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Stephanie's Submission Author: Rilawild
(Added on Sep 28, 2005) (This month 164798 readers) (Total 290324 readers)
Stephanie performs a submissive task for an online taskmaster, but soon finds herself performing for a man who discovers her kink. How far will he take her?

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 25
16 Votes
16 Votes
16 Votes
16 Votes
16 Votes
16 Votes
7 Votes 16 Votes
7 Votes 16 Votes
7 Votes 16 Votes
2 Votes 7 Votes 16 Votes
2 Votes 7 Votes 16 Votes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 8% 28% 64%
Weighed Average (?): (9.5/10)
Average Rating: (10/10)
Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (8/10)

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Reviewer: butterfly_broken (Edit) Rating: Jul 25, 2016
What a pleasure to read. You did an incredible job letting us be a part of what she was going through and how she felt, and every step of that journey was such a turn on. Your descriptions of feelings and sensations and emotions were spot on. Best story I've read so far, both in terms of the writing itself, and command of the content. If I'm not years too late, please add more to tale. (10/10)

Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Jan 26, 2009
This is what writing is all about.
Excellence through brilliance.
JJ (10/10)

Reviewer: polle (Edit) Rating: Jan 1, 2008
Do I need to add any comment? There isn't anything to be stated, that isn't on this page already. Well, It's perfect, or very close :) (10/10)

Reviewer: kleintje15 (Edit) Rating: Dec 8, 2007
great story, I like how she doesnt realy know what she wants but he does. (10/10)

Reviewer: MasterFull (Edit) Rating: Dec 6, 2007
Very well written (grammar and spelling often very poor on this site), believable characters acting within a legal and consensual story line. Certainly pushed my buttons. Can't wait for further updates. (10/10)

Reviewer: Abe Froman (Edit) Rating: Jan 24, 2007
Excelling... the tone, the pacing, the detail, the journery... it is nothing short of perfect. (10/10)

Reviewer: sue13 (Edit) Rating: Jan 22, 2007
Excellent - describes what a slave feels! Master enjoyed it also.

Reviewer: subbaby (Edit) Rating: Jan 2, 2007
So hot! I loved they way you explained how she was feeling. YOu really let the audience into her mind. I liked that she had double thoughts and wasn't totally for everything he wanted. (10/10)

Reviewer: yorts6572 (Edit) Rating: Sep 20, 2006
Fantastic. Previous reviewers have expressed it far better than I can. Don't understand the 8's. (10/10)

Reviewer: egad3 (Edit) Rating: Aug 26, 2006
one of the best stories ever. loved the tone--the whole thing was delicious. please keep going!!! (10/10)

Reviewer: tyntease (Edit) Rating: Aug 14, 2006
... (10/10)

Reviewer: oldwino (Edit) Rating: Apr 28, 2006
great sub training series. plenty of exhibition and humiliation. perfect for my gf. more soon please. (10/10)

Reviewer: jennjenn (Edit) Rating: Apr 28, 2006
thank you for your story a time when my Master cannot be here, it filled the void and reminded me so much of Him. The characters are delightful and the insight into her emotions was superb .. please can i have the next chapter? (10/10)

Reviewer: mkemse (Edit) Rating: Mar 11, 2006
very well done, you made every part of the story belieavle and you made stephanie as real as you could, her reactions to her orders was great (9/10)

Reviewer: jip (Edit) Rating: Mar 10, 2006
Nice story. Submission yes but no "free brutalities" .Well done (8/10)

Reviewer: compliant (Edit) Rating: Nov 6, 2005
i loved this story especially part 4. Please Sir write some more. You captured her thoughts and feelings so well (9/10)

Reviewer: BigCat (Edit) Rating: Nov 3, 2005
That is one helluva piece of writing. Captures the inner life, the tension and thrill of consensual submission. Absolutely wonderful. One of the very best!!!! Update: Just read the latest chapter (#4) and it not only reaffirmed my initial reaction, but it also heightened it if that is possible. A terrific peice of writing. You have a gift, Rilawild, and a fan. More, please. (10/10)

Reviewer: Jeneric (Edit) Rating: Oct 21, 2005
Excellent story! It's as if I could feel all the emotion that Stephanie was going through...all her fears, her doubts, and eventually, her submission. I like the way that throughout the story, you included her thoughts as she was made to submit to Jim.
I also loved that in the beginning, she did all that Jim asked to avoid being blackmailed, but it seems towards the end of the 3rd chapter, she was doing it of her own free will....brilliant.
Can't wait to see what's next :-)

Reviewer: Breathless (Edit) Rating: Oct 9, 2005
Oh my god, Rilawild! This is easily one of the best stories I have ever read on this or any other website! I would love to write a longer review and may come back to add more but right now I have to go find my partner and take care of business!!!!
PLEASE KEEP ADDING MORE CHAPTERS TO THIS STORY!!! I could go on reading it forever!

Reviewer: C_Lakewood (Edit) Rating: Sep 30, 2005
Too often BDSM stories are all description of
equipment, etc., and action narration; the reader
rarely gets an opportunity for any insight into
the thoughts and feelings of the characters. Not
so here.
The story is, in my opinion, superbly crafted --
one of the best you'll find on this site. I
rarely give out a 10, but this story certainly
deserves nothing less. Let's hope that we'll
be seeing further adventures of Stephanie in
the very near future. (10/10)

Reviewer: sasha (Edit) Rating: Sep 29, 2005
I wanted to be Stephanie. I found the dialogues believable and stimulating. (9/10)

Reviewer: PLP21 (Edit) Rating: Sep 29, 2005
Very good, I would love to read more!!!! (8/10)

Reviewer: La Toya (Edit) Rating: Sep 29, 2005
Great Story, one can hope there is more to come (9/10)

Reviewer: slutsteph (Edit) Rating: Sep 28, 2005
Really enjoy Rilawild's imagination and style. The way he uses the word "whilst" always makes me smile and seems to elevate the using of a slave into a royal event. (10/10)

Reviewer: Rocky (Edit) Rating: Sep 28, 2005
A very nice exploration into the psychology of D/s and humiliation. Well written and enjoyable. I sincerely hope more will be forthcoming soon! (9/10)

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