Andy was lying on the concrete floor when Fiona walked down the stairs once more, and then over to where he was in the cage. His hands were cuffed behind his back once again, and his eyes were wide open watching her every movement. When she was close to the cage Andy tried to press himself into the wall behind, with fear in his eyes.
“Don’t do that Andy, I am not going to touch you any more today; you are a big boy Andy why do you want to be a girl?”
“I don’t, I just want you to leave me alone and let me die.”
“Now that’s a bit drastic Andy; but if you don’t want to be a girl, why dress like one?”
He ignored the question and told her “Because of what has happened today and what you have done, I will have to leave the village that I was born in. Thanks a lot, because I think if Cleo and Brenda are your real friends, then you have a very sad life. It is Brenda that has betrayed me by sleeping with Dave the best man, and that has hurt me more, than the divorce that was expected anyway. I would never stay married to a whore, and she has one fucking great big shock coming to her as well. I cannot say any more, as you are in Brenda’s purse and her mother’s book; I am sorry, but I will never trust you, so just do your worst, because you could not make me feel lower than I am already. As for the food and water, you had better not waste your time and money, because I will not be having either. If you honestly think that Cleo will let me leave here alive, then I suggest that you go and get some brains put in your head, and stop acting like the dumb blond.”
Fiona was wondering why he had said that, but it was something that he had now placed in her mind, was she really stupid. She was going to hand him out some more punishment, but changed her mind there was no reason to inflict any more pain than she was doing.“Why don’t you trust me Andy?”
“You lied to me twice; you keep telling me, that if I admit what you want to hear then you can stop the punishment. That is a lie, you have been paid to punish me to the end of the week, but unlike you I will not lie to make a person happy. At this very moment in time you are constantly telling me lies; and it is to suit your own conscience, and you and Cleo have the nerve to call me a liar.” Fiona saw the tears welling up again, and thought that she would give him privacy; she stood up, and as she was about to leave she wished him a goodnight.
“Goodnight Mistress Fiona” Fiona smiled to herself. But she was also thinking about all that Andy had told her.
Upstairs everyone was sitting down having their meal and Cleo asked “Are you going to punish him, or play games with him Fiona? I have spent a lot of money to see that he gets what he deserves, and that is pain. It is also what Brenda wants to see, and that is to see the fucking queer crying and in pain. He made me look a proper fool this morning, and you should have let me finish what I started. I thought you used electrodes and things to give them pain, and the Mistress’s were using them in the film that I was looking at with Brenda”
“When were you watching films like that?”
“It was a few months ago when we were told all about Andy, and that friend of Brenda’s, Jean Simons brought it around. She said that a boy friend of hers had taken it from Andy’s flat while visiting.”
“You were well out of order this morning, and you might have scarred his face for life. As it is you nearly took his eye out, and his lip will be fat for a long time, and the scar will also be there for a long time.”
“Good it will pay for the scar that he put on my Brenda’s heart; are you going to give him pain, or was your advert just a come on.”
“Ok if it is pain you want, then it will be pain that you will see.” ‘Fiona was thinking that Cleo had goaded her, and she was fuming. This woman was talking as if she Fiona could not do what was expected.”
One of the women had gone down stairs carrying the two bowels with the food and water in. “Eat your food Andy, build up your strength; it is good and warm” and then she walked out of the basement.
The following morning Fiona went straight down to the basement once more. “Get the horse out.” She told the women “Then get the gag, ready because today he will know hurt and pain.” The women pulled a wooden structure across the room; and then they prepared the chastisement tools. Fiona walked over to the cage, and looked down at the two bowels untouched. You will wish you had eaten that last night. Cleo wants her and Brenda to see you in pain, and screaming for forgiveness, begging for me to stop, but there is not a lot of chance of that ever happening.” The man was there again and pulled him out of the cage, and then he walked almost dragging him across to the horse. It was a bar, with a thin strip of cushioned leather covering the top, and the bar rested on uprights that were bolted to the floor. “Take that ridicules clothes off of him, today he will be punished as a man.” The slaves soon had Andy naked. His ankles were fixed to chain restraints and with his back to the bar; Cleo was filming all that was taking place and smiling as she did so. “Fiona then said; before we go any further we will have a brief look at the news in Spain.”
Once more the computer was turned on and Brenda appeared “Hello Andy, my mother phoned me last night, and told me all that had happened yesterday, and I look forward to seeing your epic film. How did you like being fucked like a girl; that lingerie was one of my mother’s better ideas? I’ll bet you liked all the attention from your next-door neighbours. Standing there in all those sexy clothes that we put on you; then carrying out an obscene act. The best man and I are getting on like a house on fire.” She stood up and showed she was naked. Two hands came from behind and grabbed her breasts, and as she backed away from the camera a man could be seen behind her. It was blatantly obvious he was fucking her doggy fashion “This could have been you.” Brenda told Andy. I went to the doctors the other day, and I am four months pregnant, but it has nothing to do with you. The next time you have sex Andy; will probably be your first time you fucking wimp. By the way I will be home in two days time; only Dave has a modelling job, and he is contracted to do it. As you never consummated the marriage the divorce papers should be there at the same time. See you tomorrow night Andy and she blew a kiss into the camera.” One lonely tear ran down the side of his face, and it never went unnoticed by Fiona.
Fiona nodded at the two women, and they pulled Andy over the wooden horse so that the small of his back was on the bar. Because of the position of the restraints his legs were stretched apart, his arms too were stretched to their limit and his whole body was taught. Confess to being unfaithful, tell me what the present was and I will be lenient?
Andy looked at the camera and composed himself; then what he said next surprised them all. “Don’t bother coming back you fucking whore, and I have it on good advice, that only a whore can conceive a whore. I have a whore pointing a camera at me, and both she and you are going to feel my revenge if I am not dead. As sure as night is black, that is what you and your mother are; whores. I have done nothing wrong, and at a further stage in your warped life you will find out Brenda. You only think that I let you down, but you will come back to earth with a fucking bang, and it will serve you right. You are cheap, and I am glad that you divorced me; as I could not go through the rest of my life, with a treacherous slag like you. There is a saying don’t get mad get even, well you whores bitch, I have got even by doing nothing. I have always been faithful, it is you that has not, and you have shown and told me that in your Spanish news reports. Your mother is a teacher, she taught you to have a baby to teach me a lesson. All that has achieved is to show me just what a big slut you are. Well I might be feeling pain at this moment, but your pain will be a lot harder and last for a lifetime. I loved you and I always thought you loved me, but you just set me up, and I can never forgive you for doing that. I will have my revenge on you and your whore of a mother you fucking slag. The only trouble is; I don’t think I will be alive to do it. Then he looked at Fiona saying; you can give me as much pain as you like, but I will survive, because I will be thinking of Brenda’s pain on every stroke to keep me going. I will not tell lies to make you happy, so do your worst you bitch.”
Fiona nodded and the ball gag was put in his mouth once more. Then picking up a whip she uncoiled it, as she walked away from him, it was short with a frayed end. It moved as fast as light and the tip struck Andy on his inner leg, he screamed into the gag, but it struck again and again before he could compose himself. How many times it struck him he had no idea but the room started to spin and he passed out. There were twenty in all, and when the smelling salts were used he came too. Fiona shouted “This is what you want, you watch films and read books about it, but this is reality.”
“Turn the pervert around, so that I can work on his buttocks.” The slaves untied his hands and feet and he fell to the floor on his shoulders, he was week and could not stand. The tip of the whip struck him on the back, and he cried out into the gag; Fiona was taunting him shouting “Call me a bitch you fucking little piss pot queer.” As he stood up once more and turned to face Fiona the tip of the whip struck him in the genitals; his hands went down to protect, but the pain brought him to his knees, as he was standing he slipped just as Fiona stuck at his body. The whip caught him in the face, and his scream was heard through the gag, and again he passed out. Smelling salts were used, and this time when he woke up he was bent over the horse with his rear end in the air. Once again the strikes came on his tender inner thighs and his buttocks, he passed out once more and again the salts were used.
Fiona came to his front saying “Confess Andy and get relief, ask me to stop you know you want it.”
The ball gag was removed and Fiona had to bend over to hear what his answer was because it was almost in a whisper. “I will not confess to something that never happened just to satisfy Brenda’s guilt, just get on with it, I will soon be dead.” The gag was replaced and Fiona took up the cane, she pulled back and struck his rear end, he jerked and she struck him six times in quick succession. “Slaves take him down and put him in the cage.”
His body was a mass of stripes and it was red as a beetroot, Fiona was wondering if she had gone too far. Then Cleo had to turn around and stop filming and asked “What will you do to him this afternoon?”
“What do you want me to do to him this afternoon, rip his flesh to pieces for yours and Brenda’s enjoyment?”
“No I was thinking that you could use some of the torture on that cock and balls of his; show the queer cunt, that it has other uses than shoving it up other boys and men’s bum holes. I told you last night, that I have paid a lot of money, to see him in the same pain as my Brenda, or have you no idea how to do it?”
“Get out of my basement, and I will set it up, Don she shouted put him in the frame. I am going for lunch, I will be back down in half an hour, as soon as he is in place, then have your own meal” then Fiona stormed off.
Don walked over to the cage and woke Andy up, and then without taking too much care, he then pulled him out of the cage. He took the cuffs off Andy, and lifting him with one hand, put his hands in the cuffs that were waist high. Then making sure that Andy was balanced, Don started to wind a handle; the cuffs on the end of the ropes were pulling his arms up and out. His feet were then secured to the corners, so that he was now stood up but spread-eagled. A cord was tied around his scrotum, and then through a loop on the floor, and again through a loop on a wheel. Another cord was attached to a bigger wheel at the small ones side, then up to the top of the frame, and down to his waist where it was left hanging. Another thin rope was tied tight to his manhood, and through another loop in the frame and left dangling once again.
It was an age before the women walked down once more, and Cleo had the camera running again. Fiona looked at his body, and knew that she might have gone too far with him; his body was scarred and red. It would take a long time for him to heal, from the onslaught that she had dealt him, but she was being goaded by Cleo. She could now see the scar over his face where the whip struck him; she wished that had never happened. She walked behind Andy and said “Get on your toes” and as he did she pushed some wedges under his feet. The cord behind him was put just below his arms and tied at the back so that there was no give then the one that was attached to his manhood was pulled tight and tied to a loop on the wall. “This is called the self inflicted pain treatment, and what happens is, once I remove the wedges from under your feet, you have to remain on your toes. Failing to do so will result in two things, you will drop and the cord will pull your balls down hard, and you cock will be pulled up just as hard, and believe me it will be painful. Still it is designed to keep you on your toes. Now if you ask Cleo for forgiveness she might be merciful.”
Andy looked up with tears in his eyes and said “Please Cleo; don’t hurt me anymore, I am in so much pain.”
Cleo jumped towards him and said “It is Mistress Cleo to you, and you have not known what pain is yet,” Then she slapped him around the face over the cane mark and his mouth As Cleo stood back and laughed, Andy screamed at the top of his voice, and shaking his head from side to side, trying to get the pain to stop. His head dropped and he had passed out; the pain was too much for his body to take, he was now over his threshold. “Bring him round with the salts Cleo shouted I want to see him in pain.” The salts were used by one of the women, but nothing happened, he was still hanging with his eyes closed, and again Cleo screamed out “He’s messing with us” She then kicked the wedges out from under his feet, and Andy dropped, but there was no noise. Don grabbed Andy and took his weight, all the time Cleo was laughing, and the camera was running on the stand. Fiona slipped the knots on the cord and let them drop, and then as Don held him still, Fiona took the cuffs from his wrists and ankles. “Put him on the recovery bed Don” then turning to Cleo said “That is all for now, fuck off home you monster until I phone you.”
“Brenda won’t be very pleased with this when she comes home, you can bet your sweet ass that she will be in touch.” Then she went to pick up the camera and Fiona told her to leave it as it was not going to be played with to please Brenda.
“You can give me the evidence that you have also; I am going to get to the bottom of this.”
Cleo put her hand in her pocket, and handed her a package and said “I will leave the magazines and films on the lounge table. I had better get home anyway, so that I can meet Brenda at the airport.” Then she walked out of the basement.
He was well built for his age, and it was probably that which had helped him endure the punishment. He was quite good looking, and if it weren’t for his kink, he would be a nice catch for any girl; his looks far exceeded those of the best man. She wished that she had not been so hard on him, but he had to go and call her a bitch, and she hated the word, and she had almost lost her control. Andy murmured and opened his eyes, and on seeing Fiona he automatically tried to pull away. “Now don’t be silly Andy, it’s all over there will be no more beatings and depravities as long as you tell me the truth. I know in my heart that there is something wrong here, but I have no idea what it is. You are not even cuffed to the bed, Cleo has gone home and no one can hear what is being said. I want you to trust me, and I promise that whatever you tell me will not be passed on to either Brenda or Cleo. Why watch films and read books about sadism, if you don’t want to participate?”
Andy looked at her and asked, “You say you promise?”
“I give you my word Andy, and I do not break my word”.
“It is too late now to do anything, but I don’t do either of what you have stated.”
“But the books and films were found in your flat.”
“I know, and yes they were, and I know that it sounds strange, but they just appeared one Monday morning. I presumed they belonged to Dave Peters; he stayed in my flat that weekend, while I visited my mother the other side of Bristol. His flat was being painted, and he is allergic to the smell of thinners and some paints.”
“What about the girls clothes how do you explain those?”
“Brenda’s mother drugged me, and I woke up lying spread-eagled on Brenda’s bed. She put a band around my genital sack, and when she pointed a remote at me it sent a shock through my body. I was naked all accept the lingerie that she had dressed me in, and there is a film of her doing it on the camera that Cleo uses.”
“But why didn’t you just take the band off, when she released you from your bonds?”
“Because there was a wire and chip in the band, and if stretched it would send a signal to a computer program, and e-mails with the film attached would go to all my friends, along with a lot of hers. Brenda is a computer programmer, and she is more frightening than you, but not as painful.”
Fiona allowed herself a smile, and looked at one of the women and asked “Is that possible?” The woman nodded yes.
“Look in the clothes that you took off of me this morning.” One of the women picked up the suspender belt and showed Fiona the chip and the wire. “Cleo told me the day Brenda went off on her perverted holiday she had disconnected it, but you can bet she can put it back on when she returns. I will have to go and live near my mother again, I am finished in the village, they even evicted me from my flat and paid the bill, so that I could live with them; it’s all been a big set up.”
“What about your breasts, why grow them if you are straight.”
“For three months, Brenda and her mother have been putting something in my food, and drink and they have appeared. One more thing that you should think about; on the film from Spain Brenda told us, that the lingerie was one of her mother’s better ideas?”
Fiona realized; that it was for that reason that all this didn’t feel right, and she had been getting that uncomfortable sensation. “Why didn’t you pursue the unfair dismissal claim, and why did you laugh when was told that Jean Simmons left because of the shame, and told Brenda that you had humiliated her.”
“She deserved it and more; and I never had to pursue the claim; an internal investigation was carried out, and I was found to be innocent, as I said right from the start. Jean Simmons made up the story because I would not leave Brenda and go out with her. She was forever harassing me at work, and all my co-workers knew what was happening. The firm settled out of court, and I received fifty thousand pounds compensation.”
“What was so special about the present that you had for Brenda, that the best man could not possibly give her.”
“If it is all the same with you that is my secret, and will be until I have those divorce papers in my hand.”
“I can allow that, but explain this and she showed him a photo.”
“Andy looked at the photo and cringed “How could they do a thing like that?” It was a picture of a couple having sex in the open, both naked and posing for the camera. It was himself on top with a girl he knew under him smiling.
“You recognize the girl then?”
“Of course I recognize the face, but that would never happen the photo is a made up fake. I will give you the address of that girl and you can go and ask her yourself, but don’t show her that photo because she will go ballistic. See that tattoo on the girls arm; well Jean Simmons has one like that, and in exactly the same place. That girl that owns that face did stay at my place, but only when her mother was out of town, and she was leaving for the airport.”
“So you admit you slept with her, she is a beautiful girl so tell me the truth.”
“Hell no that would be incest, because that is Beth my sister. One other thing I will tell you that only my sister knows and she thinks I’m mad.”
“What is it Andy?”
He blushed and said something quiet, that Fiona never heard him.
“What, I never heard you?”
He coughed and said, “Don’t laugh I’m a virgin, I have never had sex with a girl, but I’m not so sure about that now, and a tear came from his eye.”
Fiona was stunned and asked “Why would I laugh?”
Then with no warning his eyes went up, and then his lids closed, and Fiona looked at the woman next to her. She felt his pulse and checked his heart, and said “The pain is too much, and his brain has closed down to compensate. He needs to be moved to a warm bed, and get a lot of rest.”
Fiona looked at Don and said “Take him to my room and put him on my bed.”
The three women were in the lounge and Fiona walked over to the video camera. “Greta, have we a connection that will allow us to see all of this film. I think that Cleo only showed us the parts that she wanted us to see.”
It was half an hour later when it was all set up, and the three of them watched the film from the start. It was true, they watched as Brenda and her mother dressed him in the lingerie. They also saw Brenda torture him with the remote, and all that was said. The thing that wound Fiona up was the fact that until Cleo struck him with the cane, there were no marks on his back.
“Those fucking whores, Cleo and Brenda set him up, and they set me up also. I will soon know the truth, when Don gets back from seeing Andy’s sister.”
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