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Review This Story || Author: Paladin

Max's Cafe

Part 14

                       Max's Cafe # 14
                        by Paladin

In the crowded little room Jan continued strumming her bud and 
sought to disregard the starring male eyes that were seeing her 
doing one of her most intimate acts. Yesterday she would'of died, 
just died before, she would thought of doing this before even a  
crowd of women. Now she was performing, like an animal, for a 
group of filthy slobbering cowboys.

Jan, the sevet cultured college girl laying on a dirty floor, 
being ogled by a herd of animals. The disgust of it all caused 
her to think of rebelling but one look at fat hairy fuck, Max and 
her blood ran cold. He had this effect on women like Jan. So she 
just went right on strumming... 

"Right horny beaver ain't she man." Max commented, standing there 
like a proud owner of a prize winning heifer. "You sure you wanna 
go into that poon now. I done told ya, I ain't sponsible if'n she 
injures that withered old stick you calls a prick, Rob. Why as 
I'm feeling good today, I might even have one of the boys go 
catch un, and give you a ride on one of Tom's sheep here bouts. Be 
more your speed.. Why to show you kind of guy I am, I'll let you 
and Nelly take turns with that sheep. Who know..... what could 
come of that?"

"Don't be craw fishing on me Max." The old man spit from a tangled 
growth of white whiskers. "I paid for the red poon and I aims to 
go into her to the balls. And if'n she ain't deep nuff... Well 
I'll plumb just drill another hole in 'er."

"Yea yea you paid for 'er. Now you got to get it up and then in 
that there hole. Why I'll give odds you probably squirt afore you 
get that old mouse 'o yourn down the red fringed hole." Max 
retorted to goad the old man into something foolish.

With a gleam in his eye the prospector dropped his britches and... 

The foulest odor ever enveloped the crowd at the doorway. 

Old Rob's underwear was plumb gray and yellow in some spots, and 
odiferous to the beat all!!!

All the assembly reached for their bandannas and covered their 
noses. These was cowboys. They was prepared except this was a
fowl smell worse than some pole cats they done smelt but not by 
much. The scenery was just too good though to run from. So they 
just stood there with tears in their eyes.

"Man you be plumb nasty. Does the Govm't know that gas done leaked 
from the chemical warfare reservation?" Max exclaimed as he 
grabbed the withered old arm. "Man... Man... No.. No I don't 
care what done you paid. I ain't going to share no poon with you 
till you go out back and take a dip in the horse tro.... No make 
it the sheep dip pit.. That stench done kill a normal horse. Pore
dumb animal don't even deserve that." Max said restraining the old 
man from his attempt to flop on Jan. Max had positioned himself up 
wind by now, of the smelly old goat and passed him to some of the 

"Boys take the fucker out and dip im till the smell goes down... 
and I'll give you... well it'll be something good... I promise."

A couple of the boys, Ron and Black Peter, took the smelly 
squirming carcass out to the sheep dip pit and liked to drowned 
the old man to cut down the smell.

Jan too was in a state of shock. She was horrified to think that 
she was to fuck the horrible dirty smelly old man. Max was bad 
enough and now this....  She came at the very thought 
of it... (Pheromones most likely.)

"Boys be sure that you pull the plug in the sheep dip pen when 
you done. Even sheep don't deserve that..." Max called out the 
window to the boys drowning... I mean dipping the old prospector.

"Whew I knowed skunks that was more pleasant to be around." Max 
commented as he went to the bathroom wall cabinet and got out a 
syringe and bottle of a milky white fluid.

He filled the syringe and came back over to the daised and 
frightened Jan. She was listlessly working her bud but she thought 
she should stop. Max reached down and brushed her hands away from 
the red furred labia and quickly injected first one then the 
other with the stuff.

Jan felt the sting and wondered what he had done to her but she 
kept quite and starred at her owner.

"You all tuckered out poon. You'd best get that stinky hole all 
slimed up. Old Rob probably want you to do his favorite tree 
limb cause I think that he won't be able to come up with the 
goods hisself." Max laughed with the remaining cowboys as he ran 
a paw over the precious red poon. He returned the syringe to the 
cabinet and returned to the small dirty room.

Jan felt a warming in her crotch area. The glow seemed to flow 
from her injected labia to her now straight clit and everywhere 
in-between. The haze that had descended over her burned away and 
she felt the strength of the crystal meth flowing through her 
vanes.. The desire for..... seemed to burn within her very soul.

A din of voices and shuffling on the stairs announced the return 
of the old prospector.

Jan's eyes hazed over and her fingers flew over the now rock hard 
clit. She looked at the cowboys and lusted for a few hard..... na 
she wanted all the dicks. She could fuck um all... she wanted 
to.... and pronto...

The old prospector was thrust into the room and his dick became 
Jan's center of focus as it was the closest.

The small shriveled organ, was coated with a layer of sheep dip 
and god knows what else but well.. it stuck out of the 
prospectors long johns. In her current state, Jan wanted it.

She reached out and grabbed it and commenced to nursing on it 
despite the shitty taste. Nothing mattered she had to get the 
damn thing up so she could stuff it in her... 

"Now see what I mean. Red poon be man eaters, boys. You'll heard 
me warn him.. Wouldn't surprise me if 'n she bit it off and used 
it for a slimy tooth pick..." Max commented as the hopped up 
female commenced to doing the old prospector.. (Course the meth 
aided her attitude a might.)

The old goat came and Jan swallowed it right down. She did not 
even pause as she greedily milked the old pud for all it was 

The prospector started to shake and sweat. He wanted this but 
well this here gal be plumb saisable... He placed his hands on 
her forehead and tried to withdraw. 

Jan countered by sinking her teeth into the dick flesh. He pushed 
and damned near pulled his own dick through them choppers.

"AAAHAHAAAHAHAHAHA  " he started... "Max get her off.... Man she 
going to eat me peter off... Stop her... Please..."

"Well I don't rightly know," Max postulated, "I mean you done put 
up cash money and I did warn ya. I mean I got my reputation to 
think of.... "

"Get her off'n me... and I'll give you anything..." the now 
bleeding dick prospector was begged.

"Well you paid for it, and I warned ya... Course if'n you paid me 
to get her off then that'd be a new...." Max deliberated with no 
one in particular.

Screaming the old fellow grabbed his poke from inside his long 
johns and tossed it to Max.

"Here take it... AHHAHH...Take it all just get er off my peter." 
he begged.

"Boys this going to be dangerous. Ron and you, Don get under 
her and fill er up with peter. Now just pump ... pump er like you 
never done afore." Max instructed as the boys that done the 
dipping steped up to the chore.

Max always kept his word, and soon these boys were pumping like 
their was no tomorrow. Cowboys is always to be counted on...

Jan had gotten the second load from the withered old ball sack 
and was well on her way to thirds.... or balls ... when the 
stabbing dicks began to take effect. Course just then Ron shot 
his wad, and pulled out.

Max, ever resourceful Max, was not deterred in the lease, he 
turned to the assembled cowboys and ordered, "Billie-Bob get 
your ass in there... Help old Rob here save his dick.."

Then it was Don whose prick done give out, but Max ordered 
another stought lad into the breach..... and another... and 

Finally Jan let go of the bloody stump in er mouth and sank 
down on the two cowboys under her. She commenced to hippity 
hopping on the good old boys and grabbed the one in front of her. 
(Liked to fucked old Mike to death afore Henery got him alose and 
took his place.)

Max directed the goings on till Jan slowed to a moderate hump and 
then fell over plumb spewing a sea of come over the rooms floor. 

Max dragged the last of the old boys out the room and locked the 

They was a sorry sight. All tangled in their underwear and limp 
dicked fucked out fools. But a happier bunch of cowboys never 
rode a pick up, and Max had the old prospectors poke.

Nothing wrong with that cept you build up a powerful thirst 
screwing them hutchie cutchie gals..

Max staggered down the stairs to the bar and grabbed a cold un 
right off. Bit the cap off'n it and drained it plumb dry.

He almost forgot to go to the video to see how the poon shearing 
done gone. Nothing there.. he thought.

Old Rob had done distracted him to such an extent he plumb missed 
the rodeo gals shearing. Viewing the video is like watching the 
game on video day after.... You just don't get the full effect... 

"George you crazy fool you going break her back... and probably 
yourn too." He admonished his faithful employee seated all limp 
dicked on the blond Hutchie Cutchie gal.

Both of up looked the worse for wear, and appeared to have fallen 
asleep in mid stroke...

Now the whole house seemed to have settled into the siesta mode. 
Not a creature was stiffing except for the cockroaches.

The end for now.........

Review This Story || Author: Paladin
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