Chapter 4
Training and Punishment
Dan and Jean had a restless night and neither of them slept well on the floor. They lay together for warmth and used one blanket under them and the other over them. They whispered to each other during the night and considered that they probably should bring this situation to an end in the morning. They were sure that their daughter would not really send any of those pictures out to the public. That would ruin her family name and the income necessary for her to finish school. Unfortunately they didn’t know that Jan had an independent income selling porno movies to producers on the west coast. She had a private account with more than a half million dollars in it and was wealthier than her parents. She had nothing to lose by sending out the photos but her parents didn’t know that. They decided they would wait until she released their hands since they had tried to help each other escape with no success while Jan slept. Once they had their hands free they would end this game. Having made that decision they dozed off and on for the rest of the night.
Jan woke about 7:00 a.m. that morning and rolled over to check on her slaves. She saw that they were wide awake just lying there waiting for her to wake up.
“Did you sleep well my slaves,” she asked?
They both replied, “no Mistress, we didn’t sleep well. It is hard to sleep with your hands tied behind your back and on a hard floor.”
Jan smiled and said, “Well, you will get used to it in time. Now it’s time for us to get going on your further training.”
She got up and untied the rope holding them to the footboard and taking the rope made a noose on either end and placed it over their heads. She then grabbed the rope by the middle and headed for the bathroom. Dan and Jean tried to keep up by knee walking as fast as they could but the rope still pulled tight around their necks and made breathing difficult. Once they were all back in the master bath, Jan lifted her nightgown and sat on the toilet. She instructed her father to kneel in front of her. When Dan was in place she began to pee right in front of his face.
When she had finished she said, “lick me clean daddy slave.”
Dan was mortified. Never in all his wife’s and his play had they included water sports or scatology. This was totally abhorrent to both of them. Dan hesitated and Jan jerked on the rope causing both Dan and Jean to choke. She pulled it very tight and they both began to gasp and pull it away so they could breathe. Jan continued to pull the rope tight. She watched their faces carefully as they turned first red and then began to turn blue. They were desperate to breathe and looked beseechingly at their daughter.
“Lick me clean and you’ll be able to breathe,” she said.
She was watching them carefully to insure that she didn’t really do them any harm. She was ready to release them if they passed out. She let up slightly so they could get some air but were still not able to breathe normally. Dan quickly leaned forward and began to lick his daughters’ cunt. The taste was not as awful as he expected. It was salty and slightly bitter but not totally terrible. He quickly began to lick her clean. When he had finished Jan released the rope enough to allow them to breathe freely.
“You must learn to obey me immediately or there will be consequences.”
Dan spoke up and asked “Mistress, can you release us so we too may use the facilities?”
Jan laughed and said, “you don’t need your hands to pee or shit. Go right to it.”
She stepped away from the toilet and made room for Dan to step up to pee. Dan was so embarrassed that he couldn’t relax enough to get the stream started. Jan reached out and grabbed his cock and held it out away from his body.
“You better go now because you won’t get another chance until lunchtime,” she said.
Dan finally got a small stream going and then he fully relaxed and began to really piss hard. Jan used his cock like a firehouse and pointed it so the piss hit every area of the toilet bowl. When he was finally finished she shook his cock off and let it go.
“That was fun. I’ll have to try that more often,” she said. “Your turn mommy slave.”
Jean crawled forward and upon reaching the toilet crawled up and sat on it.
“Spread your legs wide apart so we can clearly see what you are doing,” Jan ordered.
Blushing a bright red, Jean did as instructed and finally got her piss stream going. When she had finished she looked askance of her daughter. Jan understood what her mother needed before she even opened her mouth to speak.
“Daddy slave, you are to lick mommy slave clean just as you did for me.” Dan didn’t hesitate this time and had shortly licked Jeans’ pussy clean. “Good, now it’s time for my shower. Mommy slave turn around.” When Jean had turned around, Jan took a pair of nail clippers that were on the bathroom counter and cut off her plastic ties.
When her arms were free, Jean rubbed the red and raw area around her wrists to try and get some circulation going. She was then ordered to stand up and remove the rope from her neck. Now she was completely free and standing nude in front of her daughter. She thought this was when she should overpower her daughter and take control of her home. As this thought went through her mind, Jan ordered her to step into the shower with her. Jean decided she would wait until after they had showered to take control. As she stepped into the shower, Jan ordered her father to assume the attention position and maintain it while they showered.
Jan stepped into the shower and ordered her mother to soap her back. She then made her wash her all over especially her cunt and ass. Once Jean had finished washing her daughter, she stepped back to see what was to happen next. Jan took the washrag from her mother and began to soap her up. She shampooed her hair and rinsed it good. She then make sure her mother was squeaky clean and after rinsing her off good, kneeled down in front of her and began to lick her cunt. Jean let out a groan and widened her stance so Jan had better access to her pussy. Jan worked on her mother until she had a shattering orgasm.
Standing up, Jan turned to her mother and said, “if you are an obedient slave, rewards like this will become a normal occurrence. I don’t want to punish you or daddy slave but I do require absolute obedience. I know this is all new and shocking to you but you must follow my orders. I will send those pictures and you will be severely punished if I am forced to do that.” She then stepped out of the shower and ordered her mother to follow two steps behind her.
When Jan emerged she saw that her father was still trying to hold the position but with his hands still tied behind his back his knees were a couple inches closer together. She moved forward far enough for her mother to step from the shower before she addressed her father.
“You have not held your position so you have earned some punishment time this evening,” Jan said to him. “You may relax now and take a shower. You are to shave off all your pubic hair and when finished I will inspect you to make sure you got it all off. If you miss any of it, I will add to your punishment time. Now shower and shave and then come to the kitchen.” After having said that, she used the clippers to cut his ties so he could use his hands to shower.
Jan turned and walked out of the bedroom with her mother following along behind her like a servant. When they reached the kitchen, Jan instructed her mother to fix them breakfast. She was to fix what they would normally have on a Saturday morning. She then sat down in one of the kitchen chairs to wait for her father and her breakfast. Jean asked if she was to fix enough for all three of them or only for one? Jan smiled at her and complimented her on her appropriate question. She then told her to fix enough for all three of them.
“If you and daddy slave behave, I will allow you to eat at the table with me.”
Jean said, “thank you Mistress” and quickly began to fix the coffee, pancakes and bacon. Breakfast was ready before Dan had finished his shower and shaving. Jan instructed his mother to sit and eat and they both dug into their food. Just as they were finishing up Dan came into the kitchen. He was bare of hair around his crotch and halfway up his abdomen.
“Come stand before me with your feet widespread and your hands behind your head.” Jan said.
Dan moved in front of her and stood as instructed. Jan got up and walked around him. She visually inspected his body for any signs of pubic hair and finding none began a more intimate examination. She ran her hands over his body and when she reached his groin took time to make sure his skin was smooth with no signs hair. She lifted his scrotum and ran her hands through his ass crack and back up to the tip of his cock. He had done a good job and Jan was pleased.
“Daddy slave, since you have obeyed me and done very well at the task at hand you have earned a reward.” She then began to masturbate him. His cock soon was as rigid as a steel rod and pre-cum was leaking from the end. “You are not to cum until I give you permission.”
Dan began to breathe hard and sweat broke out on his brow as he struggled to not cum until Jan told him to. Just before he was sure he would explode, Jan removed her hand from his cock and grabbed his balls. She squeezed tight and a jolt of pain went through Dan’s groin. His need to come went away just as quickly as the pain receded when Jan released his balls. She then started to masturbate him again. She repeated this scenario several times over the next twenty minutes until Dan thought he would lose his mind with his need to cum. Finally he couldn’t stand it any more and begged Jan to let him cum.
Please Mistress, let your daddy slave cum. I can’t hold it any longer and my need is driving me crazy.”
Jan smiled and said, “good daddy slave. You have finally learned your place.”
This time when he was on the verge Jan took him over the edge. He shot the biggest load of cum of his life. Jan caught it all in a glass she grabbed from the table. Once he had finished she stood up and taking her father by the shoulder, guided him to a chair at the table. Once he was seated she sat on the edge of the table next to him and gave him an option.
“You now have a choice,” she said. “You can drink this glass straight down or for this first time you may put it in your coffee. I would suggest that you just drink it down as you will eventually being doing this on a regular basis.”
Dan was taken aback. Did his daughter really mean that she was going to make him eat his cum every time he had an orgasm? He had eaten his cum several times before when his wife had dominated him so eating it wasn’t that distasteful to him but to have to do it very often would be a problem. He decided to just gulp it down and get on with his breakfast. He intended to stop this game as soon as he had finished eating.
While Dan ate and Jean started cleaning up the breakfast dishes, Jan went to the bedroom and got dressed. She put on her jeans and an off white semi-transparent blouse with no bra. She also took out of her purse her stun gun and put it in the back pocket of her jeans. She had a feeling she might need it this morning. Her parents were too cooperative and she figured they might be up to something.
When she went back to the kitchen she found Jean still finishing up the breakfast things but her father was nowhere to be seen. She asked her mother where daddy slave was and was told he went upstairs to get dressed. As Jan turned towards the door to go take care of this little insubordination, she had a slight smile on her face. She knew something was up and this was a major turning point in her bid to take control of her submissive parents. If she allowed her father to go back to his normal routine she would no longer be able to control them. She must make sure that he learned a lesson and that her mother learned through example, by the punishment that she would give him for this insubordination.
When Jan entered the Master bedroom, her father was fully dressed in a polo shirt, slacks and shoes. He turned on her entry and said, “This game is over now Jan. I know you won’t send any of those pictures out because that would result in you losing your financial support from home and jeopardizing your final year of college. It would also affect our standing in the community and yours as well. I have a golf date with her Honor the Mayor and several of the city council members. We can discuss this when I get back.”
He started to walk past her. As he did, Jan brought out her stun gun and pressed it into his groin. She pushed the button and 10,000 volts of low amperage electricity hit him. He grunted then fell to his knees unconscious. His body reacted in a protective fashion and he automatically curled up in a fetal position.
While he lay at her feet unconscious, Jan stripped off his cloths. She then grabbed the rope that was still tied to the bed and forcing him onto his stomach tied him in a tight hogtie. He was groaning throughout this process. She had just finished when he started to wake up. He kept trying to draw his knees up but couldn’t because of the way he was tied. He began to moan louder and when he was finally fully awake he looked up at his daughter with fear in his eyes. He didn’t know what she had done but his groin was in extreme pain and it felt like someone had taken a ball bat to him especially his balls. He was in extreme pain and could hardly talk.
His breath came in short gasps and his muscles kept jumping around in his belly, thighs and lower back. Jan walked back to the closet and digging through her mother’s dirty clothes found a soiled pair of panties and came back and stuffed them in Dan’s mouth. She then took one of her mothers’ narrow belts and used that to make sure the panties didn’t come out. Once she was finished, she walked out of the bedroom and back downstairs to the kitchen.
Her mother had finished cleaning the kitchen and was sitting in a chair having a cup of coffee. When Jan entered the kitchen she didn’t get into her required position but sat on the chair waiting for her daughter to say something.
Jan walked up to her and without warning slapped her hard across her tits. She reached out and grabbed her hair and forced her to stand up. Once she was standing, Jan forced her to look into her face and said, “you and dad have made a serious error. We could have had a new and relatively enjoyable relationship. Now before that can happen, you both will need to be severely punished and I am going to have to send out one of the pictures. Come with me.
She pulled her mother by her hair up the stairs and into the bedroom. Jean looked up in surprise when she saw her husband bound in an extreme hogtie and gagged. She was confused. She didn’t know how Jan had overpowered her husband but she obviously had. She now became very afraid. She believed her daughter had truly gone crazy and she was no longer sure what she might do. It was as if she no longer cared for her parents and had become some sort of sadistic monster.
Jan, picked up the other piece of rope and secured Jean’s hands behind her back. She then made her sit on the bed and after looking up the home phone number for the Mayor, dialed the number and then held the phone to Jean’s ear so that she could also hear what was being said..
“You will identify yourself and ask to speak to Mayor Donitz. When she comes on the phone you will inform her that daddy slave will not be able to make their golf date as he has come down with a bad fever and is experiencing severe muscle spasms and pain. He apologizes but is truly incapacitated at this time.”
When the phone was picked up by the maid, Jean identified herself and asked for the Mayor. When she came on, Jean repeated what she was told to say. The Mayor gave her sympathetic reply and told her to tell Dan to get well and that they would see him the following week. Jan then hung up the phone. She turned to her mother and made her lie down next to her husband and took the other piece of rope and forced her into an unpleasant hogtie as well. Jean hissed with pain as Jan pulled her legs up tight so that her ankles were touching her tied wrists. Once she had them both uncomfortably trussed, she rolled her mother over on her side and asked her where they kept their bondage toys. Jean didn’t want to tell her but Jan grabbed her hair and yanked her head back.
“You had better tell me now,” she ordered “or else you will wish you had cooperated. Right now you are just uncomfortable but if I have to punish you like I am going to punish daddy slave, you will find it very difficult to sit or standup for awhile.”
Jean started crying and told her where in the closet to look for their box of toys. Jan went to the closet and found the box under a stack of shoes. It was the same size as a shoe box so Jan knew they probably didn’t have too many toys. When she looked inside, she found a pair of handcuffs, a set of leather wrist and ankle cuffs, a 10 inch dildo, two types of nipple clamps, and a set of butt plugs of various sizes. She didn’t find anything else so she knew she would need to improvise this time. Before she left this weekend she would give them a list of items they were to either order or buy. There was a tube of lube in the box so Jan lubed up two of the plugs and put the smaller one in her mother and the larger one in her father. They both grunted as she forced them in until the sphincter muscle closed around the tapered end and they were seated firmly in their ass. She next attached the nipple clamps to their nipples. Her father got the alligator clips with the pointed teeth and her mother was clamped with the adjustable clamps that had rubber coated blades to grip the nipples. She tightened them down until her mother cried out. Jan inspected her nipples and they were squeezed almost flat and were bright purple on the ends. She knew her mother was in some pain but it was nothing compared to what was going to happen to her husband.
She placed her mother so she could see what Jan was doing in the bedroom. Jan went to her parents’ closet and began to pull Jeans clothes out and laid them on the bed. All her pants were piled on the floor and only her skirts and dresses were put back. She then went through her shirts and blouses and put any that were not transparent or semi-transparent in the pile on the floor. When she had finished in the closet she started in on their dresser. She removed all of her mothers panties and bra’s and threw them in the pile on the floor as well as all her fathers underwear. Her mother wore pantyhose all the time and didn’t have any nylons or garter belts.
Jan threw all the pantyhose on the pile and said to her mother, “We will go shopping later today. You are not allowed to wear pantyhose anymore; only nylons and garters.”
Once she had gone through all their clothes she went downstairs to the kitchen and got two large plastic garbage bags. She then put all the clothes in the pile into these two bags and hauled them downstairs to the garage. This activity had taken her nearly two hours to complete and all this time her parents were kept in their strict hogtie with their butt plugs and nipple clamps in place. They were both in pain and their muscles were beginning to cramp adding to their discomfort. Jan removed the nipple clamps and both parents groaned in pain as the blood rushed back into their tortured nipples. She then placed the wrist and ankle cuffs on her father and hooked them together so he was still held in a hogtie as she untied the rope bindings. She left her mother tied with the rope since there was only one set of leather restraints but loosened the hogtie so her mother was not as tightly held and her muscles could relax a little.
Jan went back downstairs to the garage. She gathered some eye bolts, more rope, some rough twine used for gardening, her fathers tool belt and a bucket. She took these items to the basement and set about making the basement into a place for bondage fun and punishment. She placed the eye bolts into the upstairs floor joists near the far wall and about four feet apart. She placed another set into the wall near the floor and about 12 feet apart. She placed another set of eye bolts in the floor joists in the center of the room and spaced them at least ten feet apart. Once she had this done she went back to the bedroom and untied her mother. It was near noon by this time and she instructed her mother to make a light lunch. While her mother was doing that, Jan went back upstairs and released the restraints on her fathers’ ankles. He could now straighten out his legs but his wrists were still secured behind his back. She massaged some feeling back into his legs so he could stand up.
“You must realize that I now have a large say in what you do when in this house. That is especially true when I am home. Now it is time to punish you for your attempt to revolt from my control. You need to know daddy that I still love you very much but you must learn to accept the fact that I am now the dominant person in this family. This punishment will help you learn that quickly. It is done to insure that you don’t ever consider rebelling again.”
When Jan had finished telling her father this, she placed a slip knot on the end of a piece of rope and placed it around his neck. If he got too rebellious she could just pull on the rope and it would act as a choke collar and she could control his ability to breathe. She made her father stand up and then led him out of the bedroom. Dan didn’t know what was going to happen but since his daughter hadn’t even hesitated or warned him before she sent the electrical charge through his genitals, he was sure he wouldn’t like it. With the gag still in place he couldn’t even try to talk to her. His submissive side was only exhibited when he was in a sexual situation and this was not what he considered a sexual situation. This was serious and he knew that if he couldn’t get control back, his and Jean’s life would be very different.
Jan led him to the basement and placed him under the eyebolts in the middle of the room. She got a short step ladder and ran a length of rope between the two eye bolts. She then looped a shorter rope over the center of the rope between the eye bolts and fastened one end to his leather bound wrists. She then took the other end and began to pull on it. This forced Dan to bend over to take the strain off his shoulders. When she had him with his arms nearly straight up and his head near his knees she tied off the rope holding him in place. She next took lengths of rope and tied one to each of his ankle cuffs. She pulled his legs wide apart which put even more strain on his shoulders as well as the tendons in his upper thigh. She tied these ropes to large pieces of furniture. Her father was now securely fastened in the center of the room.
“You are now ready to receive your punishment,” she said.
“I am going to cause you to experience great pain while I go up and have lunch with mommy slave. While I am gone you need to think about what your new position will be in this house and resign yourself to that fact. If you can convince me that you understand your position when I return, I will release you from your punishment. If you can’t convince me then the punishment will continue until you accept the fact that I now control both you and mommy slave.”
Jan then tied piece of twine around Dan’s balls and pulled it tight. It forced his balls deep into their sack and was very painful. He grunted and tried to tell Jan it was too tight. She just ignored his grunts and proceeded to attach sharp pointed alligator clips to his nipples and fed more twine between them. She then filled the bucket with water and taking the loose ends of the twine holding his balls and attached to the nipple clamps proceeded to pull them around the handle on the bucket. She adjusted them so the nipples and balls equally shared the weight of the water filled bucket. Dan groaned and then began to holler as best he could as Jan continued to lift the bucket off the floor. Dan was now experiencing more pain that he thought possible. He was sure his balls were going to be pulled off and the teeth on the alligator clips were biting into his nipples and he could feel blood beginning to run down his chest. Once Jan had the bucket suspended about a foot off the floor she tied the twine off and then headed upstairs to eat lunch. Dan was now trying to scream through his gag but the only sound was a high pitched hum. Jan turned off the light at the top of the stairs and closed the door. Sweat had broken out on Dan’s body and he was sure he was going to pass out. Unfortunately he didn’t. He just had to endure the pain until Jan came back and released him.
Jan entered the kitchen and saw that her mother had fixed sandwiches and a small salad. She had set the table for three so when Jan came in by herself she asked where her father was.
“He is learning to adjust to his new reality. I am punishing him for trying to rebel against my authority. When we have finished lunch we will both return to see if he ready to accept my authority as the dominant person in this family. Now sit down and eat.”
Jean was very apprehensive about this. She knew when playing with bondage you were never supposed to be out of sight or hearing of the person being bound. It was very dangerous and she was sure her daughter didn’t know how dangerous it could be and that she was breaking one of the cardinal rules of bondage play. What she didn’t realize was that Jan did know the rules and wanted to make sure that both of them understood that when they were being punished the rules didn’t apply although she knew that nothing permanent would happen to her father in the short time that they ate lunch. She had kept other men in similar bondage for over an hour and they paid her for the experience. Of course these were serious masochists who needed extreme pain to get off. They sought the pain but she knew her father did not. He was really into bondage that was mildly uncomfortable and humiliation as a way to reach strong sexual responses. This pain was truly punishment for him.
Jean ate her lunch as quickly as she could so they could go check on Dan. She was really worried about him and wanted her daughter to hurry up and eat. Jan didn’t hurry as she wanted Dan to suffer for at least a half hour. When that time was finally up she finished her drink and said, “Let’s go check on daddy slave and see if he is ready to repent.” They went down into the basement and when Jean saw how Jan had secured Dan she screamed and said, “you will hurt him permanently! Let him go now! Can’t you see the blood on his chest? How could you do this to your father?” She started to move forward to release the bucket when Jan said in a stern voice, “Do you want to join him? If you touch one thing I have done you will join him in pain and his will be doubled because of your interference.”
Jean stopped just in front of Dan and began to cry. “Please dear, let him go. You are hurting him terribly. “
Jan walked up to her mother and took her arm. “You are just prolonging his time with all this nonsense. You have forgotten how to address me. For that you need a reminder. When I have finished with your reminder, I will see if daddy slave should be released.” She then tied her mother to the eye bolts along the wall. When she had her spread wide apart, Jan then got a ruler and began to smack her mother’s tits. Jean screamed and begged her to stop. “You will not scream nor beg. If you do I will continue to punish your tits until you can control yourself. You may moan and cry but not scream nor beg.”
Jean quit screaming but the tears continued to pour down her face and she moaned as loud as she thought she could get away with. She wanted her daughter to know how much this was hurting her. When Jan had struck her at least fifteen times on each breast she then began to strike upward between Jean’s legs and hit her cunt. Jean screamed out in pain and then tried to hold it back and just gasped each time Jan struck her. When she had laid five good blows on her cunt, she stopped. She took her mother’s chin in her hand and forced her to look into her eyes. “What is my name when we are alone?” Jean said, “Mistress”, between her sobs.
“Good mommy slave. Don’t forget or the next time the reminder will be even worse.”
She then released her mother and helped her sit on the rec room couch. She then went to stand in front of Dan.
“Are you ready to be released daddy slave? I am going to take the gag out of your mouth and ask you some questions. If I believe the answers I will release you.”
Jan took out the gag and the first thing Dan did was start begging her to remove the bucket. “I can’t feel my nipples anymore. I think they have been permanently damaged, I’m not sure they are still there. Please dear let me go!”
Jan said, “poor daddy slave. You need a reminder just as mommy slave did in how to address me now.”
She walked behind Dan and took off her belt and began to lash Dan across the ass and upper thighs. When she delivered a dozen blows she again came to stand in front of him.
“Who owns this body daddy slave,” she asked.
“You do Mistress,” he replied between sobs.
“What happens when you don’t obey me?”
“I will be punished?”
“What happens when you are a good daddy slave?
Dan didn’t know how to answer that question so he just said, “I don’t know for sure Mistress.”
Jan laughed and said, “Why you will be rewarded. If I let you go will you ever try to refuse my authority again?”
“No Mistress. I will be a good slave for you,” he said.
Jan believed that he would, at least for the weekend. She was sure that there would need to be further reinforcements along the way particularly when she was gone and giving directions long distance. She would just have to wait and see how that went.
OK, daddy slave. I will release you just as soon as I get some more pictures. Jan then proceeded to take a number of pictures of her father and downloaded them to their computer and sent them to her computer at school. She then began to release Dan. She lifted up the bucket and Dan let out a sigh of relief as the pressure on his balls eased. He could tell the pressure on his nipples also eased but they were now completely numb. Jan untied the bucket and then released the alligator clips. Dan screamed as blood surged back into his nipples and they began to bleed again. Jan quickly got some kleenex and gently dabbed them until the bleeding slowed down. Dan hissed each time she put any pressure on them but didn’t yell out any more. Once the bleeding had stopped she then released the twine from his balls. He again screamed out and tried to double up with the pain. He almost passed out but was eventually able to gain some control back and stood taking in huge gulps of air. His balls were now a fiery red whereas before they were almost purple with the restricted blood flow. Jan then untied the rope holding his arms up. Dan groaned as he tried to lower his arms. Jan unclipped the wrists cuffs so he could let his arms come clear down. She then released the ropes holding his legs apart. Dan nearly fell when he tried to bring his legs together. They had been cramping and stiffened up so much that he almost couldn’t bring them together. He was finally fully released and stood on shaky legs.
“Mommy slave, take daddy slave into the bathroom and give him a hot bath. You are then to massage his entire body until he can move his arms and legs in a normal fashion without too much pain.”
Jean helped Dan to hobble upstairs and into their large master bath with the Jacuzzi jets. She started the water on warm and gradually increased the temperature until it was quite hot. Dan’s body was turning a rosy red when she finally turned on the jets. She helped him to hold up his head as the jets washed over the rest of his body. She let this continue for almost thirty minutes before she turned off the jets and began to let the water out. It had turned lukewarm and it was time for her to give Dan a full body massage. She helped him to stand up and then dried him off. He was surprised at how much just this had helped to reduce the stiffness and pain. Jean helped him to lie down on the bed and then she began to massage his neck and upper back and shoulder muscles. She could feel how tense and tight they were even after the Jacuzzi.
While Jean was helping Dan, Jan had made up a list of equipment that they were to buy over the next week. She was going to make sure that they didn’t think this was a one time event. She also wrote up a short note to send to the Mayor and the school Superintendent. Her parents had to know she would send the pictures although these were to be one of the milder ones. She chose one showing her father in his apron on his knees and serving Jean to send to the Mayor. She used the one of her mother on her knees giving a blow job to Dan to send to the school Superintendent. They needed to learn she was ready to follow through with her threat as well as give out punishment. She would have to make sure to reward them as well for good behavior. She thought she was now ready to cement her control of her parents. Searching through her parents computer address book, Jan found the email address of the Mayor and the school Superintendent. She knew she was taking a chance that someone other than the Mayor and Superintendent might see the message but decided to send the pictures and note to them anyway. Attaching both items to a short message telling them that the attachments contained important information which had career breaking implications, she sent them off using her hotmailMistress J account. The rest of the weekend would surely be interesting and Jan was positive her parents would be very well behaved.
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