Story Codes:
M/f F/m transgender transvestite D/s romantic Light
This couple were desperate to lose more weight. They figured out some more effective incentive. they would get presents if they can lose 10 lbs: woman lingerie for the hubby, and bondage gear for the wife. Oh, boy, this is gonna be fun.
Size: 458 kb |
Added on: May 22, 2001 |
Total 155076 readers |
This month 137555 readers |
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Whole Story
(WARNING: the story may be very long and may take long time to download)
Chapter 1 |
- The Challenge |
(added on May 22, 2001) |
Chapter 2 |
- The Baseline |
(added on May 22, 2001) |
Chapter 3 |
- Highlights In The Dark |
(added on May 22, 2001) |
Chapter 4 |
- First Progress |
(added on May 22, 2001) |
Chapter 5 |
- Satin Shivers |
(added on May 22, 2001) |
Chapter 6 |
- Spoiled Slave |
(added on May 22, 2001) |
Chapter 7 |
- The New Incentive |
(added on May 22, 2001) |
Chapter 8 |
- Milady Dewinter |
(added on May 22, 2001) |
Chapter 9 |
- Kelly's Turn |
(added on May 22, 2001) |
Chapter 10 |
- Ladies Night Out |
(added on May 22, 2001) |
Chapter 11 |
- A True Identity |
(added on May 22, 2001) |
Chapter 12 |
- Kelly's Triumph |
(added on May 22, 2001) |
Chapter 13 |
- Final Preparations |
(added on May 22, 2001) |
Chapter 14 |
- Pure Brandy |
(added on May 22, 2001) |
Chapter 15 |
- Tart, Twenty-Six, and Never Been Kissed |
(added on May 22, 2001) |
Chapter 16 |
- Adventure On The High Seas |
(added on May 22, 2001) |
Chapter 17 |
- A Swing and A Miss |
(added on May 22, 2001) |
Chapter 18 |
- Solo Home Run |
(added on May 22, 2001) |
Chapter 19 |
- As Weak As A Woman |
(added on May 22, 2001) |
Chapter 20 |
- Business Before Pleasure |
(added on May 22, 2001) |
Chapter 21 |
- Paybacks are Hell |
(added on May 22, 2001) |
Chapter 22 |
- Three's Company |
(added on May 22, 2001) |
Chapter 23 |
- Pure Brandy, True Life |
(added on May 22, 2001) |