were fixed on them hungrily and a dozen cocks were standing to rigid attention. But they did not utter a sound, obviously in fear of the overseer's whip. When the door opened all eyes went to the door, then straight down. The blonde pushed herself away from the wall and stood almost at attention, when Claudia walked in followed by Larry. She nodded to the blonde.
"Louis told you about those two, Mercedes?" She jerked her head towards the sisters.
"Yes, Miss Claudia."
"Good. Obviously you have first choice, but I use them when the slaves are in their cages."
"Yes, Miss."
Claudia turned away and slowly walked along the row of cages. The men remained absolutely silent and never raised their eyes.
"Listen, beasts. Those two need to learn they are just whores. Pieces of meat for the pleasure of others. So I'll let you have them for a while. Use them any way you like, but don't damage my property or there will be hell to pay. So work hard to earn the privilege. If you don't, the overseers will whip you while the others fuck those sluts. Understood?"
"Yes, Mistress"
Claudia stalked out without a further word. Mercedes cracked the whip.
"Well, if you want to fuck tonight, you won't need any more break. Out!"
While Mercedes chased the slaves back to their work, Larry slowly approached the two kneeling women.
"You gonna give me trouble, sluts?"
Both shook their heads in unison. Grunting Larry bent down and removed the shackles, then slowly dropped his clothes.
"Prove it! I hear you are pretty well-trained, cow," he addressed Susie removing her gag. "Let the slaves ride in your sister. You give me a good blowjob and I'll go easy on you. Now show me what you got!"
Seeing a chance to make things a bit easier for them Susie slid forward on her knees and started licking the man's heavy balls. He tasted and smelled of sweat, but she forced herself to apply everything her trainer had taught her about a giving good head. Her tongue darted out, teased, licked. She sucked the balls into her mouth, caressed them with her tongue, then slowly made her way along the hard shaft. When she started licking the head, she was rewarded with a groan. She wrapped her tongue around it, then slowly opened her mouth wide and slid her lips around the cock, slowly taking it deeper and deeper before returning to the sensitive tip. Then she started sucking in earnest, moving her head up and down, running her tongue around the tip incessantly. The man groaned, but did not move. Susie kept sucking and licking until her tongue started hurting. Suddenly he pulled back and started rubbing his own cock hard. After a few seconds thick strings of cum splashed into her face covering her lips. Larry smiled down at her.
"Not bad, cocksucker. Considering I just fucked that skinny bitch's cunt and ass making me cum a third time in an hour is quite a feat."
When he reached he undid the ropes that held Susie. When he reached for his clothes, Susie was faster.
"Please, Sir, may I dress you?"
He looked surprised then grinned.
"Nice touch. I see we understand each other."
Susie helped him into his clothes like she had helped her Mistress, then addressed him again.
"Sir, would be please untie my sister, too? She won't give any trouble, I promise."
He seemed to consider for a moment, then shrugged.
"Ok, but don't think you can pull a fast one. You owe me another of those first-rate blowjobs."
"Yes, Sir. Whenever you desire, Sir."
He grinned, released Petra, then walked away. At the door he turned back.
"The field slaves will be back in four hours. You had both better be wet then. They are not going to be particular if a fuckholes is wet or dry."
When the door closed behind him, Petra fell into Susie's arms.
"I'm so sorry," she cried. "It is all my fault."
Susie held her.
"It's ok, sis. You know why I am here. I don't mind sucking his cock or being fucked. I am a slave. I feel it is only right."
It took a few minutes until Petra looked at her, her tears slowly drying. Then she took a deep breath and nodded.
"Yes, I know. And I guess I had better get to like it, too, eh? All that time gagged I had nothing better to do than think. I guess I am in it whether I like it or not."
"Yes," Susie nodded looking serious. "Think you can do it? If not, you'll be sold as a workslave, but maybe that is easier than this. Never mind me. I'll get along."
Petra shook her head violently.
"No. For one I don't want to be a fieldslave either. And for another I certainly don't want to lose you again. I'll survive those years. With you." A small smile stole across her face. "Who knows, I might even get to like it. After all I always liked sex as much as you did."
Susie smiled back.
"I'll try to help you, sis. Just try to remember to obey. That will make things a lot easier."
Petra nodded.
At that moment the door opened and Mercedes swaggered in. The sisters quickly knelt facing her, their eyes on the floor. The blonde overseer approached and walked around them. Her voice was dangerously low, when she started to speak.
"No damage, Miss Claudia said. I am sure you heard that. But that does not mean you can't be punished. Give me one reason and I'll lay the whip on you, understood?"
"Yes, Miss."
"Good. Don't move."
She bent forward and pinched Susie's nipples, then slowly pulled and twisted. Her face only inches from the slave's she regarded her carefully.
"I said don't move, slut. You move one inch and you'll get the whip."
"Yes, Miss," Susie's voice was thick with pain as her nipples were twisted viciously. Just when she thought the pain could not increase, she felt Mercedes's fingernails. She gave a small moan, but forced herself to remain immobile. Suddenly the blonde dropped her breasts. Susie was desperate to rub them, but knew better. The overseer turned to Petra.
"I hear you refused to be Miss Claudia's piss toilet. Well, I won't ask you that then." The sarcasm in her voice was thick, as she raised her short skirt revealing she wore nothing underneath. She placed one foot high on one of the cage bars. "No, I won't do that. Instead you will crawl here and lick my ass. NOW!"
Susie felt Petra stiffen beside her, then slowly fall forward and start crawling towards the overseer. Susie held her breath. When Petra reached the blonde, she cast one quick look over her shoulder, then her face disappeared between the woman's asscheeks.
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