Chapter 18 - In which Sarah has a challenging afternoon
Sarah walked as quickly as she could, trying to focus on the route to the food hall, her posture, anything to take her mind even slightly off the scorching heat that blazed through her pussy lips and clitoris. She knew Miss Rice would not do something to damage her pussy but Sarah felt as if her labia were being seared and scarred by an unbearable heat.
The pain and her situation got the better of her and by the time she reached the food hall, tears were running down her face. If only she could have touched her pussy, just once, just to verify her it was still intact, she was sure she would be able to deal with the pain much better. She thought of Miss Rice's words and was determined to live up to them. She was determined to be the kind of slut that Miss Rice liked. She would constantly think of her role and how she could serve. She would make sure that everything she said and did first went through that mental filter of 'how best can I serve'. If she started right now she hoped it would not take long before it became one of the instinctual behaviours she had been taught about.
She entered the food hall and looked for the other students of Trinity house. Her classmates were still being served and Sarah scurried to join the end of the line. There were only four girls without a tray and in another minute she would have missed out on her lunch. She was extremely grateful to Miss Rice for allowing her to leave in time. It was yet another indication that the teachers at Harkwood had the students’ best interests at heart.
Sarah received her bowl and bottle and moved rapidly to the Trinity house tables. It was not until she sat down that she took stock of her meal. Once again it was a salad and again it was delicious. Large chunks of avocado were mixed with walnuts and numerous varieties of lettuce. The finely chopped slices of red that stood out amongst the green Sarah realised were hot chillies that left a pleasant burning sensation in her mouth. Unfortunately it reminded the poor teen of the burning in her sex but she ate the meal with aplomb. Not until she had finished the salad and all but gulped down her water in one long draught, that she turned to her classmates.
"You ok Port?" enquired Murphy, the worry clearly etched on her pretty Irish face.
"Sure Murph, just glad I didn't miss lunch."
"You looked like you were walking a bit funny. Did you get more strokes?"
"No, I have a cream on my pussy, you know like one of the muscle ones. It's really burning."
As she spoke fresh tears began to well in Sarah's already red eyes. The pain was always with her but as long as she had something else to focus on, a task to occupy her, the pain seemed barely manageable. It was a revelation to her that she could handle the pain much better if she kept busy. If she was still and allowed time for introspection the pain magnified and she feared that it would affect her composure and the way she behaved. She deserved the pain, she must remember that. Miss Rice had punished her for her own good.
"It's ok Murph," Sarah said, turning to her friend. "I deserve it. Miss Rice said I let my pussy rule my actions and she is right. My behaviour has been terrible today. After we all made that vow last night I am the one who is breaking it. But Murph, Miss Rice gave me a great piece of advice. Before everything you do and say first think 'how best can I serve'. She is such a great teacher."
As she was speaking Sarah caught a movement out of the corner of her eye. She looked at Casta who sat across from her. A look of disgust and amazement had twisted her face into an unattractive mask. Sarah looked at Shah and Ness and saw similar expressions. It was clear they could not believe what they were hearing. Sarah didn't understand. Were these girls still thinking that their lives were not changed forever? Did they not accept they were sluts and they would be trained as such? It was then that Sarah realised that of course they felt this way. They had not even received two days of schooling. It was a testament that she was truly a slut that she had taken to her training and had accepted her new life so quickly. She knew this was how it was going to be. She knew this was right.
Sarah sought out Mitchell to reaffirm her convictions. The buxom teen was staring at her, Sarah knew she had been since the moment she sat down, hoping and waiting for Sarah to look her way. Mitchell smiled at her, a beautiful self-conscious little smile. Sarah knew Mitchell felt about her the same way she felt about Miss Rice. What place did love have in the life of a slut? What should she love except serving her superiors. She could not help the way she felt but she had to make sure that her feelings did not impact her behaviour.
There was no more time to talk. Someone whispered the light was on and it was time to begin cleaning the hall. For the next fifteen minutes Sarah focused on cleaning her section, making sure everything was clean and tidy as fast as she could. Her thoughts drifted randomly like a lost boat adrift on a vast ocean, at the mercy of the currents. She tried not to dwell on the intensity of her orgasms, or the sensuous touch of Miss Rice. Instead she tried to steer her thoughts to her behaviour and where she had gone wrong and how she could do better. Every time her thoughts drifted to how amazing the glass dildo had been while it drove in and out of her pussy or how her nipples still throbbed as they remained hard, pushing against her blouse as she wiped the tables, she snapped her mind back to how stupid and selfish she had been to ask to come once her role in demonstrating to the class had ended or how she had yawned before Miss Watson.
Trinity house cleaned the hall on the first pass and were all thankfully dismissed. There was more than twenty minutes left in the lunch period and now Sarah had to search for Miss Harper, her handler. She knew that Miss Harper would be terribly disappointed in her, when she heard how she had behaved that morning. And when she heard that she had already earned two detentions.
Sarah was hoping that her handler would be waiting outside the food hall for her but she was not. Of course she would not be. Miss Harper had better things to do than wait around for a slut like her. It was her role to wait on her superiors, not the other way around. Sarah knew she could not just go wandering around the school so she thought for a moment before making her move. She would try to find her handler in the courtyard where they had spent the lunch period yesterday.
Her classmates had already left the corridor outside the food hall, all moving with quiet conviction. They must have known where to go. She had failed again. It was her responsibility to know where her handler wanted her to be. She would make sure that it would not happen again. Sarah headed for the courtyard, her strides purposeful yet graceful. As she entered the main foyer she noticed the sunlight streaming in through the front doors. The large oak doors were opened wide. She could see the gravel driveway wind and disappear into the grounds of Harkwood. She turned away from the open doors and moved towards the courtyard entrance.
The word rang out and echoed through the empty foyer. Sarah stopped dead in her tracks and froze in position. It was a male voice, deep and strong.
"Come here."
Sarah turned, fear making her knees tremble. Standing in the doorway, framed by the bright sunlight, was a tall man, his face hidden by shadows. Sarah walked towards the imposing figure, stopping a few feet in front of him.
"What are you doing wandering around the school?"
The man was one Sarah had not seen before. His tone was one of strength and authority. Even before she had learnt that all men were her superiors she would have found it difficult not to obey him. He looked to be around 30 years old, his hair cut very short, mere stubble on his head. Sarah could tell that beneath the tight fitting shirt and trousers there lay a muscular, toned body. She took all this in with a glance before her eyes rested on the impossibly blue eyes that snared her.
"I was looking for my handler, Sir."
"Idle? Well, well. Come with me."
Without waiting for an answer or to see if she was following, the man went through the doors and out into the sunlight. Sarah was in a state of near panic. She obediently followed the strange man, hoping she would not get in trouble for being outside the school. Fearing that she had done the wrong thing. She had been following an order from a man, from a superior. She had to trust that.
When she stepped out into the sunlight Sarah saw a white van parked on the driveway to one side. It had been hidden from the doors, which is why she had not seen it before. She followed the man round to the back of the van and waited at attention as he opened the doors.
"You can help Jessie carry these to the food hall."
Sarah looked into the back of the van. Her mouth opened in surprise at what she saw. In the middle of the van were two large cake boxes. Through the clear plastic lid of each box Sarah could see an ornately decorated cake bu what had caused such amazement in the young schoolgirl was not the cakes, it was what sat beside them in the van.
An extremely pretty girl sat cross-legged on the floor, a small purple pillow keeping her from direct contact with the hard metal flooring. She was dressed in an outfit as cute as Sarah's uniform: high heel shoes laced up the girl's shapely calves like an old Roman sandal, a small, short skirt of a delicate almost sheer, flowing material sat bunched around her waist. Her blouse was a tiny, skin tight garment of powder blue, contrasting beautifully with the deep magenta of her skirt. Her hair was swept back into two flowing pigtails, showing off her bewitching face. Her eyes were a little too close together, her nose a little too angular, her lips a little too full but Sarah could not take her eyes off her. She was not as beautiful as Murphy or Mitchell but there was something enchanting about her.
She was secured to a ring in the side of the van by a thick chain which was attached to a wide metal collar that surrounded her long delicate neck. The collar was similar to the one Sarah wore but it was thicker, wider and had a ring both at the front and back and at each side. The chain was attached to the rear ring via a large black padlock. It was to this padlock that the man went, unlocking it as the girl sat stock still, her eyes focused strictly forwards.
As the girl was released from her chain Sarah noted that she did not move a muscle. She was well trained. The tight top she wore made it obvious that not only were her nipples hard, as were Sarah's, but there was something else beneath her shirt clearly visible alongside her nipples. There were extra bumps and ridges both at the side and below her nipples. Sarah's horizons had widened enough in the past two days to recognise these as piercings. A small ring also hung from the centre of her nose, similar to the one she had seen dangling from Rascal's nose.
After noting that two of the staff at Harkwood had piercings in their pussies, Sarah wondered what other jewellery this girl wore beneath her skirt. She was intrigued by the piercings. She had always wondered about them but had never been brave enough to look into whole concept. She had her ears pierced three years ago and that had made her feel so feminine. Did these piercings in more tender and intimate places make you feel even more feminine, even more like a slut?
"These two cakes are to be taken to Mrs Lancaster. You have seven minutes."
With that he moved back to the front of the van and out of Sarah's sight. Jessie sprang into action at her Master's command. As she stepped out of the van Sarah noticed that her heels were even higher than her own. They were at least five inches yet the girl moved with such swift grace. She looked to be no more than a year older than Sarah and she wondered if she was an ex Harkwood student.
The girl looked at Sarah and silently indicated for her to pick up the left side of the first cake box. The cakes were very large and it was clear that carrying one by herself may have been possible but in heels and with the need to negotiate so many stairs she knew the girl was right and it was wiser to share the load. They would have to be quick and careful to be able to deliver both cakes within the seven minutes.
They wasted no time, carrying the load up the steps and inside. The girl seemed to know her way around and unerringly headed for the kitchens, lending weight to Sarah's theory that she was an ex-student. Then again she could simply have delivered product here before. She was dying to talk to the pretty young girl but knew she should not. Besides, if Jessie was well trained she would not speak without permission anyway.
They made their way to the kitchens without problem, passing a number of students in the hallways but the cake gained all the attention. Almost no one looked at Jessie, even though she was a stranger in the school, and no one even looked at Sarah. She was glad that her status as a Trinity student and her clearly hard nipples were not a topic of conversation and amusement but a tiny part of her felt a little melancholy at the thought that she appeared invisible.
When they reached the kitchens they placed the cake on the counter and Jessie moved into the kitchen. Sarah followed her lead, hoping the other girl knew what she was doing. Jessie appeared in the doorway to the kitchen and curtsied prettily to Mrs Lancaster, who was seated at the large table, a vast array of bottles spread before her.
"Ah Jessie, good girl, on time as usual," beamed Mrs Lancaster as she stood up. She went to a cupboard, removed something and approached the two girls.
Jessie instantly sank into a perfect squat before the school's head chef. She had opened her mouth, stuck out her tongue and raised her arms up in front of her, her hands flopping at the wrist looking for all the world like a begging puppy. Mrs Lancaster popped a small brown square on Jessie's waiting tongue. The instant the item left Mrs Lancaster’s hand and rested on her tongue, Jessie drew it inside her mouth and kissed the waiting hand with great tenderness. Mrs Lancaster patted the young girl on the head and went back to the table.
Jessie rose and turned in one fluid motion, exiting the kitchen so fast that Sarah had to scurry to catch up. She could see the wide smile on Jessie's face when she caught her. She had no idea what she had been given but it had made her exceptionally happy. Sarah was a little stunned by the whole scene that she had just witnessed. It was obviously something that had happened before. Jessie knew what to expect and how to act to receive her reward.
As they retrieved the second cake, Jessie gave Sarah a big smile that lit up her face. The pretty girl's happiness was contagious and Sarah smiled back at her, happy that she was happy. They delivered the second cake and again Jessie abased herself before Mrs Lancaster and again she received her treat. The girl bounced along to the front entrance, Sarah in tow.
When they reached the front doors Jessie went through them without a thought. Sarah was unsure if she should follow but if she didn't and she had needed to report to the man who had commanded her then she would be in a lot of trouble. She hurried after Jessie and stood at attention beside her, at the back of the van. Moments later the man got out of the cab and appeared at the back, the crunch of his boots on the gravel letting Sarah know he was coming.
"Sixteen seconds to spare, good girls."
He patted Jessie on the bottom and told her to sit. The pretty young girl climbed up in the back of the van giving the schoolgirl a glimpse beneath the small skirt that rode up as she stepped gracefully into the open vehicle. Sarah saw a large black circle where her asshole should be. She was wearing a buttplug, making Sarah wonder just what the sensation was like. She hadn't seemed to move any differently, then again neither had Miss Vonn. Miss Watson had told her it was a slut's natural state and that she would not be as comfortable without one. Sarah trusted her teachers but for someone who had never had anything in her ass before, and had not even thought about it, the concept was one she was having trouble understanding.
The obedient girl immediately sat cross legged on her small pillow and waited as her master chained her to the side of the van. She sat without a word or a glance at Sarah and remained perfectly in position as the doors were closed on her.
"What is your name and number?" he asked, looking the bewildered schoolgirl over from head to toe.
"Porter, 97817402, Sir," Sarah replied obediently.
"How long have you been here Porter 97817402?"
"Today is my second day Sir."
"I shall mention you in my dispatch Porter 97817402. You are well trained for such an inexperienced slut. You must be one of those natural, early starters?"
"Yes Sir," Sarah answered, not quite sure it wasn't a rhetorical question.
"I think I shall apply for you as my intern this year. Jessie sure seems to like you. Dismissed."
He walked back to the van and drove off, leaving Sarah standing dumbfounded in the driveway. The entire episode had left her in a daze. She scurried back inside the school and hurried to find Miss Harper. There would be very little time left in the lunch period and she was sure her handler would be angry that she had not reported earlier.
Sarah spotted her handler upon entering the courtyard. She was sat with the same group of friends under the same tree as yesterday. As she moved towards her, Miss Harper spotted her. Sarah could tell by the look on her face and the way she stood up and walked towards her that she was angry. The trembling girl stood still and waited for her handler to approach.
"Follow," Miss Harper spat as she kept walking past Sarah. She turned and ran after her handler, trying to catch the older girl as she strode purposefully in front of her. Sarah was led into the study hall and into one of the small study rooms.
"Close the door."
When Sarah turned back from closing the door the older girl was standing only inches away. She stared at Sarah with such venom that she began to tremble in fear of what was to come.
"Unbutton the top four buttons of your blouse and expose your tits."
Sarah did as she was told, even more worried by the cold dispassionate way in which Miss Harper had given her the order. She had expected yelling and anger, but her handler was calm and detached. Sarah's breasts jiggled slightly as her whole body trembled in anxiety and fear.
The moment the soft mounds were exposed, Harper slapped the top of Sarah's right breast with the back of her hand. Pain shot through the delicate flesh of her breast. Sarah grit her teeth, determined not to anger Miss Harper further by making a noise. Her left breast was slapped and then her right again. The prefect slapped each of Sarah's breasts five times each, the tender globes bouncing violently with each strike. It was a testament to the design of the bra that her breasts settled back into their cups each time.
The pain was different to anything she had experienced so far. It was unlike the cane, the paddle or the switch. Initially they had stung but the pain had then intensified and settled in her breasts as if after the initial sting it had founds its true home. Sarah was unsure if that was the nature of flesh striking flesh or if it was because it had been her tits that were the target and not her ass for once. Tears spilled from her eyes when Miss Harper stood back and surveyed her reddening breasts. Sarah's tears were more from knowing she had disappointed her handler than from the pain, despite its intensity.
"Cover yourself," said Miss Harper, sitting down tiredly as if all her energy was spent. “Two detentions Porter, and well on your way to a third. Do you realise how this looks for me? Not one other Trinity bitch has more than six infractions, while you have close to thirty. It is clear that leaving you to your own devices is only going to bring me more trouble. What do you have to say for yourself?"
"Sorry Miss Harper. I promise to try much harder and to improve my behaviour. Thank you for punishing me. I deserve it for being so ill-disciplined and disrespectful."
"Damn right you do Porter. Don't think you can butter me up with sweet words. You have demonstrated you do not hold me in high regard, jeopardising my prefecture with your disgusting behaviour. What am I to do with you?"
"I am a slut Miss," Sarah replied, unsure if the question was for her.
"Well you have a funny way of showing it Porter. Are you being deliberately rebellious is that it? Do you think you can get kicked out of here if your behaviour is bad enough?"
"No Miss Harper. I want to be here. I want to receive my training. I want to be a good slut. Please Miss, I promise to try harder. Before everything I do I will first think of how best can I serve though my actions. I promise to be better. I promise to make you proud of me Miss."
"Stop babbling Porter. Things are going to change. I have organised a collection point for you. We have enough time to go there now. Follow me."
Sarah obediently followed her handler as she strode down the hallways of the school. She could tell that Miss Harper was still unhappy with her. It was understandable but it made Sarah desperate to fix it, desperate to make Miss Harper believe in her again. She found herself back in the wing that contained her dormitory, following Miss Harper past all the chem labs and into a room at the very far end of the hall. Her handler opened the door, a thick metal door that swung out into the corridor on silent hinges. The room was small, only two feet square and looked to be more a cupboard than a real room. A number of rings were set into each of the three walls at different heights. The tiny room was lit by one fluorescent bulb set high in the ceiling and surrounded by a small wire cage and sitting prominently on the floor was a large black padlock.
"When you are released into a free period you will report here. You will step inside and close the door behind you. You will take the padlock and secure your collar to the ring before you. You will wait at attention until collected. Do so now."
Sarah stepped into the small room as directed. She moved to close the door but her handler held it open, her first time was to be supervised. Sarah bent over and retrieved the heavy black padlock. It was unlike any padlock Sarah had ever seen. The basic design was same however there appeared to be no keyhole, the base of the padlock instead seemed to contain a small display screen, much like the scanner in the Trinity dorm.
Sarah stepped forward and lined herself up with one of the large rings in the opposite wall. She looped the hook of the padlock through the ring and reached with her other hand to pass it through the ring at the front of her collar. For Sarah to close the lock she had to step right into the wall, her nose almost touching the smooth grey surface.
"Stand up straight at attention. I see now why you have received so many infractions. You should know by now how to stand at attention."
Sarah straightened her posture causing her breasts to push lightly against the wall, her stiff nipples resting uncomfortably against the hard surface. Her vision became a blur as she stared straight ahead, the wall was only inches away and she could not focus properly on the dull shade of grey the wall had been painted, unable to find a point of reference. The anxious schoolgirl sensed her handler move into the tiny room with her.
"When dismissed from your cleaning duties after lunch, you come here. When dismissed after class you come here. When dismissed from your cleaning duties after dinner you come here. You report here at the beginning of every free period," the prefect hissed in her left ear. "You clearly cannot be trusted without supervision for even a moment. From now on I will be making sure that you are keeping up with your training and not slacking off."
"When this lock closes it starts a timer that displays underneath. This will tell me how long you have been secured when I collect you. I will be carefully monitoring the times between dismissal and locking. Do you understand Porter?"
"Yes Miss."
"Do you understand why this needs to be done?"
"Yes Miss."
"Now where have you been all lunchtime? I saw all the other Trinnies appear ages ago."
"A man stopped me Miss and I helped a girl deliver some cakes to Mrs Lancaster. I am sorry I did not report to you earlier Miss."
"Understandable but we can't have you gallivanting around the school. This way you know where you should be without having to think. The less you have to think about the better, don't you think?"
"Yes Miss."
"Do you have anything else to say for yourself?"
"Thank you for taking care of me Miss. I really appreciate everything you do for me and I will try harder, really I will. I just... I am not sure why my behaviour is so bad," Sarah replied, sobbing a little as her emotions got the better of her.
It was partly the tiny room, partly being locked so tightly and securely so close to the wall and partly that her handler was so angry with her. Hearing that she had more than triple the number of infractions of any of her classmates had really driven home the trouble she was in. She knew that her behaviour affected her handlers, but she was not sure how. If Miss Harper was punished because of her, Sarah did not know what she would do. Tears rolled down her cheek at the thought that she would be the cause of pain in another.
"Hush Porter, you silly little slut. You are a real problem. From all reports you are a natural slut, with some of the best instincts in your class. And yet you have earned so many more infractions. I believe that you are trying hard but I also believe that you are simply not smart enough yet to be able to realise your potential. That is all it is at the moment, potential. Apparently your techniques are good, it is just your behaviour that is poor. I don't want to hear any more promises from you that you are going to try harder or do better. A slut only speaks when she has something worthwhile to say. No one wants to hear what a slut thinks she will do or what a slut hopes for. A slut shows what she can do."
During this lecture Sarah managed to calm down and get her emotions in check. She was disappointed in herself for spouting so many empty promises. Miss Harper was right. Promising something meant nothing if she did not follow through. The chastised schoolgirl realised that she definitely talked too much. She realised that she had promised her teachers the same things and realised how stupid she had been.
"We are both going to be much more committed to this Porter. I have read your manual as well as my own. I accepted the responsibility to be a part of your training and I intend to devote as much attention and focus to this as I do to my maths. You understand what that means Porter?"
"Yes Miss."
"Tell me."
"It means that you will win the award for the best handler Miss."
"Ah Porter you are a funny slut," said Harper, laughing at the restrained girl's joke.
A smile spread across the young Sarah’s face. Her spirits were buoyed by the fact she could make her handler happy. No one could have seen the smile, pressed so close to the wall as she was, but her happiness didn't matter. She was just glad that Miss Harper had laughed and was no longer so angry and disappointed with her.
"But no that is not what it means. It means that every moment you are out of class your training will continue. There will be no leniency. I will not be assigning infractions to you unless it is unavoidable. I will be a part of every aspect of your training and we will have weekly progress meetings where I will assess your training. These are on top of the assessments your teachers will set. Do you understand this?"
"Yes Miss," Sarah responded delightedly. With Miss Harper helping her, there was sure to be an improvement in her behaviour. She was happy that her handler cared about her training and would make sure she was to be a good slut. She marvelled at the emotional rollercoaster she had been on since coming to Harkwood.
"Hold this," Miss Harper directed, placing the hem of her skirt in Sarah's hands. Sarah clasped the pleated uniform skirt, baring her ass to her handlers scrutiny. She felt Miss Harpers fingers gently trace the cane welts that crisscrossed her asscheeks. Even that gentle touch caused minor tremors of pain.
"What is that smell Porter?"
"Miss Rice put a cream on my pussy Miss. It is a muscle relaxant cream."
"For what purpose?"
"It burns terribly Miss. It was applied because I think too much with my cunt and Miss Rice wanted me to remember that my cunt is for serving others not for myself."
"And has this worked Porter?"
"Yes Miss."
"My pussy feels like it is on fire Miss. It is all I think of when I think of my pussy and it reminds me of my place."
"Very interesting Porter."
Sarah found it strange, having a conversation with Miss Harper while she was basically speaking to a wall. She could hear her voice bounce back to her as it hit the rough brick only inches from her mouth. The fact that she was locked by her collar in a tiny cupboard of a room, holding her skirt up and baring her ass only added to the bewildering feeling.
"These on your ass Porter, do they still hurt?" asked Harper as she slapped the bare buttocks.
"Ugh, yes Miss Harper. Not as much as at first but the pain never really goes away."
"Does the cream on your pussy hurt more?"
"Not now Miss, but it did for a long time after it was applied."
"What about your tits Porter. How did my slapping compare?"
"They hurt a lot Miss, but that pain went down really quickly."
"I see. Tell me Porter, what are the three most important things you have learned so far?"
"I have learned that all women are sluts. That a slut exists only to serve her superiors and that the most important things to a slut are obedience and beauty and through these a slut seeks to please her superiors with everything she says and does."
"Well Porter I have really enjoyed our candid little chat. Honesty and loyalty are also virtues that are integral to a slut's behaviour. I want you to remember those as well as they will form the basis of our relationship."
It was then that the bell sounded to notify all students that class would begin in five minutes. Her handler stepped in close and released the padlock, though Sarah was unable to see how she had done so without a key.
"Turn around. Be good," Miss Harper said as she slapped the pretty schoolgirl hard across the face. Sarah was too shocked to respond. The sharp sting in her face was painful but it had not hurt as much as one slap of her tits. It was the pure, unexpected shock of what had occurred that had left her speechless.
Sarah strode after her handler, her face still stinging from the blow. She would not forget her experience in the tiny room any time soon. The ringing slap had imprinted the episode on her memory. She knew that Miss Harper was not angry with her anymore so the slap must have simply been something to help in her training. Her handler dropped Sarah off at her dorm where most of her classmates were already busy getting dressed in their gym uniforms. Sarah stopped when her handler stopped and waited patiently for Miss Harper to release her.
"Remember Porter. Be good."
"Yes Miss," the cowed schoolgirl replied, waiting for another slap. Instead Miss Harper simply strode down the corridor without a backwards glance.
Sarah hurried into her dorm and began undressing, eager not to be the last girl ready. She removed her uniform, noting that her panties were soaked with her pussy juice. After only a morning, her panties already looked as moist and stained as they had done when she had removed her previous pair last night. The multiple orgasms during biology had kept her in a state of arousal, even after the cream had been smeared on her tender lips.
Quickly, the young schoolgirl put on the four small pieces of her gym clothes. She checked that her regular uniform was neatly folded and made her way out of the dorm, to stand in line outside Miss Peach's office. She was keenly aware of how her gym panties cupped her pussy and the seam split her tender lips, making it seem as if they were painted on.
She was definitely not the last girl to be ready. There were many gaps in the line and she waited silently at attention thinking about all that had happened during the lunch period. The period that was supposed to be 'free' time. Had there ever been anything more poorly named? Sarah thought not.
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