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Sir Stephens Confession Author: Mad Lews
(Added on Oct 27, 2004) (This month 55736 readers) (Total 73611 readers)
An ending alluded to in Pauline Reage's Famous text "The Story of O " writen in a style remenicent of the original text the demise of O as told by her Master.

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Reviewer: kicksnf (Edit) Rating: Jun 17, 2011

Reviewer: tessa (Edit) Rating: Jul 4, 2007
Finally. An ending. I'm not sure why I didn't read this until your nudge sent me this way. I have been irritated for years over the (non) ending in the original tale. If it was within my abilities, I would have written something, anything to finish the story properly. My thanks to you, Mr. Mad, Sir for being both adept and creative enough to do so.
ps. And thanks to Lews for not drooling all over the story until I managed to read it all. (9/10)
Replied by: Mad Lews (Edit) (Jul 31, 2007)
An ending of sorts to be sure. I'm still of the opinion that the character was written into a corner and the story dropped, or maybe the affair that spawned the tale. Still when you have a character with a fatal flaw what do you do?

Reviewer: kaleun76 (Edit) Rating: Jan 12, 2006
This story was hot. Well done, well written.
I loved it (10/10)

Reviewer: craftygirl (Edit) Rating: Sep 26, 2005
I found this very creative and true to the overall tone of the original story. I don't generally like snuff, either, but I like how this was done. (Yay story codes and recommendations from others! I'd not have read it without someone else pointing it out)
Replied by: Mad Lews (Edit) (Sep 27, 2005)
Thanks for your review crafty one. I'm glad people are still reading this one. It kicked around in my mind for decades (literally) before I got around to nailing it down ( pun alert, my bad ) it's definitely too extreme for many, beyond that it challenges some preconceived notion about the original story and transforms a submissive icon into a different kind of icon. All I can add is "Yay for word of mouth", definitely the best form of advertisement on this site, and I'm glad you enjoyed it despite the warning codes.

Reviewer: pejanon (Edit) Rating: Jul 6, 2005
Sorry, but me no like (no, not really). I appreciate the effort, especially in style department but it is too far removed from the spirit of one and only O (forget Return, movie, series, they also lost it). I always tought that Sir S didn't love O or anybody else (Rene perhaps?) and that he wasted O's submisson.
OK, that aside it is noble effort - you are entitled to see it your way. I'm paricualr icky about snuff (brrr!) so that probably put me off.
Rating reconsidered - 9 (9/10)
Replied by: Mad Lews (Edit) (Jun 13, 2005)
Sorry to upset you but that's the reason we have story codes, you'll notice the first one on this story plainly says snuff, the list ends with torture and extreme. I would say we agree on one point though Sir Stephen did waste O's submission I mearly took the tale to the extreme that Pauline Rege hinted at but had to much taste to follow.
Replied by: pejanon (Edit) (Jul 6, 2005)
Hey, how was I supposed NOT to read story involving O, snuff or no snuff.
And I like your stuff generaly - its REAL STORIES - thing with head, body and tail. So keep it up!
Voter revisted - 8

Reviewer: Lord Thomas (Edit) Rating: Nov 6, 2004
Beautifully tragic. (8/10)

Reviewer: pbugler (Edit) Rating: Oct 28, 2004
I hate the concept but I love the story. It is well written, though it could do with a bit of a proof read as there are a reasonable number of minor typos etc. but that doesn't detract from the story at all.
I hate it because I really don't want O to die. I've worshipped O for decades now and I don't want her to die (OK we get the message]. But Mad Lews' description of her death is both highly creative and realistic (at least it seems so and that's what counts). It is well written and reasonably true to Pauline Reage's style which is a VERY big plus in my book. I recommend this to anyone who loves the original story - it certainly rang my bells.
Of course my challenge to the author is - given that you have sent O to a variety of "exiles" prior to he final doom, you just have to write pieces of comparable quality (but greater length of course) on each of those exiles (please!). And you have also opened up the way for a full length novel on Natalie, when you get the time :) (9/10)

Reviewer: LordVetinari (Edit) Rating: Oct 27, 2004
Great concept and good execution make this an entertaining read. The snuff was handled with taste (not that tasteless is always bad). Read and enjoy! (8/10)

Reviewer: longrover (Edit) Rating: Oct 27, 2004
I think that Return to the Chateau is an unpolished last chapter leading to the (much) later New O. That seems more believable to me than the possibility that O would commit suicide, a throwaway sop to moralists. She is too strong to choose death. Even so, suicide would allow her to be as active in death as she was in following the path her life took.
Sir Stephen's Confession is well plotted and believably presented but it is harder to accept as a sequel than either Return or suicide. Asking Sir Stephen to kill her is not the same as taking her own life, nor is it as believable as accepting his independent decision to do so.
I obviously have a lot invested in O and her story, probably too much for a post on this site to carry. Putting all that to one side, your story is very well done. Thank you for sharing it and I hope you will post others.
Lon (8/10)
Replied by: mgmoore (Edit) (Oct 27, 2004)
Thanks for putting your hard held beliefs aside. I think the new O was writen by a different author. The tone and O's charecter changed too much. Still this is more a story about Sir Stephen and how he loses control of the relationship. Just passing thought but truth be told the story did need an ending

Reviewer: bisarah (Edit) Rating: Oct 27, 2004
your writing was quite good, i can't fault you there at all. however, i don't think you grasped the strength of O's character. what some men don't understand about submissives is that they are often stronger than the male who dominates them. Sometimes i think that is why men try so hard to dominate them. {{smiles}} (7/10)
Replied by: mgmoore (Edit) (Oct 28, 2004)
Again I would say the story is about Sir Stephan's weakness, not O's. As to why men try so hard to dominate I for one vote for the biological idiom form determins function.( is that the fancy way of saying boys will be boys?) thank for the review

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