Chapter 7 – Danger
Pete’s view
Having heard a bit more about Julie’s experiences with Sean, I was determined to help her forget by distracting her with games and fishing. Fishing was not so successful; as it was not the best time to fish the lake, but I found out she was a very good poker player and absolutely ruled at monopoly. What was amazing to watch was the way each day she become more confident and happy, her fear fading if not totally gone. We had been at the lake for a week and I thought she properly needed at least another week until we started to seriously consider her options. She was still very jumpy and I did my best not to startle her. On our first night at the cabin, she had seemed quite nervous when we headed back inside and I realised she was thinking about our sleeping arrangements. Once I had assured her I was sleeping on the couch, she had relaxed and she had happily gone to sleep in the bedroom.
I had already decided I would stay with her if she wanted but was also bracing myself for her wanting to return to her own family. I had asked her if there was any chance Sean would try to find her at her old home, but she had said that she had never told him where her hometown was. I was sure that Sean was going crazy by now, and hoped that my mate was remembering not to drive around in my old car. I had shown Julie where the hunting rifles were kept in a box just inside the door and we also put one under the steps outside, just in case. There was also a small fishing shack about ten minutes from the cabin, in which I had left a tackle box, complete with a fishing knife. I had not wanted to scare her, but we need to be ready if somehow Sean found us.
I was just heading outside to see if Julie was having any luck with her fishing, when I thought I heard a sound. Not wanting to scare Julie, I looked around a bit and decided it must have been an animal when I heard it again, but this time it was louder. I was just about to shout out a warning for Julie to run, when I felt a hand cover my mouth and a gun was held up to my head. I struggled to get away but the grip was strong.
“Pete, don’t make me use this thing.” I froze, recognising Billy’s voice. My only thought was Julie and what they would do to her if she were caught.
“Well, well, well. Pete, I hope you have enjoyed your time here at the lake, at it will be the last thing you will ever enjoy.” I doubled by efforts but could not get away. “Billy, take him into the cabin while I get Julie. I can see she has also had a nice time in the sun, but it will have to last her for a long, long time.” I so wanted to warn her, but knew we were too far away for her to have heard anything. Watching as Sean walked up behind her, I saw her turn, her face having a huge smile until she saw Sean. She then went pale and tried to run as he reached out and grabbed her. The fishing rod fell into the water as he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. Billy prodded me in the back with the gun and with a hand on my shoulder I was made to walk into the cabin. Sean had just put Julie down inside the cabin and I could see her body shaking. Billy made me walk over to one of the chairs and started to tie me down, the ropes tight against my skin. A noise behind him made us both look up and I saw Sean hoping around holding his balls in his hand and Julie bolting out the door.
“Run, Julie, run!” Billy must not have liked my urging her on, as the next thing I knew my face exploded in pain as he punched me. I literally saw stars and then nothing as I blacked out.
Julie’s view
I had just felt so angry that Sean was trying to take over my life again, that I did what I should have done the first time he ever tried to grab me. I hit him with all my might in his crotch and just ran as fast as I could out of there. The only advantage I had was surprise, so I did not have much time to get away. I heard Pete yelling out for me to run and then nothing, but I didn’t have time to worry about him now.
Heading over to the fishing shack, I could hear footsteps behind me. I knew that if they both got me, I would not get away again. I ducked behind a large tree trunk and heard Sean screaming my name. He ran past me to the cars and I took the change to continue on while he had his back to me. I tried to be as quite as I could as I made my way along the track to the shack. The first part was hidden as it was in the trees, but the last part went along side the lake and I knew I would be in clear sight.
However, I had to get to the shack to get the knife, so at least I would have a better chance of defending myself. The footsteps behind me were getting closer, so I just ran as fast as I could to the shack, my hands shaking as I pulled open the door. The tackle box was under the table in the corner and I ran to pull it out, the sound of the footsteps outside the door warning me Sean was close. I had just managed to get the knife out of the box when the door slammed open and I was face to face with Sean.
“Come here you bitch. Boy, you are really going to wish you had not hit me.” I tried to steady my hand as I held up the knife but I could see it shaking. “Don’t come any closer, or you will be sorry.” He just laughed, and reached out to grab the knife from me. I am nor sure how, but I somehow managed to nick his hand, making him even more determined to get at me. “That’s it, you are going to really pay when I get you back home.” The menace in his voice didn’t help to ease my shaking hand and this time when he reached for the knife, he managed to grip my wrist and twisted it until I had to drop the knife.
Now I knew I was in trouble and started to back up as he approached me, my back hitting the wall. There was nowhere for me to go, and he knew that, his evil smile back on his face. “Please Sean, don’t hurt me. I’m sorry I hit you.” I hated the sound of my voice as I begged him, even though I was sure it make no difference. “Oh darling, you don’t know what hurt is. When I am through with you, you won’t ever think of trying to leave me again.”
He gripped my hair and pulled me down, the hard floor bruising my knees. Before I had the change to even yell, he slapped me so hard across the face I fell to the floor. Crying now, he lifted me up again and repeated the slap to the other side of my face, which just sent me to the floor yet again. I was trying to block his slaps with my hands, so he grabbed some rope from the wall and tied my hands together so tight he cut off all the circulation in my fingers. Pulling me to my feet with the rope, I had to scream as it just pulled the rope even tighter. He opened the door and started to drag me back to the cabin, when I heard the sound of sirens in the distance.
He pulled me to him and covered my mouth with his hand and for the first time since I had known him, I could sense his fear. Pulling me off the path and into the trees, he pushed me down, his hand still firm over my mouth. The sirens got closer and a police car pulled up beside the other two cars. Two policemen got out, their guns drawn as they checked out the area. One went up to the cabin door while the other waited at the bottom of the steps. On a count, the one at the door knocked, calling out that he was police and to open up. When the door did not open, he open it up and I was shocked to hear a shot ring out. Seeing his body fall back onto the steps just seemed so unreal and then Billy appeared in the doorway.
The other policeman must have had a clear view, as the shot he aimed at Billy got him right in the chest, his body falling back with a thud. I could see the wounded cop on the steps moving and his partner checked on him, sitting him up before he cautiously entered the cabin. Sean pulled me up and started to drag me back along the path, only stopping when the policeman emerged with a startled looking Pete behind him. I could see him talking into his phone and assumed he was getting his partner some help. Sean pulled me back off the path and whispered in my ear. “Don’t you make a sound bitch and I might go easier on you when we get back home.” I was amazed that he thought he would get home but until I was out of his grasp, knew anything was possible.
The policeman got Pete to stay with his partner, while he started to head our way. Sean’s hand again covered my mouth as the cop got closer. I wanted to jump up and tell him we were here, but Sean’s other hand was wrapped around the rope hanging down from my tied wrists. The cop got so close I could see the tips of his shoes through the branches of the tree, but he kept on going. I heard him walk past again until he was back at the cabin. Sean took the opportunity to keep on going and pulled me along the path. The policeman must have heard us, as the next thing I knew he had his gun aimed as us.
Sean pulled me in close and taking the fishing knife from somewhere, he held it to my throat. I felt his grip tighten around my tied hands as he manoeuvred me over closer to the car. “Don’t even think about trying it mate, you shot me I cut her.” At that moment I had no doubt he would do it, as I had never seen him so desperate. He pulled me even closer to him, so close I could feel the outline of his cock against my back. It shocked me to think that amid all this violence he had a hard on. The tip of the knife was pressing into my throat and I was trying hard to move with him so that it would not cut me even more.
He was pulling me backwards, so that I had no idea what was under my feet, and when I tripped over the stick on the ground, if it had not been for his hand holding me up, I am sure the knife would have gone up into my chin. Breathing hard, I went into autopilot and just let him move me to his car. Even when he sat in the passenger seat with me and then moved over to the driver’s side after shutting the door, I did not try to get away. He took a moment to put my seat belt on, so that I had no change to get out at all without his help. I was aware of shouts behind us and the sound of the police car starting up, as Sean sped up the dirt road. I could see the veins in his neck throbbing and he was gripping his jaw so tight I could hear him grinding his teeth. I was just starting to think that this was it; I would never escape him now, when a sound of another siren joined in with the one behind us. I looked up to see another police car heading down the path towards us. Sean cursed and turned the wheel sharply, causing the car to swerve off the path and onto the grass at the edge of the road.
Screaming as we veered dangerously close to the trees at the edge of the road, I clenched my hands tightly together behind me. “Shut up bitch, it is all your fault we are in this mess.” The unfairness of his comment hit me and I was just about to respond, when I saw a huge tree coming up fast in front us. “The tree, watch out for the…” The sound of the car hitting the tree was deafening, my body thrown forward with the impact. If not for the seat belt I would have properly hit my head on the windscreen. The engine stopped at almost the same time the sirens did.
I opened my eyes to see what had happened to Sean just as two policemen approached the car, their guns drawn. However Sean had not moved and I could see the blood starting to run down his forehead. My door opened and I saw the concerned face of a young policeman. “Are you Ok? Do you think you have broken anything?” I tried to check, but with my hands tied it was not easy. “I think I am ok, but if you could get me untied, that would be great.” I saw him blush and he quickly moved to undo my seatbelt and help me out of the car.
I saw the cop who had moved to Sean’s door open the door and check Sean’s pulse. “He is still alive, but he needs help fast.” No sooner had he finished speaking then an ambulance came and parked behind the car. I guessed it had been called for the shot policeman. I tried to decide if I wanted him to survive and was shocked when I realised part of me wanted him dead. Realising the young cop was talking to me, I tried to focus on what he was saying. He had managed to undo the ropes and I was rubbing my sore wrists when he spoke again. “My boss says you are to come back to the cabin and then we can get you checked out to see if you are OK.”
I did not argue with him and let him help me back to the cabin, my legs feeling slightly shaking as I started to think about what could have been. “Julie, thank god you are OK. When that bastard drove off, I thought I would never see you again.” I ran into Pete’s arms and again felt the tears rocking my body. He just held me, his gentle hands stroking my hair until I regained enough control to look at him. The whole of the left side of his face had started to swell and his eye was half shut.
“Oh Pete, you look terrible.” I realised how awful that sounded and started to laugh, and before I knew it we were both almost doubled over in laughter. I am sure the cops thought we were crazy but I just couldn’t manage to stop. We were both led into the cabin, the young policeman trying to get us to sit down despite our now uncontrollable state. Eventually we managed to calm down, the tears in my eyes now caused by laughter and not fear. Pete wiped my face and then gently kissed me. It was not the sort of kiss that made me think he wanted something but was the most honest kiss I had ever had.
He looked at bit embarrassed as he sat back
and I reached out to touch the unbruised side of his face. “Pete, please don’t
regret showing me you care for me. After all I have been through,
I need all the care I can get.” He
smiled at me and I felt warmed by his concern for me. A cough behind me made me turn and I again
saw the face of the young cop who had helped me out of the car. “Um excuse me, but I need to find out some
facts. Now the guy, Billy, what can you tell me about
him?” I suddenly remember seeing Billy
falling to the floor and looked to where I thought he would have landed. “What happened to him? I mean, he was here
before, don’t tell me he is still out there
Pete reached out to hold me, as the young
cop tried to convince me I was safe. “He didn’t survive, I am afraid. I think
he was moved because we needed to have the way clear.” I could not describe what I felt as I went
from fear to relief in a matter of minutes.
“Are you sure, I mean is he really dead?” Pete gently stroked my face.
“Julie, he is definitely dead and I for
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