Chapter 16
Si Lun leaves Lori Beth sobbing and wailing in agony and turns to Tiffany.
Jemma shouts! "You inhuman sadistic bitch!
Stop this useless torture! We will tell you nothing!"
"All the better for me" rejoins Si Lun. "The Colonel is
the one wanting answers. I'm just enjoying myself you misguided
The Colonel interjects the opinion that possibly both Jemma and Lori Beth might
reconsider if they return to Tiffany and torture the poor innocent friend. They know that no matter how inhumanly
they torture Tiffany she cannot give the information they desire. She is
now just a tool to be used against Jemma and Lori Beth. Torture her as
they will she is powerless to do anything to relieve the torment.
Si Lun strolls to Tiffany.
Tiffany stares at her torturer in wide eyed terror, her eyes fairly popping
from her head.
She shakes her head and a wail of terror driven fear issues from her trembling
AGAIN!!! NO MORE!! I beg you NO
MOREEEE!! Please!!! Don't hurt me
anymore!!!! PLEASSEEEEE!!!!"
"Such heart rending pleas! Tsk! Tsk! Too
bad it will do you no good. I plan to inflict more pain upon you little
one. You will scream as you never
have screamed before. I will do things no one has thought possible
to do to a human before. You will writhe and scream. Yes you
will scream much for me. And just think, your
friends here could stop it."
"OH GOD NOOOO!!! I can't stand anymore!!
Jemma,,, Lori Beth,,, give them what they want!
I'm begging you! PLEASSEEE! The pain! I can't
take anymore!!
'Courage girl. Think of what we are doing
to help the people!"
"GOD NOOOO!!! Don't you see she is going to torture me even
more! Pleaseee!
And you know that I know nothing! HELP
"You bastards! Leave her be!
Si Lun giggles and says, "You can stop this anytime you wish. Just
talk to us"
"Go to Hell you fiends!"
Eager to get to her work Si Lun goes to the cart and gets a dental gag.
She comes back to Tiffany and inserts it into her mouth. The cruel steel
bracket fits behind her upper and lower teeth and Si Lun cranks it open till
Tiffany's jaw is about to dislocate. Her mouth is stretched wide
and she will not be able to speak. But, she WILL be able to scream, and shriek in her agony!!
Next Si Lun goes to the brazier and picks out a huge 8 inch needle, white hot
and shimmering. Moving to Tiffany she smiles and lifts Tiffany's
breast. Si Lun leans down and sucks the nipple into her lips, flicking it
with her tongue, sucking. When it is erect and swollen Si Lun
brings the glowing point to the center of Tiffany's nipple, and twirling it
slowly presses it into the turgid, shaking flesh.
Tiffany stiffens and strains against the cruel straps constraining her to the
frame. Her screams resound from the tiled walls and
Millimeter by millimeter Si Lun twists and forces the shimmering hot needle
further and further into Tiffany's smoking tortured flesh. She impels it
into Tiffany's tormented mammary. When fully 3 inches is imbedded in the
sizzling globe, Si Lun releases it. A full 5 inches shiver and shake in
the air, the flesh bubbling and quaking.
Si Lun smiles and goes back to the brazier to secure another long glowing
Tiffany is screaming and thrashing against the straps, the tendons in her arms
and legs tight as cables. Her muscles quivering as she uselessly
struggles and convulses, screaming to the ceiling, her head thrashing back and
forth as she howls in her agony.
Si Lun, the Colonel and the Sergeant beam with glee.
Si Lun returns to Tiffany with the needle and smirking as she proceeds to suck
the other nipple.
Tiffany gurgles and shakes her head.
Si Lun stops suckling Tiffany's nipple and looking up into her eyes, nods her
head and whispers, "YES my sweet, YES!"
Cradling Tiffany's breast in her palm Si Lun presses the point of the white hot
needle to the tip of Tiffany's nipple,and, again
twirling the slender steel shaft, presses it into Tiffany's seared
Tiffany screams and bellows her agony through her stretched mouth.
Gasping for air she screams and screams.
The blood and juices sizzle, bubble and finally congeal around the shaft of the needle.
Tiffany is shaking and thrashing against the torture frame, her chest heaving
as she gasps for air so she may scream again and again.
Si Lun steps back and looks admiringly at her work. The two gleaming
needles protruding obscenely from Tiffany's skewered
breasts, waving and jiggling as Tiffany struggles.
Si Lun returns to the brazier, and, looking to her audience, some slavering, entranced, the others horrified and reviling
her. Si Lun retrieves another needle, not so long as the
instruments of terror already sticking from poor Tiffany's teats.
Lori Beth looks to Jemma and mouths "What? Where is she?
Oh my GOD!! Not THERE!!!!"
Si Lun sees the exchange and smiling demonically nods and says, "YES, THERE"
Approaching Tiffany Si Lun must kneel between Tiffany's thighs, spread and
strapped so widely. With her fingers she parts the lips of
Tiffany's trembling pussy and commences to tease and titillate the sensitive
center of Tiffany's gaping sex. Deftly peeling back the hood covering the
clitoris, Si Lun softly blows on it and stretching out her tongue places a wet
licking kiss upon that tender nub.
Tiffany is frantically shaking her head NO and gurgling
Si Lun takes the morsel in her lips for a fleeting second and sucks the core of
Tiffany's passionate nubbin.
Tiffany watches in terror, trying to voice her revulsion, but only
unintelligible gurgles come forth. She continues frantically shaking her
Tiffany is transfixed in terror. Her eyes bulge forth as she watches in horror
as Si Lun drives the glowing hot needle into and through her swollen
Tiffany's screams raise the hair on the Sergeants head as they pierce the fetid
air of the torture room. Scream after scream echoes and reverberates from
the walls. Tiffany convulses against the bindings, trembling and shaking
in unmitigated agony, screaming.
Si Lun rises, a smile on her evil face. "Well
that takes care of the preliminaries"
At this Tiffany's brain nearly explodes in terror as she realizes what Si Lun
The diabolical black box sits prominently on the table. The wires already in Si Lun's hands.
Si Lun, grinning from ear to ear, strides to Tiffany and gazes down upon her
already hideously tormented body, quivering and trembling in fear and panic. Eyes wide and darting back and forth for some way out of the
impending terror. The loathsome, mind searing,
body tearing agony of the electricity.
Si Lun goes about her horrific routine of attaching the clips on one end of the
wires to the needles in Tiffany's breasts and clitoris. Then going to the
table and plugging the other ends into the black box which controls the
application of the insidious electrical shocks.
This time the box is connected directly to the main electrical
cable. She can apply as much as 220 volts to Tiffany's convulsing
Si Lun looks to Jemma and Lori Beth.
"Watch your friend dance for us. May haps you will reconsider your
stubbornness. She has had a small taste of my little Juice machine
before. This time I will not be so mild and gentle."
Tiffany surges and struggles on the frame. My GOD she thinks it was Mild and Gentle before? She recalls the excruciating
agony of the electro-torture she experienced earlier. She was sure she
would die in the agony then. Tiffany thrashes and writhes in
hopeless despair. She twists her head back and forth, wailing her terror.
"One more thing" Si Lun
says. And goes to the quivering shaking Tiffany.
She places a nose hook in her nostrils and pulls the tying cord up and over her
sweat soaked head to fasten it to the post at Tiffany's back.
Tiffany now stares at the ceiling, gasping for air, she can no longer shake or
twist her head, it is pulled back and she looks up to the distant ceiling to where
she knows she will shortly be screaming anguished howls of agony from her
stretched open mouth. Tiffany is trembling and shaking, the muscles
in her entire body quivering as she awaits the fiendish jolts of electricity
she knows are coming. She is gabbling and doing her best to plead for
mercy, knowing Si Lun will show her none.
Si Lun moves to the table and the infernal black box. She turns the dial on
top, then reaches out her hand and with one finger
flips a switch. A green light winks on, then
commences blinking. The needle on the white faced indicator comes to life
and shows the selected voltage. She will start with a low 60 volts.
She looks to Jemma and Lori Beth, then to
Si Lun's seem to glow and shine in depravity as she flips the red switch.
A bright red light flashes on, and a hummmmm is heard. For a second
nothing else is heard, nothing stirs. Then
Tiffany stiffens on the frame, her body thrashing and convulsing. Her
mouth, pried wide open is silent. Then:
A scream of unbelievable volume bursts from her. On and on it goes.
The scream breaks only for Tiffany to gasp in air to vent another scream.
Si Lun keeps Tiffany convulsing and straining against the straps holding her
for nearly a minute. She flips the switch off and the light goes out.
Tiffany flops onto the cruel bars of the frame, still convulsing and
shaking. Her muscles twitching and vibrating even after the current
ceases. She gasps for breath, her chest with it' demonically skewered
breasts and nipples heaving. Gurgles and whimpers cascade from her wide
spread mouth. The torture sweat runs from her tormented body in
rivulets, splashing to the floor. Her body in obvious agony quivers and
Si Lun reaches to the box and turns the dial. Enough
playing with her. She turns it to 100 Volts, and flips the switch.
The tortured body, strapped to the torture frame convulses
straining against the straps holding it. A scream issues
from her mouth like an animal being torn to bits. Tiffany vents her
incredible, excruciating agony to the hard unyielding walls about her.
She thrashes and shakes, her body in quaking,
shattering convulsions. The straps a cut into her, streams of blood
trickle from wrists, ankles, her thighs and torso where they are strapped to
the steel frame.
After what seems an eternity Si Lun flips the switch and stops the current.
Again Tiffany sags on the frame. She gasps for air. Her voice
wails in unceasing screams and sobs. She cannot control her
body which continues to twitch and wriggle. Her bladder fails her and a
stream of pee squirts from her tortured body to the floor. Her
moans and whines tumble from her mouth. The spittle from her
stretched mouth dribbles from her chin and runs
between her mammoth tortured breasts. She tries to beg for mercy but only
grunts and gurgles emerge. Her eyes dart from side to side, nearly
bulging from their sockets. She is positive she will go out of her mind
if this does not cease.
Si Lun looks to Jemma and Lori Beth, who gape in horror at the hellish torture
being inflicted on their friend. "Do you wish to tell us what we
want? Or Shall I up the voltage?"
"You vicious monster! Stop this inhuman torment! She knows
nothing! Let her BEE!!"
"Of course she doesn't We decided that days
ago. The question is how much do you care for her?"
"You bastards! Let her GO!! Vent your depredations on us
but she is innocent of anything!"
"I see I am wasting my time"
Si Lun turns back to the table and turns the voltage up yet again. 140 volts.
Tiffany starts to scream and wail before Si Lun even touches the switch.
Si Lun flips the switch and 140 Volts of pure, powerful electricity surge into
Tiffany's tortured body.
To Be Continued......