Jan Takes Charge
By MasterInc
This story is pure fiction and is not based on any persons I know or have known. It comes entirely from a fantasy world.
Chapter One: Introduction to Jan
Jan Oaks is a beautiful redhead with a stunning figure and classic good looks. She also has those deep green eyes that many true red heads have. She is a junior in one of the state universities and the president of an underground sorority on campus. This sorority is by invited membership only and does not advertise or promote its existence. If asked about the sorority every member would deny knowing anything about it or would deny it even exists. Why would someone want to be associated with such a sorority? The reason lies in the purpose of this sorority. It is the training grounds for becoming an accomplished dominatrix. As President of the sorority, Jan is the head dominatrix and helps train the new freshmen members who have been invited to join. This requires those poor souls to become slaves to the upper classmen in the sorority for the entire freshman year. It is believed that by becoming a slave to an older more experienced dominatrix they will learn many things firsthand. They will learn how to tease and bring someone to a peak of arousal but not tip them over the edge because they will have experienced this type of treatment themselves many times during their first year. They will also learn first hand what kinds of punishment bring the most intense pain but leaves no outward marks. They will also learn about glorious rewards that will bring them to mind blowing orgasms. In other words this sorority is not for the fainthearted and prissy people.
At the present time, Jan is seated on the edge of her chair with her skirt hiked up and her legs spread apart. Between her legs is a fine looking freshman male athlete named Brad, who is licking her cunt as she directs. He had promised to do what she wanted if Jan would only go to a movie with him. Of course he didn’t realize who he was talking to, so when he made this promise he thought she would only want him to carry her books or maybe do her laundry or something. When they had returned from the movies and she invited him to her apt, he thought he must have scored big.
Jan had him sit in the large overstuffed chair as it was so soft that anyone sitting in it had a difficult time getting up. You just sank way down in it and all of a sudden you found yourself sitting lower than Jan. When he made to get up and sit somewhere else, Jan told him to sit still while she went to get them some beers. He didn’t feel comfortable in the chair but settled back and waited for her return. When she returned with two bottles of beer he started to get up to take one from her.
“Sit back down,” she ordered. He looked up a little shocked at the demand in her voice. “It is time for you to do what I wish as payment for me allowing you to take me to the movies.”
Brad looked up with concern in his eyes. “What do you want me to do?” he asked.
“First off you are not to talk unless I say you can. Secondly I want you to remove all your clothes while staying seated in the chair. Thirdly you will obey me immediately or I shall punish you.”
Brad tried to push his way up out of the chair and in a loud almost panic stricken voice said, “No way am I going to do that!”
As he struggled to sit up, Jan stepped forward and put her three inch spiked heel against his chest and pushed him back. “Sit down. You promised to do whatever I wanted if I went to a movie with you. I have completed my part. It is now time for you to complete yours.”
As she was saying this she was putting more and more pressure on her heel and it was really hurting Brad. He began to try and push her foot away but as soon as his hands touched her leg, she lashed out with a small whip and smacked his hands. He quickly pulled his hands away and looked up at her. With her foot raised up to hold him in his chair, her crotch and panties were easily visible to him. Even through the pain in his chest, he felt his cock begin to stir as he looked at this lovely sight. He settled back and tried to relax while he continued to stare up her skirt at her scantily clad pussy. She smiled when she saw that he realized she had the upper hand and that he might get some pussy tonight if he played his cards right.
Jan removed her foot from his chest and stood waiting for him to undress. Brad looked up at her as he rubbed his chest and then began to take off his shirt.
Jan spoke up and said, “Shoes, socks and pants first”.
Brad stopped unbuttoning his shirt and smiled. He figured once she got a glimpse of his seven inch cock she would relax and he could take the initiative. And boy was she going to pay for her aggressive behavior. He removed his shoes, socks and slid his jeans down off his legs. He now sat in the chair wearing only his under shorts and shirt. He had an erection which was obvious by the tenting in his shorts.
“Now the shirt,” Jan said.
He smiled again and removed his shirt. His muscular body was now clearly visible. There was a bright red spot in the center of his chest where Jan’s heel had been pressing down. It looked like it might turn into a bruise and be sore for several days. Brad watched Jan’s eyes carefully to see how she was reacting to his muscular body.
Jan coolly looked over his body and then said, “Now the shorts.”
Brad gave a broad grin and slid them down releasing his erect 7” cock. “How do you like it Jan?” he asked.
Jan lashed out with her little whip and lashed his cock and balls. Brad screamed and doubled over. “No talking without permission, now put your hands behind your back,” she said.
Brad didn’t do anything but moan and she again lashed out and slashed the whip across his back. “I’ll keep whipping you until you put your hands behind your back,” she said.
Brad was in pain and quickly decided he better placate this bitch until he could get the upper hand. She would then be real sorry she treated him so harshly he thought to himself. He placed his hands behind his back and no sooner had he done this than Jan handcuffed him.
He started to sit up straight but Jan just pushed on the back of head and said, “keep your head down until I tell you to sit up.”
Brad stayed doubled over which meant he couldn’t see what Jan was doing. She had moved out of his line of site but he could hear her moving about in the room and opening drawers and removing things. She returned shortly and told Brad to sit up. When Brad sat up he had a pleasant surprise. Jan had removed her shirt and was standing before him braless and naked from the waist up. She still had on the skirt she wore earlier and Brad couldn’t tell if she still had her panties on or not. He couldn’t take his eyes off her tits. They were fantastic. They stuck out proudly and her nipples were stiff and swollen so Brad knew she was becoming aroused. Jan was carrying a valise like the ones doctors used to carry in the old days when they made house calls.
She stood and let Brad admire her body before she moved around behind him. Brad started to turn his head and follow her but she said, “Don’t look at me! Look straight ahead.” Brad did as he was told and soon Jan began to place a blindfold on him. He tried to duck away but Jan again slashed him with her little whip and left a welt across his chest and upper abdomen.
Brad yelled again and forgetting himself said, “God damn, that hurts. Don’t you fucking dare hit me again or when I get loose I’ll beat the crap out you with that little whip of yours!”
Jan just laughed and said, “You are a slow learner. If you would just follow the rules I gave you, you would then avoid such unpleasantness. Now you must be punished for speaking without permission and for threatening me.”
She reached into her case and brought out a quirt about 18” long and began to whip Brad across his shoulders and back. Brad began to holler and tried to get out of the chair and away from Jan’s attack. Jan let him almost get to his feet before she tripped him and then began to beat him in earnest. She was leaving welts all over his body. She struck any part that was handy and a few blows landed on his cock and balls causing him to scream and try to roll into a fetal position which was difficult with his hands cuffed behind him. Jan continued to beat Brad across the shoulders, chest, abdomen, and the fronts and backs of both thighs. Brad was reduced to hysterical crying and begging for her to stop. After she had left welts across his entire body she stopped.
“Sit up wimp,” she said. Jack struggled up onto his knees and sat there waiting for what else was to come. “Look at me,” she ordered. When Brad looked up with his red tear stained eyes, she took a picture of him.
He was aghast. “What are you going to do with that picture?” He again forgot and spoke without permission.
“Lay down on your back wimp,” She ordered. Brad hesitated briefly but when she raised her arm to strike him again, he lay back on arms and hand. This raised his ass a little and made his cock and balls very available. “You can’t seem to learn,” she said. “You were not given permission to speak so you will again have to be punished. If you roll over or try to avoid your punishment this time, I will escalate the intensity and double the 12 blows you are now to receive.”
She then began hit him with the crop again. She lashed his chest six times each of them striking his chest in such a way that his nipples were always being struck. They had turned and angry red and were swelling up but not from lust but from bruising. Brad was crying and begging her to stop after the fourth blow but she paid no attention to his pleas.
She then laid four strikes across his thighs. She stopped before delivering the last two blows and spoke to him again.
“These last two strokes are going to hurt like hell. Remember you are not to try and turn away or I will add 12 more strokes and they will all be delivered to your ass and genitals.”
As soon as she had finished this reminder she slashed down on his cock. Jack screamed and tried to double up but only succeeded in raising his knees about half way up when he remembered he was not supposed to try and avoid her strokes. He was now begging in earnest and promising her anything she wanted if she would just stop. Jan didn’t heed any of his pleas a administered the last blow directly across his balls. The pain was so intense that he thought he would pass out. He didn’t but he was sure he was going to vomit as he could feel the bile coming up his throat. It seemed the pain was going to go on and on. He couldn’t even speak because of the pain. He was sure she had ruptured his balls.
Jan laid the crop aside and went into the kitchen. When she returned she had an ice pack and gently laid it around his balls. Brad could do nothing but lay there in pain.
“I don’t know why freshmen are so stupid.” She said. “All you had to do was following my directions and the worse thing that was to happen was some mild humiliation and temporary minor pain. Instead you can’t follow directions so I am forced to punish you so that you understand that I am in control and that you will do what I want, when I want with no hesitation. That is what you promised me if I went out with you. I always collect on those promises. Now I will let you rest there for a short while. The ice will help reduce the swelling and stop the pain. She then began to take a number of pictures of him as he lay there trying to recover.
After she finished with the pictures she again began to put the blindfold on him. Brad didn’t even move this time as she secured the blindfold and made sure he could see nothing outside the blindfold. She then stood up and brought her desk chair to the middle of the room. Removing her panties, she now sat nearly nude in the chair.
“OK Brad, it is time for you to get up on your knees and follow my directions,” she said.
Brad groaned but struggled to his knees. He didn’t know exactly where she was but suddenly he felt her touch his shoulder and begin to turn him towards her. She guided him around and when he was facing her, she put her hands behind his head and began to pull him forward. He had to knee walk a little but finally he was kneeling between her legs.
“You are wearing the blindfold at this time because you have not earned the right to see my shaved pussy. I want you to now search out my cunt and begin to pleasure me. When you have given me three orgasms, you will be half way through paying your debt to me for going out with you.”
Brad couldn’t believe what he had just heard. She was going to let him service her orally? He would have gladly done that earlier if he had known that was what she really wanted. She didn’t have to handcuff him or beat him to get him to do that. He began to kiss his way up her thighs and after a few minutes reached the heartland of her sex. She was very wet and he could tell she was aroused so he knew it wouldn’t take him long to get her off. He licked and sucked her cunt and clit and used his tongue to fuck her. She moaned in pleasure and quickly had a rousing orgasm. Brad didn’t quit but just kept right on licking kissing and sucking and very shortly she came again.
“One to go” he thought.
It took him another ten minutes of oral work to get the third orgasm out of her. She didn’t let him have full access to her cunt during this time. She would scoot back in the chair so he had to keep moving forward to find her cunt and that gave her just the little break she needed to come down some. When her third orgasm had passed, Brad sat up and waited to see what would happen next.
It took Jan about five minutes to relax and come down from that last orgasm. Once she had her breathing under control, she stood up to pull her skirt back down and put her shirt back on. Brad had all the looks he was going to get of her body for this night.
She reached out and undid the buckle on the blindfold and removed it. Brad blinked rapidly for several seconds as the light was so intense after having been in the dark for the last half hour. He didn’t say anything or do anything but sit on his haunches and wait for Jan to move to the second half of his payback. Once his eyesight had adjusted to light Jan instructed him to follow her to the bedroom. Brad started to get up but she put her hand on his shoulder and said, “on your knees. You are not to stand up until I say so.” She then but a dog’s choke collar on him and attached it to a leash. She slowly moved towards her bedroom with Brad doing his best to knee walk along side her. When he slowed too much the collar pulled tight and choked him. He wanted to say something but had learned his lesson so he just gritted his teeth and tried to hurry faster so the tension would ease and he could breathe better. Once they reached her room she led him over to the front of her closet. “I think you might like this part better,” she said. When she opened the door to her closet Brad’s eyes about bugged out as he saw in front of him a naked beautiful girl. She was being held in strict bondage. Her hair had been plaited into braids that were interwoven with a stout leather strap. This strap was fastened to an eye bolt in the ceiling and held the poor girl upright by her hair. She was on her knees with her lower legs strapped to her thighs so all the weight was on her kneecaps. Her arms were secured in an arm binder behind her back and it was fastened so tight that her shoulders were pulled well back which caused her tits to really stick out. Her nipples were being pinched by plastic clothespins and they were almost purple due to the lack of good circulation. Brad knew she had to be in pain. Her tits were tied with some twine and they too looked dark in color as they were also being restricted with good blood flow. She had on a blindfold and he could see tears leaking out the bottom of them. She had a penis gag in her mouth so she couldn’t speak.
As Brad took all this in he realized he knew this girl. He had seen her at freshman registration and thought at the time that she was one foxy lady and he would have to get to know her. He felt sorry for her in this position and almost made the mistake of saying something to Jan. She saw him start to say something and then catch himself and close his mouth.
She smiled and said, “good pet. This portion of serving me requires you to release my slave Teri and massage her legs and arms until she can move them comfortably again. When she can do that you will service her orally just as you did me. She is only allowed to have two orgasms and your job will be to see if in the half hour I have allotted to the activity you can make her cum a third time. If she does, she will be punished. If you don’t make her cum a third time, I will punish you by having her butt fuck you for thirty minutes. Now I am going to put this special collar around your cock and balls. I will attach my leash to it so if you try anything funny, I can immediately get your attention. There are sharp needles all along the inside of the collar and if I jerk on the leash they will penetrate your cock and balls and that will hurt a whole lot I think.”
Jan then proceeded to put the collar on him and attach the leash. She then released Brad from the handcuffs. He moved his arms and shoulders around for a minute or two to work out the kinks. He then began to release Teri. He started by removing the gag and blindfold. She blinked rapidly for a few seconds and was surprised to see Brad being the one to release her from her bindings. She saw her mistress Jan standing behind Brad and holding the leash. She then knew that this was a game of her mistress and she smiled and wondered who was going to be punished in this game. When Brad released her arms she moaned and could barely move them. Brad asked permission to speak to her and Jan said he could. He told her he would give her a massage and help return the circulation just as soon as he could get her out of the closet. Brad then released her legs and she again moaned as circulation began to come back into her lower legs. He then took the twine off her breasts and she hissed with the pain but didn’t move a muscle. Brad couldn’t believe she could take the pain without flinching or moving. She must be one tough cookie, he thought. He then removed the clothespins on her nipples and she cried out as the circulation returned but again didn’t move a muscle. He then worked to get her free from the leather strap holding her head in place. Once he had that done, he picked her up and carried her into the room.
“Where can I place her” he asked. Jan frowned but then decided to let this one pass as she had ordered him to help her he and didn’t know where he could put her down.
“Out in the living room on the couch,” she said.
Brad gently laid Teri on the couch and began to massage her arms and legs to get the circulation going. While he was doing this, Jan began to take more pictures. Brad wondered what she planned to do with them.
In his concern for Teri, Brad forgot he was also stark naked. As Teri began to respond to the massage and her limbs began to move freely with little or no pain, she looked Brad over carefully. She liked what she saw but knew she couldn’t do or say anything without her Mistresses permission. Brad saw her looking his body over and particularly his cock and balls and turned red. He didn’t say anything but looked down at Teri’s legs as he massaged the feeling back into them.
Jan let him work on Teri for about 10 minutes and then said, “Enough for now. It is time for you to finish your service to me for accompanying you to the movie.”
Brad knew what he was supposed to do but was very embarrassed to start without Teri’s OK. Teri watched him and saw that whatever he was supposed to do was causing him some embarrassment. She smiled and gave a questioning look at her Mistress. Jan saw the look and shook her head no. She was not to speak or try to help Brad in any way. Teri just lay there and waited for whatever was supposed to happen.
Jan gave a short sharp jerk to the leash and the needle points jabbed Brad in his balls and cock. He grunted and then leaned forward and began to kiss and lick Teri’s thighs. He worked his way up until he was now licking her cunt. He licked her from her clit to her asshole. He nibbled, licked and sucked for all he was worth. He knew he only had a half hour to make this beautiful young woman cum three times.
Teri began to get very wet and excited by this attention and within a very short time she was ready to cum. She looked at her Mistress for permission. Jan shook her head yes and Teri exploded into a massive orgasm. Brad was ecstatic because it had taken less than ten minutes and he was sure now he could fulfill his part of this game. Of course poor Teri didn’t know that she would be punished at the end of it but having seen how Jan had bound her in the closet, Brad didn’t think her punishment would be something she hadn’t already suffered and survived. He wanted to use his hands but knew he wasn’t allowed as he was not able to use his hands when he pleasured Jan. He kept his hands behind his back so he wasn’t too tempted and started in again. This time Teri came quickly after receiving the silent approval from her Mistress. Of course Brad didn’t see all these signals pass between them so he was sure he was well on his way to winning the game.
Jan had been taking pictures this whole time and finally spoke up and said, “Well Brad you only have one more orgasm to force from her and you will win. Of course you only have about 10 minutes to accomplish this. I am going to put the handcuffs back on you now. I know how much of an effort you have exerted to not use your hands. I’m glad you remembered that they could not be used or I would have disqualified your first efforts.”
Jan placed leather wrists bands on him with a small clip and ring in them. She fastened them together and they were just as effective as the handcuffs. She also put similar bands around his ankles but didn’t fasten them together.
While all this was happening, Brad was continuing to try and bring Teri to her third orgasm. She had quickly become aroused but when she was on the verge of cuming, her Mistress shook her head no. Teri bit her lip and worked hard to hold back her orgasm. Brad worked harder and faster as he realized that time was running out and Teri was on the verge of a huge orgasm but he couldn’t seem to get her to cum. He was desperately doing everything he could think of but she wouldn’t cum! She was moaning and groaning in pleasure but wouldn’t let herself go.
“Times up Brad,” Jan said. “She released his wrists and told him to put his chest on the floor and bring his hands back underneath him to his ankles. Brad started to protest but a jerk on the leash changed his mind and he did as instructed. Jan then fastened his wrist cuffs to the ankle cuffs. This put his ass high in the air and made his cock, balls, and asshole totally available for anything Jan decided to do.
Although Teri badly needed to cum she watched this activity with great interest. She was going to learn a new lesson tonight. Jan then turned to her and told her to get up and go into the bedroom and get her strapon. Brad turned red from embarrassment and tried to struggle and free himself. All he did was get the needles to jab him several times. What finally stopped his struggles was when Jan finally got tired of watching him try to get loose and jerked hard on the leash causing the needles to actually puncture him. He yelled and began to beg Jan to help him. The needles were still stuck in him and every breath was painful. She reached down and removed the collar and pulled the needles free.
“When your punishment for losing the game is over you may go home” she said. Thank God Brad thought. Teri came back wearing a 10” strapon that was at least two inches in diameter. Brad screamed and said it was too big. “It will tear me up back there. Please don’t do this to me he begged.”
Jan ignored him and told Teri to be sure to lube it up good and to enter him slowly so she wouldn’t injure him internally. Teri put a generous amount of lube on the fake penis and then put some on her fingers and began to work them into Brad’s ass. Brad groaned as she worked first one, then two, and finally three fingers in his ass. It hurt something fierce at first but Teri worked her fingers in as gently as possible and it soon became almost pleasurable. Once he could tolerate her fingers, she removed them and then gently began to push the dildo into him.
The dildo was about half again as big as Teri’s fingers and Brad yelled out with pain. “It’s too big” he shouted. Teri, started to pull out but Jan shook her head no so she continued to force the monster into his ass. Once she had impaled him with the entire length she began to slowly pull it out. She let it come about halfway out and then began to push it in again. She did it slowly until he had loosened up enough to allow it to move smoothly in and out. She then began to pound him because that activated the clit stimulator that pushed into her and she became very aroused. Jan meanwhile had been taking pictures and videos of the whole thing. Brad was crying and begging them to stop when Jan spoke up again.
She has only been reaming you for 15 minutes. You have another 15 minutes to go before you can go home. I will reduce that time if you can cum before the time runs out. Of course you have to continue to be fucked until Teri has her orgasm as well.” She stepped back and let Teri continue to pound away on Brad. After about 5 minutes Brad realized the pain was less and the stimulus to his prostate was causing him to become aroused. He began to fuck back at Teri and pretty soon she came with a scream. She continued to fuck Brad and he was nearly ready to cum as well when Jan said,
“Times up,” Jan said. Teri stopped fucking him and removed the dildo from his ass. Brad now needed to cum but had no stimulus to help him. He groaned from frustration.
“You now know what we women feel like when a man just takes his pleasure and quits before we are able to get relief.” She ordered Teri to come kneel in front of Brad. As soon as you clean up Teri’s cock, I will release you and you can go home.”
Brad couldn’t believe what she just told him to do. He looked at the fake cock and the brown stains that were on it. There was no way he could do this. Teri placed the cock at his lips and said “clean it off.”
Brad tentatively stuck out his tongue and began to lick the fake cock. It tasted awful and he almost gagged. Teri kept him at it until it was totally clean and then she said, “open your mouth and give it one more good cleaning with your tongue and lips.” She forced the head of it into his mouth and pushed it to the back of his throat until he gagged. She them removed it from his mouth and took it off from around her waist. Teri got up and walked back to the bedroom and closed the door.
Jan then released Brad from the leg and ankle cuffs. Once he was freed he immediately jumped up and started to threaten Jan. She just smiled and said,” Brad, if you don’t want all those pictures and videos I have taken to be spread all over campus you will do as I say and this little period of your life will be over. If you cause any trouble I will release them to your jock buddies and all the frat and sorority houses for their enjoyment. Since you seem to have still not leaned your place, you will have one further humiliation to endure.”
After saying that, she went over and picked up Brad’s clothes and took them with her into the bedroom. She then came out with a pair of pink panties and told him he could wear these back to his room or go naked. It was his choice. She laid the panties on the couch and walked over to the door and held it open. Brad was in shock again. She really didn’t expect him to walk across campus to his dorm naked or in girls panties did she? Jan waited for a minute then walked back to the cabinet she had gotten some of her toys from and withdrew a stun gun. She walked up to Brad and said, “Leave now, or I will use this on you!” Brad backed away and Jan just kept coming towards him until he was out the door. He was still holding the panties and when she shut the door, she saw the panicked look on his face as he realized his situation. She shut and locked the door. She watched Brad from the spy hole as he quickly put on the panties that were at least two sizes too small and began to make his way back to his dorm. It was now nearing 2 in the morning and Jan was ready for bed.
She walked back to the bedroom and when she entered, her slave was on the floor in the supplicant position. That meant she was laying so her cunt and breasts were visible and available.
“Get up pet, we are going to bed. You did well tonight and deserve to sleep with me in the bed.”
Teri scrambled to her feet and thanked her Mistress for her generosity. They cuddled up together and were soon fast asleep.
During the next week, Brad made sure that Jan was nowhere near anyplace he was going to be. If he saw her coming down a walk, he turned and went the other way. This great looking chick was one mean bitch and he didn’t want anything more to do with her. She scared the crap out of him although he kept thinking back to how he did enjoy eating them out. He had successfully avoided Jan for nearly two weeks when one day he entered the cafeteria and was standing in line for his meal when Jan came in and got right behind him in line. Brad broke out into a sweat and turned red. Jan just smiled and asked him how he had been. She acted like nothing had happened! He mumbled an answer and started to turn back and face the front of the line when she said, “When are we going to movies again Brad?”
He about choked and mumbled, “Not ever again.” “Well if you change your mind you know where to find me,” she replied and walked off laughing.
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