My Daughter Becomes My Mistress Part 13
Authors Note: This is the last chapter and the end of the story. I personally hate stories that I enjoy and they simply stop and not end. That is why I am actually “ending” the story. There will be another “book” to this story. It will be related to this one but not close enough to be “part 14”. I appreciate everyone that has read this story to the end. I appreciate all comments given, even the bad ones. They help my writing. Thank you all.
Something happened in that moment. It was in the blink of an eye. Now I knew what that voice meant in the night…that voice….”remember”. Memories came flooding back to me. Memories of fighting flooded into my mind. Memories of YEARS of training came back to me in an instant. The pain was gone. It was pure instinct at this point. It came rushing up like a stampede. It was not conscious thought; only training, love and anger and instincts. It was the primal instinct of a mother protecting a cub, the instinct of survival and the instinct of a fighter lost in the battle with his opponent. I came at them like a bull in a china shop. I knew right then and there that those two were now dead. They just didn’t know it yet. What happened next was automatic and deliberate.
In an instant, realized that the knife at Jenny’s throat was the most dangerous thing at this point but I was being held tightly by the throat, myself. I knew this type. They would not hesitate to cut her throat. They were going to do it anyway but they wanted their fun first. It was all I could do to keep my anger in check. Anger would cloud my judgment and I would make mistakes. These mistakes would always result in unwanted death.
I whipped my head back into “my” guy’s nose as hard as I could. As his arm relaxed on my neck, I brought my foot down hard on the side of his knee. His knee was now bent at a 45 degree angle in a direction that it was not designed to be in. At the same time as I brought my leg down, I grabbed the his arm at the wrist and brought it down on my knee and cracked it at the elbow and continued until his arm was now bent in a 90 degree angle in a direction it was not suppose to be in. He went down screaming in pain. He was finished and I turned my attention on my real target.
The guy holding Jenny started to back up and say something. I also saw his wrist with the knife twitch. I didn’t give a shit what he wanted. He was a dead man. I reached out like a cobra and grabbed his hand with the knife and yanked it back. While I did that, he started to choke Jenny with his other arm but the knife was more important at this point. I grabbed his knife hand with both of my hands; One hand at the wrist and the other at the elbow. I brought his arm down on my thigh like I was breaking a twig. His entire forearm cracked and bent at a 45 degree angle. The knife went flying and Jenny pulled away from him. Whatever he was going to say was now lost in his own screaming.
As I brought my wrist up, I yelled at Jenny to stay back. She jumped back and stared at the other guy on the ground yelling in pain. As she broke away my wrist was already on its way up to his face. I shoved the heal of my hand up into his nose and face as hard as I could. I felt and heard a loud “crunch”. Half of his entire face was now shoved back into his nasal cavity. He went down screaming but now his scream sounded more like a cow in heat. I brought my foot hard down on his ankle. I didn’t want him to get away on me. I was successful. I heard a crunch and knew that his entire ankle was now crushed.
I saw the other guy try to crawl away, still screaming in pain and fear. I flew over to him and stomped on his good hand and heard another loud crunch. His entire wrist was now crushed. I was getting tired of his “whining”. I grabbed him, “helped” him up and shoved his head into the wall to shut him up. I did not kill him but I was getting tired of his screaming. I lightened up a little bit just before his head hit the wall. I could have broken his neck and killed him but another part of my training kicked in. I was taught to fight, not to kill.
I turned again back to the other guy. He was the one that had the knife at Jenny’s throat. His fate was going to be different. I walked over to him and stomped on his unbroken wrist. There was another audible crunch and more screaming. I looked down at his mangled face and brought my foot up with the intention of breaking his neck. Just as I was going to crush the vertebrae in his neck, there was a loud voice that said, “NO!” I recognized that voice. It was the same one in my dreams. I wanted to kill him but didn’t. I just kicked him in the head to shut him up. I was getting tired of his screaming too. They were both out but I still went over to each and stomped on their nuts as hard as I could. When they woke up, they would now have something else to whine about.
I looked around. Jenny was safe but in shock. She was still staring at the two on the ground. I saw something else. I saw a figure at the entrance to the alley. He looked at me smiling and nodded his head yes and disappeared. I knew that face. I knew that man. I reached out my hand just as he vanished.
I collapsed onto my knees with my head in my hands and started to cry like a little baby. Jenny came over to me and knelt down to hold me. She asked, “How did you do that? Who were you looking at?” I just cried. Jenny held me while I was crying. All she heard me say was: “He knew. All those years ago, HE KNEW!” Jenny heard me and asked, “Who knew what? Sarah…MOM!” When she said “mom”, I stopped crying and hugged her. We both held tight for a minute until I said, “Call the cops. Watch that knife but don’t touch it!” She answered, “I already called them. I called before I got out of the car. I was hoping to distract them until they got here. They were hurting you.” She picked up my clothes and said, “Here, you’d better put these on before they come or do you want to explain things to them naked?” We both laughed a little while I put them on. Before I got dressed, I saw that Jenny had a small cut on her neck where the knife was. I had her hold a tissue against it with gentle pressure. I was just a nick and not serious.
By the time I got dressed, their car pulled up with the red lights flashing. We stood there, waiting. I saw two men come into the alley and I pushed Jenny behind me and told her to stay out of the way. It was unnecessary. Two cops came into the alley. One was big and well muscled. The other was average size but in good shape. The smaller one told the other that an ambulance was on its way. They both looked at all of us and the big one asked, “What happened here?”
Sarah: “These two ass holes attacked us. This one held a knife to her (indicating Jenny) throat and threatened to kill her. She has a small cut to prove it. I decided that I didn’t want them to, so I “explained” it to them. Now they understand.”
Cop 1 (big one): “Did you do this?”
Sarah: “Yes.”
Cop 1: “Are they alive?”
Sarah: “The big one will need to use a cane to walk for the rest of his life and also need someone to wipe his ass for him for awhile. He’ll have a nice headache too. The smaller one will walk with a limp for the rest of his life and he too, will need someone to wipe his ass for him for awhile. He will need some extensive plastic surgery too. There nuts are now so far up they will probably have to swallow them to get them back where they belong. Yes, they will live. I was taught to fight, not to kill.”
Cop 2: “You are under arrest for assault and indecent exposure.”
When Cop 1 heard my response he held out his arm to stop the other cop from coming toward me. He told him to stop.
Cop 2: “Harry, Look at them and look at her. She’s barely covered. She needs to be taken in.”
Cop 1: “Wait, Steve. Look at those two. That type of fighting looks familiar. Besides do you think you can handle her?”
I noticed he looked at me kind of strange and asked: “What are your names?”
Sarah: “My name is “Sarah Kendrin”. Her name is Jenny, My daughter.
Cop 1: “What was your husband’s name?”
I caught the reference “was” and answered him: “His name was “Tracey Kendrin” He’s dead.”
Cop 2: “Harry, shouldn’t we………………”
Cop 1: “Shut up Steve. (Looking back at me) Describe him.”
Sarah: “6’ 3”, 240 pounds of solid muscle, Blond hair, Brown eyes and a little on the aggressive side. He was a martial arts instructor in the Green Beret.”
With an astonished look on his face he replied: “My God! You’re the one. (Pointing at Jenny) Is she……? IS that Bud’s daughter??
Sarah: “Yes and I don’t intend for anyone to hurt her, not those two animals or even you two!”
Cop 1: “Steve, do you have any idea who those two are??”
Cop 2: “No but she needs to be taken in. We are ALL getting to know her very well. She is not wearing much.”
Cop 1: “Let it go, Steve. We’re not taking her in. It is a clear case of self defense.”
Cop 2: “NO it’s not, Harry. We have NO idea what happened here!”
Steve started to advance toward me bringing out his handcuffs. I tensed up and started to assess the situation like before. I didn’t want to fight the police but I had no intention of being locked up for NOT letting those two idiots kill us. The smaller cop could be disabled quickly, and then it would be one on one with the larger one. I knew I could take them both without killing them.
Just then, Harry held out his hand to stop him and said with authority: “STOP! She is not going in. Besides, even if she was guilty and didn’t want to be locked up there is nothing we could do about it anyway. We would end up like those two. She can take any four of us downtown.”
Steve: “This isn’t right.”
Harry: “IF you don’t let it go, I’LL LOCK YOU UP! Do you remember the stories I told you about my time in the service as a Green Beret?”
Steve: “Sure but what………….”
Harry: “Shut up Steve and LISTEN for a change.
Harry started to tell his story but I was still prepared for anything to happen. I was NOT going in with them! Harry told his story.
My martial arts instructor in the service was “Bud Kendrin”. His real first name was “Tracey”. He told every platoon he trained that if he heard anyone call him Tracey, he would permanently cripple them. There was only one person on the planet that called him Tracey. That was his wife. He was the best fighter in the entire armed forces. Many challenged him but no one was ever able to defeat him. I saw him take on 3 guys once. He took a few hits but in the end, they were all on the ground unconscious with broken bones. His fighting style was very precise. He knew EXCATLY how to disable without killing. He could inflict the exact amount of damage he wanted too, no more, no less. He NEVER let us forget that we were being “Taught to fight NOT to Kill!!” You know Lt. Sheridan and Bud were good friends. I overheard Bud telling him a story once. It was not my intention to hear it but I accidentally did. Here is the story I heard:
Jim (Their Lt.), now that you have asked, yes, I have trained only one other outside of the military. I am not being arrogant but I believe my type of fighting should NOT be learned without a reason. This other person is my wife. She has shown skills beyond any I have ever seen, even in all my years in the Green Beret. She learns INSTANTLY! I never had to teach her something twice. I have done a lot of sparring with her in the last few years and she could take on any three of you in the platoon. She is three times faster than the fastest fighter I have ever seen. She can strike like a cobra before you can even twitch a hand or foot. She could probably outfight me, although I have never tested that. She doesn’t have the physical strength that most have but I believe she could beat anyone that I have seen in all my years.
After our Lt. listened to this he finally asked Bud why he taught her. The Lt. knew it was not an ego thing. Bud took his fighting very serious.
Bud then said something strange. It didn’t make any sense to me at the time but now it does and it still sounds a little creepy. Bud told him, He was not sure why. He had a feeling that it was necessary. He wanted her to be able to take care of herself and their new born daughter if he was ever “gone”.
I never told anyone about it. I didn’t even tell the Lt. that I heard them. The next day they were shipped out overseas but Bud was killed and never returned. The Lt. told me then that he was with Bud when he died but I never asked him about it. One guy did and the Lt. almost “clubbed” him. I never heard what happened over there but our Lt. knows.
Memories came back of those times so many years ago. I was glad Tracey had such friends, especially at the “end”. I started to cry again. Tears were running down my cheeks when I suddenly felt a hand holding my hand. It was Jenny. I looked at her and she was looking at us with a blank expression. She was listening to the story and I could tell, there were many questions but they would have to wait. She was confused but saw my tears and gripped my hand a little tighter and listened.
Harry (to me): “Sarah, could you please come downtown tomorrow and give us your statement. We can give you an escort to your home if you want us to.”
Sarah: “No. We can make it home, ok. We’ll be down tomorrow to answer your questions.”
Harry: “No problem. We have your address and phone number if we need you. I’m glad you’re ok. Bud was a good man. Everyone liked him. When you get downtown tomorrow, Ask for Lt. Sheridan. He was Bud’s friend and I suspect he was with Bud, when he died. I think the Lt. would like to talk to you about Bud. He’s kept it to himself for a long time now and maybe it will be good for both of you. We’ll see you tomorrow.”
All this time we were talking the ambulance drivers had loaded the two “low-brows” that gave us trouble and had left. As Jenny and I were walking toward the car, I heard the two cops behind us arguing. I hesitated to listen. I wasn’t in the mood for any more of anyone’s “shit” tonight.
Steve: “We can’t just let them leave. You know, we’ll never see them again, don’t you? She just made that all up. If you let them leave, the Lt. will have our heads on a platter.”
Harry: “No he won’t. Our heads will be just fine. Steve, you’ll never make detective around here with thinking like that. No one but Lt. Sheridan, Bud, myself and Bud’s wife could give all that information. Didn’t you see those two on the ground? She could have killed them in a heartbeat but she didn’t. That’s the exact type of fighting that Bud taught, precise and calculated. Did you see the cut on the girl’s neck? That was fresh and from a knife. I am surprised one of them even got that cut in before she flattened them. The most important reason of all that I KNOW she’ll be there tomorrow is that she’s Bud’s wife! If her “word” was not good Bud would never have had anything to do with her. Let’s go. We have some paper work to do.”
After I heard that, I smiled a sad smile and Jenny and I walked back to the car. We got to the car and I told Jenny to drive. As we drove away, I started to softly cry. She didn’t say anything for a while when I stopped crying. I had no more tears left. All the pain form years ago had returned.
We pulled into a service station on the way home. I asked her why we were stopping here. She answered, “Come on. I want that collar off. This time you can pay him any way you wish.” As it was, it was the same guy that put it on in the first place. He laughed when we came in and asked if there was anything more he could do for us. He said we would get a good discount price. I told him to take the collar off and I would “pay” him afterwards. He lit up his welding torch and took the collar off. It left a little burn on my neck but I expected that anyway. He smiled and started to shove me down to my knees and told me to “pay up”! I grabbed his arm, twisted it around between his legs with me behind him. I jerked hard enough so his balls were crunched well by his arm. When he started to yell, I kicked him into the bench, just hard enough so he didn’t get knocked out. I leaned over to his face and told him, “You got your payment last time, with interest. Be happy. If I hear anything from you again, I will feed your nuts to you on a platter. Do you understand?” He just moaned and nodded his head. With that done, Jenny drove us home.
As we drove into the driveway, I began to take my clothes off. Jenny told me not to bother and that she had a lot of questions and that we had a lot to talk about. I smiled at her and told her I didn’t mind and that I was getting used to being naked at home. She laughed and fallowed me into the house. Jenny pulled out a key and asked me if I want the locks off my tits. I smiled and said, “Yes, I would like them off. Thank you.”
Author’s note: At this part of the story, Sarah spends a great deal of time telling Jenny about her father. The both of them go to the police station the next day and take care o fall the paper work. While they are there, they talk to Lt. Sheridan about Bud. They both spend the afternoon telling stories reminiscing about him. For the first time in his life, he told what happened that day and how Bud got killed. He told them how Bud sacrificed himself so that the others could survive. The Lt. told her his last words: “Tell Sarah to REMEMBER.” He admitted he never knew what that meant up until now and asked Sarah to forgive him for not telling her. She told him not to worry and that she was happy to talk to him about Bud. He asked them to please come visit him any time they wished for any reason.
As we pulled into the driveway again, I took off my clothes again and jenny laughed. Then she did something I didn’t expect. Jenny took her clothes off too.
I smiled at her and said: “Thank you. I have always enjoyed looking at your body and have always, and still, want to please you and lick your pussy.”
She actually turned a little red with embarrassment and admitted: “I have always wanted you too but I was always afraid.”
Sarah: “You have no idea how afraid I was when I thought you gave me totally over to Rex. I thought I would never be able to touch you again. I still crave you and your beautiful body. I thought you have gotten so disgusted with me that you would never have anything to do with me.”
Jenny: “I have always been a little sorry for how I treated you. I have always been secretly attracted to you. I also have a confession. You are the BEST pussy licker there is! I want your tongue and mouth on my pussy every day as much as you want.”
We walked into the house and I told her, “I want you right now!” She practically threw herself on the couch, spread her legs and said, “Well, get going, “eat” me like you were starving!” I got on my knees and told her that I WAS starving. I dove into her pussy and licked her gently at first. I want to drive her crazy with lust before she would cum. I worked on her pussy for a long time before she finally grabbed my head and told me to lick harder. I laughed and pulled my head away and said, “Not quite yet, honey. You need to wait for a bit, first.” She started shaking with lust and pleading with me to make her cum. I kept her “right on the edge” and reached up to pull and twist her nipples. I was in heaven. She was literally shaking like she was having a seizure. She couldn’t even beg at this point. All she was doing was to make unintelligible babbling noises. Finally I took her over the edge. She screamed in pleasure. She was having one orgasm after another. After about 4 or 5 orgasms she calmed down and lay there in her own sweat. She was panting and breathing hard for a few minutes before she finally said, “You must teach me how to do that. I want to be able to do that to you. It is the most wonderful thing in the world!”
I just kissed her on the stomach and sat next to her holding her. She hadn’t quite “returned to earth” yet. Finally she looked at me and looked at the ceiling and softly said, “We should get rid of the rings, chains and straps. I don’t want to do that to you again.” I smiled and told that they can be very pleasurable if done right. We should keep them.” She turned red and admitted that she would like to try them. She wanted to feel what it would be like. I told her that having her pussy licked while hanging there would be fun.
We talked about it quite a bit and decided to keep it all. I told her that she should try it now. She looked at the ceiling and asked me if it was uncomfortable. I told her it could be but I was very comfortable and that I would never hurt her. She smiled and said, “OK, I want to try it, now.”
We spent the next hour getting everything just the right length and tension. Finally she was strapped to the ceiling. Her arms and legs were spread wide with her head in that harness to hold her head level. She was always in good shape and she said she was quite comfortable.
I started to rub her pussy and twist her nipples a little before I playfully gave her a shove to get her swinging back and forth. I told her to “not go anywhere. I would be right back.” She looked at me and asked me where I was going. I told her it was a surprise. I Came back in a couple minutes with a camera in my hands and took several pictures at ALL angles in order not to miss any part of her. She started to shake in her straps. She was afraid and begged me to let her down. I told her I would…EVENTUALLY. I took and hid the pictures and returned.
She kept begging while I started to lick her pussy slowly and twist her nipples hard. Finally she began to struggle and shake in her straps, not in fear but with pleasure. I was in heaven. I had her hanging there and could tease her as long as I wanted while being able to lick her wonderful pussy as much as I wanted to. I would get her close and then explain to her that I was getting what I wanted and if she was good and stopped whining, she might get what she wanted. She just replied, “Yes. I am sorry. Please make me cum….PLEASE!” She was babbling about being sorry, begging and shaking with lust. I told her that I was having fun and that she owed me much more of her pussy. I told her that I was denied for a long time and that I needed to make up for lost time. All she could do is shake with lust and babble like before. I kept her on the edge for an hour. Every time she’d get close, I would go get a drink or a snack. A couple minutes later, I would come back and start all over. After an hour of this, she was nothing but an empty shell of lust and horniness. She kept shaking and humping the air in absolute frustration. I knew what she was going through and I enjoyed watching her struggles. She didn’t know it yet but she was going to clean up her puddle of pussy juice on the floor.
Finally, I gave her some relief. I got in front of that beautiful pussy and started to lick and suck with some energy and force. At the same moment, I reached up and twisted and pulled her nipples hard! It didn’t take long. She screamed at the top of her lungs but I knew it was in pleasure, not pain. I kept licking and sucking but I had to release her nipples and grab her ass and thighs. She kept wiggling away from me. After several orgasms, she calmed down and just hung limp in her straps. I walked over to her face and kissed her a long passionate kiss. She responded immediately. She kissed me back with passion and lust. She was completely “spent”. She hung there for a full ten minutes before she said anything.
She said, “Please, Sarah. Please let me down. Are you going to keep me as YOUR toy, now? I am so sorry about what I did to you and you have every right to be angry. I will always regret what I did to you. It was humiliating. I will accept my fate. I love you.”
I undid her straps and let her down. When she was free she said, “I will do as you say. I do not want the pictures to be seen.” I gently grabbed her head and kissed her again and said, “Some of it was very fun and pleasurable but most was humiliating and hurtful but I loved you and still do. She hugged me and started to cry, while still apologizing for what she did.
She finally told me: “It was Cindy that guided me about some of the things we did to you. It was her idea to have Rex fuck you. I would never have done that. I am not making excuses but I wanted you to know that I never meant it to go as far as it did. I will still accept anything you want to do.”
Sarah: “I think I knew about that. I could see in your eyes many times that you were struggling about some of the things you were doing. I saw the compassion in your eyes when Rocko raped me. I saw the compassion in your eyes at the end, when I had given up ever being able to touch you again. That hurt the most of all the things that happened…..to not be able to touch you ever again.”
Jenny: “It was awful that we had Rex fuck you. That was the worst for me but my pride would not let me stop it in front of my friends after I told them all about it. I deserve whatever you want to do to me. I will do anything you ask.”
She slumped to the floor and looked totally defeated. She truly was accepting her new role as my servant. I told her to lick up the puddle she made on the floor with her juices. She got down on all “fours” and slowly licked the floor clean, then looked up at me with a defeated look on her eyes. I grabbed her hand and pulled her up to me and hugged her. She was shaking and hugged me back weakly. She was afraid but I knew she was sincere and was willing to be my slave.
She looked up at me and told me how she hypnotized me. She explained how she had affected me all this time and why I never knew how.
I pulled her away and looked into her eyes and said: “I now know how you did it. The fight purged it all out of me and I now know all the words you used to trigger it. Go ahead and try it.”
Jenny: “Tuls Muc”
She shuddered but then realized that nothing happen. I smiled and repeated ALL the trigger words. She looked at me surprised and said, “I’m glad you are free of it. I didn’t want that control anyway. That was Cindy’s idea too. Again, I am not making excuses and I will do whatever you ask.”
I would appreciate you being naked, at least in the house all the time. You owe me the privilege. I smiled at her and told her that I never intended on keeping or using the pictures that I just took. I wanted her to see a little bit of what I was feeling. I do not want you to be my slave. I want you to be my lover. I will always love you and desire you but not like that.”
She slumped to her knees and grabbed my legs and just cried. I pulled her up and led her to the couch. I sat down and lay her head on my lap. I just rubbed her head for a few minutes while she collapsed in my lap. I asked her, “Did you enjoy your orgasm just now?” She meekly answered me. She was still embarrassed to admit that she enjoyed it but she responded, “Yes, I did. Will you please teach me how to do that for you? I would like to taste you and do that for you. I have never tasted you and would like to very much.” I pushed her away and spread my legs and said, “No time like the present. Get to work, Honey.”
She got onto the floor and “dove in”. I have had better lickings and fucks but this was still the best because Jenny was giving it to me! It was all I ever wanted. She needed some instruction on being a good pussy licker and I was very much looking forward to teaching her how. I lie back and closed my eyes. This was better that that peaceful tree I used to sit under in my dreams. She licked me twice, each time to a wonderful orgasm. We slept together in bad that night with arms around each other. It was the happiest I have been in a long time, since Tracey died.
The next day, after we showered (together of course. Hehe), Jenny said that we should go to the store at the mall and buy me some new clothes. I smiled and agreed and told her I’ll have to wear my skirt and top. She said she was sorry to have thrown all my clothes out but would enjoy buying new ones.
As we got into the car I stripped and told her I will enjoy this more now. She laughed and also stripped and said, “Me too.” We both laughed and I drove away toward the mall. AT one stop light a guy in a truck was staring at us. He had a perfect view from “up high”. I told Jenny to watch this. I started to finger myself. All the time he was staring at me. Jenny was driving. He stared at her too but now I had his full attention. When the light turned green, I took my finger out of my pussy and slowly licked it off. We drove off and heard cars honking their horns at him to get going. Jenny laughed and said, “That was fun. He was just staring with his jaw hanging open watching you with a stupid look on his face.” We parked the car and we quickly put our clothes back on and went into the mall.
We spent a couple of hours picking out clothes. Every time we found something, I would strip and try it on right there and not in the dressing room. Jenny said this was even more fun than before. When we found most of what we were looking for, Jenny took my skirt and top and threw them to the floor. Just before she was going to kick them under a display, I stopped her. She asked, “What for? These are a reminder of how cruel I was to you.” I laughed and said, “I still want them. I enjoy teasing the teenage boys and watching them try to hide their rock hard cocks. Maybe I will now try to tease them when they’re with their girlfriends.” We both laughed so hard at that, I thought we’d pee our pants. Jenny said, “Let’s go find someone and try it now. I would like to enjoy this too.”
It didn’t take long to find two couples sitting at a fast food place in the mall. The two boys glanced at me when we came in. I saw their look. They were “hooked”. All I needed to do was “real” them in. Jenny went to another table where she could watch so it didn’t seem like we were together. She wanted to enjoy the show”.
I got some food and grabbed a newspaper and sat in such a position that they had a good view of my tits and pussy. They could see me but their girlfriends couldn’t. I sat down like I didn’t even know they were there. I was pretending to read my paper but was closely watching them out of the corner of my eye. They wanted desperately to stare at me but their girlfriends kept yelling at them to stop. I smiled and thought I’d “turn up the heat” a little bit. I slowly spread my legs very casually as if I was simply getting comfortable. I noticed they were staring and couldn’t keep their eyes of my pussy. It was wide open for them to see. Their girlfriends suddenly got up and told them to get screwed and they didn’t want to see them again if they were so distracted by another woman. They couldn’t see my open dress like the boys could.
When the girls left, they tried to stop them but they had raging stiff cocks that would look like tent poles if they got up. They watched in desperation as the girls left. I walked over to them and leaned over so they could see my tits. I leaned over and rubbed their cocks and said, “Next time if you boys want something, let me know. I’ll even do your girlfriends if they want me to. I bet those two cocks of yours are full of tasty cum for me.”
They ran for the men’s room so quickly, I swear they left a trail through the tile floor. Jenny cam ever and we both laughed so hard, everyone looked at us. I told her to wait. I wasn’t finished yet. I told her to follow me and we walked right into the men’s room. The two boys were each in a stall, jacking off. I said, “Hold it boys. Don’t you want me to help?” I heard some rustling and they came out a looked at me. They obviously didn’t finish. Their cocks were like tent poles, still. They looked at Jenny and me and asked, “what do mean, “help”?
I told them I would give them a blow-job if they let her (Jenny) Watch. They were embarrassed but finally agreed. The three of us got into the handicapped stall. It was large enough for all of us. I got on my knees and began to suck and play with both of their cocks at once. Jenny was playing along and fingering herself and watching at the same time. They were the
“textbook” definition of “young and full of cum”. They were starting to cum in seconds. Just as they began to cum, I leaned back and jacked them off so that they sprayed there cum on each other’s pants and shirts. I smiled and said, “Oops. I missed. I am so sorry. I need more practice at this. I always miss my mouth. If you two want to let me practice some more, I will be back tomorrow.” Jenny and I were laughing so hard. It was the most fun the two of us have had in a LONG time! We walked out and sat down and waited for them to come out. After about ten minutes they walked out, red faced, with stains all over their shirts and pants. They practically ran out of the store. I assume they were headed home. As they left and ran past us, I said, “See you tomorrow boys. Thank you for letting me practice on you.” Jenny and I started laughing all over again. She told me that she would like to get a skirt and top like mine and have some fun too and it was not fare that I had all the fun.
We went home after we got something to eat. She said she wanted to “practice on me” some more. She smiled and said she needed more practice too. I smiled, hugged her and sat on the couch; legs spread and said, “Jenny, you know I will do whatever I can to help you.” She dove into my pussy again and started to lick but this time a little slower. She was learning.
After we rested a while, Jenny told me she would like my help with something. I told her I would help her with anything that she wanted. She said she was angry at Cindy for her part in my slavery.
Jenny said: “I would never have done half of what happened if it wasn’t for her. I always wanted you for myself and not for others’ entertainment. I want you to help me “capture” her. I want her to know what it felt like for you and that she was meaner to you than you ever deserved. I would like her to do some entertaining.”
I told her: “You are correct. She should know what she has done and how it feels. Cindy should know what kind of harm she is doing. It will be good for her.
Neither one of us was vindictive or mean spirited but we were starting to like the idea of Cindy learning her lesson.
We both laughed again and started to make a plan……………………
Author’s Note: Sarah and Jenny had a full and happy relationship from that point on. They continued to tease people wherever they could. They even found some women to tease. They found it interesting how many women enjoyed their shows, even married women. They put all their straps and chains to good use also but only on each other….for now….they had some planning to do…………………….
The end?
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