Although there is no room for racial or religious intolerance in the day to day world, the fact remains, that for many people, racial and religious fantasies play an important part in sexual interests. I have encountered numerous African Americans, Latinos, Asians and such who have begged me to have sexual sessions with them that feature prejudice and racial abuse. They find some kind of fulfillment from playing out situations of racial prejudice and abuse. The following exchange of letters is one such example. The young man involved truly craves racial abuse. I am trying to provide what he needs and take him to new heights or depths of sensual pleasure. At some point in any such relationship, you must raise the question of how far to take someone. Do you respect limits, or do you stretch limits? Do you take the person beyond where they want to go into areas where they desire but fear to go? At which point do fantasy and reality change places? This encounter is not for everyone. You must understand that the young man in question wants and needs racial abuse.
Dear Dale10: First of all, thank you for the many hot stories you have written. I first got into your work by reading some of your heterosexual stories. I would jerk off to them. Nothing on he internet ever got me as hot as your work. But then I also got hooked on your stories of hot young guys being abused and used. Something happened inside of me. I can honestly say that I had never even considered doing a homosexual act with anyone, much less being physically and sexually abused by a dude. If anyone would have even suggested that when i was in high school, I would probably have beaten the shit out of him. But from reading your stories, I have become obsessed with male humiliation and sexual abuse, especially of a racial variety.
Let me tell you as much about myself as I can. I am a nineteen year old college Freshman of African American descent. I come from a fairly wealthy family. My father has a high level job with the city. I have always gotten good grades in school and even earned a scholarship. My family is very proud of me. I have aspirations of going perhaps into politics. I have had sex with a number of girls. I have never had a homosexual experience.
Your stories have turned my life upside down. Well, to be totally honest with you, I have had interest since I was about thirteen in the history of black slavery in the U.S. And something about it always did sexually excite me. I will be honest with you, as I feel you cannot help me unless I am. I used to masturbate to images of African American slave girls having to service the big dicks of white plantation owners. I would imagine my sister being fucked and used by white guys and me having to watch. These things would turn me on and obsess me. I would look in books for drawings of plantation whippings and torture. I would feel great guilt over this desire. When I was about fifteen, I would masturbate thinking for the first time about white plantation owners doing stuff to me. I would strip naked when my family was not home and crawl around and pretend I was a slave. For some reason this gave me a tremendous sexual thrill. I have never shared this with anyone before.
I transferred my fantasies from Civil War Plantation owners to young guys my age at my high school. I started to imagine them calling me nigger and stripping me naked and using me. None of this every happened in real life as my white pals all treated me with total respect and are to this day really good buddies. But I would still have the fantasies. I even used to imagine my best buddy who is white, making me crawl and lick his feet and do all kinds of nasty stuff to me. You can imagine what. I was fifteen when I fucked my first girl. The guys in high school thought of me as quite a cocksman. I fucked several white girls in school. I am currently dating a white girl. I also get off on the idea of white girls loving big black cocks. I know this is a stereotype, but I am being honest and it turns me on.
Sorry to go on like this. I will make it short and to the point. Your stories turned my fantasy life upside down. More and more I wanted to be treated like the boys in your stories. I fantasized about some mean white master totally destroying me and using me. I jerked off this this fantasy, and it was much more powerful than real sex with a girl. I walk around campus looking a white jocks, wishing one of them would just beat the shit out of me, or hurt me or use me. Is that sick or what? I don't know what to do about it. Part of me wants a normal life, and part of me wants and needs this sexual deviancy. I am coming to you for two things. They are opposites really. First, can you send me any more stories you have written about black dudes being totally abused and fucked up? If you have no more about black dudes, I will gratefully appreciate stories about any young guys being totally ruined by you or your friends. I consume anything with your name on it off the internet like a drug addict. I am not exaggerating. I am an intelligent young man, and I know I need to do something about this obsession. Secondly, is the stuff you write just fantasy or is some of it real? DO YOU ACTUALLY WORK WITH YOUNG GUYS AND TRAIN THEM AND ABUSE THEM? Under any circumstances, would you be willing to meet with me and work me over? I crave to be verbally and physically used and abused. Yes, I am scared to even admit it, but the need has grown so great, I know that I can no longer ignore it.
Am I a jerk for even writing to you? Please answer my letter if you can. Yours Miles Wilson
Dear Miles: First of all thank you for writing to me and for the nice things you said about my work. I can tell from your letter that you are a highly articulate and intelligent young man. Let me get right to the point. Yes, I often do actual work with young men who have needs such as yours. My stories are often extensions of real life experiences. I have taken several young men like you under my wing for extensive training. It is very time consuming for both of us, but can be amazingly rewarding, sexually and psychologically. I can say with some modesty that I have changed the lives of over a dozen young men who now live totally different life styles from what they once thought possible.
Your case (if I may call it that) is interesting because it involves a racial aspect to it. Let me start out by saying that I am in my daily life, in no way a racist. I respect people of all religions and races. But I do know and have encountered certain young men or women whose sexual desires are connected to racial factors. Some fine upstanding young black men secretly crave to be called abusive names and treated like second class citizens. This is not all that uncommon. And I can admit to a certain sexual thrill in playing a racist sexual game. However, what you are considering is not just a game. It is serious business. I can and would change you. It is probably wise of you to continue to fuck girls white or black, and to be the sane, normal young man with a fine future that you seem to be. Where you want to go is a dark place from which some young men never return. Part of me is thrilled that you love my stories and what happens in them. Part of me needs to warn you that it can totally fuck up your life! Having said that. I would be interested in helping you, if you still desire such experiences. However the demands are great. You would have to put yourself totally in my hands, and at the slightest disrespect or resistance, I would drop all contact with you at once. Let me know your thoughts on this. Meantime, I will send you some special stories. Dale10
Dear Dale10: Your stories blew my mind. Truly blew my fucking mind. I jerked off until my dick was raw. How much of what you write is true? Do you really take boys that far? Something about me loves using the word boy, as it is often racially demeaning. I would probably shoot in my pants if you just called me, Boy! Thank you so much Sir not only for writing back to me, but for sending me those stories. Do you have any pictures to go with them. You often mention pictures. I surf the web constantly, beating my meat, and find nothing that even comes close to your work. I am speaking the total truth here. You push buttons no one else does. I don't know why. Oh God, I would travel across country if I thought I could just meet you for dinner or something. Is that a chance? I am nineteen so totally legal and everything. All I think about now is being used by you. I am seeing my girlfriend less and less. She thinks I have another girl. I told her that that is not it, but I am going through some stress. When I fuck her, I think about you or some dude like you, making me suck cock or fucking me. I HAVE NEVER DONE ANYTHING LIKE THIS IN REALITY. I don't even know if I could. But I know now that I need to find out. I think about it all the time. I look at guys in my dorm and around campus and I get hard just dreaming about them using me and calling me NIGGER and hurting me. Jesus, Sir. I don't think I have ever used the N. word before like this. I have a big favor to ask you. Even if you don't want to do anything else with me. Could you maybe write me a letter and verbally abuse me? could you humiliate me for being black? I know you don't mean it in real life, but it would so fucking turn me on. Any chance you would really consider working with me? I would be willing to pretty much totally commit. I thought about it long and hard (in more ways than one) and I am pretty convinced that I truly need to experience it. If you don't want to work with me, can you recommend someone? It doesn't have to be in person at first. I mean it can start over the internet or on the telephone. I just really need to feel abused. To know what it is like. Is that sick? Am I some kind of freak? I even try tying myself up naked in my dorm room and shit like that, but it doesn't do much for me. I would look for some guy on campus to work me over, but I don't know where or how to look. I have never been to a gay bar or anything. Does this mean that I am Gay? I never thought about it. I mean, I only think of guys in terms of working on me or abusing me. I don't like go around thinking dudes are dreamy or anything like that. I guess I am more screwed up than I thought. I really need some advice and help from you. Miles
BOY: After reading this letter, you may want to break off contact with me. I will understand that. I am only giving you what you asked for, but it may be too much for you. First of all there are fine intelligent African Americans like our President. Then as with all races, there is a lower element. These are Niggers. You are an African American who longs inside to be a Nigger. It may be guilt, or perhaps the inner nigger in you coming out. Niggers can be really valuable for sexual relief and sexual games. First of all, many niggers have huge tackle, large dicks and balls, good for breeding or for sexual play. Second many niggers have nice thick lips and a natural outward thrust to the lips that makes them excellent cocksuckers. Although I prefer a cute white boy in bed with me, I must admit that there is no feeling as good as a nice thick pair of nigger lips wrapped around my dick. Nigger ass is also good, as it is often really round and bubble shaped and can be great to fuck. So niggers are useful. You seem to want to jettison your African American lifestyle and take up the life of a nigger cocksucking slut slave. Is that true? You need to answer this for yourself. Stories are one thing. Fantasies also. But real life is an entirely different matter. Do you truly want to be my nigger boy? I might be willing to play with you for a bit. I make no guarantees as to what would happen in the future. I would play with you until I grew bored.
How it would work is this. You would obey my every command. One slip up, and I would break off all contact with you. You would obey everything I told you to do without question. I warn you it would affect your school, personal and family life. Are you ready to risk these things, Spearchucker? Are you ready to potentially sacrifice your family and friends and career just to satisfy your dick and your desire to be racially and sexually abused? Think about this carefully. I will treat you like shit! You will be asked to do things so disgusting, you cannot even imagine them. That is if I approve of you. I don't deal with guys who are not physically attractive to me. I am not putting anyone down, but there is not thrill for me in it if I am not turned on by the fuckface! So to begin with, send me two photos of yourself. You may be dressed, but I want to see your dick in at least one photo. I imagine you have never sent anyone photos of your dick before. I need to see if I am interested in your worthless black Jig body. If this scares you too much. Just don't answer back. If you send the pics, I assume you want to continue. Tell me in that case in detail about your sex life. What have you done and not done. How often do you masturbate? If you want me to help you, then from this moment on, you will not masturbate except with my permission. You will not have sex with anyone except with my permission. There will be lots of rules. Many many rules for you to follow. Following my rules will be more important than schoolwork or friends or family. They will be the most important things in your life. Tell me about your family...brothers and sisters. You mention a dorm. Are you far from home? How often do you get home? Do you work? If you do work, I hope it is a nigger appropriate job such as cleaning toilets or flipping burgers. Not a job with any class or style. This is the first step in your achieving your goal. You need to work on yourself. You need to stop dressing like a preppy or a college student and start to dress like a street nigger. I AM NOT PLAYING GAMES, SO DON'T WASTE MY TIME. IF YOU ARE NOT SERIOUS ABOU THIS, DON'T WRITE BACK.
Dear Sir: Oh My God, your mail was the most sexually exciting thing that ever happened to me. Fucking a girl never came close to making me feel what I felt reading your mail. I shot three times just the first time I read it, but I couldn't stop. I know now that I really do need this. Please, don't desert me and please be patient with me. This is all brand new to me. But I do know I want and need it. It is no longer a choice for me. I must experience this. Here are my photos. I hope you like my looks and that I am acceptable. I don't know what I will do if I am not. I am afraid my lips are not particularly thick. And my dick I guess is just average in size. But please please give me a chance. I have never sent photos to anyone like this, not even to a girl. Please don't share these photos with anyone. For you I will do anything. I have never as I said sucked cock, but I want to suck yours and I want to do a good job. You can teach me what to do. I want to serve you in every way. I NEED TO BE YOUR NIGGER. MY COCK IS SO HARD WRITING THIS IT WANTS TO SHOOT WITHOUT MY EVEN TOUCHING IT. I have never felt like this. i read your mail over and over and fantasize you doing horrible wonderful things to me. I don't even care if it is sick. I just don't care. I need it. Tell me what to do, please. I will follow your orders.
About my sex life. I started fucking at fifteen. I fucked this black girl who was two years older. I fucked her about five times. We didn't really do much else, except she sucked on my dick a little and I played with and sucked on her tits. Then I didn't fuck again until I was sixteen when I fucked my first white girl. I dated her for about three months and fucked her three or four times a week. She also sucked my dick. I tried to fuck her ass, but she wouldn't let me. Then I fucked three younger girls at my high school. This gave me the reputation of a stud. I guess I was arrogant and got off on it. Two were white and one was black. The guys used to kid me about me liking white pussy. My senior year I had a steady girlfriend who I fucked two to three times a week. I did fuck her in the ass. Sometimes she used to slap my balls, which made me really hot. I used to pretend she was a rich Southern white plantation girl and I was her nigger stud. I know that is stupid, but it was a big fantasy of mine. This year in college I fucked three girls, each about five or six times. I asked one girl to lick my ass, and she wouldn't go out with me again. In stories chicks are always licking guys asses, but I guess you are right that reality and stories are very different. I hang around the gym now alot, looking at white guys and imagining them making me be their slave, drying their bodies after showers, cleaning their jockstraps, sick stuff like that, and of course sucking their dicks and even licking their asses and balls. Does this make me gay? So that is pretty much my sexual life.
I have a sister two years younger than me and a brother four years younger than me. I stayed in the dorm this last semester, but may stay home next semester. My home is near the campus and I love my home and family. I thought dorm life might be fun, but its not so great. Please write back to me soon. I can't stand waiting for your mails. I hope you approve of me. Miles
NIGGER: What a fucking dumb black piece of shit you are. I no sooner tell you not to masturbate without permission, when you write that you shot off three times over my mail. If you can't control that nigger dick of yours, I guess I just won't write to you anymore. By the way, you are to be totally bare assed naked when you write to me and you are to have a hard dick at all times when writing to me. Your photos are acceptable for starters. Although you are right. Your lips are rather useless and your dick is not impressive. We'll work on that however. Your chest is sexy and your tits show potential. We can have some fun with them. I will show your fucking photos to whomever I wish. I have already shown several of my buddies and we have had a good laugh at what a dumb looking nigger you are, and how your dick is nothing to write home about. You will need to be severely punished for daring to stick your filthy nigger dick into white pussy. Fucking street niggers don't touch white girls, and I have come to the conclusion that you are not an African American, but a filthy fucking street nigger. You think fucking a white girl makes you important. You fucking piece of shit. You will be taught.
The first thing I want you to do is to go out and get a part time job. I don't care if you need the money or not. You will get a part time job. And the job you will get will be cleaning toilets! You will go around to stores or bars or I don't give a shit where, and ask if there is job open for someone to clean the toilets. THAT IS SPECIFICALLY WHAT YOU WILL INQUIRE ABOUT. A JOB CLEANING THE TOILETS! Many places may find you a total laughing stock piece of shit nigger freak for wanting a job like that. That will give you your first taste of the kind of humiliation you seek. I want you to report to me the results of your efforts. And I want you to get a job within the week! You might try on campus. Cleaning the urinals where college boys piss and the toilets where they shit, might be good experience for you. This is your first task! And then I want some nice photos of you in tight white underpants. I want to see the white of the underpants against your nigger skin. DO NOT MASTURBATE OR CUM WITHOUT PERMISSION. DO YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND YOU BRAINLESS JIG? IF YOU CAN'T CONTROL YOUR PICKANINNY PRICK DON'T WRITE BACK! Have you ever had thoughts about fucking your nigger slut of a sister? Is she fucking? She is seventeen, most nigger girls fuck by eleven or twelve. How many guys do you think have fucked her? Is your little nigger brother fucking cunt yet? We need to get your mind on the right things, Boy. Fucking and sucking is all a nigger like you should be thinking about. I want you to look carefully at the guys at the gym and report to me which guys have the biggest dicks. I want names! I want to know what they look like. Get to work Sambo! dale10
p.s. From now on sign your letters Sambo or Nigger
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