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Review This Story || Author: Nicole


Chapter 2 At The Thrift Shop


Chapter 2 - At The Thrift Shop

   Nikki left the bookstore in tears. She didn't know what she had gotten into,
but knew for sure she wasn't going to spend time in jail. She would have to do
as this fat bitch wanted, no matter what happened and then she would get back at
her somehow. Nikki vowed revenge.

   She walked down Guadalupe St, after parking her car in a secure lot. She had
always hated this part of town. It was very sleazy. All the stores were run down
and filthy and there were all these homeless people around. Most of the time she
just ignored them but sometimes they would stop her, asking for money. She
always hated that. She stepped around a middle aged black man strumming a guitar
and walked into the shop Stephanie had suggested.  After the meeting with
Stephanie, she resigned herself to do what she had to do to stay out of jail. If
only she could do that without being abused by the evil teen. Her mind was
whirling with thoughts of rage and fear as she walked in and looked around the
dingy store.  The first thing she noticed was how the place smelled like body
odor. Similar to Stephanie!

  There were two men in the store, one was behind the front counter and the
other was busy cleaning toward the back. She looked around at the clothes,
everything was out of fashion and slutty looking. She done' t see anything that
she would ever have worn willingly. She took a deep breath, her big chest
expanding. Just then the man behind the counter spoke,  " Hey there babe, can I
help you with anything." He looked nasty, an overweight middle aged man with
little hair on top and an evil grin.

"No thanks, I' m just going to look around for a while."   She had some time
before having to meet with Stephanie again.

"Okay sweetheart. You just go ahead and take your time."

  She walked around the store and found a rack with different color tube tops.
She looked for her size but couldn't find anything that was big enough for her
chest. She picked the biggest one, it was white. She held onto it while she
looked for a pair of shorts to wear. Fortunately, the shorts were easier to
find, she didn't  have a lot time now since she spent so much time looking for a
top.  It was already almost 7PM.  Luckily she saw her size right away.

"Now for the shoes."   She thought.  She walked over to the shoe section and as
she expected all of the shoes were very high heeled. Her mother had always told
her to wear low heeled shoes to avoid looking cheap. She knew that more than a
few inches would force her butt to sway back and forth while she walked. She had
a hard time finding her size in white but then she saw a pair that matched the
tube top and that fit. She slipped off her flip flops and tried on the
stilettos. They were easily five inch heels. She walked up and down the aisle a
few times, wobbling uncertainly as the sleazy guy behind the counter eyed her.
Avoiding his gaze, she carried the clothes and went looking for the changing
room. After several minutes she returned to the front of the store exasperated.
He had a mischievous smile.

"Excuse me, isn' t there a changing room?"

"Shit babe, this isn' t Dillard' s, no we don't have a changing room."

"Never mind then," she said in a huff. I'll just take these."

"Okay, that' ll be $18.00 plus the trade in."

"What trade in?"

"You must not have read the sign in the window, everything in here is for trade.
If you don' t  want to pay full price that is. If you want those at full price
its $36.00."

" But, I don' t  have $36.00."    Stephanie must have known this when she gave
her the money for these cheap clothes. "Fucking Bitch!" she thought to her self.

"Well, I don't  know what to tell you, except, either pay the full price or
trade some clothes!"

  Nikki looked at her movado watch, it was now after 7:00. She done' t  have
enough time to go back home and get more clothes and then come back, and
Stephanie had said to give them the clothes she had on.  She didn't even want to
consider what would happen if she was late to the movie. She looked around.

"Well then can I use the bathroom or something to change, I'll just leave you
the clothes that I have on now."

"Sorry, no can do baby. We've had some problems with theft, especially in this
neighborhood. The bathroom is downstairs. Customers aren't  allowed down there.
You can go to the back of the store if you want, but then Billy is back there."

"Shit, what am I supposed to do?"   Nikki thought out loud.

"Well, you can always go ahead and change right here."

"What? In the middle of the store? You must be crazy!"

"Yeah. But, you better make up your mind babe, because I usually start getting a
crowd after 7:00."  

As if on cue, a bunch of teens walked in and began looking around. A couple of
the teens took a good look at Nikki as they walked by but then they just
followed their girls. Nikki looked up at the man pleadingly.

"Please sir, help me out. I don' t have a lot of time and I don't want to strip
in the middle of the store."

"I tell you what, I can take you into my private office, then no one but me will
see you."  

"I... I can' t do that."

"Well, that' s your only other option. You can go ahead and strip right in front
of everybody or you can do it in the office, or just don't get the clothes, but
it sounds like you need to have them! Its up to you, it doesn't matter to me." 

"Shit!" Nikki ran her hand angrily through her long hair. Things were not going
the way she had planned at all.  "  Okay, can we go to your office?"

"Alright then,"  he said smiling. "  Billy!! I'm taking this bit... girl into
the office, come up here and work the register."   Nikki went up around the
counter as he lifted the counter top.

"This way."   He walked up to a door and used his key to unlock it. "Let me have
the clothes your going to buy." 

   Nikki handed him the clothes she was going to try on and then walked into the
tiny office. It was sparsely furnished and riddled with boxes. She noticed the
small vault on the opposite wall. He went and sat behind the desk and pretended
to start looking for work to do.

   Nikki looked at him. He was shuffling some papers around. "Umm, do you think
you can turn around."

"Look."   He said angrily. "  I don't have the time for this! Go ahead and
change or get the fuck out."   He smiled coldly and then looked down again. He
heard her shuffling around and then heard her say something. Again he looked up,
he almost gasped when he saw that she had already taken off her shirt and draped
it over the door knob. She had one arm crossed over her large breasts.  He
didn't notice a bra.  Just as he thought "a slut."  His cock started to get

"Okay, let me have the tube top."   She watched him lift it up with his pen. 
John smiled. Life was good. "  I have a better idea, how would you like to get
the clothes for free."

"What do you mean?"

"Drop your pants."

"No way!"

"Okay, then no deal. Get out."   Nikki realized her mistake just then. She had
no time to negotiate, he started to get up impatiently.

" Wait... You'll give them to me for free if I take off my pants?"


"You promise."

"Scouts honor."

"How do I know you're not lying."

"Do I look like the kind of guy that would lie?"   She wanted to scream yes, but
instead she wriggled her jeans down her hips. He smiled again.

   Billy' s eyes were transfixed to the scene that was unfolding on the video
monitor. He done' t know what was being said, but what he did know was that this
gorgeous girl was stripping before his eyes. He wished he could see her a little
better.  The camera was angled so that it faced the vault and so far he could
only see her from the side.  Wow, it looked like she had a nice rack. 

One of the teens, came up to the counter distracting him. He looked up at the
girl impatiently. " Yes miss, how can I help you?"  

"I'd just like to buy these three."   

"Sure, you have the trade?"

"Yeah, here you go."   She handed him a few items and then he completed the
sale.  A few minutes later she was gone.  Billy looked back at the monitor and
his eyes almost popped out of his head.  Holy shit, the bitch was taking off her
panties. Billy rubbed his cock though his jeans. Thank god for vhs!

"Excuse me?"   Billy looked up, his face frozen into a smile.

The girl looked at him oddly.


"Do you have any leather pants?"  

"No." He looked back down at the monitor.  John had gotten up and was coming
toward the door. "What the fuck is he doing??"

"Excuse me?"   The girl persisted.


"Well... do you have anything like that, maybe leather or vinyl?"   Billy looked
at the girl sharply, he wanted to tell her that she done' t  need to be wearing
leather pants with the body that she had, but he wanted to get rid as soon as

"Uhh... yea... the very last rack might have a few pairs, if we haven' t sold
them.  Go check there."


Billy looked back down and couldn't believe what he saw.  John was back down in
the chair with his pants half way down his thighs, the girl was now completely
naked and she was on her knees sucking his dick like a pro. He couldn't believe

John looked up at the camera while Nikki desperately lapped at the head of his
cock.  All she wanted to do was to get out of this awful place.  He beamed and
then gave Billy a thumbs up. He couldn't  believe his luck with this girl. The
last thing John told her was that she had to suck him off if she wanted the
clothes. And he wasn't giving her clothes back either until she did. He held all
the cards. Nikki had to either do it or leave naked.

   He groaned as she sucked hard.  His cock felt like it was going to burst. He
grabbed her around the back of neck and started to pull her forward.  Nikki
gagged when she felt his dick slide toward the back of her throat.  She tried to
push him back, but he gripped her hard.  Suddenly his semen was spurting in her
mouth. "YUCK!!" She opened her mouth and some ran out of the sides, but she
swallowed the majority.  She retched as it slid out of her mouth, cum running
down her chin and onto her naked breasts. Frantically she got up off of her
knees pulling on the tube top, panties and shorts, not caring what she looked

  With a sob she burst through the office door practically knocking Billy over
while he stood riveted to the monitor. She looked to the right and abruptly saw
the tv monitor under the register.  Oh god no!!   She started sobbing and ran
out of the store, the stilettos still in her hand.

  Nikki looked frantically at her watch as she ran down the street. "Shit, it's
almost 8:00!! If I'm late Stephanie will be so mad, who knows what will happen." 

Review This Story || Author: Nicole
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