Slave To My Perverted Aunts-part 5
For the next week I was taken to the Reproduction Center everyday to produce a child in a beautiful and willing Dommeville woman. Over and over I impregnated them, and the Center Director assured me that it was almost a certainty that each fornication event would result in a healthy child. She was quite ecstatic about my efforts.
The emotional toll that this was taking on me was tremendous, and I began to have bouts of depression, unable to cope with the staggering responsibility being foisted on me. Aunt Sandra was well familiar with this syndrome and had seen it in many young males in my same position.
She took me to several of the beautiful Psychiatrists in Dommeville, and I began a therapy regimen that would relieve my inner conflict, and also allow the female therapists to sample my wares at every session. The fact is that it was highly effective, and the women were excellent at their occupation.
As in any therapy healing, it would take time and patience on my part to adjust to my new life and fantastic activities here in this strange and intensely erotic city. The Psychiatrists and I talked for an hour each day, delving into my deep fears and needs, and were instrumental in restoring in me a sense of being needed and loved. I had been struggling with the death of my parents since the accident, and had suffered bouts of crying and desolation many times.
I had hoped desperately that my beautiful aunts would be able to fill me with their love and affection, and this was true, but the rest of the package turned out to be far from what I had expected. I actually loved my aunts, and think I would do anything for them, but I was also being forced physically to become their absolute slave. This alone was very confusing for me.
Aunt Sandra and my other two aunts had begun serious love making sessions with me, and I experienced intense sexual release and they made me feel so loved and needed. I was slowly adjusting to the strange combination and I think was becoming a little happier and more adjusted as each week passed.
I was still a very young man and this all was beyond my comprehension. However, I could tell that I was growing rapidly, and was already far beyond my years in experience and sexual maturity.
My favorite psychiatrist was Melony, and we made love after each therapy session. She usually just pulled up her skirt for me to fuck her, but I think this was hotter for me than her being nude. She allowed me to clean her vaginal drainage afterward, and she petted my head and smiled as I gently pushed the towel up inside her and dried her.
I had developed a severe craving for a woman's pubic smell and drainage, and with her prompting I began to merely lick out and swallow the mess I had created. I was so horny having sex by now that this was almost enough to make me ejaculate. I was astounded by the absolutely disgusting things I did now willingly and I was becoming numb to the raunchy carnality of it. No, to be honest I was hopelessly addicted to it.
Melony knew that I was an anal slave and took advantage of this by allowing me to clean her anus before we started each time. She was about in her thirties and was so pretty I was in awe of her. She wouldn't let me kiss her afterward but I understood and just kneeled and sort of worshipped her as I cleaned her vagina.
She was very affectionate and kissed me tenderly each time we had a therapy session. You might believe that this strange arrangement would not work between patient and therapist but I have to tell you that it did. We talked on and on during the sessions, and she had me spilling my guts completely before it was over. I could feel the heated inner pain just boil out of me, and she was there smiling gently and coaxing me on to heal what was hurting me inside.
I fell in love with her of course, and she knew it but then I think I fell in love with the other six beautiful psychiatrists too. Can a man have to much love and acceptance?
I dam well don't think so! I absorbed it like a needful sponge.
My therapy could take months or longer to come to fruition but I knew I was heading in the right direction. After my last impregnation visit to the Reproduction Center I was taken off duty there to be involved with other importnant activities in Dommeville.
The ceremony, in which I was tattooed and welcomed into the life of an oral anal slave, was conducted at the Dommeville Acceptance Center, an important venue for symbolic conversion in Dommeville. The day of the 'christening' arrived and my aunts took a very nervous nephew with them to the backstage area of the building.
There were other male slaves receiving their ear tags, and I was only one among a large group of nervous young men. The males being marked sat, one after the other, in center stage with their ankles cuffed to a chair and their hands cuffed behind, and their head securely strapped back to prevent movement.
A pretty tattoo artist sits beside them in a chair with equipment nearby. Television cameras are trained on the stage, and the image is transmitted throughout Dommeville and onto large TV monitors above.
After their ears are cleaned and shaved and antisceptic applied, the skilled artist goes to work changing his their forever here in the city of sex. I was one of two anal conversions today, and the audience seemed to be more entertained by this category of 'branding' than the other types of slaves.
Since I had become quite important and famous in Dommeville because of my genetic makeup, I was sure my tattooing would be viewed by an unusually large audience of eager exhuberant women.
When the time came for the marking, the male before me received his ear tattoo as I watched nervously. My stomach did flipflops as I waited in dread. Aunt Sandra stood beside me gently rubbing my neck, and aunt Christina and Samantha stood with us.
All the males were nude and a strong erection induced in them before starting so that their hard penis strained awkwardly draining precum during the tattoo ceremony. No towel is allowed so that there is usually a mess to be cleaned up afterward. The audience loves this.
As I looked on the poor male slave in front of me being marked sat rigid and trembling as the nurse slipped a cockring over his limp penis. She stroked him rapidly so that his penis soon stood out hard as a rock. After his legs and arms, and head had been restrained by nursing staff, she began.
She touched his ear with the laser pen, and he jerked in pain several times as a the tissue was burned. The tattoo nurse quickly wiped the earlobe off with an antisceptic painkiller swab and ran her hand over his leg to comfort him.
She swiveled the chair so that his other earlobe was accessible and repeated the process. His cock began to bounce violently, draining precum dispite the incumbrance, and soon wet down the area in front of him.
During these ceremonies the audience is allowed to express their feelings but are cautioned to use good sense and compassion when speaking or yelling. After all, this is a stunning event for the male slaves involved.
Finally the nurse finished with the shaking male, and swabbed the burn marks with an antisceptic. It would not take long for the tattoos to heal because of special nature of the process, and they were clearly visible right after completion.
The anal slave tattoos are unique, brown circles with a small dark brown circle inside, and instantly identifyable by any Dommeville resident. The slave must serve all women who want this kind of pleasure, he has no choice. If he balks or fails to do his duty to all he will be sent to the torture building for attitude adjustment.
To help the new oral anal slave to perform well he is given deep hypnotic treatments each day for a month that will make him insanely addicted to his ass cleaning chores. He is given high tech protectants also since he will no doubt be required to eat feces whole on occasion, though probably not as a regular occurance.
The anal slave stood and his cock was so hard it was bursting. As he was being led off the stage he stopped for a moment, began to shake, and ejaculated a huge streamer of semen onto the stage floor. His handler turned him so that his orgasm was visible to all, and his face turned a bright shade of red as he jerked uncontrollably, spitting out his seed in front of him.
The audience went crazy yelling, and when the male had finished he was led stumbling offstage. The mess was quickly cleaned off by the janitorial staff, and now it was my turn.
I was near vomiting, petrified at the coming trauma, and was led to the chair by my aunt Sandra, barely able to walk. She whispered soundly in my ear, and squeezed my balls gently behind me.
"You must do this baby, you have to, it's too late to change your mind now. Just think of the pleasure that will be coming to you, doing what you like best. Do not embarrass me James, be a man and do what is required. OK?"
I nodded and mumbled yes as I sat down, and my ankles, hands, and head were shackled to the chair. The pretty nurse tattoo artist smiled at me and ran her hand over my face soothing me. She slid on the special cockring and stroked me rapidly as she kissed me on the lips. Her erotic grin made me hard almost instantly, and my huge penis stood out, bouncing against her white blouse and wetting it down.
"My my Jim, I've never seen a cock as large as yours", she smiled, "the penis ring is barely adequate for you."
She flipped my enormous prick and it bounced and oozed a thick rivulet of precum onto the chair as she watched it in fascination. She kissed me on the forehead as she stroked it briefly, and proceeded with her task.
"This will sting quite a bit Jim but it's really not that bad, you can do it no problem. Try to relax and let me work." She moved in close to me and put her mouth right next to my ear.
I'll be in line for your services before long gorgeous, I think you'll like doing me.
Then she held my earlobe tightly in her fingers and touched the skin.
The pain was shocking, and severe at first and I jerked hard, pulling against the restraints. I was grunting in agony as she worked, and she kissed my cheek to calm me.
"I'm sorry baby, it will be over soon. Just hang in there", she whispered.
She turned me and started on the other ear and the penetrating sting became unbearable. I jerked hard and moaned in agony and shook all over as she burned me. Just when I was about to actually scream she finished, and most of the hurting stopped. She swabbed my ears carefully and the pain went away.
"Don't be afraid Jim, you're going to love it, just give yourself time to adjust." She kissed me on the cheek quickly and released my cock ring.
"You're going to have a reaction Jim, just like the last male slave, but don't be embarrassed, it happens to them all, it's part of the ceremony", she grinned slyly.
I stood and the nursing staff helped me up, and just as I took my first step I began to shake violently and my hard penis began to erupt in a thick gusher of cum.
They turned me so that my spitting cock was visible to all, and the yelling women made a deafening sound as I jerked out of control, ejaculating into the air, and splattering the whole stage. The screams of lust and amusement were overwhelming and my sense of humiliation had never been greater.
As I stared dumbfounded at the audience and cameras my jerking became less frequent, and a streamer of cum drained from my huge pisshole.
My aunts were there beside me and led me off the stage and out to the limouscene. They wiped me off and kissed me as we drove home, showering me with love. It really did take away a lot of the misery.
Now I would be marked wherever I went, a butt slave to all the women in Dommeville. I now occupied a special territory, as an object of fun and pleasure and hidden ridicule for all women here. Then the reality hit me, there was no turning back, I could not go back, I was trapped as an anal slave for better or worse here.
I slept well that night despite the shaking events of the day. My aunts and I all slept together on a huge bed in the master bedroom, and they surrounded me all night and soothed me with their nasty hands and talented mouths.
They did not ask me to serve them as an oral anal slave, knowing that would come soon enough for me. I fucked them all as I was able, and my worn penis was covered with their slick vaginal cream. I loved it, and most certainly, so did they.
The next day Rainy Stone sent for me, and aunt Sandra made certain I was delivered quickly, and in good condition. She spoke to me as we drove to Rainy's paltial mansion, giving me sage advise on what might transpire with Rainy.
"You must not fear her", she said emphatically, "she is a quality person but I must admit one of the most intensely horny ladies I have known. She will want to become your friend, and you must be patient. She is unpredictable, and you never know what she will do but she is fair and compassionate also, despite what you must think from her past behavior. This is true, I promise you, give the relationship time, OK?"
I nodded dumbly, accepting anything she had to say.
"Be prepared for a nasty visit James, and I needn't remind you that if you fail to obey her or anyone with her implicitly, I will punish you severely. She will not, I will when you return home. Do I make myself clear?"
"Look at at me James", you will become a cocksucker here, it is going to happen so just accept it. If anything like this is required of you, you must obey and I mean it. You sucked doggie cock and swallowed so any human cock should be a breeze.
I looked desperately at her, my eyes deep pools of shame at the prospect.
She slapped me hard, "You will come to love cocksucking after awhile, I promise."
"All the other male slaves here are cocksuckers too, that's the way it is! There are many male visitors of high position and wealth visiting Dommeville, and you must do them if commanded, and you'd better do it right!"
She smiled and held my face tightly as she kissed me on the mouth. She kissed my cheeks and all over my face too.
"I love you Jim, you must trust me. I am in love with you, OK!"
The look she gave me at that moment made my heart leap with joy, for a woman such as my aunt to be in love with me was beyond my compreshension.
Aunt Sandra took me to Rainy's mansion and when we had entered the inner parlor Rainy greeted us and kissed aunt Sandra passionately. The were obviously quite enamored with each other and a long French kiss had them rubbing their hands over every body part.
Finally they separated, smiling at each other, and the beautiful Rainy turned her attention to me.
"Ah yes, the important James slave", she chuckled playfully.
I was naked and had an erection already and held my 'precum" towel under my draining penis. I looked awkwardly at her and my cock bobbed up and down involuntarily.
Rainy gripped it firmly and stroked it a few times and slapped it painfully with her hand. I yelped and jerked and looked at her desperately, not knowing what to do. She hugged me and smiled and kissed me on the lips briefly.
"I'm sorry Jim, it's just me being playful, I'm a bad girl sometimes." She laughed and kissed me again, "I know you think I'm an asshole James but I'm not when you get to know me. We're going to be friends I assure you, and you will embrace me and all that is in Dommeville."
"I won't be involved in any other kind of relationship with my male slaves. They come to love me believe it or not." She laughed again and turned to aunt Sandra.
"Leave him Sandy, he's in good hands, I assume you told him about cocksucking?"
Aunt Sandra rubbed my back and smiled, "Yes I told him and I know he will not fail me or you in this."
Rainy looked into my eyes and grinned slyly, "Are you a cocksucker James?", she purred.
I swallowed hard and looked sheepishly at her.
"I...don't know miss", was all I could manage and they both broke out in laughter.
"James you are so formal, just talk from your heart dear one", said Rainy, running her hand through my hair.
Aunt Sandra was becoming uncomfortable by now and it was obvious she wanted to exit. She kissed me passionately and rubbed her hand quickly over Rainy's arm.
Sandra looked intensely at me, "You will do fine James, you will make me proud I know, just remember all I have said, and that I mean what I say. Obey Rainy as though it were me, Ok?"
I nodded quickly and looked at her like a lost puppy.
"James and I will have great fun Sandy, he is in good hands", smiled the gorgeous and sophisticated Rainy Stone.
Aunt Sandra left and I stood there alone with Rainy and I was terrified. I was shaking all over and she became very serious.
"No no James, you must not be afraid of me, oh God no, that's not how it works darling. I want you to like me as a person eventually and enjoy the nasty fun we will have. I have three very pretty friends I want you to meet now and they are just dying to meet you."
She hugged me and kissed me and led me to another part of the house. A large comfortable room with many restraining fixtures and devices.
I froze at once and tensed up noticeably.
She hugged me again and ran her hand softly over my erect cock and balls. The towel I held was soaked by now from my constant drainage. She took it from me and threw it in a clothes hamper. "You won't need this here baby", she smiled, our janitorial staff takes care of things like that."
"You don't understand Domination/submission now James but I will teach you and you will love it once you relax. I have great affection for you Jim and I know what you crave underneath. Don't worry about all this, we will work into that in good time. First I want you to meet three playmates of mine, very pretty young ladies who are almost as nasty as me", she chuckled.
At that time the three young women came in and walked up to us and began to touch and fondle me with their hands. They were absolutely gorgeous, and wore tight cutoff dresses that accentuated their perfect bodies. The all kissed me and their perfume was highly intoxicating.
Rainy led us over to comfortable easychairs nearby.
"Ladies, Jim is officially a certified oral anal slave now and you may enjoy his services any way you wish."
"This is Heather, Amber, and Debra Jim, they are my good friends and I need you to first show them what a good brown slave you are."
Heather was a platinum blonde and excruciatingly pretty, and her body was perfect in every way. Amber was a redhead and so gorgeous I was in awe of her. Debra was as beautiful as any moviestar actress, and her body and form could have had no equil.
" We call our oral anal slaves brown slaves here in Dommeville James, and I don't know what we would do without them."
The three women stripped off quickly, and each of them knelt on one of the easy chairs bent over and exposing their perfect asses to me. Their asscracks opened widely, and the sight of their puckered bungholes was highly arousing to me.
"You know what to do James, and be ready for anything, right girls?"
She winked her eye at me and she pushed me to my knees behind Heather. I crawled up and put my face next to her wonderful open asscrack. Her butthole was perfection, and the tight well formed sphintor muscle opened and closed as she worked it for me. She obviously had been serviced many times in this way and was ready to be pleased.
I was so horny I could not restrain myself and rubbed my nose over her fecal opening. I gasped at the same time she did and began to lap my tongue all over her now gaping rear hole. I slid my tongue all the way inside her and fucked it in and out and the flavor made me jerk in pleasure.
Rainy sat next to us in a rolling chair and looked closely at my efforts.
I could just barely smell and taste the remains of her last bowel movement and my lust was going off the charts. I sucked her asshole diligently and fucked my lapper inside her deepest parts. Suddenly she pushed outward and filled my mouth with a puff of her gas, and I ate it voraciously.
Rainy pushed my head against the nasty farthole and held me there as the gas disipated. When I had finished with Heather I crawled to the other hot young women and did the same, and was treated with a mild shit stain by the lovely Debra. I kissed her ass back and forth as I thanked her, and my cock was very near ejaculation by now.
When I had done them all Rainy wiped my face off with a damp towel and dried it.
She smiled widely, "Very good James, very good!"
"You really do like the taste of a woman's poop hole don't you?", she laughed.
"Oh my boy you will get all of that you could desire and much more."
The young ladies sat and watched then as Rainy stripped and pulled down her panties. She grinned down at me and bent over, spreading her butt cheeks. I crawled to her and kneeled behind, and put my nose into her well formed asscrack. She pushed back against my face and I enhaled deeply, taking her funky odor into my lungs.
It was obvious she had just taken a crap and though a bit shocked at first, I began to rub my nose over her brown smeared anus. The swampy shit cream coated my nose and then I rubbed my face all over it, savoring the pungent smell.
I licked her brownish and slick anal opening and cleaned the sides of it, swallowing the bitter cream and became insanely horny. I spread her well used butthole wide open and shoved my whole tongue deep inside her. The nasty meal I found there made me gasp in shock.
I slurped deep into her rectum and cleaned out the shit, gulping it down in extreme lust. I could not control myself and wet berserk tongue fucking her dirty craphole. The girls were watching intently, gasping and moaning in ecstasy.
Rainy pulled my head into her shithole even further, and I could barely breathe.
"James you were born for this!", she laughed as I gasped and gulped in joy."
"Ladies, James is disgusting isn't he?", she laughed good naturedly.
"A kneeling ass eating cocksucker!"
The girls laughed and cheered their agreement and approval as I kneeled there looking stupidly at them, my face a stinking mess. It was so degrading I was at a loss to speak, and merely licked my lips.
Rainy laughed loudly and pulled my face again into her swampy butt.
"Suck my ass quickly James, hurry!"
She broke into laughter as I dove in and clamped my lips over her distended anal sphinctor. She held me tight and commanded me to pull her finger quickly. Without thinking I reached up and obeyed her, and when I yanked on it a long powerful blast of stink was forced into my mouth and up my nose.
I gagged briefly, and she held me firmly and made me eat the wet fart. I retched for a brief moment and finally prevented myself from vomiting, and dutifully ate the mess deposited on the back of my tongue. I gagged desperately as I swallowed it, and my face was and absolute mess as I got it all down. Rainy laughed uncontrolllably, as did her young female friends, and as I knelt there looking dumbly at them, my face a reeking mess, they took videos of me with their digital cameras.
Rainy grabbed a towel and wiped my face off and cleaned it thoroughly.
"I am so sorry James, I just had to do that", she roared, "I had to show you what you will deal with as an anal slave." She pulled me up to my feet and kissed me on the lips.
"Oh Jim you will get used to it and embrace it, and you will experience amazing orgasms doing it!", she gushed.
"Now my darling, I am going to give you a minor injection at the base of your balls, and it will prevent you from ejaculation for an hour or so. Then you will do things for us to build your load so that you can deposit it into this bottle for a gay friend of mine who just loves fresh cum. I want you to know what's going on James, so you know what to expect, Ok?"
I looked numbly at her and the other women. "Yes mam", was all I could utter as I stared down at my huge hard cock. She quickly sat and spread my large balls apart with her hands, then swabbed under them with alcohol, and held them firmly as she slowly shoved the needle into my tender parts.
I jerked slightly, and grunted as she did it, and it was over at once. She swabbed me again and stroked me off slowly.
"You won't be able to ejaculate for an hour baby", and in that time we require your cooperation, ok?", she grinned looking up at me.
I didn't know what she meant by that but braced myself for anything in the coming hours.
She led me to a special floor fixture and pushed down on my shoulders. I kneeled and she placed my head in a set of stocks and clamped it down. She cuffed my ankles in place and had me place my right hand around my cock. She secured my left hand and fastened a device onto my right wrist. Then she attached two electrodes to my balls.
She grinned down at me sweetly, and ran her hand over my hair like she was petting a dog.
"Now mr. James, you will begin to jackoff when I tell you and you will not stop until I tell you. If you do you will receive a painful shock to your large nuts."
"Here, let me demonstrate", she pushed a button and a sharp electric current bit into my tender gonads. I jerked and yelled, and the pain was excruciating.
"Now James, jackoff for me and don't stop until I say so."
I began to stroke off rapidly, my large penis dripping precum as my hand moved up and down it's length. She turned a switch and there I kneeled, beating my meat on my knees, feeling like an idiot but knowing she was serious about what she had said.
"Every time you stop or slow down too much you will get shocked, it's that simple."
"Now James I have some friends I want you to meet, all of them gay I'm afraid. You won't mind giving them some relief will you?"
I didn't answer, and she continued....
"No I didn't think so."
She pushed a button and three males came in, and stood around me grinning wickedly. She had a video camera set up to film me, and when the first man unzipped his fly and pulled out his large cock, I looked desperately at her, hoping for a reprieve from this humiliation.
His cock grew to full length as I whacked off, and soon he was rubbing it all over my mouth, wetting it down with his precum. I continued jacking as he shoved his large meat between my lips and into my mouth. I looked at his pubic hair as he shoved all the way in, and his oversize dick gagged me when he tried to push it down my throat.
He was laughing as he pushed inward and began screwing my open mouth. I lost my concentration for a moment and screeched as the severe current tore at my nuts. I focused on my masturbation as he gagged me, and could barely breathe as he shoved in and out of my gasping throat..
He was fucking my esophagus now and I quickly learned how to breathe with his penis in me. I gagged and the saliva drooled from my lips but I was able to let him continue fucking my captured oral cavity.
I jerked my cock with a vengeance as he neared orgasm, and felt an orgasm coming on myself but could not ejaculate. I looked at his pant zipper as he shoved in all the way down my gullet and as I gagged uncontrollably he pumped in a thick salty wad of semen, which quickly was forced down into my stomach.
I coughed violently and could not breathe but I managed to gulp down several thick globs of gooey snot as I continued beating off. I was moaning in misery now, still whacking off as I was violated.
Finally he pulled out and spit the rest of his load all over my face. His limp cock hung in front of him and he breathed a heavy sigh.
"Ahhhhh, relief!", he laughed, as he zipped back up.
"You have a potentially good cocksucker here Rainy, he just needs a lot of practice."
I continued masturbating wearily, forced to enjoy the shame that was forced on me. Rainy bent down and took a glob of cum from my face and fed it to me, cheerfully encouraging me to eat it all.
I slurped it off her finger and swallowed it, and focused on wanking off.
The next male also had unzipped and had his cock already hard. His large meat was dripping cum, and he slopped it all over my face as he held my head and forced it to the back of my throat. His dick was not clean, and the swampy taste made me gag but he quickly forced it down my swallow tube, and I concentrated only on jacking off and breathing.
"Mmmmmm Rainy, I sure like to help break in new cocksuckers for you, he's very good." He fucked my throat forcefully and I gagged and my eyes watered terribly. He held my head and really got into it, and as I jerked off desperately he began to near ejaculation. Just as I pumped forward in a false orgasm, he squirted a thick viscous streamer of his nut cream down my throat.
I coughed violently and gulped several times, receiving two more shocks from the device for not continuing my jerking at a sufficiently rapid pace. I wanked hard now and I actually experienced an orgasm each time I swallowed except I could not expell cum from my own penis.
Finally a third unzipped male stroked and shoved his rock hard meat down my gullet, and saliva was pouring from my lips like a gusher. He held me tightly and superfucked my face, and as I neared another non orgasm, he jerked hard and hosed a thick tangy mass of sperm down my throat.
I could not breathe by now but gulped the disgusting mess down, and jerked hard in what would have been a powerful orgasm.
I continued wanking as the men left and Rainy petted me like her dog, and fed me the thick sperm milk on my face. I never stopped jerking, and when she released me from the fixture I was still beating off with a vengeance.
I stood and continued masturbating as she led me into a reception room where several attractive women sat waiting to see her. She stood me in front of them and cuffed my ankles to a floor bolt.
"Hello ladies, this is James, he is going to entertain you for awhile, aren't you suck boy?"
"Now Jim, you continue jacking off for these lovely ladies and any who come in here, and make sure you maintain eye contact with them at all times. You must purposely humiliate yourself for them all the while you are abusing yourself."
She looked at her watch, "You have thirty minutes until the injection wears off and you are able to expel your semen. When you do hold this container in front of you to catch it all. When you are finished seal the cap on it and push this button for me, I will be in quickly. I have a gay friend who is waiting to drink it, and he wants it still warm from your body so don't delay."
Don't slow down or you know what will happen. She kissed me and left the room, and I stood looking at maybe twenty attractive women, bonified residents of Dommeville.
I jacked hard now, not wanting to trigger the shock device, and looked wearily at the gawking ladies. They just loved my embarrassment, and laughed and made comments the whole time I was beating off for them.
I was in agony now, my arm tired from masturbating so long, and my balls sore and swollen with my reproductive fluid. I entertained the women as they came and went, and their sneers and insulting grins were patently mortifying.
Finally at the point of exhaustion I felt the fluid from my swollen balls finally begin to erupt from my pisshole, and I held the container under me, and pointed my cock straight down into the glass and jerked and screamed loudly as a river of hot sperm paste gushed from inside me. I yelled and looked at the surprised women and the thick stream of creamy cum quickly filled the twelve ounce glass.
My ejaculations were enormous, apparently because of an over large storage bladder for my seminal fluid, and the glass was almost overflowing when I finally stopped spitting my seed into it.
I sealed the top of the glass as directed and quickly pushed the button. Rainy came quickly and smiled in triumph as she took the nasty container from me. It was covered with semen and she wiped it off quickly and put it in a small storage container.
She uncuffed me and I followed her back into the main area of her home. The gorgeous young women were gone, and she had me lay down on her large bed and take a nap as she rushed the fresh cum to her friend.
I awoke later with her laying beside me, stroking my penis and balls gently. As I opened my eyes she grinned down mischeviously at me and kissed me passionately, laying beside me. Come lets sleep again James, I am tired and I think you are too. You won't believe me but I love you Jim, and you are going to fall in love with me too.
I looked at her in disbelief.
She held me tightly, snuggling her naked body next to me, and we fell into a deep sleep from which we did not awaken for hours. Truthfully, it was one of the most wonderful moments in my life, despite what she had just done to me. I could not make sense of this dam place no matter how hard I tried.
I awoke with Rainy kissing me, smiling and caressing my already hard cock. She licked my face from top to bottom and stuck her tongue up my nose, licking it inside. I was a bit shocked and stared at her with bug eyes a she cleaned my nasal openings.
I shifted a bit and tried to move my head away from her but she held me tightly.
"No no no", she laughed, you do what I say, whatever it is!"
When she had cleaned my nose inside thoroughly she licking inside my ears and cleaned them out. I lay there petrified since I thought she was insane and possibly dangerous. I had never seen a woman like this and I did not know what to do.
"I want you to learn that there are no sexual boundaries here James, we explore every and anything that comes to our mind. Dommeville is a nasty place sexually, get used to it darling."
"Now my sleepy friend, you will return the favor I just did for you, I want my nose clean as a whistle inside and out, and my ears too."
She lay with her head over me and her nose close to my mouth. "Get to it Jim, don't keep me waiting", she laughed.
I knew the price of disobedience and of course I had done worse for my aunts, I slid my tongue up into her nostril, and licked out whatever was inside. She gripped my balls between her fingers and applied slight pressure.
"Men love to be forced", she breathed, "it's in their nature, but you won't need that will you."
I lapped deeply and removed a slight salty residue and little more. I diligently cleaned both sides and she put her ear down for service next. It really didn't bother me much since I had eaten boogers of substatial size from my gorgeous aunts.
I licked into her ears and tasted a small amount of earwax, and slid in deeply as possible to obey her. I have to say it was surprisingly erotic, and made me feel very strange being with her.
Just tasting a beautiful woman's body was erotic in any case.
She hovered over my face, and stuck out her tongue as far as possible. "Suck on it baby."
Her saliva was dripping and I opened my mouth and let her wet licker slide between my lips. I sucked on it diligently, and swallowed quite a bit of her spit. By this point nothing was very sickening to me and I sucked her tongue and felt it slide in and out of my mouth as she stared at me eye to eye.
"Mmmmm", she groaned, "thuck it!"
At this we both broke up, and laughed uncontrollably. It was so weird and the way she mouthed her words was hilarious.
"Ok ok hon, enough", she chuckled, "but you get my point don't you?"
I smiled and nodded at her pretty face and wondered how anyone could be so kinky, yet seem so sophisticated and capable.
"No limits here James."
She crawled on top of me and grabbed my hard penis and forcefully shoved it into her pussy. I was absolutely amazed at how tight she was and my eyes opened widely as she began to fuck me.
The lust on her face was striking as she put her nose next to mine and shoved downward, slipping my whole eleven inches deep inside her mature vaginal tunnel. I was astounded. She held my head tightly and fucked me, thrusting so hard her hips made a smacking sound against mine.
"Mmmmmm, oh yes baby, oh yes", she grunted. "You need that cock fucked hard, a pecker like yours needs hard fucking each day!" She gritted her teeth and pumped me mercilessly, thumping and grunting as I looked at her, my eyes wide and unblinking.
She stared deeply into my eyes as she raped me, and suddenly my balls took over and I jerked so hard I bumped my head against hers dam near knocking us out. Again, it was so funny we both cracked up and laughed like idiots as she fell over on her side.
"Well fuck James, we can't do anything right today can we?"
We both finally stopped snickering and she rolled back to me and kissed me gently on the lips, smiling broadly.
"Guess we better stop here before we kill ourselves", she groaned.
We looked into each other's eyes and I think we both felt a wonderful moment as we kissed again.
She raised up and sat on the bed looking at me. "You must think I'm terrible Jim, with all I've done but I hope you will understand and forgive me. She moved down and cuddled my head against hers and kissed me again.
"We're kind of funny together aren't we?"
We got up and she put on tight black leather slacks and a leather shirt.
She hugged me and kissed me again, smiling broadly.
"And now my darling, I'm afraid I must introduce you to the wonderful world of oral bathroom duty. Just relax, I'll help you to adjust and get going with your new life here. Today you will be on duty cleaning assholes in the main women's bathroom facility in Dommeville." She grinned at me and held my shoulders at arm's length.
"Here baby", she purred, take this louzange and disolved it under your tongue, by the time we get there you will be quite ready for your nasty oral duties."
I took the pill and put it in my mouth and we started out to the limousine.
Her chauffeur was as pretty as aunt Sandra's and just as witty and sociable. We sat in the back seat and as we drove away she smiled wonderfully at me, licking her lips slowly.
Her smile was one reserved for anal slaves, I'm sure, and though I'm sure she did not mean to be sarcastic, I knew I would be exposed to this by the Dommeville women from now on. I think that on a subliminal level they enjoyed inflicting embarrassment on the brown males for embracing such a nasty craving. But I think they also loved it.
Dommeville's downtown bathroom was huge and accomodated countless ladies rushing from one place to another during business hours. It was the primary training venue for new oral anal or brown slaves. Dommeville's ladies loved it, and made sure that they contributed in an important way as often as they could. Each woman who used the facility was required to submit a certified health form, indicating a recent medical and rectal examination, and any digestive or diarrhea problems would cancel immediate usage until further notice.
Rainy took me inside and into the central staging area near the big number one toilet, and I was introduced to one of the pretty female attendants. Rainy kissed me and made her departure, assuring me that she would return at the end of my shift which would be three hours for a beginning brown slave.
The attendant smiled and sat me down, and brought over her prep kit. She first checked inside my mouth, holding her tongue depressor in several different positions, looking carefully for any lesions or abnormalities.
Then she wiped my mouth out with a damp, medicated swab, cleaning my tongue and inner mouth thoroughly. The taste was minty and antisceptic, and not terribly unpleasant. I knew there was a reason for it all and patiently let her do her job.
She smiled gently at me, kissing me on the forehead.
"There is no shame in your job Jim, believe me it is just as important as any other tag designation, maybe more so."
"We will protect you as much as possible during your duties believe me." Feces can be damaging to your body and digestive tract so we give you very special protectants and antibiotics to keep you safe."
"Usually you won't be required to ingest it whole but that is an uncertainty by it's very nature, and there are no guarantees. We will, however, be very observant for abuse situations, and any Dommeville lady violating the safety rules will be banned from further use of the toilet facility."
She looked earnestly at me..."Do you like the smell of a woman's anus Jim, even when it has a bit of fecal residue around it."
I looked at her strangely, mystified by her polite professional manner.
"I am addicted to it mam", I said slyly, and looked sheepishly into her pretty eyes. Strangely, she blushed just a bit, and diverted her gaze briefly.
Then she grinned and rubbed her hand over my arm..."Now don't be ashamed Jim, it is a blessing for you, being able to enjoy your favorite sexual appetite without restriction. And I must tell you that most of the female population of Dommeville are addicted to being pleasured in this way. They are dependent on you as much as you are on them."
Then she carefully gave me two injections by hypodermic, and had me drink a half pint of chalky liquid. "These medications will enhance your bodily defenses against fecal bacteria, and you will receive them for your first three visits."
She uncovered a lifesize model of a woman's ass and the rubberized version was very real to life. She took out a small jar and dabbed her finger into the brown contents, then smeared it over the perfect rubber anus on the model.
"This is just a short training discussion Jim designed to give you insight as to the best way to perform annilingus. First of all you must be fast and efficient in this, because there will typically be a number of ladies waiting in stalls for you. They are asked to be patient but you can see that they are busy and need to go about their business as soon as possible. If you receive reports of excessive tardiness they will file complaints against you and that's not good."
"You should never take more than a few minutes to complete your task on each woman, and practice will help you to do this. They will have had their bowel movement and cleaned themselves with toilet paper but the remaining fecal residue must be removed by you orally. Usually the woman will greet you in a friendly way and tell you her name."
She spread open the lifelike rubber asscheeks revealing a perfect synthetic asshole. It was covered now with a thin brown coating, and she opened the anus even more and shoved more of the cream inside. It looked and smelled exactly like shit, and the realism was amazing.
"First you must kiss the woman's ass, both cheeks, then spread her rear crack and put your nose next to the fecal covering. Next rub it all over your face and quickly lick it all off and swallow it. Then delve your tongue all the way up her anus and force it in and out rapidly, drawing out all of the creamy leavings. Eat it all and make sure her inner prerectum is cleaned out thoroughly."
"Then use toilet paper to wipe around her anal opening and push it inside her to clean her there. When you are sure she is clean get up quickly and leave, and go on to the next lady in a toilet stall. Under each red light is a number indicating that woman's turn for service. Go by the numbers always."
She smiled at me and at the model, "Now Jim do it while I watch and I will guide you."
I looked briefly at her and put my nose quickly down into the open crack and pushed it against the smeared anal cream. It was very realistic and I could not have told the difference between this and actual shit.
I licked around the rubber bunghole and cleaned it quickly swallowing the simulated crap right down. I was so good at it that the cute trainer laughed and rubbed my arm.
"Oh my goodness Jim you are a pro at this."
"Remember to be quick and thorough, and go on to the next toilet stall. The women will usually thank when you're done, and you may leave."
She examined the open rubber asshole and looked well pleased.
"Very very good Jim, you've done it just right. I think maybe you've had previous experience with this." She grinned slyly and wiped the anus clean and covered the model again.
"After you finish each woman quickly leave and wipe your face clean with your antisceptic towelettes, and be sure to clean your face as thoroughly as possible. The towelettes are specifically designed for that purpose."
"Now Jim, your duties."
"You will sit in the center of the bathroom where your towels and facial cleaners are located and wait for the red 'service required' light over each toilet stall. When the light is on you will go to the back of the stall and open a rear door for your purpose. You will sit at the back of the toilet on a stool there and perform your duties as best you can."
"If you fail to do a proper job the lady may give you a bad review and that may result in some kind of punishment. But don't worry about that, I don't think you will have a problem there."
"When a woman in a stall is finished with her business and has cleaned herself in a preliminary way with toilet paper, she will request your service with the red light. After you have cleaned her rear with your tongue you must wipe it again to dry it and throw the used paper towels into the refuse receptacle there."
"If you encounter any problems or abuse you must tell the attendant on duty and this will be added to the woman's record. I have to tell you though that this seldom happens."
"Some women don't talk to the anal slave during his service but others will, you never know. Often it is enough to enjoy his unsavory performance without comment and most say nothing. When you are finished you will resume your seat in the center of the bathroom to await another red light request unless there are some waiting. Don't interact with the women socially any more than necessary. This must be a strictly sexual thing, and that's the way most women want it."
"You may masturbate while you are on duty in the stalls but you must never ejaculate, it is forbidden. So you must control yourself completely. If you do you will be severely punished by your patron later. The ladies enjoy their oral slave pleasuring themselves but you must never ejaculate."
She led me out into the large toilet, and had me sit in my waiting chair.
"I will now open the bathroom for service Jim, and you will begin your duties here."
She kissed me on the forehead again and left me, and within moments the bathroom was open for use.
Three attractive women came in and stood grinning slyly at me as I sat there holding my towel under my cock. They wore dresses, as most women in Dommeville did, and went to three different stalls. The red lights came on and were numbered according to who had taken a stall first. I waited patiently as the minutes passed, and though circulation fans could be heard in the toilet stalls, I could still hear the faint sound of expelled gas and dropping waste.
I was so horny by now at the prospect of doing this that I was trembling in deep lust, driven by the powerful aphrodisiac and the odor power of my previous annilingus experiences.
Soon a red light flashed on above one of the stalls and my stomach did flip flops as I stood and took my gear over to the back of the toilet.
I carefully pulled open the back entry door to the stall and stepped in. The woman was a pretty blond in her thirties, and I sat meekly on the stool behind the toilet. She turned and looked at me and smiled softly.
"This is your first time isn't it hun?", she whispered.
I cleared my throat and looked at her bare behind as I shifted uncomfortably.
"Yes mam."
"Do you like it?", she asked, turning back facing her front.
"Yes, oh yes mam, its....it's my favorite."
She scooched forward a bit and half stood, holding to special handles and arm supports at the side of the stool. She bent forward and exposed her very nice ass to me. Her buttcrack was perfect and her anus was well formed and opened widely to my astonished gaze. Obviously there was a slight brown stain around her rear hole and she breathed out in relief as she positioned herself comfortably using the unique supports.
"Just relax baby and enjoy yourself, it's all yours."
I moved in closely and my face was in perfect position for my work. I rubbed my nose over her fragrant opening, and the smell sent a pile driver of lust through me. I dove in, lapping all around her cute farthole, and delving my tongue into her anus. The taste of her shit stain was bitter and the smell like a barnyard, and this made me extremely horny.
I held the toilet paper in my hand and licked her rapidly, cleaning the stain off and swallowing it. She gasped audibly, and pushed backward, shoving her buttcrack over my nose. I shoved my tongue up her spread asshole and licked out a small bit of shit cream and wolfed it down. After I had cleaned her nasty rear portal I quickly wiped it with the toilet paper several times and pushed inside her to get the stain there.
"That's real good hon, real good, and oh you do it so well. Thank you baby."
I hadn't even touched my penis and quickly stood and exited the stall.
I'd almost forgotten the other women. I quickly moved to stall two and opened the rear door there. I sat again and the smell of shit on my face was palpable.
She did not speak but merely positioned herself for cleaning. I moved in closely and kissed her asscheeks, and smelled her dark anal sphinctor, rubbing my nose all over it. At once I remembered that I needed to wipe my face with an antisceptic towel after each cleaning but I'd forgotten, and swore to do it next time. It was also my responsibility to maintain safe contact, and I vowed to be more attentive from now on.
I licked her funky asshole voraciously, lapping up the slick stain around her deep craphole. Her shit tasted bitter also but had a more pungent smell and flavor to it. I stiffened my tongue and shoved it up her ass, and fucked it in and out and pulled out a small glob of her feces.
I ate it quickly and after licking her asscrack clean I gave it a good wiping with a paper towel, then moved to leave.
"Thank you darling", she said as I left, "it was real good."
I exited quickly and ran to the next stall to give service. I was terrified that I was taking too long and swung the back door open and sat down. The smell of her bowel movement lingered in the stall and she moved into position for me.
"You'll have to move faster brownie, don't keep ladies waiting too long or you may get a bad review."
"Yes mam", I said meekly.
After that I remained silent and she propped herself up on the special supports and reached back to spread her asscheeks. Her asscrack was stained more heavily than the other women, and as I delved my tongue into her dark bunghole she expelled gas into my face. It shocked me but I continued my cleaning, and licked inside her, tasting her anal waste.
I scrunched up my nose and licked her clean, swallowing her acrid leavings and quickly wiped her ass with toilet paper. I cleaned her well, and inside her anus also, and stood to leave.
"I didn't mean to be so harsh brownie, thank you for your service. You are certainly good at this, but remember to rush when there are a number of ladies waiting in the stalls.
"Yes mam", was all I could manage again as I left and closed the door behind me.
I was in a state of hyper arousal now, and hadn't even jacked off yet in a stall, I had been so busy and preoccupied.
By this time five or six other stalls were occupied, and their sequence of service displayed above the red light.
I wiped my face thoroughly with a damp cleaning towelette on the run, and went from one to the other of the stalls, licking beautiful butts and ingesting small amounts of fecal matter. Apparently this was safe with the protectants I had received before starting. Shit is bitter and the smell disgusting but not to someone who craves it desperately, in this case, me.
Almost without exception the women were nice to me, and I developed a strange kind of affection for them. They obviously enjoyed this immensely, and this made me even hotter. I began to stroke off after the third stall and this made the experience even more gripping sexually.
I slowly began to feel like only an instrument of pleasure for them, and my tongue my primary implement of servitude.
After two hours of this, despite enjoying every minute of it, I was becoming a bit weak kneed and slightly nauseous. The pretty female attendant had been observing me from a two way window and came to take me off duty. Though I'd cleaned my face after each toilet service it still smelled like shit, and some leavings had entered my nostrils.
She installed another brown slave, and he took my place in the bathroom.
She then cleaned me thoroughly inside the prep room, including antisceptic swabs up my nose. She washed my face clean and dried me. Smiling sweetly she smoothed my hair over gently.
"You did real good Jim, real good. You will be fine in your new designation. I've never seen any brown male take to it like you have."
By now Rainy had arrived to retrieve me and her broad smile cheered me a bit."
"How did he do?", she asked the young attendant.
"Oh he's very special for sure Rainy, he's taken to it like a duck to water."
Rainy laughed and motioned for me to follow her.
"Super!", she gushed, "super!"
When we arrived at Rainy's mansion she took us to a magnificent bathroom and we showered together. She had me to soap down her wonderful body and she did the same for me, massaging and cleaning my balls and cock. She washed my face with a soapy wash cloth and told me to open my mouth for her.
I grunted in surprise and she pried open my mouth and soaped it out completely. I gagged and sputtered but she was insistant. "My my you are so disobedient", she laughed, "James you must learn to obey any command." She was just kidding me, and I saw that she was being affectionate with me in her own way.
I just could not help liking her, and being with her was becoming a sweet endearing passtime. I suspected that I would indeed fall in love with her, and I would not have believed it before.
We fell into bed soon after and lay together naked holding each other's bodies. We lay facing each other and she looked into my eyes intently.
"Kiss me you handsome fool, and do it softly", she murmured.
I grinned shyly and pressed my lips to hers. It was electrifying and I felt a jolt of affection go through me that I did not understand.
"You're young James, and probably have never been in love, but it is the most wonderful experience a human can have. God I haven't fallen in love for so long..."
We kissed gently and she carressed my hair as she looked at me with her amazing eyes. "You can fall in love with me if you like James, it's ok, don't be afraid, it won't hurt you and I won't hurt you."
I couldn't really find the words to speak but I tried my best. "Yes mam." was all I could muster.
She kissed me on the lips as she looked into my eyes and chided me lovingly...
"Yes mam your butt", she chuckled, "tell me what you think James, open up to me."
I relaxed then, and kissed her back firmly. "I think you're terrific Rainy", I finally said, smiling widely. "You make me feel so good inside... I just never felt that way about anybody before is all."
She smoothed over my hair and snuggled close to me, hugging me tight.
"Oh really, well maybe I feel that way too."
"Let's get some sleep Jim, I'm tired, aren't you?"
I held her close and she made me feel important in a way I had never experienced before. She whispered softly as we feel asleep in each other's arms.
"I kind of like you baby", she yawned and I had never felt so content in my life than at that moment. God help me I was indeed falling love with her.
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