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The Vice Author: Aliquis
(Added on Jun 7, 2006) (This month 57736 readers) (Total 71846 readers)
I always wanted to try a ball-crusher. I wrote my expreinces down.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 6
3 Votes
3 Votes
3 Votes
3 Votes
2 Votes 3 Votes
2 Votes 3 Votes
2 Votes 3 Votes
1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes
1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes
1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes
1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
17% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 33% 50% 0% 0%
Weighed Average (?): (6.5/10)
Average Rating: (6.5/10)
Highest Rating: (8/10)
Lowest Rating: (1/10)

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Reviewer: Stefanie1391 (Edit) Rating: Sep 30, 2006
Nothing to add to the other comments. (8/10)

Reviewer: nikita (Edit) Rating: Jul 10, 2006
Another very revealing piece in terms of the descriptions of pain from such experimentation. As before, your specialty is the true confessions of a pain slut. *grin As such, your pieces should reflect that in the title or synopsis if they are true experiences. What would make this piece even better, maybe for the next time around, is to tell the reader why the protagonist is obsessed with extreme pain. The articulation of this point is crucial and would give the targeted reader the attention your works is due.
I am not volunteering, but, you need an editor. On a side note, if you add the suggestions above to this piece, it would be a great addition to your blog if you posted it instead of providing a link. *wink
(As a sidenote to other readers, poor Alquis has given himself the rating of 1 by accident. I'm sure you realize how it affected his overall score.)

Reviewer: Anneya (Edit) Rating: Jun 11, 2006
I really enjoyed this. Thanks for sharing. (8/10)

Reviewer: slaveneedledick (Edit) Rating: Jun 10, 2006
Story was very well told and a good read. (7/10)

Reviewer: chksng19 (Edit) Rating: Jun 10, 2006
Much better in English... thanks!
The story was pretty well told, and exposed me to information I've never had. Man-to-man, first hand information. Thanks!
rescored after translation uploaded. (7/10)

Reviewer: Aliquis (Edit) Rating: Jun 8, 2006
DAMN! I've uploadad the wrong file!
I will coreect it as soon as possible. I'm such a jerk! (1/10)

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