Author: slaveboyusa
Title: How to marry a rich woman. Part 3.
Please send comments to: slaveboyusa@yahoo.com
Date: 1/16/2009
Summary: Adam is having his fun with Keiko, but Adam has some debts he needs to settle up before he can make Keiko his bitch.
Adam awoke with a yawn. It was Friday morning, and he did not have to go to work today. Adam asked Keiko if she was expected to show up to work today. She said she was on vacation. That was perfect. Adam looked at Keiko. She was still kneeling quietly by the bed. She must really have to use the bathroom. He unclamped her nipple rings, but left the handcuffs on. Adam let her use the bathroom, but told her to come right back. She resumed her kneeling position and he re-attached the nipple clamps. He told Keiko that he was going out to get donuts and coffee and he would be right back. Adam got dressed in clean clothes and took “all of the keys” with him. He gave her a peck on the check and left the house.
Adam drove his truck to the local donut shop. They were still baking and told him to wait 10 minutes for the donuts to be done. He ordered a coffee and sat down. Another man walked into the donut shop. Adam recognized him right away, and did not want to be noticed. The man spotted Adam and sat at the same table as him.
“Hey Adam, how goes it buddy? You still owe me $25,000, plus interest. I couldn’t help but notice that you are having a leisurely breakfast on a day you ought to be working. Don’t tell me you got fired.” Said Bruce, the man at the other end of the table.
Bruce was his real name, and was a loan shark for the mob. He also went by the handle Hollywood. He earned the name, because he has been in the entertainment business for a long time. He was once in a band, then produced adult films and now owned his own strip club. He made enough money to be a loan shark on the side. Adam meet Bruce about 3 years ago, and has borrowed money from him from about that long. Adam had a good repayment record, so Adam was trusted more money, till he was able to borrow the $25,000. Adam did not have Bruce’s money and it is never a good thing to see your loan shark when you are broke.
“Hi Bruce, no I did not get fired. I don’t have cash on me, but I do have a woman. I hooked up with this rich lawyer woman right? She totally loves sucking on my cock. She is loaded and I am sure I can get money out of her,” said Adam.
“I call BS on that. You expect me to believe that a shmuck like you got with a lawyer. I don’t believe it. If your so loaded, than you must have an ATM card, we could go to the bank now” said Bruce.
“No, I do not have her ATM card, but that is a good idea. Do you want to go with me to Keiko’s house? We can go get the money now.” Said Adam.
“No shit? Just like that? Something tells me you are not being legit. You drive to this Keiko’s house and my guys and me will follow you. I’m taking time out of my day to do this, so I expect to get paid. I don’t want to find any husbands or boyfriends armed with shotguns, I don’t need to go home with a belly full of buckshot, you hear?” said Bruce.
“She is one woman, lives by herself. We could just take her ATM card and tell her to give us the pin number. That way you could have your cash today. Let’s grab some donuts and go now,” said Adam.
Adam bought a dozen donuts and got into his truck. Bruce got into his car, along with three other gang members. Adam drove off and Bruce followed him. They drove to Keiko’s house. Keiko’s BMW was parked in the driveway. Adam climbed out of his car with the donuts and let himself into the house. The other guys followed him in. Adam knew Keiko would freak out when some strange men saw her naked, but it was just another way to put her in a vulnerable position. Adam told the guys to wait in the living room. Adam went into the master bedroom and put the box of donuts on the nightstand. It was cute to see this lawyer lady being kept like a pet. Adam heard the front door open; there was some conversation and then yelling. Keiko wanted to go see what it was, but was still clamped to the bed. Adam ran out to the living room.
Bruce held a young looking Asian girl in a full nelson and one of the other guys held her legs to keep her from kicking.
“Is this your bitch? If I knew we were doing a house robbery, we should of at least made sure no one came home in middle of the day. How the fuck are you going to make this bitch shut up?” said Bruce.
The other two guys were staring at the girl. She looked to be about 19 and in good shape. She wore tight runners shorts and a sports bra. The girl had toned arms and legs, she was hot and that was not lost on the guys in the living room. It so happened that her name is Miko and is a college student. She just got back from volleyball practice and came to visit Keiko, her sister. Keiko just started her two-week vacation yesterday and Miko was going to spend some quality time with her.
“Adam what’s going on, out there?” asked Keiko from the other room.
Bruce and all his thugs looked at him. Adam explained that the lawyer was in the other room and he did not know who this chick was. Adam went back into the bedroom to explain to Keiko what was going on. Keiko was scared and confused, but nonetheless was helpless in her position. Adam heard laughter and more screaming from the living room, but stayed in the bedroom to try to calm Keiko down.
Miko was held by two men, while another started ripping Miko’s clothes off. First he grabbed her sports bra and tore that off, her perky breasts bounced as they were freed from the confines of the bra. Then he grabbed her shorts and underwear and tore those off in two motions. Miko was now really scared and completely naked. Adam returned to the living room just as they were done stripping the girl
“Take this girl to the master bedroom” said Adam.
Adam led the guys and Miko into the bedroom. Miko and Keiko screamed when they saw each other. Bruce and his thugs took a double take. There was a sexy looking woman chained to a bed and was covered in tattoos. There was another young naked woman being held.
“Adam, you got 30 seconds to explain what the fuck is going on, start now” said Bruce.
“The woman chained to the bed is Keiko, she is my lawyer girlfriend. We were in the middle of something. I don’t know who this girl is.” Said Adam.
“That’s my sister Miko, please don’t hurt her” said Keiko.
“Look Bruce. There might be a way out of this. How about you kidnap Miko and keep her tied up at the strip club. I’ll promise to not hurt Keiko if Miko stays at your strip club and Keiko promises not to go to the cops and in exchange you don’t hurt Miko” said Adam.
“You guys will never get away this Bull Shit,” shouted Miko.
Adam knew that Miko said a dumb thing just then. Bruce and the other guys laid Miko on the ground, but kept her grip on her. One of the guys unzipped his pants and started fucking Miko. She screamed a lot. Miko was a virgin; and she just got her cherry popped. Blood dripped out of her vagina. All the guys took turns raping Miko. Each guy got on his knees and picked up Miko’s legs. Miko’s torso moved back and forth on the carpet as she got her fucking. Her body got increasingly weak with each raping. Miko was crying her eyes out, but Keiko sat there, just absorbing the situation.
“Ok Bruce, Take the girl and what ever you want from the house. Consider it a down payment on what I owe you,” said Adam.
“Whh….whaats goinggg…on, what’s going to hap..en?” asked Miko is a timid voice.
The once fiery Miko was a shadow of her formal self. She had no more fight in her. Bruce was ready to just take Miko as she was. Adam thought quickly and threw Miko the robe that Keiko was wearing yesterday. Funny how that robe kept coming up. A girl wearing something would draw less attention than a naked one. Miko was in such shock, that the guys had to help her put it on, the same guy escorted Miko out the door.
“Anything I want huh? I have a car full of guys, and now it’s going to be extra crowded with the girl. How do you recommend I haul stuff?” asked Bruce.
It’s not that Bruce was dumb; just efficient and impatient. Bruce was asking how could he move a bunch of stuff in one trip. Adam dug into his pocket, got his truck keys and tossed them to Bruce.
“Take my truck. It may be a crappy 20-year-old Mitsubishi pick-up that won’t last much longer, but it's yours. Load it with the antiques, paintings, whatever you want. Keep the girl; use her for a stripper for all I care. I think that makes us about even,” said Adam.
“Yeah, were even. But give me some heads up next time there is going to be so much excitement. Were lucky it did not get crazier than it already did. I’m going to use Miko as a stripper, she can work off your debt and all the other debts that we never collected.” Said Bruce.
“Sounds like a plan.” said Adam.
Bruce went in and out of Keiko’s house, taking her stuff and loading the car trunks with it. He took: five oil paintings, seven expensive looking antiques, Adam helped Bruce load a leather recliner into the back of the truck, a grandfather clock, some fine silver and most of Keiko’s clothing.
“Really Bruce, your taking her clothes to? What for?” asked Adam.
“I need new clothes for my strippers. I think it would be hot to have strippers come out in expensive dress suits and formal dinner ware,” said Bruce.
Adam shrugged his shoulders. It made sense to Adam. Bruce and his guys left with the loot and Miko. Keiko looked like she was going to have a panic attack, seeing her house being robbed. Keiko did not have much clothes left. Adam grabbed the underwear he had on yesterday and put it on her head. Keiko was in such bad shock, she did not even care.
Adam went into Keiko’s office and found her purse. He went through it and found the usual: $253 in cash, credit and bankcards, cell phone and feminine products. He pocketed the cash and took out the bankcards. He booted up Keiko’s computer. He looked into her personal folders. Keiko kept a budget and it turned out that she made $300,000 a year (She was after all, a Harvard educated lawyer), had her pay checks direct deposited into her bank account and was putting her sister through college. The house and her car was paid off and managed to put away $120,000 in the bank, thanks to a trust fund she collected. Adam went through her very organized file cabinet and found all of her bank information. Adam was able to use his illegally acquired information to move all of Keiko’s money into his bank account and have her paychecks directly deposited into his account. He was becoming a very rich man. Since Adam had Keiko’s bank information, if money was ever able to find its way into her account, Adam could just move it to his account. Adam started to daydream about vacations and a life of not having to work, when his cell rang. He answered it, it was Wendy.
“Hi, how’s my baby doing?” asked Wendy.
“She’s doing great. We have an issue though, she doesn’t have much clothes” said Adam.
“If I had a girl like that, I would keep her naked too” said Wendy.
Bruce had taken almost all of Keiko’s clothing. Bruce had taken all the dress suits, nice blouses, colorful underwear, high heels, pantyhose and nice looking clothes that Keiko would of worn to a nice restaurant or a formal function. All that was left was swimsuits, tennis shoes, gym clothes, socks and Victoria Secret Underwear. Adam especially liked the thong underwear.
“She is in fact naked at the moment. However, long story short, I gave away a lot of her stuff, including most of her clothes.” said Adam.
“Wow, you had me at the first part. I’m getting horny just at the thought. I have a cute French maid outfit that Keiko could wear; it was my Halloween costume last year. Unless it’s a bad time, I’m coming over” said Wendy as she waited for Adam’s response.
“Yeah, come over,” said Adam.
30 minutes later, Wendy knocked on the door and Adam let her in. Wendy had a plastic bag with her; it had the contents of the maid uniform. Adam and Wendy shared a hug.
“I used the video we made as a demo, it was a big success” said Wendy.
“Do you want to explain what’s going on? Where did the furniture go (referring to the missing recliner that was in the living room” asked Wendy.
“I’ll explain everything, follow me into the office” said Adam.
Adam led Wendy into the office and the both took a seat.
“This morning I ran into a guy who I owe money to. I told him I would get some money off of Keiko and settle my debt. I was just going to have them take some of the valuables in the house as payment for the money I owed. He took some furniture, paintings, the clothes, and a bunch of stuff. Also, Keiko has a sister and she came over while I had four other guys in the house. The sister was kidnapped by the guys who were here. See, he owns a strip club; he will use the sister as a stripper. She will do it to, because she doesn’t want anything bad to happen to her sister Keiko.” said Adam.
“Wow, that’s a lot of shit going down. Let’s see, you gave Keiko’s stuff away to pay off the debt, even gave her sister away. The sister sounds like she won’t be trouble though,” said Wendy.
“Here’s the best part. I’m rich now. I just transferred a grip of cash from Keiko’s account to my account. Once you add Keiko’s salary, the house and her cars, I’m pretty much a millionaire” said Adam.
“That’s great. We need to celebrate with a 3-some.” said Wendy.
Adam and Wendy walked into the master bedroom. Adam had a hard on. Wendy spotted the box of donuts.
“Hey Adam, get undressed, I have an idea” said Wendy.
Adam got undressed and Wendy grabbed a glazed donut ring. Wendy put the donut ring around Adam’s boner.
“Hey Keiko, eat this donut” said Wendy.
Adam looked at Wendy and gave her an approving smile. Adam walked up to Keiko; his penis was about eye level with Keiko. Keiko was starving; she had not eaten anything since yesterday’s lunch. Adam pressed his dick to Keiko’s face, smearing the glazed icing on her face. Keiko gave into her hunger and started eating. She ate the donut quickly, and this started licking his dick, just to get the flavor of the donut. Adam got a maple bar out of the box.
“Hey Wendy, I think Keiko is still hungry. Let her eat this out of your pussy” said Adam.
Wendy undressed. Her body was lean and tight. She ate healthy and did aerobics. Wendy had a nice gap between her legs, perfect for storing a maple bar. Adam stuffed the maple bar between Wendy’s thigh’s, up against her vagina. Wendy walked up to Keiko and shoved the donut in her face. Keiko started eating the donut greedily. Keiko was very hungry, and used her tongue to fish out any crumbs from Wendy’s pussy. Keiko chocked on a few pubic hairs. Adam couldn’t take any more. He needed to fuck. He unclamped Keiko from the bed and told her to lie on the bed, she did. Adam picked up Keiko’s legs under his arms and lifted her butt off the ground. He impaled Keiko with his dick. Wendy mounted Keiko’s face and lowered her pussy onto Keiko’s lips.
“Start licking bitch” said Wendy.
Adam starting fucking Keiko, her ankles kicked in the air every time he stuffed her. Wendy started moaning as Keiko used her tongue to lick Wendy’s clit. Like clockwork, all three of them orgasmed at the same time, three minutes later. Wendy turned around, with her ass up against Wendy’s face. Keiko stopped licking after the orgasm. Wendy pulled on one of Keiko’s nipple rings, Keiko cried in pain.
“I didn’t say stop licking, did I bitch?” asked Wendy.
Keiko resumed licking. Adam grabbed the donut box and shared the donuts with Wendy. Adam saw an engagement ring on Keiko’s hand. It was a gold band, no rock. Adam slipped it off.
“I was serious about the money. I am very rich. I just wiped out Keiko’s account, and I can blackmail the rest out of her. She will do anything to make sure her sister is not hurt. Keiko will work as a lawyer, but I will collect the check.” Adam said.
“If you have so much money. Would you mind lending me enough money to open my own tattoo parlor?” asked Wendy.
Adam realized that between the lawyer salary that he would collect and Wendy having her own tattoo parlor, he would be loaded. Adam thought that Wendy was great, they worked great together. Adam got on one knee and put the ring on Wendy’s ring finger.
“Will you, Wendy Graham, be my wife? Live a life of ridiculous wealth and kinky sex?” asked Adam.
“Of course I will,” proclaimed Wendy.
Adam and Wendy hugged each other. Wendy looked lovingly at her ring.
“So, Keiko. Who was your fiancé?” asked Wendy as she used a toe to pull on Keiko’s other nipple ring. Keiko yelped from the tug.
“He’s a lawyer at my firm, but that doesn’t matter now” said Keiko looking depressed.
Adam and Wendy got dressed. Adam had Keiko put on some Victoria Secret underwear. She put on the black thong and bra. Then he had her get dressed in the French maid outfit that Wendy brought. She wore high hell spikes, black fish net stockings, black skirt, white apron, black blouse and a white maid hat. The shoulders were puffy, which made her look a bit like a fairy tale character, and the cleavage was cut very short, making her look like slut. Adam and Wendy agreed that they liked their new maid. Adam and Wendy sat down at the dinning table to discuss the details of opening up Wendy’s tattoo parlor. Adam had Keiko get him and Wendy beers from the fridge. Adam reached into Keiko's blouse and popped out one of her well-shaped breasts. Adam opened both beers by using the nipple ring as a bottle opener. Keiko winced from the pain. Adam and Wendy toasted each other.
“Here’s to a new life,” said Wendy and Adam in unison.
Adam always wanted to marry a rich woman, and now he was engaged to a future business owner.
To be continued….
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