BDSM Library - Dawn's Tale

Dawn's Tale

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: Nordic-type aliens come to Earth and gently abduct Dawn, who begins a new life as a slave/pet/toy/servant/working animal.

For mature audiences only! This post contains adult material. Do not read past
this notice if you are under 18 or if your local government has determined you
are incapable of determining what you should read.

Please note this story is copyrighted by the Author. You can distribute it as
you wish so long as it is kept intact, and you acknowledge that you are not the
author. If any profits are made from the distribution of this story, please
donate them ( minus any reasonable administrative costs) to medical research
such as Cancer or Sexually Transmitted Diseases such as AIDS or Hepatitis, etc.
or contact me to arrange sharing of any profits.


This is a Science Fiction First Contact story, where an alien race very similiar
to Mankind comes to Earth. At first, they seem friendly, but then they proceed
to integrate Earth in their empire, leaving humans as something less than
people. It involves transformation, dominance, submission, lesbian encounters,
straight, and group sex, etc.

This is an adult story, Do NOT Read if you are underage!

It contains adult themes and is not suitable for underage children, or for
regions that have banned this sort of material.


For mature audiences only! This post contains adult material. Do not read past
this notice if you are under 18 or if your local government has determined you
are incapable of determining what you should read.

Please note this story is copyrighted by the Author. You can distribute it as
you wish so long as it is kept intact, and you acknowledge that you are not the
author. If any profits are made from the distribution of this story, please
donate them ( minus any reasonable administrative costs) to medical research
such as Cancer or Sexually Transmitted Diseases such as AIDS or Hepatitis, etc.
or contact me to arrange sharing of any profits.

This post contains material of a frank and sexually explicit nature. It involves
alien assimilation and abduction of humans, mind control and conditioning, body
modification and transformation (human), medical examinations, Female to alien
and Male to alien submissive behavior, humans as pets, FF, MF, and MM (only a
little bit) sex, exhibition, enemas, and possibly other things as it progresses.
It most definitely has nonconsentual themes; although not violent forced ones.
It does NOT contain anything about cannibalism or humans used by alien races as
food stock nor extreme cruelty, pain, rape or torture. The race that arrives in
starships above Earth views us as a less evolved species to be used as required
by their society, just like we view monkees or dogs; that doesn't mean they
believe in torturing humans for the fun of it. If you want to read about aliens
cruelly torturing humans then eating them, this isn't your story. Also note that
although it does NOT contain any kind of child pornography, it does represent a
time and place where all of our laws do not apply: PUBLIC human sexuality and
nudity is considered very normal and natural for humans of all ages within this
imaginary world. Please note that will this story may resemble events in Nazi
Germany during WWII or current events in Yugoslavia, it is NOT intended to. It
is a reminder that when we do finally encounter aliens, they may be radically
different from us, and such contact will have broad effects on our society.

Despite its explicit and mature contents, please remember it is a science
fiction story; I got to the sex sooner than I thought I would, however you have
to read through the sci-fi setup first. I have tried to write it as a reasonably
believable science fiction story; things some would call unspeakable happen to
the humans in this story, however I've tried to make it reasonable and careful
about what I do to my characters. I will not write about cruelty, pain or
torture simply for their own sake. Entire chapters might have no or little sex,
so if you're only looking for a jerk-off story this might not be it( although I
think its really hot). However if you can get into following the mental
processes of a submissive human female as a much more advanced race (without our
sexual hang-ups) assimilates her and the Earth into their futuristic society,
leaving intact only those humans they feel are worthy and reprogramming the
rest, just hang on ( and remember this story is hard to describe without
actually telling it).

It is an extremely politically incorrect post, and there is no moral. If there
were, it would be that all humans are equal (well mostly) regardless of race,
gender, sexual orientation, or political party. But then there isn't one; it's
just a wild fantasy I turned into a Sci-Fi story. Persons attempting to find a
moral will be digitally assimilated and given to the Tyrian worm creatures for
use as mindless sex slaves. Anyone sending flames will suffer the much more
horrible fate of having their flame merrily deleted unread. Constructive
messages or suggestions will be welcomed; also please don't complain about my
English (I'm trying), if you find a mistake let me know, but please be nice
about it. Finally the views and ideas expressed in this story are not mine,
please remember its just a story. All names and characters are completely made
up, any resemblance to anyone public, those I might know or have met, or anyone
you know is simply coincidence. This story is a complete fantasy and has nothing
to do with reality, DON'T do this at home, it has nothing what so ever with what
I believe or support or condone, or would do or see done to anyone.


Dawn's Tale was inspired by several things ( among many others too numerous to

Anne Rice's Sleeping Beauty books - I found it refreshing to read D&S/B&D
material that didn't have to resort to the things I said this story wouldn't
have; you don't have to be mean to force someone into a submissive
relationship... The only thing I didn't like was that I thought Beauty should
have returned to the castle at the end of _Beauty's Release_ and lived out the
rest of her life as a naked slave; after all being a naked slave was all she
really wanted... I'd like to see someone write a good continuation, or other
stories like Anne Rice's story. Same for Alice in Wonderland. If you happen to
have a story like that, I'll put it on my page if you want.

Jack Chalker's Well World books - for its incredible and fantastic science
fiction and wonderful descriptions of humans being transformed into centaurs,
satyrs and even more fantastic creatures. His books are so many and so good that
it would take this whole post to talk about them.

An unknown story by an author I don't remember published in a science fiction
anthology at least 10 years ago or more ( I think). It one of my first
encounters with erotic science fiction. In it, aliens came to Earth and gave us
much improved health care- all citizen's got notices to go to a medical center
for a checkup and emerged with very healthy and athletic bodies. Men wound up
looking like pro football quarterbacks, and women like Miss America. The
narrator became suspicious when his wife took a liking to lying ( in full view
of everyone) nude outside under a green sunlamp while growing lumps( it was
implied that they might become wings) under her shoulderblades. The narrator,
who finally had his body made over, changed his mind and managed to get his body
put back as it used to be, while it was hinted that the aliens were modifying us
to match their alien world. In the end his efforts were for naught, he found
himself back in line for transformation.

An another unknown sci fi book ( If you know the name please let me know) where
the lowest class of humans don't normally wear clothing in public. This class
of people would secretly meet to wear clothing normally forbidden to them.

The Miniseries and TV Show V - Because I found the scenes of broken and
submissive ( to the aliens) humans in flesh colored tights stimulating for a
show on regular TV in the 80's and at least the series part was a great aliens
exist and they come to Earth story.

Next, the role-playing game Werewolf: the Apocalypse for its very good and
detailed ideas about transformation and intelligent beings who still keep their
primal instinctive behaviors as major parts of their day to day lives not to
mention its great ideas for storytelling.

Earth: Final Conflict was not yet on TV when I first started writing this story,
but I'm sure readers will note some similarities. If you haven't seen it yet,
check it out, it's an interesting First Contact series.

Finally ( in no order) Ann D., Dierdre, and the many other good authors( and the
not so good ones who at least made good efforts) who've posted to a.s.s. as well
as the guy who asked for more chapters of My-Life-As-a-Dog which inspired me to
finally start this....

If you made it past my ramblings, please remember this IS a sexually explicit
science fiction story, it is NOT for those under 18 or who cannot handle mature
material. It also contains non sexual themes ( such as the fact that we might
have come from a lost colony starship) that might offend some too sensitive. In
any case if you are offended, under age or simply do not like it at all, please
simply quit reading it and delete it. The government does not think you are
capable of deciding what you or your children can read, so you have been fairly
warned.... And again, if you are looking for the sex, please be patient and try
to get into the story, and remember it is a FANTASY story, a lot of things that
are improbable in the real world happen here.



Without further ado.... ( and one more thing- I must give you some background
info before we get to our story) It is mostly told by a human ( sort of) female
narrator to another human born on her new home world after the events described.
Some of the scientific stuff has been estimated or made up for sake of the
story; if anyone sees something blatantly in error, please tell me if you wish
but remember it IS only a story...

A few science facts needed:

First, remember its a story, I've fudged for the sack of the story; some events
in it are actually very improbable. It IS just a story.

The "aliens" are called Homo Sapiens Superior, they are an old race that
possessed slow ( several times lightspeed) interstellar travel when Homo Sapiens
were primitive savages. At that early time period, 100,000 years, give or take a
few millennia, their interstellar travel was limited, they did not have faster
than light travel yet; travel was limited to stars within 30 light-years or so.
Time between destinations often took 5-10 years or much more, and speed had to
be carefully watched to minimize relativistic effects. Interstellar travel would
not have been possible at all if not for their long lifespans, 250 to 750 of our

They have no prime directive, at least as far as Homo Sapiens Sapiens is
concerned. They will be further explained throughout the story for now assume
they are what we might become if left to develop for 10,000 years or more.
Physically they are very similar to how they were 100,00 years ago, but
technologically they can do things we only dream of. Until our near future, they
left us alone, their own civilization rising and falling multiple times as they
spread out over the stars...

I have assumed ( actually probably true, but some people don't believe the
theory of evolution) that the time we have been here as Homo Sapiens Sapiens to
be around 130,000 years or so. Scientists think Homo Sapiens Sapiens has been
here between 100,000 and 150,000 years through at least several ice ages. I have
also made use of a fairly new theory that at some point in evolution (perhaps
before we evolved into homo sapiens), between ice ages, we went through a
amphibian period. More of the surface was covered with water, at least near
where we originated, and we had to spend at least part of our time swimming in
the water to survive. This had several effects: its why we lost our hair, an
extra body fat layer ( which only sea animals have), and our bone structure (
which had to be streamlined for swimming, and helped us walk upright later). The
story proposes an alternate reasoning for the results of that period in our

Please note that passages enclosed in [ ] ( square brackets) denote that the
enclosed text was spoken/writen in Galactic standard, the language of the race
described above. Spoken, it is vaguely similar to Hebrew, Egyptian, Babylonian
or other ancient languages. Written it looks like hieroglyphics except most of
the hieroglyphics are letters, not symbols. It confuses many humans (within the
story) since some common symbols remain as single figures.

Place names, titles, names, and other descriptive terms are converted to English
for ease of reading. For example, "Captain" or "Epsilon Eridani" are actually
alien terms and names but I use the English equivalents for ease. Similarly I
use our scientific notation since its familiar to most. Remember that I'm really
referring to the foreign terms the aliens classify themselves and us as.

Statements enclosed in ( ) when used whenever the narrator is talking, represent
physical actions taking place as she tells the story.

Assume anything not in brackets or parentheses to be the narrator speaking. Her
speech, even though she is almost genetically human, is not quite English.
Smells, tastes, and body gestures are a major part of her communication at the
point in time she is narrating, her new "race" is quite capable of conveying
information without speaking a word. They use actual speech when convenient and
can communicate without speech when absolute silence is required or when
inconvenient such as under water.

Dawn's Tale Prologue:


Several light-years from the system 44 Sol (our solar system), sometime during
the temperate period before the end of our last Ice Age, some 130,000 years ago
or so...

Partial Star log records of Life Transport Alexandria as recorded within a
distress beacon launched from the ship:

Captain Torbin's entry Eridani Date 14546:1536, twelve years 120 days ship's
relative time(.85c) since departure

0.35 LY from 44 Sol and far off planned flight plan from 82 Eridani II to Eta
Cassiopei IV

Engineering reports heavy damage to systems from our accident; four crew members
did not come out of their cocoons. Chief says we'll be lucky to make it to 44
Sol; energy reserves are below 24%, and we'll have to bring our cargo out of
their cocoons if the system's asteroid field has no Trilium 426 to replenish
energy supplies. Distress beacons have already been dispatched, but I don't
expect help for at least two years assuming another star ship is anywhere close.
Otherwise, help could be twenty years or more away, it's 20 LY back to home
world and 19 LY on to the water world we were bound for. I just hope 44 Sol has
a tropical planet, our cargo is conditioned for our destination; we don't have
the supplies for them to survive a temperate or cold world until help arrives.

Date 14594:1015, Captain

Good news and Bad. We have dropped below relativistic speed and entered the
system. Stellar cartography reports this system has been charted but not
surveyed. Geologic probes show no signs of trilium or other minerals we can
process; reserves are barely enough to maintain stasis in the cocoons. Probes
into the inner system indicate the 2nd or 3rd planets as possible water or
tropical worlds. Engineering says we will have to land somewhere soon, to
attempt repairs or wait for rescue. Whatever the planet turns out to be, it'll
have to do.

Date 14598:0805, Captain

Now in geopolar orbit around the 3rd planet. Close probes showed 2nd to be too
hot even for our worker bees, and 4th was too cold and dry even for the crew.
Science says the 3rd planet is perfect- 73% water and an estimated mean temp of
63 degrees. They think the equatorial regions should range from 70 degrees to
100 degrees most of the time; the only drawback- the planet is in the temperate
period between ice age cycles and is due for another cold spell in 20,000 years
or so. I'm glad we are expected at the colony on Eta Cassiopei IV; they need our
cargo's aquatic abilities, I hope we'll be long gone before it gets cold here. A
beacon broadcasting our position and situation has been released. Engineering is
preparing to land, and we're in for a rough one.

Date 14602:1664, Captain - five hours after landing

Barely made it to ground, we put down near an inland sea surrounded by several
large continents. A few casualties: Simons in engineering is dead as well as
junior operations officer Buncombe, and the chief was hurt. He's well enough to
supervise and Doc says he'll be OK if help isn't too late. We've brought out the
cargo to save our reserves, remaining energy should be enough for emergency
lights and communications for at least several years. Chief says we are
definitely stuck 'til help arrives; this planet has some interesting ores, but
nothing we can use to refuel the ship without a massive processing plant. In his
typical cheery tone he said there's no use in repairing our systems without
fuel. Its been amusing watching our hairless work drones, they're in the water
frolicking naked like the ape-like creatures we've seen. We've lost track of
some of them; fortunately they're genetically different enough from the native
apes that we'll be able to track down them all when a ship arrives. They're able
to fend for themselves well enough that I expect only minor depletions before
our extraction. They seem to be able to determine what foods are safe to eat
instinctively so I've ordered our food supplies rationed only to the crew. Our
science officer has supplemented our diet by watching which fruits the drones

Date 14602:1449, Science Officer's Log - two hours after landing

Cycling of Stasis Cocoons has begun. Mutation warning lights have appeared on
units 45, 46, 84, and 126, but with only myself and a junior officer right out
of Academy I don't have time to investigate. Captain wants the units shut down
so we can save power for minimum life support and communications. So far I
expect only one actual failed cocoon, there wasn't as much damage as in the
forward area with crew cocoons. Our cargo is already starting to stir.

I've looked out the window and have seen some interesting flora and fauna. Hope
to have time to do some cataloging while we wait for rescue. The humanoid apes
seem interesting in particular, there is one species that walks upright and
seems to use animal skins for clothes.

Date 14987:0853 or there abouts, Captain

Its been over a year local time and no sign of rescue or radio contact with
other ships. I wish we had a larger crew; with 23 people I just don't have the
resources for an extended stay. Help may never come unless a passing ship heard
our distress call. Since we're so far off course, decades will likely pass
before we see a ship; assuming they've realized we're stranded. The drones are
all over the place now and run naked in and out of the water like nothing was
wrong. I'm beginning to think running around nude is not such a bad idea; my
last uniform is badly torn. Its too bad we don't have the genetic conditioning
for prolonged water exposure. When we get back, I'll have to tell the genetics
boys they did a great job on this batch...

Date 15672: time midday, First Officer

The captain was killed 3 days ago by one of the native large animals while
hunting. Supplies are gone, as well as the last of the ships energy reserves,
our efforts on the comm. channels have got no response . We've about lost hope;
rescue still hasn't come, and our remaining Science officer says we can't
survive much longer than twenty more years on this planets food sources without
synthetic supplements... I do not expect to make anymore log entries, after
encoding this log along with full sensor and library logs into a beacon, I've
launched it into a far orbit. I don't expect to see a rescue ship. Those crew
members with family already on Eta Cassiopei included personal messages;
fortunately due to the nomadic nature of space travel most of the crew have no

Date more than 10 years after last post:

The last beacon continues broadcasting its distress signal as it drifts in Sol's
Oort cloud. Its diagnostic system has failed to detect a blown power amplifier.
Its signal can only be heard within 4 AU. or so. Earlier beacons were picked up
but only indicated approximate flight path; no sign of the location beacon was
ever found. Debris was found floating near where the ship was first damaged.
Search vessels cruised within long range scan distance to 44 Sol, unable to
detect signals from the Alexandria's signal and unwilling to waste years on a
out of the way voyage, they continued on... Command eventually listed the
Alexandria as missing and presumed destroyed.

As the Alexandria's remaining crew sits hopelessly waiting for a ship to come,
the drones obliviously play and mate in the warm tropical water.

End Prologue


Dawn's Tale Chapter 1

Dawn's story: Approximately 2024 AD Earth date, Colony Water world Zeta Herculis
II - 77% water, Mean Temp 64 degrees.

THEY landed on July 24 2004 AD when I was 30 years old. It's one of the few
historical dates I can still remember- The Day, the day the astronauts died, my
birthday, and Christmas. I have no idea exactly when each year those dates come,
but I remember the numbers. They must know when each year my birthday is, once a
year They treat me special and give me a few treats; especially that sweet fruit
They know I love. Everything else from the past is just a haze, and no matter to
me anyway.

Believe it or not, I was actually glad that They had come: Earth in the year
2004 was not a happy place to live. When I was a little girl, it seemed our
governments were going to blow us all to kingdom come. In 2004 it seemed we were
just going to tear each other limb from limb until there was no one left to
fight. First it was the Arabs and Israelis; the peace they hoped for never came.
Likewise, England and the I.R.A.; peace was talked about, but everyone just kept
fighting. Take away the bombs, and they fought with guns; Take away the guns,
and they fought with rocks and sticks.

Every day it seemed things got worse. First it was a busload of tourists shot
dead; next time was an airliner or cruise ship. We wondered where would it all
end? For most of the '90's it was the Arabs and Israelis, the English and the
Irish, the Serbs and Bosnians; then in the new millennia it seemed to be
everyone. It was like the world was way overpopulated, and everyone was just
plain mad. It had gotten to where I was afraid to go out at night, sometimes
even to go to work in the mornings. So I guess I was glad The Visitors came.
What they might want of our miserable little planet scared me, but they also
represented some kind of new hope.

I remember they showed up in a huge ship that hovered over the White house. It
looked like something from the old Star Trek series- it had a huge roundish,
sort of angular part in front with a long spindle coming out behind it. The
spindle had a oval pod above and below the front disk, I guess they were
engines, I don't really know. I remember exactly where I was that day; they
interrupted all the TV channels with a live image of their ship over the White
House. After 10 minutes or so their captain appeared on the TV. I remember the
date because the only thing more vivid in my memory is watching the space
shuttle blow up, killing everyone on board, while I was at school as a little

Anyway, I remember I was surprised their captain looked just like us except more
regal looking and tall. I thought aliens were short hairless guys with big eyes.
This guy looked like one of us- well not quite like now but how we were. He
spoke to the entire planet. Told us how they came in peace and meant us no harm.
I remember him telling everyone how they were distant cousins of ours; he just
didn't say how. I thought it was odd how his mouth looked like an old Japanese
Kung Fu movie; his lips didn't quite sync with his words.

He finished his short speech by saying he and his people would meet with the
leaders of the world and that all of them would speak to the people of Earth
again. I remember being rather bewildered, after all I was just a simple Sales
and Customer Support clerk at a local computer and electronics store. I always
left the smart stuff to the salesmen, I just knew how to run the cash register.
All of us just stood there staring at the image of the ship after his speech.
Later I read in the news that outside, many people rioted and raged in the
street. The paper said that some preachers took it as a sign to rant about the
coming apocalypse. They seemed really upset that the aliens said they were our
cousins; I guess the bible doesn't leave much room for relatives in outer space.
I laughed when they said the Commander was the antichrist.

Anyway, the riots quieted down when the police came in. For some reason, as soon
as the guys in riot gear appeared, most of the citizens snapped out of it and
when back home. Only a few troublemakers were actually arrested. Soon everything
seemed to go back to normal, the aliens didn't seem ready to take over, and the
TV went back to normal programming. Over the next weeks and months, our global
unrest seemed to calm. Some of those who'd fought for centuries, continued -
albeit somewhat less aggressively. Everyone else just kind of stopped to see
what would happen - I don't think I was the only one who thought of the aliens
as a new hope, nor the only one who thought anything was better than what we'd

We heard from the Commander again several days later. He appeared on TV from the
UN building along with several other aliens and many of the World's leaders. The
TV kept panning back and forth between the aliens and the leaders. I could see
how like and unlike they were to us: They were tall, the men at least six and a
half feet; and muscular, none of them were fat; to me they all looked very
regal, the commander looked like a king of some empire. Their clothing seemed to
be shimmery colored jumpsuits. Except for the height and regalness, they looked
just like us. The president of the U.N. came toward the camera with the leaders
of the U.S., Russia, China, Japan, and U.K. right behind him; the other leaders
crowded in behind them. He started speaking, first introducing the commander and
his officers to everyone. He said all of the nations in attendance had elected
him to speak for them all.

He first repeated that the aliens, he said they called themselves Eridani's,
came in peace to interact and trade with us. He indicated that the Eridani's had
many technologies they would share with us in exchange for trade and mining
rights here on Earth. He turned to the Commander who pointed out a star system
called 82 Eridani G5 on a map off to the side; I'm still confused about exactly
where it is, I've always had trouble even with two dimensional maps. Anyway he
said the G5 meant it was a yellow sun like ours but a bit smaller; their planet
was the second one and orbited much closer to its sun.

So the commander listed a number of minerals and ores they needed, some that we
didn't even want on our planet to begin with. He reassured everyone that they
could be mined using deep shafts drilled by lasers from orbit, and that the
process was completely automatic, only requiring operators, and that it was
completely safe both to the Earth and its inhabitants. He listed a long list of
things we would get in return: safe, cheap, and powerful fuels and energy; much
improved communication and computer equipment, better ways to farm, a whole lot
of technological things I didn't understand, very improved medical care
including possible cures for many diseases; and chances for those qualified to
go to their Academy and travel the stars on their star ships. The president came
back up, and after more talk, told everyone that this was it for now, and to
stay tuned into the news for more announcements later.

The first thing they did was to phase out all of the nuclear reactors and other
power plants and replace them with their new advanced power systems. I
understood that a half dozen or so new power stations could cleanly supply the
entire world's electricity very cheaply. They said something about it was so
cheap because the Eridani's subsidized the cost in part exchange for the mines
they were building. About this time, we began to see many ships arriving; most
of these were much more angular and bulky except for a few like the first one. I
think they said some had come that we didn't even see - I think these had stayed
in orbit to power their mines. I had wondered why the power companies didn't
complain about losing their profits, but I guess they found new markets for them
to expand into.

As power plants, transportation and other big petroleum companies switching to
the clean fuels, environmental cleanup became the next new thing. The aliens
assisted of course, and many people who'd been out of work before found a new
source of work. Tools to make underground building easier were brought in, and
underground housing became popular. Overnight many buildings got torn down to
make way for gardens and parks. Of course they left all the historic sites; who
wants to tear down some hotel George Washington stayed in?

With the arrival of all those ships, we saw more and more aliens on Earth. After
three or four months we saw them on the street all the time. For some reason
they always seemed to stare at me but I didn't take notice of it; after all with
my long brown hair and medium sized firm breasts men always stared at me. Most
of the aliens I saw were men. I did see at least a few women; They seemed to
stare too, but I paid no attention. I've had one or two ladies look at me before
and by now I'd heard rumors that the aliens had no hang-ups. My friend Sally
from work said they even allowed marriages with three or sometimes more people!
I didn't care - They came to our restaurants and bought food, they came into the
store and bought all kinds of stuff. It all seemed good to me.

They seemed amused with the computer games the store sold, and bought them by
the handful. I think the banks had set up exchange rates; they'd just give me a
card that I swiped through the register, I never had one of their cards fail.
Soon we were selling all kinds of new gadgets, we stopped carrying most of the
old computers. At first the new stuff didn't have brand names, but later the new
computers said IBM, Apple, Compaq, etc. We still sold those video games by the

With all these Eridani's coming in, they got to be real familiar to me. Most of
them still seemed to stare at me, but a few had become friendly. One in
particular, he looked young but I think he must have been older since I heard
they live 500 years or more and don't die except by old age or accidents, kept
coming in over and over to buy more games. He started to open up, and talked
about his ship and what he did. One night I was in a bar eating dinner and he
was there with his buddies. He came over and asked if he could sit and talk to

He asked me all kinds of questions! He did mention he'd been married and was
widowed, his wife having been killed decades before on a expedition at an
unexplored world far out on the frontier. He started talking about how they'd
been free to date others as they wished, and how they'd often brought dates
back to meet the spouse. This unexpected candor caught me off guard; talking to
my date about him bringing dates home for a three-way ( I guessed) was
definitely new to me. We wound up back at my place and during our heavy necking
I found out that his equipment was definitely in the right place for a humanoid
species (Dawn reaches one hand down under her belly and massages herself as she

I was a bit nervous about walking home with him. Guys always told me I was
pretty, but I guess I always had somewhat of a confidence problem. I always
worried too much about how I looked, and when guys tried to reassure me, I
worried more. I didn't go out on dates much. I'd only had two real boyfriends,
and one of those was in high school. I usually wound up staying home. I think I
let the Eridani come home with me partly because he had a subtle way of making
me feel at ease and good about myself. So like I said, we went up to my
apartment and made out really heavy.

We would have gotten further except I heard beeping come from his uniform collar
and he said he had been ordered back to the ship early. Before he left, he said
he hoped he'd see me again. What he did before leaving struck me as odd; instead
of kissing me, he held me close and stroked the back of my head like I was his
younger sister or something. I saw him in the bar once or twice but never went
out on a date with him again.

The Eridani's weren't what I expected at all. Like I said, their men were six
and a half feet tall at least. Most of the women were around six. All of them
were handsome or beautiful, not one was ugly. They always walked with purpose,
walking gracefully with confident precise strides, even when they were just
strolling around. They all seemed strong, agile, and quick; I once saw one of
them take down four human thugs hoping to rob him. Of course the thugs were
really stupid to try in the first place; the Eridani probably had no money and
only a debit card they couldn't have used anyway. The Eridani reminded me of
one of those old Kung Fu guys; he knocked them all out, but didn't beat them
needlessly. The Eridani never showed anger once during the entire incident.

They are always calm and collected emotionally; but not unemotional like the
character Spock from Star Trek. They never get angry or upset, however they are
quick to show compassion, warmth, or laughter. I remember another incident that
happened in the store- one of them had come in to purchase some games, and the
register wouldn't work. Nothing I did helped, and my boss angrily yelled at me,
telling me I never did anything right. While I stood there on the verge of
tears, the Eridani just patiently stood there. He reassured me, telling me I was
doing my best, then turned to my boss. My boss furiously ranted and raved while
the Eridani barely whispered. Suddenly my boss turned to me and apologized, then
left. It turned out the problem was the mainframe, I never did anything wrong.
Seeing how my boss reacted to the Eridani gave me quite a thrill; my boss was
something of a terror and made life horrible for everyone there.

I discovered them to be pragmatic and straightforward - they were puzzled and
amused by some Earth customs and notions. Like I said before they have no
hang-ups about sex, bodily functions, or relationships. It's all part of life
and there's no need to hide seemed to be their attitude. Nudity especially
confused them, it made no sense to them to hide things everyone had. For them
clothes were mainly for comfort in non controlled environments as well as for
rank and work division identification. I learned later that off duty, nudity was
accepted, especially in warm environments. Our history of slavery also puzzled
them - the concept wasn't new to them and even seemed accepted, but our past
tendency to enslave or discriminate against others of our own kind simply based
on skin color made no sense to them.

With the increased numbers of Eridani citizens on our planet came more
advancements. Next were new cars with the improved power plants. They said the
new ones were much better for the environment; I'm not sure, I never even drove
my old one much. Ford didn't seem to care, from reading the paper I think they
were retooling to make aerospace stuff. These new cars were neat, you just got
into one and told it where you wanted to go. I didn't even have to steer. I just
got in and it took off into the air. Like I said I never really liked cars and
never used mine much anyway.

The medical advances they brought were the most wondrous of all. I kept hearing
about new developments just about everyday. First they came up with brand new
artificial hearts. If you needed a new one, you were back up in just a couple
weeks, and didn't even need to carry around a power supply. They cured all those
incurable diseases named after dead sports stars and stuff. To get rid of
cancer, all you had to do was take pills for a couple weeks and it would be
gone; if you were healthy, the pill would keep you from ever getting cancer. If
you were overweight, or bald, or ugly; they could fix that too.

For a while all the medical people who'd spent all those years studying were a
bit anxious and upset, but the Eridani's found a solution again. They announced
a new program about how they were short on science crewmen on their exploration
ships. The TV said something about seeing the far reaches of the galaxy and
beyond. It stated "Call 1-800-555-5555 and give us your name, social security
number, and schooling". I think they'd then check up on you and call in those
they were interested in. A lot of people signed up I think, they must have
because there seemed to be fewer human doctors.

After nine months or so, I think they cured just about every disease and
ailment. They even talked about a possibility of renewed youth for older people;
the commentator said "One day you can just check into a hospital and they'd put
you through a series of gene rejuvenations that'd return your youth to you." I
guess they finally even cured the cold- at least I haven't had one since. Things
did start to get a bit weird. I kept hearing rumors about people turning up
missing. I never thought much about it though. Once I got a video call from a
guy I used to date in school. He said he'd graduated medical school just after
the aliens came. He told me he'd spent the last four months at an Eridani
academy and was now on a star ship near the Denemb system now.

Some people made a big deal about it, especially those street corner preachers
that always talked about the end of the world. You know what I thought about
them. Plus they brought the subject up on the TV talk shows. Geraldo brought out
a bunch of people who'd "turned up missing". One guy was in a Eridani uniform
like my friend. Another said he had just come out of the hospital free of some
old health problems, and had gone to the tropics for a month to celebrate. All
other guests had similar stories, and Geraldo brought out some guy with a greasy
beard and dirty clothes carrying a "The End is Near" sign. After shouting
accusing questions at the guy, while the audience jeered, he announced it was
all just a scam. I always believed Geraldo.

Those fanatical religious guys really didn't like it when cures for AIDS and all
the other sexual diseases were announced one after another. If you had a disease
they had treatments that would cure you in days. Everyone would receive vaccines
and never get sick again. The "End is Near" guys couldn't stop talking about
that with sexual diseases cured, the free love "sinful" days would come back.

About a year after they landed, and the Geraldo scandal had faded, I was at the
pub eating dinner when a sharp pain shot through my side. It hurt so much I fell
down on the floor, and curled up into a ball. One of waitresses got to me about
the same time as one of the Eridani officers. Both asked me if I was all right
simultaneously. The officer offered to drive me to a doctor, but the waitress
said "No, I'd better call an ambulance". One got there as my pain was starting
to lessen a bit. After taking my vital signs and examining me, the driver put me
on a stretcher, telling me "It's just a bit of appendicitis".

After giving me a painkiller, he wheeled me into the back of the ambulance, and
we rode to the hospital. In the emergency room, the human nurse took my vital
information then rolled me to a bed in the emergency ward. She pulled the
curtain as she talked to me. She undressed me, pulling my shoes off, then
removed my blouse and my jeans, then my panties and bra. Even though the curtain
was closed, I was a bit nervous as she pulled off my rings and other jewelry,
placed them on a tray and left me as naked as when I was born. Turning away for
a moment, she got a short gown and then had me reach out my arms so she could
put it on me. She took all my clothes and possessions and walked away, leaving
me there to listen to the sounds of a very busy emergency room. After five or
ten minutes she came back with an injection for the pain. I was told again it
was just a simple case of appendicitis. They would operate as soon as possible,
and it would all be OK soon. I slowly faded into sleep as I felt the painkillers
kick in.

END Chapter One

Dawn's Tale Chapter 2:

I awoke with a start on my stomach in a brightly lit white room, and with alarm
looked around. It didn't look like a room at the hospital- the walls were made
of some slick white plastic like material and everything looked very futuristic.
There were three beds beside the one I was lying on. One was close, right next
to mine and parallel to it; The other two were on the opposite side of the room,
lined up with mine and the other one. A wall with some sort of sliding door in
the middle ran parallel to the side of my bed. The wall opposite that was
covered with LCD electronic panels separated by sliding cabinets. I could see
square black panels behind each of the beds on the other side. The whole room
was barely big enough to hold the beds and a comfortable walking space all
around them. I couldn't turn my head to see the wall behind me.

As the shock of waking up suddenly in an unfamiliar room dimmed, I got terrified
even more as I realized I was nude, lying face down and totally exposed on the
bed with no covers over me. The top of the bed was made of some kind of moist
synthetic material. Like I said, I was lying on my stomach, hands down at my
side, and my chin resting on sort of a pillow molded into the bed with my head
almost reaching over the end facing towards the center of the room. A thousand
emotions ran through my head; I felt scared, frightened, embarrassed,
humiliated, and most of all exposed. What horrible things were they do to me? I
didn't know and I was afraid to find out. My emotions coursed through my brain
faster as I realized the molded surface of the bed held me in position and
prevented me from turning over.

It was molded exactly to the curves of my body, forcing me into a natural
relaxed position sunk down into the bed a bit. My head was forced upward to a
slight angle from my neck, not too steep to be uncomfortable. Lying down I could
easily see the room in front of myself. My arms were along my side, it was hard
to pull them up under my chest or above my head. The bed forced my legs to bend
naturally at my knees and kept my legs a foot or so apart; my feet were pointed
downward and back towards the wall behind me, fitting into sort of pockets in
the bed. I found I could push with my feet against the back of the pockets to
arch my back and raise my head or get my hands up, but not without effort.

I was most conscious of the position it forced my body into. The bed was curved
to my natural posture, and supported my back at a slight concave curve with my
shoulders and pelvis higher than my tummy. It raised my pelvis up a bit more
than my upper body, so my butt was arched slightly up into the air; I could feel
air on my bare pussy. I trembled as I realized my constrained position. Terror
rushed through my mind as I realized the black areas on the walls might be one
way windows. If the black areas across the room were windows, there must be ones
behind me too.

I became more and more frantic; I didn't where I was or who brought me here.
The horror of it all began to sink in as the seconds, which seemed like hours,
ticked by. I got more and more scared, I wanted to get up and find a robe or a
sheet, anything. I wanted to hide, run anywhere but here.

I had never been comfortable with my nudity, even in private let alone a place
where a stranger could walk in; shame raced through me. I struggled frantically,
trying to get out of the bed. It seemed to resist my efforts, and it became
harder and harder to fight. This only made my emotions rage even more; sweat
poured from my body, and I shivered, as I was suddenly cold. I didn't notice
the bed get moister or the smell coming from my chin rest. With sudden clarity I
realized the room had been at a perfect temperature for my nudity. Suddenly, in
the midst of my struggles, I started to feel too tired to be alarmed. I sank
back into the bed, and hovered back and forth from a drowsy state, forgetting my
fright, at least for a while.

As I lay there, slipping in and out of consciousness, I started to calm. During
my clear moments, I began to notice details about the room and myself I had
missed before. Like I said the bed was moist, but not uncomfortable to my skin.
Where it touched me, my skin was moist and slick, but after my sweat glands
calmed down, I wasn't cold anymore. The temperature was perfect for my comfort.
From arching upwards during my struggles, I noticed it seemed cooler away from
my bed. The other beds were empty, and their blue tops were smooth and flat, but
made of the same material as mine. I noticed small panels on the sides and
recessed open areas near the head of each bed.

I tried to stretch and look below and behind my bed, but I didn't have the
energy. I could only look ahead or to my sides. Suddenly I realized, the pain in
my side was gone! As I groggily lay there, it occurred to me that it hadn't even
hurt when I put up such a fight. I continued to lie there, and after satisfying
myself about my apparent surroundings, I let myself relax again. I napped for a
while, halfway waking several times. Still no one entered and I began to wonder.
I napped for several hours I guess, I'm not sure.

Finally, I heard the door swish beside me. I jerked with alarm again, and
started struggling again. Someone was coming! And I didn't want them to see me
naked! I saw a nurse, a tall Eridani female, come through the door, whispering
calming things to me - kind of what a mother would say to a young daughter. She
came to a stop beside the bed and hung a flat hand held computer on the side of
the bed. Still whispering to me and calling me her "little pet" , she reached
out her hand towards me. She stroked my back, starting at the base of my spine
almost at the crack of my ass, and up to my neck and on to the top of my head. I
jerked at the sudden sensation of her hand on my bare body then relaxed as I got
used to it. She repeated this motion, sensually rubbing my back as she went, and
despite myself I began to calm but remained apprehensive and puzzled about her

Finding my voice I began asking questions:

"Where am I?"

"On board a Eridani Starship."

"Where are my clothes? Please get me something to wear!"

"They took them away at the Hospital. You won't need them here. Are you cold? I
can raise the temperature if you like."

"No, I'm comfortable.", I had to admit as she continued to stroke my back while
her words soothed me-- "You don't have to me ashamed, there's nothing wrong
with your body." Her words puzzled me, but her voice was somehow calming so I
settled back down. She said "Just relax and let us take care of you; you've
been very sick. I'll explain everything when you're ready.", then would say no

As my tensions eased some, she stopped and reached for the clipboard again. I
realized I liked her rubbing, and wanted her to continue. Despite myself, I
arched my back higher, exposing my pussy, now as moist as my belly from the bed,
to the cool air. My body seemed to act on its own, and my mind was forced to go
along. As she touched the clipboards surface, she told me everything was going
to be OK. Putting the clipboard away again, she pulled a white pill from a pouch
at her side. She brought it to my mouth with one hand while gently grabbing the
back of my head with the other. Telling me it would help me get better, she
ordered me to open my mouth and stick out my tongue.

The hand rubbing the back of my head made me feel good again, and I arched
upward, tilting my head up and my tongue out. She smoothly pushed the pill to
the back of my throat, closed my mouth and massaged from my throat to my chin as
I swallowed. Her hand reached under the front of the bed, returning with a clear
glass of water, and brought it to my lips. I drank as she massaged the underside
of my neck, hoping that she wouldn't tilt the glass too fast. I seemed to feel
better even as the pill barely hit my stomach, and lay prone again. I didn't
know why, but I felt calm and relaxed no matter what might happen next.

She moved her hand to my back again, and continued stroking, not going so low
this time, for a few more minutes, still telling me I was in good hands and that
everything was going to be OK. I still felt exposed, but yet tingled all over.
The butterflies in my stomach seemed gone, and she walked over to the wall
opposite the door to a console on my side of the room. She stood at the console
ten or fifteen minutes, her fingers flying over a touch sensitive keypad. She
kept glancing over her shoulder at me every few minutes or so, and I just lay
there, still apprehensive, with my head sideways against the molded side of the
headrest so I could watch as she worked.

In not too long of a time, she stopped and slid open a cabinet. Removing a tall
opaque bottle, she came back to the front corner of my bed. She reached for the
panel, and I got scared again as the bed moved. She reached out and stroked me
as it remolded itself, raising me slightly into sort of a low hands and knees
position. Telling me to relax, she poured part of the bottle into her hand and
set it down on the edge of the bed. Rubbing her hands together, she started
massaging me again, starting with my upper back, going down the back of my arms,
down to my legs and feet, and then down my back again, ending by massaging my
ass and pussy. I really jumped then, but she paid me no mind, and I settled down
as she continued this, pouring out more of the liquid onto me, making me shiver,
until I glistened all over.

I felt strange, I still felt self-conscious about resting nude on my stomach,
hands and knees while she stood there in her jumpsuit, walking around the bed to
massage me all over. I did not understand the feelings coming from my body. My
pussy tingled with arousal and wetness; my whole body felt stimulated and hot,
not quite like a sexual heat, instead like this was how I was supposed to feel
all the time. Her behavior towards me was confusing too; I knew I was in some
sort of hospital, but she literally did everything for me. In a hospital, they
work on getting you to where you can do things for yourself, but instead she
seemed to want me to just lie there.

After too little time she said enough for my backside and hit the panel again.
The bed flattened and I lay there flushed. She nudged me, and rolled me over
onto my back. Already I'd become used to being on my stomach, lying on my back
didn't feel right anymore. I blushed again, feeling more exposed on my back. The
bed adjusted to me again, and she started on my front, doing my arms and legs
then my torso. As she got near my pussy, she kind of pulled at my pubic hair and
seemed to shake her head; I just arched my back in an unabashed orgasm as she
thoroughly massaged some of the liquid into my pussy and asshole, pushing firmly
into me.

She finished and the bed returned to its old position. I rolled over with it
without any prompting; she smiled as I looked up. In my sated condition as I
laid there like a snake with my arms down at my side and my head propped up on
the cushion, I felt this was how I should lie from now on. She rubbed my back
again and I raised my ass in pleasure. She quickly stroked my pussy once, then
left the room. I got hot from her touch but calmed a bit with no more
stimulation. It seemed right to stay aroused and ready all the time for some
reason. Still, I was confused, as I lay there panting, I knew I should be
mortified; not turned on as hell.

In just a few minutes she returned with a male Eridani. I felt the same rush,
alarm and embarrassment as when the nurse came in but it went away quicker
despite that no male since my dad had seen me completely naked. They seemed to
ignored my nakedness, I started to question what's wrong with nudity anyway? I
guessed he was a doctor, he looked at my chart, raised me up and felt my chest
and heart, massaged my breasts, then felt my forehead. He asked me to open wide
and stick out my tongue, and looked down my throat and into my eyes; the usual
things doctors do. He pinched me, felt my pussy, then pushed slick fingers into
my ass and pussy. I really arched then, but he rubbed my back with his other
hand, and I relaxed.

Pulling his fingers out of me he wiped his hands and turned to talk to the
nurse. He left and she pulled a oval dish full of a mushy stew like food from
beneath the bed. She pulled a tray out from under the head of the bed and pulled
it up towards my face and set the food on it. Petting my head she left the room.
I looked at the food, realizing I could reach it easily. Seeing no spoon or
fork, I stared at it wondering how I was supposed to eat.

She came back in after a while and asked what was wrong while rubbing my hair:
"was it too cold? too hot? was I not hungry?" She put her finger in the food and
tasted it. She took the bowl away, then put it back, rubbing me again. I could
only conclude that they expected me to eat without utensils, and reached forward
with my head, pulling up my arms so I could use my fingers. She patted my head
again and left. Soon my arms were tired and I had to move them back down to my
sides. I continued eating with just my mouth, licking the bowl like a cat. It
was shallow and it felt natural to lick and chew with my mouth only-- I just had
to keep reaching up to move my long brown hair aside. Licking my lips as I lay
back, I decided table manners were overrated. I saw a tube beside the dish
coming up from below my bed, I sucked it, tasting cool water, until my stomach
felt about to pop and my thirst was gone. I lay my head back down again and
slept. I can't remember what I dreamed of.

I awoke again, calmly this time just before the door opened. Almost before it
slid aside, I smelt perfume. Without looking, I knew it was my nurse. After
rubbing me hello, she reached under me and felt and massaged my lower stomach.
She asked if I was full and needed to pee. As I nodded my head, she said go
ahead and pee, the bed would catch it. I shook my head, nudity was one thing; if
I was now in Eridani society and nudity was expected, maybe I could adjust.
Peeing on a bed in front of someone was quite another. She just reached under my
front, found my clit and starting rubbing then squeezed it slightly. With
arousal and a red face, I let it flow uncontrollably, I guess I was really full.
When I was done, I saw the bed had molded itself so that my spray had been
absorbed, leaving no extra wetness.

She stated that my bowels needed emptying also, as if I didn't have a say in the
matter. Reaching between my legs she pulled up a nozzle. After rubbing her
fingers in my pussy, she got the tube slick and placed it against my ass hole. I
still reacted even though looking backwards it looked smaller that the doctor's
finger. She stroked me as I was plugged up; it seems she could get me to do
anything by petting my sensitive back. Suddenly I felt my anus stretch--somehow
it expanded inside me. I felt the water start to flow up me, somehow the exact
temperature of my hot body, and sweat came out of my pores. It continued until I
thought it would come out my nose, and she raised me up off the bed onto my
hands and knees. She kneaded my stomach and breasts, knowing just where to
massage to ease the cramps.

As the water stopped, I gasped with arousal and felt so full I thought I'd
burst. Nurse continued to massage, murmuring "Its OK to cum, cum for me Dawn,
its only natural". I felt my most intense orgasm ever start to come on as the
water began to drain from me back through that same tube. With the pressure of
the enema being relieved, I couldn't help but climax. I'm sure the humiliation
of my new experiences was part of it. I emptied out more completely than ever
before, and it started again before I could recover from the first filling. Two
more cycles later I was flushed and weak as I started my third uncontrollable
orgasm in a row.

Suddenly the door rushed open and another nurse came in, asking "Is this our new
patient that needs a trim?" I blushed lobster red at the thought of the door
opening and yet another stranger seeing me stuffed and nude in the middle of an
orgasm. She paid me no heed, and I couldn't very well stop no matter how
embarrassed I was. After I drained again, my nurse pulled out the nozzle, and I
flopped back down, open and yielding, my pussy now seemingly wet permanently.

Before I could catch my breath, the second nurse said, "OK, turn her over... Yes
all that hair has to go". After they rolled me over onto my back, I looked down
at my pussy, my pubic hair was matted and wet. From a cart she'd brought with
her, she got another bottle and pouring another lotion into her hands. Handing
it to my first nurse, they massaged it all over my front from my face to my
toes. I got even hotter and flushed, my body tingling as both of them worked me
over. They ignored me; one of them would lightly slap my pussy every so often to
put me down. They never said a word as they worked, but I learned to stay
aroused, and only come when allowed.

They both pulled nozzles out from under the bed and rinsed me, leaving me soaked
from head to foot and smooth as the day I was born. The bed just absorbed the
excess water. They turned me over, keeping the table flat. They massaged more of
the lotion into my back and neck, loosing me up more than I had ever been
before. One of them then grabbed me by the hair and pulled my head back in line
with my spine. I just wiggled a bit, looking straight across the room as they
did the backs of my arms, legs and my back and ass. They even rubbed it between
my ass cheeks, around my ass hole and that area between my ass and pussy. I was
getting used to their touches.

As they rinsed my back, I really started wiggling, I was enjoying this now.
Seeing my pleasure, they started playing with me, spraying me like kids used to
do to each other at car washes. Every once in a while they'd stick a nozzle in
my mouth, I'd always eagerly suck the water down with no problem. I felt like
I'd found a racial memory mankind had foolishly thrown away. I definitely wasn't
in any normal hospital, I felt more like someone's dog in a washtub in the
backyard. I don't know what part of that visual image turned me on more: the
idea of being a pet owned by someone or the fantasy of being an animal dependent
on others for basic needs without a care in the world.

When they stopped I wasn't ready, and sat up on my hands and knees, pouting like
a puppy as they left me to dry naturally in the warm air. Crouching on hands and
knees seemed as natural as the prone position, my head comfortably bent back.
Suddenly, I felt an overwhelming need to pee, and crouching a bit, let a rushing
stream go. I felt a sudden thrill as I unselfconsciously peed openly in front of
them both. They looked at me with surprise, and one of them teasingly spanked me
hard on the ass, telling me "We just cleaned you!" The spank felt good and I
just squeezed my muscles and raised a leg as I shook the last drops off.

They pushed me back down onto the bed, and left my head and my wet hair hanging
off the edge. The second nurse got combs, brushes, and cutters and started
styling my brown hair. I cried out in shock as she started cutting large chunks
off. Crying desperately, I struggled more than I ever done before. My nurse
started yelling "Hold Still! This won't take long!" As they quickly held me
down, parts of the bed rose up and flowed around me- straps held my feet and
hands against the bed, others parts molded themselves around my waist, and
another circled my neck and held my head securely out over the end of the bed. I
couldn't move my head in any direction, and I struggled uselessly against my

Realizing she was quickly cutting my hair short, I sobbed frantically. My first
nurse, who I'd come to trust moved beside me, as the other one continued. I felt
her move her hand between my legs to just below my pussy. With one smooth
motion, she stroked me from my slick and smooth pubis, up along my lips, and on
up to above my asshole. Never leaving my skin, she moved her hand back down to
my pubis. She repeated this motion, rubbing me firmly each time. After the third
or so trip, she started massaging into my asshole and slit as her hand traveled
back and forth. All the shame and humiliation of my whole ordeal welled up
inside and overflowed as I cried softly, my tears falling with my hair. I shook
and twisted, crying openly, as I came continuously while the nurse styled my
hair into a short pageboy style like that actress who played Lois Lane.

As my head hung over the edge, the nurse finished up, massaging some sort of
mouse into my hair. As my struggling slowed, the restraints receded into the
table. My mistress, at least that's how I thought of her now, continued
masturbating me, only not as intensely. Free of the restraints and my distress
forgotten, with my arms I raised my head and shoulders up, proudly showing my
tits to my hairdresser, and pushing my stomach down onto the flat bed, arching
my ass against Mistress's hand. Reaching for my hairdresser's stomach with my
mouth, I came animalistically as they worked me at both ends.

As my heartbeat slowed, one of them reached between my asscheeks, cupping my
pussy, and jabbed her thumb into my asshole and curled her fingers firmly
against my mound and clit. I yelped as she swiftly pulled me up onto my hands
and knees. She pushed and prodded me until I arched my back and raised my head
like Lassie. My breasts hanging heavy below my body, I was shifted closer to the
side, facing my first mistress. She had another pill in her hand and moved it to
my mouth. This time I didn't cooperate. I kept my mouth pinched tightly closed
as she tried to push it in. My other new mistress suddenly slapped my right
haunch. I shook my head and wiggled from side to side as the sting sent a new
thrill up my spine. She spanked me again, harder, and this time I opened.

As I opened my mouth, Mistress inserted her fingers into my mouth, pushing the
pill deep into my throat. Simultaneously, my pussy and ass were squeezed,
causing me to open up even wider. Mistress closed my mouth and I swallowed. She
produced a bottle of liquid and upended it in my mouth. I was pleased to swallow
it all. The nurse behind me pulled her hand out of me, and they left me
breathless on the bed.

They came back with the same white lotion my first nurse had massaged me with.
They squirted it into their hands, and began massaging me again. They massaged
quickly and professionally this time, one starting with my head and the other my
feet, meeting at my middle. They got both my top and bottom with the same pass
this time. I wanted them to play with me, but they ignored me, making several
quick passes. Since they wouldn't play, I had to patiently kneel, beaming like a
happy collie. They squirted more lotion onto me, stroking me until I was slick
and gleaming like some scaleless fish.

It was over before I was ready and I was pushed back prone onto the bed. It
reformed around me as Mistress placed another bowl of food in front of me. I
realized I was famished; I hungrily licked and chewed, using my hands never
occurred to me. My hairdresser left before I realized; my new haircut didn't
seem so bad now. My hair didn't get in the way as I messily rooted my nose in
the bowl. Mistress stroked my head as I eagerly licked every corner of the bowl.
As I finished and looked up at her while licking my lips, she reached out and
wiped a bit I'd missed from the corner of my mouth. Quickly, before she could
move her hand, I reached out and licked all traces of it off her finger, sucking
on her fingers 'til I was sure I'd got it all. She smiled, and turned to leave.

Pausing at the door, she turned and said "You need to get some Sun." She touched
a panel next to the door, and more lights came on above me. I quickly warmed
from the heat of the lamps. I stretched and twisted to work my tension out.
Lying full length along the bed, and reveling in my nudity, I reached my arms up
past my head and over the end. The bed let me move my body and I felt it remold
itself and stretch me as far as I'd go. It forced my throat and head up in line
with my spine again, and I looked at nothing across the room. I let my mind go
blank, I'd never sunbathed much, this felt good and I wished I was outside under
a real sun, although I felt nervous about the idea of going outdoors nude.

Hours passed. Lying sweaty, I had time to reflect. I didn't know how long I'd
been here, but it couldn't have been longer than several days depending on how
long I'd been out after my appendicitis. I still didn't know what they wanted
with me, but I decided they must be grooming me for something. Anyway, I no
longer felt afraid, I was calm and fully relaxed. I always had trouble with work
- I just didn't fit in, I wasn't always real bright and I never handled stress
well. I didn't really understand it yet, but I felt confident that I would be
taken care of here. Somehow, as I lay nude under the lamps, I felt comfortable
and better than ever.

As I thought my situation over, I realized how quickly I had settled into the
role of a prized pet. I had merely acted the role expected of me. They seemed to
want me kept nude and animallike. Once I'd have protested greatly over my
treatment. Now I simply waited for them to ask me to do tricks, eager for the
treat I knew would come.

As I lay there on the bed, I knew I must be on a starship. I could feel its
vibrations up through the bed and into my breasts and body. I don't think I
would have been able to feel it a few days ago, but I seemed to be more
sensitive now. I seemed to remember my mistresses by smell, both of them had
distinct odors. I could tell them apart even before they came into the room. I
know I didn't have smell like that before.

Just then the bed shifted and shaked. Without thinking, I rolled over onto my
back returning my arms to my sides. The bed molded to me again, and I ran a hand
across my pussy. My genitalia smelled different then I remembered from before,
more musky and less strong. I decided my body smelt good to me as I brought my
moist hand up to my mouth and licked it. My front had lost some of its slickness
from rubbing against the bed, and I had an idea. I brought both hands down to my
slit and dipped in. I rubbed my honey over my tight stomach and up over my
breasts. I continued rubbing myself, mixing my juices with the sweat pouring
under the hot lights. Coated and slick, my skin didn't feel dirty or sweaty; my
juices smelt sweet and good with just a hint of a musky odor.

I lay there for hours, running my hands across myself ever so often, just to
keep the tension up. The lamps got me even hotter and my sweat continued to
pour. I smelled of sex, and it just got me more aroused as I lay there open and
exposed. Soon I felt the need to pee again, after all the nurses had just about
pumped me completely full of water. It felt good to just let go and have the bed
soak it up. I grew curious and wiped a drop clinging to my leg. Bringing my hand
to my nose, the smell didn't turn me off. Experimenting, I put my hand under my
slit and squeezed out a remaining bit. It wasn't overpowering either; putting my
hand in my mouth, it tasted like pee all right but the taste didn't bother me.
My sense of smell seemed very sharp, yet smells I would have considered bad
before seemed to be just other smells now.

I was wondering if I had had enough sun, when I realized the door was about to
open. I tensed, curious who'd come through. Out of new habit, I rolled back over
onto my stomach, letting the bed hold my head and ass high. My muscles and spine
seemed looser and more relaxed than before. Like my sense of smell, I guessed it
must have been the medicines. I felt good stretched out on the bed, my neck was
always long, and it felt good to hold my head up so I could watch more of the

I heard the door swoosh, and panicked again when I smelt someone new coming in
with Mistress! A human! I calmed a bit and laid back down when I realized
whoever was coming was as naked as me. She came in, steered by Mistress's hand
on her ass. She was a bit shorter than me, with a long lithe torso. Her skin was
bronzed golden and glistened like mine. Likewise, she was hairless except for
her short mousy blonde hair. Her pussy lips were full, open, and droopy; her
clit was very prominent, and she was obviously aroused. Behind them, I could see
and smell others walking by the door. I wondered if I was being silly about
being seen as I realized she'd just been paraded around nude in front of all
those people and showed no embarrassment whatsoever.

Mistress left her standing in the middle of the room and came over to me after
turning the lights back down to normal. Looking up at her, I noticed some sort
of patch over her voice box I hadn't noticed before. I think it had something to
do with why I could understand her and why her voice didn't quite match the
movements of her mouth. She said "Time for a pill again" as she reached out a
hand to my mouth. She didn't pet me as she put the pill down my throat so I
licked her hand lovingly. I wanted to be petted and stroked.

As Mistress held her hand still for me to lick, she laughed at my earlier panic.
She told me "You'd better get used to being seen, sooner or later all 500 people
on this ship will see your body." I blushed at this comment as Mistress reached
her other hand behind me, pushed her thumb into my ass and cupped my puss. She
pulled me up and set me down off the bed. With her thumb in me, I stood as
upright as I could, stretched to my tiptoes. As she stroked my back with her
other hand, she whispered in my ear, "You will never wear clothes again...all
good little pets are kept nude." Glancing up at her, I saw her grin as she

Pulling her hand out and letting me down onto my feet, she led me over to the
middle of the room and introduced me to Tina with her hand firmly on my ass
cheek. Tina said "Hi Dawn" and smiled as she reached out with a finger and
scooped a dollop of my pussy cream and brought it to her mouth to taste.
Mistress just smiled and bent me 90 degrees and guided me between Tina's legs.
Instinctively I went for her slit, sniffing and tonguing her hello as Mistress
told Tina how I'd adjusted better than any of the subjects so far, even better
than Tina. Thoughts flooded my mind as I licked; I hadn't thought about licking,
my tongue just came out on its own. Once I'd have never done this, but Mistress
had reached her hand down and was pumping her thumb into me again. I flexed my
torso in time to her rhythm, and could not seem to control my body during my
arousal. As my tongue continued licking-- getting her off, I couldn't remember
what was so taboo about licking another pussy anyway?

I jumped abruptly and Mistress pulled me back up when two new nurses came in
announcing they had some new medicines for us to take. I blushed but stood up
straight, breasts out like I was displayed on a pedestal, as Mistress pumped her
thumb in and out of my ass while stroking my pussy with her fingers. One of the
nurses went behind Tina and took control of her. The other one poured a white
liquid down our throats as both our heads were pulled back. My mistress must
have been in charge of the others because she ordered them to place Tina up on
the other examination bed before the Doctor came back.

Running her hand up my rump then clamping it firmly to my lower back, Mistress
pointed me towards the door and said "Come on, we need to run a few tests on
you-- it's time you get over this silly embarrassment anyway". Just before we
left, I looked back and saw how I must have looked on my bed. They had Tina
spread out prone with her big breasts out in front and her head up high. One of
them had a hand on Tina's pussy while the other feed some pills to her. I saw
Tina submissively licking the nurse's fingers before Mistress forced me out the

I walked out into my new world nude, hairless, glistening, and open for all to
see. Mistress's hand gave me no choice, she nudged me in the directions she
wanted me to go, twisting her strong hand to force me to turn whichever
direction she wanted. As we walked down the halls, I sort of strutted, breasts
up and out as I still felt the memory of her hand rhythmically pulling and
prodding my pussy and ass hole. I found myself walking on the balls of my feet,
like a young child trying to keep up with her older sister. Before we exited the
room, she slapped my ass with the other hand and said "If you need to pee, hold
it! Don't go in the floor." I thought that was a silly statement, then concluded
that otherwise I might have forgotten in my nervousness. As the door opened and
I walked out into the corridor, I felt more shame; mostly from the unknown-- I
had no idea what to expect.

I blushed each time someone passed. I couldn't help but notice they all stared
at me just like the Eridani's had back on Earth. As I was walked down the hall,
the stares were the last straw; the humiliation overflowed again and I openly
sobbed as we walked. Mistress seemed to be concerned and said "Don't cry -
You're beautiful. You should be proud and display yourself. All those people
stare because they're fascinated by you and like looking at your beautiful
body." After going around a corner, she walked me over to a window:

"I want to show you something. "We're just leaving your home system. We're going
slow, our

scientists need to survey some things out here. Right now we're less than a
light year from

Earth. Somewhere along this path, 130,000 years ago, one of our ships had an
accident near


She didn't say exactly what happened to the ship; I don't think anyone ever
knew. She pointed to a group of slow moving stars off to my left, tracing a path
where the ship had traveled. It had been enroute to another star at a different
angle away from the Eridani home planet, and had gone off course after an
unexpected failure. The crew had all been in sleep chambers since the ship
didn't have a faster than light drive, and the computer apparently failed to
wake them until they got close to Earth.

"It barely made it to your planet, and in the days of slower than light travel,
help never came. Besides its crew, it was carrying a species we had engineered
for a water world - 76% water and an average temp of 65 degrees. For comparison,
Earth is now 70% water and has a mean temperature of 57 degrees. That doesn't
seem like much, but it means the world was at room temperature much of the year.
The ship's cargo was going to be used to colonize and develop that world. They
didn't need clothes because they were engineered perfectly for their wet
environment. Clothes are just a silly hang-up of humans anyway, when off duty in
my quarters I rarely wear them. When the ship crashed, Earth was between ice
ages and had more water surface area and a higher temp then now. The pilots
thought it was OK. You humans evolved from the ones who survived the ice age;
unfortunately the ship's crew could not survive without certain nutritional
elements not in Earth's environment."

Much of this went over my head, but I understood that mutations occurred that
made humans what we are today, and that my genes were very close to those of the
original species. They were giving me medicines and treatments to bring out all
the original genes. She said I didn't need clothes because soon they'd be
uncomfortable against my skin as it started naturally secreting lubrications,
meant to help on waterworlds and protect from the sun. After hearing this I
thought no, it was because I was her prize show dog, and what good is a show dog
if you don't show him off. I tingled at the thought of me on a catwalk being led
nude on a leash. As I pondered my situation and watched the stars out the
window, they started moving faster, then suddenly blurred into lines.

We then walked back towards the middle of the ship. I had stopped crying, and no
longer blushed whenever someone walked by. Mistress massaged my ass firmly now
in time to her strides. I had no choice but to sensually glide along to her
rhythm, letting her hand guide me like a leash. My nipples had gotten hard and
swollen, people started tweaking them or petting my pussy as they passed. I held
my head up, and stuck out my breasts as I walked. Despite myself, my juices
poured out of my pussy, and ran down my legs. When my arms weren't hanging
passively by my sides, I let my fingers run through my sex, rubbing my juices
all over myself, wherever I could reach - up over my stomach, across my swollen
breasts, on my arms. Mistress smiled at me reassuringly, saying "Yes, Let
everyone see how turned on you are, how hot you are to be walked." I found that
walking naked in public was like jumping into a pool - once you're in the water,
it doesn't seem near as cold as you thought it'd be.

We came to what I guess was a nurse's station - a open area where four
corridors met. An enclosed desk area sat in the middle, counters facing each one
of the corridors. People were everywhere here, at least six or eight nurses were
at the station, some behind it and others standing nearby talking to the nurses
behind the counter. Other crewmembers walked by from every direction, I was so
overwhelmed by all the people, I never really noticed most of them or their
uniforms. My full attention was on the nurses at the station.

As we closed, I still strutted, my back arched, breasts out, and ass firmly
pushed back and up against Mistress's guiding hand. I decided it seemed to be
the way to walk from now on, as I felt gentle air currents blow against my skin.
Almost there, Mistress said "Come, I want you to meet the other nurses." I
blushed deep this time, I'd never meet the nurses, not really even Mistress,
they'd just treated me like a family pet, to be washed and groomed, and had
barely acknowledged my presence. It felt humiliating again to be formally
introduced to them while they wore clothes I would never feel against my skin

Mistress calmed me, giving me a strong pull. "It's OK, everyone likes seeing you
aroused, it means we did our job conditioning you to your new role." She
introduced me, telling me their names. They didn't shake my hand or kiss me;
they rubbed my pussy, breasts, or under my chin, approvingly. Mistress tilted me
a bit as each held out a hand. I didn't know what to do with my limp arms, so I
crossed them behind me as I lovingly kissed and licked each hand. I felt even
more naked, as Mistress pulled her hand from me, and left me standing in the
middle of the hall, empty and open. Still I couldn't help but twitch as the
sensation from her hand lingered.

Mistress told me "Wait here a minute, I've got some business to take care off."
It felt different to stand here alone, while Mistress talked to the others. As I
stood alone, I could feel the ships vibrations through the soles of my bare
feet. Before, on our walk, I could only go where she wished. Now, I could take
off running if I wished, but where would I have gone? I didn't even know where
to find something to put on. I let out a sigh and resigned myself my fate, I
folded my arms across my back again, letting my hands rest on the small of my
back, just above my ass. I realized they could see all of me, even my spasming
ass hole, still clutching for Mistress's touch and suddenly it seemed OK to be
on display. I thought about the swimming pool analogy again, the reasons I was
afraid to be seen naked in public seemed distant and I found it hard to remember
them. I was open and liberated, I had no secrets anymore, and I felt secure.

When mistress came back, I turned and presented my ass to her, and she firmly
grasped me by my asscheek again. I took off even before she was ready, I had to
be slapped several times on the other check before I slowed and let her set my
rhythm. I marched with pride now, everyone accepted me, nude and slick, so I
decided that must be normal and OK. I knew my previous inhibitions with nudity
were about what I imagined people would say; I recognized that here my unclothed
body was accepted as normal, not with surprise or shock.

I felt at ease until we rounded another corner - and I saw another human walking
toward us. This one had clothes on! A blue uniform and boots like the doctors
and nurses! I didn't see the insignia the others wore, but he had clothes and I
didn't. This was too much, the aliens hadn't known me in my previous life, for
all I knew, this was someone I'd meet back on Earth! My tears on my cheeks,
Mistress stopped me with a pull, and turned me towards him as he approached. He
said hello to Mistress as she introduced me telling me his name was William. I
jumped a bit when I felt her hand move down my cheek to my crack and her finger
caress my asshole. Still sobbing, I arched my still loosening spine, hoping I
could tilt my pelvic back enough that he couldn't see my pussy easily.

He just laughed, and reached his hand between my stretched legs for my slit. I
stood passively, nipples erect, as both their hands massaged me. I couldn't help
but return to my aroused state as they talked, almost as if I wasn't there.
Through my haze I heard him say he had been a fourth year student at Duke
Medical School when the Eridani's had landed. Tests indicated one of his
ancestors had been from one of the mutated pods, whatever that meant. Anyway, he
had the right genes and aptitudes to enter their academy in Science Division,
and was now in the middle of his training as a Junior Ensign on this ship.

With his hand still over cleft, his thumb massaging my clit, he started asking
Mistress questions about me. I could only stand there, rocking on their fingers
as they talked about me. Running her other hand along the bumps of my spine,
mistress said even though I'd given her trouble at first, I'd adjusted quicker
then any of the rest. A shiver followed her hand up my spine, I was still
getting used to being intimately touched by others. It was pleasurable, and I
found myself wanting their touches, but I could still remember how private Earth
society was. As I slipped into thought again, I heard her say, "Dawn was a
closet exhibitionist, she just didn't known it; now she seems over her shyness,
and doesn't mind being a nudist." I guessed she was right as I teetered on the
edge of an orgasm while another crewman walked by, paying no mind to my state.

They continued talking, with William asking about my treatments, and my genes.
Mistress answered, saying "Yes, she's one of the humans whose gene mix is very
close to the original drones." Hormones and conditioning have gone very well; we
only have a few minor adjustments to make. I think I heard her say "We're going
to see Doctor Talbert, Chief Science Officer now, then we'll see; I've become
fond of Dawn. Maybe she'll stay with us", but by then I was lost in my own
world and couldn't concentrate on their conversation.

I had to shake the cobwebs out of my head when he started asking about my
previous life. It seemed so long ago, even though I thought I'd been here less
than a week. He asked me all kinds of questions: Where had I worked? What had I
done? What did I think about the Eridani's that came into the store? How had I
felt when I had gone out with one of them. His questions made me feel good, he
seemed interested in how I felt, not just what had happened or what was expected
of me. Anyway, I didn't regret being taken away, I never really liked my life
before. I'd had too many responsibilities and worries, especially with work.
Caught up with responding to his questions, I forgot my nudity.

My body froze again when he asked me about my mother, I couldn't bear to have
her see me like this. My dad had died of a heart attack years ago, and I'd had a
falling out with Mother soon after. I don't think I'd seen her in five years.
Mistress stroked me reassuringly, telling me "Relax, Most of Earth will be
integrated soon. I can make sure your mother is rejuvenated, then she'll be
conditioned just like you. She probably has the same genes, the important ones
are maternal. We'll find her, and you can swim and play all day together.
There's no need to fear, everything's different now."

Forgetting about my mother, I wiggled seductively as he ran his hand across my
smooth pubes, up my slippery belly, and touched each of my breasts. Nude, I
found I could express so many subtle emotions and feelings with body language.
His hand still playing with my rigid nipple, he turned to Mistress, and said
"When you've finished her conditioning, you'll have to let her sun with the
others, otherwise she'll burn too easily when we land. Of course, the sun is
hotter than Sol." As he played with me, I thought about how quickly I'd lost my
inhibitions about others touching my body.

Wondering about his question, I looked questioningly up at Mistress, and she
said "Don't worry about it now, You'll see soon enough". Quickly she added,
"After your examination, I have a surprise for you." My pussy tingled as I
wondered what it might be. Leaving him behind, we quickly went down that
corridor, turned a corner, and entered another room. There seemed to be so many
corridors, I was helplessly lost.

This one had a single white examination table near the center, surrounded by
instruments I didn't recognize. Small tables, their tops covered with glowing
lights, were scattered around the room. Similar glowing panels, like the ones in
the other room, covered all the walls. Pushing me towards the table, Mistress
said, "Welcome to Genetic Science Lab 3. Just relax, We won't hurt you." The
table was taller, more suited to Mistress's 6' 1" height. She had to propel me
up onto it with her hand firmly cupped under my pussy.

This table was flat and firm, I didn't sink down like on my bed. She stretched
me out prone, pulling my hands down by my sides, and pulling up my head and my
chin forced up on a chinrest. She massaged my neck and spine until I felt looser
than ever. It was starting to feel natural to have my head up and my throat and
mouth inline with my spine. I lay there quietly while Mistress went over to a
wall console.

After a patient wait, the doctor came in. He smiled and came over to the head of
the table. He reached out and rubbed my head, then said "So I understand you're
learning to like being aroused out with people." I just sheepishly blushed and
shook my head Yes, raising it up off the table. Mistress came back, and the
doctor rubbed his hand down my back, saying "Just relax, Don't be afraid. We
need to run some tests but they won't hurt."

My body stretched out full length, he ran a probe like device all over me. He
attached something that looked like a slender dildo to it, then pushed it into
my mouth and prodded it all around, forcing me to open wide. He put it in my
pussy next. Mistress made me stretch up-- raising my ass, and arching my pelvis
up, while spreading my legs so he had complete access. I gasped when it went up
my ass- I felt full, my insides felt like the probe went all the way up to my

His examination frustrated me, he treated me professionally, turning and
examining me like I was a dog at the vets. He paid no attention to my constant
arousal. I was dying for any relief at all, but he was completely serious.
Mistress pulled over a cart with electronic instruments over, and brought a long
snakelike tube close to my mouth. She said "OK, Dawn, He needs to insert a probe
down your throat."

"I need you to relax your muscles and open wide."

Grasping the probe, the doctor pushed it into my mouth. I choked once, he pulled
it out then carefully pushed it back down again as I tried to relax. I think it
went all the way to my stomach. He left it there a few minutes, my mouth forming
an oval around its smooth plastic, then he smoothly pulled it out. They moved
the cart near my side and brought up two more slender probes. One went up my
pussy, and the other my ass. They both stroked me a bit while they waited. No
one rubbed my sex though. After the probes were removed, they left me alone and
went over to a console. I didn't know how to lie without the bed forcing me into
place, so I stretched out to see how far I could go, feeling my bones crack a
bit as I limbered up.


Chief Science Officer's Report - Exploration Cruiser Talkos Zee - 5th Age, Date

We are outbound from Earth, on route to colony Alatlantia on Zeta Herculis IV.
We have 48 new water world conditioned work drones we picked up from Earth. Well
they weren't ready to start with, their genetic transformation will be complete
when we reach Zeta Herculis IV. I plan on keeping four onboard, three females
and one male, especially the last one we received - Head Nurse Oktanawa has
taken a liking to her and has requested the drone be given to her and I have
decided to grant her request. We can use them for labor and exploration work on
water planets - we seem to have spent a lot of time on them lately. Even on non
water planets, they are flexible enough that they should be a help. We will keep
that one and the one known as Tina, I haven't decided about which ones will be
the last two. I will study the genetics of the others and choose based on their
breeding and scouting potential.

The pickup of these drones is a bit unusual- we don't normally disturb
indigenous civilizations but this is a special case. Ordinarily a simple live
cargo carrier would transport them from a breeding center. Since Earth doesn't
have centers set up yet, our life sciences facilities are being used to
condition them inroute. We have been monitoring Earth for centuries, and
increased our observations when they got to a technological level. We weren't
responsible for their reports of UFO's though - that was just their overactive
imaginations. It's quite impossible for their old style radar to detect our
ships except in very rare circumstances.

One of our cruisers was in their system monitoring their space probe launches
when a routine scan indicated an artificial satellite drifting on an erratic
orbit within their system's Oort cloud. Investigating, they detected a faint
old-style Eridani distress call. Puzzled, they bought it aboard. They were able
to download its logs and found that it came from the Life Transport Alexandria,
presumed lost and destroyed over 130,000 years ago. The beacon malfunctioned
after launch, and its signal was too weak for long range detection. Search
vessels did not closely investigate the system since space travel was so much
slower then.

Our civilization has risen and fallen countless times in those 130,000 years,
progressing to space travel at least three times (In our present age, we have
been in space 1000 years but until now we ignored many nearby systems and
preferred very long range probes into the rest of the galaxy and beyond). We
were able to find old records about their cargo in the archives on Home world.
Their cargo was a shipment of work drones engineered for water worlds.
Apparently they crashed on the third planet in the nearby system, called Earth
by its present-day inhabitants. Unfortunately, the local food sources did not
provide the necessary nutrients for the crew to survive.

Our research indicated the drones managed to survive and drove the native
sentient species to extinction about 40,000 years ago after interbreeding with
them. Except for our home world, we have only found one other example of more
than one sentient species on a world. On that world, the two races were on
widely spaced continents, and are currently in the midst of a war that threatens
to destroy them both. I understand the Council will vote soon on whether or not
to intervene.

As you know, on our world, our ancestors conquered the other developing race
millennia ago. Instead of driving them to extinction, they enslaved them and put
them to work. Careful treatment and a natural submissive inclination resulted in
our willing drones instead of slave rebellions like the Earthlings have had.
Since the humans are the descendants of one of our drone variations, we have no
moral problems integrating them back in our society.

The human's couldn't have known they came from off Earth; we didn't even know
until we found the beacon. Some of them seemed to have suspicions, but that was
mostly paranoia again. Without evidence collected elsewhere than Earth, it is
scientifically impossible to prove. After all, almost all life in this corner of
the galaxy shares the same or very similar basic DNA structures. We think most
of the life supporting planets within this sector were seeded by an unknown race
between several million and several billion years ago, depending on the planet.
They seemed to have moved across interstellar space, seeding worlds as they
went. We know nothing about them, they left little evidence behind. Maybe one
day we will finally meet our creators, our deepest exploration probes into the
other arms of the galaxy have found more and more recent sites that appear to
have come from them.

After over thirty years of covert manipulation of their society, we announced
ourselves to them a year ago. Our plans to integrate them have progressed
quickly since. We expect Earth to be openly within the Eridani Galactic Republic
within five years with a primary population of Eridani colonists. Already we
have brought their infrastructure up to par, and Eridani citizens regularly
appear on Earth.

We quickly placed agents within hospitals and have been gradually testing the
genetics and aptitudes of all citizens admitted to Hospitals since. Those
applying for admission to our Academies have been similarly tested. All those
with sufficiently developed genetic codes and aptitudes have been recommended
for admission. Of course, once the project is public, they will be just like any
other drone. Selected testees, estimated at 30-40% of the population, matching
the original genetic pattern within 97.5 % are being transferred to facilities
for preparation as work drones. All prison inmates, potential troublemakers,
street people, etc will be swept up also. We will make sure Earth has an
acceptable population. The remaining population will be left more or less alone
to run the service and support sectors on Earth, as well as to preserve some of
their remaining primitive cultures. There is still some debate over the rights
and privileges of the more advanced examples of humanity, but I see no reason
for them to be treated different from any other drone¡ªsome will just stay
untreated so long as they abandon their clothing and old ways.

We are still careful about which humans we take for conversion back into drones.
Most we've taken so far have had no or infrequent contact with friends or
relatives. We have been able to fabricate stories to account for most. This will
no longer be a problem once Earth's integration is complete. By the end of the
five year integration schedule, drones will be accepted as part of their
society. After all they aren't slaves quite like the humans had, in an
interspecies society some members are simply less talented and more suited to
manual labor than others. We can't all be Captains and Officers after all. The
latest reports indicate that open integration should be possible sooner than
expected, acceptance of our ideas and removal of unnecessary attitudes is going
smoothly and ahead of schedule. The reports do surprise me, previous ones
indicated that humans were stubborn and tended to cling to superstitious
notions. I guess it just shows how quickly they revert to old ways.

The transformation of this batch has gone well. Most matching the genetic
criteria seem to have natural submissive, docility, and exhibitionist tendencies
which make their transitions easier. I am just finished examining the last one,
Head Nurse's favorite - a human female named Dawn who was admitted to
Philadelphia General Hospital with appendicitis. She showed a 99.85 % match to
the original DNA so she was transferred to us. Once we cured her appendicitis
and a few undetected problems, we started her adjustment with surprisingly few

We have only had to sedate her once, when she first woke up after her initial
operation. Since then, we have relied on the hormonal and other conditioning
medicines, as well as careful attention from the nurses to adjust her attitude.
Unrecognized psychological tendencies for exhibition and submissiveness have
likewise helped. She is a bit more intelligent than she thinks, so she will make
an ideal crewmember for water world exploration duties. Her main problem with
Earth society seems to have been the lack of a strong dominant person to
reassure her. I have also prescribed a reproductive suppressant; we can't have
little drones running around too soon.

We are preparing to run her through the DNA sequencer- she has only a few
undesirable DNA strands, and is missing only one or two parts of the original
sequence. On a whim, I added a longer tongue and a few other adjustments by Head
Nurse Oktanawa's request. I did nothing to her sex drive- she's already a horny
little bitch, if I find the time, I'll have to sample her myself. Once the
sequencing is complete, she will only have to stay in sickbay another week or so
while we monitor her condition and continue her oral dosages. Once that is
complete, she can use Head Nurse's quarters as her normal sleeping area, unlike
the other drones who will stay in a common area. I will expect Oktanawa to
complete her conditioning and training for normal duties.

Patient 2014 - Dawn - DNA alternation report, DNA changes include functions lost
during the evolution period on Earth plus several new ones:

Restoration of the original sweat glands for extended sun and water exposure. A
slimelike secretion protects her from a variety of solar energies, as well as a
variety of water conditions.

Increased lung capacity - all ready high but should reach up to an hour if she
is careful.

Changes to throat and digestive systems to allow swallowing of live food for
extended water stays.

Metabolism adjustments to allow subject to survive a variety of weather
conditions - her metabolism and food intake will simply increase as required.
Without covering, subject should be able to tolerate temperatures down to 40
degrees in or out of water.

Restoration of partial webbing on hands and feet.

Alternation of muscle groups and nerve control to assist water mobility.

3 additional vertebrae, 1 in neck, two in spine again for water mobility - legs
slightly shortened to compensate. Flexibility of all vertebrae increased.

Enhanced preexisting limb and body flexibility.

Restored original instincts relating to water survival.

Continued restoration and enhancement of senses.

Extended length of patient's tongue - per H.N.O. request

Production from Mammary glands altered to allow nursing of Eridani children

Other minor additions not listed

Removal of DNA mutations, including all body hair, cancer and other hereditary

Body rejuvenation to approximately 18 years.

Most DNA changes should have carried throughout her system by the end of the one
week monitoring period. She will experience a new growth spurt as the changes
carry through. Milk production will activate very early after a pregnancy
starts, or several days after being given hormone capsules.

End Science Officer's report


I think I waited there close to half an hour while they talked and worked at
that console. I fell asleep so I'm really not sure. I guess I was exhausted from
whatever the hormone pills they were giving me were doing. Mistress came back
and said they had a treatment I required, then she would show me my surprise. I
was tired of waiting, but I was excited about what my surprise could be so I

She asked me to jump off the table and come with her. She led me through a
sidedoor I'd missed before. We entered a room dominated by a huge machine. It
was taller than Mistress, six or so feet wide, and deeper than I could tell.
There was another patient table in front with a hole in the machine behind it.
Mistress told me "Jump up onto the table and lie down like normal." Obediently I
jumped up and stretched out prone again.

Almost before I got myself situated, the Doctor came in and went to a console.
He entered a few things into it. I heard a humming within that tunnel, then the
table started moving. It moved me through the machine, and I tingled as I went
through. This scared me, but Mistress reassured me before I could even express
my fear. I recognized my fear as a certain smell coming from my body, maybe
Mistress or the machine picked up on that.

Before I knew it, my table had stopped moving and reversed itself, returning me
to where I started. Mistress told me "OK, that wasn't so bad, now was it? You
can get down now." Once I hopped down and stood in front of Mistress, she told
me to go back and get back on the other table. "We need to examine you one more
time just to make sure you are OK."

I walked back without waiting for Mistress, and got back on the original table.
They came back in, and Doctor got out his handheld probe again. He talked to me
this time as he moved it over me. He told me "This is a medical recorder. It
records biological data for later research. Its setup is a bit difficult, but to
use it you just touch this button and run it over what you want to scan."

He told me soon they'd use me to scan things underwater, they couldn't reach
without difficulty. I took him at his word: Pushing buttons and running
something over objects I could do, but the rest went over my head. Good thing he
was the Doctor, and me just a simple submissive. All this seemed a lot better
than having to worry about working at some Computer store and having to remember
all sorts of computer lingo. Mistress patted me on my butt, and said "Okay, lets
go see about your surprise.

The examination over and eager to see what my surprise was, Mistress walked me,
nude as always, back into the hall, one naked and horny five foot six human
female padding next a much taller uniformed Eridani. She didn't place her hand
on my ass this time, and I freely walked next to her. I found myself walking on
the balls of my feet, almost as if I'd gotten used to the pull of Mistress's
hand on my body as she walked me. As we passed crewmen, she teased me about what
my special surprise was. I tingled as I walked, I was incredibly aroused from my
examination. I meet several more humans wearing uniforms; they smiled at me like
nothing was unusual. I think I was over my self-consciousness now. I thought I
saw one or too humans naked like me far down corridors. Suddenly, we came to a
door leading into a large room. Mistress said, "This is one of our recreation

She put her hand back onto my plump cheek, after reaching her hand down to my
willing holes to check if I was still aroused. I paused, shifting my legs to
allow access, and arched my back in shameless arousal as her fingers stroked me.
I walked on when her hand forced me forward again, my pussy still twitching for
her touch. The room had lounge chairs, and tables for many games. I saw at least
one pool table, and recognized many of the games running on panels on the walls
as ones from Earth. Mistress laughed and said, "One good thing about Earth, you
always had good video games. We made sure to leave the most creative programmers
writing games, but a few are working with our control systems now."

There were several people here, some at the games on the wall, others sitting or
lying on the chairs. Two were playing pool. All of the ones who looked up at me,
I made sure to rock my pelvis back and forth at them, deliberately flashing my
hot slit at them. Mistress lead me through another door, down a short corridor,
and into a huge room with a swimming pool. Pausing at the door, she reached out
with her free hand and turned on sunlights. Firmly now, I guess she knew I liked
it that way, she walked me to the end of the deep end.

She said she'd reserved the room for us alone for two whole hours, then reached
down and cupped my pussy again, stooping over behind me so she could handle me
easily. After stimulating me a bit, she shoved me in, manipulating me just right
as she let go so that I arced up in the air and dove perfectly in. I always did
take to the water like a fish. I reveled in the feeling as I dove effortlessly
to the bottom. I seemed to swim even better now than before; I just glided
effortless through the water. I found I didn't need to use my arms, I could swim
easily with my torso and legs, pumping them like a dolphin. At least 15 minutes
later, I decided I ought to go up for air, and wondered where Mistress was.

Looking up from the bottom, I saw a shadow near the shallow end. Suddenly
getting an urge to try something new, I pumped my body as hard as I could,
shooting upwards at an angle to the surface. I burst out of the water, flying
briefly through the air, my hands tight against my hips. In that brief instant,
I saw Mistress walking, now nude, towards me. Excited, I dove back down to the
bottom, and a few more long strokes brought me to the foot or so of water at the
end. As I swam, I realized I wasn't surprised at her nudity, obviously she was
going to join me in the warm water.

Lying splayed out with my head out of the water, and happily waiting for
Mistress to come in, I suddenly had the urge to finally vocalize my feelings:
"Mistress, Please come play with me. My pussy's hot and wet." Mistress smiled
and said "So you'd like to be mine, little one?" I could only nod breathlessly
as I fluttered my legs side to side in the water. Grinning, she quickly walked
over to the edge of the deep zone, and dove in. I flipped myself over, and
pumped my legs, driving my body towards my Mistress.

Several strong pumps and I was in the deep end, ten or twelve feet of water
above me. I saw Mistress's long, powerful and slim body sitting against on the
bottom against the back wall, her legs wide open and waiting for me. Reaching
out with her arms, she guided my mouth to her smooth sex. I undulated in the
water as I glued my mouth firmly to her box, reaching my tongue in as far as it
would go. Five minutes later, Mistress rose to the surface with several waves of
her limbs; I stayed glued to her pussy, exploring its every corner and driving
her to repeated climaxes. I accidentally discovered one of my new capabilities
when my mouth slipped from her pussy and water rushed in. Instead of choking, I
instinctively swallowed, allowing the water to enter my stomach like newborn
babies do.

Later, I don't know how long, Mistress reached for my head with her strong arms
and pulled me away from her sex and up to the surface. Even though I was
starting to run out of air, I did not wish to go and ran my body firmly up hers
as I moved up towards the surface. Breathlessly gasping for air, I shook my head
to get the water from my eyes, and clinged to her. She held me close, our bodies
touching, my full breasts against her smaller ones. I rubbed my slit against
her, over her thigh, past her sex, and across her belly. Only our kicking legs
held us up, as we bobbed in the water; she allowed me to take my pleasure
against her as her hands rubbed me everywhere.

Suddenly she pushed me away, and kicking herself off on the side, she glided
back to the shallow end. I recognized this new game, and easily caught up with
her, driving to the bottom, and coming up from below, and rubbing my back across
her belly. Flipping myself over, I dove back to the bottom of the deep end, and
waited for her to catch up. She got to me, but not as quick. She rubbed against
me, and darted back to the shallow end. I caught her again, and drove myself
backwards into the deep part again. This time when she caught me, she held me
tight, and we both rose to the surface. She panted as she held me close,
obviously I could stay in the water much longer.

Still together, a few kicks from my our legs, and we were in the shallow end
again. She sat in the shallow water with her back against the wall. Clinging to
her torso, I lay atop her, resting my head against her shoulder and her breasts
firmly against my midsection. As I panted and heaved from my exertion, she asked
me questions like those William asked me, but somehow more personal: How did I
feel? Was I over my shame and humiliation? Did I miss my clothes? Did I really
want to be hers? Great! Yes! Not at all! I would walk down Main St. in my home
town nude and on display if I could belong to her forever. I clinged tighter as
she massaged me everywhere.

Slapping me once on my asscheek, she propelled me up and over her out of the
pool, telling me I had to get back to the bed, I'd feel the effects of my final
treatment soon. She kissed me once on my slit as I leapt over her head and onto
the smooth floor. That single action had more of an effect on me than anything
else - it was the first time Mistress kissed me anywhere. Padding across the
floor towards the door, I could see my wet and dripping reflection in a mirror
I'd missed. I liked what I saw: a glistening naked work drone ready to do
whatever her Mistress asked. I had more body fat now than I remembered, but I
was still slender and sleek. My swollen breasts with their distended nipples and
areolas bobbed with my every step, and I could see my smooth pussy lips move and
quiver with my new erotic gait. Ironically I would have thought my body too
flabby, even without the extra body fat back on Earth, and would have hidden my
figure under baggy clothes. I found myself actually wanting to show myself off
to anyone who'd look at me, my body seemed smooth and rounded not flabby.

END Chapter Two

Dawn's Tale Chapter 3:

After our swim, Mistress walked me back to the sickbay room. She said soon I
could sleep in her room at the foot of her bed, but first they had to monitor my
transformation in sickbay. This time I felt no shame as passing crewmen gazed at
me; I could feel their appreciation and desire. I did not wonder what
differences there could be between the original drones and modern humans. I
would find out as I experienced it. They could turn me into a fish so long as I
got to sleep near Mistress.

As we got closer, I noticed details I had overlooked earlier when I had been
caught up with my inhibitions, I was becoming more sensitive to my surroundings;
odors, sound and vibrations were as clear to me as sights. Free of those
hang-ups, I noticed details such as a blue strips along the walls within the
Medical Sections, and Yellow along corridors devoted to other Sciences. It
seemed cooler and less humid in the hallway than in the recovery room, yet I did
not feel uncomfortable. I knew we were approaching sickbay by the smells
emanating from it. Coming to the nurse's station, they all greeted me, but not
verbally, unless they were busy or far away. Each nurse petted me on my sex,
breasts, or some other body part as I walked by. It seemed the proper way to be
greeted and I enjoyed their caresses. At the same time, I began to forget my
nudity as I absorbed all of the sights and sensations along the way.

I saw diagrams on the wall at every corner, that obviously represented sickbay.
I could see the room I'd been in and two others just like it. Each one had
symbols indicating the beds. I knew now which way to go and walked ahead. Coming
to the door, and entering I saw Tina stretched out like I had been, her face
buried in a bowl. Bringing her greasy mouth up from her licking, she said "You
must have really had fun." Looking down at myself, I realized I smelled of sex
even more than before. Still the smell seemed normal, I didn't feel dirty.
Instead of speaking, I somehow exuded a scent that said "Mistress fucked me

Mistress came up behind me, lightly popped me on the ass, and said "Go on, get
on the bed. It's time to eat." Suddenly thinking about my body, I felt flushed
and queasy, it seemed I could feel myself changing and growing minute by minute.
I got up on it; stretching out prone, the bed adjusted to me again. Lying down
felt different, I didn't have to strain as much to keep my head up. I think I
was getting more limber already. Mistress brought me a bowl, and I noisily
joined Tina in slurping it down. A naked drone has no need of table manners.

Mistress moved behind me and massaged me again. I paid no attention to her as I
rooted in the bowl. She only used a little bit of lotion. My skin just seemed to
become sleek as she massaged, and gleamed in the light from overhead. My skin
seemed to secrete as required. In the water I'd felt slimy like a fish, but had
dried out as I walked back. After I finished eating, Mistress left, turning on
the sun lamp. Tina and I just lay there open and wordless, we both smelled
content and happy, we had no need to say more. Several hours later, all the
lights dimmed, and I slowly went to sleep. As I drifted off to sleep, I
wondered: would Tina belong to Mistress too? I liked her taste, and wanted her
to sleep on Mistress's floor with me, both of us entwined together.

I spent most of the next several days on the sickbay bed; my body was growing
and changing, and I spent much of the time napping under the sunlamps. Weird
sensations ran through my body as I felt my torso lengthen. I was not really in
pain, but the feelings bothered me and I spent most of my time writhing and
twisting -- trying to scratch my ¡®itches'. Whenever anyone would come into the
room, I would beg them to massage me -- their hands made it feel better. I
noticed I didn't need to dip my hands in my wet pussy to moisten my skin, my
pores oozed something slightly thicker than sweat, and my body became slick and
smelled musky like suntan oil as I ran my hands across it. I still rubbed my
hands through my pussy, just because it felt good.

I was lying there, sweaty and slippery, when the door suddenly opened. Even
though I had been halfway asleep, I didn't jump - I've gotten used to strangers
seeing me by then. My visitor was a crewman I hadn't seen before - wearing a red
uniform. Reaching to pet my pussy as he passed, he told me he was here to fix a
faulty circuit behind me and that he wouldn't bother me.

I certainly wasn't bothered - actually I was hot and bothered, but a visitor
definitely didn't disturb me. Tina was spending more time out of the room - she
was a few days ahead of me, and I was getting bored. He went to the opaque panel
behind me, and removed it and the black one under it then reached for some
circuit boards in his pack. I got a new shock when I looked behind to watch
him-- I could see another room through the opening-- filled with chairs like a
classroom. And I could smell Mistress and the scents of many people I couldn't
identify there.

She had told me much about the ship, but wouldn't answer questions about the
black panels. She'd just smile and shrug. Obviously they had watched me from the
moment I got here. As I thought about it, in some bizarre way, instead of
shocking me more, it turned me on - not to mention I was horny anyway. Except
for the medical exams, no one had truly fucked me or stuck anything into me.
Mistress had gotten into a habit of regularly masturbating me or allowing me to
pleasure myself against her; but it just wasn't as satisfying as a good
animalistic doggy fuck.

So I showed off to my visitor-- I raised myself higher than ever, and made sure
he knew my skin wasn't the only thing slippery and sweaty. It thrilled me even
more to think about him doing me. He was a complete stranger, and if he'd only
jumped up and humped my ass, I would have howled like a bitch wolf in heat. I
knew he was aware of what I was doing, he kept looking back at me, but he just
frustrated me more when he got ready to leave. Instead of getting up on the bed
to fuck me, he just reached out to stroke my pussy. I knew I had truly become a
shameless submissive naked creature when it took less than a half dozen strokes
for him to get me off.

Mistress finally took me to meet the other drones after a few days. She
surprised me by firmly clamping her hand on the back of my neck as we walked
into the hallway. I had completely forgotten about clothes, and Mistress rarely
walked me with her hand anymore. I had begun to wander the ship, freely
accepting my position; even thinking about meeting my mother again and thinking
about both of us lying naked together did not bother me. No one paid any
attention to me or my lack of clothing except when I wandered too close to areas
I wasn't supposed to go. Not having to worry about what to wear before going out
had become an amazing liberating feeling.

Mistress almost forced me down the hall, her hand sending pain/pleasure stabbing
down my spine. We walked out of sickbay and to a lift near the center of the
ship. Forcing me in, we went down a number of floors. Stopping on what must have
been only one or two decks from the bottom, Mistress walked me out onto a
hallway that seemed to stretch up and down the ship forever. I could barely see
each end, and saw doors on either side every forty or fifty feet. I realized the
ship must be huge-- of course I'd never seen all of it or a plan except for
diagrams of sickbay and some of the science areas I'd been.

Mistress walked me down the hall to one of the doors, with her hand still firmly
grasping me. She shifted her grip on my neck, and dug her other hand deep into
my holes-- fingering me roughly, then touched a panel to open the door. She very
firmly walked me in, forcing me to tilt my pelvis forward and arch my back, with
my head and shoulders held high. Entering the room I immediately felt ten or
twelve pairs of eyes look up from me. Looking around, I could see the room was
huge-- maybe forty feet square with a shallow pool across the far end. The pool
was two or three feet deep and raised up like an old Earth above ground pool.
There was a ledge around it wide enough for several drones to lie side by side
on, the only furniture in the room was a few cushions near the walls.

As everything sank in, I could see the eyes all belonged to naked drones like
me. They lounged all over the room, some lying on the cushions, others floating
in the pool or sunning themselves beside it, the rest lying or sitting on the
floor. They all had long, sleek, gleaming, hairless bodies-- even the men with
their erect cocks and full balls had not a bit of hair except on their heads. I
knew at once why my clothes had been taken away: I saw in them what I must look
like-- an animal to be utilized by its betters. Gazing at all of them lying
there, I realized how little humanity we had left. We were primal creatures,
every pore of our bodies screamed sex, submission, and arousal. I knew that soon
being a naked animal would be all I would know or want.

Mistress sank her hand into my ass and pussy again, and bent me forward as most
of them started to rise and come towards me. The pecking order of the group was
obvious to me as they jostled for position in the line to greet me. I knew I
would be close to the bottom, and would submit as Mistress bent me over and
pulled my head up. I desperately wanted to submit, allow my pent-up nature out
and feel the freedom and security that came from giving my body and my will
completely to others.

The first to reach me was a male with an incredibly long cock. As he stopped in
front of my face he stroked my lithe body. Letting my hands dangle helplessly, I
opened wide, and took his member all the way to the hilt. I let it move in and
out of my throat as he swayed back and forth in front of me. After a number of
strokes he pulled out, and I sucked his balls into my mouth. Leaving them, I
licked as far under him as I could-- he felt my tongue and turned around,
letting me taste and sniff his ass.

Moving away too soon, he strolled to the pool and lay down, letting the dominant
female have her turn with me. As I extended my long neck, reaching for her, she
turned around and presented herself to me. It took no prompting for me to bury
my face in her wet sex to familiarize myself with her odor. As I licked, others
came close and began stroking and petting me all over. My tongue wandered all
over her, moving from her slick mound up to her puckered and crinkled anus. Her
smell, which would have repulsed me years ago, just urged me further to become a
sex crazed animal existing only to please.

I slithered, wiggling from side to side, as the other sub-alpha drones gathered
close, touching both myself and the alpha female all over. As I felt hands rub
my belly, my breasts, my back, over my long neck and my larynx, into my cunt and
ass hole, I kept my face on her sex until I brought her to a small orgasm.
Pulling away and leaving me to taste the others, she moved to lie beside the top
male. After I lost count of the bodies I'd kissed, Mistress pulled her hand from
me and slap-petted me towards the center of the room. The alpha pair beckoned
me, I was so aroused and randy, I dropped to my knees and crawled on my belly to

Reaching them, I extended myself prostrate in front of them, awaiting their
approval. The female-- we needed no names, smell and taste identify each of us
better than names ever could, caressed my hair and face while the male moved
behind me. He grasped me by my hips, reminding me that anyone could master me
with a touch and that I would shamelessly do whatever they wished. Grabbing my
upper torso with his hands, and biting me on the neck, he roughly turned me
around like a horse to face the door.

I saw Mistress and all of the nurses from sickbay standing there, their eyes
staring at me, watching me be taken like the bitch in heat that I was. Pulling
me up by my arms, he thrust into me with one long smooth stroke. I started
coming right then, thoughts of being fucked in public while surrounded by other
drones filled my mind. A primal scream escaped my lips as he savagely pumped in
and out of me. Sweat poured from me as I came again and again. He fucked me
forever; I spiraled higher and higher, as he fucked me beyond the limits of my
endurance, teaching me what it truly meant to be a submissive mount forced to
continue until my rider allowed me to rest.

As he viciously came into me, and pulled out, I could only lie there panting
with exhaustion as Mistress and the other nurses smiled at me. I lay there
stretched out, arms at my sides gazing at my new Mistresses; primal thoughts of
sex and when would they allow me to have pups the only things running through my
mind. Unable to even twitch a muscle, I fell asleep to the sounds of the other
drones fucking in various combinations. I awoke in the middle of the night from
a dream of before to find my Mistresses gone and several other drones nudging
me, ready for another round.

I never even thought of my nudity as a pussy was forced into my face;
recognizing it as the alpha female's, I covered it with my mouth, and thrust my
tongue deep into it and then licked up across her clit. I felt someone climbing
atop my back, and I shifted, bending my knees to allow him to control me and
give him access to my sex. I felt his cock stab towards my ass instead of my
pussy; I just arched my back a bit more and allowed it to easily sink deep into
my nether hole. Anyone watching would never have believed that I'd only had sex
once or twice back on Earth, and had have experienced anal sex.

I immediately knew the cock thrusting into my behind did not belong to the Alpha
male; it's owner did not drive with the same overpowering dominance. He was not
as demanding and allowed me some control of the urgency to our fuck. We both
wanted it to be a slow fuck that built to an intense orgasm. As I ran my tongue
up and down the pussy before me, I swiveled my hips as I bobbed under my lover.
Instinctively I was able to coordinate both actions simultaneously driving both
of them to the edge.

After endless time had passed, the female whose pussy my mouth was buried in was
screaming what could be translated as "No More! No More! Make me Come!", and I
felt my own orgasm begin. As I redoubled my efforts to bring them off, I reveled
in the feeling of being the raw yielding meat to this sandwich. I felt truly
submissive, I would gladly lick her ass in the mornings with my tongue, yet
somehow my submissiveness gave me some raw powerful feeling. I intensified my
movements, clamping down on the cock in my ass, and concentrated my tongue on
the clit I felt in my mouth.

I writhed on the floor in my orgasm, my mouth drinking the cum pouring from the
cunt in front of me, and my ass milking the cock inside it until there was no
more to give. They pulled away from me, unable to take any more. I continued
writhing on the floor-- a naked endless fuck machine-- while two more came up to
mount me. This continued on and on until finally my last two partners and I fell
asleep entwined together like pretzels glued together with our juices.

I slept on the bare floor until late in the morning, my only dreams of being
savagely fucked over and over, when Mistress came back to take me away. Mistress
woke me up, shaking my sticky body. As I shook the sleep from my eyes, it
occurred to me that I had no concerns about where I'd fallen asleep. I dove
into the pool, making a quick pass to the opposite side and back to cleanse some
of the cum from my body. Pulling my head out of the water at the front edge to
look at Mistress, I smelt the pungent odor of raw fish which she had gotten from
a crewmember who'd just brought breakfast. It would have repulsed me before but
somehow now it only made me realize how hungry I was.

I knelt up at the edge of the pool, my body undulating against the others. We
moved as one body, each of us aware of the touch of naked bodies against our
own. Mistress and several other Eridani's threw the fish to us; we bobbed like
trained seals to catch all we could. I caught all I could with my mouth, gulping
them down whole until my taunt belly noticeably swelled. After we were fed,
Mistress walked me back to sickbay. I walked with a new swivel to my hips,
showing everyone my bulging full belly and freshly fucked sex.

A day later, Mistress found a new way to strip me of more of my humility,
humanity and shame. She came and got me and took me across her lap like a little
girl about to be spanked. She reminded me how much stronger she is in upper body
strength as she laid me across her lap, stroking me like a puppy, and spreading
my checks. I felt an enema nozzle slip up my anus and warm water start to flow.

I'd gotten used to them, I rarely had normal bowel movements - I was usually
flushed out, but it seemed weird to lie across Mistress while my tummy filled up
to overflowing. She kneaded and stretched me to keep me from cramping; I kept
expecting to feel the water drain back out but that never came. When I thought I
was going to explode, Mistress said "OK, we've got to leave it in a while,
there's some medicine in it you've got to absorb."

That statement sank into my brain with abstract horror, but I could only lie
there as Mistress brought out a butt plug with some sort of rubber seal on it
and shoved it up my butt. I felt my anal muscles lock around it and no matter
how much my muscles pushed involuntarily, it wouldn't come out. I felt like I
was about to burst, the fluid stretched my body until I was uncomfortable and
sweating like a pig.

The water jostled against my insides when Mistress slapped me on my asscheek to
get me off her lap, and onto my feet. Mistress walked to the door and motioned
for me to follow. It filled me with new horror to think about following her out
into the ship in my current state, but I just waddled out the door. Looking
down, I could see my belly looked like a balloon; I felt helpless and weak. I
desperately wanted to expel the fluid, even out in the hallway, but no relief
was in sight.

Soon it became difficult for me to walk and Mistress had to guide me with a hand
clasped against my ass. I had gotten used to walking with a wider stance-- I
liked the feel of air against my bare pussy as well as displaying myself, but
now I really had to waddle as I felt the water slosh inside me. Mistress would
stop me every few minutes to massage my stomach from my pussy up to my breasts.
The massages eased my cramps, I just felt like a human balloon floating along on
the end of a rope. If not for her hand guiding me, I would've just laid on the
floor, unable to move. The other crewmembers took pity on me, and some of them
walked for short ways with us, touching and reassuring me as I walked.

She took a long path, I'm sure just for my sake, and finally we got to another
nurse's station, this one in the middle of a bunch of diagnostic rooms and labs.
On the grueling walk there, I'd forgotten about humiliation or shame a long way
back. All I could think about was the feelings coming from my belly. They took
over my entire existence, nothing else mattered as I stood whimpering and crying
at the discomfort.

Mistress left me standing there for an unbearable time while she talked and
gossiped with the nurses. As I stood there on wobbly feet, I began moaning. I'd
discovered that passersby would be more likely to massage my belly before going
on if I moaned loud enough. The bloated feelings were so bad, I didn't care
where I was, and their hands made it better. I tried rubbing myself, but after a
while I just let my arms stick out by my sides and let others rub me.

Finally Mistress and one of the other nurses came back to me and led me down
another hall. After not as long but still as torturous trip we came to another
lab. As I was shown into it, I hoped to find a toilet but no such luck. They
moved me to a circular frame in the middle of the room surrounded by strange
equipment. They stood me on a platform inside the frame, and closed bars that
crossed over parts of my body.

One set locked my feet into place, and supported them firmly. Another set came
across my thighs just below my pelvis. My hands were locked into holes in this
bar. Another set came across my shoulders above my breasts, and extended upwards
and held my head bend backwards 90 degrees. All I could see was the ceiling.

Mistress stroked me to calm me a bit then the frame started rotating forward. It
moved, lifting me with it until I was prone, supported by the bars with my torso
open to the air on all sides. As soon as I was suspended prone in midair, it
rotated sideways until I faced the side wall of the room. I was left hanging
there a few minutes, then I saw and hear machinery move in to place around me,
and pass over my body.

As I hung there, I could hear humming coming from the machine as it passed over
me. Mistress told me it was doing a detailed scan to make sure everything was
OK. Finally after ten minutes, the machine moved back out of the way as I moaned
loudly that my stomach hurt-- I couldn't take any more. Mistress told me I had
to hold on a while longer.

I managed to stay calm for a little while. Soon, though, I was twisting and
writhing within the frame as I moaned. It was frustrating to hang there within
the frame; no matter how much I squirmed I could not rub against anything to
relieve my discomfort. The frame supported me perfectly, but left my torso and
bottom hanging in midair. All I could do was endure the throbbing pain in my
bondage. Soon the ache in my belly grew until nothing else existed in my

Although the actual amount of discomfort stayed the same, like Chinese water
torture, it irritated my mind more and more. My moans grew louder and louder.
For the first time, I pleaded with Mistress, sobbing and babbling: "Please!
Please! Mistress! I can't stand it anymore! Please pull it out and let me expel
the water. Please!" All my remaining modesty was forgotten in my undeniable urge
to relieve my discomfort. My cries degenerated into incoherent meows. In my
distress, even the ability to talk was lost momentarily-- unless I concentrated,
all I could do was moan and whimper.

Mistress came over in front of me, and I looked up pleadingly into her eyes, my
head bent back and my body still held rigid with my hands at my sides. Mistress
soothed me, telling me she'd allow me to expel my bowels soon, but first she
teased me. I began crying, pleading that I'd do anything, I'd be her naked slave
forever if only she'd let me release my fluids.

She teased me more, inquiring "Really, what exactly would I do". The words came
out without thinking as I found my voice: "Yes, I'm a slave. I'm only a naked
animal. Eridani's are people. I'm just a naked pet to please my Mistress and
owner. I'm your property to do with as you will-- do anything, kill me, JUST
MAKE IT STOP" I felt good to say what I'd been thinking for days. I realized I
wanted to think of myself as Mistress's pet; I wanted her to take care of me, to
take away the confusion and insecurity I felt before on Earth. Mistress
reassured me, telling me it would be OK, as the frame began rotating sideways
again until my feet faced the door.

It then rotated upwards, raising me until I was on my feet again. It continued
moving, rolling me over onto back until I hung parallel to the ground again,
face up. Mistress moved beside me, petting my stomach and groin, as something
moved up under my behind. She reached under me, telling me to hold it a few more
minutes and grabbed the plug in my ass.

My anus stretched even wider as she pulled, then I felt something like a funnel
push up and seal against my hole. Mistress massaged my sides and belly very
firmly now, telling me I could let go now. I practically exploded. I felt more
of my self-consciousness flee as I expelled the contents of my bowels. All the
previous times they'd flushed me out, it had been through a hose sticking into
me. This was like I was sitting on a toilet right in front of Mistress, and it
was another part of me that wasn't secret anymore.

Mistress continued rubbing my tummy, as I felt like I was dumping my entire
insides. As she soothed me, I strained to reach her with my mouth - I wanted to
kiss her and show my gratitude. The funnel pulled away, then the frame rotated
again until I was upright again. Mistress moved behind me and washed my entire
backside, cleaning my anus for me. I arched my back to make sure she could reach
more easily.

When she finished, the bars holding me in place moved away releasing me. I felt
weak and had to grab onto Mistress to keep from falling. She quickly supported
me between the legs with one hand, and steadied me with the other on my hip. She
walked me back to bed, telling me the whole way how good of a girl I'd been.
Mentally I translated 'girl' into 'drone' - I truly did not think of myself as
human anymore.

Mistress helped me back up onto the bed, then gave me a bowl of some soft of
sweet smelling soup to drink. She said it would help me feel better. I
instinctively lapped it up with my tongue. As I drank it, Mistress pulled out
her clipboard computer and showed me the results of my scan, that had completed
processing while we walked back. It looked sort of like a color X-ray, except it
showed my entire body, and parts could be removed to highlight what part of me
you wanted to see: Bones, organs, nerves, muscles, etc. She showed me the extra
vertebrae I was growing, and how that made me more limber. She pointed out new
webbing between my fingers and toes and other things I can't remember. All the
changes confused me, but I liked my new body when she overlaid it with my old
one to show the differences.

[ Head Nurse Oktanawa's private log:

The enema really did have to stay in for the long walk to the Scan Lab; the
isotopes within the injection take time to circulate throughout her system.
Although I'm not normally cruel, the wait afterwards was not medically
necessary, but I'm found it serves as a final ordeal to remove the subject's
humanity. She'd not human anymore, she's now one of the drones she's descended
from, and the torture of waiting breaks those last few thin strands holding her
to humanity. It worked pretty good, she reacted like a family pet to my
attentions on the way back to sickbay. I believe she suspects that she is
legally property that can be sold; soon I will tell her pedigree and ownership
papers will be transferred to my name and that she will legally be owned by
myself. Out of curiosity, Dawn doesn't remember the first scan we did just
after she was transported aboard from the Hospital¡ªshe slept for almost two
days as her body recovered from the initial surgery.


End Chapter Three

Dawn's Tale, Chapter 4:

After I had been in sickbay a week more, I spent more and more time out among
the other drones or the crew. By then they let me move about on my own, walking
nude among the uniformed crew no longer bothered me much. I still kept looking
down at myself from time to time-- acutely aware of my nudity, but it didn't
bother me to walk down a hall knowing I was bare for all to see. Sometimes I
completely forgot my nudity, other times it was all I could think of. I became
familiar to many of the crew, and I felt like a little sister as they laughed
and played with me. I still had to sleep and rest most of the time in the
sickbay bed, but only at night and two or three hours after lunch. Every day I
was more and more proud to show myself off¡ªI spent much of that time under the
lamps or in the bright cargo area with the other drones, and my body was
becoming quite brown, all over of course.

I was lying bored on the bed, sunning under the lamps when Mistress came in,
holding something behind her back. Coming up to me, she said to raise my head up
high. Bringing her hands from behind herself, she showed me a thin black collar
made from an elastic plastic material. It was only 1/4 or 1/2 wide with a single
oval silver plate on the front. The plate had the first Eridani letters I
learned engraved on it, Mistress said it spelled my name; in the middle of it
was a small ring Mistress said was for a leash in case I ever misbehaved.

I shivered, grinning devilishly thinking of ways to be bad. She stretched it and
pulled it down over my head and fitted it around my neck, telling me I would
sleep on the floor in her room that night. I slept in her room most of the time
after that; sometimes I just fall asleep wherever I happened to be at night, but
usually I sleep at the foot of my Mistress's bed. The collar is the only thing I
own, I've never taken it off, and I've never wanted anything else except my
Mistress. Actually I guess it really belongs to Mistress like myself, I forget I
can't own possessions, but I think of it as mine. Thinking about it, I've had no
belongings since I was brought here; they took my clothes, of course, and even
my jewelry. I never missed the jewelry, after all my body is decoration enough.
Strangely enough, I feel no need for possessions, my needs are simple and I
spend most of my free time fucking or swimming. They placed a few mementos from
my former life in the archives, I visit there from time to time; I like to gaze
at my old pictures then look down over my naked torso.

I liked the feel of the thin collar around my neck. Its elasticity make it fit
tightly, yet not impede my breathing nor my flexibility. I feel it against my
neck always, and it reminds me to keep my head high. It is a symbol that I am a
not a person, but a drone/slave/pet, whatever you want to call it, meant to be
on display and willing at all times. Most of all, it reminds me-- I belong to

The thought that I am one of Mistress's belongings leads me to the realization
that all Eridani's are my masters. They are such good masters. They never raise
their voices needlessly, nor punish me unnecessarily. If I disobey, they do not
punish me without cause, they want to know what happened and why-- then they
give me the discipline I crave. I always know what to expect, and it leaves me
free of worries or hang-ups about my life. My concentration is so much better. I
used to jump, startled out of my wits, at loud noises or if someone surprised
me. Now I just glance up briefly at the disturbance and then go back to what I
was doing.

For example, a few weeks after they released me from sickbay, and allowed me
more or less the run of the ship, I was on the floor in one of the recreation
areas, my head in a bowl, eating my supper. No one ever told me to eat on the
floor or even not to use my hands. The other drones simply eat wherever their
fed, and it seems silly to use utensils - they're just another useless trapping
of my previous life.

Anyway, I was kneeling on the floor, eagerly licking my bowl clean, when someone
came in behind me. I only looked up to see who it was, and never took my mouth
from the food. It was a male Eridani, he came up behind me and reached for my
pussy. Keeping my head down, I bobbed my ass to make sure he rubbed the right
spot. He irritated me when he dropped his overalls, and prepared to enter me.
I'm open and willing, but please wait 'til I've finished my supper! When he
inserted himself, I clamped down and gave him the ride of his life-- draining
his cock of every last bit of come, undulating like a fish, with my mouth still
in the food. Dawn may not have the intelligence to be an Officer, but Dawn is
captain of this ride!

He didn't last long, after all the Eridanis have better upper body strength than
me, but are no match for my leg and torso muscles not to mention the ones in my
tight pussy. Later after I'd finished eating, I crawled back to him and made up,
leisurely sucking him off, then treating him to a much longer and pleasant
roller coaster ride. He's still one of my favorite partners- I've fallen asleep
on a recroom floor many times after he was done with me, but he won't disturb my
lunch again.

That story pretty much described my life for those next week weeks after getting
out of the sickbay. I was an ever ready nude sex slave. No demands were placed
on me except to always be aroused and ready for sex with anyone and anything. In
stark contrast to most Earth culture, I was conditioned to expect and enjoy any
physical contact or petting by anyone I met. I spent most of my time eating,
resting, sunning myself, or fucking. Much of the time I was lying prone sucking
something while enjoying the sensation of a cock or tongue on my sex. My
partners were the other drones and whichever crewmembers were off duty; I
enjoyed them all.

One morning Mistress found me, I think I had slept on the floor in a rec room
after being the focus of an orgy, and told me she had something to show me and
train me how to use. She brought a mass of black straps made out of the same
material as my collar with pieces of Velcro here and there. She ordered me to
come to her and started putting it on me: talking as she worked. She said it was
designed to let me carry tools without interfering with my natural functions as
well as provide a "saddle" on my upper back for a less capable swimmer to hang
onto when underwater.

As she fitted it onto me, she explained how to put it on. The straps, starting
at a Velcro patch on my back, tightly crossed over my shoulders and between my
breasts, leaving them firmly held but completely open. The straps continued
across my upper torso, under the opposite breast and back to vertical straps
down my sides that connected to the patch. Another pair of straps started from
those vertical ones and crossed just below my belly button, joining together
there with a small triangle of Velcro.

From there the straps separated again, and passed tightly between my legs on
either side of my cleft, leaving it open. As soon as they passed between my
legs, they went up across my asscheeks to the straps down my sides, holding my
asscheeks open with their tension. Looking in the mirror, I could see that with
the harness on, my asscheeks were stretched open, and my anus and pussy were
even more obvious. From the front, my slit was very open, and from the back, you
could easily see my hairless asshole and pussy if I tilted right. Another thin
strap connected to the ones running up my asscheeks just above my ass kept the
straps from slipping to the sides.

The harness fitted tightly against me, squeezing me but yet moved with my body
and didn't interfere with my mobility or flexibility. Even though I could bend
as I wished, the harnesses elastic tension made me want to walk with my back
arched and head high like the proud beast I am. Mistress guided me out into the
hallway with her hand on my lower back. With the harness, which did not obscure
any vital area of my body, I felt more naked than ever; yet its feel against my
skin irritated me, and made me feel self-conscious. It seemed a reminder that I
did not miss wearing clothes.

After a few minutes of walking, it became as natural was walking naked; no one
treated me any differently than if I were completely naked or completely
clothed. Still I disliked feeling it against my bare skin. Soon, I got excited
when I realized we were going to one of the recreation areas with a very large
pool. As we walked in, Mistress retrieved from a cabinet a narrow canister with
a single strap and a thin tube coming from the canister. She stripped down, then
placed the canister around her waist, inserting the end of the tube into her
nose. She ordered me into the water, then dove in after me.

I easily dove all the way to the bottom, and twisted around waiting for her. She
dove after me, signaling with a motion of her hand that I was not to get so far
ahead of her. She caught up with me and moved behind me, grasping my shoulders
and attaching a line from her belt to the patch on my back. She straddled my
shoulders, placing her legs at my sides. She nudged me to start swimming,
digging her toes into my belly to indicate the direction I was to go. She
grasped my breasts with her hands, and expressed her displeasure by pinching
them whenever I did not learn her signals and commands fast enough.

I swam effortlessly, almost unaware of the extra weight I carried on my
shoulders. She pushed me to the limits of my endurance, we did not come up for
air for close to a half hour. Even with the exertion of carrying Mistress, my
new body could easily swim that long on one lungful of air.

Finally we broke the surface, and I saw another Eridani standing there watching
us in the water. Mistress unclipped her line from me, and kicked to the side
while the other woman dove in. This other Eridani motioned for me to come to
her. After looking at Mistress I hestitately swam to her, confused. She did the
same thing Mistress did, clinging to my back except she didn't have an air
bottle. I learned to allow myself to be ridden in the water by whomever was
there with me, and when to swiftly swim back up when my rider needed more air. I
even learned than in an emergency, I could do give her some from my strong lungs
and still make it back up to the surface.

After some more exercises, they both played with me for a while, and let me
pleasure them both. Finally Mistress ordered me out of the water, and back to
her quarters. As soon as I left the pool, I shrugged out of the harness leaving
it there on the floor for Mistress to pick up. A hollow quiet voice in the back
of my head said I should pick it up, but the new Dawn had no concern for objects
and ignored that voice.

Without waiting for Mistress, I started back to her quarters; by now I knew how
to find my way around the recreation areas very well. Looking behind me, I saw
Mistress and the other Eridani following-- while talking and laughing. I was
surprised to see them still nude. They caught up with me, and walked on either
side of me. They stopped from time to time and "held hands" by grasping my sex,
and intertwining their fingers. As we walked, they crossed their hands behind my
back. The feel of their fingers massaging my lower back made me feel wanted as I
walked between them.

We came to Mistress's quarters and entered, the two of them still laughing and
giggling as they talked. They walked over to the kitchen area, talking about
what to eat for supper. I looked expectantly at them, hoping to be fed, but
Mistress only ordered me down on the floor. They ordered Earth Chinese food and
beer from the food dispenser and took it over to the table. I looked up at them
eagerly again, still hoping to be fed. They just admonished me, telling me to
wait, so I curled up in a ball and contented myself by licking my pussy and ass
clean. They gave me a very flexible spine and a long tongue, Remember?

I saw a different side of Mistress as I watched them eat. They were still
laughing, while talking about how much they liked Chinese food from Earth. They
had ordered chopsticks from the dispenser, and each fed the other more than
herself as they sampled each other's dishes. Of course they dropped their food
often as they tried to figure out how to use chopsticks. Some of it fell onto
breasts or bellies, and they cleaned food off the other with their mouths and
fingers, lingering to sample other tastes. I got whatever fell to the floor.

Soon their hunger seemed sated, and they used the remnants of supper on each
other. They would pour their drinks on each other's bellies, then lick it up.
Sauce from the meal got smeared on breasts, then loving licked off. Pieces of
meat and vegetables were stuffed into each other's pussy, and then literally
eaten out. Mistress's friend was lying splayed out in a chair, her legs wide
with Mistress between them, when Mistress suddenly looked up and brightly said
she had a great idea. I wondered what she had in mind as I was beginning to feel
left out.

Mistress got up from between her friend's legs and walked over to the food
dispenser, telling her friend to lie down on the floor. My ears pricked up when
I smelled the food Mistress ordered from the dispenser-- one of my favorites.
Along with the food, she got a plastic object which I didn't recognize. It
looked like a bowl, but it didn't have a bottom, and was warped backwards into
a U shape and came to a point on either end. Picking up the plate of food and
the plastic object, Mistress walked back over to the table and put the food
down. She knelt down between the legs of her friend, who by now had lain down on
the floor, with the object still in her hand. Her friend smiled when she saw
what Mistress had and spread her legs even wider as Mistress placed it over her
friend's pussy.

It fit perfectly against her sex, one end just above her clit, and the other
just below her asshole. I began to get excited as I realized what was going on;
Mistress ordered me to bring some pillows as she reached for the food. She took
the pillows I brought and placed them under her friend's ass, raising it higher
than her upper body. Her friend was then literally stuffed with food from the
plate, and more was placed inside the dish around her pussy until I could no
longer see her shaved slit.

I thought this was a novel idea, and it took no prompting for me to dig in with
my tongue. Soon all the food was gone, even the pieces stuffed inside. I
continued lapping even when it was all gone, "just to make sure I licked the
dish clean", and Mistress's friend just lay there flat on her back and legs
wide quivering and moaning. After she started begging me to stop, Mistress
grabbed the dish, shouting "My turn!" as her friend just curled up into a ball
on her side, still moaning and writhing.

Still laughing, and obviously feeling the Chinese beer, Mistress sat down with
her legs wide and fitted the bowl over her sex. She then laid back, while
telling me I'd have to "fill the bowl myself" as her friend was obviously still
incapacitated. Still a bit hungry and always ready to taste my Mistress's
juices, I shoveled the remaining meal into and over Mistress's upturned pussy.
I dug in and didn't let go even when Mistress shouted for me to stop. Her
friend, who had recovered somewhat, had to spank me hard before my mouth came

Mistress's friend sort of fell against me after pulling my mouth from
Mistress's sex, and Mistress joined us after a bit and we just lay there in a
tangled pile resting. Suddenly Mistress's friend sat up, announcing that "I'm
still hungry!" Mistress extracted herself from our pile after responding with "I
have a idea...Desert!" She went over to the dispenser again, and ordered a tray
full of all sorts of chocolates, creams and other ingredients. I was directed to
lie flat on my back with legs wide again while the two of them crouched over me.

They ordered me to stay still while COLD ice cream was heaped between my breasts
and down my stomach. Peeled bananas were shoved up my already juicy cunt. More
freezing ice cream followed along with plenty of hot chocolate syrup squirted
from above my breasts down to my pussy. Needless to say, I was squirming from
the sensations despite orders to stay still. I giggled as they worked, and
dropped or squirted tasty morsels into my mouth occasionally. Last but not
least, whip cream topped it all.

Standing up and stretching, Mistress grinned and declared "There! How do you
like my creation?" A free for all ensued as they raced to devour all the goodies
covering me. I shivered as I felt their tongues lapping at all my sensitive
parts as they sought to get every last bit. Soon I was quivering, unable to
summon the energy to move even a little bit, as their two tongues drove me over
the edge into one orgasm after another.

As I quivered from the echoes of my orgasms, Mistress stood up again, cupping
her cunt, and giggling that "Oops! I think I had too much to drink. I'll be
right back." Her friend answered "Why go to the urinal? Let's see how devoted
your slave is." Mistress looked questioningly at me with an expression that told
me she would let me make the choice. I answered by rolling over onto my stomach,
rising to my knees, and crawling over to her. Kneeling up, I planted my mouth
over her sex, and my arms hanging limp at my sides. I gently sucked until I
heard her sigh and let go. I found it tasted better than I had imagined as I
swallowed. When she finished, I licked her clean.

My new habits are hard to break, I would have knelt there all night, licking my
Mistress if her friend had not pulled me away by the hair to service her.
Without question, I placed my mouth over her peehole, looking up at her and
waiting for her to let go. After I had washed her pussy, it was still slick from
my supper, they walked over and sat down on a couch. I happily laid down in
front of it for them to rest their feet.

They talked for hours while I was content to just lie there letting my meal
digest. I heard my name from time to time as they giggled and laughed, gossiping
like school children. Finally, they decided it was time for bed, and Mistress
insisted that her friend stay here with us tonight. I fell asleep prone on the
floor of the bedroom almost at once as they continued to coo and murmur to each
other as they cuddled in the bed.

The training sessions continued for the next week or so. Sometimes Mistress was
there, unless she had other duties; a variety of other crewmembers trained me
also. I became used to being directed by any crewmember. A lot of the time I was
treated like an underwater horse, but on other occasions they trained me to work
on my own - especially for conditions the Eridani's couldn't stand. They put me
in a special chamber that increased the water pressure so I'd be able to dive
several hundred feet down. I learned how to safely return to the surface from
very deep. Eridani crewmembers went in with me once, so I'd know how far down
they could safely go. Of course I liked being ridden the best.

We finally landed on the water world colony - actually we just kind of hovered
high above the surface and shuttles carried things and people to the surface. I
watched the planet as we descended-- it looked nothing like Earth, the entire
planet was water! I could see islands everywhere, but only a few small
continents. Mistress watched the other drones leave along with Tina, the other
two who were staying and myself. All four of us had similar collars adorning our
long necks, their collars weren't quite the same as mine-- I guess their
masters choose what they liked.

As we watched the departing drones herded onto shuttles, I noticed they did not
wear collars like ours. Instead they wore thick metal ones with a small computer
panel. All of them held their heads high, and wore the same harnesses I'd worn
in the water. I noticed many erect cocks and wet pussies, even though none of us
were ever told we had to stay aroused. The females all stood and walked with
wide stances; the males even wider as their cocks and balls swung freely between
their widespread legs. I think they were all excited about finding out who their
new masters or mistresses would be. We had all been told the Eridani's would
never harm us, but they didn't tell us what to expect either.

As we watched, as Mistress rubbed both Tina and me, she told us about the
collars. She told us the collars had a small computer that held all genetic,
pedigree, and medical information on each drone. Also it would translate speech
so each drone would understand, as well as teach the drone the local language
while translating. She had never told me one way or the other for sure, but I
guessed they considered us property. I know it wouldn't go over with the old
feminists, but being property excites me. Mistress tells me what to do - she's
never told me to do anything I've actually disliked, and she feeds, pets, and
takes care of me. As they closed the back of the shuttle and it left with its
cargo of drones, Mistress said we'd go down soon to visit for a while. During
our walk back from the shuttle bay, she told me I'd like swimming down there,
and that I'd find some tasty fish to catch and eat. Of course, I'd have to earn
my keep during our visit planetside, but she said I wouldn't find the work too

END Chapter Four

Dawn's Tale Chapter 5:

That night in Mistress's quarters, I realized I was completely at ease with my
state, completely over all my past problems, and that I never wanted to go back
to before. I was lying crouched on the floor in Mistress's bedroom, my legs
tucked up under my belly and my ass high in the air-- my favorite come fuck me
position. I suddenly realized I had lain down so my ass was to the door, and
anyone coming in could see all of me. Some part of me wanted to be on display,
of course, but I hadn't thought about my posture. I just laid down in a way that
felt comfortable to me, and never gave a second thought about how my body looked
to others.

Mistress came in after a while, undressed, and sat down on her bed-- then
proceeded to play with me, running her feet all over me and tickling me with her
toes. Before she walked in, I had just been lying there daydreaming. All my past
insecurities were gone, vanished into thin air. I realize all the old feminists
would not agree, but it felt good to be Mistress's pet. I didn't have to decide
what to wear into the mornings, or worry about getting ready; when I awake I
simply get up and walk out. I never take baths any more, I might jump into the
pool, but I don't actually bathe-- my normal body smells seem natural and I
rarely think about it. Like a puppy, Mistress or someone will put me on my hands
and knees and scrub me whenever necessary. Likewise she brushes my teeth
sometimes, and I know I needed someone to take care of me and discipline me.

As I lay there giggling under Mistress's touch, she said she wanted to tell me
some stories about her people and my ancestors-- she mentioned something she'd
show me afterwards. She started talking, almost as if I wasn't there, rubbing my
back with her foot from time to time. I lay there listening, pawing at her
whenever her foot slowed too much or missed a spot.

"We are an old race- we had existed more than 200,000 years when the transport
ship crash-landed on your planet 130,000 year ago. At that time we had traveled
the stars for 500 years, and  we brought your race with us. Two intelligent
races had evolved on our greenhouse home world,  one somewhat slower than the
other. In all worlds with more than one sentient race we have found, except
ours, the lesser race was driven to extinction. Even on Earth, you drove Homo
Sapiens Neanderthalis to extinction, as you struggled to survive; they interbred
with you, but died as a separate  species. On our original, both mine and your
ancestors, home world it was different. Both came from the same distant
monkeylike animal far in our pasts. Distance separated us as we both evolved
into sentient beings.

My ancestors evolved on a northern continent and yours on a relatively close by
one on our equator. My species advanced quicker, and started expanding over the
globe after reaching the bronze age while yours was still barely in the stone
age. Eventually we discovered your species  living and fighting each other on
the nearby continent. When we found you, having been a calmer,  albeit more
advanced, race than yours, we quickly developed more advanced weapons and
conquered  your race. Instead of driving your race to extinction, we enslaved
them and made them our pets. Actually  we didn't consider it slavery, even
though your race was more capable than you give yourself credit, we  had
advanced much more quickly and thought no more about the concept of Eridani
Superior  owning 'Homo Sapiens Sapiens' than you do dogs and cats.

Even though it was never really necessary, we made laws governing the ownership, 
allowable treatment, and expectations of your species. Unlike some of your past
slaveowners, we always considered your race as valued members of our households
- you raised our children, and we loved your ancestors like our own family. We
were an orderly people, and the laws formalized things and re- moved the remote
possibility of abuse.

These laws controlled the sale and transfer of your species, and made sure your
owners  took proper care of you. Even though we like to put you on display from
time to time - just to make sure you remember your place, we rarely had slave
auction blocks like you did in Earth's slave eras.

Instead it was more like an arranged marriage. Each drone's children would be
raised in their Master and Mistress's household just like another child.
Actually your distant ancestors probably raised  both their children and their
owner's children simultaneously. When each of your children reached maturity,
at 12 to 15 years, prospective Eridani's would come to examine them, and when we
choose  an appropriate owner, the transfer papers would be drawn up.

Your ancestor's wishes were kept in mind, most often, the Eridani best liked by
the drone's  parents or the child ready for transfer would become the new
owner. The child would not be given  to someone who wouldn't take care of him,
and the law provided for his protection, both during the transfer and after. The
Eridani would be required to take care and provide for the drone, as if he were
one of his own children. The law set guidelines for what the drone should do in
exchange, and made  sure the drone was never asked to do work either extreme or
beyond his capability- not that an Eridani would ever ask those things from his

While your ancestors were struggling to survive on Earth, our civilization
having presumed  the shipwrecked transport lost, we continued expanding across
this corner of the galaxy. In the past 130,000 years we didn't evolve as much as
might have been expected. We've advanced far technolog- ically since then, but
we've had our ups and downs. We went from an Galactic Empire then to the
Council run Republic of Planets currently in power; multiple times we lost the
ability to travel in space, but our civilization returned to space each time
more advanced than the last. We went through our chaotic  periods, but never
like humanity on Earth. Throughout all of our spacefaring history we brought
your relatives with us.

From the very start - without our calming influence, your race was very warlike
and violent.  You always fought-- with our race far in prehistory, Homo Sapiens
Neanderthalis on Earth 40,000 years ago, each other if no one else was
available. We discovered you on Earth millennia ago, but left you alone when we
thought you were an indigenous race. We aren't totally unfeeling, we don't
normally go around assimilating sentient races. Usually we wait until they have
gotten around to interstellar travel then offer them membership in the Galactic
Council. Earth is an unique case since it is a planet populated by evolved

We only experimented with genetic manipulation of other sentient species on our
home world, and  carefully within guidelines. We do alter a subject's makeup to
match his required duties, but we  do not make changes cruelly or thoughtlessly.
Alien races we leave alone; we study them, but do  not interfere unless
absolutely necessary. We had watched you ever since we discovered you,  stepping
up our surveillance when you reached your technological period. Some years ago
one of  our cruisers was in your system when they found an old style distress
beacon. Recognizing it as  one of our own, the Captain brought it aboard and
discovered its origins. From it we discovered  that you had evolved from an
early water world adapted series of drones, and the decision was made  to move
in. Your global turmoil only encouraged our haste.

The rest you know part of: we made extensive plans to bring you home. While
bringing in new technologies and solving your planets problems, we tested all
hospital patients. Those qualified were  offered chances to go to our Space
Academies. All those like you received the same treatment- almost all needed
strong guidance. A certain percentage will be left on Earth to continue running
its service and  support networks. Another percentage, various primitive tribes
as well as other cultures on Earth will be left alone for historical reasons.
Those in your prisons will receive just but harsh punishments - they will get
genetic alternations for the lowest labor, judgment we would only give with
extensive discussion first. Up until now, all was done subtlety, we worked
carefully to avoid unneeded uprisings. We  chose recipients cautiously to avoid
suspicion. Our plans continue, soon we will move openly until Earth is
completely integrated. Most of the drones from Earth will go to colony worlds to
perform duties that the colonists are not equipped for. A few will stay on
starships like you. I have a special duty for you: besides helping us explore
wet environments, you will attend to my personal needs. I will keep you by my
side whenever you have no other duties, and I expect you to help me find and
attract an appropriate mate-- yes, like you we sometimes neglect finding some-
one in favor of work. Once I have a mate-- you will nurse and raise my children
as if they were your  own. For this, I will always make sure you are taken care
of and loved."

I stirred as Mistress finished talking: I had stilled completely as she told her
story, I hadn't even bothered to try to get her to continue rubbing. I had been
listening intently, ignoring all else. I had completely accepted my new role,
and had no regrets about my past life. As I've mentioned, some feminists or
other activists might consider being a naked slave/pet to another an outrage,
but to me it had a strange calming effect. I was taken care of and I had no
worries-- I knew what was expected of me, and felt complete love and devotion to
Mistress. Hearing the explanation of all that had happened just reassured me.

As I lay there, patiently looking up at Mistress, she got up, now nude as me,
and walked to her desk. She retrieved a rolled up paper she had dropped there
when she had come in. Walking back to her bed, she sat down and indicated for me
to get up and sit in her lap. As I settled down onto her leg, straddling it with
my pussy against her leg, she unrolled the paper. She held it out, showing it to
me: I could see it was written in Eridani-- of course I couldn't read it, but I
did recognize the Eridani letters for my name.

Mistress told me it was a copy of my legal ownership papers, just finalized on
Eridani. Before she even unrolled it, I knew what it was, her talk pretty much
said it. Mistress pulled over a terminal next to the bed, and pulled the same
document up on its screen. She touched the screen, and all the letters
transformed into English. She turned the screen so I could see better, it read
in part:

This document was drafted by the Eridani Government Council at the Eridani
Capital City Court and is legal throughout the Eridani Galactic Republic of
Worlds. Dawn Taylor, of the species Homo Sapiens Amphibiacus, is hereby
considered to be a drone-- actually it said an Eridani word referring to the 2nd
sentient species on Eridani that has a meaning sort of in-between animal and
human but that doesn't translate well- legally throughout the Galactic Worlds
and all Republic Ships. As such, the creature known as Dawn Taylor is subject to
all laws and regulations pertaining to drones and has the legal rights of an
Eridani drone as stated in relevant laws.

This document also hereby designates Dawn Taylor as the property of Nikita
Oktanawa. Ownership of the before mentioned creature cannot be transferred
without due process of law, and the notification of this office. Further, Nikita
Oktanawa is bound by all laws regarding the upkeep and treatment of this
creature. Death or mistreatment of the said creature will result in the
punishment of the stated owner as required by law if stated owner is found

As a drone, the before mentioned stated creature is only responsible for its own
actions within Eridani laws. Nikita Oktanawa is fully responsible and is further
responsible for any required discipline of said creature. Said creature is
required to perform, without question, any reasonable duties required in return
for Nikita Oktanawa supporting said creature. Nikita Oktanawa, or other Eridani
citizens are authorized to perform any discipline necessary, provided their
actions do not violate the referred to laws.

Authorized Signature
Capital City Clerk of Court

I could feel myself getting wetter and wetter as I sat on Mistress's knee
reading the document. I had to reread it several times before it completely sank
in. It only affirmed what I already knew and wanted: I was not a person anymore,
I only thought of Eridani's as people by then. I belonged to Mistress-- Her
property which she could do whatever she wished with; she could sell me or force
me to do anything within the law. I trusted that she would take care of me, and
would do whatever was necessary to please her. I know many people would not
understand, but I hadn't had a very happy life, and here I knew what was
expected and that I would be taken care of.

Stroking my back, Mistress asked me to talk to her, tell her how I felt now, if
it pleased me: I could only nod my head, as I slid off her knee and knelt onto
the floor. Turning around, I answered her by nuzzling my head in-between her
legs and finding her pussy with my mouth. I knelt at least fifteen minutes,
exploring every inch of Mistress's sex and ass hole, until she screamed for me
to stop over and over. She pulled me up on top of her, kissing me full on the
mouth. I felt strange lying atop of Mistress while she kissed me; thinking, I
realized it was because it made me feel equal to Mistress. Mistress showing me
affection did not bother me, but I wanted to feel subservient.

Suddenly pushing me back onto the floor, Mistress told me "Come let's wash you
and you can sleep on the bed with me." I followed Mistress as she walked, bare
as me, out into the hall and down to a recreation area. The few crewmen walking
by paid no undue attention to Mistress walking undressed in the hall. Mistress
has a small personal shower area, but the recreation room has a larger shower,
and Mistress knows I like being bathed in public areas on the ship. Sometimes I
can't believe I've come from a woman afraid to take her clothes off in private
to one who loves being a shameless exhibitionist. I had time to think as I
walked; aware that I strode with my thighs wide so my pussy lips hung free. The
feel of a breeze across my bare cleft felt good.

When we walked into the rec. room, one of the junior nurses was curled up nude
on a sofa reading a book. I still couldn't get used to seeing Eridani's nude
when they were off duty, nor believe they still used paper books with as
advanced a civilization as they had. I guess some things just don't go out of
style. When Mistress saw her, she loudly proclaimed, just so everyone on that
deck knew, "It's time to wash my pet, Want to help?" Grinning, she left the book
on the sofa and followed us into the shower.

I got down on my hands and knees on the smooth floor ready to be washed. I
didn't need to kneel - the shower had eight or ten showerheads on the walls, but
it seemed more appropriate to be washed on my knees. They first told me to pee--
I've learned to hold it three or four hours, and not go until someone orders me
to. Its different if I'm in the water, then I just let it go as it comes. I
relaxed and felt it flow, I don't think I'd gone since my afternoon swim. When
I was finished, they stuck a hose up my ass just like Mistress did to me the
first day I was here.

As I knelt there, feeling myself fill, I busied myself by burying my nose in
pussy - licking whichever one I could reach. I'm not really a lesbian, and I
never would have done this before; but being subservient and submissive like me,
it only seems a natural way to thank them. They let me fill up more than I had
taken before, then when I emptied, hosed me down good with a shower nozzle. They
then soaped me up all over and proceeded to scrub me everywhere. They made me
kneel there while they did all the work, not that I would have tried - I like
sitting still while someone washes me.

As they scrubbed me, they talked as if I wasn't even there. I guess Mistress
forgot to turn off her translator, or perhaps she wanted me to overhear so it
would be even more apparent that I was just an animal with no decision making of
its own that existed only for its Mistress. Once it would have really bothered
to hear them talking about me, but somehow it only made me want even more to be
a simple dumb animal to be lead around on a leash.

Anyway, as I knelt there feeling their fingers scrub into private corners I
didn't even know I had, they talked about me:


Mistress: "Homeworld transmitted the ownership papers today, and she's been
registered with the Drone Pedigree Society."

Nurse: "Good! Maybe she'll help attract you a man, What hot blooded male would
turn down an offer to fuck this little horny bitch all the time and sleep with
you each night! So when are you going to turn off her pregnancy inhibitors and
let her have pups?"

Mistress: "Maybe when this trip is over after we finish our layover back on Home
world. I don't want to purchase a male - its too crowded in my quarters already,
I think I'll take her to the stud service on Homeworld or on 82 Pegasi III. I
bet Dawn will really get off on being fucked in an arena while several thousand
Eridani's watch."

Nurse: "I hear Earth has progressed farther in its assimilation than expected.
Earth will be over their nudity hang-ups soon, and drones will soon be paraded
around openly. Everyone thinks watching new drones get rounded up and stripped
will be the next great new spectator sport."

Mistress: "Open conversion is still several years away. They will get rid of
potential troublemakers first, then reduce the population quickly with mass
conversions. After that it will be mostly a matter of choice like drones are
transferred on Homeworld. Humans will of course be registered by the hospitals,
and I'll send orders for Dawn's mother to be saved. I'm thinking about buying
her too, it doesn't seem right to let them go to different homes."


Meeting my mother again or our past problems didn't seem to bother me anymore.
The past or future doesn't worry me now. My past differences with my mother no
longer concerned me-- we would just lie side by side as two naked drones.
Thoughts of lying, nursing babies, while next to mother seemed to have an effect
on me too.

They pushed my head away and spanked me whenever I tried kissing them anywhere -
they said to let them finish washing me, there're be plenty of time for fun
soon. Still, my bath didn't seem quite as professional as when I had been in
sickbay-- they spent a whole lot of time washing my breasts, pussy, and crack.
It's good I have no secrets about myself anymore, they found things even I
didn't know about myself as they scrubbed me. After they'd scrubbed me far more
than I thought I needed, and I'd felt all four hands up all my orifices, they
rinsed me. I¡®d gotten used to the feel of hands on my bare skin and genitals
and found myself shamelessly looking forward to being touched no matter where I

The junior nurse got down on her hands and knees in front of me on the smooth
floor. It was made of some kind of synthetic material that was waterproof, but
not cold like some bathroom floors. Grinning down at me, Mistress said "OK, its
time to thank her for helping." I needed no further prompting, particularly
since both of them had washed themselves as they did me, and she smelled fresh
and clean. I spent a few minutes exploring her sex, hers was only the third
Eridani pussy I'd tasted-- then settled into a good tongue fuck running my long
tongue as far up her as it would go.

I lapped with long strokes up and down from below her clit up to her ass and
back. At first, I bypassed her clit, digging deep into her on each pass. As I
continued, I paid more and more attention to her clit, until she was screaming
for me to make her come. As I was about to plant my mouth over her clit, I
suddenly felt a tongue on my own pussy. I nearly jumped out of my skin-- I'd
been licked by other drones, but Mistress rarely touched me with her mouth. As I
rapidly tongued the pussy in front of me, driving the nurse to orgasm, I felt
Mistress digging deep into my pussy. I nearly lost contact with the sex in front
of me as I came.

Smiling down at me, both of them rinsed the juices from both themselves and
myself. Mistress told me if I wouldn't get the bed wet, I could sleep with her
tonight. I grinned happily, normally she makes me sleep on the floor at the foot
of the bed. After they dried themselves off, they roughly toweled me dry,
something unusual-- normally I have to stay in the shower or pool area until I
stop dripping. As we were leaving the recreation area, and the second nurse was
starting to go the other way down the hall, Mistress turned to me and asked,
"Are you forgetting something? Thank her again for helping give you a bath." I
moved to the other nurse, who hadn't moved since Mistress asked me the question,
and bending over, kissed her right on her puckered ass hole pushing my tongue to
taste her. She bent forward, and I properly thanked her with a taste of her
smooth pussy too. Mistress and I walked back to her quarters. She got into bed,
and patted the foot of the bed for me to climb up. I fell asleep, contentedly
curled up like a cat.

The next morning - still curled up into a ball, I stirred and awoke, I gave
myself a few licks across my pussy to clean it and get myself going. I stretched
then woke Mistress up, kissing her cunt lovingly. Mistress woke up, pulling my
face further into her sex. Stroking my head, she reminded me that we'd go down
to the planet for a short visit before the ship left orbit. After a while,
Mistress got me and took the other drones and myself to a shuttle. Another new
Eridani woman met us at the shuttle, and we all got in the back. Mistress and
the other Eridani weren't wearing their normal uniforms, but skintight shorts
and tanktops.

Mistress and the other woman went to the front of the shuttle and sat down at
the controls. They pointed at cushions in the back at either side and told us to
lie down there. The four of us lay down, on our stomachs like normal as the two
Eridani's prepared to take off. The ride was a lot smoother than I expected; if
not for my heightened senses, I wouldn't have known we were moving. At one
point, I realized I was hungry and told Mistress. She said to hang on, I'd be
able to catch some tasty fish soon.

After thirty minutes or so, I felt the shuttle slow down. Mistress got up and
pushed some buttons on a panel on the wall then opened a cabinet. I heard
rumbling from the back as Mistress got some scanners and other things I didn't
recognize. She gave two of them to the other Eridani then came back, telling us
to get up. I'd noticed the back door swinging down, and Mistress said to go
ahead and dive in-- the water was at least a hundred feet deep here. As I
hurried back to the opening, Mistress called out loudly - "Remember to come when
you hear my Comm Badge beep!"

Stopping at the edge, I saw that the shuttle was still fifteen or twenty feet
above the vivid blue-green water and descending slowly. Off in the distance I
could see a boat approaching our position. Without hesitating, I dove cleanly
into the water. I made a 10.0 dive, not making hardly any splash, and keep
going. I could hear the other drones diving in behind me. I basked in my
swimming ability as I let the momentum of my dive carry me further and further
down. As I easily swam, until I could see the bottom several hundred feet down,
I was glad I didn't wear clothes anymore- they would have just gotten in my way.

As I got close to the sandy bottom, I saw colorful fish swimming in schools, and
remembered I was hungry. Playing on some primal instinct, I swam into one of the
schools and caught them in my mouth. Twisting and turning to catch the ones that
tried to get away, I swallowed them whole until I was sated and full. As I
sucked them down with huge gulps of water, I observed the water was a lot less
salty than the oceans on Earth.

As I swam through the schools of fish, my fellow drones caught up with me and
followed my lead. After they slaked their initial hunger, we played in the warm
water, teasing and playing tag with each other. Once in a while, I'd tongue
someone's pussy or let the male take me as we swam. We had just about forgotten
about the surface when I felt my lungs start to burn for air, and heard
Mistress's Comm Badge beeping.

As a group, all four of us lunged for the surface, our taunt bodies pumping
through the water. When we got close, I saw Mistress swimming in her shorts and
tanktop just under the surface, waiting for us. As we shattered the calm
surface, leaping high and gasping for air, we saw our other Eridani companion
standing on the boat we'd seen earlier with several colonists.

Mistress smiled at me as we caught our breath, and said "OK, that's enough play
for now, it's time to go to work now!" Her companion threw down four sets of
harnesses as she and the colonists moved about doing something on the boat.
Without being told, we retrieved the floating harnesses and started putting them
on. When the four of us had the tight straps around our bodies, Mistress's
companion and two of the colonists dove in with objects attached to their
clothes and small cases in their hands.

Mistress signaled for me to come to her, and signaled the other three drones to
go to each of the other Eridani's. Mistress told me to get ready for a long dive
then climbed atop my back like she'd done in the pool. As Mistress dug her bare
feet into my belly and directed me to swim downwards, I saw the other Eridani's
following us down with the other drones. We swam for hours as they rode us while
scanning the bottom and reef structures below us.

After several hours of work, they directed us back up to the boat. The Eridanis
got on the boat and it started moving to another site. As Mistress climbed out
of the water, and with only my head out of the water like some strange fish, I
quietly told her that I needed to go to the bathroom. She just laughed, and said
"My little animal, I want you to do it right now in front of me! After all
you're in your natural environment, why should you get out just to do a natural
function?" I tried to plead with her that I needed to do more than just pee, but
she reached down and petted my head while soothingly talking to me-- I couldn't
think of anything to refute her so I tried to push. As I pushed my bowels, the
floodgates suddenly opened, and I released both ways as I bobbed there with
Mistress petting me.

As I finished, Mistress told me I was a good girl, then said she had to go up
front. She turned and left without saying another word. As the boat started
moving, No one asked us to get into the boat so we swam along side it, easily
keeping up with it. Even as good a swimmer as I'd been before being changed, I
don't think I would have been able to stay in the water this long without
resting. Now, as I effortlessly kept up with the boat, I knew I could swim for
days. Somehow I even knew I could sleep floating in the water, instinctively
kept from drowning.

Soon the boat stopped again, and the Eridani's jumped into the water again. This
time the bottom was over two hundred feet down, and they set the scanners and
gave them to us, indicating what we were to scan. We easily swam to the bottom,
and scanned the structures until the devices beeped, indicating we had used them
correctly. We stayed down 45 minutes to a hour until we had scanned everything
we'd been told to then swam back up. As I rose through the water, I knew I liked
being ridden better than working on my own. I think that carrying an Eridani
gave me some sort of immediate satisfaction in knowing I was serving my Masters.

This went on all day, sometimes we were used as water horses, sometimes we were
sent down in the water alone. After I'd relieved myself the first time, it was
easy to simply let a load go as I swam. They gave me no rest as we worked, I
caught my breath whenever waiting for Mistress or one of the others. When they
rode my back, I was ridden hard just like a horse and given no chance to rest
until a dive was completed. I peed or emptied my bowels even while being ridden,
but in the water it seemed natural. Finally, when the sun was going down, we
arrived back where the shuttle floated in the water. I had not left the water
once all day, I had caught fish when hungry and swallowed water when thirsty-- I
was pleasantly and completely exhausted. As Mistress talked with the colonists,
who I heard thank Mistress and the other crewmember for their help, we were sent
back into the shuttle. We lay down on the cushions again, and slept. I dreamed
warm thoughts about being a happy drone and about being fucked in the warm ocean
while the colonists all watched. I did not wake up until the Shuttle arrived
back at the ship.

Back on the ship, I walked back to Mistress's quarters, my mind completely at
ease and thinking of nothing. Just before I fell asleep again on the smooth
floor, I heard Mistress tell me we were leaving orbit and would be going to 82
Eridani-- the Home world, for two weeks of shore leave. I dreamed about what the
world my ancestors came from might be like.

The next weeks were rather boring, Mistress told me we had to go all the way
back across our corner of the galaxy to get to Home world, passing within
several light-years of Earth. She pointed out a star one day and said that was
Sol-- about five light-years away at the time. I was told we were going much
faster than light, but not as fast as the ship was capable. Anyway, for me
things were dull; Mistress and the rest of the crew were all busy with various
research projects and rarely had time to play or anything for me to do. They
left myself and the other drones alone most of the time and I wandered
throughout most of the ship freely, except for a few critical areas.

I guess they let me because I showed no interest in most of the ship's systems
or trying to escape... where could I have gone if I did escape? I was interested
in their social customs, and watched each crewmember I met constantly. I figured
out why they expected me to pee openly-- They had completely casual attitudes
about using the restroom. Instead of toilets, they had these funnel shaped
devices mounted high on the walls in shower areas and in sleeping quarters.

To use them, both men and women would stand over them and position the funnel
against their crotches. As they pressed down against it, a tube would extend
into the user's rectum to flush it out as it splashed water against their
genitals after they'd done their business. While on duty, they didn't bother
with bathroom breaks-- each workstation had those funnels either built into its
chair or on top of a pedestal in front of it. Whenever a crewmember sat or stood
at a workstation, they'd unzip their uniform and position themselves atop the
funnel. They'd relieve themselves whenever necessary, even if another
crewmember was there. I tried out one built into a chair once, but the pedestal
ones were too high for me. Usually I just did it in to middle of a shower, or in
a pool. The only thing I missed was my enemas, Mistress started saving them for
special occasions, and had me relieve my bowels like any other crewmember. Of
course I usually just did it in the middle of a shower like peeing¡ª the floor
would always absorb it, but I wasn't always near a shower. The ship had a small
garden area with natural ground¡ª Mistress encouraged me to "water the plants"
whenever I was in that area. It seemed that they had no modesty whatsoever about
bodily functions and of course they expected the same from me.

Without the drones we'd left on the water world, it was rather lonely¡ª mostly
the crewmembers were too busy to talk or play with me. When I got bored with
wandering the ship, I spent most of my time just lounging around and napping
with the other three remaining drones punctuated of course by plentiful sex. I
came to know the other three drone's bodies as well as mine. I spent a good bit
of time reflecting, I was told that I'd been on the ship close to three months,
and we'd stayed at the colony almost three weeks. It seemed like only several
weeks or a month to me; I found myself thinking only about the present, and like
other animals, I was losing my sense of time. Mistress told me that I'd have
more fun when we got to Homeworld; after crew rotations and reviews, the two of
us would go on planet for two weeks shoreleave, and I would see native drones,
and meet her family.

END Chapter Five

Dawn's Tale, Chapter Six:

We finally arrived at Homeworld, and Mistress told me we'd go down after she
finished some crew evaluations. A few days later I was in one of the lounges
near the shuttle bays with Mistress, watching the tiny distant objects I knew
were shuttles move up from the green planet below while Mistress manipulated my
slit with her long fingers. Several shuttles had already docked, and we were
waiting on our turn to go down.

For once, Mistress wore only a bit more clothes than me¡ª her athletic torso was
completely bare, and all she wore were long black vinyl boots that came to above
her knees and gloves she'd bought on Earth. With the shiny boots, she towered
over me even more than usual, and danglely rings hung from her nipples and naked
nether lips. As I learned later, Earth fashions were very popular with
Eridani's, although not always worn in traditional ways, and Earth's fashion
industry would thrive, and export fashions in great numbers. That morning, I'd
helped apply rouge to both her checks and breasts, tastefully applied pale
lipstick was on both her sets of lips. Her naked torso shimmered with perfumed
oil I myself had applied. I of course wore nothing but my collar and the rosy
glow from having been fucked several times that morning.

Finally she pulled her hand from my slit, wiped it off on my belly, and took my
hand telling me "OK, it's time for us to visit home." We walked to the airlock,
and as it opened, I got a sudden new shock. Standing there, in a full uniform,
was the Eridani I'd gone out on a 'date' with. Mistress just grinned and said
"Hello Commander! Welcome aboard, We'll see you in two weeks!" After greeting
Mistress, he turned to me saying: "I know you! You're the shy little Earth girl
I met before!" The thing that shocked me was not so much that someone who'd
seen me back on Earth, now saw me naked as that he wore a uniform while Mistress
was essentially nude with the only sign of her uniform was the Comm badge
dangling from her nipple ring. I shrugged it off though, they paid no attention
to the differences in their attire.

He reached his hand out, cupped my pussy and ran his thumb over my swollen clit,
while he talked with Mistress. I stood there, flushed and panting, speechless as
he stimulated me; almost embarrassed that the same man that had tenderly petted
me on the head on Earth now casually masturbated me. They talked about me; the
commander telling Mistress about his date with me before I'd been stripped and
conditioned. Through the throes of my passion, I heard him tell Mistress¡ª "She
appears more confident and sure about herself now¡ª before she obviously wasn't
happy with her life". Mistress smiled and said "Yes, Dawn needs a dominant hand
to reassure her". He was the first person I'd met as a new drone who'd known
me before¡ª I thought it would have very traumatic for me, but I hardly gave it
a thought.

They turned their talk to other things: Mistress told him, "We're on our way
planetside for two weeks leave¡ªtwo weeks without that damn uniform on!" She
wiggled as she said the last of that sentence, making her jewelry jingle. He
flirted back¡ª "Yes! I can see, you look as good as when you where 40! Maybe
I'll get a few days free to come down and join you¡ª especially since you've got
this naked little sex toy with you..."

I blushed at that comment, but it was true. I squirmed seductively against his
hand. While they talked about the Commander being assigned to our ship, and what
he had to do before he could take a day off, my thoughts turned to matchmaking.
My mind twirled in ways it hadn't before, coming up hot ways, mostly involving
my body, to get the Commander with Mistress. The idea of him being my new Master
appealed to me. I remembered that he'd told me he was widowed, and I liked
him¡ªa lot, I have this sense about people now.

Before I knew it, Mistress said our shuttle was ready and we had to go. Smiling,
the commander said he hoped he'd see us on planet soon as he pulled and massaged
my exposed clit, making me gasp breathlessly. I responded by rubbing my check (
the one on my face!) against his arm. As we walked to the shuttle, he said at
the very least, he'd see us in our quarters when we got back. We got into a
shuttle not quite as big as the one I'd traveled down to the water world in.
Only the two of us were going down this time, and Mistress let me sit in a chair
this time.

As I curled up in the seat¡ª its fabric sliding across my bare bottom, I saw the
planet appear through the slowly opening bay doors. From here it looked like
pictures of Earth from space I'd seen. I saw glimpses of the surface under great
masses of clouds swirling all around. The surface seemed greener than the blue
of Earth, and I thought there was more cloud cover. As Mistress piloted the
shuttle out, and the planet got closer, I realized that most of the planet was
covered with at least a thin layer of clouds. The clouds did not completely
cover the planet, but it definitely was covered with haze.

As Mistress started the shuttle towards the planet, she pointed to the horizon
and told me "There is our sun coming up". She said it was a yellow sun like Sol
but not as big or bright. Despite that, the planet was closer to its sun, and
thus was always hot, humid and cloudy. She said it was a greenhouse planet,
although not nearly as severe as Venus. She confirmed my suspicions and said the
sky was always at least covered with a haze, and great masses of clouds and
storms were common. Rain was very common, but usually come as a misty rain, and
huge downpours rarely.

She told me the heat and weather were the main reasons they did not have
hang-ups about clothes. The temperature was often above 100 degrees and rarely
below 85 with high humidity. The planet didn't have the large oceans of Earth,
mostly some small seas, but did have large swampy areas. The environment made
even scant clothing uncomfortable, and most was worn only for job requirements.
Otherwise, clothing was only viewed as decoration, and as few garments as
possible were worn. Even Eridani's in the Navy like Mistress often wore only
harnesses like I used in wet environments¡ªwith or without shorts depending on
the situation.

Finally Mistress landed the shuttle outside a sprawling city she said was the
capital. As the rear door swung open, the heat and humidity hit me, even our
talk didn't prepare me for how hot it was. As we walked out and towards a
building Mistress said was the Import Processing Center, the hot humid air was
uncomfortable even to my naked skin. As her skin started to glisten even more
with the sweat now pouring from her, Mistress sighed and seemed to actually
enjoy the unbearable heat. I was glad I wore no clothing as even my collar felt
uncomfortable, and sweat rolled down my body and dripped from my breasts and

As we strolled along, Mistress explained: You can see why we don't encourage
you to bathe regularly. In this heat, it is useless¡ª as soon as you've
showered or bathed, you're sweaty again. Bathing here is done to remove actual
dirt from your body, or for therapeutic reasons such as bubble baths, mineral
salts, etc. After eons, we're used to the sweaty smell from a normal healthy

We walked from the landing area through a jungle like garden to the building. As
I adjusted to the weather, I began to like it. It felt like a sauna and somehow
invigorated me. We came to the door, and I saw two native drones sitting
obediently waiting for their master. They were male and female, and sat kneeling
on their haunches, their arms in front of them with their hands on the ground
supporting themselves. They held their heads high, panting as their nude bodies
glimmered with sweat. They didn't look quite like me, almost oriental, despite
our similarities, I could tell eons of change separated us. They were slim, and
lacked the fat on my body.

As Mistress approached them, I saw their aroused and dripping genitals when they
shifted their bodies, and bowed their heads to lick her hand. I expected to hear
them speak, although obviously not in English, when Mistress talked to them,
asking if they were good drones. Instead, they sort of meowed as they reached
their tongues towards Mistress's thighs and cleft. Seeing my startled
expression, Mistress said most of the drones here speak only a tongue she called
¡®Dronespeak', an animallike language very suited for communicating basic needs
and wants, but not as much so for advanced concepts. Most of them are uneducated
and schooling is unnecessary; instead they are taught by repetition and
emulation. As I well knew, they could communicate very well without saying a
word. She said full speech is not required for most of them, the ability to
follow orders is all that is required. She added that I was very valuable if
sold because not only could I talk but I could read as well¡ªwith study I might
even master Eridani.

Leaving the two drones behind, we walked through the door and into a large open
area. Behind a counter on the far side sat a bored Eridani male. He wore a short
sleeved uniform and looked about as happy as a DMV employee. As we approached
the counter, Mistress stopped me at a floor to ceiling pedestal in the middle of
the room. It had an electronic panel with writing on it, and Mistress touched a
key to translate it into something I could read. A quiver went through me as I
read it:

Notice for all Visitors Importing Drones or other Pets

All animals that apply to statute 14342 (Drones, other pets, etc.) MUST be
registered with the Import Bureau and have the proper paperwork completed and
approved. Registration fees apply, and be aware fines will be issued if said
animal or its owner violates any of these statutes applying to Drones. It is
your responsibility to ensure your Drone meets and obeys all statutes and laws
of the Eridani Homeworld.

Compliance with the following statues must be obeyed at all times to avoid

As stated in the laws regarding Drone ownership and transfer, the animal only
has the rights of a drone. Its owner is ultimately responsible for both its
well-being and actions.
Drones must remain unclothed at all times. Body decoration is allowed, but
genitals, anus, and breasts must be exposed, it may wear no clothing except
collars or harnesses. Likewise ensure that collars or other jewelry are not worn
in a way that they might get hung up on objects or shrubbery as the Drone moves.
Leashes are not required Planetwide, however please pay attention to posted
signs in certain areas.
Exercise of bodily functions in outside garden areas by Drones is acceptable,
however please refrain functions on walkways and streets except for provided
drains. Drones used to pull carts or carriages must be plugged or fitted with
bags to catch solid wastes or trained to hold such wastes.
Despite Rule One, complete Obedience is expected at all times, any Eridani
citizen can discipline any drone for any reason at any time. Unruly Drones will
be required to attend obedience training. You are encouraged to sign up all
imported Drones for training.
After I'd had a chance to read the sign, Mistress walked me on to the counter
with a hand on my butt cheek. The clerk behind the counter scowled as we
approached, he didn't look like the Eridani's I'd met on Earth and on the Ship.
He seemed crude and lower class, like a low-rent motel clerk. I guess some
things stay the same even if you're in an advanced society capable of rapid
travel between stars. I mean it did take them 25,000 years, actually more if you
counted all the other times they were in space, to finally find a way to travel
faster than light. From what Mistress tells me, guys like this had to stay home
and run things while the smart ones traipsed around the stars, living one year
while everyone else lived three or four. She said something I didn't understand
about starfarers living longer effectively due to relativistic effects.

When Mistress stopped at the counter, he said in a surly voice, "Yes? You are
Importing a Drone?" With a knowing look to me, Mistress said "Yes, We will be on
planet two weeks. Her paperwork was forwarded and processed several weeks ago."
He looked back with a expression that said why are you bothering me? He motioned
for Mistress to direct me to an exam table near the end of the counter, and
said, "Have the animal get up on the table."

I jumped at his choice of words. The Eridani's on ship obviously considered me
less evolved than themselves, but then they didn't treat me with complete
disdain. I know I can't compare, but I'm not just a dumb animal either. I'd
already started to think of myself as an animal, but it was quite another to
hear myself referred to as such by some crude clerk. This guy seemed to think no
more of me than he would of a horse. For some strange reason, my assessment of
how he thought of me didn't bother me too much. Walking down to the table and
motioning to it again, he asked, "Can it understand me?"

That remark puzzled me, but Mistress told him "Yes, if you have your translator
on. She can understand speech, but has not mastered Eridani yet." Frowning again
and reaching under the table for something, he replied "A translator will have
to be worn on its collar. Some citizens do not wear translators themselves. It
will also help her learn to understand Eridani. Unfortunately, it is designed
for native drones and will inhibit higher speech capabilities. That's just as
well, she probably needs practice using nonverbal communication."

Mistress took the device and clipped it onto my collar, and slapped my butt to
hurry me up onto the table. I tried to tell her I was going, but sort of a meow
came out instead. As I lay down, I noticed my hearing had gotten weird¡ª I heard
their words in English, and in Eridani at the same time. I obediently lay there
while they talked. When I thought to myself, I realized the device played back
my own thoughts in Eridani.

I cooed happily as I lay there on the table waiting. They talked as I waited,
their language translated into English in my brain: "We have her records and
scans in the computer. I just need to do a brief scan to update the records." He
took a hand scanner, and ran it over my body like the doctor had before. He ran
it along my naked limbs, and over my torso. He ran it over my breasts, massaging
them a bit too much for a mere exam. Next he inserted it into my vagina and
anus, again massaging me more than necessary as he probed my body.

I lay there squirming as he finished the scan and then went back to a console.
Without realizing it, I waited to be told I could get down. Already, the
translator was immersing my brain with the Eridani language. The Eridani word
for Drone became irrevocably lodged in my mind. I realized the English
translation was a poor one; the Eridani word was derived from the original name
for the second sentient species on the home world. All in one word, its
definition described the strange symbiotic relationship between the drones and
their masters. It conveyed the dominant Master/ submissive slave relationship
between the two. At the same time, it described how the Eridani's considered
drones to be family pets. Finally, it indicated that we drones are a race,
sentient but not nearly as advanced biologically and therefore shared some of
the traits of mere animals.

After working at the console for a few more minutes, he came back and after
patting my butt cheek told me I could get down off the table. I heard that word
again; I found that thinking of myself as a human or person was rapidly fading,
instead I associated myself with the word for drone more and more. I climbed
down off the table and knelt down next to Mistress while she continued talking
to the clerk.

They talked about the paperwork, still called that although it was all
electronic, as Mistress signed more things. I didn't understand much of what
they said and let it go over my head, confident that Mistress would take care of
me. I did take notice, letting out sort of a quizzical yelp when I heard
Mistress sign my cute butt up for one of those Obedience classes. Hearing my
query, Mistress reached down and stroked my head.

The clerk told her that was all and she was to 'present' me first thing next
morning. She told me it was time to go and pulled me up with a sure hand on the
back of my neck. She walked me back outside, and the two waiting drones meowed
questioningly at us when we came through the door. I knew what they meant, even
without the translator telling me, and meowed back, the translator forcing my
vocal chords. I think I would have answered with a meow even if the translator
didn't prevent me from speaking. I began to understand the meowing was more than
just animal noises but a fairly complete language ¡ª more suited to talking
about basic body functions, eating, sleeping, sex than advanced concepts, but
still a language.

Leaving the Import Building and the two drones, I never knew whom they belonged
to or what they waited for, as we walked down a long avenue to the capital city.
The landscaping and architecture looked similar to Earth¡ª the road was paved
with natural paving stones, and the sides were spotted with vegetation and
parks. The vegetation was obviously alien and junglelike though, but strangely
like jungle vegetation on Earth. The few buildings and houses we saw all blended
in with the landscape. As we walked, Mistress explained they she'd waited until
now for me to learn Eridani as she had wanted me to learn it here around other
already acclimated drones. The training communicator would pick up on the habits
and communication of the native drones and impose their ways on me as well as
teaching me to hear and speak the Eridani Homo Sapiens Superior tongue.

At the landing site, I had seen very few people¡ª none in the Import Building,
and only a few off in the distance outside. I saw more and more walking both
directions as we got closer to the city. Their chosen dress struck me more than
anything else about them, otherwise they looked very similar to Eridani's I'd
already met. The drones I saw, both alone and with Masters or Mistresses, were
nude of course and mostly had features like the two at the Import Building. I
saw no vehicles except for airborne ones off in the distance.

The Eridani's caught my eye, very few of them were completely clothed except for
some of those in uniform. I saw Eridani's wearing nothing but jewelry and shoes,
wearing corsets that left their sex bare, high boots with or without gloves;
always some article of clothing or decoration, but almost always at least one
breast or part of genitals were bare. I saw all kinds of Earth fashions worn in
ways nobody on Earth would have ever dared. It shouldn't have startled me; after
all Mistress had been walking next to me all day, her torso naked and breasts,
smooth cleft and ass on display and decorated. I guess it just overwhelmed me to
see so many Eridani's nearly naked after being on a ship where most of the crew
was clothed. I guess since the crew had just left Earth, they were wearing
clothing more than they would have on this hot planet. I think the unspoken rule
of at least one article of clothing for Eridani's helped tell the difference
between Eridani's and Drones.

After not too much further, we entered the city filled with natural but
futuristic looking buildings. As we walked, I noticed that except for the modern
architectural style, most of the buildings seemed to be quite old. The number of
people increased as we continued down the street. Most of them wore as little
clothing as those outside the city. Most of those in service wore uniforms, but
I noticed some servicepeople working outside wore only abbreviated uniforms with
Comm badges with harnesses like mine as necessary.

After passing many shops and stores, we turned down another street, and came to
a modest but large house in the middle of a residential area within the city. We
walked though a stone gate into a neatly kept garden and to an elegant but
functional wood door. Mistress knocked on the door as she pushed me to my knees.
It opened and looking up I saw a bare drone standing in the doorway. She was
obviously from Earth, and had the same Anglo-Saxon features as me. I noticed
details I never would have before¡ª her blond hair cut short like mine, her body
glistening with sweat, her breasts large and wet with drops of milk, her open,
wet and slick pussy, lips hanging loosely, a tight silver collar encircling a
chubby neck.

As I looked up in awe at this creature, I heard an Eridani woman, who was coming
up behind the Drone, call out in Eridani, "Karen, who is at the Door?" Walking
up beside the drone, the woman looked out the door, and opened her eyes wide,
grinning broadly when she saw Mistress. Looking up at her, the woman was tall,
but not quite so as Mistress, very fit and trim with medium sized breasts and
shoulder length dark hair. She was as naked as the Drone before her; her body
likewise as hairless.

She called out, "Welcome home! Come on in!" Looking down at me she exclaimed,
"Ah! I see you have a new pet!" I bowed my head, grinning bashfully as Mistress
stepped through the door and into the other woman's arms. As they hugged,
Mistress tearfully cried, "I missed you so much, Mother! It's really good to be
back." They talked as they walked towards the back of the house. "Your father is
still off on that archeological expedition, your brother should be off duty late
tonight. Take off your boots and gloves, you can relax in the pool while I
finish supper."

I still knelt there, hesitant to go in, when the drone looked down at me, and
said in English "All right, hurry up! I can't hold the door open all day! If you
need to go, do it on that bush." I thought about it a bit, then discretely
watered the bush, and crawled into the house. I guess I could have gotten up,
but somehow it felt right to stay on my knees. Adjusting to the dimmer light
inside, I noticed two naked drone kids, two or three years old, crawling around
in the corner.

I timidly found an out of the way spot and knelt up, my back arched and breasts
up like I'd seen the two drones at the Import Building do. Looking around I
noticed I was in a great room with a kitchen area at the back. Closing the door,
my companion walked over and lay down on her stomach on some cushions in the
corner. She propped her head and chest up on her elbows, leaving her huge
breasts accessible from the sides. The two kids immediately found them and
started sucking. She cooed happily and crossed her lower legs up over her butt
as they fed.

After five or ten minutes, two naked Eridani children rushed in, one three or
four years old, the other ten or so. They expressed no surprise at me as the
older one went over to the nursing drone and felt the bellies of the two kids.
Apparently deciding one of them was full, he pulled it off her, and let his
younger brother take its place. I gasped as he put it in my arms, and its mouth
found my nipple. I imagined what it would feel like to actually nurse as it
sucked my nipple off my breast searching for nonexistent milk.

As it continued using my breast for a pacifier, pawing me all over with his
hands and feet, the older boy came over to me. He knelt in front of me, and took
my other breast in his mouth. He ran his hands and body all over me as he sucked
me, more like a lover than a baby seeking nourishment. His knee forced my legs
apart, and I began panting and moaning with excitement as his fingers found my
slit and expertly massaged me.

Mistress's Mother came back into the kitchen and smiled when she saw the kids
playing with me on the floor. She retrieved a bottle from a cabinet and walked
over to me. I couldn't help but lick her fingers as the boy's fingers brought me
off again. As I continued kissing her hand, she quickly popped a pill into my
mouth and massaged my chin so I'd swallow. As I wondered what the pill was for,
she said, "There, we might as well put you to work while you're here!" I
swallowed as the boy resumed fondling my breasts and pussy.

After a while, I had three kids crawling over me as the baby slept in his
mother's arms. Mistress came back into the kitchen, her boots and gloves gone,
when supper was just about ready. Dishes of sweet smelling food were placed on
the table, as the two Eridani children were called to supper. Mistress placed
two bowls on the floor and called Karen and myself to hurry up. We raced each
other across the smooth floor for the delicious food. I found out what the pill
had been for, as Mistress kneaded my breasts as I eagerly ate. Before Mistress
sat down with the other three naked Eridanis, she firmly massaged my breasts,
and told me the pill contained hormones and would cause my breasts to give milk.

Quickly finishing my food, I sat up on the floor next to my new friend. As we
sat there like two family dogs, I noticed there were no glasses on the table.
Before I could wonder, a hand pulled up my friend by the neck, and she sighed as
Mistress's Mother took a long suck from her right breast. She was passed to
Mistress who drained the left one as the two Eridani adults talked. "It's a good
thing you brought your new drone. I'm having a party for a few close friends
this weekend. I was about to rent another from the public stock. As productive
as Karen is, she won't have enough milk for the party. Several of my friends are
bringing theirs, but it still wasn't going to be enough."

Karen was passed on to the kids, and Mistress, having finished her meal, pulled
me up to sit arched on her knee. A thrill went through me as the idea of being
used as a living drink vessel went through my mind. Nursing the babies brought
out my maternal instincts, but being used by the adults made me come right there
on Mistress's knee with no more stimulation that the gentle rocking of her leg.
As I rode out my pleasure, I wondered if they had another pill to make me give
chocolate milk!

After her mother complimented me about how hot a drone I was, Mistress slapped
me on my plump ass and told me to get back down onto the floor. They walked back
to the den section of the great room and lay back on cushions to talk. I crawled
back and was content to lie there with a full belly on display while they
talked. They talked about everything from her father's expedition to Mistress's
last tour of duty. I folded my arms in front of me, and tucked my chin on top of
my forearms, looked up at Mistress, and stretched out a bit more when I heard
her talk about me¡ª how she'd decided to purchase me and how much happier I was

Mistress's Mother explained that she'd just gotten Karen five months ago¡ª
Karen was one of the first humans taken, and she was very lucky to have gotten
her. Karen had been a down on her luck single mother, and the two children were
hers from Earth. The younger one had never worn any clothing except for a
diaper, and both children will be the first Earth children to grow up like their
distant ancestors. I envied the children¡ª when grown they would have no memory
of our past lives, and already seemed just like natives. As I watched them, they
hardly ever used their hands for anything other than walking on all fours. When
caressing or playing with each other or adults, they used their mouths
constantly, licking each other or their mother. Washing genitals with their
mouths obviously wasn't taboo, but they had no awareness of sexual matters,
even with someone fucking right next to them.

I napped there in the middle of the room for a while, the words from the
adults' just murmurs in my blissful ears. I awoke to the sensation of an
insistent mouth on my nipple. I still had no milk, but I could feel my breasts
swelling. Mistress and her mother saw me wake up, and got down on the floor with
me. Soon both my breasts were occupied and hands were all over me; I stretched
my long neck, crying out in pleasure as the whole family played with me.

After everyone found other diversions, I felt full, and walked out to the front
yard to relieve myself. I discretely bent at the knees, spread them wide, and
held my back high while from behind a bush I watched citizens of the city walk
by. It felt exhilarating to release my pressures out in the cool night air. I
twisted my head under myself to wash before going back in. Then at bedtime I
curled up with Karen, after the two Eridani children were put to bed, and
Mistress and her mother walked up to their bed arm in arm. I fell asleep to the
feel of occasional gentle sucks on my breasts from the two babies sleeping with

I had a very comfortable sleep only broken by occasional lovemaking. I awoke
early that night to the feel of Karen's talented tongue on my pussy. I snaked my
head around to return the favor, and we fell asleep with our heads between the
other's legs, the babies curled up wherever they could. I awoke later from a
pleasant dream of walking naked through a grocery store while everyone else, who
wore clothes, admired my naked body. I teased Karen awake again with my long
tongue all the way up her cunt, and we brought each other off again, each of us
biting and kissing the other's clit and lips.

I woke the next morning surprised at the abrupt feel of a leash being clipped to
my collar. I was pulled to a bowl of food, and ordered to eat quickly. Mistress
then took me out the front door, and rinsed me with cold water from a hose,
making my nipples stick out, and my clit rise. I was given no opportunity to
relieve my full bladder, either then or while Mistress lead me down the street,
holding my head erect and high with tugs from the leash. With the translator
suppressing English speech, I did not know how to express my need to Mistress;
she didn't feel inclined to let me release it anyway. I wasn't far enough gone
to pee as I walked like a common horse. Somehow peeing right in the middle of
the street seemed different that going in the water.

I got more and more uncomfortable, I could barely hold it, and only the leash
kept me going. I imagined all eyes looking at me, as I anxiously cupped my hands
over my sex. By now I thought no more of rubbing my sex or ass in public than of
rubbing any other part of me; still I felt anxiety over my discomfort. As I held
my fluids, some remaining modesty kept me from simply letting go as I walked. We
came to a nondescript building, and Mistress led me forcefully through the door.
As we'd approached the building, I noticed other drones being led on similar
leashes and looking just as uneasy. I stepped through the door, and saw Eridanis
circled all around the room, some sitting, some standing.

Each Eridani had the end of a leash firmly wrapped around his or her hand, and a
frightened looking drone on the end of the leash. There was an even mix of male
and female drones, and all were seated on the floor. Some sat upright on their
haunches like the two I'd met the day before, some were curled up. All sat so
their genitals were clearly visible to anyone walking through the door¡ª most of
the males were erect. All looked uncomfortable and squirmed around. I noticed
almost all of them seemed to come from Earth; most had the facial features of
Earthlings, and they smelt like it.

As Mistress walked into the middle of the room, a man got up from a seat,
pulling his drone after him, and allowed Mistress to sit down. She snapped her
fingers, pointing at the floor in front of her and I knew I was supposed to
kneel. I got down on my knees, a few drops of piss seeping from my slit, as a
very tall stern looking woman walked through a back door. I was genuinely afraid
of her, but the desperate need to relieve myself overrode that fear.

She strode to the center of the room, pulling a native drone behind her. I
clenched my checks trying to hold it, aware that in this bend over position, I
was completely visible to everyone. Mistress reached down, and stroking the
naked skin on my back, told me "I know you desperately need to relieve yourself,
but you must hold it until given permission to let go. You will be severely
punished if you make a mess!" I squirmed as the woman commanded her drone to
heel beside her then started talking to the group.

"Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen, and welcome to today's obedience class. Most
of you possess drones recently imported from the planet Earth, soon to be a new
Republic Colony. While these new drones have done well on starships or other
recent colony worlds with close personal supervision, some have had trouble
fitting in here on Homeworld or other old Republic Worlds. As you know drones
have been part of our culture and considered property ever since they were
conquered in our mutual races for survival as new sentient species. We of course
regard them the same as the Earthlings did their pets or other animals. To the
drones, belonging to society as a less developed yet still sentient species has
become a part of their genetic and evolutionary existence. They actually look
forward to becoming someone's pet; a young drone looks forward to being sold to
a new master the same as we looked forward to graduating from school¡ª at least
as far as it can be aware of. It is an honor for them to obey their master and
raise his children.

However, the drones that crash-landed on Earth have 100,000 years of independent
development to overcome. Granted, their ancestors were drones for many millennia
before that, but the ingrained thought patterns from their recent past must be
removed. The genetic and psychological conditioning each underwent while being
reverted to pure drone stock has gone a long way towards this end, however most
of the new ones still need more work in order to fit into our society. Each of
these drones must loose all memory of ever being human, and only think of
themselves as drones¡ª property belonging to a master that if sold to a new
master would gladly embrace their new master with the same affection and
obedience as the old one.

A one-day class like this cannot accomplish very much, however we will introduce
things your drone must become accustomed to here on Homeworld. We will go over
techniques and routines designed to reinforce their submissive and obedient
natures. To begin with, leave the translators on your drones until the green
lights on them come on¡ª as the devices teach the drone the language, the drone
will be further conditioned to think of itself as a drone, not a person. Be sure
the drone has plenty of contact with native drones while wearing the translators
so native habits and attitudes are transferred. You must not give your drone any
privacy¡ª they should have no modesty about performing any act right here in the
middle of the room in front of us all if so ordered. Bodily functions cannot
interfere with their duties. Work stoppage simply to allow a drone to perform
ordinary bodily functions is wasteful and inefficient, not to mention silly.
Commands should be obeyed instantly no matter what is being asked of the drone
or by whom¡ª except of course dangerous ones. You as Master must learn
temperance. We will cover some common nonverbal commands, as well as accepted
punishments should your drone disobey. We will start our session today with a
trip to the garden park in the middle of this cluster of buildings.

Before we leave the building I'd like to mention a few hand signals each drone
should learn to obey. A leash or actual physical contact is sometimes necessary
for difficult drones or stressful situations. However, normally the drone should
obey freely: if commanded to heel, it should sit and wait further commands; if
ordered to follow or go somewhere, it should act without hesitation. I will
demonstrate with this drone, who has been my well trained personal property for
many years now."

She went through the gestures several times: Heel, get down on all fours, stand
up, follow me, go over there, etc. The drone proudly obeyed, displaying his very
erect cock, and showing her his affection at any opportunity. After she'd gone
over all those commands, and appropriate punishments, usually spanks on the ass
with a hand or riding crop, she came over to me.

She knelt down in front of me and talked as if she personally knew Mistress.
"So! You're Nurse Oktanawa's little pet! I see by your nervous twitching that
you still haven't quite gotten used to the fact you'll never wear clothes again
and are just another animal. Oh, you display yourself to everyone like you've
been taught, but you still remember when you wore clothing. Don't worry, we'll
take care of that. Soon, if given a free choice between clothing and your shiny
black collar, you'll take the collar, and that pretty head will be filled only
with instincts." I'd already chosen the collar, but I didn't dare tell her
that. Looking up at Mistress, she said "When you return to her native planet,
you must be sure she's displayed to everyone who might have known while she wore
clothing, to reinforce the image that she no longer needs clothing in her mind."

She took the leash from Mistress, and told me "OK, we'll see how well you
remember the commands I just talked about. I know you're about to burst, please
me and I'll let you relieve yourself." She motioned for me to stand up, and I
remembered to stand erect as if on display like I'm supposed to. She then gave
the command to follow, pulling at my leash firmly then let go. She turned away
and started walking to the rear door, looking back to see if I was following.

I obeyed, my bare feet padding softly across the floor as I walked towards the
door. As I reached it, aware of all eyes on my body, she called out to the group
"Everyone please follow us outside". As she held the door open and gave me the
signal to proceed, I walked out into the bright sunlight, while I reached my
hand under myself and unselfconsciously ran it across my skin from my asshole to
my pubic mound. Catching up to me, the lady smiled and said "Patience, you can
let go soon". She signaled for me to turn and we went down one trail towards an
open area within the garden.

As we walked, she tested me on my memory of the earlier lesson on signals. She
covered all the signals she'd talked about, giving me quick pets as I completed
maneuvers correctly. As I listened to her commands, I realized my translator had
progressed beyond teaching me the Eridani and drone languages. There were still
many words I didn't know, but now it was conditioning me to think in the native
drone language, it no long forced my vocal cords to use the drone meows and
squeaks. When I thought about my responses to her commands, it was difficult to
remember English words. It felt natural to form the drone sounds with my vocal

I almost peed as I walked when she slapped my butt cheek and said something
about the proper way to discipline a misbehaving drone. I shivered again when I
heard her say "Usually a few quick slaps the first times are enough since by the
time they've been sold and in your hands, they have given up all control and are
eager to please their master or mistress." I glimpsed a bit of a smile as she
said, "A spank for no good reason doesn't hurt either." We walked around
another corner in the path and came to a clearing with bushes around the edges
and flowers scattered throughout the middle. She ordered me to walk across the
clearing and turn and face the group.

She told me to squat like a frog on my hands and feet with my knees wide and
look up at the group as she talked to the group again. I vaguely heard her say
something again about drones could not be allowed to interrupt their work merely
to exercise bodily functions. Then she turned back to me, and told me to look up
at the group¡ª "Look around at EVERYONE watching you kneel there." My mind
reeled from shock when she said, "You may relieve your discomfort now."

Her words jolted me, and I hesitated; she spoke again, much harsher than
Mistress ever was¡ª "You are an animal, a simple beast, and like a beast, you
have no need of modesty. So relieve yourself¡ª both your bladder and your
bowels, then clean yourself with your tongue quickly so we can continue. Oh and
don't worry about making a mess, there are special microbes throughout our
natural environment designed to quickly start breaking down any waste products."
Despite my urgent need, I couldn't let go with all those people watching. Of
course I hadn't used an actual bathroom in a long time, even of course doing it
out on the lawn at Mistress's house, but I'd never done it with this many
people around waiting for me to go like a dog on a leash. I managed to let
several squirts out, then suddenly, I could hold it no longer and everything
rushed out at once until nothing was left.

My eyes darted back and forth from my trainer and Mistress the entire time. The
trainer gave me an approving smile when I finished, yet something about her made
me not want to move until I was completely finished. So with my legs still
widely splayed, and my hands on the ground, I bent my head and torso double back
under myself until I could reach myself with my tongue. Licking myself wasn't
as bad, I was used to touching myself in public and I'd left little residue.
I'd have stayed in that position pleasing myself, but a quick tug on my leash
urged me to hurry up and return to a heel position.


Dawn pauses her tale, and twists her head down under herself for a few quick
licks, then straightening back out, says: "It's hard to believe I can do this,
my torso doesn't look much different except for being a bit longer than before.
It's amazing what a few extra vertebrae and very limber muscles can do for you!
For that matter, tasting human wastes is not unpleasant, it's simply another


As I sat back on my haunches and waited for my next command, my trainer smiled
and said "Good Girl, a bit more practice and you'll forget all about your
bodily functions and just do them whenever needed and in an appropriate
environment. See? Your wastes are already starting to be absorbed and processed
by the microbes in the soil." Telling me to heel until commanded again, she left
my leash lying on the ground and turned to speak to the rest of the group.
Leaving me to curl up and wait on the ground, she began, "OK, Everyone. I want
each of you to command your pets to do the same. Don't worry too much about
where; just try to not let them do it in the middle of the path. If necessary,
we will demonstrate disciplinary actions again. Also, those of you with males
may find that they are unable to relieve their bladders due to erections. If so,
simply reach down and stroke them until they spend, or let them suck their own
member, whichever you prefer." There were a few bouts of crying and a few
recalcitrant drones, but all the drones obeyed after a few quick smacks and
several displays of affection from fellow drones. One young female drone near me
let herself go after I licked at her face and breasts a bit.

As the rest of our troop finished up, the trainer asked everyone to call his or
her drone to an erect sit-up heel position for the next lesson. She continued
her lessons on how drones should act and how to handle them. We spent the rest
of the day in the gardens, back inside the building, and walking around the
city. We were made to do a variety of tasks that drones were commonly expected
to perform. Nothing asked of me was too difficult, and usually not too
unpleasant¡ª I had no problems completing any task on my own. All of them
together, however, were designed to draw us into the reality of being a drone.
Tasks were repeated over and over, monotonously and one after the other, and we
were expected to perform each at once without thinking. Encouraged by my
collar's endless stream of Eridani and Drone speech, I slowly lost myself in a
haze of sensual submissiveness.

An awareness of the pleasures that both the sensations of my body and performing
for my masters brought filled my mind and replaced my conscious thoughts. Like
learning to think in another language, my thoughts were filled with images and
sensations instead of words. I was expected to perform all bodily functions at
once with minimum disruption to the task at hand; that same repetition, and
rewards for good behavior reinforced this. I came to look forward to pats on the
head whenever Mistress saw me. By the end of the day, whenever a bowl of food
was placed in front of me or that same food was ready to leave my body, I would
simply crouch on the ground and do it¡ª not realizing what I was doing until
almost finished or sometimes never.

Performing my bodily functions in public wasn't as humiliating as I thought
it'd be after the first few times. Whenever I crouched to do it, people ignored
me unless they were waiting on me, and then made no deal about my act, but were
simply waiting for me to continue whatever I was doing before. Parts of my brain
that once were occupied with my own self-awareness were now free to process
observations of my environment. I was surprised at the everyday details I'd
missed before. Often Mistress would join me in crouching on the ground. Of
course she couldn't reach around to clean her own ass, and I found that
cleansing my Mistress with my raspy tongue became one of my favorite tasks. This
wasn't a surprise to me, I'd already seen crewmembers go while on duty, why
should they wait for an indoor toilet when the environment was bioengineered to
take care of wastes? As the training session came to a close, I found myself
running on autopilot unless I thought about it, and all of these things that
once I dwell on intensely, now I could just do without a thought.

END Chapter Six

Dawn's Tale, Chapter Seven:

With our training session over, I walked back with Mistress with my hands
comfortably clasped behind me as a weary but content nude drone. My thoughts
were consumed with my Mistress, and I stooped to relieve my bladder over
convenient storm drains whenever I felt the least bit of pressure, lost in the
freedom of being unhindered by clothing. Often I didn't realize what I was
doing until I looked up and saw Mistress looking down and smiling at me. I was
in the middle of releasing one such stream into a gutter when she suddenly
exclaimed¡ª "A grooming house!" and pulled on my leash. Somehow the fact that I
wasn't quite finished didn't bother me in the least as I walked with legs
outspread to let the last few streams go.

As I walked with a few drops still clinging and totally unconcerned, I saw what
Mistress was excited about¡ª before us was a small building beside the road with
a wide open covered area next to it. Under the shelter, buckets tubs and hoses
surrounded several tables at the perfect height for me. On the walls were
shelves lined with many bottles and containers of all sizes and colors. As she
led me by the hand across the smooth earthen tiles, she smiled back at me. "You
are going to get a reward for being so good" she said as a tall muscular Eridani
came out from the building.

She conferred quietly with him, then I was lifted up and positioned by a firm
hand under my crotch and another under my chest onto my hands and knees onto one
of the tables to face the passing pedestrian traffic. I thought of that collie
being bathed in a backyard tub as I realized I was getting my first public
bathing. I gazed out at the passersby glancing at my face and hanging breasts as
he removed my collar and left me completely nude. I'd worn the collar for so
long, I felt even more exposed than ever without it. I practically purred as he
hosed me down from head to foot with warm water from a hose. The water missed
not a inch of me inside or out as he made once pass, stuck it in each of my
orifices, waited for it to drain back out, then hosed me again.

I crouched there on my hands and knees, head bent back and eyes half-lidded,
watching the crowds walk past, as I basked in the pleasures of his hands soaping
me from head to foot. He left no part of me untouched¡ª he lifted each leg to
soap my knees and feet, then worked his way up to my thighs; he reached under me
and soaped my belly, then thoroughly massaged the soap into my sex. Scooping up
a fresh handful, he ran his hands over my ass and between my cheeks. His fingers
rubbed my tight rosebud as he washed my sex once more for good measure. I openly
cooed my pleasure as he ran his hands the rest of the way up my belly, then
vigorously massaged my full breasts.

Lost in the sensations of being washed, I didn't realize he'd soaped me
completely until I'd been rinsed off and he'd begun to dry me. As my skin
tingled from his touch as he dried me, I noted that while I acutely felt his
touch against my most sensitive and very exposed parts, they seemed no more
stimulated than the rest of me. Instead, my whole body seemed to be one huge
erogenous zone and the degrees of pleasure coursing through my brain ranged from
sensual to sexual based not on where he touched me but simply how he stroked my
skin. As he finished drying me, my pleasure felt like what I remember from lying
in the warm winter sun, except that I was a completely naked animal being
groomed and pampered like a horse.

I stretched my long body and let my mind drift aimlessly, aware only of the
pleasure that came from knowing that I was the object of admiration of all the
people passing by as he paused and left my side to retrieve a bottle from one of
those shelves. I jumped slightly when he dribbled warm oil across my back and
down my legs then moaned audibly and loudly when I felt him drizzle more on my
asshole and pussy. I moaned again when he firmly and expertly began to massage
the oil into my body.

Like the previous bath, he massaged me completely from head to feet, massaging
each part of me in turn. , As he worked his way down my body, he massaged my
breasts and sex in turn. I squirmed and arched my back like a wild cat as he
rubbed between my open legs in a circular motion from my slick mound up to my
puckered and exposed hole. I focused my attention on the eyes watching me from
the street as I felt myself begin to come, proud to know they were seeing me be
brought to an orgasm in that public place. He finished his massage as my orgasm
subsided, slowing his massage as my body subsided.

I collapsed full length onto the table as he left my side to talk to Mistress.
Coming back with Mistress at his side, he pulled me to my knees again and dried
my body again with a rough towel. He massaged me again, quickly this time,
buffing a thin clear lotion into my skin with the towel that left me gleaming.
As he directed me to kneel up, he massaged my front with it from my neck down my
breasts and to my hairless labia. As he worked, Mistress talked to me, telling
me this lotion would make my skin "gleam like a hot seal". Finally he replaced
my collar around my neck and let me up after one last adjustment to it. After
thanking him for doing such a good job, Mistress brought me to my feet with a
finger under my collar, and led me breathless back down the street.

The humid air felt completely natural against my freshly oiled bare skin as I
walked behind my Mistress. Despite the sweaty film that covered me as soon as I
left the shop with Mistress, I felt cleaner than I had after any bath. She'd
left my leash off after my bath, and doing anything but following my Mistress
ever occurred to me. At a small shop beside the street, she suddenly stopped and
clipped the leash back onto my collar. After pushing me to the ground with a
firm hand to my head, she fastened the other end to a post then entered the
store. I sat there emulating the native drones I'd seen as I waited for
Mistress. I crouched on my hands and knees, my back slightly arched and my legs
spread to properly display my shiny sex to the citizens passing down the walk
behind me. I merely arched my back a bit more whenever pedestrians would stoop
to massage my upturned asshole, rub my slit or simply pet my back.

When I felt a hand caress my ass longer than the others, then reach underneath
to cup my gaping lips masterfully fingering my clitoris, I knew my Mistress had
returned. She pulled me onto my feet, then thrust a bag into my hands after
unclipping the leash from my collar. She talked as I walked beside me. Her
brother had come in after I'd gone to sleep the night before, and would want to
sample me when we got back to the house. The next night the family would host a
party and I would be an appetizer as well as a naked serving wench.

Arriving back at the house, Mistress and I were greeted outside by both her
mother and brother. To show my newfound obedience, I relieved my bowels without
a thought as they discussed my training. Sure enough, no one even bothered to
look down at me as their conversation shifted to which old friends of
Mistress's would be at the party the next day. After I was done, I got up to
stand beside Mistress, and she idly stroked my back while introducing me to her
brother. I meekly bent over from the waist as he examined me, squeezing my
breasts, feeling the strength of my limbs and probing my sex and ass. Just
before we entered the house, he grabbed my hips and allowed me to gyrate against
his nude loins, as he commented on how much fun I'd be after supper.

Supper was uneventful except that there was one more nude Eridani there, and
they drank from both Karen and myself. By the way, I learned that they usually
undressed when at home unless guests were expected, and the Eridani children
went nude even at school, and did not wear clothes until they were ready to work
or enter the Council Academy. Just like last night, after supper Mistress sat
and talked with her mother and siblings while Karen and I lay on the floor
allowing the younger children to suckle from us. With both of us giving milk
now, all four children were able to suck at once.

Much later, with all four children exhausted and asleep in a pile, the three
adults grew tired of talking and turned their eyes on Karen and I. Mistresses'
brother looked at me as I lay sprawled out on the floor and came to me. He ran
his hand through my hair, then pulled my mouth to his organ as I raised up onto
my knees. As I hungrily sucked, I could her Karen licking at my Mistress as her
mother pleasured her own drone. I sucked at his cock, careful not to let him

After an eternity, he pulled my head from his crotch, and slapped one of my
plump cheeks so I'd turn around. Spinning around and still on hands and knees,
I busied myself with licking my owner's mother as I waited for what I knew
would come. I knew I was tonguing the right spots as I heard her soft coos. My
tongue licked deeper into her as I felt two hard slaps when he grasped my hips
and thrust into me. The rest of the night blurred into one orgasmic cloud as the
three of them played with us late into the night. At one time, this would have
seemed very strange to me, but now I just wonder why we were so uptight about
natural acts.

The next day they let me sleep late into the morning as Mistress helped her
mother prepare for the coming party. They roused me just before lunch, and fed
me after I'd gone outside. Afterwards, they sent me down the street to pick up
more groceries, and again I walked down the street nude¡ª it's amazingly
convenient not to have to get ready before going out... What felt weird was not
being nude, but that I was walking alone on a public street for the first time
since Earth. Memories of my life flashed before my eyes as I entered the
store¡ªIt looked pretty much like an Earth store except most of the fixtures
were some sort of rustic wood transfixed by ultramodern electronics.

I thought about the last time I'd gone into a grocery on Earth as I walked
among Eridani's all wearing at least a little more clothing that I. The
shopkeeper already had a package for me¡ª I briefly wondered how I was supposed
to pay without pockets for money. He just smiled at me and told me to tell my
owners' hello before guiding me to the door with a hand on my ass.

Back at the house, Mistress took the package from me and put it down in the
kitchen before nudging me outside to lie in the hazy sunlight. I napped happily,
content as I thought of my daydreams back onboard ship of tanning under a warm
sun. After a while Mistress joined me still nude, muttering something about her
mother kicking her out of the kitchen too. I guess all mothers don't want
anyone in their kitchens. After a brief kiss on the lips, we simply catnapped
until evening come. I thought about making love to my Mistress, but I couldn't
seem to muster the energy.

Just before dark, Mistress got up and went inside, leaving me napping. Later she
surprised me again when she came and got me dressed again in one of her
uniforms. Back inside, I found the house full of Eridani's dressed in uniforms
or their best clothes as well as several new drones. With a shove, Mistress sent
me into the middle of the crowd and to work at once. Despite months of going
without clothing, it still felt awkward to circulate through the crowd of
Eridani's in their Sunday Best. It was really strange to walk nude and barefoot
among guests all dressed to the nines. I stayed on edge all night as I
alternated between carrying trays of appetizers from the kitchen and allowing
guests to nurse from my breasts as they touched my sex or complimented me with a
pat on the head.

I believe another small orgy developed late that night after most of the guests
have left, but I'm not sure¡ª I was exhausted and fell asleep out on the patio
after I'd gone out to relieve myself. The next day everyone slept late. When we
did get up, we just relaxed¡ª Mistress came out and lay beside in the sun where
I still lay from the previous night, then we casually went shopping in town
after the sun disappeared behind the clouds. Even Mistress really didn't
dress¡ª she simply pulled on another pair of boots and straightened her hair
after a quick dip in the pool. Mistress made me go to sleep early, mentioning a
trip to a nearby beach.

We got up early the next morning, and again no one made much effort to dress.
Mistress simply put on a new set of rings she'd bought the day before and put a
pair of sandals on her feet. Karen fixed a basket for Mistress to take then
stayed home with the kids while Mistress, her mother and brother and I rode on a
transport similar to the old trains on Earth. The beach looked like any on Earth
except that of course bathing suits were optional¡ª here almost no one wore
anything at the beach. This was the one place where in most cases the only
differences between drones and Eridanis were that all drones had some sort of
collar or harness.

As we arrived at the beach, I was surprised to see an entire line of drones
leashed to a railing above the beach itself. Most of them were just sitting
patiently, but a few occupied themselves by fucking or licking themselves or the
one next to them. Mistress just laughed when she saw me looking at them, and
said "I won't always take you with me, I might chain you to a post for an
entire day!" They found a spot they liked, and paused to lay towels on the sand
and so forth. Mistress turned to me and after fingering my pussy a bit, turned
me around and sent me towards the water with a slap on my ass.

I didn't need any encouragement, as I walked into the surf until I was
waist-deep in the water. I dove headfirst into a breaker, and with several
strong kicks, was swimming free and nude among the coral just like my ancestors
who'd first arrived on Earth. Suddenly realizing that no one had feed me that
morning, I caught fish in my mouth as I swam. I still had one in my mouth, its
tail hanging out, when I saw Mistress's mother swimming towards me. Being
polite, I offered it to her, but she just shook her head. I forgot that
swallowing fish whole is an acquired taste.

After I'd gulped down the fish, she played with me as we swam in the warm ocean
water for an hour or more. I had fun letting her ride on my back before we swam
back to the beach. We'd swum out further than I'd realized, and carrying
Mother back pleasantly exhausted me. As I swam, I noticed this ocean was much
shallower and calmer than those on Earth. Emerging dripping from the surf, I saw
my Mistress asleep on the beach. Tired from my swim, I didn't dry off or look
for a blanket to lie on, but simply stretched out on the sand to nap and let the
sun dry me. As I drifted off to sleep, I thought about how uncomfortable the
sand stuck to my skin would've been when I'd worn swimsuits.

I awoke suddenly as someone grabbed my hips and pulled me to my knees. Just
before my Mistresses' brother thrust his cock down my throat, I got a quick
glance at who was behind me. Kneeling behind me, and about to jab his long cock
into my wet pussy was the Eridani officer that I'd met back on Earth and again
just before coming down to this planet! I moaned and shifted to allow him better
access as I stretched my throat to let the cock in front of me slip all the way
down my throat. As I wiggled impaled on their organs, I felt Mistresses hands
caressing my body and I began to come.

I convulsed violently from my orgasms, yet I could not collapse onto the sand as
they held me skewered on their cocks. Finally my new potential master started to
come, and when he finished, Mistresses brother moved to take his place. After
he'd pulled from my mouth, I saw that besides my Mistress kneeling next to me,
her mother and many other Eridani's stood or sat nearby watching me. As her
brother plunged into my ass, Mistress motioned for one of the watching women to
come to me. As my rectum clenched at the cock in it, I pushed my tongue into her
pussy as Mistress stroked me.

As I began coming again, I heard her say to the new woman, "I want to make sure
Dawn understands she exists to be used by anyone..."

Just like my first time back on the ship with the other drones, they controlled
me, and kept me going until I was exhausted and almost past my endurance level.

After everyone nearby had come in all of my holes, and I was left dripping with
cum, Mistress clipped the leash to my collar and led me to the railing where the
other drones were tied. She tied my leash to it at the end of the line next to a
young female drone. I barely heard Mistress tell me they were going to a little
bar nearby as she petted my head before leaving. As I arranged my sweaty body
into a comfortable position on the ground, my attention was completely on the

She was young, maybe 13 or 14 years old, 15 at best¡ª of course that doesn't
have the same connotations it once would have. Now there are no laws about sex
for or with drone children, as soon as a drone is sexually mature both they and
the rest of us instinctively know it, and preteen drones are simply non-sexual.
(As I relate my story, I have to really strain my memory to recall the reasons
teenage sexuality was so taboo in the 20th century.) I knew the girl was from
Earth and obviously had just been processed in the last few months. She looked
at me with innocent eyes as I settled down next to her and studied her body.

She seemed nervous and almost on the verge of tears as she kneel there on her
tiny haunches. Not yet used to being on display, she tried to hide her little
tits and tight pouch as I hungrily gazed at her nubile body. I wanted to console
her, tell her we were animals here, if she gave into her new instincts and
forgot the past, everything would be OK, but all that come out of my mouth was a
series of coos and meows. I gave up on speech in favor of licks and caresses.
Soon she was instinctively reciprocating, moaning and rubbing herself against me
as I tenderly licked at her neck and face.

I began to assert my will, and encouraged her animalistic behavior. Whenever she
licked back at me, I purred my approval. If she shied away or tried to hide
herself, I growled a warning. Soon the roles were reversed¡ªI was dominant for
once, and I knelt there still while the little pet showed affection towards an
elder with her mouth and tongue. I found I enjoyed being the dominant partner as
I let her tongue and kiss me.

I soon learned how an old dog feels with a young pup as I lay there waiting on
Mistress. She overcame her shyness quickly, and spent the entire time licking
from my bottom to my face. She started at my sex and anus, tenderly licking
around them, then worked her way up to my face, licking around my neck and ears.
She spent a long time nursing at my breast and a drone next to us joined in,
sucking on the other one. It was an incredible relief as I hadn't been milked
since that morning and I felt like I was about to burst.

It had been sometime after noon when they left to go into the bar, and they
finally came back when the sun was going down. With them was a tall Eridani man
wearing sandals and shorts. He smiled when he saw the young drone licking around
my pussy.

"I see you meet my little pet," he said as they walked up. "Are the two of you

Both of us let out a meow that roughly translated means "Feed me!"

"Good," as he unclipped both of our leashes, "Dawn take your new friend out into
the water to catch fish."

I knew why I now love being nude all the time as I ran to the water with my
little friend. I felt freer and more liberated than I ever had on Earth as I
ran, with the feel of the wind against my skin. I could feel my lips, still
wetter than usual from the licking, flap between my legs, and I ran just for the
sake of running.

We dove into the waves simultaneously, as the red setting sun illuminated the
water. I swam leisurely, my head held about the water, because I wanted to enjoy
my swim. My little friend was in much more of a hurry, and constantly swam
around me brushing against me or touched as she cooed at me to hurry up. I
equally related my displeasure at being rushed as we swam along the surface.

I let my mind wander as I swam. Even after only a few days of the translator, it
was hard for me to even think in English. My thoughts seemed to become series of
images, and the cooing, meowing language came naturally to me. Later on of
course they removed the translator, and I remember English, but I have to think
to speak in it. As I swam, the simple pleasures I got from swimming with my
young friend, the feel of the water against my body, the pleasure of her rubbing
against me, all are easily expressed in our cooes.

When we were far enough out, I dove down to the reef. My eager friend, being
younger and therefore a much better swimmer, easily caught up with me. Mind you,
both of us can easily outswim any normal human, but even so her young athletic
body left me in the dust. She followed me down to the corals, sometimes swimming
next to me, sometimes under, sometimes over, always brushing against my naked

I spied schools of fish and easily downed several, catching and swallowing them
one after another. My friend just swam around me uncertainly, and I realized
she'd never caught and eaten fish whole, and didn't know yet her jaws and
throat were made to suck down just such fish. I catch another smaller fish, and
held it tail first in my mouth.

I swam to my little playmate, and caught her, first grabbing her under the
shoulders, and then hooking my legs around her thighs, pulling her pussy and
belly to mine. I reached for her head, and pulled her to me as if we were going
to kiss, then extended my jaw and throat, showing her how to shallow something
whole. I massaged her neck, and leaned towards her, putting the fish in her
mouth. I continued stroking her neck as I forced the fish forward, massaging
until she swallowed.

I broke away, and motioned for her to try catching her own fish as I hung in the
water. She hesitantly tried, and after several attempts managed to catch one in
her mouth. I swam to her again, and stroked her neck again as I held her close,
watching her gulp and gasp as she succeeded in swallowing the fish. Giggling,
and releasing bubbles, she broke away again and caught another one. She hung in
the water, flashing her tight pouch to me as she kicked her legs, and proudly
showed me the fish and swallowed it, licking her lips as her Adam's apple

I couldn't get to stop after that, she was like a puppy that doesn't know when
to stop eating. I had to grab her by the hand, and pull her towards the surface
when my air supply started to run low. She giggled and cooed at me again when we
broke the surface, splashing water everywhere. My own hunger sated, I pulled her
to me again, kissing her as I pushed my tongue deep into her mouth. We made out,
pushing and rubbing our pussies against each other until both of us came.

We swam playfully back to shore. My little friend, by the way I've never said
her name because I never knew her Earth name, just a series of coos and whistles
that I can't translate, stayed frisky as we swam. As we emerged from the surf,
Mistress was standing there arms crossed and not looking very pleased.

"Are you two ready to go home?" she said, "Your friend and her owner also live
in the city and they're going to come home with us."

She wasn't as mad as she looked, and my friend and I lay together on the floor
of the tramcar on the way back. Finally she wore out her energy supply and fell
asleep curled up against me. Soon I was asleep too, and woke up only when we
arrived in the city. As Mistress said, my friend and her owner came back with
us, along with the Commander from the ship. They talked as we walked back to the
house, but I paid no attention, I was too busy watching the little drone who'd
regained her stamina during her short nap and now scampered all around us as we

It was late when we reached the house. All of the adults sat around and talked
in the living room. I made one observation as I rested on the floor in front of
them. None of them would hesitate to use me when the urge hit. I had to fuck,
suck or lick whoever wanted to use me whether I liked it or not. Of course I was
always so aroused it didn't matter, but the result was the same, they of course
treated me like an animal and made almost all choices, sexual or otherwise for

My little friend was different. The adults made no attempt to use her, I guess
they considered her too young to use.

Except for the very youngest child, all of the children were still up when we
walked back in, and soon my new drone friend was playing among them like she'd
grown up in this house. At first she was playing normally with the youngest
Eridani child and the oldest drone, in the normal way for drones, licking and
kissing body parts more than using hands. I let her play with the two kids as I
lay in front of the adults and watched.

Things got a bit more interesting when the ten-year-old came downstairs. My
teenage friend was still playing innocently with the young kids. As he'd done
with me the first day I'd been in the house, he joined them on the floor and
started exploring her, kissing and fondling her with his hands like he'd done
to me.

Soon the two teenagers were playing alone with each other, the young kids asleep
in the corner. I got a special trill out of watching them grope each other. Soon
I couldn't tell who initiated what as she kissed and licked around his face
while expertly massaging his penis.

Soon, it was obvious that while still an inexperienced drone, she was still more
experienced as she lay atop him, grinding her pelvis against his cock, kissing
and making him moan. He didn't treat her like the adults did me, they were two
teenagers experiencing one of their first sexual experiences, and it didn't
seem to matter that one was an Eridani and the other a Drone. Mistress has told
me Eridani's don't have the same hangups with sex, and most Eridani children
learn sexual play from their parent's drones very early on.

My own pussy began to lubricate as I watched her reach down with her tiny
fingers, inserted his member into her slit, rocking her pelvis to seat herself
fully onto it. She lifted herself almost all the way off of him, and rapidly
sank down again, moaning and sighing as she pumped. Soon both of them were
fucking, the young teenager thrusting upwards to meet her plunges.

It was refreshing watching the two kids go at it¡ªthey fucked with the innocence
of two young lovers enjoying each other's bodies. They experimented as they
rolled around on the floor, trying each new position with a newness I hadn't
seen in a while. Watching them aroused me more than anything done to me in a
while, and I reached under myself and started stroking my own sex.

The two kids both climaxed, and kept going, until they finally tired themselves
out and fell asleep in each other's arms. I felt Mistress's fingers reach down
and massage my pussy and anus. Soon I felt a weight against my bottom, and a
cock poking around my gaping slit. I adjusted my position, and moved backward,
sinking myself onto it. I was never sure exactly which Eridani the cock belonged
to as I lay there, eyes closed and enjoying the feel of it sliding in and out of
me before I finally fell asleep myself.

Several days passed, I'm not sure since days mean nothing to me any more, I
think I'd been there a full week, and the last few days I'd spent just lazing
around in the sun punctuated by the occasional fuck. Mistress told me at supper
to eat my fill, we were going out that evening. I'd been feeling hornier than
normal towards the end of that week, but the reason never occurred to me.

After I'd finished my own supper, and had been milked after the adults at their
own meal, she clipped the leash back onto my collar, and walked outside with the
Commander, pulling me behind them. I was commanded to heel, and I proudly walked
a few steps behind them and to the right. Where we were going never even
occurred to me, as I was simply proud to be displayed and assumed they were just
taking me for a walk. I should have known something was up¡ªboth of them wore
their abbreviated uniforms of long shorts and skintight tank tops.

They walked me out of the city in a new direction. We arrived at an arena that
looked like something from ancient Rome. It was huge, made out of stone, and
apparently had stood, in one form or another for close to 10,000 years or more.
Hundreds and Thousands of Eridani's all converged on the site, streaming in
through gates all around the structure. As they led me through the throngs of
people, I was by no means the only drone, a good majority of the people had
drones trailing behind them, and I found myself in a line of Eridani's, all
with drones.

I watched as we waited in line, some of them led their drones as they entered
through gates, but most of those with drones waited in lines like this one. Soon
we reached what looked like a ticket counter, and Mistress gave the Eridani
behind it a slim black datacard.

"Everything is set up and ready, please take your drone through the doorway to
the right." she told Mistress. I still had no idea about what was happening as
we went down a long corridor that led under the arena. We came to a large room
filled with female drones and a single Eridani attendant. He scanned the
datacard through a scanner, handed it back to Mistress and took my leash.

Mistress massaged my sex roughly for the first time in a while.

"Are you getting hot, little one?" she asked as she continued to finger my
weeping pubis.

Suddenly the arousal I'd been feeling for the last few days exploded inside me,
and all I could do was coo and moan as my sex burned. I'd never felt like this
before, nothing they had ever done to me made me feel like this. All rational
thought left my mind, and images of being fucked over and over in a great orgy
kept flashing through my mind.

"We have to leave you here," Mistress said, "We will be back to get you when the
show is over."

"NOOO!" my mind screamed, "Don't leave me here, God I need to fuck so bad!"

But they just left me with the attendant as they walked out another door. He
took my leash and led me to a railing, forcing me down onto the ground next to
another female drone. He wrapped my leash around the rail several times, leaving
me only a foot or so of slack so that I was forced to lie down and could only
move back and forth a bit. Stretching my arms out in front of my head, he
wrapped the excess leash around my wrists, immobilizing me except for my legs
and torso. All I could do was shake my body, moaning as I tried in vain to
relieve my suffering.

I lay there, moaning in frustration, joined by all the other drones in
suffering. We waited for hours it seemed, then finally the attendant started
releasing drones one at a time, leading them out, held close and struggling to
keep up as he escorted them out the door my Mistress and her Commander had gone
out. This kept up until the room was about half full. Suddenly he came to me,
briefly I wondered what was about to happen, but all I could think about was the
heat in my loins.

He untied my hands, then unwrapped the leash from the rail. I was jerked to my
feet and stumbled out into the corridor after him as he pulled me roughly along.
I hadn't felt as humiliated and afraid since Mistress first walked me out into
a corridor, nude in public for the first time.

I emerged into the arena itself, into a pit area. Looking around, I saw more
Eridanis sitting in the stands than I'd ever seen in one place before. I spied
Mistress and her friend sitting in a special section with other Eridanis. As I
stared at Mistress, I noticed that none of those spectators had drones with
them. As I looked around the stands, I could see many nude forms accompanying
other Eridanis, but no drones where Mistress sat.

In the middle of the arena was a mat sort of like a wrestling ring, except
without the ropes, raised up and surrounded by a wide-open area. Details
continued to pop out at me as I looked around the arena. As I stood there,
another drone, this one male was being brought out as I had been, his cock erect
and dripping precum as it bobbed in front of him. His leash was handed to the
attendant holding me, who jerked both our leashes, forcing both of us to stand
at attention on either side of him.

My pelvis began to jerk with increasing arousal as I looked around the Eridani
to study this new drone. He was tall, muscular, had a long thick penis, and had
the slight oriental look of a native drone. Before I could study his body
further, both of us were jerked into motion as the attendant lead us towards the
center of the arena, and an announcer I'd missed started to chant. As we were
lead forward, I saw another pair of drones, the male's cock limp and wet, the
female's sex also wet with semen and her juices, being lead back to the pens

"Stay through the breeding sessions, and see the Royal Eridani Circus perform
with their drones. See their Champion Show Drones, Lineage traced back over
10,000 years!", he called out as we were brought to the stage.

My leash was handed to the Eridani on stage, and he manhandled me, pulling my
hands behind my back and tying them with the end of my leash.

"Next to be breed is this lovely female brought from the new colony Earth! Hard
to believe this animal was once part of a primitive society about to destroy
themselves. Once she covered herself with unnecessary clothing! Now look at her,
see the fine muscular legs! Plump belly and breasts!"

I blushed in abject horror as he held me behind my back by my bound arms, and
kicked my legs apart.

"See this ripe and blushing sex! Already she yearns to be mounted!" he called
out again as his rough hands massaged my pussy and displayed it to the cheering
crowd. He pushed me to my knees then forward onto my belly, hands still tied
behind me. I strained my back, arching it to look up into the crowd and
undulated my loins as he showed the male to the crowd also.

"See this prized champion stud! Owned by the House of Shao-Mee, Lineage traced
back 800 Years!", he called again.

"Look at the powerful limbs! Defined torso! Buttocks firm and muscular!" he
called as he held the drone's arms and poked at his body.

"Cock rigid and ready! Balls full and ready to spend!" he chanted again as he
handled his organ, lifting his balls for the audience and pumping the animal's
penis for the crowd.

Finally he said to the drone, "Go to it boy, you know what to do!" as he pushed
the drone towards me.

As I looked up into the crowd, my Mistress one of the countless Eridanis, I felt
him mount me and plunge his erect cock into my drenched sex. I never would have
imagined that one day I would be fucked, no breed like livestock in this public
place with thousands watching me. I knew without being told that somehow
Mistress had removed the contraceptives I'd been given and was now very

My body moved of its own accord, bucking and twisting against the drone's
thrusting cock, as cries and tears of humiliation and joy came from my eyes. I
felt more like an animal than ever before¡ªno one had asked if I wanted a baby.
Mistress just chose for me and I responded like I'd been conditioned to. I
fucked back at him, and looking at the roaring crowd just urged me on more. I
shuddered as I felt him come deep inside me.

I expected to feel him be pulled off of me, and be drug off the stage, but
instead I heard the Eridani call out "Keep going! You're supposed to make sure
she becomes pregnant!", as I felt a quirt come down against his buttocks then
slap me in the side.

"I thought you knew you were an animal! Fuck like one! The audience wants a show
and your Mistress wants a little drone!" he taunted me. I lost all comprehension
and became a writhing fuck machine and all I could think about was how proud
I'd be to display my nude bulging pregnant belly for my Mistress.

I lost count of how many times he shot his load into me, and I was being led off
the stage to meet my Mistress before I realized it. I glowed and my pride over
my performance showed as Mistress took my leash, smiling at me. She stroked my
still sweaty body, and ran her fingers along my wet sex, still dripping my
juices and come. I gladly licked her fingers when she offered to them.

They took me home without waiting for the circus to perform. I was a bit
disappointed, but very tired so I didn't protest. I was left to my own devices
again for a few days, and I spent most of my time out by the pool enjoying what
hazy sun there was. A day later, it started pouring rain, and the place got even
more hot and humid even though I didn't think that was possible. Since Mistress
saw no logical reason why I should be worried about getting wet, I spent most of
my time lounging and swimming in the pool.

One day I was woken up as the teenage boy was getting ready for school. As he
was about to leave the house, Mistress clipped a leash to my collar and gave the
end to the boy. His books, actually electronic clipboards, stored inside a
watertight bag remarkably like those on Earth, she gave to me. He pulled me
after him into the misting rain. I still couldn't believe that he was walking
to school completely nude except for sandals on his feet.

Arriving at school, even I towered over hundreds of young Eridanis, males with
hairless organs bobbing in front of them, and females with youthful breasts
blushing pink, all rushing to their classes. The boy wrapped the end of my leash
around a post, and left me there as he left for class, taking the bookbag from
me. I settled down on my haunches to rest, assuming I'd be retrieved at the end
of the day.

I was almost asleep when he came back out and took me into the school.
Surprisingly, it looked much like many schools back on Earth, massive with stone
outer walls that looked ancient. Inside it was ultramodern with smooth white
walls and ceramic tiles on the floor. Just like on the ship, LCD panels spaced
along the wall displayed information for the students.

He led me into a classroom filled with students. Instead of sitting at desks
like I'd remembered on Earth, all of them sat or lay around on the floor
listening to a tall Eridani teacher dressed in a shimmering tight jumpsuit.

As the boy and I walked in, she turned to look at me, and told the class, "And
to conclude our chapter on history of the new colony Earth, Stephen has
graciously brought in his older sister's drone."

She continued talking as she showed images on the large LCD screen behind her,
"As you're familiar, this is what our drones looked like 200,000 years ago, and
this image next to it is a typical human which of course the shipwrecked errant
drones evolved into.

Reintegration of Earth is progressing smoothly and we expect total conversion to
be nearing completion in four of their Earth years. By then this modern human
will no longer exist except in isolated preserves. Instead most of their
population will have been genetically altered into drones designed for various

"Here," she said as she changed the image, "you see are the drones and other
pets you have been familiar with since childhood on the top row."

"The animals shown on the bottom, of course are all newly imported from Earth"
she said as pointed at the screen.

As I looked up at the screen, I saw pictures of native drones and other pets I
wasn't familiar with on the top row. The bottom showed a naked normal human, a
drone like me, and various domesticated Earth animals such as dogs, cats, and

She continued, "Dogs and cats in particular have become very popular throughout
the Republic, especially on colony worlds where their hunting skills are quite

"Stephen's show and tell subject today once wore clothing as a normal human,
and was surprisingly modest and irrational in her sexual beliefs. She was one of
the first humans to be abducted and reengineered back into a newer version of
the aquatic drone stranded on Earth.

He told me that with a natural submissive personality her conversion went very
smoothly and was very helpful in helping scientific scans on a waterworld,
diving to depths we can't swim to. Her Mistress's ship is in orbit above us
for resupply and shoreleave before heading out on a deep exploration mission to
the outer worlds. So we get to see one of them first hand."

The teacher motioned for Stephen to bring me to the center of the room where
they could all examine my body. She came up behind me, and with her hands on my
shoulder, talked to the class again.

"Everyone gather round and examine this drone's body with me. Stephen bring me
that medical scanner on the desk."

They began touching and poking at me as she talked, "You can see that she looks
similar to our native drones with some differences. Examine the face, and you
will see how facial features changed over the years of evolution apart from our
own drones."

"As you examine her limbs and torso, you can see some of the genetic changes
made to enhance her capabilities in the water. Unfortunately, she is not a good
example to compare the female sexual organs. In many Earth females, the outer
lips are tight and open to reveal the inner labia lips only when the subject is
physically aroused."

She paused again, asking for the scanner, "Our drone Dawn here reverted very
quickly, see how the outer lips are spread, and the inner ones droopy and flap
as she walks. Even the clitoris, normally hidden until aroused even on our
natives, peeks out much of the time."

I had to admit as she handed the scanner to another student that being examined
like this was arousing me immensely. She spoke again as the student ran the
instrument along my body.

"Scan her lower stomach area. You should find evidence of a newly developing
fetus. She was impregnated a few days ago, one of the first drones from Earth to
be bred to our native lines."

The boy smiled as he showed the scanner to the other students, then several
others took their turn examining my body with the tool. The teacher then
conducted a discussion about ¡®the animal species more commonly known as the
Drones', with me being the live visual aid. Finally they were ready for a new
subject, and I was escorted back outside to wait tied to the railing until
Stephen was ready to go home for the day.

I reflected for a while as I waited there for school to be let out. Once I would
been very angry and humiliated to have been breed without my knowledge and
consent. I would have even more hurt and angry to find out for sure that I was
pregnant during a school show & tell session. All I could think about though was
how I looked forward to being pregnant and giving my Mistress a new drone.

Before I knew it, school was out for the day, and the boy was dragging me back
home. As always, walking out in public nude seemed like the most natural thing
for me now. Even being pulled around by a ten year old boy like I was his pet
dog no longer bothered me.

Time for Mistress and I to return to the ship came too soon. Mistress said all
the usual teary good-byes before we walked back to the shuttle. The Commander
who'd been staying with us since the day at the beach walked with us to the
spaceport. Mistress talked with him the entire walk back, so I occupied my time
just enjoying the walk and the feel of their eyes on my naked back as I walked
before them.

Mistress opened the back of the shuttle with a voice command, and I climbed in,
following them. The Commander sat in the pilot's seat this time, and Mistress
sat next to him, so I just lay down in the back. I thought as I felt the shuttle
lift off as the Commander guided it upward. He had spent almost every waking
moment with my Mistress, they'd gone out without me many times, and I'd caught
them fucking at least twice. I hoped he would become a permanent part of our
lives and I resolved to get his cock into my pussy to make sure.

I napped during the short hop back up to the starship, something I do very often
now when no one needs to use me and I don't have anyone to play with. I woke up
to see the Commander guiding it into a docking bay, and quickly I was kneeling
at the back hatch, waiting to get off the shuttle.

After an impatient wait, the hatch started to rise. Mistress's hand kept me
from rising right away though.

"You've pleased me, Dawn. You've learned very quickly how an animal like
yourself should act. I want you to go find your other friends. They will be
fitted with the same translators until they also learn our native languages, and
I will expect you to set a good example. Wander all you want or rest in my
quarters¡ªwe will be leaving orbit soon, and I'll find after we're underway."

I found my friend Tina lounging in one of the recreation areas, and had
difficulty communicating at first. Due to the translator I still had on, talking
was impossible, so we just made love to celebrate our reunion.

Fortunately the junior nurse that had helped wash me so many ages ago came into
the rec. room. She knelt in front of Tina and clipped the same kind of
translator onto Tina's collar.

"There," she said, speaking in Eridani, without her own translator, "A gift from
the Head Nurse. We'll take them off when their lights turn green, and you've
learned your language lessons. We've left orbit and are bound for the outer

"Dawn, your Mistress expects you in her quarters tonight.", she said as she
walked out the door.

End of Chapter Seven ¨C Comments and Intelligent suggestions welcome.

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