Now be a good boy Billy and show my friends here how much you love and respect me. No whimpering or crying now. You are not a baby anymore, you are fourteen. Now crawl on over here and show my good buddies how you make me feel good. Don't be shy about crawling naked, my friend enjoy seeing a healthy fourteen year old colt all bare assed. Remember to arch your back when you crawl so those globes are nice and high and that deep hairless boy crack opens to give us a glimpse of your sweet pink boy pussy. I know you don't like me calling it a pussy, but you know that's what it is. Isn't that where my dick goes? Isn't that what a pussy is, a place a dick fucks? Come on, Billy get with it. We don't want to have another punishment session, now do we? Lift your head when you crawl, open your mouth and stick your tongue out, so you look like a hungry puppy! You are so fucking cute Billy, you should be proud of your handsome demeanor. You should be proud that so many of my adult friends take an interest in you. Look Billy, there are a dozen guys here, just to get to know you.
Billy, when you crawl remember to make your scrotum swing like I taught you. The guys love to see a boy's fucksack swinging when he crawls. It's such a pretty sack, so soft and hairless. You have a very beautiful body, Billy, smooth and lean and young looking. That a boy. Now control those sniffles. No more tears. Okay now kneel up in front of me. Look what I've got for little Billy. My nice big dick is all hard and throbbing, and look how wet the head is. You have got me leaking already Billy boy. That's how delicious you all, kneeling there all bare assed naked. Put one hand down and get your sweet pink teenage dick hard for me. I know it's soft cause you are a bit scared and nervous. But there is no reason to be scared. We all love you, Billy. I know you are nervous because you want to do the very best to impress my friends. You don't want to let me down in any way. I'm sure you won't. We have been working so hard this week to teach you how to respect a man, Billy. I am sure you are going to do splendidly. Remember how when I first picked you up, you sobbed and swore you were not a cocksucker and didn't want to suck dick. Remember that? Remember how you screamed the first time I shoved my dick up your tight pink little pussy? Remember how you protested that is was not a pussy but an asshole, and you were not a faggot boy? Remember you tried to convince me that you enjoyed girls. But you couldn't fool me. Those big brown faggot eyes couldn't deceive me and those sweet pouty cocksucker lips. The the minute I shoved my finger into your moist pink asshole, I knew that it was a cunt in a the making. It was a cunt just waiting to be opened up. Now don't start blubbering on me again. You know it hurt less by the fifth or sixth time I fucked you.
Kneel up nice and straight. That a boy. Play with your teenage dick to get it hard. The guys like to watch a teen faggot boy fingering his clit. Play with your tits if it will help. Get your clit nice and stiff for me. Now look at my dick. You know you want it. That' s what you wait for every day, isn't it. Sometimes, guys, I wake up in the morning to find him just staring at my dick like he can't wait to get a taste of it. Dick has become his very favorite flavor in the world in these last few weeks. Better than ice cream. Better than hamburger...right, Billy boy? Nothing like the taste of fuckmeat! Get in close Billy so you can smell my dick. Yeah, inhale that meaty man aroma. You are going to show my buddies how you respect man-meat. Wet your lips, billy and smack them as you stare at that gorgeous hunk of fucker. Notice the smell? I had it up the pussy of another little cunt boy very similar to you a few hours ago, and I have not bothered to wash it since. I figure why wash it, when you can clean it with those gorgeous teencunt cocksucker lips of yours. Wipe those tears away, Billy, they get in the way of the smell and flavor of DICK! Look at my balls, Billy. Look how nice they are hanging in the sack. You love the taste of that sweaty sack too, don't you? All salty and delicious. I love it when you lick my sack and it starts to draw up tight under my prick, getting ready to shoot all that fuckslop into your sweet little boy mouth.
Okay Billy, you've been looking long enough. OPen your mouth and stick out that wonderful wide tongue you have. Boys, this cocksucker has a superb tongue for a fourteen year old. Shit, he has a superb tongue for any age. A real cock and ass licking tongue. Show my friends your tongue, Billy. Get it way out. Don't be shy. Be the little piggy we both know you are. I don't want to have to discipline you. Here let me grab your head and turn it so my friends can see your cocklicker tongue! That's what that tongue is made for, boy, to lick cock. You don't need it to speak. You know I think you talk too much. God gave you that tongue to lick dick and asshole. He certainly didn't give you that tongue to french kiss little female sluts in your freshman class. He didn't give you that tongue to tongue fuck pussy! He gave you that tongue to wash balls and clean dicks and tongue out ripe male assholes! We have established that in our earlier lessons. Am I right? Louder Billy, my buddies can't hear you with that God damned sissy boy voice. Would you believe boys that the other night when I was shoving a beer bottle up his pussy, this little sissyboy actually was crying out loud for his Mommy! Fourteen fucking years old and he cries for his mommy! I had to laugh. Of course it pissed me off too, so I shoved the fucking bottle deeper and harder. Little cunt passed out. Imagine the nerve. I had to start all over again.
Kneel up and stick up that fucking tongue, Cuntboy. It's all about respect, isn't it? Respect for a real man, and for what a man is! You will never be a real man, Billy. You were born a faggot cocKsucking pussy cunted dickserving little asswipe. And that is what you will be. It is important that we do two things in life. See ourselves for what we really are, and then strive to be the very best at what we are! I am going to make you the very fucking best cocksucker assfuck boy any of us has ever seen. You job, Billy is to accept it. No more television for you. No pop music or concerts. No Iphone. No school aged friends. Certainly no girlfriends. Only COCK. COCK EVERY DAY IN EVERY FUCKING WAY. YOU WILL SERVE COCK FROM THE TIME YOU WAKE UP TO THE TIME YOU GO TO SLEEP. NO, I'M WRONG, EXCUSE ME. YOU WILL EVEN SLEEP WITH COCK IN YOUR MOUTH AND UP YOUR ASS! Show my buddies that fucking asslicker tongue of yours. Now show them how you use it. Turn your head back to my dick and start to lick my dick all over. Lick the greasy assjuice coated dickstalk. Lick the perfect shaped cockhead. Tongue the pisshole and scoop up all that yummy pre-fuck slop leaking out. Go on, Billy, don't be shy in front of my friends. Show them all what a really great fourteen year old dick licker you are.
Come on, Billy, don't make me angry. Use that tongue to really slop spit all over my beautiful dick. Long swipes of your boy tongue on my soft cockskin! Now fast little flicks of the tongue on the dickhead. Yeah, tickle my pisshole with your tongue. You'd love me to take a nice heavy piss into your face right now, I know you would, but I won't. No, we'll save that for later, after you have sucked the cock of every man in this room. Guys, look at Little Billy, high school freshman, and champion dicklicker!
Okay, okay Billy, enough dick licking. Look at that little twat gobble boys. He doesn't want to stop. Now lick my balls Billy. You know how you love that. Bathe those big fat balls in your teenage spit. suck on the ball hair. Billy looks so fucking cute when he has ball or ass hair in his teeth! By the end of the night, Billy boy, you will have blond and gray and black and brown and red prick and ass and ball hair stuck between your teeth. Won't that be sweet? No gagging Billy, you know I don't like it when you gag. It shows disrespect. The only time you are allowed to gag is when I fuck your throat. that is understandable. But no gagging when you lick and suck dick or balls or asshole. My pals might get the wrong idea and think you don't like the taste of Man Sex Equipment. Where as, you and I know, even though you cry and bitch and moan about it, in reality you can't get enough dick! Well, don't you worry, little man, I am going to make sure you are so stuffed with dick, you never have to miss it again. You are going to live on a banquet of dick! You re going to have more dick in a week, than most street faggots get in a whole lifetime.
Yeah, cover those balls with spit and then lick it off. Let your spit mix with the dried spooge and ass juice that dripped from my dick down onto my scrotum. Is that tasty, Billy boy, or what? And you get to lick the big fat balls of every dude in this room! Don't forget to use your tongue on the area between my balls and my asshole! Oh shit, I fucking love that. Keep your dick hard Billy, I don't want to see that teenage prick flagging even a bit! Show us how much you enjoy this. Now back up and start to suck the dick. Show my buddies what I taught you. Show them how you can tongue and suck at the same time. Suck that fucking leaking cockhead. Tongue the underside. Take more and more cock into your mouth. Look, guys, he is so happy, his eyes are tearing up with joy! Look what good facefucking handles his ears make. You are going to want to try this, believe me. Grab the faggots ears and now really slam your dick as deep as you can right into his face! Right down his throat. Most of you guys got eight inches or better, shit that's why I hang with you. We can really give Billy a fucking good time. Look how I am slamming my dick into his mouth! I am mashing that cute teen face into my pubes and my balls are slapping up under his chin. Ugh. Ugh. Fuck. Fuck that teenage boy face. Fuck that pussy face. I am turning your face into a pussy, Billy. Do you realize that? Your face is actually becoming a Cunt! BILLY THE CUNTFACED BOY! SHIT YOU COULD BE ON RIPLEY'S BELIEVE IT OR NOT. SEE THE BOY WHOSE FACE IS A CUNT! OHHHHHH YEAH, TAKE IT DOWN YOUR THROAT YOU FUCKING FUCKING CUNTFACE, YOU. YOU GUYS GOT TO TRY THIS CUNT. IT IS PRIME PUSSY. KEEP USING THAT TONGUE ASSWIPE! WHO THE FUCK CARES IF YOU CAN'T BREATH. LEARN HOW TO DEAL WITH IT. THE FACECUNT SUCTION IS UNBELIEVABLE, GUYS. DON'T WORRY, YOU'LL ALL GET YOUR CHANCE. AND ANY GUY WHO WANTS, CAN HAVE SECONDS. JESUS, I GOT A FOURTEEN YEAR OLD TWATFACE HERE! I AM GOING TO SHOOT THE JUICE. I AM GOING TO COAT HIS FUCKING THROAT AND STOMACH WITH MY FUCKSCUM! HE'S GOING TO BE LIVING ON JIZZ FRO NOW ON. EATING MORE FUCKING JIZZ THAN FOOD. OWWWWWWWWW! FUCKING SHIT. SUCK, BOY. SUCK THAT CUM OUT. HOLY CHRIST HE'S LIKE A FUCKING VACUUM CLEANER. I'M GOING TO PULL MY DICK BACK SO HE CAN TASTE MY FUCKSNOT IN HIS MOUTH.
Okay, then, who want's to try the fourteen year old facecunt next? Meantime, I'm going to look for some stuff we can shove up his asscunt!
Respect! It's all about respect!
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