All that night, every time she moved, she could hear dried cum cracking and feel it breaking off. She had been so filthy, so covered with cum, that she had chosen not to sleep in her bed. She had told herself it was because she didn't want to have to wash the sheets in the morning, but deep down she knew, she knew that sleeping on the floor covered with cum, this was her place; this is where she longed to be.
Groaning as she stretched, feeling her skin pull, struggling to get her eyes open, she crawled to the bathroom, not sure if her legs would support her to walk, or at least, that is what she told herself. As she felt the water pounding down on her, scenes from the previous night played over and over again in her mind. Her cunt, her ass were stretched and raw, her mouth; she would need to gargle mouthwash for a week to remove the taste of cock from her mouth.
When the hot water was all gone and she didn't stick to herself when she moved any more, she opened her email to again find a series of emails with pictures attached with instructions to post them to her Yahoo profile in a folder called cum dumpster. On the last email, there were also instructions that once all the pictures were posted to go into a chat room and ask people to look at her profile and give her some suggestions on how to make it better. She was to keep track of the suggestions and then email them to Him before going to bed that night.
Sitting all day, listening to total strangers tell her what a filthy whore she was, how she needed to be covered in piss, or fucking a dog had her so horny that she had to fight to keep her hands out of her cunt that night. After sending the comments off, she struggled to get to sleep, wondering what He had written on her ass this time, what He had in mind for her next time He summoned her. In the morning before heading off to work, she checked her email looking for the picture of her ass, hoping for a clue to what was coming next, knowing that whatever it said, she needed this, she needed what He did to her.
She was distracted all day at work, frequently checking her email, not wanting to go out to lunch with her friends, afraid that she wouldn't be there when the email arrived. That night she desperately wanted to contact Him, to ask for the last picture, to see what He had planned for her, but she knew she was not allowed to do so. The next day she checked hourly, hoping. Then right before the weekly staff meeting, it finally arrived. She rushed to open it before the meeting began, and there written on her ass were the words "cunt cleaner". She gasped, her mind racing, "I'm not bi, I can't do that, I won't do that." All throughout the staff meeting, her thoughts churned as she thought of what He wanted her to do, how she had never done anything like that before, how the very thought of it made her sick to her stomach. However in the back of her mind, the thought of that kind of humiliation was also starting to arouse her.
When she returned to her desk after the staff meeting, there was another email from Him with a very short message, "If you don't come when summoned, you will never be summoned again." She knew He meant if she didn't do this, if she wouldn't lick clean another woman's cunt, she would never hear from Him again and she would never feel the sense of completion that she had felt just days before. Back and forth her mind went between having to do what He commanded, being sure that she couldn't do it, and the thought of never seeing Him again. All week long she struggled with the upcoming summons until the email arrived, then she knew, she knew she had to see Him again, she had to feel what only He had been able to make her feel. "Slut clothes, plugged ass, 7 pm," was all it said.
She changed into her slut clothes, plugged her ass and was kneeling outside His front door naked by 7 pm. The door swung open immediately and she crawled into place, locking herself in. She noticed the her head seemed to be set at a different angle than before and she knew it was so that she would be able to lick cunt from her locked position. Before too long, she could feel various hands trailing over her naked spread slut body and here comments from a number of female voices on what a dirty slut she was, wondering how she could allow herself to be degraded this way. As she listened to them talk, felt their fingers in her cunt, her ass, her mouth, pulling on her tits, pinching her clit, she felt herself sinking lower and lower, deeper and deeper into a state of humiliation.
"Well, lets test this cunt cleaner of yours, if she is a good little cunt cleaner, maybe we will fill her cunt with something she might like." She thought she heard chuckling at the end of that sentence, but she was so far gone, she wasn't sure she was hearing anything correctly. All she knew for sure was that there was a cunt in front of her that she had to lick out like her life depended on it. She didn't know how long she licked cunt, she knew one woman would cum and would quickly be replaced by another cunt. Over and over, until all her whole world consisted of the cunt that she was serving.
She lay there panting, her mouth and jaw sore, her face and hair soaked in cunt juice waiting for the next cunt that she was to serve, when she heard one of the women say, "The cunt did a passable job, got better with practice, a couple of more practice sessions and she will be a first-rate cunt cleaner. I think she earned a reward." She heard murmurs of agreement from around the room, making her wonder just how many women's cunts she had served.
The next thing she knew, she felt someone's fingers moving in and out of her dripping cunt. "Yeah, get 'em good and wet and I bet you'll be able to fit your whole fist in there. If anyone needs a good fisting, it is this slut, do you see how her cunt keeps grabbing my fingers." She heard one of the women say. As she grunted, another woman asked her, "You need a good hard pounding, don't you cunt." With the fist pounding in and out of her cunt, she couldn't think, not about the fact that her cunt was being spread open by a strange woman, not about the fact that she had just spent the last few hours cleaning cunts, all she could do was feel and cum over and over again, squealing as she came so that the women started calling her a fuck pig.
Before she knew it, the fist stopped and she felt someone wiping her hands on her ass. She heard Him telling them thank you for helping Him train His slut and showing them to the door. Without another word, she felt the plug pulled from her ass and felt His cock fucking her hard and deep in the ass filling it with His cum, then shoving the plug back in place. She felt Him write something on her ass, unlock the lock, place a key in her hand before she heard Him walking out of the room. As she crawled out of the door, she hoped that she had pleased Him; she hoped He would summon her again, and she thought that the words on her ass meant that He would.
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