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Review This Story || Author: Jack Harlequin

Prisoner of the New Republic

Part 2

Prisoner: Chapter 2

The Therapeutic Treatment Center for Anxiety specialized in hypnotherapy. Their primary patients were young women. There were a number of nurses and other support staff, along with two hypnotherapists, who were also doctors licensed to prescribe medicine.

Mona began her therapy an hour after arriving at the center. The therapist treating her induced her into a very deep trance, and she relaxed immediately. In his most soothing voice the therapist began his visualization technique with Mona.

�Youre sitting in a very comfortable lounge chair with your feet up. In front of you there is a very large TV screen. On the screen is an image of you. This version of you is a little different, because this version of you is transparent. You can see right through this version of you. We need this version of you because we need to understand how you operate and function on the inside.�

�Lets look at your spine first. You see it very clearly. It is surrounded by red tentacles wrapping themselves around it. You see them clearly as well. The red tentacles are your fears. You know all about your panic attacks. They always start in your spine, with these red tentacles of fear wrapping around your spine. They grow from there using your nerves as their pathway. They make you shiver with cold and tremble all over. They make it very hard to breathe. Watch them as they grow from your spine into your lungs. They move up your spine into your brain and cause your migraine headaches. See how the tentacles move from your spine into your stomach, causing knots to form in your stomach. They cause you pain and nausea and vomiting. When this happens you just want to curl up into a ball and lose consciousness.�

�Im going to tell you something that you already know. Youve always had fears and they have always controlled you this way. But now your fears are much bigger than they were. Now what you are terrified of is very clear. Youre terrified of being sexually tortured and gang raped by evil men. Youre terrified of being gang raped to death. You have seen it happen to other girls, and now you have nightmares about it in your sleep and panic attacks about it while youre awake. You cant get the images and the sounds out of your mind. Just thinking about it now makes the red tentacles around your spine grow and extend into your brain and lungs and stomach. You can see it on the screen. See how they grow right in front of your eyes.�

�You already know what you desperately need. You need to feel safe. You need to be in a place where these horribly evil men who want to torture you and then slowly gang rape you to death cannot touch you. You need to be safe from them and feel safe from them. You need that more than you need food. You need it more than you need water. You need it as badly as you need air. You need it to be able to breathe and stay alive at this very moment. You need it to make the pain stop in your stomach and your head.�

�When you think about it for a second, it is very clear what will make you feel safe from these men. The Governor can keep you completely safe from these men. When he keeps you safe you will feel safe. You will be able to breathe. All of the pain will stop in your head and your stomach. You know that the Governor is now your owner, and you know that you are his property. But you are also his ward and he is your Guardian. If the Governor loves you, he will keep you safe from all the evil men that want to torture you and gang rape you to death. You need the Governor to love you, and you will always need to have tangible proof of his love for you in order for you to feel safe. It has to be physical proof that you can feel and touch. You need to have it all the time.�

�Lets think about something for a moment as you look at your transparent self on the screen. The essence of physical love from a man to a woman, is the seed of the man- his semen. His seed is the physical expression of his love. You know youre going to be making love to the Governor, and you want him to fall in love with you while this is happening. Its not important that he loves only you. He can love other women as well, but its important that he loves you. Its important that he loves you often. Its important that you receive his seed into your body often, because its the physical proof of his love for you, which you will always desperately need.�

�Look at yourself on the screen. The primary method by which you are going to take the Governors seed into your body will be through your mouth, swallowing it directly into your stomach. This is a very good thing because it will provide a direct physical connection between your fear and your proof of his love and your safety. From now on we will call the Governors seed his cum. Now you can see the Governors cum on the screen entering your mouth. It is white. You want there to be a lot of it. Look at it as it goes down your throat into your stomach, and turns everything it touches white, as it makes contact. Now you see it touching all the red tentacles of fear that have forced their way into your stomach, and they all change color and become white. Your stomach immediately feels better. All of the pain is gone. Now watch as the tentacles going back to your spine all turn white and dissolve because of the contact with the Governors cum in your stomach. All of the red tentacles of fear now are turning white and dissolving, all through your lungs, and all the way up your spine to your brain. All of the red tentacles of fear disappear. Everything has turned white. The fear is all gone. You are completely relaxed, and you are happy; happier than you have ever been in your life, because you know now that you are loved by the Governor. You have the physical proof of that in your stomach. You can feel it. You will be able to feel it in your stomach for the next 24 hours. It has healed you. You are loved and protected. You are safe�

�There are other physical aspects of yourself that were going to explore today. But first we need to discuss a little bit more about your addiction to the Governors cum. You know what addicts are like. When they get whatever it is they are addicted to, theyre happy and satisfied. When the effect of the substance theyre addicted to wears off, they want it all over again. Its a driving hunger that builds inside of them. They cant think about anything except satisfying their addiction. If they dont get it they get anxious and they begin to panic. They begin to feel physical pain and fear that they will die if they dont get it immediately.�

�You are an addict. Youre addicted to the Governors cum and his cock. You have to be able to feel his cum in your stomach. You long for the feel and taste of his cock in your mouth, on your tongue, and down your throat. You love the taste of his cum in your mouth. Its the most delicious thing you have ever tasted and it makes you feel euphoric as soon as you feel it on your tongue. You love the texture of it on your tongue. As you swallow it and you feel it going down your throat, all the pain and fear that you had been feeling simply disappears. It heals you every time. You feel euphoric because youve got his cum in your mouth and you can feel it in your stomach.�

�It excites you sexually. Right now you can see the connections forming on the screen between your clit and your tongue; as well as your throat and your cunt. When the Governors cock is on your tongue, your clit gets excited and it expands. When the Governors cock is down your throat, your cunt gets excited and wet. When you swallow the Governors cum into your stomach you have an unstoppable orgasm.�

�You will be able to feel the Governors cum in your stomach for the next 24 hours. During that entire 24 hours you will feel happy, content, and most of all, completely safe.�

�After the 24 hour period is over, youre not going to be able to feel the Governors cum in your stomach anymore. Youre going to want it again. Anytime you have a moment to think, you will immediately be thinking about the Governors cock, and how much you want it in your mouth, and how wonderful it would be if it is was in your mouth right then. Your mouth waters when you think about it. You need it more than food. You need it more than water. You are addicted to it and you have to have it.�

�On that second day you are going to look at your phone every 5 minutes, hoping that you get a message to report to the Governors office, and that you will be allowed to undress in front him, and then be permitted to get on your knees and suck his cock, and swallow all of his cum, while he strokes the side of your face and works at his desk. You know hes in his office there, and you want him to summon you there. You cant stop thinking about it. You wont put your phone down, and you look at it every 2 minutes while your mouth waters.�

�If youre not called to him that day, you will begin to get restless and hope that you can have dinner with him, or be called into his bed that night. If he calls you to his bed and he wants to fuck you in your rectum, you will love him that way, because you need him to love you. If he wants to fuck you in your cunt, you will also love him that way, because you need him to love you. Either way, you will beg him to finish in your mouth so that you can swallow all of his cum and satisfy your addiction. You have to satisfy your addiction.�

There was more of course. She would now always have an intense orgasm immediately when she heard the spoken trigger words, �Cum Now Little Girl.� I could say those words over and over again, thirty consecutive times, if I wanted to, and she would experience cascading repetitive orgasms of massive intensity.

On the screen the therapist created a visual connection for Mona between the nerves in her ass and her cunt. These in turn were also connected to the red lines of fear on her spine. She now also believed completely that as a physical proof of my love for her, she needed to be spanked hard at least twice a week by me. The spankings would connect to her cunt, and asshole, giving her huge orgasms during sex afterwards, whether in her ass, cunt, or mouth. She now also needed to feel the bruises on her ass continually in order to feel loved by me and therefore safe. The fact that I was disciplining her signified that I loved her. Ironically, she would also need to be paddled by me at least once a month. She would have a need for regular anal sex as a further sign of her devotion to me and my love for her.

If she was unable to get my cum for any reason for more than a 48 hour period, she would be able to service her addiction by swallowing the cum of other men. This antidote however, would only last for 3 hours and then the need and the hunger would come roaring back. My reason for having this particular mechanism installed in her is obvious. I wanted to have complete and utter power over her, including the power to give her mouth, cunt, or ass to anyone I chose.

I would now be able to summon her into my office on a moments notice, while I had a guest in my office. If she was only 30 hours removed from her last taste of my cum, her addiction would already be driving her. When she arrives at my office, I can very politely introduce her to my guest, and ask her to undress in front of both of us. Then I can offer the hospitality of her lips to my guest as she kneels in front of him, between his legs and opens his pants. She will respond properly because she is driven by her need. Her addiction can be relieved for a brief time. I can repeat this process with her every few hours if I choose to.

The intensive therapy sessions lasted 2 full days. BY the end of it Mona had been thoroughly adjusted. She would not consciously remember the content of her trances and she would not try to do so. She would receive periodic updates and additional adjustments, as other things I considered helpful to her occurred to me.

Mona was going to be happier than she had ever been in her life. She was going to get up every morning with a definite sense of purpose, addicts always do. She was going to love someone who loved her. I was that man and I was looking forward to giving her the proof of my love regularly. I would give her that proof in all of the ways she felt that she needed it, and it would make her happy and keep her feeling complete. She would belong to me completely in every sense of the word.

I had destroyed her life and then rebuilt it in a way that would make me happy. In point of fact, she was going to be happier in her new life than she was in her previous life. She would now be able to solve all of her problems and anxieties. She would always have the solution to all of her anxieties right in front of her face.

Review This Story || Author: Jack Harlequin
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