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Review This Story || Author: Aussiegirl


Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Chapter 4


Lee shook the stranger’s hand and I could see them looking at me but could not hear what they were saying. Lee and the stranger came over to me and I felt my heart beating hard as they walked around me, hands running over my body.  “She looks good Lee.  Is it ok if I spend some time alone with her before I give you my final decision?”  Decision?  I wondered what decision he had to make, though I had a niggling feeling that it was one I wouldn’t like. “That’s fine, I’ll be back in an hour or so.” Lee and the other guys left, leaving me alone with the stranger.  Although I was tired, I felt a rush of adrenaline go through me at the thought of what he might want of me.  He came around to the front of me and ran his hands over my cheeks, my body shaking as he lowered his hands to my breasts. “Hello my pet.  I know that you will do everything I say, won’t you?” I nodded, his voice sending shivers down my spine. 


“Good, now I am going to remove this gag, but you need to stay silent.”  He pulled out a pair of scissors from his pocket and cut the tape off one side. I moaned as he pulled off the tape and pulled out my now soaked panties.  My mouth felt dry and my jaw was sore, as I tried to work my jaw closed. The man laughed as he held up my wet panties and in this one action, I knew that he would no better then Lee in the way he treated me.  Despair filled me and for what felt like the hundredth time I just wished I could make it all not real. His hand forced my chin up, making me look into his dark eyes.


“Beth, my name is Master Rick and that is what I expect you to call me.  If I decide to buy you, I will give you a different name, but for today you can stay as Beth.”  The shock of what he said must have shown on my face. “Oh boy, Lee said you were an innocent but didn’t realize how much of one you would be.  I think this is going to be fun.”  I didn’t know which scared me more, the fact that he called himself master, that he was thinking of buying me or that he would change my name. It was just too much to take and I felt the tears come to my eyes again.  Master Rick was behind me and I felt him checking the ropes holding me up before he moved away. 


The sound was the first thing I heard before a horrendous pain spread over my back.  My scream filled the room and I found it hard to breath.  My back felt like he had cut it and I imagined I could feel blood flowing.  I heard the sound again and closed my eyes, tensing my body as I waited for the pain to strike again.  This time it was my lower back and again I screamed. He did not let up, moving all around my body, my voice going hoarse with all my screams.  I began to feel lightheaded with the pain and everything started to go dark. 


The water hitting my body roused me, my whole body in agony. I opened my eyes to see Master Rick smirking at me, an empty bucket still in his hands.  Feeling cold and sore, I didn’t think I could take much more, so when he came towards me again, I just started to whimper. His hand reaching out to touch me made me try to flinch away from him, but he just gripped my by the hair and held me still.  “Beth, if I decide to take you, you will not back away from me. Now, I need you to answer some questions.”  I hated the thought of telling him anything but I wasn’t in the position to say no.


“First, before last night, how long had it been since you had sex.”  It seemed absurd that I was expected to talk about my private sex life but I feared what he would do it I didn’t answer. “About eight months.”  The slap took me by surprise and I felt tears come to my eyes as my cheek throbbed in pain.  I didn’t know what I had done wrong, I had answered his question hadn’t I?  He again took my hair in his hand and pulled my head back. “I remember telling you to use my name every time you speak to me, do you remember that?” My stomach clenched in fear as I realised what I had done. “I’m sorry Master Rick, it has been about eight months, Master Rick.” 


I was terrified of what he would do, the pain he had already caused my body evident of what kind of man he was.  He smiled his evil smile and let my hair go. “Don’t let that happen again Beth. How often do you make yourself cum?”  I could feel myself blush as I thought of what he was asking me. “Master, I don’t, I mean I usually don’t…”  I screamed as my nipples were twisted in his fingers.  “Beth, don’t try my patience. Now answer the question.”  He still had my nipples in his firm grip. “Sorry Master, maybe once every few weeks.”  I thought he wasn’t going to let go, my nipples feeling like he was going to twist them off, until he finally he let go and ran his hands over my breasts.


“How do you do it?”  His hands were hovering over my nipples in warning, so I answered him as honestly as I could. “I use my fingers Master.”  I almost knew what he was going to ask me next and felt my blush deepen further. “How do you use your fingers?”  “I rub my clit and sometimes I push a finger inside myself.”  I hoped that would satisfy him and thought it had when he started to lower my body to the ground and uncuffed  my hands from the bar. I was gingerly stretching them out when he squatted down in front of me. “Show me.”


For a moment I didn’t know what he meant and then I realised he wanted me to masturbate in front of him.  Even after all the indignities I had suffered, I still felt embarrassed at what he wanted me to do. “I see you need some incentive to get started.” He held up an innocent looking object, but it did not seem so innocent when he held it too my breast and I received a shock. “Did you feel that Beth?  If you don’t get started, I will just shock you until you do.”  It was not a hard decision to make and I brought my hand down to my pussy.  Master Rick still held the device close to my breast as my fingers began to rub.  I was still wet from when Lee had cum in me earlier, so it wasn’t hard to get my fingers inside. Closing my eyes, I rubbed my clit and waited for the familiar feelings to start to build.  For a while nothing happened as I thought about being watched but then I started to feel the warmth spreading through me and I soon forgot where I was.  Not long after I came and I just wanted to enjoy the feeling of peace I always felt afterwards, but the sound of clapping brought me back to my present surroundings. 


“Very nice Beth, that is something I could never grow tired of.” I hung my head in shame as he walked around me and then pushed on my back so I rocked forward on my knees.  He came around and pulled my arms up behind my back and attached them the collar, forcing my head down to the ground. I moaned in pain as my arms were made to stay up in the air. I was just so tired and closed my eyes until I felt something cold being rubbed into my ass. I tensed up as he pressed his fingers into me, moving the around to stretch me out.  I was shaking and tried to move away, but was held firm. “Beth, you need to relax.” I tried but kept thinking of how much it had hurt when the men had used both my pussy and ass at the same time. He laid the head of his cock on my asshole for a moment before he started to push.  I felt my whole body being pushed forward until he gripped my hips firmly and applied even more pressure. Without the gag in, my screams were loud and continuous as he tried to get the head in.  He hit my ass a number of times and finally it was in and I already felt full. 


Once he had the head in, he surged forward, his cock filling up my ass with a force that I thought would split me in two. “Oh, that is nice baby.  I love a tight ass.”  I grunted as he

pulled out until the head of his cock was again stretching out my asshole and gripping me tightly, leant forward to whisper in my ear. “Like that baby?  Just wait until I get you home and really get you stretched out.”  He gave me no time for what he had said to sink in, as he started to piston his cock in and out of my ass. I had nowhere to go as he held me tight and just had to suffer the agonizing feeling as his cock rubbed my ass raw.  He never seemed to tire as my screams filled the room.  I was barely aware of anything when I saw a foot in front of me and my head was pulled up to see Lee staring into my eyes. 


“Well, Rick, is she all I said she was?”  Lee had my hair in a fierce grip as he brought his lips down on mine and kissed me ruthlessly, his teeth biting my tongue before he pushed me away.  I could taste blood in my mouth and went to spit it out just as Lee shoved his cock in. He didn’t pause as he pushed all the way to the back of my throat, my sore tongue being rubbed by his cock on the way.  He hand at the back of my head held me in place as Master Rick continued to pound my ass from behind.  I struggled to get his cock out of me so I could breath but his grip was too tight and I felt my chest start to burn. Master Rick gripped me tighter as I felt his cum spurt deep inside of me before he pulled out and spurted over my back.  My head was dizzy and I was one the verge of passing out when Lee finally pulled out, him cum being added to the cum already congealing on my back. 


I felt broken and collapsed on the floor, my whole body aching.  I was vaguely aware of the two men talking and then I was untied and forced to stand by a hand pulling me up by my hair.  My legs were weak and I found it hard to stand up, Lee’s tight grip the only thing keeping me upright.  He let go of my hair and as I started to fall, gripped my nipples and dragged me over to the wall.  My back hit the wall with a thud as he pushed his body into mine.  “Beth, I am going to miss you but it is time for you to start your new life with your Master.  I am sure though that it will not be the last time I will see you.” I went to turn away from him, but he wouldn’t even let me do that. I looked up at him and tried to remember the gentle man he had been, but all I could think of was all the horrid things he had done to me. “Ah, here comes your new owner now.”  Lee pulled me away from the wall with a tug on my arm, throwing me into the arms of Master Rick. 


“Here she is, my beautiful new slave. Lee would you help me get her ready to transport?” I thought I didn’t care anymore but as the reality of his words sunk in, I began to fight and managed to get one kick in before I was forced down to the ground.  I felt pressure on my head as my legs were strapped together. The foot was removed from my head and I was again pulled up to stand unsteadily on my bound legs. Lee held me firm as more belts were used to bind my arms firmly to my sides.  Master Rick picked up what looked to be a number of belts, but when he held it up in front of my face, I could see a ball in the middle.  He pushed the ball into my mouth and as each strap was tightened I could feel the ball being pushed in further.  The final strap under my chin meant I couldn’t even open my mouth a tiny bit and I had to fight the urge to panic. 


I was picked up and placed onto a large mat.  Lee bent down beside my head, looking into my eyes. “Beth, I have something for you to remember me by. Have fun!”  I felt his hands on my nipples and moaned as he clamped them with something.  I had no time to see what it was as the mat was lifted over me and I was rolled over and over until I was tightly bound inside of it. Grunting as I was lifted up off the ground, I began to cry as I knew I had no way of escaping the darkness that my life had become. I still couldn’t believe how Lee had betrayed me and turned my life into a living nightmare.  Worst still, I knew the nightmare had only just begun.


The end ..for now.


Review This Story || Author: Aussiegirl
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