Katie Edwards
Sixteen year old Katie Edwards returned home from school and went directly to her room, leaving the door open, as per instructions for one in the “Punishment Period.” She dropped her book bag on the desk and began unbuttoning her white school blouse, laying it on the bed, then reaching behind her and unzipping the plaid pleated skirt and placing it alongside her blouse. Reaching behind, she unclasped her bra letting her full breasts fall against her chest, then hooking her thumbs into the elastic of her cotton panties she slid them over her hips and down to her feet stepping out of them.
Naked, she walked to the bathroom, again, leaving the door open, and turned her back to the mirror, and looking over her shoulder she could see a faint redness that marked her ass cheeks from the spanking last night. She then raised the lid of the toilet and sat down. The sound of water hitting water made her blush, for anyone in close range would know that she was taking a pee
Katie headed downstairs running into her 19 year old brother Scott. Seeing his totally naked sister, he smiled broadly and said, “Beautiful boobs Sis,” “Shut up,” she shot back. Just then she her mother call from the kitchen, “Katie, get your twat in here.” She cringed as she entered the kitchen wishing her mother wouldn’t use such language, it really embarrassed her. Not only was she completely naked, her breasts and genitals exposed, but having her mother announce to everyone about her “twat”, was truly horrible.
“You need to fold and put away the laundry, and set the table for dinner young lady,” her mother said, “and get the large platter down from the cupboard for me.” “Yes Mom,” Katie responded. The platter was in the top most cabinet and in order to get it she needed the step stool. Climbing up she reached for the cabinet door, and failed to notice her Scott standing looking directly up between her legs. He had a completely unobstructed view of the pouting pussy lips and the division of her vulva, and the budge in his pants became more pronounced. His mother leaned against the sink and taking a sip of coffee she smiled at her son’s perusal of his sister’s thick labia. Katie, and in fact all of the women of the Edwards family were devoid of pubic hair. That included the twins as well as Mom, although looking at Mom’s pussy was only for “Dad’s Eyes.” So every inch of Katie was available for all who cared to look.
As Katie gathered the plates together to set the table, her Mom said, “You’ll need to set
two more places Katie, Pastor Rick and his wife will be joining us for dinner.” Katy
instantly froze, the face turning red, and her breathing rapid. “O God, no,
please Mother can’t I…..” but her Mother cut her off. She was holding a wooden spoon
and whipped it hard against her daughter’s naked ass making Katie yelp and jump,
“You know better than to swear, girl, and no YOU CAN’T,” she said “You will continue to
Maintain the “Punishment Period,” now set the table.
Tears filled Katie’s eyes as she headed into the dining room. The thought of Pastor
Rick and his wife seeing her naked almost made her wet her pants, and she wasn’t
even wearing any.
Discipline at the Edwards home meant a “Punishment Period” of three days. For those
three days, you were “grounded” to the house. No going out, no phone calls and no
television. You were not allowed to eat with the family but had to serve at the table and
when not serving to stand against the wall facing the table with your hands behind your
neck and your legs apart. You took your meals in the kitchen later. You were not
allowed to close any door and you were to remain completely naked while in the house.
The only exception was when you went to school. You had to do your homework in the
den where everyone gathered in the evening, and before going to bed you were to
receive either the paddle or the strap. The rules were not changed, even when guests
were there, although “guests” generally meant Grandma and Grandpa or cousins and
Aunts and uncles. That was bad enough, but the thought of the new young assistant
Pastor of the church filled Katy with fear and dread. He was a man of God, but still a
man, and she was certain, he would give every inch of her body a good inspection.
Pastor Rick was quite handsome and all the girls at church had wet panties when he
was around.
Mindlessly, Katy finished setting the table and went to fold the laundry, her nipples were
hard and stiff.
If you can say one thing about the Edwards women, it’s that they are very attractive. They have been blessed with nice figures and full, seductive breasts with large perky nipples. As stated before, both mother and daughter are and remain hairless in the pubic region.
Carolina Edwards: the mother who is called by the nickname, “Cat,” is 39 years old and is 5’7”. Her frame is slender, but she is not thin, but shapely. She has brown hair that falls to her shoulders, and a lovely complexion. Her breasts are large and full, and her daughters takes after her in that regard. Her eyes are hazel and her vulva is plump and meaty with thick lips.
Katie Edwards: 18 years old at this writing, cute with a very soft body, that invites you to cuddle up with her. While her boobs are not as large as her mothers, they are growing every day, and she will soon rival her Mother. Katie’s vulva resembles her mothers and no inner lips protrude. She has a lovely bottom that begs to be spanked and her blue eyes are framed by sandy blond hair that she keeps in a ponytail, which makes her look younger than she is.
Two men complete the household: Jim Edwards, the father, Scott who is the oldest. Both Dad and oldest son have thick strong cocks that come out at about 7 inches.
Both Mother and Father were raised in traditional homes where corporal punishment was the standard mode of discipline. Jim’s father was a stern man who wielded a mean paddle, and growing up Jim often was jumping and crying as his dad blistered his bare bottom, his own sisters were witnesses as his cock bobbed up and down while he clutched madly at his bottom cheeks, howling with pain. Of course Jim got a lesson in paddling when he found himself watching his sisters panties fly across the room as their father burnt their naked bottoms.
Cat grew up in a single parent home, when her father took off with a younger woman, and Cat’s discipline was meted out by her Mother who spent a good chunk of her growing years in the woodshed with Grandpa’s razor strap. “Mom knew from firsthand knowledge how a girl should be punished, and she used the strap on my ass from the time I turned 10 till the day I got married at 20. She had no qualms about using the strap on my boobs or between my legs. Believe me, unless you are a woman and have felt the kiss of the strap on your bare vulva, you will never understand how much it can sting.”
Both Jim and Cat determined early on in their marriage, that when the children came along, and were naughty, underpants or panties were coming down and there would be dancing and singing.
Jim preferred a wooden paddle, or several of different sizes, while his wife Cat like the strap and its flexibility. On the spur of the moment Cat would use whatever is handy as on the spot spankings required quick action.
They also learned that humiliation and embarrassment were effective forms of discipline and thus they crafted the “Punishment Period.” Having to be naked and exposed, drives home the need to behave, and has a powerful effect. Both sides of the family agree with this, and when Aunts and Uncles visit with their children, Katie and Scott are often treated to their naked cousins with striped bottom cheeks dancing and howling around the house.
Pastor Rick’s Visit
The dreaded doorbell rang exactly at 6:00 pm, as Katie stood trembling in the kitchen. Everyone was in the living room, and she could hear Pastor Rick and his young wife, Ellen, being welcomed to their home. Katie peered through the crack in the door, and could see Scott sitting on the sofa. Her mother and father were standing shaking hands and giving hugs to Ellen.
“Please have a seat Pastor, it’s so good to have you and Ellen in our home.” “It’s a pleasure to be here,” the pastor responded, “however, I don’t see Katie. She is in my bible study group. Is she sick.” “No, no Pastor,” Katie’s Mom said. “Actually Katie is being punished. That’s something we need to share with you, and I hope that you can accept our house rules.”
For the next ten minutes, Katie’s Mother and Father explained to Pastor Rick and his wife Ellen the dynamics of “Punishment Period.” Katie watched from the kitchen as Pastor Ricks face got red at times and he glanced over at his wife whose eyes widen at certain revelations about life in the Edwards house hold. Katie noticed Ellen fidgeting in her chair; the young wife was actually quite pretty and had a nice figure. Katie remembered the boys at church saying that she was “hot.” Pastor Rick tried to hide the budge that was growing in his pants, and Katie felt a heat between her legs.
“So that’s the way it is Pastor,” Jim Edwards said at last. “I see,” Pastor Rick said in reply, “Of course the Bible does say, ‘Spare the rod and spoil the child,’ your brand of discipline might be unique, but I see you have two very good kids, and I heartily agree that the strap and paddle are necessary for proper punishment. Ellen and I have spoken about when we have children, and corporal punishment will certainly be a part of their up-bringing. We’ll also give your “punishment period” some serious consideration as well,” the pastor said smiling at Ellen who was nodding her head.
“Good, well that out of the way,” Cat called out, “Katie, please bring our guests something to drink.”
Katie felt a rush of butterflies to her stomach. Her nipples were hard and stiff as she picked up the drink tray, and headed to the door when suddenly she stopped. “Oh shit,” she thought, I’m wet and dripping. She couldn’t go out with pussy juice running down her legs. She set the drink tray down and grabbed a paper towel and quickly wiped her snatch, just as she heard her mother say, “We’re waiting young lady.”
Every eye was on Katie as she entered the living room holding the drinks. In her whole life she never felt so naked. Pastor Rick’s eyes were devouring her titties and the virgin slice between her legs. His wife Ellen likewise couldn’t keep her eyes off the young girl’s puffy mound. “Well, Katie,” the pastor said smiling, “this is a little different than our Bible study group, isn’t it?” Katie thought she would die of shame. “The pastor asked you a question, young lady?” her father said to her. Katie swallowed hard, and squeaked, “Yes Sir.” “How is it different,” her mother chided. Katie had set down the tray and was standing before the group her hands at her side, her breast moving up and down with her breathing. “I’m, I’m na-nak-naked,” she finely stammered. “I’d say you are,” the pretty young Ellen said, in fact, as my mother used to say, ‘you are bare twat naked.’” The whole group burst into laughter as Katie lowered her eyes, her face turning bright red in embarrassment.
Finally to Katie relief, her mother announced, “Shall we all go into dinner?” and everyone stood up to enter the dining room. As they pass the hall table, Pastor Rick saw a card on the table, picking it up he gave it a good look. “Oh yes, Jim, I forgot to mention we received a Christmas card from your brother and his family.” Jim took the card and then introduced his brother, wife and others to the Pastor and Ellen.
“Are your family nudists?” Ellen asked. “Yes, Ellen,” Jim replied, “My brother Pete and his wife and her sister Becky have always enjoyed the natural lifestyle. They have always felt comfortable being naked in front of their children. You could say they are “bare cock and bare twat naked.” Everyone laughed. Jim continued, “Cat and I have never allowed Katie or Scott to see us in the nude, although that might change soon,” he said looking at Cat, who blushed slightly. Cat looked over at Scott, and thought to herself, “I know that Scott would love to get a look at my boobs and pussy meat.”
Everyone sat down at table and the meal began. Katie served the food, filled drinking glasses and got anything people needed. Once, when bending over the table to pick up a empty dish, her boobs swung free and almost hit Pastor Rick in the face. When she was not serving the table, she stood at the side with her hands on the back of her neck, her legs parted far enough so that the full of her pussy mound could be seen. She worked hard to keep her pussy juice from dripping from her twat mouth, but felt certain with a closer look, glistening would be seen in her gash.
A little way into the meal, Ellen dropped her fork on the floor. Katie’s mother indicated for her to pick it up and get Ellen another fork. When Katie bent down to pick up the fork her eyes widen in surprise, Ellen had lifted up her skirt to her waist and spread her legs revealing the crotch of her white panties.
Katie could easily make out the line of Ellen’s slit through the shear white panties. When she stood up she saw Ellen smiling at her. Katie had never had a lesbian experience, but she found herself excited by Ellen’s exposure.
After dinner everyone but Scott retired to the living room. Katy was in and out picking up glasses and serving, all the while the object of Pastor Rick or Ellen’s prying eyes.
Katie’s father excused himself, as he had a meeting in town, and left the young pastor and his wife in the hands of Cat. Katie was assigned to do the dishes.
The three adults continued to discuss the church and of course the discipline, that was so obvious. Cat explained, “This is the last night of Katie’s punishment period. Tomorrow it will be back to normal. She will be dressed and no longer disciplined. Each of the three nights of the “punishment period” she is sent to bed with her bottom bruised and blistered.” How is she punished?” Ellen asked blushing at the question.” Cat leaned forward, her chest pushed out, and Pastor Rick, felt a rise in his pants at the fullness of her breasts and the pointy nipples that pushed against her blouse. Cat noticed his interest, but proceeded to answer Ellen’s question. “Jim likes to use the paddle,” she said, “he like the sound it makes when flatten against bare buttocks, and the redness it creates. I prefer to use a leather strap, as it stings just as much as the paddle, but leaves a red stripe across the ass. The strap also allows me to be more precise in my placement of the strokes.”
“Since Jim is out tonight, I will be the one applying the blistering to Katie’s cheeks. Poor girl, I think she’d much rather have her father.” “Oh, why is that?” Ellen asked. Cat laughed, “her father just makes her bend over and the paddle flies. I have a special position that exposes more that she would rather not have exposed.” “Hmm,” Ellen said, “I wouldn’t mind seeing that.” “That could be arranged,” Cat said, “Would you like to stay?” “Very much,” Ellen stated. “And you Pastor? Cat questioned?” “I would very much like to see that,” he answered, “but unfortunately I have to meet with the stewardship committee. Can I take a rain check?” he said laughing. “Well, of course, I’m sure that the days of “Punishment Period,” for Katie are nowhere near ending.”
“Katie come here, Pastor Rick is leaving.” Katie entered the room and was met with the pastors searching eyes. She blushed with his attention. “Thank you for coming, she said. Pastor Rick smiled to himself, ‘I haven’t cum yet you little twat, but believe me I will.’ But out loud he said, “Thank you for your kindness Cat and Katie, I feel I will be seeing allot more of you.” Katie felt the heat rise in her face as she contemplated what exactly his words meant. Pastor Rick leaned over and gave his wife a deep kiss, and it was obvious to all that his tongue found hers in a very erotic way. “I’ll see you later honey,” he said, and left.
Katie stood in the living room before her mother and Pastor Rick’s wife. Her nipples were hard and her pussy felt very warm. “I’ve invited Ellen to your end of punishment spanking Katie,” her Mother stated. It was too much for the young girl, and she exploded. “OH NOOOOOOOO MOMMIE, PLEASE, NOT IN FRONT OF HER, PLEASE,” she shouted, shaking like a leaf. The reason for Katie’s outburst was that she knew exactly how her mother was going to punish her, and the thought that this woman would be a witness was more that she could imagine.
Her mother was quick to act, and taking Katie by the arm she spun her around and planted three very hard swats on her daughter’s bottom cheeks. “Stop this non-sense right now young lady,” she ordered, “go and get my strap, and make it fast or you feel your father’s paddle on your already strapped ass as well.” Her hand rubbing the palm print on her ass cheeks, tears filling her eyes, Katie ran to get the strap.
When she returned, her mother and Ellen had moved into the dining room, and Katie cringed in fear. “Take the position Katie,” her mother demanded. Katie was beside herself in anguish. “PLEASE, PLEASE MOTHER, CAN’T I JUST GO OVER YOUR LAP,” she begged. “I’ve had just about enough of your disobedience young lady, perhaps another three days of “Punishment Period” will help you obey.” “NOOOOO, I’LL DO IT, I’LL DO IT MOMMIE,” Katie screamed. She quickly got up on the dining table with her bottom at the edge. She laid back on the table, and drew her legs up towards her chest, and with her thighs parted revealed the most private part of her body. Ellen’s eyes grew wide at the display before her and she breathed heavily “It’s obvious that you are craving more attention Katie, and tonight you are going to get it,” her mother said, “Scott, Scott,” she called out, “please come in here.” Katie burst into tears and pressed her thighs together in a useless attempt to hide her sex from view.
When Scott came into the room, he instantly got an erection. “Scott, please see that your sister stays in the position.” “Yes Mom,” he replied going to the other end of the table and taking hold of Katie’s ankles and pulling them back firmly, once again opening her thighs.
Ellen couldn’t keep her eyes off the smooth hairless vulva of the young girl, and the long slice of her sex revealed a sliver of pink, and below the girls puckering asshole.
Katie was already crying when her mother took the strap and moved to Katie’s side. She lifted the strap in the air, and with precision whipped it down and across the girls white butt cheeks. Katie received four very hard strokes in quick succession, and by the fourth she was howling in pain. She whipped her head back and forth and squirmed in a futile attempt to avoid the horrible leather strap that ripped across her virgin ass. Her mother gave her a minute rest before delivering five more gut wrenching strokes that made the poor girl scream and wail. Pretty Katie Edwards was at this point no longer the 18 year old young lady but had been reduced to a little girl. Bucking and shrieking she cried and begged, “I’M SORRY, I’M SORRRRRRYYYY, I’LL BE GOOD, STOP, PLEASE STOP, MY ASS, MY ASSSSSSSSS!!!,” But her mother didn’t stop until she had painted a total of 15 stripes across the girls now swollen naked ass. Katie’s bottom was beet red from the middle of her thighs to the top of her butt crack, and welts were beginning to form. The only thing not red was her precious vulva and labia.
As Katie’s ass was being turned into raw meat, Ellen stood transfixed at the sight. Unconsciously, she pressed her hand against her dress, pressing hard against her own pussy. Both Cat and Scott took notice.
Cat turned towards the young preacher’s wife and held out the leather strap. “She still has three to go. Would you care to administer them Ellen?” she said already knowing the answer. Ellen felt her own pussy spasm as a wicked heat engulfed her body, she felt as if she were being given a million dollars
Taking the strap from Cat, she didn’t move to Katie’s side, but stood at the end of the table, standing over the punished girl. Lifting the strap, she brought it down with force directly onto Katie’s plump pouting pussy. The stroke was electric and Katie threw her head back and her mouth opened in a blood curdling wail. The high pitched screech was unlike the other howls that had filled the room. This was shriek of someone who had been seriously burnt. “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Katie screamed over and over again, “NOT THERE, NOT THERE”
Katie’s mother, ever the sadist, meant to prolong the humiliation and punishment. “Not there, not where Katie, I think you need to be more specific.” Her eyes filled with tears and snot running from her nose, Katie’s contorted mouth sang out loudly, “NOT ON MY PUSSY, NOT MY PUSSY!!!” Cat smiled. Scott came in his pants.
“Nice choice of target Ellen,” Cat said, “two more to go, take your time.” The next stroke was equally vicious as it tore into the young virgin twat meat. Katie’s labia began to swell with the onrush of blood, and her whole vulva took on a crimson shade. Her swelling lips parted and the inner lining of her cunt could be seen glistening and revealing her clitoris and pee hole.
After a moment, Ellen delivered the 18th stroke to the poor girl. She stepped back and with a professional’s preciseness, she sent the strap down fast and hard so that the very tip of the leather would enter between Katie’s blood engorged labia and attack the inner region of the girl’s sex mouth. The cut was of such intensity that Katie went wild, and thrashed about screaming and crying at the top of her lungs. It was all that Scott could do to hold her in place.
Katie was allowed to lower her legs and Scott left the room, leaving the two women to survey the damage done to the girls bottom and female genitalia. Her ass on fire and being tortured on the wooden table, Katie could not stay still. She was sobbing, filling the room with her cries. “Go ahead and rub,” Cat told her punished daughter and Katie immediately clutched at her flaming swollen mound, trying frantically to rub the pain away and sliding her fingers up and down her slit. It looked as if she were masturbating for the pleasure of the women watching. Neither Cat nor Ellen would say so, but both were highly aroused and excited by the display.
Finally, Katie was let up and told to go to her room. She struggled up the stairs sobbing and rubbing her twat obscenely, not caring who could see. Her cries and sobs would be heard coming from her room for some time.
“Oh my god, I can’t believe what I just saw and did,” Ellen blurted out when Katie had left. “You saw a naughty girl getting punished,” Cat said. “Yes,” Ellen said, “and punished in the worst and most humiliating fashion.” “Is this the first time you’ve seen a girl getting whipped between her legs, on her twat lips? Cat asked. “Oh my god, yes,” Ellen responded, “I can’t imagine what it must be like or how much it must hurt.” “Perhaps someday you will have the chance to find out,” Cat said smiling at the young woman. “I certainly hope not, I don’t think my….my…well you know, could take it.” “You mean your “pussy”, Cat said laughing. “A pussy can take allot. I grew up with a mother who believed that there was no better place to punish a naughty girl then between her legs.
“You mean, you were spanked or whipped there?” Ellen asked. “More times than I can remember.” Cat stated, “When I got out of line, my panties came off and I got my ass busted. Mom thought that a good strapping on the pussy was icing on the cake. The only thing worse was wearing the punishment panties afterwards. “Punishment panties? Ellen questioned, “what are punishment panties?” Cat explained, “Mom took a pair of panties that were a little small for me, and fit me too tightly, and you know that green scouring pad that you clean pots and pans with? Well, Mom cut it down and sewed it into the crotch of the panties. After getting my pussy lips blistered, wearing those panties was excruciating. My lips were raw from the spanking and the scraping from the pad was pure torture every time I moved.
“I can’t begin to imagine that,” Ellen said, “it sounds positively horrible.” “Oh, believe me it was,” Cat agreed. “Have you done that with Katie? Ellen asked. “Oh no” Cat said, “spending a couple of days with a blistered twat mouth is enough I think, and even the softest silkiest panties can be difficult.”
“My gosh, look at the time,” Ellen said, “I better be going. Rick will be looking for me, and I down want to get a spanking she laughed. Cat laughed too as she saw Ellen to the door. “Thanks for coming, I hope you enjoyed the evening,” she said. “More than you will ever know,” Ellen responded. They stood looking at each other, and then, their lips met in a passionate kiss. They held each other closely, hug and exploring each other’s mouth with their tongue.
After they parted, Cat went to the bathroom to get some lotion and headed to her daughters room. Ellen got into the car, locked the doors, and hiked up her skirt to her waist, thrusting her hand down into her panties, she found her clit and in only a couple of strokes she had the most intense and pleasurable orgasm she had ever experienced.
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