My Custom Made Leather Accessories
Ch 14
JR borrowed one of my bras but wouldn’t tell me why he wanted it. A month later he invited me to his house and told me that I was to be tied up and blindfolded for a special reason, but wouldn’t tell me what the reason was.
When I arrived early on a Saturday morning he greeted me with a long, incredible kiss, then stripped me naked in the living room. He blindfolded me, strapped my wrists together and played with my pussy until I was ready to melt. Then he led me down stairs to the basement. He raised my arms above my head and secured them to something in the ceiling, then spread my legs and strapped my ankles apart. I was already trembling with excitement and waited eagerly for his touch. When nothing happened I did a little wiggle and jiggle for him, then a naughty bump and grind. When that got no results I did a rather raunchy bump and wiggle.
“Not today,” JR said. “I’ve got other things on my mind.”
“What could possibly be more important than this?” I asked, slamming my hips from side to side.
“I’m working on a project for you,” he answered. “And it’s liable to take all day, so just calm down and be patient.”
“Calm down, after what you just did to me?” I demanded. “You’ve got to be kidding.” I twisted my shoulders back and forth to get my breasts swinging.
“Stand still,” he commanded. “I’ve got work to do.”
“Go ahead,” I said. “I’ll just do my thing while you work.”
“I need you to hold still,” he repeated.
“All right.” I stopped moving.
I felt his hands touching my breasts and I cooed happily. JR ignored me and continued to squeeze me. I felt his hands move off my breasts, onto my ribs, into my armpits and across my back. It felt like a medical examination.
I waited patiently and a few minutes later I felt something slide over my breast. It was slippery and cool and JR tried to work it onto me, but had trouble. He lifted my breast with one hand and tried to fit the thing with the other. Well, my breasts are big and soft and floppy and he wasn’t having much luck, however, the man is very determined. He kept at it.
Now I enjoyed whatever he was doing and giggled from time to time. His hands disappeared and I heard him sigh faintly.
“What is that thing?” I asked.
“It’s a surprise,” he answered. “That’s why you’re blindfolded.”
“All right.”
He tried to get the thing on me again, and despite a lot of squeezing and fumbling, he was unsuccessful. I just waited patiently and enjoyed the feel of his hands. Eventually they disappeared. I heard him puttering around, then felt him releasing the tension on my wrist straps.
His hand pressed my tummy. “Bend forward,” he commanded.
“Yes, my master,” I replied and bent. He pulled my arm up and behind me, then pulled the strap forward and tightened it. He did the same with the other arm and I was held immobile.
“Ah yes,” he said. “Much better.”
I felt his hands on my breast again, and this time what ever he was putting on me went right in place. It felt like a bra cup.
“How many times have you watched me put my brassiere on?” I asked.
“I generally pay more attention when you’re taking it off,” he said.
“Nevertheless, I always bend over when I put one on,” I said. “You should know that by now.”
“Um hmm.”
“I mean, haven’t you ever watched any other big breasted woman get dressed?” I persisted teasingly. “You must have seen thousands in your day. We all have to bend over, settle ourselves in place, then straighten up. And for those of us who are particularly endowed with especially large and shapely breasts, , umph.”
He stuffed a gag in my mouth.
JR worked on what ever it was for hours, and I felt the odd squeeze and pinch here and there, separated by long periods when nothing happened. I concluded that the thing was some form of brassiere but couldn’t figure what it was for. He would fiddle around, then remove the thing and I’d hear him at the workbench. Then he would return, slide the device onto my breast and work some more.
My back got slightly stiff, and my shoulders ached, but I was used to that and I liked the pain since I was by then probably the worst masochist in the state of Colorado. I just wished JR would take a break and screw me, or something.
JR did take a break midmorning. He removed my gag and gave me a drink.
“Are you ok?” he asked.
“Can I straighten up for a while?” I asked.
He loosened my wrists and allowed my arms to drop. My ankles were still secured and I swayed on my feet and nearly toppled over. JR caught me and held me until I was steady. He removed the straps from my ankles and led me into the cell. I started to take the blindfold off but he told me to leave it on.
“Yes master,” I said. I found the cot with my knees and sat down. I heard him pull the curtains.
“You can remove the blindfold now,” he said.
“Why don’t I leave it on, and you strap me to the bed,” I suggested. “With my legs apart, like this.” I opened my knees.
“Uh huh, then what?”
“Then you take off your clothes and fuck me senseless,” I said.
“Look, I’m very busy and don’t have time.”
I opened my legs a little wider. I heard him inhale deeply.
I opened my knees as far apart as they would go.
“Oh, all right. If you insist.”
I giggled happily as he tied my legs open, then strapped my wrists to the corners of the bed. A moment later I felt his weight on the cot, then his body was on mine and his cock was inside me and I was the happiest woman on earth.
JR made wonderful love to me that morning, and he spent a lot of time manhandling my breasts. He didn’t neglect his duties at my pussy but he did seem preoccupied with my boobs, which was ok with me. He screwed me into an absolutely wonderful, happy orgasm, then left me dozing in a delightful pink cloud while he went back to work.
I lay in my bonds listening to him tinker and wondered if he had bothered to get dressed. I got turned on imagining him working naked, but I hoped he was careful and didn’t get his penis caught on anything sharp.
After lunch JR strapped my arms up and behind me again and worked on his mystery bra all afternoon. When he finished he Slid his cock into me from behind. I was bent over and actually in a faint doze, but I woke up fast when his manhood went into my rectum. I squeaked in surprise, then gave way to a long delighted moan, which seemed to inspire JR to no end. He began slamming into me so fast and hard that we must have shaken the entire house.
JR had screwed me from behind many times in the past, but that was the first time I’d ever had an orgasm from that particular fashion.
After he came I heard him collapse onto the cot and go to sleep. I had to wait bent over for a long time while he snored away.
(In case I’ve never mentioned it, bondage teaches you patience.)
The following week I discovered what JR had made for me.
CH 15
I went to his house and once again was greeted with one of his long, wonderful kisses, then I was undressed, handcuffed and led to the basement.
I saw a special bondage frame that looked like a whipping horse.
It was very technical looking, made of steel tubing and fitted here and there with little motors, hydraulic hoses and air tubes. It had a long narrow padded bench that could be raised and lowered, tilted up or down, and could rock from side to time. My pussy became warm and damp the instant I saw it.
“When can I get on?” I asked.
“Right now,” JR replied. “Straddle the bench please.”
I obeyed and he placed his hand on the back of my neck. He pressed my head forward between two upright bars, then lowered a U shaped plate that fit over my neck. It clicked firmly into place. He guided my right hand into a hole and pressed a button. I felt the sides of the hole tighten around my wrist and he did the same thing with my left hand. A moment later I heard a motor whine and my head clamp lowered itself until I was bent at the waist. So far it was just like a pillory. I felt very vulnerable and very sexy.
I felt JR touch my breasts and felt them slip into the mystery bra. It was massive and solid and felt heavy. Then I felt him buckling straps over my back and shoulders.
“How is this?” JR asked. “Is it comfortable?”
I shook my body and felt the heavy cups sway from side to side. I really liked the sensation.
“I like it,” I told him. “What is it made of?”
“The cups feel like they would make noise if I banged them together.” I shook my torso to get them swinging. “They’re like church bells.”
“No, they aren’t made of bronze,” he chuckled. “Just rubber and leather with some plastic and metal.”
“They’re heavy.”
“Are they too heavy?” he asked.
“Nope, I’m fine.”
I heard another motor and felt the bench rise up until it touched my body. I felt the padding against my chest and tummy. JR raised it in small amounts until it supported my weight.
I felt JR’s hand on my ankle. “Relax your knee and let me lift your leg.” I did and heard a firm click. JR pressed my lower leg down and it rested on a padded shelf. He buckled straps over my ankle and just below my knee. Then he repeated the process for my other leg.
I felt him buckle more straps across my back and when he finished I was completely immobilized. I tested the straps but could barely wiggle.
“Hmm, I like this a lot,” I purred.
“Yes,” he replied absently. “It just might work out correctly.”
“Is my pussy at the right height for fucking?” I asked.
“If not, I can adjust it.”
“What are you waiting for?”
“This isn’t for fucking,” he said.
“Oh, I meant for right now,” he chuckled. “I’ll do that a little later.”
“You’d better,” I growled. “What’s going to happen now?”
“Patience slave girl,” he said, slapping my bottom. “We’re going to be here for quite a while.”
“Ok, but do that again.”
“Patience, I said.”
I heard another motor’s whine and felt myself sliding backwards. The bench pulled until my arms were straight beside my head. That put a mild strain on my shoulders but it was bearable.
Then I felt JR fiddling around with the bra.
“All set?” he asked.
“Set for what?” I asked.
“This.” I heard a click.
Nothing happened for a moment, then I felt the bra cups grow cold.
“Ugh, what in the world?”
“Shh, just relax and enjoy,” he said.
“I don’t enjoy having my breasts frozen,” I replied.
He sighed patiently, then put a very large ball gag in my mouth. I glared up at him but he ignored me and stepped out of sight. (I couldn’t see what was happening behind me). My breasts got colder.
After a moment I felt the cold fade and the bra became warm. Much better, that is, until it got hot!
“Ummph.” I complained.
“Oh shush,” he said. “You didn’t complain when I branded you. What’s a little heat?”
Ok, he was right. I kept quiet and concentrated on the heat. The bra got hotter and I began to sweat, but I could still take it. I wondered if he was planning to cook me.
I endured until I simply couldn’t take any more. I began to squirm and whimper, and JR kept me in that pain for a just a degree more than I thought I could stand, then the heat faded very quickly. I sighed in relief.
The bra cooled until it grew cold again.
“Oh my God. This could be heavenly or hellish,” I thought. I felt my nipples harden, then something squeezed them.
I squeaked in astonishment, and heard JR chuckle.
“Oh, this thing does more than just get hot and cold,” I thought. “What else does it do?”
The squeeze tightened until it became painful, wonderfully, erotically, painful. I was moaning softly, and the moans grew as the pressure increased. The pressure grew, then slacked off. It was a relief but I groaned in disappointment. Then it started again.
JR treated me to half an hour of the squeezing sensation, then moved on to another feature.
I felt a faint buzzing all around my breasts. At first it was so light and delicate that I had to concentrate to feel it. I thought that it was some sort of vibrator, but the buzzing grew until it became very noticeable, and I realized that it was electricity.
“God, God, God!” I hoped JR knew enough not to electrocute me. It wasn’t that I didn’t trust him, I just hoped that the bra wouldn’t short circuit or something.
The buzzing got stronger and louder until I was writhing in pain. Delicious pain.
“Is it too much?” JR asked.
I shook my head.
I felt the electricity become more intense until I felt it in my teeth. JR was watching closely, and shut it off when I began to sob.
He knelt and peered into my eyes. I blinked at my tears, then nodded to him. “Do it again,” I tried to say around the gag.
“Don’t worry.”
The buzzing resumed but at a low level, and the bra went cold. Now that was the weirdest sensation! Cold and electricity at the same time. I imagined frost on the outside of the bra while my breasts glowed red inside it.
I couldn’t decide if I liked the feeling or not.
Then the bra went hot almost instantly and I was squeaking with delight. Hot and electric: very sexy! I just hoped that my boobs wouldn’t cook away to nothing.
I endured the alternating hot and cold with a slow, steady increase in the electrical buzzing for a very long time. JR peered over my shoulder and chuckled when he saw the sweat on my forehead.
“Had enough?” he asked. “Ready for the next test?”
“Good Lord,” I thought. “What else could it possibly do?”
The next test was delightful. The bra simply squeezed my breasts.
Actually it didn’t simply squeeze them, it did it in several variations.
I felt the bra tighten at the base of my breasts. It tightened, and tightened, and I felt my breasts swell like balloons. The pressure held for a long time and the bra held me very firmly. Then I felt it tighten at a different spot, below the first. I felt my breasts compress again. It wasn’t terribly painful but I can’t say that it felt erotic; it was just weird.
After a wait a third section of the bra tightened a little lower down, and it felt like my breasts were being elongated.
Finally I felt the ring around my nipples tighten and a moment later the fourth and lowest sections squeezed me. I felt my breasts pushing against the point of the bra but there was no place for them to go. I knew that my breasts were filling the bra cups to capacity, and the squeezing action was increasing the pressure.
I tried to analyze the feelings in my beasts. They were painful, and starting to get mildly erotic, but the sensation was extremely bizarre. I’d never felt anything like it and I wondered what else the bra could do to me. Then I realized.
It was trying to milk me.
The pressure released and I felt my breasts expanding back to their normal shape. The easing of the pressure felt very nice. But suddenly it returned.
The top ring compressed, then the second one and the third followed. It happened quickly and a few seconds later it started again. I laughed because it felt just like giant hands were squeezing me and sliding toward my nipples. I wondered if that was the sensation a cow got when she was milked.
The milker (as I now thought of the bra) settled into a steady rhythm and I really began to enjoy it, I purred in my gag and wriggled as much as my bonds would allow.
“Doing ok?” JR asked.
“Um hmm.”
“Good, let’s go a little faster.”
The milking sensation sped up. I giggled again, then froze as a new sensation appeared at my nipples. I tried to decide what it was until I realized that what I was feeling was suction!
And the suction was timed with the other rings. I felt them tighten along my boobs then end with a few seconds of what felt like a small mouth tugging at my nipple. I squealed in delight and heard JR chuckle.
“It sounds like you are enjoying this,” he said.
“Um HMMM!”
“Good, in that case I’ll be back in a while.” I heard him walk away.
The milker went about its duties.
I lay still and reveled in the delicious sensations that were taking place in my breasts. All my life I’d been self-conscious about my large chest. It had started when I developed early and people began staring. It hadn’t helped matters to find out that my breasts were very insensitive. Nothing my husband could do gave me any pleasure, and I simply allowed him to play with them as a courtesy. I never experienced any delight with them until I met JR and he sensitized them with a whip.
Now I was feeling a wonderful growing thrill in my nipples that was matched by a deep tingling in my pussy. I began to wonder if I might actually have an orgasm through my breasts.
As much as I liked what the milker was doing to me, a part of my mind was troubled. I didn’t feel that it was proper to have sex with a machine. I thought that it ought to be human hands squeezing me, so I slipped into a daydream.
I imagined that I was being milked by a giant.
The giant looked like the one in Jack and The Beanstalk, and I was his dairy cow.
He milked me very day to drink my milk and make cheese and butter. He kept me in a stall and every morning and every night he led me out on my hands and knees, placed a pail beneath my chest, then squatted beside me and milked my breasts. He squeezed them until streams of milk filled the bucket.
My giant was an idiot. He had a vacant expression and he never talked except to mumble to himself, but he laughed like a child when he grasped my breasts.
His cock rose as he milked me. It grew until it popped the buttons on his codpiece and burst forth. The giant looked at himself stupidly, then laughed in delight. He always seemed to be surprised when his cock became hard, and when the milking was done he stood behind me and fucked me with that huge penis.
The giant and I didn’t have much of a relationship. He was interested in my breasts and all I wanted his cock, other than that we didn’t communicate very much. And that was ok.
After he filled my vagina with cum, he picked up the pail and walked away humming contentedly. I relaxed and stored up more milk as I waited for my next milking.
I dozed lightly as the milker massaged my breasts. I was dreaming of my giant when he changed into the motel clerk. Now I was in a cage behind the motel and he milked me several times a day. When new guests checked in the clerk presented them with a complimentary gallon of my milk, and they got a fresh gallon every day for breakfast. When he wasn’t waiting on customers he fucked me.
I was dreaming contentedly and I didn’t hear JR enter.
I realized that the milker had stopped. I huffed in disappointment, but relaxed when the sensations resumed, only this time it was different. The thing alternated compressing my breasts one at a time. Right, then left. I puzzled over that for a moment, then giggled when I realized that it was more realistic. After all, when a farmer milked his cows he alternated with his hands. I relaxed and enjoyed.
JR left me alone. He came back several hours later.
“Are you ready for a break?” he asked, removing my gag and turning off the milker. My breasts felt incredibly odd. Even with the machine stopped they continued to pulse, or at least, they seemed to.
“Do your breasts hurt?”
“No, they are fine.”
“How do they feel?”
I thought for a moment. “They feel heavy,” I replied. “And they’re still throbbing.”
“Throbbing nicely?”
“Oh yes. I like the sensation.”
“Do you want me to take the bra off?”
“Absolutely not.”
“Would you like me to take it to the next level?” he asked.
“The next level? Does it do more?”
“Yes, I can program the computer for a few more sensations, but these would be torture, not the pleasure that you’ve already endured.”
“What are you waiting for? Get it going.”
“Ok, but I’ll leave your gag out, in case you want to ask me to turn it off.”
“Do you think I’ll have to?” I asked. “Will it be that horrible?”
“Who knows?” he shrugged. “You’re the first woman on earth to wear this thing.”
“Fire it up.”
I felt the bra tighten, then a faint itching occurred. I wondered how he could make that happen until the itching turned to pain. It felt as if tiny teeth were penetrating my skin and I was reminded of my fantasy with the kittens, only they weren’t just biting my nipples. This was all over my breasts.
The pain increased until I was squirming, then it eased and suddenly my breasts were cold. An instant latter I experienced a terrific buzzing that hurt like the devil, and I realized that I was getting jolted with electricity again. I instinctively tried to hurl myself away from the buzzing but my bonds held me. I gritted my teeth and tried not to cry out, but suddenly the electricity surged for a split second, then stopped. I wasn’t aware that the buzzing was gone, I was too busy screaming my way through an incredible orgasm.
When my ears stopped ringing I was faintly aware that JR was kneeling beside me.
“Shall I stop?” he asked.
“What else does this thing do?” I whispered.
“Its got a few more tricks,” he answered. “But we can wait until some other time.”
“You want more?”
“More, now.”
“All right.”
I felt the bra warm up, but not too hot for comfort, then there was a faint suction on my nipples, very nice. It felt sweet and delicate. The suction increased and was joined by another faint itching sensation. The itch increased until it became mildly painful, then dropped off for a moment. The suction returned and the itch increased, then stopped again. Soon the bra was doing this at a regular pace, pulling, itching, then a short pause. It was very nice and I giggled when a tiny vibration was added. I relaxed and enjoyed.
After a while the sucking sensation eased away and my breasts went cold again. Then the milker squeezed them tight, very tight. The pressure held and began to get very painful, when suddenly it and I felt a terrific gust of air around my breasts. The bra cups seemed to pop open for a second, then close violently, like a door slamming shut. It was like someone had jumped on my boobs with heavy boots. I screeched in pain and surprise, but the blast of air was repeated, and when the cups contracted I felt a powerful suction on my nipples. It felt like they were being pulled into pipes. The suction held and I got the impression that my body would be sucked into two halves and carried away somewhere. Without warning the blasts of air blew the bra off me again.
Now it was hot, and it got hotter while the nipple cups dragged me through a mysterious paradise. The heat increased until I was sweating, then another explosive pulse of air and when the bra contracted again it was cold.
The electricity returned but when it finally died away I realized that the hundreds of teeth were imbedded in my skin once again.
Everything stopped and I gasped for breath. I was dizzy and the room seemed to be filled with whirling stars. I tried to relax for a moment, but something was out of place. I couldn’t quite figure it out until I suddenly felt the milking bra shift. I wondered what was happening until I realized that the frame was tilting and my head was rising up.
The machine lifted me until the weight of the bra pressed against my ribs. My breasts felt heavier than they’ve ever felt in my life. The machine paused, then tilted down. Uh oh.
My head lowered until my bottom was high. The bra shifted the other way and I felt it bump against the frame at my shoulders. I squeaked in fear as the frame kept going until I was practically standing on my head. My bonds kept me from falling and only the framework prevented the bra from hitting my face.
The device rocked back slowly until I was upright, then pitched forward again. It was moving faster and the rocking became continuous. And it wasn’t just a rocking motion, it changed into a sort of swoop forward, then it climbed upward. I felt like I was riding a rocking horse on a boat sailing over tall waves. The heavy bra pulled my breasts forward and back, and during the height of each swoop they seemed to pause weightlessly for a second.
The motion made my pussy tingle and I felt an orgasm rising steadily.
The orgasm happened gently. It didn’t explode wildly, or shake the entire universe, it just swelled steadily and seemed to press me upward and outward until sweet, delicious happiness filled my tummy.
When I awoke JR was thrusting into me from behind like a wild man. He slammed my bottom so forcefully that the frame and I were moved across the floor a few inches each time. I wondered what he would do when we hit the wall. Fortunately he came before that happened, and I sighed with pride and delight when I felt him flood my body with his warm juice. I lowered my head and went to sleep.
I roused later and tried to stretch. I groaned slightly.
“How are you feeling?” JR asked. I couldn’t see him.
“Are you here?” I asked.
“Yes, I just got out of the shower,” he answered. He appeared in my line of view, wearing a bathrobe. “Are you ready to be released?”
“I suppose so,” I said. “Unless this demonic device has any more hidden capabilities.”
“There is only one thing I didn’t do to you,” he said. “But if you’re tired we can do it some other time.”
“What is it?” I asked.
“A secret, but it shouldn’t be painful.”
“Oh, what the heck,” I said. “Let’s do it.”
“Ok, remember your remark about church bells?”
“Um hmm.”
“Let’s see if we can make them ring.”
The frame tilted to the right, paused, then rotated to the left. I felt my weight shift, but more interestingly, I felt my breasts rock heavily. The machine settled into a steady rhythm and my breasts swung side to side, like bells.
“Hmm, nice,” I said.
“Have fun,” JR said, and walked out of the room.
He left me rocking for about half an hour, and by the time he returned it felt as if my breasts were being stretched out of shape. The sensation was sexy, but I think I was burnt out for the day. I didn’t come any where near to having any more orgasms. I even fell asleep again.
CH 16
I awoke in JR’s bed. My breasts throbbed and I peeled back the covers to look at them. I gasped at what I saw.
They were literally black and blue.
I staggered into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. My face looked haggard, there were huge circles under my eyes and my hair was a mess, but worst of all; my breasts were two enormous bruises. They hurt at the slightest touch and felt so tight and swollen that I expected to see cracks in my skin. I wet a cloth and wiped them with warm soapy water, but even that light touch was agony. I fumbled through the medicine cabinet and found a bottle of aspirin. I took four.
I was rubbing skin cream into my breasts when JR came in. He took me in his arms but I squeaked in pain the instant my breasts touched his chest. He kissed my cheek tenderly and looked sadly at my poor damaged breasts.
“Well, I’ll never put that thing on you again,” he said. “I’ll destroy it this very day.”
“No you won’t, and yes you will,” I said.
“No you won’t destroy it, and yes you will put it on me again,” I said. “But we might have to wait a few weeks.”
JR picked me up and carried me to the bed, then he gently rubbed more lotion on my breasts. I lay back, closed my eyes and sighed happily. After about an hour JR decided that my breasts had received enough skin cream and turned his attention to other areas. He rubbed lotion into my pussy.
I was lazing on the bed in a half doze and his hand between my legs felt utterly wonderful. I opened up wider and eventually my lazy contentment changed to a hot urgency. It was impossible for me to keep still and soon I was writhing in delight.
“Get on top of me,” I whispered.
“I don’t want to hurt you,” he told me.
“Will you please get on top of me,” I begged.
JR climbed over my body and lowered his cock inside me. It was delightful. He began screwing me, slowly and cautiously, and held his chest high above my body.
“You can lay on top of me,” I told him.
He looked at my purple breasts and shook his head. “I’ve caused you enough pain already.”
“Oh no you haven’t.” I raised my hands and shoved his arms out from under him. He crashed onto me, crushing my breasts. I screamed as a terrific orgasm surged from my breasts.
Not my pussy, not my clitoris, but my breasts!
JR looked at me in horror and tried to get off of me but I grabbed him and pulled his body back onto mine. I wrapped my legs around him and thrust my pelvis so hard that he bounced upward.
“Are you all right?” he gasped.
“I will be as soon as you start fucking me,” I giggled. “Get busy.”
Later that afternoon JR explained how the milking bra worked.
When I woke from a long nap I saw a wheel chair in the room.
“What is this?” I laughed. “I’m not an invalid.”
“Yes you are,” he said. “You’ve been abused too badly to walk. Sit down.”
“Very well, master.”
He strapped me very tightly into the chair. Naked. (Nice.)
JR took me down the stairs and my breasts bounced at each of the steps. It was very painful. (Nice.)
Downstairs he wheeled me onto the back patio. I was delighted to be outside in broad daylight. JR was nude too. (Nice.)
The milking bra lay on the table. He picked it up to show me. The first thing I noticed was a large tube connecting it to a metal box; the second thing I noticed was how massive the bra was.
“The squeezing action is caused by air bladders that inflate from a small compressor,” JR told me. “I built in a mini computer that controls which bladders inflate, how firmly, and in what sequence. The suction cups on your nipples work the same way, just in reverse. I used a vacuum pump from a windshield wiper.”
“I like the suction,” I told him.
“The heat comes from hot fluid circulated through tubes and the cold is created by replacing the heated liquid with chilled brine. A high speed pump replaces one with another very quickly.”
“It felt like you were cooking my breasts when it was hot,” I said.
“What about the cold?” he asked. “Did you like that?”
“I’m not sure,” I answered. “It felt strange, and painful, but I haven’t decided whether the pain was erotic or not.”
“Hmm, we may have to try it again,” he said. “Just so you can make up your mind.”
“Ok by me,” I said. “How about right now?”
“Forget it. You have to heal first.”
“Ok. I suppose the electricity was just little wires, right?”
“Yes, three different circles.”
“I couldn’t tell any difference,” I said. “I just felt the buzzing all over my breasts.”
“Really?” he frowned in thought for a moment. “I wanted you to get different sensations in different parts of your breasts, especially your nipples.”
“It all felt the same.”
“Was it uncomfortable?”
“It was nice. It made me come.”
“Practically anything makes you come.”
“True. By the way, what caused the pricking sensation?”
“The prickling?”
“It felt like lots of little teeth were biting me.”
“That was a simple pneumatic clamp over each nipple,” he said. “It simulates the feel of biting teeth but the edges are flat, I didn’t want them cutting you.”
“No, not that. I felt little points sticking into me all over. Like your little kitten glove.”
“Oh that, they are dozens of thumb tacks that are pushed inward by another pneumatic bladder.”
“It felt like a mob of kittens were biting my boobs at the same time.”
“Good or bad?”
“Very good, thank you very much. How deep did they go in?”
“About half an inch.”
“Why didn’t I bleed?”
“The cold fluid prevented that.”
“Ah yes.”
“The final setting was a powerful blast of compressed air against your nipples,” he said. “How did that feel?”
“Like I was being hit with a baseball bat,” I answered.
“Uh oh,”
“I think that was what caused most of the bruising,” I told him. “But I really liked the way the cups popped open for a second then slammed shut again.”
“They did?” he asked, surprised.
“Yes, weren’t they supposed to do that?”
“No, I thought they were secure enough to stay on you.”
“Well, I can’t say how far open they became, but I could certainly feel them slam back into place.”
“Was it good or bad?”
“It was wonderful.”
“What about the rocking motion?” he asked. “Did you like that?”
“Oh yes, the first time brought me to another orgasm,” I said. “A nice calm one, but very pleasant.”
“What about the side to side motion?”
“I liked it but I was so worn out by then that it didn’t do anything for me. I don’t think that I can go through every thing the machine does all at once.”
“What? My nymphomaniac masochist can’t handle torture any more?” he joked.
“You masochistic nymphomaniac is getting old,” I told him. “But you just untie me and I’ll show you what I can handle.”
He bent over me, took my head in his hands and kissed me.
“You probably just need to take breaks from time to time. I tried to get you to do that remember?”
“Yes, that’s probably true.”
“Do you have any suggestions for the milker?” he asked.
I thought for a minute. “Perhaps a vibrator up my pussy,” I said. “And attach bells to my breasts.”
“No vibrator,” he said. “I designed this to entertain your breasts, not your pussy.”
“Oh ok,” I agreed.
“Why bells?” he asked. “You wear them all the time.”
“Oh, not the little tinkly ones, I mean big heavy church bells that will pull hard on my boobs while I’m rocking.”
“Ok, I’ll look for some.”
I looked at my wheel chair. “Where did this come from?”
“I bought it years ago to design a powered chair, but I never got around to it.”
“Ok, now that we’ve concluded this fascinating technical conversation, would you do me a favor and tie me to the bed again?”
“Oh, are you really ready for more sex?”
“Yes master.”
“My God. What would you like?”
“Anything you want, so long as it involves crushing my breasts under your body.”
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