No character is or was ever
real. No part of the story is a fantasy of the
author. No part of this story may be used or posted
on a site without expressed permission of the author.
Calling it quits
“YES!!” Donna said as she hung up the phone.
Vivian smiled a big smile, stood up and gave her a high five. The loud clap resounded through the room. “That’s my girl!” she said in praise.
Donna was still trembling from the phone call. She smiled nervously at Vivian, and couldn’t really think straight for a while.
When she finally sat down on the couch in her living room she felt like a heavy load had fallen from her shoulders. She was finally, finally free from ms Brendan. No more scheming, forced sexually depraved activities, money problems, weird clothing, shame. She looked at her feet, tugged in thick socks. Finally really warm since the winter had set in. “No more high heels for you, I promise.” She smiled “Well, maybe just for cocktail parties or so.” She corrected.
“How does it feel?” Vivian asked. She saw the relieved look on Donna’s face, and was herself happy she had helped Donna just now.
“It feels so good!” Donna exhaled “So unbelievably good!” she stretched herself and lay back in the pillows of the couch, looking at the ceiling.
She really felt incredibly good. She was surprised to notice under how much stress she actually had been. Now, with her mind cleared, her shoulders felt relaxed, her whole body felt at ease. And that even though she had been through a rough gym session with Bill.
She checked her arm muscles a bit. Yes the pain was still there. “It would be a miracle if that was gone too.” Donna thought smiling. Ms Brendan had kept her promise and had upped the gym schedule. Bill had her lifting heavier weights, running faster, bicycling ‘uphill’, you name it, she had done it. And she had felt broken afterwards.
It was during the time that she was recuperating in the changing rooms she had started to think who she would ask as guardian for her ‘therapy’. She had mentally gone through her group of friends with whom she hung out usually. That was, before she had met ms Brendan.
Vivian finally had seemed the best candidate. She was within the group a leader, and a no nonsense character. But above all trust worthy and discrete. Donna had figured she would cooperate, and even if she would not do it, or call it quits after a while, she would never tell a soul. That had made her the best candidate, as Donna still desperately wanted her new life to be a secret.
When Donna had called her to meet her that same evening, Vivian had made no problems. She had noticed the urgency of the matter from Donna’s tone, and had immediately rescheduled whatever she had to do that night. “I’ll be there in an hour.” She had simply stated.
And here they were, sitting on the couch, just like old times. “Old times…” Donna thought smiling “It indeed feels like it has been ages since I’ve been with the girls…”. She picked up her glass of wine, and cheered with Vivian. Grunting a bit as she felt her muscles protest when she moved.
“Cheers” Vivian replied. “To your freedom.”
The glasses tingled softly as they touched. Donna gulped down the half filled glass. She needed some alcohol, she deserved some. She had just told ms Brendan to go to hell. Well, on her answering machine that is. But she knew ms Brendan checks it regularly, she always did.
“And then she knows” Donna thought “Then she knows Donna, or better, Cutty, is no more.”
She looked at Vivian, who was still observing her with a smile. “Thank you Vivian, thank you so much!” She said to her friend.
“No problem hon.” Vivian said as she squeezed Donna’s knee.
“Ouch” Donna said
“Sorry” Vivian said as she pulled her arm away “Well, also no more harsh gym lessons for you anymore luckily.”
“Yeah” Donna agreed “My body aches all over when I move.”
“Another glass?” Vivian asked as she held up the bottle.
“Please do” Donna said. She relaxed back into the pillows again as the glass was poured. Vivian handed it to her, and she gratefully took another sip. Eager to get drunk.
Vivian had come to her house just when she had arrived too. When she had let her in she immediately had remarked about Donna’s new clothing style. Donna had smiled shyly, and hadn’t really answered. They had gone into the living room where Donna, with some difficulty, had started to explain why she had asked Vivian over.
Well, Vivian didn’t buy the ‘therapy’ story at all. “Don’t give me this bull, Donna, I can see there is more going on here. Speak up.” Had been her first reaction, and she had stuck to that line of thought ever since. Donna had tried to convince Vivian it was a ‘normal’ therapy, that lots of people did it, and that she really wanted it, but Vivian could see right through her. Slowly the conversation had changed from her talking, to Vivian asking direct and indirect questions, interrogating her about her situation. Vivian finally got through to her, at which moment she had decided to tell her the whole sordid truth.
“That alone was already so relieving!” Donna thought back. “Finally someone who knew what was really going on. Finally sharing the burden. Finally speaking out what had been my real feelings.”
“So tomorrow we will call the girls and have a group meeting, where we tell your story. Trust me, it is better to have this out in the open. That is your best weapon against the bitch.” Vivian said as she looked Donna in the eye, pulling her out of her thoughts.
“And once everyone knows, she’ll be powerless, and back off.”
Donna smiled a bit uncertain at Vivian. She wasn’t really sure if she wanted her story to be so out in the open. She would have preferred a select group, as else people would look at her in a funny way.
“I know you don’t want your story to be made public Donna” Vivian said as she saw the doubt in Donna’s eyes. “But you’re in too deep already. You’ll have to come clean to everyone, Robert, your girls, your friends.”
“I really prefer to leave it like that, Vivian.” Donna said “I don’t want the story to get out, not so openly. Just between the two of us should be enough. Can’t you understand it is embarrassing?”
Vivian thought for a while “You’re right.” She said “Maybe not all the friends, or not right now, but your family is a must.”
“Of course.” Donna said, relieved.
That also was Vivian. Very impulsive, very pushy. And sometimes going to far. “Just imagine everyone knowing about my recent escapades. Each of the girlfriends talking to their husband, they to their drinking buddies, and next everyone knows.”
But the pushy-ness of Vivian had pulled her over, convinced her to stop her ordeal at once. “She really handled it perfectly.” Donna thought looking back.
At first Vivian had convinced her her situation was going to get worse, not better, if she followed ms Brendan’s instructions. Next she had convinced her to take her losses now. Her family was still ok, and nothing really troublesome had happened, apart from the sex in the Caribbean, “Which was actually nothing but rape.” Vivian had said, agreeing with her that that indeed had been non consensual. Vivian had offered her support, and she had reminded Donna that she still had a bunch of real friends out there. And thus the logical step was calling ms Brendan, and tell her no more. Vivian had given her the phone in her hand, as she smiled encouraging, saying “Do it girl.”
Donna had fumbled with the phone. She had been convinced, but was still afraid, as she wondered what ms Brendan would do. But Vivian was good. She knew what type of person she was dealing with, and while Donna had been nervously thinking what to do, Vivian had gotten up, had went into the kitchen, only to return moments later with a bottle of wine and a pair of glasses. “You need a few drinks to do this properly.” Vivian had said with a smile, as she was filling the glasses.
And indeed, a few drinks later and she had a lot more courage. With the never stopping encouragement of Vivian she actually had started to feel invincible. Thus it wasn’t long before she had picked up the phone again, and this time she had dialed the number. True, it took a few times dialing the number before she really had the courage for the call to be picked up. And when it did the first time she hadn’t spoken a word, as the answering machine ran its message. But finally she had mustered enough courage, and just told ms Brendan where it’s at. Slow at first, but soon the angry sentences had just rolled out of her mouth, and she had basically told her to go to hell, never to call her again, and if she did, she would face the consequences.
“Ok, ok” Vivian said “It is a bit too awkward to mention to everyone. This is maybe more a type of story you mention to each other when we’re all in a house for the elderly or so.” She joked.
“But I will tell my family, and maybe some of our friends can know too. The ones that can understand it, and don’t talk.”
“Women that don’t talk.” Vivian laughed “A rare species”
The night passed with Vivian and Donna talking, laughing together. They went through the actions they had to take, like calling lawyers, preferably from out of town, finding new jobs, probably even relocating far away from the clutches of ms Brendan. There would indeed come a time with lots of changes, and it would be very difficult for her family, but Vivian ensured her she would support her all the way. Especially with convincing Robert it was for the best. Vivian always had been good in convincing men to see it her way. It was a very positive talk, as Vivian painted a bright new future for Donna.
“Don’t forget, you do have a lot more work experience thanks to ms Brendan. You can always use that in your new job.” Vivian had reminded her. “The only thing will be that you’re job won’t be anywhere near this city. And that might not even be a bad thing.”
In all Donna felt great, and for the first time in months regretted when it was time to end the night.
As Vivian was putting on her coat Donna leaned against the door and said “She hasn’t called back.”
“No she hasn’t” Vivian said, as she adjusted her coat “But I didn’t expected her to. She understands it is over. That she has nothing anymore to blackmail you with. And that on the other side, you do.”
Donna opened the door and let Vivian out.
“Thank you.” She said as she kissed Vivian good night.
“No thanks, Donna.” Vivian said as she chilled a bit from the cold “It’s what friends do for each other. You would have done the same for me. And all I did was clearing up the picture for you, giving you a little push. The rest you did yourself, you will do yourself. Remember, it is not over yet. We need to contact the lawyers, your family needs to know, enough you must do still.”
Donna nodded, and watched Vivian walk in the dark across the lawn. She really admired her “I wish I had such a strong character, personality.”
As Vivian got into her car she waved at Donna one last time, and gave her a thumbs up. Next the engine started and the car drove of. She watched the car turn the corner and disappear from view. She enjoyed the chill for a while, as she looked at the neighborhood. It all looked so much better now, somehow. “What a difference a day makes.” She thought as she watch the trees wave with the small icy breeze, the scarcely lit road, the dark houses.
She closed the door and started to clean up before going to bed. And again she experienced a strange feeling, she longed to go to bed. “The last months going to bed meant first lessons by Ninon, or practicing with dildo’s in my bed. That is all over now. Now I’ll just go to bed to sleep, or to do whatever I want to do. Like reading a good book…” It was amazing how much that thought made her happy. She almost cried.
However as she went into the bathroom she did fetch the ointment and rubbed it in her vagina, and in her ass hole. The itch was still there. “I will go with that to my old doctor. I’m sure I will get some serious treatment from him, not just a stupid ointment which just helps temporary. I’m thru with doctor Dow. Her solution to my problem only made it worse, it seems.” It was just another thing she would have to do tomorrow morning.
In bed, nicely under the thick sheets, she lay awake for a while, spread eagle, feeling free. She wore an old rag of a t-shirt , boxer shorts from Robert, and the socks. She deliberately had chosen the most awful items to wear just to rebel some more. To test her freedom. She looked up to the ceiling thinking nothing in particular, just being happy. After a while she rolled on her side, turned off the light, and fell asleep with a big smile on her face. It had been a good, very good night.
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