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Review This Story || Author: Lisa Jones

At The Bottom Of The Bag

Part 2

At The Bottom Of The Bag Pt II

As Mary tidied round the next morning she mulled things over. She still wasn't completely at ease with what had happened, if Pauline hadn't got her tipsy... but she knew she couldn't blame the wine, she hadn�t been that drunk. She remembered how it had felt to have Tom on his knees before her, for all their years together he'd been the decider, the one in charge and she'd been the little woman. So ironic that such an old fashioned male chauvinist piglet had a submissive streak, and what a streak! And to think that Garry next door was the same. It goes to show, she thought to herself, that you never know what goes on behind closed doors.


The magazine still lay on the coffee table like a guilty secret. She picked it up and flicked through it, still slightly revolted. but also intrigued by the different acts portrayed. Some she knew she could never do, a section on toilet slaves was far, far too strong for her tastes, her stomach turned at the very thought of it, but others had a certain something. She tried to judge by the wear on the pages which bits had turned Tom on but she wasn't getting anywhere. She determined to ask him about it some time, maybe this evening, see which bits pushed his buttons. But enough, the magazine had done it's job and was going in the bin; if Tom wanted kinky sex from now on he'd have to settle for the real thing, if and when she was ready for it.


She picked up the holdall; it was surprisingly heavy and clinked a bit. Wondering what it held, she put it on the coffee table and sat down on the sofa to rummage through it, she was sure Pauline wouldn�t mind. Most of the objects were pretty obvious, cuffs and restraints, eye masks and gags, some were less so and had uses she couldn't guess at, some rubber objects that looked like small Christmas trees were totally beyond her. She was also a bit confused by two metal rods, each with a cuff at one end, until she realised they fitted together to make a longer bar with the cuffs about three feet apart. She tried to imagine Tom wearing it, how helpless he would be, how much she could tease him. She remembered how he'd looked when she and Pauline had been kissing, talk about the child at the sweetshop window. And the kiss with Pauline, well that had been acting, just a tease for Tom, but if she was really honest with herself... no stop it, it was just an act, only a tease for Tom.


She heard a van pull up and glanced out of the window. The van had 'Jane's Flowers' written on the side and the delivery driver was unloading an enormous bouquet. Mary could scarcely believe it when he headed for her front door so she threw the bits and pieces back in the bag and rushed round to open it.


�Mrs Bradshaw?�


�Yes, that's me.�


�These must be for you then.� The driver handed her the bouquet and, with a cheery 'good morning' returned to the van. The colours, the fabulous aroma, this had cost someone a bob or two. Still in a state of disbelief Mary took them through to the kitchen to put them in water. She wasn't even sure she had a vase big enough; heaven knows she'd never needed one before. She hadn't had flowers like this since they were married and she'd chosen those, Tom had thought that anything to do with flowers was 'woman's work'. She laid them gently on the table and opened the attached note.


�To the Mistress of my heart � thanks for everything. Tom.� Oh bless! Mary felt a warm glow run through her. Tom really was a sweetie and, although she wasn't sure if they were for guilt over the magazine or a way of saying thank you for playing his games, she didn't care. To hell with getting the housework done, this was payment enough! At the back of a cupboard she finally found a suitable vase and, arranging the flowers to her satisfaction, took them through to the lounge. Pride of place on the windowsill, that's what these deserved. Putting down the flowers she saw Pauline walking up the drive, come to fetch the holdall no doubt, and certainly eager for a chatter. She went to the front door and let her in.


�Wow, I saw the flowers. Are those from Tom?�


�Yes, aren't they gorgeous?�


�I told you men liked to be put in their place. So tell me all, how did it go?�


�Well, you were there for most of it, and, after you'd gone, we had the most fabulous sex.�


�Details, I want details.� Pauline demanded but Mary just blushed and, seeing her discomfort, Pauline bit her tongue. �So, are you going to do it again?�


�I think so, but how do you start? I mean, last night was easy, what with the magazine and all, but even then I needed you to show me the way. What do you do with Garry? How do you get things started?�


�Well Garry's got a thing about wearing women's undies so one of my favourites is to slip something frilly into his briefcase before he leaves for work. I then phone him up and tell him that he must put them on. I love it if I know he's got clients visiting, the thought of him having to be all brisk and businesslike whist wearing my camiknickers gives me as much of a thrill as him. Then, when he gets home, he knows what he's in for. On the other hand, sometimes I just send him a text, 'slave tonight' or something like that. The point is to do it early, anticipation is part of the tease.�


�And all the stuff in the bag, where do you get that? Mary asked.


�On the web, just Google restraints and you'll find plenty of mail order places. eBay is worth a look as well. Some of it's a bit pricey but if you're buying do yourself a favour and get good stuff, as with everything else, you get what you pay for.�


Mary was lost in thought for a while. She was still a little uncomfortable about all this but the idea of Tom wearing a pair of panties all day tickled her, and if it ended up with flowers like today's, it looked as if she might be able to have her cake and eat it. However, the thought of doing it on her own even now dismayed her. She remembered how smoothly Pauline had taken charge, how easy it had been to slip into role with her there. And last night Pauline had said... No, she couldn't... But Pauline had seen Tom naked and it was only fair...


�Pauline?� she asked tentatively. �You know you said about foursomes...�


�Foursomes! Well, look at you, twenty four hours ago I was having to persuade you to even give it a go and now you want foursomes?� Pauline looked at her friend in amazement.


�It's just... I still don't think I could do it on my own. It's so much easier when you're there and it wouldn't be fair to leave out Garry, would it?�


�Ok, I'm pretty sure Garry would be up for it, what about Tom?�


�He'll do as he's told, anyway he didn't seem to mind you being there last night.�


�We'll have to lay down some ground rules.� Pauline, as ever, was being practical.


�What do you mean?�


�Well, at one end of the scale, if I found out that you and Garry were having an affair behind my back then I'd tear you limb from limb, make no mistake about that, at the other end of the scale, if Garry were to be ordered to kiss your feet, then no one could object. The problem is, where's the line? How far can we go before we overstep someone's boundaries? And if we're all a little tipsy then it would be all too easy for one of us to do something stupid and ruin our friendship.� Pauline thought for a while. �I know, we'll use a safe word. 'Lettuce'. That will do. If either of us suggests something, which the other is uncomfortable with, then just say lettuce and we'll stop. Does that make sense?�


The more Mary thought about it the more she could see that Pauline was being logical. Last night she had gone way beyond what she would previously have countenanced, spurred by a heady mixture of lust, anger and alcohol. She wondered how far she would go, where her boundaries might be, how far she might go in the heat of the moment before she found herself doing something she didn�t want to. After all the very act of playing foursomes involved an intimacy that she would have baulked at before, and once you'd crossed that bridge who knows where it might end.


The two women discussed their plans at some length. Eventually they decided on Saturday evening at Pauline and Garry's. They decided not to tell the boys what they had had in mind; Mary was to tell Tom that they were invited round for drinks, nothing more.


�And Saturday afternoon you and I are going shopping.� Pauline announced. �I've seen your wardrobe and you definitely need a new outfit.





�So, this S&M stuff, tell me what you really like.� Mary asked Tom as they lay in bed that night. �If it were down to you, which it's not, what would you like to do?�


�I'm not sure, I can't really say.� Tom replied. He was having problems getting used to this new Mary, this Mary who could discuss sex openly. Mary snuggled up to him and, reaching down, gently fondled his penis. She thought about what she had read in the magazine.


�Let's see, what if I made you do the housework dressed only in a pair of my panties and a frilly apron?� Tom's penis twitched. �Maybe if I told you what a pathetic worm you are and made you worship at my feet?� Another twitch. �Or maybe if I tied you up and teased you?� This time his reaction was stronger, Tom�s penis was near fully erect and Mary started to stroke it up and down, up and down. �Oh, you'd like that, wouldn't you? But what's in it for me? What do I get? If you want me to play your games then you've got to play mine. After I've had my fun then, if you've been good, you can have yours. Understood?�


�Yes, Mistress.�


�Uh huh.� Mary removed her hand. �Don't get all excited. We're not playing now, just talking.�


�Oh please, Mary.� Tom snuggled up closer. �Just a cuddle�


�No, I know what you mean by 'just a cuddle', it's too late and I'm too tired. You'll have to wait. Don't worry, we'll play again soon.� Tom rolled against her, totally frustrated. He wondered if he could have a little wank to relieve himself but he couldn�t do it in bed, Mary would notice, and if he slipped off to the bathroom now she�d surely guess what he was up to. He wasn't the only one amazed by Mary's new assertive attitude. Far too many times she'd let him have his way because it was the easiest option but now, now she'd had him grovelling at her feet, she was going to ensure that her needs were met, not just his, and anyway a little teasing was so much fun. She could feel his penis, swollen and hard, pressing against her thigh, well it would do him good to wait, anticipation would fuel his ardour when the time came. �Night night Tom.� She pushed him away, rolled over and went to sleep.





On Saturday afternoon Mary and Pauline went shopping. Pauline, as ever, knew what she wanted and was going to get it. With Mary trailing in her wake she headed for 'A la Mode', an expensive lingerie shop. Together they rifled through the racks.


�I can't afford these prices!� Mary was staring horrified at a price tag.


�Yes you can, anyway, give the bill to Tom, I bet you anything you like he coughs up. Here, this looks like it would fit you.� Pauline showed her a lightly boned corset made from black satin with red trimmings and laces up the back. It was just high enough to support, but not cover, the breasts.


�Isn't it a bit tarty?�


�Nonsense, let's try it on you.� They went to the changing rooms and, after a bit of squeezing, Mary found that it did fit. Indeed it kept that annoying bulge in the tummy firmly under control. �Just right, now a pair of French knickers and some stockings and you're all set. Whilst Mary got back into her clothes Pauline was off searching the shop. By the time Mary came out of the changing rooms Pauline had already found a pair of black silky French knickers which would match the corset. She also had found a pair of pink lacy hipster briefs and some suitable stockings. They went to the counter to pay the rather snooty assistant using Mary's credit cards.


�What are the pink briefs for?� Mary asked once they'd left the shop. �They're nice but they don't go with the rest of the outfit and I've got the French knickers.�


�They're not for you, silly, they�re for Tom.�


�Tom! Well, Ok, but how do I get him to wear them? I thought he wasn't supposed to know about tonight.�


�Easy. When you're getting dressed insist that he wears them or he won't have a good time later. He'll assume that you're planning to play after you get home.�


�Ok, I'll see what I can do.� Mary agreed reluctantly.


In the next shop they bought Mary a short black skirt and a matching blouse. The blouse was almost see-through, just opaque enough to be decent. As ever Mary had little say in the decision, she would never have bought anything so daring, but when they got to the shoe shop she tried to assert herself.


�I'll never manage to walk in those!� Mary was aghast at the height of the heels.


�Nonsense, you'll be fine, it's not as if you're going for a five mile hike or anything. Go on, try them on, walk up and down a bit.� Mary put the shoes on and took a few tottering steps over to one of the mirrors. They were difficult, but not impossible, and when she saw what they did for her calves she relented.


Fully shopped out they returned to Pauline's car and drove back home.




Mary took her time getting dressed; Tom, as ever, was leaving it to the last minute. It was quite complex lacing up the corset on her own but she managed it. Once she had got it on, along with the knickers and stockings, she put on her new shoes and posed in front of the mirror. Expecting to see a turkey trussed for Christmas she was pleased to see a proud, dominant, and very sexy woman. Pauline certainly knew how to choose clothes. �I am a powerful confident woman, I�m in charge,� she repeated to herself realising that she was really beginning to believe it. She heard Tom coming upstairs so she slipped on a dressing gown to keep the surprise. Tom hardly noticed her as he went through to the en suite for a shower. A few minutes later he re-emerged still towelling himself dry.


�Tom? You know I've been teasing you a bit recently, how about playing some games later tonight?�


�Oh, yes please!� Maybe we'll make our excuses to Garry and Pauline and leave a bit early Tom thought to himself.


�Well, if you want to play you've got to do something for me first.�


�Whatever you want.�


�Wear these tonight.� Mary reached into a bag and fetched out the pink briefs. Tom was a little taken aback, this wasn't what he was expecting but, compared to what she might have ordered him to do, it wasn't too much to ask. He finished drying and slipped them on. They weren't a bad fit but they hadn't been built for men to wear and his penis was straining the material at the front, and that was without having an erection.


�They�re a bit uncomfortable.� He complained.


�Good, that way you won't forget you're wearing them.� Much as Mary thought he looked ridiculous she was amused by the sight of her big strong man in such feminine undies and was beginning to see why Pauline found the idea appealing. �Come on, we're due there in fifteen minutes.� She shrugged off the dressing gown and went to put on her skirt and blouse.


For the second time Tom was amazed, his eyes nearly popped out of his head. Fabulous outfit, dead sexy, but why so overdressed for drinks with Garry and Pauline? He thought to himself. Still, he wasn't complaining if his wife had turned from the little mouse she had been to this foxy lady. Maybe this was all part of the tease. His penis stirred in his panties.


Ready at last they went downstairs and, fetching a couple of bottles of wine from the fridge, went next door. Mary found that, as long as she took short steps and swung her hips, she could indeed walk in the shoes, well, at least as far as next door. They rang the bell and waited.


�The door's open, come on in.� Pauline called from the lounge. They pushed it open and went on through. When they got to the lounge Tom got his third, and biggest shock. There was his mate and beer buddy, Garry, kneeling on the hearthrug, his wrists bound to his ankles, a gag in his mouth, with his erect penis straining beneath a pair of red lacy briefs. The sudden realisation of what he'd walked into, why Mary was dressed as she was, why he was dressed as he was, left him dumbfounded, standing in the doorway staring at Garry.


By the look on Garry's face he also wasn't expecting this. Bound and teased by Pauline was all very well but in front of Tom, Tom of all people, his face blushed crimson. There was a long, long, silence.


�Garry, sweetie, did I forget to tell you that Tom and Mary were coming round tonight?� Pauline mocked. �And Tom, don't just stand there, come on in, make yourself comfortable, just like Garry.�


�I don't think I can handle this.� Tom was extremely uneasy, in front of Pauline had been fine, but Garry... This was going far too far, far too fast. He started to back out of the room but Mary stood firm in the doorway, blocking his path.


�I told you, if you want to play your games you have to play by my rules.� Mary, having spent all day gearing herself up for this moment determined not to lose control now. She'd had a taste of power and liked it, if she let Tom win then it would be back to the mousy little housewife in no time. �Anyway it looks like Garry's having fun, why don't you show Pauline your pretty little panties? I'm sure she'd get a kick out of seeing you in them. Get undressed like Garry? Now!


Tom looked at Mary, standing there with a determined expression on her face, and then at Pauline, wearing high heels, stockings, a short satin dressing gown and a supercilious smile, and finally at Garry, who, despite an anguished expression, had a rock hard erection which threatened to burst out of the panties he was wearing. He realised that, if he were to chicken out now, he'd lose all chance of any future games with Mary, games he had fantasised about ever since that night. He was also beginning to realise that he couldn't be submissive and call the shots, however much he wanted to, it was Mary's way or no way and if, and he still couldn't believe it, she wanted to play it this way then that's the way it would go. Reluctantly he started to unbutton his shirt.


�That's better, just fold up your clothes and put them on the chair.� Pauline ordered. She and Mary watched in silence as Tom disrobed, neither was surprised to see that Tom, although not fully erect, was already showing signs of arousal. Once he was stripped down to his panties Pauline reached into the holdall, which was tucked behind an armchair, and retrieved some leather shackles. �It's a good job I've got plenty of spares. Mary, could you give me a hand here?� They knelt him down next to Garry and fastened him, wrist to ankle. Next Pauline fetched another gag and after a brisk 'open wide' fitted it in Tom's mouth.


�Is that wine you've brought? Come on through to the kitchen and we'll open a bottle.� Pauline bundled up Tom's clothes and the two women went into the kitchen, leaving the boys bound and gagged, to wonder what was coming next.


Pauline dumped Tom's clothes on the kitchen table and, putting one bottle in the fridge, opened the other and poured two generous glasses. Then she sat down, showing no intention of returning to the lounge.


�That went well. Let's leave them stew for a while. What do you want to do next?�


�I don't know. Are you sure Garry's Ok with this?� Mary sat down beside her and sipped her wine.


�Oh yes, he's fine. I can recognise 'cabbage', even through a gag, and didn't you see the stiffy he's got? He's often told me he'd like to see me with another woman but I'm not sure this is quite the scenario he expected.�


�With another woman? Kissing and that?�


�Oh yes, I told you it was every man's fantasy. Come on, why don't we give them a show? Have a bit of a cuddle on the sofa, you watch, it will drive them wild.�


Mary gulped down her wine. Of all the uncertainties from the other night her feelings about how she'd felt kissing Pauline were the most confused. She topped up her glass and had another hefty swig. If it was just to tease the boys then it didn't really count, did it?


�Ok, let's do it.� She said at last.


Back in the lounge Garry and Tom had been spending several very uncomfortable minutes. It wasn't just that their restraints were tight; there was an acute embarrassment in being in the demeaning position in front of a mate. Garry had glanced at Tom and, as their eyes met, there was an understanding, not a word was to be mentioned about this down the pub!


When Pauline and Mary returned to the lounge they completely ignored the boys, went straight to the sofa and, putting down their wine glasses, went into a passionate kiss. At first it was just lips to lips but Pauline, obviously throwing herself into the role, started to kiss Mary's neck, and, pushing the blouse as far open as it would go, moved on to her shoulders. Out of the corner of her eye Mary could see the boys staring goggle eyed; well, if this was what turned them on, she'd give them the show they wanted. Anyway, Pauline's kisses were getting to her, if only Tom would learn to kiss like that, soft and gentle and not just on the lips.


Their squirming together on the sofa had loosened the tie to Pauline's dressing gown and it gaped open. Underneath she was wearing a black soft leather corset that stretched from her hips to just below her breasts which stood proud and free, unencumbered by any bra. She felt Pauline's hand on her front, reaching for the buttons of her blouse, one, two, three, four and it was undone. Oh well, if Tom was to get an eyeful of Pauline's tits then it was only fair that Garry should see hers.


�You look just gorgeous, I could eat you all up.� Pauline had pulled back and was shrugging off the dressing gown. Mary could see that she wasn't exactly wearing panties, but a crotch-piece of leather pop-fastened to the bottom of her corset at the front, and presumably also at the back, took their place covering her groin. Pauline saw her staring.


�Do you like it? A birthday present from Garry.� She posed provocatively. �Now let's get that blouse off you, we don't want to get it all messed up.�


Pauline helped Mary out of her blouse and they resumed their embrace. Now that Mary's shoulders were bare Pauline roamed further and further afield with her kisses. Mary felt her skin tingle deliciously as Pauline's lips fluttered here and there, from shoulder to shoulder but straying a little lower each time. Please, my nipples, oh please my nipples! Mary didn't dare say the words out loud, to admit to the others that she was getting turned on would mean admitting to herself that this was no longer 'just a show for the boys'. Finally Pauline got there, gently teasing the nipple with her teeth causing it to swell up. Mary's groan of pleasure was echoed by two muffled groans from the boys but she wasn't really that bothered, she was too absorbed in her own pleasure to worry about theirs.


She felt Pauline's touch on her on her knee, on her thigh, travelling north. Part of her wanted to call 'lettuce', this was starting to get out of control, and if Pauline touched her 'down there' there would be no hiding how turned on she was. Pauline's hand had reached the top of her stockings and unbidden, she opened her knees, allowing them further. She felt fingers slipping beneath the silk of her knickers, it was now or never, she ought to stop, she ought to... Ohhhhhhh that's so good! Any thought of resistance fled as Pauline touched her labia, caressing them gently causing a tingling line of pleasure to run straight from her nipple to her groin.


Pauline stopped kissing Mary's nipple and moved up to nibble her ear. �You can return the favour, you know.� She chided in a gentle whisper.


Mary realised how selfish she'd been, it was so good to feel Pauline's expertise on her body that she'd been wallowing in her own pleasure, quite forgetting that this should be mutual. Tentatively she reached for Pauline's breasts, stroking their smooth skin, contrasting it with the roughness of the nipples; gently she took one between thumb and forefinger, playing with it, teasing it. Pauline kissed her again on the lips, not the simple pecks they had started out with but a full kiss, tongues and all, almost climbing on top of Mary in a passionate embrace.


As their bodies crushed together Mary could no longer play with Pauline's nipples. She slid her hand lower, across the taught leather of Pauline's corset, down onto her hips. If she really was to 'return the favour' then she should go lower, her hand slid towards Pauline's groin, under the leather and there was a faint �click� as the poppers gave way. Her fingers slipped through Pauline's pubic hair, found their goal and probed inside. It was no surprise that Pauline was as wet, as aroused, as she was and, as her fingers began to stroke Pauline's clitoris, she felt her friend clutch her tighter, her kisses ever more passionate.


Mary had long ago lost any illusion that this was a tease for the boys, this was raw sex, and with another woman, but animal lust had swept aside inhibitions. Pauline's fingers kept pushing her close to the brink, right to the edge, and then pulling back, until their passions met, each woman finding her climax, sharing her climax, exploding together, locked together, joined together as one.


�Yes, yes, yes, yes, YESSSSS!!!� Pauline screamed as she came. Mary uttering animal cries in return. For a long minute they held each other close until the wave subsided and they relaxed, panting gently.


Eventually Pauline stood up, a shade unsteady on her high heels. The crotch-piece hung down behind her so she took it off and tossed it on a chair. Mary realised that her knickers were a soggy mess which wasn�t quite the image she wanted. She slipped them off and threw them on the chair next to Pauline�s crotch-piece. She looked at Pauline, standing tall, the black leather emphasising the nakedness of her breasts and buttocks. If she wasn�t to be the shy little mouse it seemed that the skirt had to go as well. As she stood up she slipped it off leaving it to fall at her feet. She wasn�t sure that, on her tottering heels, she could reach it so she left it lying there.


�Right, boys, did you enjoy our little show?� Pauline went over to the holdall and retrieved a riding crop. Then, standing in front of the kneeling men she reached down and stroked it along the length of Garry�s penis which strained beneath the tight underwear. �Oh, I can see Garry did, look how excited he�s got, and as for Tom, not so reluctant now, are you? I think you ought to give your Mistress a little kiss to show how grateful you are.�


Pauline removed Tom�s gag and guided Mary to stand in front of him.


�Not too close, let him strain a bit.� She whispered in Mary�s ear.� Tom did, indeed, need to strain forward to reach Mary.�Come on, you can do better than that, and use your tongue.� Pauline chided. Tom strained harder but Mary was enjoying teasing him, enjoying watching his wrists pull against his ankles as he struggled to reach her. Occasionally she�d let him touch, let him push his tongue between her labia, but the teasing was much more fun.


�Pathetic, totally pathetic. Why don�t we let Garry have a try?� Pauline�s contemptuous tone cut in. Mary�s mind raced, getting Garry to kiss her in such an intimate way would be the first time any other man had touched her sexually since she had started dating Tom all those years ago. Another taboo was about to fall, another bridge to be crossed, this was very different to her tryst with Pauline but, and there were some buts, it wasn�t as if she was going behind Tom�s back, as long as it kept within the confines of this room, as long as she was doing it to tease Tom, not to please herself, as long as she� Oh, why not? Tom could always use the safe word if he couldn�t handle it. She pulled away from Tom and went over in front of Garry, undid his gag, and pushed her hips forward.


Garry was no novice, and Mary was teasing Tom by not teasing Garry, so she let him run his tongue up and down, playing with her inner lips, flicking past her clitoris, but never resting long. Mary was too uncomfortable to really relax and enjoy it, her calves were beginning to complain about her high heels, never the less she was beginning to appreciate just what a skilled tongue could do for her. Pauline, meanwhile, had moved next to Mary, and had Tom�s head firmly in her groin. She reached across and gave Mary�s hand a little squeeze.


�Garry�s been a naughty boy, haven�t you?� A muffled �ess issress� was all he could reply from Mary�s groin. �I think six strokes of the crop ought to sort him out. Let�s get these two organised.� They pulled away and went round behind the boys, undid their restraints only to refasten them, wrist to wrist, ankle to ankle. Pauline pulled Garry to his feet and led him to an armchair. With shackled ankles he could only take the tiniest of steps so it took a while. Mary decided to keep teasing Tom so she took him to the sofa, laid him on his back and sat down beside him. As Pauline pulled down Garry�s panties Mary slipped her hand over Tom�s stomach, under the waistband of his panties, and wrapped it around his penis. Tom was rock hard and his glans glistened with pre-cum, Mary knew he was on the edge of coming so she hardly moved her hand at all, squeezing rather than stroking.


�If you dare come before I�m ready it will be the worse for you.� She leant down and whispered in his ear. �Now lie back like a good boy and enjoy the show.�


�Yes, Mistress.� Tom�s voice was breathy as he fought to control himself.


Pauline was in no hurry with Garry. She made a big show of getting him arranged just as she wanted him, adjusting his legs, moving him about, making sure his whole weight was pressing his penis into the padded arm of the chair. Then she fetched from the bag one of the �Christmas trees� and a tube of lubricant. She smeared the tree with lubricant and, going round behind Garry, started pushing it up his bottom. Now Mary could see what it was for! Garry grunted as she twisted it back and forth, overcoming the initial resistance, it would appear that, even with lubrication, it was far from comfortable but his grunts changed to a deep sigh as the broadest part went in leaving only the base to stop it disappearing completely.


Seeing that Mary and Tom were ready, and satisfied that Garry was properly arranged, she stood back and flicked the riding crop across Garry�s buttocks. Although Pauline had not struck particularly hard the crop was designed to cut through horsehide and Garry�s �aaah, one, thank you Mistress� came out between clenched teeth. By the third stroke Garry was sobbing, taking much longer between the stroke and his response, and Mary was wondering if he really was enjoying it but she guessed that this wasn�t the first time Pauline had used the crop so she must know what she was doing. When the last stroke fell he just lay there, gasping, unable to catch his breath, flopped across the armchair. Pauline went round, knelt down, and, lifting up his head, kissed him long and hard.



�There�s my good boy, you�ve had your punishment, now you get your reward.� Pauline stood up and unfastened Garry�s wrists. He obviously knew what was expected as he put his arms out in front of him where Pauline refastened them.She manoeuvred him onto the floor lying full length on the hearthrug. Mary could see him wince as his buttocks touched the floor, but his erect penis, now free of his undies, showed how aroused he was.


As Tom and Mary watched Pauline knelt over Gary�s hips, reached down, and slid his penis inside her. Slowly she moved up and down, keeping upright as she did so. Tom could clearly see the shaft of Garry�s penis, slick with Pauline�s juices, slide in and out. This was as strong as any of the videos he and Garry would watch together over a few beers when the girls were out, and it was real, happening right in front of him.


�Is this what you�d like, Tom? I bet you�d give anything to feel your prick in my cunt.� With one hand Pauline caressed her breasts, the other reached for her clitoris, rubbing it in slow circles. Tom was too dumbstruck to reply; Mary was a little concerned that Pauline had suggested she and Tom� but it was only a tease, she�d say lettuce long before that happened!


Garry was obviously near the edge, grunting audibly every time Pauline lowered herself. �Control yourself worm, you maggot, you slime.� She hissed between her teeth. The tendons in Gary�s neck stood out as he fought against coming too soon. �Wait �till I�m ready or I�ll never let you near me again. You�re mine, my little slave, my plaything, my toy, my ohhhh!�


As Pauline rode Garry faster and faster it was obvious that they had completely forgotten their audience. Pauline, still rubbing herself with increasing vigour, slapped Garry across the face with her other hand. Garry, for his part, was bucking beneath her, pushing back every time she pushed down.


�Not yet, not yet!� Pauline squeezed out between panted breaths. �Not yet, not yet. Now!!!!� Once, twice, three times, four times, she thrust herself down on him and then fell forward resting on her arms.


�Good boy, well done.� Pauline looked down at Garry, her expression, for once, almost tender. �Mary, be a love and fetch a towel from the bag, would you?�


Pauline took the proffered towel, and, clutching it to her groin, she slid off Garry and sat down in an armchair. Garry just lay there, panting heavily, getting his breath back.


�Ok, Garry, you can undo your ankles now. Mary and I need some more wine, pull your panties up, oh, and the butt plug stays in.� Garry did as he was ordered. �So, what are we going to do about you and Tom?�


Mary was concerned that she�d got in too deep. Watching Pauline with Garry she wondered if she�d ever be that uninhibited, able to let herself go with people watching. Tom for his part was concerned about his ability to perform. He�d been kept in a state of high arousal ever since they had arrived and he�d had to fight not to come in Mary�s hand as he had watched Pauline and Garry, and if Mary were to ride him in the same way he knew he couldn�t last.


Pauline, however, was no fool, and she could read the uncertainty written on her friends� faces. She went over and, sitting on the edge of the sofa, reached down to hold Tom�s penis with Mary.


�Looks like this one�s pretty near the edge, if we play with his willy any more he�ll pop his cork, and we can�t have him coming before you do, can we now? Have you ever sat on his face?�


�What? Wouldn�t I crush him?�


�Not if you do it right, here, let me show you.� She took Garry, who had just returned with the wine, and laid him out across the hearthrug. Then she knelt over his face positioning herself so that Garry�s mouth was just between her thighs. �You see, it�s quite easy, now you have a go.�


Somehow this seemed less embarrassing than penetrative sex, less intimate in front of others, and, feeling that she�d been let off the hook, Mary agreed. With Pauline�s help she refastened Tom�s wrists so he could lie full length, and arranged herself over him. It was a bit awkward at first but she soon found how to manoeuvre herself so that Tom�s tongue was just where she wanted it. Tom, on the other hand, hadn�t forgotten what he�d been taught last time and he searched out Mary�s clitoris and licked it gently, side to side. Pauline went over to the coffee table, picked up the wine glasses, and came back to kneel down next to Mary.


�Here, drink up. Let�s celebrate submissive men, long may they serve us!� Pauline handed one of the glasses to Mary who joined in the toast.


As Tom�s tongue worked away at Mary�s clitoris it sparked a seed of rebellion inside her. Sure she�d got what she asked for, Pauline had helped her take her first steps in dominating Tom, but she was beginning to feel like a puppet, dancing to someone else�s tune. She remembered the sight of Pauline�s buttocks, framed between her corset and her stockings, and wondered what they would look like with red stripes from the cane written across them. She imagined little Miss Bossy Boots stretched over the arm of the chair the way Garry had been, that spreader bar would come in useful, and then she�d get Garry to take her from behind, or even Tom, and she�d be in control, she�d have the whip hand, she�d play the tune the others danced to! She took a slurp from her wine, draining the glass, and handed it to Pauline.


The images in her head, as much as Tom�s tongue, were pushing Mary towards her climax. A kaleidoscope of images, mostly of Pauline�s buttocks, tumbled through her mind as years of repression rolled back. Maybe if Pauline was on all fours, Garry taking her doggy style whilst she sucked Tom�s prick� Oooh, that felt good, oooh, yes, Tom, right there! Oh, yes! Pauline, realising that Mary was near her release, reached down and began to play with Tom�s penis, harder, faster, matching Mary as she wriggled against Tom�s mouth.


�Yes. Tom, there, there, harder, harder!� Mary almost screamed. Pauline�s hand pumped away and as, with a final cry of �Take that, you bitch!� Mary climaxed she felt Tom jerk, jerk again, and sperm flew from him, spattering his chest and Mary�s bottom.


For a few minutes there was silence. Pauline was wondering why Mary had screamed �take that, you bitch� as she came. Surely she wasn�t calling Tom a bitch, that didn�t make sense, but she let it lie, maybe she�d find out later. Then, with sheepish grins they got up off the floor, Tom and Garry�s wrist were unfastened.


�Everyone Ok?� Pauline asked. The others assented with muttered yeses. �Garry, be a love and get two more glasses and the rest of the wine. I think it�s about time you boys had a drink.�


For the rest of the evening the four friends sat and chatted. Despite their unusual dress they all acted as if this were now a normal evening for the four of them, as if nothing untoward had happened, but Mary wasn�t completely there, the images of Pauline still lingered at the back of her mind and secretly she was thinking about how to turn the tables, not tonight, definitely not tonight, but sometime soon, sometime real soon!


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