Raul had no idea what Si Lun intended with that slender rod, but he knew it
would not be pleasant.
The huge dildo in his ass was plugged into the black box and a switch flipped
on. Immediately it started to hum and vibrate. Lodged so firmly into
his prostate the effect was immediate. Raul's formidable cock sprang up,
hard and quivering, preum drooling from the tip. Ahh just what I need
breathed Si Lun, her eyes glistening in anticipation.
Reaching out she grasped the pulsing shaft of Raul's throbbing member.
The rod in one hand she held his penis firmly and probed with the end of the
rod around on the head until it slid into the urethra. Still holding the
shaft she very slowly inserted the copper rod up into Raul's hard phallus.
Raul gasped and groaned as the smooth rod slid further and further up the
tender tube. Further and further Si Lun penetrated his now trembling
cock. Suddenly a yellow stream of piss flowed around the rod, splashing
to the floor. It had reached Raul's bladder. Si Lun allowed it to
flow till she was sure his bladder had emptied.
Si Lun smiled and looked up at Raul.
"Last chance to talk my friend."
Raul, his eyes huge in anticipated terror of he knew not what, shook his head.
Si Lun now slowly withdrew the rod from Raul's cock. When just a
tiny bit remained inside the head of his organ she reversed and slid it back
in. When it was fully inserted she again withdrew it. She then
pushed it back in. Slowly sliding and twisting the smooth rod in
and out of Raul's penis. Raul twisted and moaned, the sliding of
the rod through his tender tube was stimulating him. He wriggled his
hips, forcing it to twist inside. After 10 minutes of this manipulation he was
breathing deeply and rapidly.
Si Lun nodded to the Colonel who picked up the wires connected to the
probe. Turning to the table he connected the ends to a small box with a
crank on it.
"Now you will find out how we deal with rebellious pigs like
you. Slowly to start my Colonel."
The Colonel was an expert at manipulating the magneto on which the crank was
As soon as the crank was turned a trickle of electricity flowed through
the wires, to the copper rod and up into Raul's rigid member. He gave a
start and gasped.
The Colonel turned the crank faster. More current flowed. Raul thought
his penis had been immersed in boiling acid. His body convulsed and went
rigid, a terrible screech of pain hurtled from his forcibly wide stretched
mouth. The Colonel turned the crank faster and faster. More
and more current flowed into Raul's sizzling penis. Si Lun slowly slid
the rod in and out of his throbbing cock. As Si Lun manipulated the rod
back and forth in Raul's urethra he screamed like a little girl, his legs
convulsing and thrashing There was no escape. The Colonel
turned the crank and Si Lun slid the demonic rod in and out.
Finally the Colonel slowed then stopped the cranking. Si Lun slid the
fiendish tool from Raul's seared member. He slumped in the bindings,
sobbing and whimpering.
Consuelo's eyes had been bugging from her head as she watched the horrific
torture of her friend. She screamed and struggled against her own
bindings for them to stop, they were killing him.
"No my little girl, it will not kill him. He wont be able to
fuck you for awhile though."
"You animals! That's inhuman. He will be crippled for
"No, no. Just very sore when he pisses for awhile."
"Well my boy do you care to reveal what we ask for yet?"
Raul was gasping for air, his entire body shaking and quivering. His head
hung on his chest and sweat ran in rivulets from his naked torso. Without
raising his head he shook it.
"Again my Colonel?"
""NO... you can't do it to him again.
Si Lun smiled, and sliding the rod again into Raul's tormented prick,
nodded. The Colonel went to work again, spinning the crank fast then
slow, varying the speed and intensity of the current flowing into Raul's
tortured penis. He screamed again and again, convulsing and shaking as
best he could. His screaming bounced from the walls of the interrogation
Finally, as Si Lun was again applying her expertise to the torment of
Raul's swollen pulsing member, he slumped into unconsciousness.
"It seems our friend is not so tough as he pretended. Shall we see
if his girl friend is anymore communicative?"
"You beasts you are not human! No human could do what you have been
doing to poor Raul."
"Quite likely my little flower. But let us see how you can sing
shall we? All you have to do is tell us what the plans are which your
friend Jemma was arranging."
'You filthy bastards if Jemma would not tell you, nor Lori Beth or Tiffany,
neither shall I. I spit on you and your filthy band"
"Brave talk for one who has not tasted my delicate friends powers of
persuasion. How about it Si Lun would you like to ask this sweet child a few
"Oh my Colonel I leave the questions to you. I will take care of the
"Sergeant, strip her and put her in the chair."
The Sergeant roughly hauled Consuelo to her feet and drug her to the
fearsome frame so recently occupied by Tiffany in her agony.
She was quickly striped, and was thrust ,naked against the center post, straps
around her waist and up under her arms. The Sergeant fondled and squeezed
her full breasts as he manhandled her against the post. Her legs doubled
back, ankles strapped to her upper thighs, then both strapped to the
"V" extending out from the front of the frame. Next her arms,
sharply twisted behind her and strapped to the upper "V" extending
rearward from the post, thrusting her breasts forward invitingly. Consuelo
could barely move she was strapped into the frame so tightly. A strap went
about her throat to hold her head to the post but she could still gaze downward
at her helplessly splayed body.
"Now my little rebel. Tell me ALL about those plans you have."
"Nothing you could possible do will make me give you that
"Brave talk for one about to journey into a hell you cannot envision at
the moment. Too bad for you, but fun for me you stupid little pig.
Sergeant why don't you give this stubborn little girl a bit of a warm up for
me.. I'm sure she will enjoy herself, I know for sure you
definitely will."
'Oh yes missy. It will be a pleasure. Just look at those succulent
titties. And see how she spreads herself for me. "
The Sergeant drops to his knees between Consuelo's legs, his serpent like
tongue slithering from his mouth, lolling below his chin. Consuelo stares
in disgust at the obscene appendage flicking from his mouth. Leaning closer he
laps his drooling appendage over her inner thigh slobbering onto the cringing
flesh. Closer and closer he licks to her core of femininity.
Reaching with one hand he runs his finger over the lips of her pussy, parting
them, working his way up the valley to the base of her quaking love
bud. Sucking his finger into his slobbering mouth he liberally
coats it with saliva, then attacks the hidden bud, deftly peeling back the hood
to expose her clitoris. He slowly slides his finger back and forth
over the tender morsel, spreading her lips with two fingers to expose the
tip he gives it a fleeting lick.
His slavering tongue continues to lick over her thighs as it gradually works
it's way closer and closer to her center. Consuelo tries to pull away but
the Sergeant has done his work well. She is hardly able to move a
muscle. His tongue dips into the crease where thigh meets crotch. A
sharp intake of breath from Consuelo. Up and down the crease he laps,
licking up over her outer lips. Despite her revulsion her private parts
have begun to react to the flicking tongue and deft fingers. She is very
wet.. He eagerly laps up her juices and spreads them over her
sex. His tongue delves into her slot and up over her exposed
clitoris. Consuelo involuntarily moans as his devilish tongue laps over
her center of sensuality.. His finger parts the lips and his obscenely
long tongue slithers into her very core, wriggling and penetrating to her innermost
being. With a flick and twist of his head his tongue slides across her
cervix. Now Consuelo has abandoned all reticence as she shamelessly fucks her
pussy to his teasing tongue.
"Oh God Nooo! I can't help it. Noooooo!
Don't make me! Noooooooo!!! Yess. Yessss!!!
I'm there....I'm there!!!!! Ahhhhhhhh!!!
Ohhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! EEeeeeee!!!!!
Thrashing and struggling against the straps Consuelo cums, and cums again as
the Sergeant continues the mind altering sucking of her sweet pussy. He
continues eating Consuelo's delightful sex, wringing orgasm after orgasm from
her shivering body.
After uncounted orgasms Consuelo begs him to stop, he is sucking her insides
from her. "Please stop, have mercy!"
"Enough Sergeant, I think she is properly prepared now. Yes I know
you want to keep on but let us proceed with our questioning."
Reluctantly the Sergeant gets to his feet, wiping his chin with the back of his
hand, leaving Consuelo shivering and shaking from her ordeal, panting and
gasping for breath.
"Now that you have had YOUR, fun it is time for me to have MINE!"
Si Lun walks to Consuelo's trussed body, and looking into her terrified eyes,
bends and takes a nipple, swollen and stiff from the Sergeant's stimulation,
into her mouth and flicking it with her tongue sucks it to even more
"So sweet and tender. The more to feel my toys."
Reaching back to the cart holding her instruments of terror, Si Lun picks up a
slender pencil-like tool with a long wire running from the end. The
business end has a slender screwdriver like rod protruding from it, a grayish
discoloration at the end. Si Lun slides a switch on the side and quickly
a wisp of smoke curls from the point. Consuelo realizes what it is,
a soldering iron, and a gasp of horror escapes her mouth as she stares down at
To Be Continued.........
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Aug 6 (5 days ago) |
Si Lun cups one of Consuelo's full breasts in her palm, gently squeezing and
fondling it.
Consuelo stares with bulging terror filled eyes at her outthrust breast, the
nipple stiff and tall. Si Lun looks into those terror filled eyes and
smiles. Very slowly, to heighten Consuelo's panic, Si Lun brings the
smoldering tip of the soldering iron to the tip of Consuelo's nipple. She
touches the tender nub and it sizzles as a wisp of smoke rises from the seared
Consuelo stiffens and a shriek of incredible agony issues from her mouth.
Si Lun glides the tip of the iron down over the nipple and across the
aureole. The straps creak as Consuelo thrashes against them, struggling
to escape the horrific pain.
Si Lun guides another stroke of the iron over the nipple and across the
aureole. Screams of agony pour from Consuelo's mouth, her lips
drawn back from her teeth as she howls in agony. Si Lun slowly works her
way around the nipple, stripping the skin from the tortured flesh, leaving it
wet and weeping as she flays it.
Consuelo screams and screams as she is tortured by this diabolical fiend in the
person of Si Lun.
Releasing Consuelo's breast, Si Lun smiles and licks her lips as she raises
Consuelo's other breast in her hand.
"God NOOOOO!!!!" Please!! NOOOO!!!
Si Lun nods and reaches out with her tongue to lick, then suck Consuelo's
nipple. It stands stiff and wet as Si Lun brings the soldering iron
closer to the object of her ministrations.
She touches the tip to the peak. SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!
"Yes my child it hurts doesn't it? And it's going to get worse isn't
Each time Si Lun runs the soldering iron over Consuelo's nipple, stripping away
the skin, Consuelo shrieks in unspeakable agony. Her screams bouncing
from the walls. She watches in unbelieving horror as the sadistic Si Lun
systematically flays her nipple.
Si Lun is enraptured with the screams of her helpless victim. "God
how fortunate she is to have such a wonderful job. To spend her days and
nights torturing screaming, struggling, young women. What more could she
possibly desire? The screams and wails of the helpless females as she, Si Lun,
practices her barbarous trade. God how she loves her work."
Si Lun finishes stripping the skin from Consuelo's nipple and observes her
handiwork. A wave of excitement and pleasure washes over her.
Consuelo is whimpering and quivering in agony, her breasts aflame with pain.
Si Lun sets the soldering iron aside and reaches and takes one of Consuelo's
shining, weeping nipples between her fingers and squeezes as she twirls it back
and forth. More screams burst from Consuelo's lips. The shrieks of
an animal being torn to pieces, they raise the hackles on ones neck.
"Well my stubborn little girl, do you have anything to tell me?"
Consuelo shakes and trembles as she sobs and whimpers. The torture sweat
pours from her body, running in rivulets down her spread body to drip to the
floor beneath her.
Si Lun is obviously pleased with her refusal. She has the Sergeant
trundle over the brazier, laden with glowing coals. Picking from her cart
of instruments she immerses several in the hot coals.
"Since you seem to enjoy the warmth of my toys, I thought you might be
ready for a bit more warmth."
Consuelo watches in terror as the instruments absorb the heat in the brazier
and turn a bright orange, then white with the heat from the coals.
Si Lun draws a rod with a flattened end from the coals and turns back to
Consuelo's eyes are wide with terror as Si Lun extends the white, shimmering
iron and lays the flat end against Consuelo's abdomen, holding it there as it
burns into her flesh, searing the muscles.
Consuelo strains against the cruel straps holding her, they creak as she twists
and convulses.
She screams and thrashes, her body struggling against the straps binding
her. There is no respite, she screams again and again, the diabolical
iron searing into her tortured flesh. She thinks surely no one has ever endured
such pain.
Si Lun returns the iron to the coals to heat again. She removes a slender
needle, at least 8 inches long, shimmering, white hot.
She lifts one of Consuelo's breasts, and, placing the point just below her
flayed nipple presses it into the already tormented flesh.
Consuelo screams in agony as the glowing needle penetrates her mammary,
sizzling and bubbling as it pushes through the agonized globe. It soon
emerges from the other side of her once unmarked breast. Si Lun
retrieves another needle and proceeds impaling the other breast in like
Consuelo wails in agony as her flesh is skewered by the malevolent metal.
Four more times Si Lun skewers Consuelo's heaving breasts. Three of the
barbarous needles adorn each. They shake and quiver as Consuelo gasps for
breath and screams in her agony
Raul has regained consciousness and watches in horror the inhuman torture of
his partner. He grunts and gurgles at them as they torture her.
"Sergeant remove the brank from his mouth. I want to hear him."
"In god's name stop! She can't stand more of this you
"Ahh, perhaps you would prefer me to resume amusing myself with YOU?"
"You miserable bastards! You do this and yet wonder why we rebel
against you? We will succeed. We WILL defeat you!"
"You and your gang of gangsters will never succeed. We will defeat you at
every turn and do with you as we wish. Si Lun will have many subjects to
play with"
Si Lun does indeed turn from Consuelo and returns to Raul. She cups his
scrotum in her hand and Raul flinches and gasps.
"Bring my toys over here Sergeant. I believe our stalwart friend
needs a lesson in controlling his tongue."
The Sergeant rolls the brazier over next to Raul, then moves the cart of
instruments next to it. Si Lun picks up the soldering iron. Turning
it on she touches the tip to the crease between thigh and ball sack. She
slowly draws it forward and over the top of his thigh, continuing up his side
to his armpit, holding it there as it sears it's way into his flesh.
Raul screams and twists as the iron burns into him.
Si Lun then turns to his muscled chest. Slowly, agonizingly she flays his
small nipples. Though much,much smaller than Consuelo's they still smoke
and sizzle as she runs the iron over them. Not satisfied with the flaying
of his nipples Si Lun removes the flattened iron from the brazier and laying it
over each nipple in turn completely obliterates them. Raul is
howling in agony a Si Lun brands his flesh with her irons.
She ties a loop of rawhide around his scrotum just above his
testicles.. From it she hangs several weights, about 6-7
pounds. Raul groans as his testicles are pulled and stretched, the skin
of his sack taut and shiny. Drawing a low stool over she sits herself
between his wide spread legs. She jiggles the weights drawing grunts from
Raul. Si Lun pulls one of the glowing needles from the brazier.
Holding his testicles in her hand and pulling down, she weaves the hot needle
through the stretched skin of his scrotum between his balls and his
crotch. The effect is horrific, and predictable. Raul strains
against the straps and screams at the top of his lungs. The needle
sizzles and bubbles. Si Lun does the same with two more needles. Raul is
beside himself in agony, his balls being nearly torn from his body and the
needles searing his sack. His screams reverberate from the walls and
"Wish to tell me anything?" the Colonel asks.
Raul stoically shakes his head.
Si Lun gleefully picks up one of her favorite devices she uses on men. It
is two steel plates with indentations in them like the cups in an egg
carton. In fact the are intended to be used on eggs,,,,,
of a sort. They are joined together by a thumbscrew.
Lifting Raul's nuts in her hand she slides them between the two plates and into
the cups, she turns the thumbscrew. The plates come together with
his balls trapped between them.
Raul stares down at his imprisoned testicles and dares not believe she is going
to do what he KNOWS she is going to do.
"Information is all I want foolish boy. Talk and I won't allow Si
Lun to go further."
"I'll tell you nothing you offspring of a she pig."
The Colonel nods to Si Lun who gleefully lifts Raul's scrotum and gives the
thumbscrew a few turns.
Raul groans loudly and gasps. Si Lun slowly turns the screw. The
cups come closer together, Raul's nuts are squeezed.
Another turn. His balls scream out in pain, HE screams in unimaginable agony as
his most tender parts are slowly being crushed.
Si Lun gleefully turns the screw eliciting inhuman howls from Raul. She
stops turning the screw and removes a glowing needle from the
brazier. She touches the point to one of his testes and twisting it
pierces the tortured globe. It sizzles and easily pushes thru the orb,
cauterizing the wound as it goes the needle completely skewers the ball.
Raul is unable to handle this outrage and again slumps unconscious.
Si Lun is smiling from ear to ear as Raul's screams cease.
Consuelo has been forcibly watching the savage and vicious torture of her
friend. When he passes out again, she knows she will once more be the
object of the twisted mind of Si Lun.
Indeed she is right. Si Lun gets up from her stool and returns to
"Ah my little chicken, ready for more fun? Or would you like to end
all this and tell the Colonel what he desires?"
To Be Continued........
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