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The Director Author: Firmhand
(Added on Mar 30, 2004) (This month 60174 readers) (Total 83665 readers)
He makes lots of money selling rape videos to an exclusive clientele. They look real because they are real. But did his latest "starlet" get to him?

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 4
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0% 0% 0% 0% 25% 0% 50% 0% 25% 0%
Weighed Average (?): (7/10)
Average Rating: (7/10)
Highest Rating: (9/10)
Lowest Rating: (5/10)

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Reviewer: AgentDesire (Edit) Rating: Nov 27, 2004
A fairly engaging plot and, as Curtis mentioned, the characters are fleshed out and believable. (7/10)

Reviewer: gojack10 (Edit) Rating: Apr 9, 2004
Not all that interesting... (5/10)

Reviewer: Curtis (Edit) Rating: Apr 4, 2004
The only things that kept this from being a \'10\' was the second reversal of fortune in part three and the last two or three paragraphs.. Chapters three and four weren\'t as good as the first two, which you probably should\'ve quit after. Like your hero, you went to the well once too often. Really a very good story, though. Linda, Pamela and the hero are well-drawn, complete characters. There\'s a back-story. It\'s not rushed (in fact it\'s 25-30% too long). It\'s VERY hot, at least through the first two chapters. The spelling, grammar and punctuation are all good. You DO need to add F+/m to the story codes, though I understand that you didn\'t want to give away that development. mkemse is right, though; this is a pretty stock plot, though well and imaginatively embellished, so the plot \'twist\' is predictable even without the proper code. Good work! (9/10)

Reviewer: mkemse (Edit) Rating: Mar 30, 2004
good but too typical of a rape story (7/10)

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