Filthy femdoms: forced oral-part 13
These sexual fantasy stories are intended as adult fetish entertainment, and consist of extremely dangerous activities and scenes that have nothing to do with reality, and should be read and viewed in that light.
Yesterday had been one of my most traumatic days emotionally, but also one of my most flattering and astounding in my strange world here at scat paradise. I had been humiliated in a severe way in the experimental area, but had been lifted to the heights of joy when allowed to eat the shit of two of my favorite movie stars.
How such a thing could happen was endlessly baffling to me.....but in a back alley kind of way compensated for the mental torture and soulful degradation that I had received as a prisoner in this astonishing place. I was being forced to do it, but I had no doubt the recipients of my disgusting work were convinced that the whole thing was my idea, and that I had nothing better to do than crawl through unspeakable slime in order to serve them.
Frankly it didn't matter, only eventual escape mattered. I had a genuine premonition that I would be released one day, and I was usually right about these feelings. Time would deliver me.
---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- --
This morning after breakfast I went to receive my enema at the hands of the new female doctor and our gorgeous nurse Becka. Dr. Julie Taylor was in her early forties and beautiful, and had begun her work here some days ago to enhance the effectiveness of our medical facilities .
Formerly Becka had been our enema nurse, and general medical treatment supervisor, but she was overworked, to say the least. They could certainly afford a doctor here, and in view of the danger inherent in their practices, sorely needed one.
I had heard rumors about the pretty new doctor, and quickly learned that she was just as devious as Bonnie, our sadistic torture dom. Apparently she derived great pleasure from the scat duties of the prisoners here, and lent her expertise to this end, and to the painful humiliation of the helpless inmates.
She was here to make sure that the prisoners were not harmed in a material way by the amazing perversions committed against them each day.
I was taken to the medical lab by one of the guards with two other prisoners, and had to sit in the waiting room for forty five minutes since I was the last to go in. This was allowed sometimes if prisoners were considered unlikely to attempt an escape. As I waited I could hear muffled yelps and grunts in the back room. There were two female prisoners and myself, and when they came out of the treatment area they both had a small flat buttplug in their rear, and a pained facial expression. They looked at me with bloodshot eyes, and a tired stare that said...'I pity you'.
Becka was not particularly gentle while evacuating the prisoners, but I had a feeling the pretty new doctor was going to be even worse. The enemas were very uncomfortable, and sometimes painful, and absolutely humiliating.
When it was my turn I walked through the reception area door to the back, and was led into an examination room where the doctor waited. The doctor was blond, and quite stunning, and despite her white lab coat, I could tell that she was very well endowed physically. She removed a soiled pair of surgical gloves, and threw them into a receptacle.
She was not smiling at all, and Becka wore the usual stern expression on her face as I was strapped kneeling into the elevated evacuation fixture. My head was drawn downward, and knees forward, so that my rear protruded upward, opening my anus to full view. I was strapped in tightly, and the doctor made preparations behind me as Becka brought over the enema intravenous fixture.
She stuck the hypodermic needle into a vein in my ankle, and taped it securely. Fortunately, today, it only took one try to set the hypodermic needle. The iv setup introduced a powerful laxative into the bloodstream, and this allowed for complete, and usually painful evacuation of one's entire bowel contents over a period of twenty minutes.
The doctor put her rubber gloves on and smeared a dab of lubricant into my widely stretched rear opening. She then slowly inserted a large tube into my anus, and the stretching on my sphincter muscle was sharply painful. She had to slide the plastic tube in carefully, to avoid injury, but pushed it to the limit to accomplish this.
My eyes watered already, and as the sinister laxative began to work, my intestines squirmed uncomfortably as the vacuum was activated. I felt a slight suction on my rectum, and before long my colon was undulating ominously, ready to expel the disgusting mass of waste inside.
My guts tightened into rhythmic spasms, and I groaned loudly as a huge deposit of feces was pulled from my anal cavity. The iv continually maintained a high level of laxative in the system, and soon I was grunting in pain as my entire colon jerked wildly, expelling the accumulated waste matter that had nearly filled me.
The humiliation I felt was also palpable, and the pretty doctor came to the front and put her head down next to my face.
"Open your mouth", she whispered, looking at me with cold eyes.
I did so and she gathered a mouthful of spit and propelled it over my tongue.
"Swallow it!"
I looked at her with weary eyes and gulped the swill from her mouth. She looked into my eyes and spit several more times, and finally spit in my face before finishing her fun.
A glob of her saliva dripped from my lips as the cruel enema machine removed the contents of my guts, and I yelled in pain as a sea of watery sludge shot out of me, and was expelled into a waiting plastic container.
I was sweating and grunting loudly as my entire intestinal cavity jerked in pain, squeezing out every ounce of shit residue from inside me. I was shaking all over from the trauma, and the vicious laxative being dripped into my bloodstream became even more active, and my whole body jerked and vibrated from the sheer power of it.
Finally they shut off the machine, and removed the iv needle, and I lay there quivering violently, my inner muscles still twitching in a paroxysm of pain.
The laxative effect dropped off sharply, and the doctor slowly removed the large evacuation tube from my asshole, and cleaned my anus and inserted a healing salve inside me.
She then shoved a flat butt plug into my anal sphincter, and a knob at the tip inside me caused it to seat in firmly, so that it would not be easily dislodged. This was to prevent accidental discharge of more bowel contents until the powerful laxative lost all of it's potency.
They released me and I could barely move. My joints and muscles were tightened dreadfully, and I stood and tried to straighten myself.
Becka was preparing the equipment for the next unfortunate patient, and sealed the plastic deposit container. The doctor made a note in her chart, and looked at me impassively.
"Leave us please", she said to Becka, "and take the deposit to the punishment room. It will make a good meal for some lucky female prisoner."
Becka left, and I stood there looking down at the floor. My guard and the others were still out in the waiting area, but I could see that the doctor was interested in a little extracurricular activity.
"Come with me", she commanded, and we walked to the back of the lab.
I followed her into a bathroom there, and stood looking down, and waited.
The toilet was somewhat larger than normal, and I had no doubt that there was a good reason for it.
The doctor took off her lab coat and hung it on the wall. Then she pulled up her skirt and took off her panties. She squatted down on the stool and spread her legs widely.
"Get on your knees in front of the stool", she said sharply.
I did so at once and knew that I would be eating her shit. My face was at the front edge of the stool and I could see her hairy pussy inches away. It was wet, and had a powerful feminine odor, and she rubbed it and slid her finger deep inside and smeared her pungent juice over my lips.
"Look at me", she said quietly.
I looked up at her and she was very pretty indeed, and had a nice set of tits.
She grabbed my hair and looked down carefully at me.
"I want you to tell me what my shit tastes like", she grunted...."tell me exactly."
"Put your head all the way down into the bowl", she ordered.
I lowered my face down and past the edge of the bowl, and soon had my nose near the water. The smell of toilet cleaner filled my nostrils.
"Take a drink of water, lap it up like a dog"
I had my hands on the floor beside the toilet, and braced myself as I put my lips into the water. I slurped up a mouthful of the funky liquid, and drank it down, and continued to lap up more, swallowing several mouthfuls. There was the distinct flavor of urine in the liquid, and I had no doubt that it belonged to Dr. Taylor or nurse Becca, maybe both..
This position certainly gave me a different view of the world, one that not many had experienced, I'm sure. I was becoming highly aroused now, and my cock stood out firmly.
There were minor shit stains around the edge of the bowl inside, and it was obvious that the urine tainted water was not entirely clean.
"Lick around the inside of the bowl and clean it, and hurry it up!"
Her wet cunt and asshole were just above my head, and my hair rubbed against them as I turned and licked off several small shit marks along the inside walls of the bowl.
She gripped my hair as I did so, and held my head firmly.
Within a minute she squirmed around and pulled back on my hair a bit, so that the area under her was open. The top of my head was pressed against her wet cunt and she held me there firmly.
"Eat my shit!", she said in a musky tone.
I steadied myself, and knew what was coming. I had never experienced it in quite this way, however.
She strained and farted several times, long odorous farts, and a large pole of dark shit appeared in front of my face and snaked downward into the water. It fell with a splash, and wet down my face. The stench was unbelievable, and I scrunched up my nose despite myself, and licked my lips in anticipation.
She really cut loose and had a good crap then, several massive lumps of wet turd plopped into the rancid water followed my a rush of softer brown slush. I could not believe the stink, but my full blown addiction kicked in and I moved my head down and bobbed for a mouthful of the putrid crap.
I bit off a large mouthful of one enormous log, and chewed it voraciously, gulping it all down at once.
Again and again I bit off chunks of the reeking brown raft which I noted had corn in it, and swallowed without chewing. As I reached down for another small piece of excrement I heard a loud fart over my nose and a gusher of wet shit sprayed down onto my face. I had to stop for a moment, so that I could breathe, and soon continued my ghastly chore, eating all of the nasty flotsam.
I was in a frenzy of lust now, gulping the abhorrent and stinking shit like an animal.
Then I felt a stream of warm piss running down my head, and over my face, and I tried to drink some of it as it dribbled down over my mouth.
She carefully wiped her ass a number of times as I watched, and threw the stained toilet paper into the bowl. I had to eat around it to get to the remaining shit, and was irritated by a piece of crap stained toilet tissue stuck to my cheek.
"Pull your head up you worthless fuck!"
I raised my sopping, stinking head and looked at her bushy cunt. She raised her leg over me and stood and cleaned her ass with a damp paper towel and dried it.
She put her panties back on and smoothed over her skirt.
She pulled the shit stained toilet paper from my face and threw it in the bowl.
She then flushed the toilet, and when the water had settled again she slapped my ass hard.
"Wash your head off in the water."
I lowered my head all the way into the bowl and sloshed it around, cleaning off some of the stinking crap.
She had me do this several times, flushing after each washing.
Then she handed me a roll of absorbent towels and I dried my face and hair as well as I could.
I stood up and still could not bring myself to look at her.
She pulled my head up and looked into my eyes sarcastically.
"What does my shit taste like you fucking whore?"
I looked at her in supplication, and licked my stained lips.
"It has a very rotten taste something like spoiled limburger cheese and smells very very badly. Your softer shit doesn't taste too bad, maybe like very old rancid peanut butter."
I looked at her in humiliation...."I like to eat your shit.....it's more tangy than the others. I'm addicted to eating women's shit"
She looked at me in disgust, but I could detect a very slight grin.
"Corn doesn't digest very well does it my loathsome friend?"
"No mam."
"You thoroughly disgust me but at least you're honest with me."
"I've heard about you and I wanted a piece of your ass. You're a lowlife degenerate aren't you?"
"I....yes mam....."
"Look at me and say it!", she clipped.
"I'm a lowlife degenerate."
"Alright now get the fuck out of here, I'm very busy today!"
"Oh, and tell Bonnie I want you back next week when I have my period."
"You can guess why."
I looked down again...."Yes mam."
I left quickly, stunned by such an event, and headed back out to the waiting area.
My guard was really pissed off having to wait so long and slapped my face for it.
"You took your fucking time didn't you?", she sneered.
"Please mam, I'm sorry mam."
"Get moving!"
---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- -
I had two more shit eating sessions that day, and struggled to get through them since my guts hurt so much. The doctor had really given me the treatment with that enema. Even Becca had never been that rough.
---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- -
Later that day after absorbing my noon nutrition meal I was taken to the training lab, the old familiar place where I had been altered so carefully and inhumanely in the past.
I was installed on a training fixture and what I saw shocked me. Before me was a perfect model of the face of Bonnie, our sadistic torture femdom. The resemblance was remarkable, and I was totally stunned as to the purpose of this strange creation.
There were two small jugs containing liquid below the model face, attached by clear tubing to a pump.
One of the ladies pried open my mouth and squirted a heavy quantity of liquid in and pinched my nose. I gulped down the bitter juice, gagging, and she did this a second time. I felt a strange sensation in my throat and stomach, but had no idea what I had taken in.
"This will prevent you from vomiting while you are on the machine today. You will need it believe me."
They turned on the device and I could hear a motor humming, and very slowly I could see a thick mucous begin to drain out of the model's nasal openings. Similarly, a viscous liquid began to drain out of the model's mouth, and I was soon to find out what my training would be.
One of the wardresses stood next to me.
"I want you to listen carefully slave....I'm going to explain this one time and you'd better listen well."
The other wardress attached electrodes to my penis and testicles as this one spoke to me.
"Every time liquid drops onto that metal plate below, you will receive a severe electrical shock to your privates. It is quite painful I promise you."
"You must eat the snot and saliva so that it won't drip from the model's face."
"This is real snot and spit so you may have a little difficulty adjusting to it."
I froze in disgust when she said that, and hesitated for a moment.
A dangerous glob of both was nearing the model's lifelike chin, and I was trying to hold back my gag reflex. Unfortunately I wasn't fast enough and the liquid began to drip on the metal plate below. I screamed in agony as a searing current passed through my pisshole and scrotum. I yelled out loud several times from the intense hurt, and saw the liquid once again approaching the model's chin.
Panic stricken, I quickly moved in and lapped it all off, just in time to avoid another shock. I was groaning in pain now, trying to recover from the excruciating punishment.
I licked the model's chin and nose rapidly, trying to prevent the electric shock that I knew I would receive, and swallowed the disgusting scum. An objectionable odor filled my nasal cavities and I was very close to puking again, but managed to do what was necessary.
"This snot and saliva contains one of our aphrodisiacs, and will greatly stimulate your libido while you're in this training situation."
"Incidentally, I guess I may as well tell you now.....Mistress Bonnie is now in full charge of the facility....she is the new Madam. The Madam who owns of the whole operation has moved to another location, and is busy with her new facilities around the world."
"As a slave here you what that means."
"Oh yes....every ten minutes the nasal openings will blow out a mass of snot and you must eat it before it drops off. There will be a warning tone fifteen seconds before the nose blows, and you must suck it out and eat all of the material expelled. I must warn you will want to vomit but you will be unable to.
"Now, remember what I have told you and we will be back in an hour."
"Mistress Bonnie is going to make some dramatic changes here at our scat paradise, and I'm sure you and the other slaves will not like them."
"These changes include daily ingestion of snot and saliva from our many female visitors, and our staff, of course."
"Alright, you are on your own....do as you're instructed and you will avoid intense pain to your penis and balls."
They left me and I looked blankly at the strange model before me. The weird training procedures here were beyond normal understanding, but I knew I was bound by them as long as I was here.
I sucked the thick, clear, paste from beneath the model's nose, and lost control for a moment, but my vomit reflex was not working, and I was actually quite grateful for that.
The saliva was dribbling out of the model's mouth and was running from either side now, and I licked it off and actually delved my tongue between the lifelike lips to eat it out before it could run down the model's chin.
I had eaten saliva and snot here before, but I was always an iota away from heavy vomiting...I could imagine what we would have to deal with now at the facility....and it made me cringe with dread.
The first time I heard the tone I quickly clamped my mouth over the nose of the authentic looking model, and tried to eat the mouth drainage also as I waited.
I was not prepared for the nose blowing sequence, and a thick, partially hardened glob of green mucous pumped out and filled my mouth. I wanted to vomit then but the liquid given me by the wardress proved very effective.
I ate the large mass and quickly slurped the saliva juice from the mouth and chin area. It took all of my concentration to keep ahead of the unforgiving model, and as the aphrodisiac began to work on me big time I hovered just below the point where I might ejaculate.
I became desperate after a half hour, unsure whether I could maintain my constant efforts to avoid a severe shock to my dick and balls.
I was becoming very tired, and my muscles ached from the constant pressure of restraint.
After fifty five minutes I began to develop a crust of hardened material around my mouth, and a very foul smell, and I had eaten a large amount of the disgusting goo.
When the wardresses returned I was near exhaustion, and was delighted to see them. They turned the machine off and I ate off the last bit of drainage from the model's chin.
The wardress who had spoken to me earlier looked at me and laughed.
"You've done very well, I see that you have avoided punishment and have a perfect score."
You'll be delighted to know that this snot and saliva was taken from hundreds of female volunteers who come here each day, and were more than happy to contribute."
I looked at her in sickened disbelief, and started to retch dangerously, but once again was unable to vomit.
I could not register what I had just done, and blanked my mind and my feelings completely.
I had eaten the nasal mucus and saliva of several hundred female strangers and the feeling of disgust was almost overwhelming.
They released me and took me back to my cell after a shower, and I ate my fill of the nutritious 'food' that would be my supper.
---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- ---
The next day would bring more amazing surprises from our growing list of celebrity customers. I was astonished at the popularity of our strange venue here, and could not explain why so many beautiful movie stars would indulge in such bizarre behavior.
Truth is, I really didn't care....I was just ecstatic to be one of the pioneering performers in this unique and obscene venue. I had a very weird and nasty backstage pass that allowed me the most intimate access possible to the perverted needs of some of the most beautiful and desired women in the world.
I ate their shit but could anything be more private or intimate. I don't think so. I cared little what they thought about me personally. I was privy to the intimate bodily functions of these gorgeous women, and it was extraordinarily erotic for me. I could safely say that no man had ever been more intimate with them than myself.
I had developed a mania for eating celebrity shit, and the passion drove me day and night. I constantly craved their stinking bodily waste, and had shoved everything else into a back storage room in my mind.
There would be two celebrity women today, both insisting on my services only. Wow, I felt like some kind of exotic movie mogul.
After a shower and breakfast Mistress Bonnie came into my cell with a guard and talked to me briefly. I dropped to my knees in supplication and stared up at her meekly.
"Well how very correct of you slave. I suppose you've heard that I now occupy the Madam position here....and that I have made sweeping changes to our policies, including extensive ingestion of all kinds of bodily excreta. I want to make sure that our inmates are subjected to the most obscene treatment possible."
"You'll find out about all that in time."
"You have once again been chosen by our female celebrities, two of them today, and though I cannot for the life of me figure out why...the fact remains that you have become very popular with them and the word is spreading rapidly."
"Of course they know that their identity and security is absolute here, and I will even improve on that in time. I want them to be completely at ease here, and hopefully take advantage of our more underground activities, such as the experimental lab.
I'm sure the additional cost would not be a problem for them."
"You might enjoy something more extreme and kinky with these ladies if they decide to use the lab. Customers like a situation where there are very few rules, and as a matter of fact, so do I."
"Now, take good care of these ladies, and I suggest that you do absolutely anything....anything to please them. As much as I hate to admit it, I've got my eye on you, and am depending on your burgeoning popularity."
I dared to speak, and kept my head low. "Please excuse me Mistress Bonnie but the doctor wanted me to convey a message to you."
"Well, what is it?"
"Madam Bonnie, she say's she desires my company in a week when she is on her period."
Madam Bonnie smiled slightly at me, and paused a moment.
"You will do anything she wants as though it were I commanding you...absolutely anything. As a matter of fact, I will probably require your services before long for that same reason. Dr. Taylor is my good friend, and is of great importance here."
"That should be a picnic for you considering your service in the 'cunt room'.
"Yes Madam Bonnie, anything you say."
Madam Bonnie turned and put her perfect ass next to my face. She looked back and ripped off a tremendously long, stinking, vibrating fart, and buried my nose in her well formed asscrack.
I breathed in the overwhelming smell, and developed an erection immediately.
"Thank you Madam Bonnie", I gushed.
"You haven't eaten my shit for awhile have you slave?"
"No mam and I crave it."
"We must take care of that before long."
"You're the best crap eater we've ever had slave, this alone could ease your time here."
---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- ----
I was escorted to the celebrity bathroom again by a guard, and left there sitting comfortably in a chair. The temperature in this bathroom was well controlled, and I had never experienced any kind of discomfort here.
I did not know if my celebrity girl would be among the guests today, and I waited patiently, and dared to stroke my hard cock slowly, though I knew everything I did could well be observed by the staff.
I didn't even hear the door open, and as I sat jacking off I heard a voice from nearby.
"Hello my friend."
I jerked around and stared in utter embarrassment at a very beautiful blond movie star, and with her was a gorgeous brunette, another magnificent beauty of film.
"I'm afraid I'm a little awkward in this situation", she offered...."and must speak frankly in the best way I can. I'm sorry we disturbed you....but we understand completely."
I could not speak.
These legends of the screen were probably in their late forties, but still had wonderful bodies, and their expensive clothes and perfume dazzled me so that I was shaking uncontrollably. They were both academy award winners from years past. I had dreamed of them many times as I sat eating popcorn in a movie theater, and was stunned that they should see me in this way.
I stammered uncontrollably, unable to formulate words.
"Uh....I....ah.....glad to meet you....uh..."
My dick began to wilt a bit, and was dripping semen on the floor.
"Please don't be embarrassed, men need relief sometimes...we know."
The legendary brunette looked curiously at me and smiled......
"You've a nice pecker my friend, and it's perfectly alright if you play with it while we're here."
They sat across from me and pulled their tight skirts upward on their perfect thighs.
The blond pulled her skirt up even higher, and I could see her panties.
"We've heard a great deal about your....special talents....and frankly we find that this kind of servicing in not available anywhere, at any price. They have a very unique setup here."
Both of them had their milky white legs and panties fully exposed by now, and I could tell that they were very aroused by their breathing and general manner.
The brunette spoke in a quiet tone now....
"We would like to take advantage of your services."
"Yes mam....I'd be glad to serve you."
The blond screen legend spoke softly, leaning toward me........
"How should we go about this my special friend.....how do you want to do us?"
They were quite self conscious, and I could smell their mature womanhood as they shifted nervously.
"Well....first please take off all of your clothes....and we can go from there."
They grinned slyly at me and stood, their hands awkwardly fumbling for buttons and zippers. They looked at me intently, and soon were down to their bra and panties. I understood the reluctance of an older woman, especially an international star, and especially for something so nasty and bizarre as this, but knew that things would take their own course as the session progressed.
They carefully removed their bra and panties, and I had a clear view of their incredible womanhood. Their cunts were thick with dark, hairy foliage, and I could see a wetness on the inside of their legs. Their tits were huge and well formed, and I knew that older women possessed qualities that were superior to younger women in many ways.
I moved over to the stool and kneeled in front of it.
"I can service you one at a time, so that the other can enjoy the show."
"You don't have to be nervous, I do this all the time to women and I love it."
The blond smiled nervously at me......
"Are we talking about the same thing?", she purred.
I knew I must break the ice and I smiled and gave them an understanding look.
"Please let me eat your shit", I grinned, "I really love to eat a woman's feces and for you it's an honor I can't describe. It's ok....I don't want you to feel self conscious."
The brunette came over and stood over me.
"What do you want me to do?, she smiled gently.
"I like it when the woman sits on the stool and raises her legs back so that I can do oral on her vagina and anus."
She took my meaning at once and sat awkwardly on the stool.
"I don't want you to do this if you don't like it sweety."
"Oh please, I love it....please let me eat your shit."
She grinned strangely and raised her voluptuous legs back and held them, exposing her incredible cunt to me. She was so hairy I could not see her pussy lips until she spread them for me.
Her asshole was a huge bulbous hairy opening, and a slight shit stain glistened inside as I put my nose next to it. It's smell was extremely powerful, almost enough to make me ejaculate, and I looked up at the embarrassed movie legend as I rubbed my nose into the obscene opening.
As I looked up at her I began to lap it all over, and cleaned off an odorous film of dried shit. I went into a trance of lust and sucked her huge craphole, and slid my long tongue deep inside.
I felt my licker punch inside her rectum, and shit cream oozed out over my tongue and I gulped it as she watched me, a frozen grin on her beautiful face.
I felt her swoon, and she let out a long gasp of pleasure.
I fucked my tongue deep inside of her asshole and began to clean out the nasty deposits there. She started to pull back but I held her steady and pushed inward on her transverse colon with my hand. She was, if you'll excuse the term, full of shit, and my pressure broke the dam and a large soft turd raced out of her nasty butthole and filled my mouth.
She looked at me as I scarfed down the tasty mess.
"Oh my!!", she exclaimed....."oh my oh my oh my!"
She could not stop shitting and the mass of crap splattered all over my face and into the toilet. I had my mouth open and tried to capture what I could, but would have to eat the larger part of it from the stool.
The famous blond legend looked closely at this show and was beside herself with lust. She was masturbating herself violently, and her dark juicy cunt was actually producing a light hazy steam. The smell was overpowering.
I continued to suck shit from the wonderful brunettes open farthole, and gulped it with intense dedication. When I had finally cleaned her out I sucked her large red clit and lapped it with my tongue. She yelled in pleasure and dropped her legs as she orgasmed violently. A thick stream of cunt juice spit from her raunchy hole, and splattered against the front of the bowl and my mouth. I dove in and sucked her deep fuck tunnel, and gulped several mouthfuls of pussy slime.
She fell backward and moaned repeatedly, and seemed to be unable to move. I massaged her nasty cunt gently, and kissed it, as she looked down at me.
"Oh how wonderful, oh my, how wonderful. Oh I can't believe this...oh my!"
I dove down into the bowl and quickly ate the floating mess there, gulping hungrily.
Then I took paper towels and cleaned her asshole and cunt as she lay there gasping. I wiped her with several damp towels and finally dried her completely.
She raised herself up and stood, her magnificent vaginal bush inches from my dripping face.
She raised her leg over me and sat down on a chair. The blond star was more than ready, and straddled my head, and flopped down on the stool.
I wiped my face clean and dried it, and prepared for my next meal. I was near ejaculation now, as I had been all during my nasty oral efforts.
She raised her fulsome legs back and held them, and her hirsute cunt was dripping from her masturbation. Her deep, dark asshole was soaked with pussy juice, which dripped into the toilet.
I immediately began to suck her large raw poophole, and she could not hold back a large deposit of gas inside her. A huge fart blew into my mouth and I gulped it and almost passed out. She had so much gas that my cheeks actually bulged out as her uncontrolled flatulence inflated my mouth. The stink was horrendous, and this made me even hornier, and I gulped her raunchy farts one after the other.
Soon a huge turd began to peek out from her nasty and enlarged anus, and as it was forced out by her repeated grunting, I was able to suck it and taste some of the shit cream. The enormous brown crap log began to emerge, and I opened wide for it, and had most of the stinking mass in my mouth when I bit off a large chunk and began to chew it.
She was looking at me all the time and I heard her gasp from shock at such a sight. I looked at her as I chewed and swallowed it piece by piece, and never broke eye contact as I continued to eat the remainder of the vast piece of hardened waste.
I was starting to get full, and slowed my horrendous meal enough to allow stomach expansion. I remembered the well used term, 'This is good shit', and almost broke out laughing because it 'was' very good shit.
When I had finished the large chunk of human excrement, I delved into her stinking butthole and lapped out the softer shit there. I wolfed it down and belched loudly, the noxious fumes almost enough to cause an acid burn. The smell was beyond description. Not much of her bowel movement had fallen into the toilet, and I managed to finish off the remaining poop oozing out of her disgusting craphole.
She lay there looking at me, her eyes glazed over in pleasure, and she seemed unable to function for a time as I cleaned her cunt and asshole thoroughly.
I helped her to raise up, and she stood, her massive and odorous pussy against my face. She raised her leg over my head and farted into my face in the process.
I don't think either one of them had ever experienced such a total release of sexual energy, and they both sat there staring blankly at me.
"Oh you didn't really do that to us did you?" Oh my, oh my....I can't move."
"Aren't you sick from that...do you feel alright...how can you do that?"
"How do you stay alive my friend."
I rubbed my hair with a towel and smiled at them.
"They give us special protection here and I've developed an extreme addiction for what I've done for you. I really love it. You shit tastes real good to me. It's funky and pungent, I really like that."
"It's an acquired taste."
My stomach was distended greatly from their combined defecation, and I knew I would have to take it easy the rest of the night. I would use the special medications given me, and would be fine tomorrow.
I savored the full satisfied feeling in my gut....two of the most important and famous women ever in show business, and I was absolutely full of their shit. The warm feeling I experienced was indescribable.
They got up and slowly dressed, putting their expensive form fitting clothes back on.
They could not stop talking about this experience, and laughed and smiled all the while.
The blond star pulled down on her expensive dress and smoothed it over. Her ass was wonderful, even at her age. I couldn't believe it.
The brunette looked down at me softly, and smiled.
"I don't know how you do it my shameful friend, but I must do it again, of that I'm sure. You've taken years off me and I'm very grateful. Are you well, will you be alright?"
I was still kneeling in front of the stool, having finished my thorough face cleaning.
"Oh please don't worry, I do it all the time....I love it."
I looked at them curiously.
"I was wondering....."
The two women sat and looked down at me.
"Yes...is there something we can do to reward you?"
"Well......would you both let me kiss your ass right now, with your clothes on?"
They grinned at each other and stood.
"I think that can be arranged my nasty friend. So you like it that way huh?"
"Oh yes mam."
They came over and stood on either side of me and turned, moving their well formed rears so that I could do my thing.
"You may kiss our ass anytime dear, I do adore having my butt made over by a man's lips."
I rubbed my face all over their well formed buttcracks, and began to smooch their rear cheeks, and kissed every inch of them as I jacked off.
The two of them looked down at me.
"Baby, why don't you finish what you were doing when we came in. We want you to get off too."
"Come on hon, she's right....you're going to have blueballs....finish jacking your pecker off for us."
I began to whack off rapidly, and grunted as I looked at them. They stood with their crouch area near my face, and cradled my nose between their legs.
I could smell there fulsome cunts.
"That's it baby, play with that dick....finish your handjob."
I moved in close, nuzzling between their legs, and looked up at them as I jerked violently, and spit a thick gusher of semen on the floor in front of them.
"That's it hon...empty those balls out."
I milked out the last of my cum and leaned back against the chair.
They both bent down and kissed me on the forehead.
"See you later darling....don't feel ashamed of what you do. You did something very special for us today and we'll remember it."
"Thank you ladies, you ladies are so beautiful!"
I smiled broadly as I spoke.....
"If you know any other celebrities needing this kind of relief, please tell them to come here."
They started out the door and the magnificent blond turned back to me....."I'll spread the word around sugar......I promise. We may see you again ourselves."
They were gone and I was on cloud nine dreaming about what I had just done. This was all too much for me to absorb, and I now had deeply intimate memories of a number of major film stars. I just could not wrap my mind around it.
I was taken back to my cell and slept soundly all night, visions of the famous cunts and assholes I had eaten floating through my brain. Who ever thought famous pussy could be so hot, and so nasty. I knew I would never get over it.
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