Chapter 2 I am trained as a slave
So as I was licking Diane’s sneakers I heard her tell the other girls that it was time for me to taste the insides of sneakers. This, as was the case for previous suggestions on how to humiliate me, caused a peal of laughter from all 3 of them. Immediately they all started to suggest ways to make this really bad for me.
“Make him slowly undo the laces with his teeth”, Jane suggested
“We could use the opened and loosened laces to tie the sneaker over his face”, Marcia added in her giggly voice. There was a sinister pattern here as everything Marcia said was always tougher and more punishing than the thoughts of Jane or Diane.
“Good ideas girls”, Diane said. “There is nothing better than teamwork for slave training. My own idea is that I will stick a sock in his mouth so he has to breathe through his nose. Also, I could go over and tease his dick to make him breathe really deeply.”
Then Diane’s order came.
“Loosen the laces of my right sneaker with your teeth, boy toy”, Diane ordered me “and then use you mouth and teeth to pull it off my foot.”
I was in a panic but I knew I had no choice, It was clear these bitches would otherwise leave me tied up in the theatre with my dick hanging out. At the very least this would be an incredible embarrassment that the whole school would learn about and at worst I could be arrested.
I started in on the laces and undid the loop and the knot. This pushed my nose hard against the old converse sneaker and I could tell it really stank. I then started at the top to loosen the laces and with each piece of lace that was loosened the stench got worse. Diane, when I was half way through, kicked me on the head and said “I want to hear some thank yous and gratitude from a piece of shit like you for the privilege of smelling my sneakers and socks. Or perhaps we should all leave.”
So now I had to start saying thank you as the stench increased. With a laugh Jane and Marcia moved down one row and one of them sat on each side of me. Jane wrapped her hand around my cock and started to tickle it. “It is getting big and hard girls”, Jane reported, “but there is no way I am going to let this pig come!”
“Let me join in on the fun”, Marcia added. “I think we have all heard of blue balls. This is when a boy gets so hot and hard for a long time without relief that his balls turn blue and ache like shit. That would be fun wouldn’t it boy toy?”
I figured it was best to just keep on loosening the lace and say nothing and then the dreaded moment had come when I had to pull the sneaker off with my teeth. It really stank and as I pulled it off both the girls beside me held their noses. Without saying a word bitch Marcia pulled the sock off Diane’s foot and stuffed it in my mouth. She then widened the opening of the sneaker and took the laces for a couple of loops out of the eyeholes. With a grin she then smacked the opening over my nose and mouth and then quickly used the loose laces to pull the sneaker tight and then tie a knot on the back of my head.
“Oh look,” said Jane “his eyes are literally bulging out. The taste of the sock and the smell of the sneaker, he is such a lucky guy.”
I really thought I was going to die. The taste of the sock in my mouth was foul and the stench of the sneaker tied over my nose and mouth was almost unbearable. It was hot, damp and smelly and stunk of sweat, rubber, canvas and foot. I could taste some toe jam on the sock, for God’s sake. Just then Marcia piped up “I hope Diane has some toe jam. My toes and socks are loaded to give boy toy here a decent snack.”
Jane then hopped over into the next row and took a few more pictures of me on her cell phone, and to make sure they would always have them sent copies to Marcia and Diane.
“I think the time has come to get boy toy here back to my place so we can do a really big number on him”, Jane suggested.
“Right on” said Marcia. “Ball tickling, pussy licking ass worship and toe jam tasting are part of the delights awaiting him!”
With the pictures to blackmail me I had no choice but to phone home and say I was staying over with friends and like the docile slave I was fast becoming follow them like a little lamb out to Jane’s SUV. Jane and Diane jumped into the front seat and Marcia got into the back seat with me. I was not allowed to put my seat belt on as MARCIA USED IT TO TIE MY HANDS UP BEHIND MY BACK AND THEN SAT NEXT TO ME.
“Oh dear boy toy” she laughed, “let us keep up the blue ball development program. Put your hands on top of your head, slave.”
The use of the word slave and the fact that she gave orders that I quickly obeyed sent a shiver up and down my spine. No sooner had my hands reached the top of my head; Marcia pulled my pants and underwear down around my knees. She started to stroke my cock with one hand and tickle my balls with the other, incredible but not quite enough to get me off. Then to make matters worse, she started to talk dirty.
“Maybe later on I will let you suck my tits, boy toy. I know how you have been staring at my nipples through my t-shirt and like their big bullet shape. Or maybe it would be more fun to give you a tit fuck, but not enough to make you come!”
“We will put a cock and ball harness on him from my bondage equipment when we arrive”, Jane informed Marcia. “Then you can do whatever you want with him as we can adjust the ring so he cannot come. You could suck him, fuck him or do whatever.”
“Oh that would be a lot of fun boy toy”, Marcia exclaimed. “I just love to suck cock and give blue balls. We could do it for hours on end!”
Just then we arrived at Jane’s house, or should I say mansion. Spoilt little Jane had the whole top floor to herself, she informed all of us, and hidden in her closet there were lots of pieces of bondage equipment and kinky stuff. I was ordered up the stairs and when I arrived I saw there was a big bedroom, two bathrooms, a small kitchen, a den and a games room just for Jane. I was ordered into the games room and then told to quickly get out of my clothes.
Looking around the room I could see there was a lot of stuff that could be put to a bondage purpose. For example, you could be tied up on the pool table. Or the cue holding frame screwed into the wall could be like a cross you could be tied to. There was one of those exercise machines with handles and pulleys and weights the chair of which you could be tied into, to say nothing of the overhead bar that hung down from the ceiling with weights on the other end. There were also sofas and chairs and many of them had little rings in the floor in front of them. When I glanced at them, Jane proudly explained she had screwed them in herself and were a source of lots of fun.
“Ok”, said Jane,” let’s get the slave now that he is naked into some bondage gear. She opened a cupboard and I saw it was full of wrist and ankle cuffs, padlocks, slave collars, cock rings, whips, paddles, ropes and a lot more stuff...
“Slaves need to learn to be humble and this will come through humiliation”, that bitch Marcia said. “So I intend to make this slave put himself into bondage. Ok boy toy, go over and get two wrist cuffs and two little padlocks and fix them to your wrists. Move it asshole.”
Going as slowly as I could I go to the cupboard and pulled out two wrist cuffs. They were leather and had two loops through which the little padlocks next to them could be put to lock them onto your arm. All around the wrist cuffs there were other, smaller metal hoops that probably were for passing a rope or something through to tie me up. As I slipped the wrist cuffs on and padlocked them a feeling of both dread and excitement came over me. I was scared as I was really now becoming a slave and this cruel Marcia was a creative little punisher. But at the same time I felt a little tingle of excitement; perhaps they would make me lick their pussies and that would be fun.
Marcia then ordered me to put on a slave collar. It was much like the wrist cuff except bigger and had the same little metal loops all around.
“Now for the most important part of all”, Jane exclaimed. “Here is my tried and proven cock ring. It will keep him from ever coming no matter what!”
I stared at it with both disbelief and fascination. It had two fairly large metal hoops attached to a metal band. At the bottom of each hoop there were two little pieces of copper sticking out. On the metal band there was also a wide and tight rubber band that clearly could be pulled around your cock and then around the loops to be as tight as required. Also coming out of the bottom of the whole gadget was an electric cord that was about 20 feet long and attached to a controller. The whole contraption was then on a belt that could be fastened around the waist and then adjusted and locked into place with a padlock at the back. This was a monster of a scare.
“OK get in on “Marcia ordered. “Clearly you first push one ball through each of the loops”. I grabbed the devise and started to do this but the loops were tight and it hurt to push my balls through.” Hurry up”, Marcia said. “If you think it hurts when you push your balls through, think what it will feel like when I do it.”
The threat was clear and really meant so despite the pain I got my balls through and could feel the little copper metal pieces on the bottom of both my balls. Marcia then announced she would deal with the thick rubber band around the base of my cock to make sure it was so tight I could not come. I found it fun to have Marcia’s hands running over my cock and balls and started to smile. “This is for my pleasure and not yours boy toy”, Marcia screamed at me and then gave my balls a big whap with her hand. It hurt so much I almost fell to the floor.
“The orgasm stopper is now in place boy toy. Pull the belt around your body tight and then use this padlock through the loops to lock it into place. Then you will be ready to play with!” Marcia said.
I knew this was the moment of truth. If I locked this cock ring on me then I was doomed for the weekend and maybe my life to be a slave. I hesitated and Marcia was right; it was both humiliating and it broke your will to put yourself in a slave position. I had no choice; with a gulp and very sweaty palms I did it.
Jane grabbed the controller and told me she would demonstrate how it worked. “Those little copper pieces on your balls receive electricity from the batteries in the controller, boy toy,” Jane said starting her explanation. This switch turns it on or off and I have just put it in the on position. This little knob that turns controls the current from 0 to a setting of 10. Lower settings give pleasure but higher settings can be used to create the blue balls that Marcia likes so much. A proper use will keep you forever n the edge but the rubber band will not let you come. Higher settings really hurt just like this”
Jane had turned the dial way up and I screamed with pain. A kick in the balls was minor to how this hurt. After 10 seconds she turned it down.
“Now you know the state you are in and how we have absolute control. You can thank me for stopping the pain by crawling over here and licking my sneakers.
I crawled as ordered across the floor getting closer and closer to the world’s smelliest sneakers on Jane’s feet. Or maybe I was wrong and one of the other girls was even worse. I was afraid I would find out in detail over the next little while. I arrived and started licking her sneakers. They tasted as bad as or even worse than before. Jane told me to put my hands behind my back and when I did so she padlocked my two wrists together. As I was lying on my stomach this meant that I could not even get up. Jane was clearly experienced at torment as well. This move made me feel very helpless indeed.
“To punish our boy toy even better”, Jane announced to the group, “let us keep these sneakers and socks on all weekend. If you want to take a shower put a plastic bag on over your feet and keep building up the smell. In fact we might even take a sauna!
All this time I just kept on licking. The Diane raised a question.
“You know girls”, she said, “Only one of us at a time is getting to enjoy this slave. Can we arrange things for two of us to have fun? Or can we get a second slave so all of us can have some fun.”
Jane and Marcia quickly agreed things could be arranged for me to be punished by two of them at once. They were all really enthralled at getting a second slave and started to discuss how to do it.
“It would a lot of fun to have a girl slave as well”, Jane, suggested “but how can we do it?”
“ I know”, said Marcia, “what about that sexy Debbie with the bee sting lips and cute legs that so much wants to be a cheerleader. We could tell her to come over right away for a weekend long audition.”
“Great”, said Diane continuing a sadistic thought for the first time. “We tell her that part of the initiation ceremony she has to go through is to be tied up naked for an hour. As soon as we get her that way, we involve boy toy here and get him to do disgusting things and take pictures. Then she is ours.”
“Or even worse”, said Marcia, “take pictures of her licking boobs and pussy and then we can portray her as a lesbian. We don’t show ourselves just a boob or a pussy. I will volunteer.”
Jane was so excited she ran to get to her cell phone to call Debbie. I was relieved a little bit as for the moment I had nothing to lick. But that lasted only thirty seconds as Diane went and sat in the chair and stuck her sneakers under her nose. I started to lick and Diane cried out “his training is working girls as he now licks sneakers in front of his nose he hasn’t even been told to lick. Kiss them as well, fuckhead!”
Oh god, I had to lie there and kiss and lick and lick Diane’s sneakers, which were as bad as or worse than all the others, and listen while they roped another slave into their midst.
I of course could only hear one half of the conversation but could pick up on the things that Jane was saying, which were:
“Yes we really want you as a member of the team even if I have to throw someone out to make room for you.”
“We all had to go through a simple weekend initiation and we cannot make an exception for you. Every member of the team would complain.”
“It is fun being a cheerleader as all your cool out of town trips are paid for. Even better all the studs in the school get excited as they watch you and want to date you. You have the choice of all the studs who are drooling after you.”
Jane hung up and screamed with delight “she will be here in a couple of hours for the weekend” and all the girls cheered. As usual it was Marcia that came up with the great sadistic idea. “Ok when she arrives we will all jump her and tie her to the pool cue frame here on the wall. We will then take her picture and videotape her naked tits and face while she orgasms from a vibrator that we will apply to her pussy. We will keep her on the edge and beg to come. Once we have that on tape and in pictures she, like boy toy here, will be ours forever. We will call her slut toy!”
All the girls agreed quickly and then Jane
remarked, “The evening is still young.
It is only
“Well”, Diane replied, “one of us could suck his cock and play with his balls and test out that cock ring. Another girl could sit on his face and get her pussy licked.”
“And the third girl could twist and torment his nipples”, Marcia added.
“Great let’s do it”, Jane decided. “Boy toy, we will release your bonds just enough so that you can roll over on your back and then fix you up for fun. You had best cooperate or I will juice your cock and balls with lots of volts with this controller I just picked up.”
Before I could stop myself I said, “Yes, thank you!” My god the silence that followed showed that all of us recognized that I was in attitude becoming a slave! Diane even gasped with surprise and put her hand over her mouth. The other girls just looked at her and nodded.
I was rolled over on my back and made to lie down on my back in the middle of the room. Jane then clamped a loop on the back of my neck collar to another loop sticking out on the floor through the carpet so now my head and shoulders were immobilized. I was ordered to stretch my arms out over my head and then my hands were clasped together with a padlock through the loops on each of the two wrist cuffs. My legs were then pulled apart and a long spreader bar inserted between my ankles and a strap put over each ankle. This 3 foot long spreader bar attached to my ankles forced me to keep my legs wide open and made my dick and balls totally available. As a finishing touch a pillow was stuffed under my ass that elevated my crotch and made it totally available.
I was completely helpless and felt completely helpless. I could not move, my naked body was totally exposed and there were three gorgeous chicks standing around me that could do anything and I could do nothing to stop them. Would pleading work?
Jane then said, “No whining or pleading slave, it will not work. It will only cause a few volts to go painfully through your balls. Clever little device, the copper strips cause great pain but still leave your nuts open for licking and to be turned blue!”
“Let us give him a little pleasure tingle that this machine can produce”, Diane suggested and asked how to do this.
“It is simple”, said Jane. “You start at number 1 and this low setting gives a nice little tingle. You keep increasing it until you see signs of pain on boy toy’s face. Then you back off the current a little bit and you will be at the maximum enjoyment level. This will cause him to be on the edge, slowly but surely develop blue balls and produce a little pre cum but nothing else.”
“Let me try it,” said Marcia. She grabbed the controller and sat cross-legged on my chest with her sneakers criss crossed and resting on my chin. She turned it up quire high and I winced with pain. Slowly but surely she brought the level down and I began to feel an incredible tingling sensation in my balls and dick. I was on the edge of coming and I could not stop myself from thrusting my hips and trying anything I could to rub my dick against something in the false belief that This would make me cum.
This is clearly the level, girls, so remember it is level 4”, and Marcia said “ and of course boy toy I will leave it at this level so you will be encouraged to do good licking. You are a lucky man as it is my sweet pussy you are about to taste.”
Slowly Marcia stood up and walked over, placing a leg on each side of my face. She pulled off her thong and I could see her lovely and shaved pussy. She then knelt down and put her legs on the floor, slipping one leg under each of my arms. Her pussy now was only a few inches from my face. She then with a plop landed it squarely on my lips and screamed, “ get your tongue inside that pussy and do a great job. If I am not pleased with your licking techniques I will make you practice all night on my asshole.”
I did my very best. I stuck my tongue in as far as I could and swirled it around the insides of her pussy. From time to time I would tilt my head back, pull my tongue out and nibble on her clit, and then plunge my tongue back in. I could tell she liked it as she started to grind her hips against my face and a little moan escaped from time to time.
Suddenly I felt someone grab my dick by the cock ring and then sit on my hips. Then the hand pushed my dick into a pussy! This was very sexy and I did not know if it was Jane or Diane and that made it even sexier. Whoever it was, she started to ride my cock like I was a horse and I could feel my balls fill with cum, but the cock ring stopped me from having an orgasm. So I just kept licking.
Then all of a sudden both girls came at once, moaning and squealing, the one on my dick and the girl I was eating out as well. This was so sexy but still I could not come!
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