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Horror Beneath The Park Author: von Hentzau
(Added on Aug 27, 2002) (This month 68357 readers) (Total 93821 readers)
Ruthless female executive Joanna discovers why it's important not to step on your co-workers as you climb the corporate ladder. They might be moonlighting for strange telepathic monsters who enjoy the suffering of abducted and tortured female executives.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 7
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 14% 43% 29% 14% 0%
Weighed Average (?): (7.5/10)
Average Rating: (7.5/10)
Highest Rating: (9/10)
Lowest Rating: (6/10)

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Reviewer: jeanne (Edit) Rating: Dec 10, 2005
Nasty. Naughty. Tasteless. Ergo, excellent.
Except for... 'to be continued'. Like Aesop's tongue, the worst and the best thing in erotic fiction!
We're waiting, Rupert! (9/10)

Reviewer: kaeiria (Edit) Rating: Oct 6, 2004
close, but no cigar (6/10)

Reviewer: Grey Slayer (Edit) Rating: Dec 17, 2002
Very good story, well written and enjoyable. Would have like the story to focus more on how Joanna feels, instead of just a list of abuse. Much better than most I have read. (8/10)

Reviewer: boccaccio2000g (Edit) Rating: Sep 8, 2002
This story was disappointing for me. von Hentzau is the author of "Captive of the Indians" one of the very best BDSM stories that I have ever run across anywhere. But this story, for me, doesn't approach that level. I didn't much care for the bizarre premise, nor for the way in which the "thrill scenes" seem to be so quickly truncated. The writing itself (use of language, syntax, etc)is at a commendably high level that we would all do well to aspire to. But neither the premise nor the plot of this story worked for me. This author, I know, is capable of much, much better. (7/10)

Reviewer: scabrat (Edit) Rating: Aug 29, 2002
Loved the premise.
Healing allows the pain to return again and again, nice.
Body mods have great potential when alien demons are involved.
Love the humiliation of having to submit to the dirty smelly vagrants, especially the very promising Gertie. (8/10)

Reviewer: Chum (Edit) Rating: Aug 29, 2002
And interesting premise and good plot development. I will definitely come back for the next installment. With more attention to spelling and editing this author's work would rate a higher score. More disclosure of Joanna's reactions would increase story interest. (7/10)

Reviewer: veru_skjava (Edit) Rating: Aug 28, 2002
Interesting story premise, demonic, evil! (pun intended)
proofreading aside from just using spell checker is needed, the need to leave the enjoyment of reading the story to figure out what the word is actually supposed to be is distracting and annoying. The score of 8 was my choice for premise, yet the need to have more care in proofreading was a 5.5 therefore a seven. Looking forward to reading more. (7/10)

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