Teddy's Tiny Dick by dale10 (revised)
THE SIXTEEN YEAR OLD HIGH SCHOOL BOY WALKED TO THE WOODEN STOOL AND CLIMBED UP ON IT AS INSTRUCTED. He stood there trembling with fear and embarrassment. The Ten older guys in the room leaned in to get a better look. They all held cocktails, martinis mostly, and already
had a slight buzz. The boy was naked except for a pair of baggy boxer shorts. His body was smooth and almost hairless. He looked younger than his sixteen years. He was a slow developer. His skin was pale and soft as milk. His hair was long and parted in the middle so it kind of tumbled over his forehead; that cute carefully styled unkempt look of today's youth. And he was a youth of today. He was an excellent student with a 3.67 average. He was popular and known for his winning personality. Not that you would notice that today. Today he chewed his lower lip and his eyes surveyed the room nervously.
He had a wonderfully sensitive sweet face with just a bit of cocky youthful punk to it. Maybe it was the slightly pug nose or the curve of the nice full lips. His nipples were not large and he had that marvelous half boy, half adult look to him. His chest was just stating to show definition. His tummy was soft and smooth looking with a tiny trace of hair trailing down into his boxers. His feet were large and showed that he would indeed grow taller. He was not at all happy about standing on a stool in front of ten middle aged men, dressed in only his boxer shorts. He felt the cool air ride up through the wide leg openings. He felt the air on his teenage scrotum.
"Think of it as going to get a physical from the
doctor, Teddy," I had told him, rubbing his shoulders to calm him.
"Its just something you have to do, and I promise you none of the men with do anything to harm you or even touch you, in fact."
His lower lip had quivered as tears filled his
beautiful big eyes.
"Please...sir..do we have to do this...isn’t there
some other way? I mean...Please...don’t do this to me...don’t make
I had taken his soft smooth skinned chin in my hand and
turned his face to look at me. Such a sweet, innocent face.
"Now, now , now, Teddy. We had an
arrangement. We had a deal. You agreed to it. I told you, if you made a fuss or tried to back out, you would not enjoy the consequences. Can't we get through this without upsetting you or me too much. What's an hour of discomfort and embarrassment a week? In an hour or so you can go home and get on with your normal life, and no one will ever know. "
He was so scared his teeth chattered. "I'm scared..." he
admitted. "I don't want them to see...I don't want anyone to see...."
"It's up to you, Teddy. Are you willing to throw away your
entire reputation at school as a really cool kid? Are you ready to
lose all your friends and have kids make fun of you everywhere you go?
If that's what you want, fine. It’s ten strange men who don't even
know you, or all your friends and teachers and even the colleges you have been looking at. I know you want to graduate early and go to University, and chances look so good for you. How would you feel if all the kids at the university found out, and your teachers? "
"It's gonna change...in a year or so. It might...."
"Fine...its up to you, I don't wanna waste my time. If
that's what you want, the pictures go in the mail and on the internet tomorrow morning." I started to walk from the room.
"WWWAaaiitt....." he whined. He sniffed back some snot and wiped his cute nose. "I'll do it..please don’t show my
"Then our deal is once a week for six months you entertain
us. It’s that simple. For one hour. One hour of your time, and nobody ever has to know."
So now he stood on the stool in his boxer shorts, so no one
at his school would ever find out his secret. Well, of course they all would. I wouldn’t miss an opportunity like that. But Teddy didn’t know that at the time. Oh no, we'd get some fun out of him first, and then I'd show the school.
"All right, let's get the party under way. Gentlemen this here
is Ted, or Teddy as I like to call him. He's a high school sophomore who may graduate in his junior year because he is a really good student and has some outstanding skills. He is very very popular and some say a genius. He has unfortunately one skill that is not so outstanding...one flaw ...one fly in the ointment, as they say. Teddy, will you please tell us about your shortcomings....."
The men in the room chuckled and Teddy blinked. I thought he would cry again. He took a deep breath and his slender chest expanded, nipples riding high. Such pretty little teen tits.
Some of the guys in the room were already jerking off through
their pants. I mean, the kid was sixteen, the most sensitive and
delicate age for a boy of all. The age when every boy wants to prove he is a man.
Teddy swallowed and said in a voice much too quiet for my
pleasure, " I'm pretty small...down there."
"Louder please Teddy..the gentlemen can't hear you."
He sighed, and his sigh gave me a hard on. "I'm kind of
small...down there," he said louder.
"Oh, Teddy. Don’t disappoint me in front of my friends. We have a deal. What does that mean...down there...what is down there?"
I could see his hands shaking. He looked at the floor and
squeezed his eyes shut. He was so fucking humiliated, and we had just started.
"My...cock...my cock is kind of small." He said it with a
release of air, like he was letting a tremendous weight off his chest. But I wasn't going to let the cute little boycunt get off so easily.
"Your cock is kind of small? How small Teddy...kind of small...or very small?"
He blinked at me and looked like he might either swear at me or cry. He did neither.
"The doctor said ...it could get bigger when I get older..."
"Fat chance, Teddy. You are already sixteen. Other boys your age have seven inch fuckers and are plowing their girlfriends every week.
“ Gentlemen, Teddy here is afraid to even date a girl. Afraid she
might find out. Afraid he might eventually have to show her, or God forbid, try to fuck her. Would she even feel his toothpick dick in her pussy? Well Teddy, how small is it...kind of
"It's okay with me Ted, but I don't think it would be okay with
any of the girls in your school. Which one of them would want to
date a peanut dick? And don't you believe any of that crap Teddy about “ its not how big it is, its how you use it.” Ted, to a high school girl with a hungry cunt it is how big it is, so she can eel it stretch the walls of her pussy and bang her cervix, and she can brag to her girlfriends. And to high school boys, it's all about how big it is, to prove what studs they are. Gentlemen, Teddy here has gone out of his way so no one at his school..no one in the world in fact including his own parents and little brother...know what a tiny pricklet he has. He doesn’t shower in school in front of anyone. He hides when he uses the urinal, unlike the high school jocks who stand back so their fuckmeat shows when the piss. He
wants desperately to stay as popular as he is, and he knows the truth would make him an outcast, a freak in fact. The laughing stock of the school.
“ You would be a freak Teddy wouldn’t you, if the kids at school found out?"
Teddy curled his big toes and made fists with his hands.
"I asked you a question. Would they think you were a freak if
they found out about your pathetic baby tool that's more like a clit than a dick?"
"I guess to some of them...but it's not fair....I...I...." he
ran out of words and the tears welled up in his cute young eyes. The guys in the room were beating off through their pants and more than a few pairs of trousers would have rub marks.
"Ted, I know it’s not fair. And I don’t want to see you hurt.
That's why we have our deal. You see gentlemen, I have some photos ofTed. His doctor took them when he went in for a physical, and don't ask me how I got my hands on them. Now, I know Ted doesn’t want anyone to see those photos, so we have this deal. If he provides a little fun for us once a week on Wednesday nights, at the end of six months I give him the only copies of the photos, and the whole thing is forgotten. If he misbehaves or goes back on his word, well then the photos will go on a website and the address will be sent to everyone, and
copies of the photos will be circulated throughout the school and sent to his future university choices. "
"Let's see it..." one of the guys bellowed and all ten laughed.
"Patience gentlemen. With something as special as this, we have to take time. We have to show some respect in unveiling the
monument...well hardly a monument. Tell me Teddy, is only your prick very small, or are your nuts tiny too?"
"My nuts are tiny too..." he burbled, starting to cry heavily now.
"How pathetic. A nice healthy strapping handsome sixteen year old boy with the prick and nuts of a three year old. Are you queer Teddy?"
He had been staring at the floor, but now he looked up. 'Huh?" he asked.
"Are you queer? re you a faggot?"
He shook his handsome head. 'No..no Sir...what makes you think that? No...I like girls a whole lot. I date them. I just......"
"Yeah, you just don’t get intimate cause one of them might reach down and feel your peanut prick and then where would you be? I only asked because it might be better for you if you were a homo. You know, then you could at least get some pleasure. You could take it up the ass. It looks like you have a pretty cute ass. You could take dick up your ass and not worry about your useless cock."
"That's disgusting sir. I am not gay....I am normal....."
'Not from what I've seen. You are in no way normal. If you were a faggot you could become an expert cocksucker and make friends with the guys at school that way. You know, become their mouthdump in the locker room after practice, or on weekends when their girlfriends are having their periods. You could suck their big fat dicks for them. You would probably develop some respect for how big and thick a real dick is. Tell us Teddy, you have seen the eighth grade boys in the nude in the locker room when you swim with them at the local pool. They aren't afraid to walk around bare assed like you are. So tell us! Are most of the eighth grade boys smaller or the same size or larger in the dick department than you are?"
Teddy chewed his lip and tears dripped from his chin.
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