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Review This Story || Author: Hawk_Fann & Sbbe

The Greatest Submission

Part 7

The Greatest Submission

The Greatest Submission

Written by Hawk_Fann and Sbbe, his Slave

Stillbehindblueeyes (at) hotmail (dot) com








 The Author does not condone any of these actions, this is fantasy, make believe, you know day dreaming.


 Copyright 2006, Hawk Fann & Sbbe.  All rights reserved.


We would love to hear from you at


Stillbehindblueeyes (at) hotmail (dot) com


               If you post this story elsewhere please let us know and give us access to it. Thanks.




When Kimberly came to, she found she was lying on a bed, where Master had presumably placed her.  There was a soft pillow under her head, and his long fingers were stroking her hair out of her face.


"Www-what..." she started, getting up, but Jason held her shoulders down.


"Easy," he said, "Just relax for a minute.  Ssshhhh."


"I'm sorry, Sir, it just got to be a bit much.  When I was cropping her I just felt like - I don't know what I felt like.  It's all so strange."


"You're doing beautifully, Kimberly."


"She won't do what I say."


"She will. It's only been a few hours."


"I must get back to it."


"Sssshhh," he said again, "She's not going anywhere. Don't go back out there until you're ready."


"Please let me do this Sir.  Please let me please you."


"You will, I have no doubt of that Kimberly.  But right now I'm going to please you.  Let's just call it a little token of my appreciation."


With that she felt his fingers trailing down over her belly and parting her legs, and instantly she began to moisten.  He kissed her on the mouth and then began kissing his way down her body, lingering at her breasts and navel, before he began licking her pussy. She came hard, holding his head, her hips writhing little mewing sounds escaping her lips.  When she came back down to earth she felt refreshed and rejuvenated, not to mention loved and needed.  It was with that mindset that she strode back into the dungeon, more confident than ever.



Sarah was stretched so tightly that she could not sag, but her head was pitched forward, her dark hair tumbling down in front of her.  Kimberly grabbed a handful of hair and pulled her head up, which made Sarah’s eyes pop open.


"How's that shitty cock tasting?" Kimberly asked.


Sarah didn't respond, nor did she offer anything in the way of physical response. 


"I could take it out, you know.  Give you a little mouthwash.  Maybe even a drink of water."  Still no response, Sarah was staring straight ahead, averting her gaze from Kimberly.  "Of course, you'd have to earn those things," Kimberly went on, "and I've seen nothing in your behavior that merits reward."  Sarah kept her gaze straight ahead. 


So that's how it's going to be, Kimberly thought.  Just as well.  Kimberly picked up a clothespin off the rolling table and held it up for Sarah to see.  She opened it and closed it, but it did not phase the woman.  She obviously thought it was going on her nipple and thought little of it, given that she's already endured much worse.


"You see, what you don't get is how little effort it takes for me to make life very unpleasant for you. Observe." With that Kimberly opened the jaws of the

clothespin and made like she was about to put it on Sarah's nipple, only to switch at the last minute and clamp it on the end of her nose, closing her nostrils and cutting offer her air before she could even get a good breath in.  Sarah's head jerked back and then side to side as she tried to shake the clothespin loose, but it held tight.  Kimberly watched the display with an outward smile. 


"This is called breath play," she said in a professorial tone.  "Although I'm sure it does not feel like play to you."


Sarah's face began to turn red and Kimberly could see the instinctual panic in her eyes.  When the red turned crimson, Kimberly removed the clothespin and Sarah sucked air in as fast as she could.  Sarah's head fell, her big breasts heaving outward with every breath.  Without warning, Kimberly clamped the clothespin back on her nose.


"Let's see how long you go this time.  You're a swimmer, right?  You ought to be able to go awhile before you pass out."  Even though she had to know it would do no good, Sarah again tried to shake the clothespin off her nose.


"30 seconds," Kimberly said.  "I don't think you'll make a minute the way you're burning oxygen."  She watched again as Sarah's face began to turn, but she let it go a bit further this time, until the crimson turned purple and her eyes bulged.  Just as her eyes began to flutter shut, Kimberly reached up and took

the pin off, allowing Sarah to draw a huge breath just in time to avoid passing out.


"You see, Bitch, everything is a privilege around here, right down to the air you breathe.  This is my air, and you will breathe it on my terms."  Sarah was

too busy trying to get oxygen back in her system to respond.  Kimberly didn't rush it.  She wanted her strong for what she had in store for her next.



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