Chapter 6 – The Escape
Pete’s view
Not long after Julie was finally allowed to go to sleep, the party broke up. I was about to head back to my unit above the garage, when Mr Thomas asked if he could have a word before I left. I nervously followed him into his den and hoped I had not been caught out. He went to pour me another drink but I waved it away and sat down, just wanting to be out of his sight.
“Pete, thank you for joining in our little celebration today. I could tell it wasn’t your thing, but I appreciate the effort you made. I am sure Julie did too, though she is asleep so can’t tell you herself.” I had to clench me fist to keep from telling him that I knew his disgusting secret but just smiled at him. “Well, Mr Thomas, I appreciate the opportunity you are giving me here. Also, I try not to judge others sexual preferences.” He raised an eyebrow at me and took a sip of his drink.
“Pete, I am pleased you appreciate your job here so I know you will respect our privacy.” This veiled threat made me clench my fist even tighter, my nails digging into the skin of my palm. “Of course, I would never say anything about what happened. After all, I like Julie and wouldn’t want to upset her.” Again he raised his eyebrow at me. After a few minutes he spoke again, his voice now sounding very business like.
“Pete, I won’t need you to drive me anywhere tomorrow, but I will be taking the car out myself. Make sure the keys are one the hook in the garage. What you do with the day is up to you.” He then turned his back me and waved me gone. As I made my way back to my place over the garage, my mind began to think of the opportunity I would have to see Julie and maybe even get her out of here tomorrow.
A few phone calls on my mobile phone later, I had arranged to leave my car at a friend’s house and take an old one that he had. He also was arranging for the use of an old cabin for a week, just in case I managed to get Julie free. I knew it would be risky but it might be the best chance I had for a while. Sleep didn’t come easy, my mind full of how I could get into the house. When I woke to the sounds of the car pulling out of the drive, I knew it was time to put my plans into action. After a quick shower to wake me up and a cup of black coffee, I headed off to the house, my heart doing a tap dance in my chest.
My knock on the door sounded so loud to my ears and I had a story all ready to tell Billy, so the sight of a Spanish woman at the door took my by surprise. “Please to help you?” It took a moment for me to realise she was asking what I wanted and I tried to tell her I wanted to come into the house to find an aspirin. It took a full five minutes of mime and misunderstanding before she worked out I was the driver and ushered me into the kitchen. Before I could stop her, she was buzzing around putting on bacon and eggs and placing a mug of coffee in front of me. I relaxed, at least I was inside and if Billy did come in, it would be easy to explain why I was here.
I found out her name was Maria and she worked a few days in the kitchen each week.
She looked blank when I mentioned Julie’s name, so I guessed she did not know she was in the house. I was just about finished the food and was starting to wonder how to get upstairs to look for Julie, when the phone rang. Maria went to answer it, and I just waved a thank you at her and headed for the front door, ducking off in the direction of the stairs at the last minute. I could still hear her voice on the phone, so was pretty sure she had not seen me change course.
Now I was upstairs, I began to search for where Julie might be, listening against any closed doors. If Billy saw me, I would say I needed the toilet but hoped I wouldn’t come to that. I came to a door at end of the hall and thought I could hear crying from inside. I whispered Julie’s name and knocked lightly on the door. The sound of footsteps let me know someone was inside and I knocked softly again. I could tell she was standing just near the door and was about to knock again when a small voice answered my knocks. “Who is it?” It was her. “Julie, it is Pete, are you OK?” There was a slight hesitation before her answer. “As OK as I ever am in this place.” I tried the door, which of course was locked, and thanked by wayward cousin who had taught me how to pick locks. He was now in jail but what he had taught me got me into the room. Quickly shutting the door behind me, I signalled Julie to be silent and went into the bathroom. Once the shower was turned on, I turned to talk to her.
“Julie, if you are up to it, I have a plan to get you out of here. Are you with me?” I saw her eyes widen first in fear and then she looked around and nodded. I tried to imagine what she might be thinking but didn’t want to waste too much time in case they had cameras in the room. “Do you have any clothes to change in to?” She just shook her head and I thought quickly about where to get her some. Remembering I had passed what looked to be Mr Thomas’s room just down the hall, I took her hand and after checking the coast was clear, led her into his room.
Her hesitation to enter the room I first
put down to her nervousness at what we were doing, but when I saw her eyes fill
with tears at the sight of the bed, I knew something bad must had happened in
the room. Not having time to ask her, I
threw a polo shirt and a pair of sweat pants on the bed. I had to click my
fingers to get her attention and then she quickly put the clothes on. They were
a bit big but at least she was covered for now.
Creeping back to her door, I made sure it was locked and that you could hear the shower running, and continued slowly down the steps. Her hand was tight in mine and we made it down to the ground floor without anyone seeing us. Billy’s voice in the room just down the hall startled us both, but to her credit she did not make a sound. “Stay here, and I will distract him. As soon as you hear me talking to Billy, run as fast as you can and head up to my place over the garage. I have left the door unlocked. Good luck.”
I saw her crouch down behind a chair and
taking a deep breath, I entered the room where Billy was. He was sitting in front of an array of TV
screens, which I realised were security monitors. I could see the front drive, the gates and a
shot of the lawns around the house. The other screens were blank and I relaxed
as I realised he did not have Julie’s room on one of the screens. Coughing, he turned around and before he
could ask what I was doing there, I began to tell him about the great breakfast
Maria had just made me.
“Pal, isn’t she one of the best cooks, almost as good as my own Mum.” I agreed and walked around, pretending to look at the back of the monitors. “Billy, I have often wondered about these things; are they all connected to one system or do they work independently of each other?” I had no idea what he was saying but he seemed to enjoy telling me how it all worked. He even explained how they usually have some of the rooms in the house monitored at well, but that there was a glitch in the system at the moment, so they only had the outside ones working. I said a silent thank you that he had not seen me getting Julie out of her room.
Suddenly though, he must have remembered he had a job to do and I just hoped Julie had made her way up to my place in time. I jumped when he swore at one of the screens and I was about to do the bolt. “Fucking salesman, I have told him time and time again we do not need new carpet, but he just keeps coming back.” I looked at the screen to see a truck with the logo of a popular carpet retailer on the side, and no sight of Julie at all. Next thing the man pushed the button on the intercom and I heard Billy telling him to go away.
I took the opportunity to leave and waved a goodbye, making myself walk when I just wanting to run. It seemed like an eternity as I made my way back up to my place, the feeling a bit like those dreams where you never reach the door. But reach the door I did, and as I entered I started to feel some concern as I could not see Julie anyway. Where was she? Surely she had not misunderstood me and gone somewhere else? I was just about to check the garage down stairs when I became aware of a movement at the back of the room.
Julie stood up from behind my couch and I just wanted to take her into my arms as she looked so much like a lost little girl in the oversized shirt. I made a move towards her and was shocked to see her back away from me. Having to remind myself of how huge this whole thing must be for her, I stopped where I was. “Julie, you know you have no need to be scared of me, but I can understand how you might not trust what is going on. I need you to try though. Can you do that?” She looked anxious for a moment and then nodded.
“Good, now I need you to get into this bag, so that you look like you are part of my washing. I usually take the bag and do my washing once a week, so it will not cause Billy to think anything strange is going on.” She hesitated momentarily and then moved to step into the bag. I knew that after all she had been through, this could seem like just another kinky act. Before she bent down fully into the bag, I took her face in my hands and kissed her gently on her lips. She seemed startled at first but then lent into the kiss, her tears wetting my hands as she began to cry. “Julie, I don’t know what will happen but you can trust me.” This time her eyes locked onto to mine and I could see hope there.
Once she was in the bag, along with some sheets to bulk it out, I carefully picked her up and carried the bag down the stairs. She had made a few low grunts when I first picked her up but once she found a comfortable position, she was silent and still until I reached my old car. Placing the bag onto the front seat, I opened the garage door and prepared to drive her away. I just hoped our luck would hold and that no-one had noticed she was not in her room, the shower running hopefully buying us some time.
When I sat back in the car, I leant over and opened up the top of the bag to check she was ok. “Julie, we are almost out of here, all I have to do is get Billy to open the gate. You have to stay still for a few more minutes, is that ok?” Her big eyes looked up at me and she again just nodded. I rubbed her hair out of her eyes and taking a deep breath, I drove out of the garage.
Julie’s view
I could hardly believe what was happening. Not only had Sean surprised me this morning my telling me I had a day with no clients or demands and had removed the cuff so I could move around the room, then Pete had turned up. I still had a small section of my mind that wondered if this was some kind of a trap, a way for Sean to test my loyalty or something. However, I had decided that if he was being honest and actually had a way to get me out, then I would be a fool not to try it.
Walking into Sean’s room, the first time since the day he and Billy had raped me, almost made me loose it, but Pete had brought me back around. I hated wearing Sean’s clothes but knew it would be better then being naked. When I had heard Billy’s voice I thought we would be caught, but again Pete had saved the day and I had been able to make it across to his place. Once there, I had begun to worry about someone else coming in to find me, so I had hidden behind the couch. The look of hurt in Pete’s eyes as I backed away from him helped me to trust him and now I found myself sitting in a laundry bag on the front seat beside someone I barely knew. However, the way he had kissed me had washed away even more doubts and I found myself starting to feel that long forgotten feeling of trust.
I felt the car move and sat as still as I could, which with all the time I had spent being forced to be still, was not so hard. “Hey Billy, could you open the gates? I am off to do my washing and then plan to spent the rest of the day at the beach.” I hadn’t realised I was holding my breath until I heard the gates opening and the car moved through them and made a left turn. We drove along for what felt like five minutes or so and then the car stopped. The fresh air felt great on my face and I hoped that I would only see Pete’s face and not Sean’s. I still needed a bit more convincing that this was not a trap.
Pete’s face came into view and I felt a rush of relief as he helped me out of the bag. “Here, put this on. I just have to make one stop to change cars and then I have a safe place for us to stay for a while.” Taking the hat he handed me, I piled my hair up and put it on. I had so much I wanted to ask him but still felt the need to be sure he was taking me to safety. As he drove, I could see him give me some glances but was glad he was just letting me think. We reached a fairly run down house and he drove around behind it and helped me out of the car.
Lifting up the mat at the back door, he swapped his car keys for another set that was sitting there. Looking around, I kept imagining Sean running around the corner, but all that happened was that I was led to sit in the other car that had been sitting in the yard. It looked like an older model, but so long as it took me further away from Sean, I didn’t mind. We drove in silence for a few hours, the radio the only sound in the car. I saw a sign for a turn off to Blue Lake and soon we were bumping down a dirt road until he turned and parked the car.
I could see a beautiful lake in front of me and an old cabin just near where we had parked. “It is not much, but it is private and no one but my friend Tim knows we are here. You must be hungry, there is plenty of food inside.” I knew he wanted me to talk to him, but for now I was just trying to get my head around all that had happened. By now, they would surely know I was gone and Sean would be furious.
The enormity of what we had done suddenly hit me and I found myself unable to move. I was overcome with a rush of emotions, fear and hope being on the top of the list. When the tears came, I felt like a dam had burst and just cried and cried. Pete tried to comfort me, but at that moment I didn’t want anyone to touch me and pushed him away. I’m not sure how long I cried for but by the time by cries had become sobs; I could see Pete just sitting under a nearby tree. He had that hurt look in his eyes again, but there was also concern there. I made my way slowly out of the car and sat down beside him.
“Pete, I haven’t thanked you yet. I guess it has come as a bit of a surprise.” He turned to me and went to put his hand on mine, but pulled it away again. Not surprising, considering the way I had just pushed him away. Not wanting him to feel uncomfortable, I took his hand and held it gently. Trying to put my emotions into words, I was about to speak when Pete got in first. “Julie, I just can’t even begin to imagine what you have been through or how you might be feeling. You just do whatever you need to do, cry, scream, sleep, talk or whatever else you need to do. We are safe here, so just take your time and when you feel up to it, we will work out where you go to from here.” At that moment, I felt such a rush of gratitude that someone cared enough for me to risk their life. “Pete, thank you. I am certain I will do all of what you just said and maybe more, so please don’t be upset if I at times push you away or don’t want to talk to you. After a year with Sean, I am afraid my trust of people is not what it used to be. Now, did you mention food before, I am starving.”
The cabin was small but clean, with a main bedroom and bathroom and a very comfy looking couch in the living area. The kitchen was very basic but again had all you would need. Pete warmed up some soup and we ate in silence, after which I excused myself to take a shower. I had not yet fully accepted the fact that I was safe, my brain still refusing to believe I was really free of Sean’s grasp. The water felt wonderful and Pete had given me a soft bathrobe to put on when I was finished. He had also got his mate to bring up a selection of clothes for me to wear, so I would not have to wear Sean’s clothes again. Lingering under the spray of water, I tried to just enjoy being free from fear and felt myself really beginning to relax.
There was a note on the bench in the kitchen telling me Pete was down by the lake and I decided to join him. I still was not used to the freedom to make up my own mind but it was something I was quickly remembering. Heading outside, the sun just setting over the lake looked so beautiful I had to just watch it for a while. Pete must have seen me as he called me over and I made my way down to the edge of the lake where he was sitting.
“I was hoping you would join me. Would you like a drink?” He had a bottle of wine open and on my nod, poured me a glass. I sat beside him, watching the sunset and enjoying the feeling of being with a man I wasn’t scared of. I could sense he wanted to ask me something when he turned to face me. “Julie, you can tell me it is none of my business, but how did you come to be with Sean?” I wasn’t sure if I wanted to think about this now but he had been very patient, so with a deep breathe if started to tell him my story. I told him about how I had run away and my adventures during the first few days in the city, including how I had come to be in Sean’s home.
“He just seemed to be so nice and caring, I couldn’t believe it when he turned on me. He had Billy help him and they both raped me on Sean’s bed. After that he put me in the cage until I was ready to do anything he wanted.” I was glad he had not asked me more about the cage but his next question was also a hard one to talk about. “When I first saw you at the brothel, you were scared of something. What was going on there?”
I looked out at the water, the memory of all the times I had been forced to suffer for the whims of my clients going through my head. Pete must have sensed my unease, as he laid a hand on my shoulder. “God Julie, of course you don’t want to relive all those terrible memories. Just forget I asked.”
But I found I did want to talk about it. “No It’s OK. I think it might actually help to talk about it. It all started after Sean had held me for about two months. A friend of his came to visit and play with me, and when they were done he had suggested that Sean bring me down to his brothel and make some money. Pete, out of all the things Sean did to me that had to be the worst. I just felt so exposed and those guys were just so evil. There was one who liked to use a whip on me, he would tie me to a post and just go for it. Another one liked to give me enemas, making me take more and more until I was sure I would pop. Then there was Sir, the man I was due to visit on the day you saw me. He scared me the most, not such much due to what he would do, though he was equally as nasty as the rest, but because he just didn’t seem to care at all. I am sure that if I was left with him over an extended period of time, he would have killed me.” I stopped; again feeling the rush of fear those visits had brought me. Pete was silent beside me and I figured sometimes the truth really is hard to hear.
‘Pete, that day you saw me, I wanted so much to let you help me, but I am sure you know now why I had to tell you leave me alone. I never, ever dreamed you would even remember me after that night let alone risk so much to help me.” I felt the inevitable tears again rock my body, but this time I allowed Pete to hold me until I had calmed again. By now the sun was almost set and it was getting a bit cool, so we headed back inside again.
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