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In the Manner of St Joan Author: Grim Williams
(Added on Apr 4, 2006) (This month 48492 readers) (Total 53915 readers)
A priest and a nun find ways of expressing their mutual need, with the help of medieval paintings; which show naked nuns being beaten in the secluded grounds of a convent. A nun had been stretched out between two sturdy posts and she was being beaten by a pair of athletic looking monks, while three of her sisters stood watching, each holding a black habit modestly across her naked flesh whilst waiting disconsolately for her own turn between the posts. Once again, it was the poor wretches\' pussies that was the focus of the chastisement. The whip had been drawn at the moment of impact, rearing up snakelike towards the victim\'s open slit, and about to strike.\"

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Reviewer: J's blu (Edit) Rating: Apr 8, 2006
i enjoyed this. something different, it reads well, and for a short - has all it needs. i got a good feel for the two of them, and who they are. i did think htere was maybe a little too much repetition of the i was her priest, but that is about all.
is there more? i would like to see the punishment.

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