Collected by
to read
(15 stories listed)
The story of my submission:
by Slave Lisa
(Synopsis: This is the true story of how I submitted to my Mistress.)
by SD
(Synopsis: Slave training story, all nonconsensual and strong stuff. Twelve days' training make her a completely docile slave girl: "I will follow your every order".)
Madame President:
by Hemo101
(Synopsis: Two political rivals settle it the old fashioned way)
An Executive\'s Story:
by Cruel Gent
(Synopsis: The story of the gradual descent of a female executive into the depths of subjugation, torment, use and abuse)
by Mistress Jytte and Musker
(Synopsis: A psychological story dealing with revenge, love, lesbian sex and S&M. The plot line is such that there are really three stories in one. This is a first for me, so I hope I can pull it off without boring the readed to tears or making it sound to hokey. It is also a colaborated story that seems to be working out pretty well, all be it that I am as slow as molasis in writing it.)
Taking Advantage Of A Betrayed Lover :
by ElementsOfLife
(Synopsis: Emma was shocked to her lover Sarah with another Woman. Using the help of her new Mistress she captures Sarah.)
The Auction Block:
by Jlou
(Synopsis: Two beautiful sisters are kidnapped by a diabolical white slavery ring and forcibly converted into lesbian slaves. They are then trained and prepared for sale for an exclusive auction featuring some of the world\'s wealthiest lesbian slaveholders.)
Strict Social Services: The Lesbian Rape of Missy:
by Powerone
(Synopsis: A fifteen year old girl is taken from her home to be used sexually by female Social Service workers.)
Xtreme Shorts:
by XtremeInk
(Synopsis: These are just a series of short stories that are unconnected. They contain anything that catches my eye and could possibly very nasty.)
The story of Sandrine:
by Perverpeper
(Synopsis: Sandrine is a young high school student. A few days after celebrating her 18th birthday with college only a few weeks away, she is kidnapped by a rich woman who will introduce her to the pains and the joys of submission.)
The Last Battle:
by Hemo101
(Synopsis: A feuding teams last battle against the champs)
Skip Tracer:
by Skip
(Synopsis: Female bounty hunter captures female bail jumper and transports her by van from Chicago to New York City.)
Sherrie Finds Legal Loopholes:
by Eve Adorer
(Synopsis: Brilliant high flying defence lawyer Sherrie Nathan is found guilty of lesbianism and duly punished in accordance with the law.)
Anne working Overtime:
by Tantala
(Synopsis: Anne is a young student with an increasing awareness of her submissive lesbian tendencies. It becomes an ever greater problem to her - untill she meets Jean. The woman opens up a new world to her. A world she never knew existed.....)
by SoccerMomCheryl
(Synopsis: This a story of a middle aged woman who gets used and humiliated by a sexy Puerto Rican girl she met online.)