ROFFELESS, Chapter Three of Six.
I whined in pain and pleasure, writhing and bending forward as Colin shoved his hard cock relentlessly up my ass. His weight was on my back, pushing me down, as he held my forearms in place. Colin's motion forced my cunt even further down on Ted's thick cock, my cunt lips spreading hard against the the stiff wiring hair around his cock. His hands dug so deep into my sensitive breasts, they felt mashed like dough, the flesh bulging around his fingers.
"Squeal bitch," Colin whispered in my ear. "Squeal like a pig, Barb, show us you like it. Squeal, squeal."
My eyes bulged as he sank to the root inside me, sandwiching me between these two hard male bodies. My weight, his weight on my back, supported only by Ted's hands pushing on my breasts, I could barely breath. I was drenched with sweat, panting uncontrollably, dripping, drooling, oozing.
I gave my best pig squeal, as the two of them pumped me back and forth, alternating strokes in a way that pulled me apart. My squealing built and built, alternating with piglike snorting and whimpering, until my orgasm overtook, and I squalled out passion, going pale and limp, utterly fucked out.
They slowed, letting me catch my breath. Then, slowly, they started to pump together, pushing me to my next orgasm, as I squirmed helplessly with two cocks deep inside me, wrists tightly held in hard masculine hands, their weight, their bodies, overwhelming me.
After, they sponged the sweat away, flushed my cunt and ass, wiped me, cleaned me, and tucked me away in bed, quietly tidying up and letting themselves out.
I smiled and let myself drift off to sleep, sore but blissful, from my first ever double penetration....
Okay, so I said 'never again.' And Colin and Ted, like the cowards they were, hid out for a few days. I didn't see them or hear of them for almost a week. They really were so unthreatening.
Anyway, the next day, in the light of day, it didn't seem so bad. I mean, getting my anal cherry raped away had hurt, but being busted wasn't so bad, it hadn't lasted and it had really started to feel good. Intriguingly good. Thinking of the sensations, I sort of wanted to feel it again.
Yes... it had hurt, but not nearly as bad as I'd always thought it would. And I was perversely proud that I'd taken two cocks up my ass, one after the other. How utterly slutty. How wonderfully filthy. I was such a total whore, I was discovering.
And best of all, no one knew. I wasn't telling. They couldn't tell. They couldn't even throw it in my face, they didn't know I knew. I was still so many jumps ahead of them it wasn't even funny, so profoundly superior to them that it was laughable.
Oh yeah, they'd fucked me up the ass good, and I'd been scared and nervous at points. But hey, I was scared and nervous jumping off the high board at the swimming pool... Until I did it. Afterwards, I'd felt elated, triumphant... And over time, that was the way I felt.
Yes, it was nasty. Totally nasty. Filthy, dirty, despicable, whorish, all of that. It was what every woman wanted to do deep down, dreamed of doing but could never dare try.
And I was doing it.
I'd found a loophole.
There were other things. I liked the confidence, the assurance, the control... The dominance of Colin when he thought I was out. Normally, he was such a geek. But when he thought I'd slipped under his roofy spell, he almost became something else. It was funny to use a word like dominant about a guy like Colin... But it fit.
I guess it uncovered a hidden streak of submission in me. It was easy to be submissive playing the part. I mean, basically responsive, no real sense of borders, no apparent thoughts of my own, just working on whatever is put in my head, and no apparent short term memory. Basically, I was acting the part of play-dough, so there was a certain pliability.
I found I liked that. I liked being handled, moved, used, shaped. Responsible for nothing. Making no choices. Just being there, letting go. This sort of game cultivated a passive streak, opened it into full bloom.
And perhaps it encourged their domination, fanned cruelty. Ever wanted to whisper in a girls ear that she was nothing but a cunt, that you were going to fuck her until she mooed like a cow? They whispered it into my ear, and even nastier things. Maybe knowing they could get away with anything made them crueller.
But it all happened in a bubble of forgetfulness, they thought I never remembered and could never tell their secret. But I had the best secret.
I knew everything.
Controlled everything.
So, after a few days, I called them up. Lured them back. I watched with barely concealed amusement as they screwed their nerve up again. Oh, they took their time. They could hardly keep from springing boners at around me. They were constantly having to hide them. I played dumb, pretending not to notice. And of course, half the time they were jumping at their shadows. So eager, so nervous.
By the time they worked up the nerve to try again, even more clumsy and obvious in their effort stealth, I was more than ready. Impatient.
But after that? Ah, they seemed to gain some confidence.
The next time, they held me down for a double penetration, and I spread my legs and loved it. Actually, they spread my legs for me. All I had to do was squeal like a pig... And come.
What could be better?
Oh, I know. The risks. After my first anal violation, once I'd gotten over it and gotten okay with it, I went to the doctor and complained about my period - zap, I was on birth control pills. One problem solved.
There was the risk of disease. For that, I had to trust the boys, and their absolute care to remove all traces. They were very very careful about cleaning me.
And there was just the danger? But you know what? I kind of liked that part.
But really, there wasn't much actual danger. They were cowards, pathetic losers. They weren't going to take real risks. After all, if I woke up one morning with so much as a bruise... They might end up in jail. No matter how nasty they might be, might want to be, they weren't going to harm a hair on my pussy.
At least, while I had hair on my pussy. I shaved it smooth. It was the least I could do, a little secret I could share with them and laugh about to myself.
Saturday night they came over.
"Hey Barb," Colin said, plopping down on the couch, with a sixpack of beer. They'd gotten a lot more casual since they started regularly fucking the shit out of me. I guess they couldn't help a little bit leaking through. "What ya doing."
Ted sat more nervously on one of the chairs. He was carrying a travel bag. What was in it, I wondered?
I noticed that the corner bottle on the sixpack, that the metal cap was bent slightly. My fave brand. Uh huh.
"I was thinking of going out," I said.
I'd actually been planning on going dancing with some real girlfriends. But this looked kind of interesting. I wasn't convinced. But interesting.
"Want a beer?"
"I dunno."
"Hell Barb, live a little," Colin said.
"I'll have one," Ted said quickly.
Colin popped caps for him and Ted, handed one over, took a long draught. The little bent cap bottle was waiting for me.
"Aw, better save one for me."
Here. Bent cap off. One roofy beer coming up.
"Thanks," I said. I tipped it up to my lips and then stopped. They couldn't help but staring, like dogs begging at the dinner table, all puppy eyes and longing desire. I suppressed an urge to laugh out loud.
"You know what we need? Chips!"
I scooted off to the kitchen, noisily clattering pans as I emptied a box of potato chips into a bowl, and let the beer pour quietly down the sink. Then I grabbed a fresh beer from the top of the fridge, uncapped, and came back out.
Then we just sat around for a while, as they sipped their beer, and I'd keep putting mine up to my lips... and get distracted at the last minute. I just loved the way their eyes tracked the bottle.
Finally, Ted broke.
"For fuck's sake, Barb!" he snapped. "Drink it or put it in the fridge, it's going to go flat!"
"Wow," I laughed, "who tied your panties in a knot this morning?" And took a deep healthy draught, holding it right up. They almost peed themselves with relief. Oh, they were so transparent. Even with roofies, I had no idea how they ever managed to get laid.
Game begun, I thought.
By this time, I had a good idea of how quickly or slowly I should be fading out. They could barely conceal their eagerness. They began moving on me quickly.
"Hey," I slurred deliberately, as Colin pawed my arm. "We're jess frenz."
A second later, I slipped off the couch, landing on my bum on the floor, legs spread, bare thighs hiking up my dress, as I giggled uncontrollably.
Ted came up, and slid his hand down the top of my dress, cupping my breast.
"Hey!" I said.
"Shhh," he replied. "It's okay, Barb. It's okay, feels good, doesn't it. It feels good, Barb."
"Kinda good," I slurred grudgingly.
"You should just relax Barb," Colin said, running his hands up my legs, crouching over me. "Relax Barb," he said over and over, as he stroked my thighs, spreading my legs even further apart, gently raising my knees to bring him access to my pussy. I was already wet from the anticipation of his fingers tugging at my panties, parting my lips. Readying me for fucking.
They got me naked of course, crawling around on the floor giggling.
"Hey Barb," Colin ordered, "lick my shoes."
Gross, I thought. I mean, they were sports trainers. It's one thing, you know, to be like all fetishy over polished boots and shiny patent leather and stuff. But Reeboks cross trainers with glo in the dark laces? I dipped my head, almost touching my lips, and then deliberately fell on my side, giggling and spreading my legs, writhing slowly and grinning as I fingered my pussy.... apparently completely out of it.
There are advantages to pretending to be totally brainless and zero attention span. If I really didn't feel like doing something, like totally against it, I could be very very frustrating to handle.
A bit too frustrating for them, I found. They were already thinking of ways to deal with it. Ways that involved tying me down.
But I didn't realize that then. Too bad for me.
Colin grunted in frustration as I laid on my back. Oh I'd spoiled some masculine fantasy? Poor boy. He tried again. It only got me rolling around on the floor.
Meanwhile, Ted opened the bag, and all sorts of cheap dime store lingerie poured out.
"Ooh, pretty," I crawled clumsily over to inspect it.
"For you Barb," Colin coaxed. "To be pretty."
Not dime store, I thought. There were bustiers, merry widows, corsets, garter belts, all kinds of stockings, teddies. Most of it was worn or stained. They'd been searching thrift stores, I decided. I hoped it was clean. Some of it looked nasty.
"Play dress up, Barb."
Okay, I thought. This might be fun.
Colin bent down as I pawed through it. He slid a leather collar around my neck. For a second, my breathing was obstructed as he tightened it. I felt it shift as a leash was clipped on. I went totally dripping wet.
"Good girl," Colin said. "We're going to have a lot of fun."
I shivered, with a delicious mix of fear and anticipation, my cunt tightening involuntarily, butterflies fluttering.
Eventually, they got me into a bustier, garter belt and stockings. I looked drippingly whorish, crawling around on a leash in lingerie. Colin tugged on the leash, drawing my attention. He unzipped his fly, letting his hard cock fall out. I crawled forward to suck it, taking the head between my lips, licking precome.
Behind me, I heard buzzing, as Ted slid a vibrator along my anus, up between my lips, and against my clit. I moaned, arching my back for more, thrusting my ass out. But the vibrator slipped away, returning to tease me.
This time was different. Before, they'd simply fucked me. Hard, brutal, contemptuous fucking. Spreading my legs and ramming their rigid cocks in until I was screaming out loud. They'd been impatient, cruel, demanding, their existences crammed into their cocks, filled and rigid, intent on exploding in me.
But this time... they teased. The vibrator came again and again, but I didn't, not quite. I whimpered, whined, even begged. I reached down to bring myself off, but they took my hands away, binding my wrists. My hips humped the air slowly, my legs spread wantonly, my cunt lips open and dripping.
"She's ready," Colin said.
"Fuck," Ted said, "can we do her, just now."
"Let's not get distracted."
Distracted? What's up, I wondered. I didn't dare ask. I simply moaned and waited to see what they were up to. I made it more exciting, the combination of uncertainty, nervousness, curiousity, fear... and desire. What were they going to do to me?
Whatever it was, I knew they couldn't leave marks, I was safe. So that just made it... Stimulating.
And that's what they did. Teasing me again and again, bringing me to the edge of orgasm, and then drawing me away. They reduced me steadily to a squirming mess, my cunt gaping and dripping, my thighs opening and closing, my cheast heaving, my body soaked with sweat as I panted and gasped for their cocks, all the while wrapped in cheap sleazy lingerie.
"I think she's ready," Ted said. They were both rock hard, I could tell. Their faces were red and urgent. But they hadn't even taken it out of their pants. What were they doing? Oh, I needed to be fucked so bad, I could feel this deep aching up inside me that needed to be filled.
"Yeah," Colin said. "Let's get her into the trenchcoat."
They were taking me out? This was different. All the other times, except for the frat house, it had been in my apartment or theirs. I was fucked where I was drugged.
The trenchcoat wasn't too bad. They succeeded in getting my arms in, and the thing wrapped around me. But then, giggling, I made it hell for them to get shoes on me.
Eventually, they handled me down the back way, into Ted's car. Colin got into the driver's seat, while Ted poured me in the back.
"Where we going?" I asked incoherently.
"Party, Barb. We're going to a party."
"Like parties," I mumbled. "Lezz fuck firssst." I spread my legs as he buckled me in, and drew his hand to my wet cunt, masturbating against his knuckles.
"Oh christ," Ted muttered, " I got to fuck this bitch."
"Just keep her primed," Colin ordered. "Stick with the plan."
"You are going to be so fucked, Barb," Ted said.
"She is fucked," Colin replied. "She is sooooo fucked and she's got no idea."
For a second, my blood went cold. It was almost as if he knew. But then I relaxed. There was no way he could know. It was still my game.
Ted slid the vibrator between my legs, making it very hard to focus on anything but pleasure. I moaned and leaned back, lifting one knee for him to get it in me. Colin started the car, its lurching movement added to the sense of arousal, of my journey into this scary, sexy unknown.
The car drove, I paid no attention to the twists and turns. My eyes were half closed. I enjoyed Ted's hands on my breasts, the vibrator buzzing up against me.
"I can't take it any more, Colin," Ted complained. "Can't the bitch suck my cock."
"Do it quick."
Ted pulled his pants down. With a quick motion, he grabbed my hair and dragged my head down to his waste. There was no finesse, his grip on my hair hurt and made my eyes water. As I whimpered, he forcefully shoved my face deep down on his cock, thrusting into my mouth like it was a cunt. The roughness, the urgent cruelty excited me. The seat belt cut into my waist, my breasts fell out of my coat, and the vibrator he had shoved up inside me made me almost crazy with lust as it shifted in me. Oh god I was so close to coming...
"We're here," Colin said. Ted shoved my face even harder, mashing my nose against his crotch, humped up so hard I couldn't breath, my face was so tight against his flesh I couldn't breath. I felt him ejaculate load after load down my throat and swallowed as fast as I could, but still it trickled down.
Colin finished parking, and checked me out in the mirror, gazing at my dazed red face, my now tangled hair. Lips swollen from hard face fucking, come dribbling down my chin.
"Perfect," he said.
I dared to look around with vague imprecision. I'd thought we might be going to the frat house for another gang bang. Instead it was a cheap motel in the middle of nowhere. Together they pulled me out of the car, and helped me walk down to a room. The curtain flickered. There was someone inside it. My stomach fluttered. Whatever they had planned, it was right on top.
I had a sudden impulse to run. It 'snap out of it' start yelling and screaming. I could still bail out. This was my last chance.
I knew that once I went through that door, I had lost all control. Whoever was in there was going to do whatever they wanted. Once it began... I was fucked... in every possible way.
This was something I'd come to understand. Like I said, once I passed a certain point... Well, they thought they were raping me anyway.... they'd already crossed that line, they wouldn't stop raping me just because I 'woke.' It would just be a different kind of rape... nastier, more violent, more genuinely dangerous. What would they do if they found this girl they were planning to rape, were raping, was actually going to remember everything. They might do... something...
Once over the line, past the point of no return, there was no choice but to keep pretending, keep acting, no matter what.
And there was something else... If I let them know I wasn't really under, and had gone this far. They'd know, or suspect that all the other times, I hadn't really been under. They'd know what a slut I was, every filthy secret would be exposed. As long as they thought I didn't remember, hadn't really agreed or consented... it was as if it had never happened. I wasn't responsible. I was clean, pure, innocent. I was a good girl, not a degenerate slut. They were rapists, they had to be careful, they had to be very, very careful. It all worked out perfectly for me, apart from the occasional speed bump.
But once that ended... Once my secret was out, once they knew, and they knew that I knew...
The motel room door opened. A tall middle aged black man was there, his body thick with that way men get when they get older. His skin was dark, he was starting to bald. He looked me up and down like a piece of meat.
"This it?" he asked.
"It," not "her," I shivered. I was fuck meat. I was holes to fuck.
Over his shoulder, I could see dark shaped in the room. More men. A lot of men. Black men. I'd never fucked a black guy before, I'd never had black cock. The black guys at university had always been too immature and eager. But of course, I'd heard stories, we all did, of nigger cock. Even if it was all bull, the stories went around.
"Here she is," Colin said. "She's dripping wet. She's totally ready."
"Is she set up?"
"She's not going to remember a fucking thing. Five minutes after you come in her, she won't remember your face."
"Bet she'll remember my dick, though."
Casually, he reached out his hand, as if to shake. I lifted my hand in response. But he ignored it and just reached in and pulled my breast out of my trenchcoat, squeezing and weighing it
"Nice titty," he grunted. "Good and firm. Prime meat. Might as well bring her in."
They walked me into the room, Colin holding my elbow to steady me. It was good, because even without the drugs, I felt helpless and wobbly, my legs were weak and trembling. I felt light, weightless, butterflies seemed everywhere in my guts.
The room was full of men, black men. Older men, mature and middle aged. Their bodies heavy with a sort of mature strength. It reeked of testosterone and masculinity.
"Let's see the rest of her."
Colin pulled my trenchcoat off, leaving me exposed in high heels, stockings and bustier, my breasts and cunt bared. They're going to fuck me, I thought. All these niggers are going to fuck me like a slut. They're going to come in me, and come on me, and use their cocks one after another and fill me up and make me beg and come and spread my legs for them.
A black hand reached between my thighs. A thick rude finger slid up me, making me gasp. I closed my eyes, helpless with lust and fear and desire.
"She's fucking dripping all night."
"She's tight," Colin said.
"Won't be tight when we're finished with her." The words shot through me like sexual lightning, electrifying me. I almost came right there. "Maybe won't be tight ever. We got a deal."
I opened my eyes a little, lids half slitted, and watched as the black man peeled off bill after bill, handing it to Colin. He'd sold me! They were prostituting me, reducing me to a whore, selling my cunt.
It made me even wetter. It was so degrading... So humiliating.
The black man stroked my ass.
"Oh, I'm going to love tapping that."
Colin shrugged.
"The bitch takes it up the ass."
"Oh yeah," the other asked. "Broken in."
"Totally. The cunt loves it."
He slapped my butt.
"Good to know."
I was lead on the leash to the filthy mattress in the center of the room. I knelt on it, going to all fours, bending my head. There were a lot more men this time. Black men, with their dark skins and curly hair, their big lips and strong hands and bigger cocks, waiting to ruin my tight white pussy. I felt my thighs trembling with need. Oh god, I was such a slut, wanting this.
"You want to stick around and watch," a deep black male voice said.
"Sure," Colin said. You could tell he was so excited, so rigid he could barely speak, his voice was tense and strained. It wasn't just about selling me for the money. He wanted to see me fucked by nigger cocks, wanted me debased and degraded. And he wanted to be the one that made it happen, reduced me to a fucked out skank, holes dripping semen from a dozen hard cocks, a mindless wet slut.
No. Not a slut. I was a whore. Colin had made me a whore. This new aspect to degradation only made me wetter, more wanton.
Someone knelt behind me. I didn't even look. Someone else's cock was floating in front of me. As I opened my mouth to take it in my throat, firm hands spread my ass cheeks and thrust brutally up my ass.
It was only the beginning....
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