Z11077, FIELD HORSE SLAVE- Second Episode
The naked beautiful blonde slave stood stiffly at attention , harnessed to her plow by her tit rings, as her woman slavedriver lashed her breasts with a short dog whip. Her mate on the plow , a small pony in a leather neck harness , stood oblivious to the punishment being delivered to the blonde slave. Z11077 was being lashed for not keeping the pace in the brutal heat of the midday sun. The pace was set, of course, by the pony who had no worry or patience for the slavegirl alongside her. When the slavedriver lashed the pony she responded accordingly whether or not the beauty alongside her could keep the pace.
The slavedriver shouted « You will work, slave or I will lash the skin off that beautiful body of yours. You are the property of this plantation to,be used as the horseflesh that you are. Perhaps you need to be crucified again to remind you. »
At these last words the blonde shivered with fear even though the sun beat down on her naked sweating flesh. She would never forget her crucifixion nor the brutal bullwhipping she was given while crucified. She would do anything to avoid such punishment .
Finally the breast flogging ceased but only because the guard grew tired and wished for a cool drink. It would be quite some time before the « horses » would be fed and watered again since they just finished their short rest period. Also it was obvious that the black guard dog was randy again since he continually sniffed and pawed at Z11077 as she plowed. He would have to be satisfied and shortly the team would be stopped to allow him to mount Z11077. The guard always liked to lash the tits of the blonde as the dog fucked her so those globes would receive more punishment shortly.
The team was driven mercilessly that afternoon with the lash landing more often on Z11077 than on Z11076, her mate. At mid-afternoon the team was stopped for water and , of course , to satisfy the black dog. The dog quickly mounted the beauty and pummeled away as she screamed in pain and shame as the guard lashed her breasts. Finally the beast was satisfied and the team was driven until sundown.
Z11077 was unchained from the plow and chained by her tit chains to the wall of her stall after being fed and watered. But there would be no mercy for the beauty since the black dog was allowed to roam freely and of course wander into her stall whenever he wished, which was three times that night.
The next morning Z11077 and her mate were led to a millstone and chained on opposite sides. Once again Z11077 was chained by her tit rings while her mate was chained by her leather harness. A vicious lash across the back of Z11077 was the signal to start with the pace being set once again by the pony . Round and round the « horseflesh » turned the millstone under the blazing sun to the tune of the lash of the carriage whip. At noon the team was stopped to be fed and watered but to also be inspected by the Mistress of the plantation and her guests who also used female horseflesh on the neighboring plantations and quarries.
Mistress Z stood in front of the hapless blonde and observed « Why has this beast been lashed so hard and so often ? Has she been stubborn, lazy or unwilling to satisfy the dogs ? »
-The answer is yes to all your questions, Mistress , answered the guard. I have had to whip her far more than her mate.
« Thank you for the information. Z11077, I am going to have you crucified once again and of course bullwhipped while you are on the cross. You will learn that you are horseflesh. You will then be sold at auction to be used as horseflesh by other plantation and quarry owners in this area. Guard drive this team back to work.They have many more turns to complete before sundown. »
Mistress Z knew her quests . She knew
they would lust to have this strong beauty under their total control to be used as horseflesh. Her price would
be high.
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