Later that week, Nina explained to me my first task as her submissive.
"You're going to help me in another card game. You'll be the bait to draw them in, and I'll fix the cards to ensure I catch them."
"Catch who sorry?"
"Oh, you'll find out on the night. But one thing: they don't know we're going out, and for my plan to work we mustn't let on."
As promised, I did not know who was coming until the night of the game. It turned out to be two of Nina's friends, Rebecca and Kirsty. I am in my twenties, and Nina is around my age if not a year or two younger, but when Rebecca walked in I thought that she was clearly much younger - to the point where I was worried about her age.
"How old is she?" I hissed in Nina's ear.
"Don't worry," she whispered back, "she's twenty, she just looks young for her age." She definitely did. She had red hair that curled as it fell to her shoulders. Her face was very youthful and lightly freckled, which had given cause to my alarm. She wore a long fashionable coat that hid her figure well, although for some reason I noticed her hands - small, soft, dainty and lady-like. Kirsty was a blonde who looked slightly older than me. She was quite short, with straight shoulder-length blonde hair and a particularly cute nose. Her figure-hugging trousers and top revealed her attractive hour-glass figure.
Pleasantries were exchanged, and the early evening passed without notable incident until Nina inevitably brought up the idea of strip cards. The girls were slightly hesitant at first, given that I had the most to gain and they the least, but Nina won them round, and explained her rules: we would play until only one person remained with clothing. Naked people would be out of the game. I knew that Nina would have fixed herself to be the winner, so I was able to look forward to seeing the other two girls naked, barring any tricks like last time. The order of play was: Nina, myself, Rebecca then Kirsty.
By the time the game got serious, Nina had lost her socks and shoes, as had Kirsty. Rebecca still had one sock on, and I lost the first round that led to the removal of more serious items of clothing; in this case my jumper. Kirsty wolf-whistled as I stood up and removed my jumper with as much confidence as I could muster. Rebecca smiled sweetly at me, and Nina gave me a faint nod of acknowledgement. Smiling, I waited for the next round.
Kirsty lost the round, which led to her removing her trousers. She had attractive fleshy legs; not slim, but instead round and appealing to the eye. Her large red panties covered everything of interest. This was followed the next round by her jumper. She had a slightly bulging stomach that she was clearly ashamed of, but it was not wholly unattractive and her breasts seemed full and ready to burst out of their red bra.
Rebecca lost her sock, and then to my surprise Nina lost the following round. She stood up and removed her trousers in a mock-stripper fashion, to the amusement of the other girls. The round after that it was my turn to lose my trousers, and I revealed my legs and best black underwear that I had worn for the occasion. The girls nodded their approval, and we played the next hand - which Rebecca lost. The young red-head chose to remove her top. Underneath she was wearing a lacy white bra that contained her small breasts. I could see now that she had a very svelte figure.
Kirsty lost the following round. Already down to her underwear, she chose to lose her bra. Her breasts bounced free as she took it off, revealing her large areolae around her nipples. That was followed by Rebecca losing her trousers to reveal her thin, almost-spindly legs, with her matching white lace panties covering the top of them. The next round finally led to my total loss, which I knew had been carefully pre-scripted by Nina. I stood up and whipped off my underwear, revealing my cock, stiffened by the sights of semi-naked women around me. Kirsty winked, Nina smiled, and Rebecca's eyes bulged slightly. I sat back down, out of the game, waiting to watch the other girls strip.
Nina lost again, to my surprise. For the first time ever I saw her remove her top. She wore a plain black bra, that encased her breasts. I knew that underneath her nipples would be rolling slightly to each side as Jane had described, and it was as if I could see through her clothing. The next round was tense as the girls sensed that they were nearing the end. It was Rebecca who lost the round. She stood up and slipped off her panties with minimal fuss. Her bush was a reddish-brown, and obscured what lay beneath. At Nina's insistence she twirled, revealing her tiny but pert buttocks.
Kirsty lost the next round to go out of the game. She stood and pulled off her large underwear to reveal her pussy, which was waxed into a "landing-strip" style. Nina and I raised our eyebrows but said nothing. The next round was played slowly, despite only Rebecca and Nina playing. Rebecca had only her bra left, while Nina had her bra and panties. Nina pulled up a six, but Rebecca received a four. She tugged off her bra to reveal her small budding breasts.
"I don't think there's any rush for you guys to get clothed again," Nina said, trying to pre-empt any such movement. "I suggest that we play a bit of a game of truth. I propose a question, since I won, but I draw a card along with the rest of you guys and the loser answers the question." As she had done before, Nina swapped the pack of cards for a new identical pack. She was quite good at doing it subtly; I only noticed because I knew that she was going to do it.
"Have you ever been fucked in the ass?" Nina said aloud, and the other girls looked quite surprised at the boldness of her question. Nina picked up a ten, and then watched as I picked up a five. Was I to answer this question? It seemed likely. I waited nervously as Rebecca drew; a jack! Kirsty picked her card and slowly turned it over... a three. I sighed inwardly with relief.
"Yes, I have," Kirsty said simply.
"Did it hurt?" Rebecca asked inquisitively.
"Not really. Just strange really. In actual fact, sort of fun."
Nina gave her next question: "Have you ever had sex outdoors?" She lost that round, and revealed what I could already have surmised: "Yes, I have. Quite a few times actually."
"What sort of places?" Kirsty asked.
"Oh, parks, cinemas, public toilets, that sort of thing. Next question: have you ever been tied up?"
Nina drew an eight, leaving me to draw a four. Rebecca drew a queen, and I had a feeling that Kirsty was also going to get a high card. I was proved wrong however when she pulled out a two. "Erm, yes. I had a boyfriend who was quite into that sort of thing." I was developing an admiration for Kirsty's exploits.
"And the reverse: have you ever tied anyone up?" Nina made herself lose that question, and owned up to having tied up a "previous boyfriend" in her words, and revealed that she still had the bondage gear. I wasn't sure if she meant me, or had tied up a previous boyfriend, but I was unable to ask given that our relationship was a secret for the evening. "I think we should make it more exciting now," Nina suggested. "How about the loser has to show us how they masturbate?"
Everyone looked at each other nervously, and shuffled in their seats. "I'm game," I offered, because I knew that was what Nina wanted. "Go on then," Kirsty added, and Rebecca reluctantly nodded. Nina pulled up a seven, which I had no doubt was enough to save her. I expected a low card, but just as in every other round that I expected a low card, I was surprised. I had a king. Rebecca drew a six, and Kirsty looked worried as she took from the top of the pile... a jack. Rebecca flushed bright red as she realised that she had lost.
"Spread your legs and give us a demonstration," Nina said with authority. Rebecca licked the tip of her finger and then slid it down through the mess of hair between her legs. "Spread your labia girl, otherwise we can't see," Nina told her. Rebecca flushed and moved her other hand downwards. Her thatch was parted to reveal a tender pussy, and her finger making tight circles on the clitoris. I watched intently and unabashedly, my cock very obviously hard, until Nina let Rebecca stop.
"The loser of the next round is going to suck cock," Nina announced. I was as surprised as the other girls at this suggestion.
"His?" Kirsty asked, putting voice to my thoughts.
"Not necessarily. The loser will suck off the winner," Nina told her.
"But we don't have cocks."
"Ah but we can do," Nina said, and fetched her strap-on dildo; the larger one. The girls looked surprised but curious. "If one of us wins, we'll wear this," Nina said, and I knew then that I would be giving head to one of the girls. Nina drew a jack - would it be her? I pulled off a six. To my surprise - I should have learnt by now that Nina was teasing me with this whole game - Rebecca had a two. Kirsty got a nine, and it was all over. Nina began putting on the strap-on, while Rebecca sat, nervously waiting.
Nina sat down, opened her legs, and beckoned Rebecca over. The redhead slipped off her chair and crawled over to where Nina waited. She began licking and bobbing, but that was all that Kirsty and I could see, being behind Rebecca.
"Since our other guests can't see what's going on, stick out your hips to give them an interesting view." Rebecca shuffled her legs backwards until she was on all fours rather than kneeling. I could now see her curling red pubic hairs between the tops of her thighs, and between her small cheeks I could see her asshole, perfectly white (it seemed to me), with no discolouration. I suddenly had the urge to get up, walk over, and tongue it, despite the fact that I had never had any interest in rimming before.
"Are you still quite wet from your wanking earlier?" Nina taunted Rebecca. I could not hear her response among the blow-job sounds. "Put your hands on my hips, and don't move them. George, come over here and tell me how wet she is." I dutifully walked over and began peering at Rebecca's crotch. "Not by looking you idiot, use your finger." Breathing heavily with excitement, I stretched out my left middle finger and ran it up her slit, beginning by her clitoris and ending up next to her tight asshole, which was as perfect up-close as I had hoped.
"She's very wet," I informed Nina.
"I think you should start playing with her. See if you can make her come." Rebecca's legs seemed to quiver slightly but she did not say anything, and did not stop licking Nina's dildo. I cupped Rebecca's bush with my (preferred) right hand, and began rubbing her clitoris with my middle finger. Her lips around the dildo, she moaned softly. I realised that my left finger was still slick with her honey, and considered licking it clean myself, but then looked at her asshole again.
Rebecca did not react when I placed the tip of my finger against her exposed ring, but she groaned loudly when I gently pushed it in, and her muscles gave way, only to grip again tightly around my digit. She lifted her hands from Nina's sides, but Nina would have none of that - she grabbed Rebecca's hands and pulled them back to where they had been, and held them. "Keep licking the dildo," Nina instructed. Rebecca paused, and I continued rubbing her clitoris. She moaned, and then slowly returned to licking the dildo as my manual labour kept her in thrall. While I continued stroking her, I began to ponder whether I would be able to fit a second finger inside her ass. Judging by the pressure on my one finger currently inside her back entrance, I suspected not.
I did not have long to think about such things however as Rebecca began moaning more and more, and I realised she was coming. I upped my pace, and her hips bucked and she pushed back towards me as she came. I realised that she was only a few inches away from wriggling back onto my erect cock, which was pointed at her lubricated vagina. For a moment I considered whether to push forward, but quite aside from the safe-sex implications, I knew that my cock belonged to my mistress. I pulled my hips back to leave Rebecca room, and once she had finished I pulled my hands away from her.
"You enjoyed that didn't you?" Nina taunted. "I bet George is glad he was the one fingering you, not the one getting sucked off, because you need a lot of practice. He probably would have gone to sleep." Rebecca was bright red as she returned to her seat for the next hand; I had almost forgotten about the cards!
We all sat back down in our seats, and Nina announced the next forfeit: "The loser of this round has to drink my special cocktail." None of us really understood what she meant, but we all drew cards. After expecting to lose most of the recent rounds, this one turned out to be the one that Nina had finally made me lose. Nina made the other girls pin me down to the floor - as if I would have resisted my mistress's command - while she went and readied the cocktail. It was a glass of slightly cloudy liquid. Nina held my nose while she poured it down my throat, so I did not know what it tasted like, but it felt bitter.
I was made to finish the glass before I was let up. I returned to my seat, feeling slightly light-headed, while Nina returned the glass to the kitchen and washed it out.
"Right," she said when she returned to the slightly swimming room. "The winner of the next rospmhlprflblaafblrg......"
Everything went black.
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