Chapter 2
She was released from her first therapy session at 3:00 PM, looking completely relaxed, and showing none of the tell-tale signs of the terrible anxiety, that had been torturing her for the past many months.
I asked her how she felt, and she told me that she felt better than she had in years. The hypnotist asked if she could have a moment to speak to me privately before we left for that day.
I stepped away for a moment, and she told me that Nila would want and need to swallow some of my seed within the next couple of hours, definitely before the evening commenced. She also said, “Don’t hesitate to give her orders. Later tonight she’s going to need a spanking. She’ll ask you for it, probably at dinner. This time, give her more than 150 whacks. It’s important to solidify the adjustment we’ve just given her, and fix the imprint properly. Give her a minimum of 200, and make them hard. Don’t hold back. She’s expecting a spanking- actually craving it. You’ll want her expectation of a spanking in the future to be one of a real spanking, not love-taps. This is the point at which you fix her expectations long term. Make her count them, one at a time. Make her say thank you, anytime she has the chance. Don’t just leave her bottom red tonight, leave finger marks on her bottom and thighs. Definitely make her cry. Afterwards, have her sexually. Start with her vagina, but know that all three of her openings are now on the menu for you- and in any sequence.”
I said goodbye for the day to the hypnotist, and took Nila back to our hotel suite in Montreal. She was dressed in a business suit, and looked beautiful. I took my jacket off and laid it on the bed. I took her face in my hands, and kissed her passionately on the mouth. I looked her in the face, and gently told her, “Take off all of your clothes right now”.
Without hesitation, she took off her jacket and laid it on the bed. She stepped out of her shoes, opened her pants and took them off, laying them on the bed. She pulled her blouse off over her head, and laid it also on the bed. Her bra and panties followed immediately. She stood in front of me completely naked, alternately looking at me, and then down at the floor.
I took her in my arms again and kissed her, cupping her bottom in my hands, squeezing it. I put the first digit of my finger up into her rectum, and she didn’t resist at all. I lowered my head and kissed her perfect B cup breasts, breathing them in. I continued to explore her body with my hands, almost like it was the first time I had ever touched her like this. Indeed, it was the first time I had ever given her this type of sexual inspection. Finally I told her to get down on her knees in front of me. I opened my pants and took my swollen cock out directly in front of her face, all nine inches. I told her to kiss it, and she put her lips to it. I told her to open her mouth and to take it all the way into her mouth, massaging it all the way with her tongue. I had her make slurping noises as she sucked it. I brought it into the back of her mouth, and told her to swallow it down into her throat. She gagged and was unable to do it, after trying repeatedly. She would have to learn how, and until she did, her upcoming spankings were going to have an instructional aspect. She continued to suck as I guided her head, making sure she used her tongue in conjunction with her lips and mouth, as she slurped and massaged.
Finally I could no longer contain myself, and began to explode into her mouth. For three long spurts there was no real thought beyond the feel of her mouth, as she gulped as though she were swallowing some life giving elixir, and in that moment of almost blacking out, we connected. We connected on some primal level, in which we were two parts of the same being. She swallowed and swallowed and swallowed, trying to coax every last drop of cum out of my cock, and then when it stopped coming, she kept it in her mouth, gently continuing to massage it with her tongue. Finally I took it out of that beautiful mouth, and lifted her up onto her feet. I French kissed her on the mouth, tasting the residue of my seed inside of her mouth.
I asked her if she wanted to brush her teeth, and she said, “No Sir. I want to keep the taste in my mouth for as long as I can, if you don’t mind”. I told her that was fine, and that we had dinner reservations at the hotel restaurant, in 2 hours, and that in a little while she should begin getting ready. She kissed me again, and thanked me for giving her life back to her. She said that she felt better than she had in years, better than she had felt even when she finished today’s hypnotherapy session. I told her that I would continue to do everything I could, to see to it that she continued to feel completely free from the torture of the panic attacks she had been suffering for years. And I meant it.
At dinner, we were able to have a conversation more fluid and relaxed than we had been able to have for months. She was relaxed for the first time in so long, and she was happy. She told me that she felt good, not just emotionally good, but physically good as well. Her stomach wasn’t tied in knots, in fact her stomach felt good. She told me that she could still feel my seed in it and it was relaxing her physically. She kept repeating how good she felt, and thanking me for it. It was so nice to see her eating without difficulty for the first time in a long while.
She looked so beautiful, 5’3”, 105 lbs, perfect figure, beautiful hair just past her shoulders. She was dressed in a simple black cocktail dress with black pumps. She was not wearing a bra or panties at my request. She sat next to me at our table and I stroked her leg and thigh occasionally. She asked me if I was as happy with the sex we had that afternoon as she was, and I hesitated a little bit, and told her gently, that she was going to have to learn to do it better then she had done it that day. She looked perplexed and very concerned, and asked me what I meant. I told her that if she was going to do that often, she needed to learn to take all of me into her mouth. That meant not just her mouth with the first five inches of my cock, but also the last four inches; which meant she had to learn how to take my cock into her throat for an additional four inches. She asked me if I would give her a chance to do it right the next time she tried to do it, and I, of course said “yes”.
She asked me if I would forgive her for not doing it properly, when she had been gagging, and unable to swallow my cock down into her throat the last time? I said to her, “Yes, but do you think there should be a penalty?”
She was holding my hand in her two hands as she looked at me and said, “I think I should be spanked”.
I told her that I thought she was right, and that when we got back to our suite, without me having to say another word, I wanted her to immediately take off all of her clothes- which meant her dress and her shoes, and that I was going to give her a very, very firm spanking, I told that she would be able to feel the spanking I was going to give her throughout the next day. She continued to hold my hand with both of her hands while we talked, and at some point we both realized that she was holding the hand that I was going to be spanking her with a little bit later. As we sat there at the table she began to kiss the palm of my hand repeatedly, and said, “I love your hand.”
I got the check, and we left the restaurant, and walked holding hands, up to our suite.
The moment we got into our suite I let go of her hand and walked to an armless chair at the table desk, and brought it into the middle of the room. I looked at her as she stepped out of her shoes, unzipped the back of her dress, and removed it, laying it on the table. She stood naked in front of me. I brought her to the chair, and sat down with her facing me. I slowly inspected her, marveling at the smooth whiteness of her skin. I turned her and slowly touched every part of her.
Finally I took her over my knees. I stroked her bottom with one hand and cupped one of her breasts in the other, weighing it. Her ass was perfectly shaped and proportioned. I told her to count the whacks as best she could, and that if she lost count for any reason, it would be necessary to start again. I told her that any time I hesitated more than five seconds in between whacks, that I expected her to say “Thank you”. I told her that if she behaved well throughout her spanking, that she should expect 250 whacks, in five groups of 50.
And so it began. Each whack was hard and delivered cleanly. I usually hesitated for about five seconds between each whack, in order to feel her ass and thighs on the spot smacked, and then to look at it, and then to feel her emotions as she expressed them. She counted loudly. At five whacks, her voice got a little higher and she began to squeal before she counted. At 10 I began to hit her a little harder. By 15 she was crying, and by 20 she was sobbing. Each whack was followed by a very protracted, squealing “OWWIEE” before she got the number out. By 30 she was blubbering, and I kept hitting her on her ass and thighs, actually a little harder still. She had sobbed a “thank you” out three times when I had hesitated for 15 seconds, in order to better enjoy the sound of her crying. Her ass was getting very red, and I was growing very excited. She knew better then to struggle or kick, but she was completely out of breath, and blubbering tears while she counted before we got to 50. It had taken a little longer than 5 minutes to get there.
I stroked and rubbed her ass while she sobbed for another three minutes. It was bright red. I reminded her how feebly she had attempted to take my cock into her throat, and how she had failed to do a simple task well. She apologized and promised to do a better job the next time she was given a chance to do so.
And so we began Stage Two, and then Stage Three, and Stage Four which was necessary to begin again after 30 whacks because she lost count. She had been sobbing hysterically, promising anything if the beating would just end, and she lost count. Her ass and thighs were beyond bright red, with finger marks all over. Her hysteria grew as it started again. As she sobbed, she purged herself of all the energy she would normally have expended on an anxiety attack. Instead it was spent on an additional bond with me, in which she hopefully felt that her punishment was an expression of love that
was touched by her expressions of pain and commitment. At the end of stage Five she had received 280 whacks, and her bare bottom and thigh backs were bright crimson with highlights of black and blue. The bruises would fade within 24-36 hours. It would hurt for her to sit down for the same period of time.
I stroked her bottom for a minute or two while she sobbed uncontrollably, and then I took her off my lap, and had her stand in the corner of the room, with her face two inches from the corner. She stood there with her hands on her head, standing up straight, with the most beautiful bottom. She continued to sob and sniffle for another 10 minutes, until she finally stopped.
I took her by the arm and led her to the bed, and had her kneel in front of it on the floor. I told her that the first thing I wanted to see was whether her throat had become more flexible from the exercise that I had just administered to her bottom. I undressed and sat on the bed in front of her fully aroused and engorged. I brought her head forward, and her mouth opened automatically. Her lips closed over my cock as it continued into her mouth slowly. Her tongue immediately began responding with movement as I reached the back of her mouth. I told to take a deep breath and hold it. I gently told her to swallow my cock into her throat, and exerted enough pressure on the back of her head to let her know that I was going to help her by forcing it in.
With a gulp, she let in, and I was into the tight part of that little throat wrapping around the first four inches of my cock. I held her head down on it, and told her to hold it, and to keep using her tongue- which she did.
After 10 seconds in this position, I let her up, withdrawing it from her throat; and told her to take a breath. She took a few breaths, and then I repeated the process, in and out of her throat, making sure she used her tongue the entire time. This instruction went on for a few minutes, until I withdrew from her mouth altogether, and kissed her on the mouth passionately while she knelt in front of me. She told me she loved me again and again. I stood her up and bent her over my knees again, with her crimson bottom facing the ceiling. I rubbed it lovingly for a couple of minutes, and let her wonder whether she going to receive yet another spanking. I lifted her to the bed, and put her on her back, laying down on top of her. Her legs spread immediately, and I was instantly impaling her. She was completely lubricated, and responding as though she were a different person. Passionately, she told me that she loved me, and that she desperately needed everything I had done for her this night. Not “to” her, but “for” her. As she said it, she impacted into me with an energy that I had never seen from her before. It was as though once again, all the energy that she had formerly expended on her anxiety attacks, was being channeled into this sexual union we were creating, and I realized that this is exactly what the adjustment had accomplished.
The union was more of a sexual collision in which at the moment of climax, we both lost our individual consciousness, and for the moments of that explosion, merged into one being. Before that moment, I had been the utterly dominant one. However during that moment we were completely equal parts of one being. I have no idea how I understood that, but it completely clear. And then the moment subsided.
I held Nila in my arms as she lied there with me. She told me she loved me, as she kissed my arms, and the hand that had spanked her so thoroughly. She thanked me and told me that she had never before felt so safe, and loved, and protected; and that she needed everything that had happened to feel that way. She told me that she would continue to need it, asked me- begged me- never to stop doing it for her. I kissed the side of her face as I held her, and told her that I loved her very much, and that I would always be there for her, and would always cherish her in much the same way as I had that day. She thanked me again and again, until she fell asleep in my arms.
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