The Adventures of Jack and Jill
Rolf Palsy
Chapter 3
Poor Jill was no match for the fab four. They overwhelmed her in a matter of seconds and then began to squabble among themselves about who was going to do what to whom. All the teen could do was stare at her hairy swains and hope that the chastity belt was well made. The harness of metal and leather was the only protection her naked body possessed this time. The doctor had reasoned that it would be a waste of time and resources to have the girl wear clothing, because the chimps would only rip it from her body, and in the process might further harm the teen lovely.
Jill's blood froze when the chimps began to home in on the chastity belt, intrigued by this new artifact that they'd never seen. She foolishly tried to defend herself by slapping their hands away as they reached for this new plaything. That proved to be a big mistake and she suffered the consequences very quickly. Alpha gave her a resounding slap across the side of her head and another of his howling cohorts threw one of the feces that littered the cage at the distraught teen. She broke into tears and this caused them to scamper in circles around their sobbing victim, pounding their chests and making the most god-awful noises one could imagine.
Once this ritual had run its course, they got down to the serious busness of ridding the teen of this encumbrance that was getting in the way of having some fun with her. The teen screamed at the top of her lungs but only managed to set the chimps off into a fit of screaming that nearly deafened her. These chimps were not to be deterred from their quest. Once more teamwork overcame the obstacle. While two of them held the struggling teen down on the ground, the others pulled, twisted and finally bit through the stubborn leather straps that held the metal portion to her vulva. There was another triumphant march around their victim, Alpha holding the chastity belt aloft as if it were some type of trophy. Then they got down to the business of mating with this larger, hairless version of themselves.
In retrospect their efforts were thwarted more by the size of their organs and inexperience in using them properly, rather than the resistance that Jill put up against them. Let's face it, a three inch penis isn't capable of doing much damage in close quarters, especially when it's trying to hit a moving target. However the chimps did get off and this little taste of pleasure made them more eager for another rematch with this large, less than accommodating chimp. It was an exhausted and sperm covered teen who finally was allowed to exit the cage leaving her fans, the fab four, screeching for another crack at her.
The doctor and Mr.Fava put their collective heads together and came up with a plan for educating and improving the capability of the chimps to do some serious damage to Jill's plumbing. They employed a blowup doll, the kind purchased to pacify perverts who had neither the resources nor interest in foraging for the real thing. Let's face it, there are some positives with curling up with your plastic or rubber woman for a good session of the old in and out. You never have to wine and dine her to get her in the mood. She never complains that you came too quick. She can' t transmit all manner of venereal diseases, not to mention the big grim reaper, AIDS. She never asks you if you'll respect her in the morning. If she's an upgraded model,
she 's also got a reasonable representation of an asshole that is dedicated to your happiness. She doesn't take up much space in your place, doesn't eat and best of all, she never says no to anything you suggest.
The training technique they employed was unique and worthy of being published in a scientific journal, provided the true purpose of the training was not revealed to the referees reviewing it. Rather than try to teach a band of fractious chimps who had a high degree of intelligence, but were easily distracted, they separated Alpha, the leader of the band, and removed him from the cage to other quarters. Once he got the hang of performing whatever technique was required for providing sexual pleasure to himself and his blowup doll, he would be returned to the cage with a reinforced blow-up doll to educate his mates about the wonderful trick he had just learned. Finding a technique that rewarded Alpha and seemed to come from the doll was the key to the success of this approach. At this point the solution to that problem will remain shrouded in mystery until the patent for it has cleared the lawyers.
Alpha proved to be a quick study, and within a matter of a few weeks he became a skilled pussy eater, knew three or four basic positions for sex that didn't require more cock than he had and got totally addicted to anal sex and blowjobs, which would drive Jill to distraction. The worst thing they did was teach Alpha how to fist fuck his partner; this little trick would likely make Jill go up the walls of the cage almost as fast as the chimps could. One thing they had overlooked was the possibility that Alpha might utilize his peers in lieu of his blowup doll whenever Jill was unavailable. This is exactly what finally happened, and was probably responsible for saving her sanity as well as her life.
The doctor was still attached to the idea that Jill could be protected by a chastity belt and thus be in command when she ventured into the cage. He tried out a number of designs before settling on one that featured a metal grill structure held in place by tiny chain links, thus preventing the chimps from eating their way through to get at Jill's goodies. Her first trip into the cage wearing this new protective gear worked for a few minutes and then a frustrated Alpha took matters into his own hands, so to speak, and began biting Jill on her thighs. It was touch and go for a time before they were able to separate the chimps and Jill. That was the end of the chastity belt phase of the program.
They were delighted over the response when Jill was physically forced into the cage and the chimps took over. Alpha immediately had her on her back, legs spread and held apart by his furry hands. Once he got down to the business of seeing how far he could get his tongue up Jill's twat, he discovered that the taste of her hole was decided different than his blowup doll. He lapped away at the salty fluid that she produced and pronounced it to be good. He managed to pass this information to the other members of the band and a good time was had by all, over and over and over and over, until poor Jill fainted dead away, her cunt lips swollen to the point that the chimps had a hard time scooping up the salty stuff that ran from her gash. The noise they made when the doctor and his cohort rescued her from the cage was deafening. As it turned out, the doctor had managed to get some outstanding footage of the chimps doing the teenager as she writhed and struggled against their superior number and strength.
Emboldened by their initial success, the two of them began to stage contests between Jill and the fab four, inviting their friends and trusted business associates to witness the girl being overwhelmed by the chimps and suffering whatever they chose to deal out to her in the way of sex play. Out of self preservation Jill developed some rapport with Alpha and used this relationship to better control the others, proving that she may have been slow, but she definitely was not as dumb as they originally thought. Conventional sex between Jill and the chimps was not nearly as stressing as their reaction to the taste of her pussy juice. They were like little boys, sticking their things in her hole and triggering off in record time. She could handle a round of four in less than five minutes and then take it easy for perhaps a half hour before they got that glint in their beady eyes again and wanted some more pussy. Usually three or four rounds were enough for them on any given day, something that became a piece of cake for the teenager.
Things turned distinctly dark for little Jill once Alpha learned about oral and anal sex. Unfortunately the doll's orifices were enormously different than Jill's. On the one hand, Jill's mouth was softer, warmer and wetter, all advantages for her when compared to the blowup creature. The chimps gave her four stars when it came to blowjobs. They loved the way she drained their little testicles, requiring almost no effort on their part if she did it correctly. If she didn't, there was pain, such as a clout across the ear and even a nip in some strategic area of her anatomy. In self defense, Jill learned to give almost perfect blowjobs to these little apes. The footage the doctor obtained in this phase of training was spectacular. The chimps seemed to be showing off in many cases, mugging for the camera which offered no threat to them. In one classic section Alpha was seated on the branch of a tree making gestures and sounds as if he were orchestrating Jill and the chimp to which she was applying her suctioning mouth, as her chimp sex partner held his hands over his ears and howled to the heavens as she made a sperm withdrawal.
The honeymoon between Jill and Alpha ended abruptly once he tried to nail the teen in her asshole. In this situation the teen's bunghole was much tighter and she was a lot more concerned about having anything bigger than a pencil lodged between her cheeks. Alpha like most males of any species, didn't want to work very hard for his pleasure. He had been spoiled rotten by how easy it was to get blowjobs and even pussy from the big, pale creature that evidently wasn't one of his kind. Now she was giving him a hard time in more ways than one. It was time for the brute force approach, which had worked so well in the past. This time, try as he would, it was no sale. Worse yet the others like her came and took her away even before he could show his underlings his latest trick. The doctor thinks that it was at this juncture that Alpha took a walk on the wild side in more ways than one.
It was weeks before they dared put the teen back into the cage, and this time they had to handcuff Jill, as well as drag her kicking and screaming into the land of the fab four. By now the gang was enjoying each other's asshole and discovering the joys of cock sucking, using their fellow inmates. The cage had indeed become a prison for its occupants, with a pecking order featuring Alpha down to the smallest of the band. The reintroduction of the creature that started it all was greeted sullenly by the now larger and more assertive chimps. Once again, it was the main chimp who stepped up to the plate and took his best swings. It may be a poor metaphor, but it's as good as one can get, considering the subject.
This was the final blow to Alpha's pride and the thing that nearly drove Jill mad. The chimps ganged up on her and before she could say no, they had her on the ground, with two of them yanking her legs as far apart as the tendons would allow, while a third one tried to feed her a few fresh feces. Jill was not impressed by his offer and so he began stuffing them into her mouth and rubbing the stinking material all over her face as she screamed bloody murder. Meanwhile an angry Alpha began to push his stubby wrinkled fingers, one by one, into her twat despite her efforts to escape the iron grips of the two holding her legs apart. All was going well for the chimp until he tried to make a rudimentary fist that in turn would be use to part her cunt lips and begin the slow march up her birth canal.
This approach had worked quite well when it was his blowup doll and its yielding material of construction. Unfortunately Jill was built of stronger and less elastic stuff. Although the chimp was not able to say "curses, foiled again", his howls and screams signaled all in the vicinity that he had had it with this particular dummy. It was at this point that the poor girl lost control of her bladder and moments later her bowels. Now this was something that the chimps could deal with, and so they did. Before she could be rescued Jill caught a faceful of ape urine from at least three of them and one had managed to begin defecating on her chest.
The girl refused to talk to anyone, even her twin brother, for the better part of five days. She refused to eat and showed signs of regressing to an almost infantile state. At that point her foster parents were notified and a day later she was back with Al and Annie, where she recovered rapidly from her terrible ordeal. As bad as that situation had been, there were others that would be just as stressing or perhaps worse. Things had begun to develop with their foster parents that had the potential to put the twins in much greater jeopardy.
( To be continued )
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