Peter’s Family Fuck by dale10
Well, Peter was finally fucked by his father and mother
last night. I was
invited to attend and help out with the boy's first
parental fucking. As I
was fucking him in the afternoon, I explained to him that
this was a really
big night for him. He is sixteen now, no longer a child,
and it was time he
was introduced to his dad's huge cuntstuffer and ass
buster. Peter was
freaked out. For the first time he put together the facts
and realized that
his seduction, corruption and training was all planned. He
now also realized
that what his brother had warned him about was true, that
his parents were
sexual deviants who all along, wanted to get up his ass and
have fun with
his tender young body. Personally, I think it is a crime
they waited so
long. I mean, the fucking kid is almost too old to want to
corrupt. He is
cute, although he changes every day as he grows from
childhood to adult. His
body fills out and he begins to look older. I dare say all
the cock he sucks
has changed his lips too, they are fuller and kind of pouty
and swollen, not
a bad thing. You know if a boy sucks enough dick, the whole
shape of his
teeth change.
Anyway, you should see the dick on his dad. Well you
will if I get a
photo of him. He would not let me take pictures of him
fucking his son, he
is a bit squeamish about that. I'll have to attend to that.
Daddy is hung
like a fucking horse, a foot long and very thick. First Dad
and mom made
Peter pose for them naked and masturbate his dick for about
twenty minutes
while they watched. They had him finger his asshole and put
a dildo up it.
They did this to see his progress and what he had learned
from me and my
friends. He was so shy doing this in front of his parents,
that at first, I
thought some disciplinary action might be needed, but he
came through for us
like the little trooper he is. They watched him piss and
then drink his own
piss. They told him how proud they were of him and all he
had learned. He
told them he had me to thank for that. I felt a bit proud
myself. Then
Daddy tongue kissed his son for about twenty minutes while
Mom played with
both sets of dicks and balls and licked them. How wonderful
it must be for a
woman to lick and suck not only the dick that fucked her
pregnant, but also
the dick and balls of the child that came from her womb
because of the fuck.
She also sucked Peter's asshole and Hank's as well. Peter,
who is used to
doing all the licking and sucking himself, was quite
thrilled to have
someone, and a female at that, tonguing his shithole. The
fact that it was
his mom, only added to the charm. She commented while
licking his hole,
that she couldn't wait to watch him take a shit. These
proud parents want to
share every aspect of their son's life. Helen licked her
husband's huge dick
to get it wet enough for it to fuck her son in the ass. It
was a very rough
fuck. In spite of all the dick Peter has taken, human and
canine, Daddy's
big fucker really hurt him. That is good in a way, as it
will get the
sixteen year old boy ready for the horses. Hank is adamant
that he wants to
see his son fucked by horses on a regular basis. We know
this will somewhat
ruin him both mentally and physically, so we don't want to
rush into it.
There is still quite a bit of fun we can have corrupting
him first.
After Hank shot his load up his son's ass, I instructed
Peter to squat
over a silver dish and shit out the cum...and then drink it
of course. Hank
was delighted with this, as was Helen. Peter used to be so
turned off by
body fluids and ass gunk and things like that, but now he
is a regular
trooper, on his way to becoming a true degenerate.
Then Pete got to fuck his very first pussy. His own
mother's. What a joy
for any boy. So had him suck her tits for the longest time,
remember his babyhood. When Peter actually put his teenage
dick into a pussy
for the very first time, he trembled with excitement, and
we thought he
would shoot prematurely, but he was able to control his
lust. He gave his
mom a really nice fuck. Helen kept saying what a shame it
was that Peter's
older brother hadn't understood how much fun family sex can
be. She said she
would have loved to see Peter fucked by his brother.
So warm and cosy was this family evening, that I feared
for a while that
my services would no longer be required.But Hank then asked
me if I could
get a dog to fuck Peter, so they could watch.
We took a dinner break. They had Peter remain bare assed
while we all
dressed for dinner. Helen squirted Peter's cum out of her
pussy onto his
salad for salad dressing, and Hank gave him a nice tall
wine glass filled
with fresh piss to drink, as they didn't want their boy
drunk for the dog
fuck. Peter was instructed to maintain an erection all
during dinner. For a
boy his age, that is not difficult. Hank kept telling his
son how proud he
was of him, and what a good tight ass fuck he was. Peter's
hair is growing
out from the buzz cut we kept him in all the while he was
serving us, and I
asked his parents if they wanted his hair cut again.They
have not yet
I brought with me to the party a flask of horse cum
taken from
masturbating the horses on the farm, and this I poured over
Peter's dessert,
nice chocolate cake. Mom and Dad and I watched him eat it
and laughed at the
way he wrinkled up his cute teen nose at the taste. Hank
told his son that
he would get very used to the taste of horse cum in the
near future. Peter
was wide eyed at this.
We discussed a bit Peter's new rules. He would wear a
plastic chastity
device to school each day, so he could not shoot off at
school. He would be
given two viagra tablets each morning before school. As
soon as weather
permits, Peter will wear very short shorts to school with
tennis shoes and a
very tight tee shirt, short enough so his naked stomach
shows. He is not
permitted to ever speak to any girls at school, except for
female teachers.
He is to call every boy in his school Sir. Before leaving
for school in
the morning. He would masturbate one of the farm dogs or
horses until the
animal shot a big load onto his lunch sandwich. He would
take to school, a
clear plastic water bottle filled with his dad's piss.
Eventually, in a few
months, we would pull Peter from school altogether.
There would be many more new rules, but this was about
all Peter could
digest for one night. He looked a bit scared, but also
After dinner we watched Peter suck dog dick and get
fucked by canine
cock. His mother got tears of joy in her eyes watching
Peter take a huge
pink and black spotted dog prick up his teenage asshole.
Hank informed Peter that part of his farm chores would
be to let the dogs
fuck him every single day. There would be a pail outside
the back door of
the house, and Peter was to squat and shit all the dog cum
from his ass into
the pail. That cum would then be used for further
games,including Peter's
I could tell Hank and Helen had thought all of this out
most carefully.
They told me, I would be totally in charge of Peter's work
with the horses,
as they had no experience in this field. My own experience
is limited. I
have watched or had my boys horse fucked often, but always
a trained
wrangler handled the actual event. I suggested hiring a guy
I know from
Oklahoma and bringing him in. Peter's dad agreed as he
wants only the very
best for his son. Peter asked with a very scared expression
if getting
fucked by horses wouldn't ruin his ass. We agreed that it
probably would,
but reminded him that a price must be paid for everything.
I told Peter that
part of his farm duties in the near future would be taking
care of the
sexual needs of the horses three or four times a week. I
told him his great
love for animals should help him in times of extreme pain
or discomfort.
Peter shit out the dog Cum and licked it up for us. Then we
had him shower
inside and out, and then mom and dad fucked him again.
I know I will never be quite as close to Peter as I was
when He was my
personal fuck toy, but as I move on to other boys, I know
too, that I will
still play an important part in his education.
Here are some photos I took. You can see Peter in the tee
shirt I brought
him from Thailand. Then you can see him stripping for his
Mom and Dad.
Imagine how thrilled they were to see his well toned naked
young teenage
body and his healthy dick and balls. Helen told me she
intends to bathe
Peter from now on, washing his prick balls and asshole for
him. She also
said she might like to try having Peter wear diapers for a
few weeks and
piss and shit in them, then she could change him like when
he was a baby. I
think its a really cute idea. Peter was not too happy about
it. Then I got a
shot of Peter's beautiful ass just before it was fucked by
his dad. You can
see how well his asshole is coming along being turned into
a cunt in the
kneeling shot. The round asshole is starting to elongate
just like a cunt.
Of course it needs a lot more work.
Hank also told me that just because Peter is doing more
farm work now,
and playing with his mom and dad, that is no reason he
should not be
sucking plenty of dick and taking lots of cock up his boy
pussy. He decided
that he should be sucking ten to fifteen other dicks a day
if possible.And
he should get fucked five or six times each day by other
guys. This should
keep the boy busy, as you know how boys without things to
do can get into
trouble. I really want to increase the numbers
significantly, but quite
frankly I am having trouble lining up enough guys every
day. On weekends, I
can get twenty to thirty guys for Peter to suck easy, but
it's not so easy
during the week.
Don't you wish more moms and dads were as open minded
about their boys as
Hank and Helen? What a wonderful loving world this would
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