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Cosmo B. (This page has been viewed 30107 times since Dec 31, 2005)
(Author: if you want to add/change/update any information below, please email me)

Author's Words:
I am a writer in my 30s who appreciates a well-written -- but not necessarily tame! -- smutty story. I\'m interested in real people with real bodies and real lives who find themselves in unusual situations that push the limits of their sexuality. This typically involves non-consensual captivity, \"torture\" that stops short of injury, and boundary-testing humiliation. If you like what you read (of even if you don\'t), I\'d love to hear from you!
Author's Homepage:
Send Author Email: yrral31 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Total 1 Stories by Cosmo B.

#1 The First Day of the Rest of Your Life by Cosmo B. (69 kb) 7 votes! (8/10, 7 votes) (review it)
  (Added on Dec 31, 2005) (This month 81898 readers) (Total 115244 readers)
  Story Codes: MF/mf cbt exhibition spanking BDSM slavery bondage real humiliation torture nc Serious

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