The Missing Maid
A Tawse Hall Mystery
Chapter 1
Lisa did not know what to expect but whatever it was this was not it. She did not believe
that trains still went to places like Slipperbottom. There seemed to be a station, a small half empty
car park and a shop. Apart from a few picture post card cottages there was not much else to see.
There may have once been a timetable in the bus stop but not anymore. There was
probably something about this in the instructions she had been sent but they were buried at the
bottom of her bag. What she remembered was to take the bus and let the driver know she wanted
Tawse Hall. The shelter was full or rubbish so she sat down on her case to wait. It was sunny but she
shuddered. She suddenly became aware of how nervous she was about this new life. At 18 she had
barely ever been away from home on her own. Now here she was about to start a new life as the
personal maid to a Ms Louise Strict in some country house. What did she know about being a maid?
She had been a waitress in Andy’s Cafe over the summer and had done a few cleaning jobs for
pocket money. Would that be enough?
When she had replied to the advert a month ago she never expected to hear anything. She
had not applied on a whim, more in desperation. She could not stand living with her parents and
sister any longer. They did not seem all that keen on her hanging around either. But she could not
afford a deposit on a flat and had no job. This position seemed like a good bet. Do it for a few
months until she had saved up enough, find a flat share and get a proper job.
She was surprised and delighted when the letter came back inviting her to come, initially for
a trial period. The letter made it very clear that the household operated by its own standards and it
was important that anyone joining fully understood this and could fit in. She was not entirely sure
what this meant but decided she had nothing to lose.
‘You are in for a long wait kiddo’
‘The next bus is not until 4.30.’A woman probably in her 40’s with iron grey hair was smiling
at her from a Land Rover.
Lisa looked at her watch; it was only just after 1.00. Shit.
‘I need to get to Tawse Hall, how far is it?’
The woman laughed. ‘Tawse Hall, I suppose you look the type. What are you going there
Lisa did not really want to answer, she just wanted to get there but she hoped that the
woman would at least point her in the right direction. ‘I am going to be a personal maid’.
The woman flashed a wicked smile; something had crossed her mind that she was in no
hurry to share.
‘I am Gemma Scully, you are in luck I am the teacher at Thrashwell village school. Tawse Hall
is on my way. Hop in.’
The woman’s accent sounded so posh to Lisa, but she seemed kind enough. ‘I am good
friends with your new Mistress. She is a wonderful woman but she does not take kindly to
disobedience, nor does she stand for much silliness. Bare this in mind and you will enjoy working for
Lisa had a few unanswered questions running through her mind but decided it was best not
to push her luck.
The journey only took half an hour in the car, though winding hedge lined lanes. Gemma
pulled into a gravel drive. Up ahead Lisa could see a big square red brick house with ivy climbing up
the walls. Just has she had imagined. This was the kind of place that an Agatha Christie murder
would happen.
She crunched up to the front of the house then climbed some wide stone steps up to the
front door and rang the bell.
The door opened and a tall man stared down at her. He had an air of distaste about him. He
was sizing her up and not really approving of what he could see. ‘Yes.....?’ His voice creaked like an
old trunk being opened.
‘Hello, I am Lisa Lyons, I, I, I am the new maid’. She tried to suppress a tremble in her voice.
There was something about the man’s presence that made her feel very small and timid. His voice
was cold; ‘then I suggest you report to the rear entrance as you would have been directed. This
door is not for maids, new or otherwise’.
Damn, Lisa now dimly remembered the instructions. She could feel that man’s eyes on her
back as she trudged round to the back of the house, and knocked on what looked like the kitchen
It was answered by a small round woman with a pretty face and dark hair tied back.
‘Hello, you must be Lisa, welcome. She extended her hand. Come in. I am Mrs Scolding. I am
the cook, and as an ex nurse also look after any minor medical things that crop up, any cuts and
bruises that kind of thing. It is a small household so we have to muck in. Take the weight off your
Lisa began to relax a little as the woman gave her a cup of tea and they sat at the table. ‘As I
said there is only a small staff here. Apart from me there is Mr Welt. He is the head of the staff, and
acts as butler and chauffer to the Mistress. And there is Shona.’
The tall thin man walked into the kitchen and shot Lisa a withering glace.
‘Ah Mr Welt, meet Lisa the new maid’
‘We met, sadly the new maid feels entitled to come in via the front door.’
Ms Scolding raised an eyebrow, ‘oh’
‘I have of course informed Ma’am of this.’ Lisa disliked being talked about but bit her
Mr Welt fixed her with his gaze again. ‘Hopefully for your sake Ma’am will not feel the need
to discuss this with you on Friday afternoon as you are new. But....’
When he had gone Miss Scolding put her hand on Lisa’s. Don’t worry he is fine once you get
to know him. He is a bit protective and does not really like people until he knows he can trust them.
‘What did he mean by discuss on Friday afternoon.’
Miss Scolding seemed to be mulling something over in her mind.
‘Ok, you will find out anyway. Though it is not really for me to tell you. Ms Strict lives up to
her name. She is generous and loyal to her staff but expects the highest standards. If somebody
does not live up to those standards then they will be shown the error of their ways in no uncertain
terms. Ms Strict is very much of the old School. Transgressions are dealt with by corporal
punishment, just as they would have been when she was at boarding school.’
Lisa, frozen, what was this she was hearing ‘corporal punishment’. There had been nothing
about that in the advert. That was something that happened when her Granddad went to school,
getting the slipper for talking.
Mrs Scolding could read her thoughts. ‘Corporal punishment is used without fear or favour.
Both I and Mr Welt are subject to the same. The only difference is that because of his position Mr
Welt would be punished in private without our knowledge. For the rest Ms Strict provides the
names of any staff she wishes to see to Mr Welt when the wages are paid on Friday. And those staff
named are then to go to the Study for their punishment. The choice is a simple one. Accept Ms
Strict’s rules or leave.’
A girl about Lisa’s age came into the kitchen. She was very beautiful with big eyes but had a
malevolent look on her face.
‘Shona, meet Lisa.’
Shona grunted something in what may or may not have been a Scottish accent. This seemed
to provoke Mrs Scolding.
‘I was just telling Lisa about Friday afternoons Shona. You know all about that don’t you.’
‘Too much’
Miss Scolding’s tone was now changed, coldly assertive.
‘Show her Shona.’
‘No. Why?’
‘Show her. You do not want to be reported to Ms Strict for insubordination again now? No,
then show Lisa what a Friday afternoon trip to the Study means.’
The girl stood up, scowling, turning her back to Lisa lifted her skirt.
‘Knickers down so Lisa can see properly!’ Mrs Scolding reached across and pulled Shona’s
knickers down to her knees. The girl cursed but did nothing to stop it.
The girl had very fair skin and a full round bottom. But that white smooth skin was criss-
crossed by a series of fiery red stripes, with one at least across the back of her thighs. Lisa winced
looking at it. Ouch.
‘How many did you get Shone? Tell Lisa.’
‘8 with the senior girls cane.’
‘And what for’
‘I got 6 for insubordination, and 2 for not being appropriately dressed.’ Shona pulled her
knickers up and sat down. Lisa noted a little gingerly.
‘Your turn will come, Shona sneered at Lisa. I hear you have already made an impression on
Mr Welt.’
‘Be nice Shona. Shona works with me in the kitchen and will work with you on the general
cleaning. The silly girl decided she did not need to wear her regulation knickers, and when Ms Strict
asked for an inspection she refused. What you just saw was the price for that, A Friday afternoon
discussion in the study. Now get washed up and I will take you to meet the Mistress. She will be
expecting you now. Ms Strict will explain your duties in full.’
Washing her hands at the sink, turning over all she had been told Lisa spotted as handsome
young man out in the garden. ‘Does anyone else work here?’ Mrs Scolding followed her line of
vision. ‘Oh ‘Just William’ Mrs Scolding chuckled at the little joke to herself. William is the grounds
man, gardener whatever. Stay clear of him if I were you.’
Miss Scolding led Lisa up a narrow staircase that opened up onto a spacious corridor. She
pointed to a bench made of dark heavy wood.
‘Sit there, Ms Strict will call you when she is ready.’
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