BDSM Library - Upon Waking

Upon Waking

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: Jenna and Michael have a good relationship. So do Michael and his best friend, Josh. Can all three get along? Especially when Michael discovers an attraction to the forbidden.
 Upon Waking.

 Upon Waking.

     Jenna yawned and rolled over.

Feeling the warmth of flesh under her hand, she stroked it languorously,
enjoying the feel of hard male muscle beneath her fingers.  Further tactile
exploration told her that this was an arm, lean and strong, with crisp
hairs shifting beneath her questing hand.  No nicer way to wake up, she
thought fuzzily, than next to a gorgeous guy, especially when you knew he
was all yours.  Without opening her eyes, she shifted forward and pressed a
kiss on the soft lips before her, darting out her tongue to make a tiny
circle around them before resuming her comfy position.

     Presently, another sensation imposed itself.  A hand was on her
stomach, making lazy circles.  This alone wouldn't have bothered her,
except for the fact that the hand came from behind her.  Her eyes flew open
in alarm, to meet the amused gaze of her fiancee's roomate, Josh, who was
the recipient of her exploring mouth and fingers.

     Now, she remembered.  She and Michael had come home from their
engagement party quite late, running into Josh and his date, just as they
were getting in.  The date had soon excused himself, pleading work the next
day, but the three of them had carried the party into Michael's bedroom and
had used the bed as a convenient place to lay about and chat, propped up by
pillows and completely comfortable, right on into the wee small hours.
They must have all fallen asleep on the bed; Jenna was in the middle with
Michael and Josh on either side.

     A soft chuckle into her right shoulder told her that Michael was awake
and aware of what she'd been doing.  She swatted haphazardly in his
direction, failing to land the blow and addressed herself to Josh.  "Sorry
about that, Josh. I seem to have gotten my men confused." She smiled.  He
shrugged easily, "I didn't mind," he grinned, "Kind of a nice way to wake
     "What?" she retorted, in mock astonishment, "Since when do you like
kissing girls?"   Michael lifted his head and dropped a kiss on her cheek.
"Anytime." He offered on Josh's behalf. "Josh is a man who takes what he
can get it."  "Oh, yeah?"  Jenna queried, "And how would you know about

     "Yeah."  Said Josh, rolling onto his back and resting his head on his
hands, "When was the last time you kissed a guy?"  He teased.

     "Well."  Replied Michael, "Not lately.  But, that's not to say I
wouldn't." he added hastily when he saw the pair of them exchange a look.

     This was the best part of being with Michael, she thought to herself.
He was as easygoing and as open-minded as she was.  It was no wonder they'd
gotten on so well from the first moment they'd met.  They were definitely
soul mates.  She connected with Josh, too.  The three of them had been firm
friends since Jenna and Michael had first started dating, over three years
ago.  And the boys had been friends since high school, so if anyone knew
about Josh's romantic history, it would be Michael.  Jenna had always
assumed him to be gay, never having known him to date anyone of the
opposite sex, but perhaps that wasn't the case after all.

     Jenna decided to have some fun.  "Go on then." she challenged him.
Michael looked taken aback for a moment, but then, seeing that Josh was
grinning and looked quite comfortable with the suggestion, he decided to
take them up on it.   "Okay."  He said, crooking his forefinger at Josh.
"Come here."

     With another smile, Josh obeyed.  The two of them met over the top of
Jenna, who was forced to roll onto her back to give them room, and they
kissed.  Silently, the atmosphere in the room underwent a subtle change.
Josh's lips parted to accept Michael's tongue when it pressed against his
mouth and Jenna suddenly had the thought that she'd never seen anything
quite so erotic as these two hot guys kissing.  A small fire started in her
belly as she watched; Josh's dark hair tangled amongst Michael's blond
curls and one of her finance's long-fingered hands weaving with growing
passion through the long strands.

     Both of them seemed reluctant to end the kiss and Jenna felt the
same.  The fire was now burning darker and she wanted some of those kisses
for herself.  When they finally parted, Jenna surprised herself by rising
up between them and capturing Michael's mouth for herself.  The velvet
warmth of his tongue flicking against her lips lit a conflagration of
desire and she could hear all three of them breathing heavily as the sexual
heat in the room moved up another notch.

    Michael pressed her back against the pillows, his hands beneath her
dress, fingering the soft lace of her panties.  She felt the wetness
between her thighs soak the cloth and she reached out blindly, finding
Josh's hand just as he moved to get up, intending to leave them alone, and
brought it to her breast.  With a moan he sank back down beside her.
Pulling aside the strappy top, he dropped his head and took her hot,
swollen nipple in his mouth.

     The warm room with the morning sun streaming through the open window
was filled with the sounds of desire as the three of them freed themselves
from their clothing and writhed naked together on the bed.  Jenna and Josh
kissed; she brought Michael's face close and watched as the two men let
their tongues dance in erotic rhythm. One man at either nipple, biting and
sucking the hardened buds sent waves of pleasure directly from her breasts
to her clit and she felt as if she were drowning in the wetness that pooled
between her legs and moistened the sheets. Two strong, hard, handsome men
giving her all their attention, made her pussy ache with the need to be
filled and she whispered throatily to whichever of them would hear her, " I
need you to fuck me. Now!"

     Jenna parted her legs as Michael moved to enter her, moaning her
delight as she felt his thick shaft penetrate and fill her.  They moved
together, side by side and she shared a kiss with Josh where he lay behind,
cupping her body against his and fingering her clit.
     Josh's fingers played a soft tattoo on the underside of Michael's cock
as he fucked her, causing him to groan with pleasure and to move even
deeper and harder inside her.  With increasing excitement she thrust
between the two of them, incredibly turned on by the double sensations of
one hard cock inside her and another rubbing against the small of her back
as she and Michael rocked to and fro.  Josh's hand sent ever-growing
thrills down her spine; a hot whirlpool was growing in her belly and she
could feel her climax approaching as Michael's shaft drove her closer to
the edge.

     Josh used his free hand to tease and pinch the taut nipples on
Michael's broad chest and he reciprocated, taking one hand from where it
held Jenna's hip and wrapping it around Josh's cock, stroking the rigid
shaft with ever-increasing vigour.  It was too much for Jenna, with a cry,
she came, the contractions of her orgasm sending Michael over the edge with
a matching shout.  With Jenna's hands cupping and lightly twisting his
balls as Michael stroked, Josh too came with a yell; the three of them
falling exhausted, but satisfied, back onto the bed.

     "Well," said Josh after a moment of recovery, "That was interesting."

     "You can say that again."  Jenna managed, fighting to regain her

     "Hard to believe we wasted three years as just a couple, isn't it?"
Michael joked, his hand once again performing swirls on her stomach.

     The three of them snuggled up together, Jenna in the centre, her two
men on either side.  "We can work this out." She said, giving each of them
a kiss.  "I think I've had enough work-outs for one morning."  Josh
smiled.   Jenna swatted at him, just as she had done to Michael, with as
much success.

     "Hey,"  he protested. "And to think I was just about to lament the
fact that you're moving into your own house next week."

     Michael raised his head wearily,  "Well, honey."  He looked at Jenna
and grinned. "There is that spare room..."

© January, 2001


It's funny how you think you know yourself, Michael mused as he unpacked
the last of the dinnerware.
You spend years, trying all sorts of different things, inventing your
picture of yourself and then it all gets blown away.
Course, that's not necessarily a bad thing.  Depends on what you find out,
he thought.
He flopped down onto the couch and looked around.  The house was almost
done.  Well, the unpacking was.
Jenna was helping the removal men loading the last of their things at the
old place and Josh was upstairs somewhere.
Michael could hear his soft footfall on the ceiling above his head as Josh
shifted and sorted the boxes of stuff they'd brought
over already.

Everything had changed since that morning, two weeks ago, when he and Jenna
had made that unexpected threesome with his oldest and best friend.  Josh
didn't seem to be worried at all about what had happened, nor did Jenna.

It had been a joke, taking up Jenna's challenge and kissing Josh the way he
And the three of them sharing the lovemaking hadn't been at all embarassing
or awkward like it might have been for some people.  They'd all been
virtually joined at the hip ever since Michael had met Jenna three years
ago and he and Josh had been friends forever.  No, it wasn't the threesome,
it was how he himself had felt, touching Josh the way he had, kissing him
and being touched in return, that had led to this confusion.

I liked it.  Not too much.  Not so much that it threatened the relationship
with Jenna, but in a different, maybe complimentary way?  Discovering after
so many years of confidence in your own hetrosexuality that there existed
another side, a side that liked a man's touch, was a big shock.  But not
unpleasant.  Not when the man who touched you was Josh.

He and Jenna had discussed it, one night when Josh was out.  He'd had
trouble convincing himself to raise the subject with her, not for fear of
anything Jenna might have said but because his own troubled mind that was
inhibiting his mentioning it.  Jenna was entirely comfortable with the
She thought Josh was just fantastic and as far as she was concerned the
three of them could share bed and breakfast for all eternity. Jen was
easygoing in that way; one of the many things Michael loved about her.
No hang-ups, no bias, no prejudice in Jenna, not an ounce.

The problem here, he told himself ruefully, is that you want some more and
don't know how to go about getting it.  Levering himself up off the couch,
he went in search of his erstwhile flatmate.

He discovered Josh in the main bedroom, sliding the drawers back into the
bedside tables.  He was momentarily unaware that he was not alone and
Michael stopped in the doorway and watched him.
He'd admired Josh before, in an abstract kind of way.  Envied him his tall,
slim build, and athletic physique.
They were polar opposites in looks; Josh lean and dark, Michael blond and a
couple of inches shorter, broader across the shoulders and thicker in the
thighs and calves.  They'd often laughed together, each wishing they were
more like the other at various times during their long friendship.
Josh had a passion for rugby as a teenager, but not the stocky build needed
for the defensive role he craved.  At the time, he'd expressed a longing to
be built more like Michael, just as Michael had wanted a lean, 'rock star'
build for a while, when he'd signed up for guitar lessons.

But until now, he'd never looked at Josh from perspective of someone who
might... desire him.
Michael watched the capable way Josh's slender fingers handled the drawers
and remembered how they'd felt as they'd caressed his skin. The way his
dark hair fell across his eyes and how he swept it back out of the way in a
characteristic gesture that he'd seen thousands of times over the years and
yet had never really noticed until now.  He wondered how it would feel to
have those endlessly long, fine legs wrapped tight about his waist and to
watch those bright eyes warm with passion as their owner writhed beneath

He shook himself to be rid of the daydream as Josh turned to get another
drawer and saw him there.
Josh grinned and raised a hand in greeting, "How's it going downstairs?"
he asked, turning his back to slide the drawer into position.
"Finished."  Michael answered as he crossed the room.

He dropped down onto his knees behind where Josh was sitting and handed him
the next drawer when he turned.
"Thanks." he smiled.  Michael smiled back, but it quickly faded when Josh
turned away again and fitted the final drawer.
"There."  He said with satisfaction in his voice.
He wiped his hands on his overalls and then gave the tablefront a quick
wipe with a cloth.
"What do you think?"  he asked, not turning around.

Michael was staring at Josh's back, fascinated with the play of muscle
across his shoulderblades as he wiped.
The overalls he was wearing were the bib and brace kind and Josh wasn't
wearing a t-shirt.  Nor was Michael under his coveralls.  The day was too
warm and the work to sweat-inducing to bother.
A film of perspiration coated Josh's skin, lending the tanned skin a bronze
Without thinking about it, Michael's hands came up and he lay them on
Josh's shoulders, moulding the flesh beneath, his head dropped down and he
lay a soft kiss on the side of the exposed throat.
"Michael."  Josh voiced a quiet protest, turning his head.
Michael claimed his mouth for a kiss, his tongue urging the quiescent lips
to part and allow him access.
Josh groaned, capitulating and his mouth parted, Michael's quick tongue
delving inside to taste.

He turned Josh with his hands, pulling him into his arms and wrapping them
around his waist, offering no opportunity for escape.
"Michael. No."  Josh managed to get out.
But he didn't sound too convincing as his own arms came about Michael's
waist in their own caress.
"Josh. Yes."  Michael parroted.  "It's okay.  I promise."

Turning he lay them both back upon the dropcloth that had covered the
tables.  He unfastened the braces and dipped his head to take one nipple in
his mouth.  Josh moaned and tangled his hands in Michael's hair.
It felt so delightfully different, the taut bud standing erect against the
hard muscle of a chest wall and not the soft tissue of a woman's breast.
But good.  It felt good, and Michael surrendered utterly to this unforseen
adjustment to his sexuality.

He mouthed and licked at the velvet flesh across Josh's belly, pushing down
the fabric as he went, his hand going before him, searching out new
delights to explore.  The hand found the silky smoothness of Josh's cock
buried deep within the material folds and he pushed and pulled in order to
set it free.
It bounced into his hand, revealing the swollen cockhead and the exotic
feel of the tight sacs hanging beneath.

Michael realised that he'd never truly felt a cock before.
Touching himself was all about how it felt inside, about his reaction to
his own touch, not the sensation of touch itself.
How smooth and warm the skin felt as he held it in his hand, the incredible
softness and pliancy of the shaft and the wrinkled softness of the balls
underneath.  This was entirely different and completely magical.
Urging Josh to raise his hips,  Michael divested them both of the remainder
of their clothing and set about his exploration with renewed vigour.  He
tasted the clear liquid that oozed from the swollen head, enjoying the
salty flavour and the way Josh's prick jumped at the contact.  He mouthed
the balls, laughing to himself with delight as the tiny hairs tickled his
lips and nose.
He sucked at them and then rolled them, one at a time, inside his mouth,
feeling them move from side to side within the safe prison of their outer

Josh moaned at each new touch, his hands working the flesh that he could
reach, kneading and pressing, sometimes raising his head up to plant kisses
on the side of Michael's face.
"We need some lube."  Michael looked up from his resting place between
Josh's thighs and said.
"In the top drawer of the night table."  Josh told him.  "Delivered
courtesy of Grace Bros."
Michael quickly retrieved it, unwilling to leave his feast alone for too
long.  He rose to his knees between Josh's spread thighs and asked, "Show
me what to do?"

Josh quickly educated him, his face a mask of passion and need and Michael
moved as Josh had shown him, lifting the long legs he'd admired earlier, up
over his shoulders and pushing himself slowly inside the hot little hole.
It felt fantastic.
Again, utterly unlike anything he'd  ever felt before, but wonderfully
close and tight.
The heat was incredible, the wall of tight muscle gripping and working his
cock almost made him come prematurely.
He was forced to slow his movements and rest until he regained some measure
of control over his passion.
Leaning down he kissed Josh forcefully on the lips.  "You feel so good."
He breathed.
Josh replied with a kiss of his own, his hands teasing Michael's nipples as
he worked his hips, increasing his friend's pleasure tenfold.  Michael
stroked in and out, varying his rhythm and the depth of penetration,
learning as he went, from Josh's cries and the ecstatic expression on his
face whenever  Michael's thrusts hit his prostrate.

Michael could feel his orgasm building.  He used his hands on Josh's
straining cock, coralling the rigid shaft between his fingers and pumping
hard several times before releasing it and caressing the tightpacked
ballsac and the space between them and the tiny pucker that was at the
centre of both their pleasure.
 "Uhh.  God. I'm gonna come, Josh." He ground out, feeling the pressure as
his seed exploded out of his balls and up his pumping shaft.
"Mmmm. Please.  God.  Come in me, Michael.  Now!"  Josh yelled as slick
white pearls of seed spilled across his belly and Michael let out a cry,
coming deep within his bowels.

They collapsed, exhausted.  Michael lay atop Josh, one arm beneath his
friend's head, cradling it as he peppered his face with kisses.
"God. Yes."  Was all he could manage by way of thanking him for the
incredible experience.
"You're welcome."  Josh managed a shaky laugh, his limbs still trembling
from the effort and from the amazing orgasm he'd just had.

A voice from the doorway cut in.

"Ummm, guys?"

They both looked up to see Jenna leaning against the bedroom door.

"Rest period is over," she continued, a huge grin on her face.  "The last
truck is here."


© January, 2001

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