Chapter 2 – A new Job
Pete’s view
I had seen the man come down the stairs and then spend twenty minutes or so talking to the girl in the reception area. My friends had come down while he was talking and though it took me a while, I was able to convince them I wanted to stay. They just slapped me on the back and told me it was about time, before I called them a cab. I raced back inside in time to see the man go back up the steps. I could see the receptionist looking at me and knew I would have to wait outside and hope they came down soon. Sitting down on a low brick wall just outside, I tried not to think what might be happening inside. My watch showed me it had been about 15 minutes since he had gone upstairs and I was just starting to get cold, when I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Not wanting to be seen, I moved into the shadows where I could still see the stairs. It was them and I could see that the girl was having trouble walking. Her hair was wet and had been pulled back into a ponytail, making her look more like a cheerleader than a hooker. I tried to see her eyes, but she had her head down.
The man led her to a large black car, a driver getting out and opening up the back door. The girl was pushed into the back seat and the man got in beside her. As they drove off I knew I would be back, hoping to be able to find out who she was where she was being taken.
Three days later I was standing outside a large house with a tall fence and a
locked gate. I had gone back each night and tonight I had seen them again and
followed them here in my own car. I had
been worried that they had seen me but the car didn’t stop until it had entered
the gates. I watched as the man again pulled the girl from the car and she was
dragged up the stairs. Like the other night, she appeared to be in some pain
and I became even more determined to help her.
It was becoming more obvious that she was being held against her will
and I thought about just ringing the police, but I really had no evidence yet
to tell them.
I was just staring at the house when the gate started to open and the man who had driven them back from the brothel walked out. He lit a cigarette and stood smoking, so I decided to take a chance and talk to him. Getting out of my car, I walked across the road and thought up a story in my head to explain why I was there.
“Hey pal, I am trying to find
“When I first started driving Mr Thomas around it was just normal stuff, the bank, the city, you know. Occasionally he would want to go somewhere different, but then it all started to change. I don’t know where the girl came from, but she is different from the other girls he has had. I mean, she just looks so sad and sometimes I can tell she is scared. I can’t be sure, but I think she is being held against her will.”
“Why don’t you call the police if you are so worried about her?” He looked at me like I was crazy. “Hey, I may not like it but no way am I going to rat on my boss. I have seen it when he is not happy with someone and I don’t want to be on the receiving end. I think I will just have to get another job.” Part of me was thinking he was a coward and the other part was thinking that if I could get his job, I would be in a better position to find out what was going on. “Do you think there is any way I could take your place? I am looking for work and driving someone around sounds pretty easy” I wondered if I had moved too fast, but after looking me over for a minute, he just shrugged. “Why not, at least it’s worth asking. Are you sure you want to get mixed up in all the shit in there though?” I tried to appear cool and not show what I was feeling inside. “I suppose if it gets too much I could just leave too, that is if I get the job”
I was hoping that he would introduce me to his boss, but was aware that this was a long shot. He looked at me and then at the house before turning back to me. “You know, if I tell Mr Thomas that you are an old mate, he might be more likely to listen to you and take you on. Why don’t you come inside with me now and we can see what he says.” I had not expected him to ask me to meet his boss tonight but I figured I might as well give it a go. “Yeah, thanks mate, that would be great. What is he like, this Mr Thomas? I mean is there anything I should know so I can impress him.”
The guy just looked at me like I was a bit weird. “I mean, I really need a job, so I don’t want to get off to a bad start.” This seemed to go down better and he wasn’t looking at me so strangely any more. “Well, he is a fairly serious man, so don’t try to crack any jokes or anything. Just play it straight and you should be ok. Anyway, if I say I am going tonight, he will have to have a driver for the morning.” He turned to go inside when I thought of one more thing I needed to know. “Do you stay in the house?” “Yeah, well kind of, I have a room over the garage. The house is separate, and I always tended in keep to myself as Mr Thomas really likes his privacy.”
I bet he did and I knew that finding out what was really happening would not be easy.
Doing a quick check to make sure I had no stains on me, I was glad that I was dressed fairly decently, as I had come from work. I knew that I would have to take some time off, but as was owed a fair bit of time off, I hoped that would not be a big problem. As we entered the grounds, I felt my heart beating fast and my hands were getting sweaty. I wondered if this was the craziest thing I had ever done, but something just drove me on.
I followed him up the driveway and realised I didn’t even know his name. “I can’t pretend you are an old mate if I don’t even know your name.” “Hey yeah, my name is Collin and you are?” “Peter, or Pete actually.” He headed up to the front door and knocked, a big man opening the door. “Collin, can I help you?” He didn’t seem like the type you would mess around with and my head was again telling me to just leave. “I need to speak to Mr Thomas. It is really important.” For a moment I thought the big guy was going to just slam the door in his face but thought better of it. “Who is this guy?” He moved his eyes onto me and I could feel his stare bore right through me.
“This is an old mate of mine and I need to introduce him to Mr Thomas. If this is not a good time, we could come back later, but as I am planning on leaving tonight, it might cause a bit of a problem when he needs a driver in the morning.” The guy had taken his stare off me and was now glaring at Collin. He was obviously trying to work out if he could risk not letting us see his boss. “Ok, just wait here and I’ll see if he is free to talk to you.” The door was slammed shut and I began to think again that something was not right in that house. We both waited for what must have been about five minutes before the door was opened again and we were invited inside. “You have ten minutes to talk in the den.”
I followed Collin as he headed to the den, taking in the elegant surroundings on the way. Collin’s knock was met with a gruff voice telling us to enter. I listened as Collin told Mr Thomas that his mother had fallen ill and that he had called me, an old friend, to possibly take over his job for him. Mr Thomas looked over at me, and it felt as if he could read my mind with his glare. I was not someone who was easily intimidated but this man made me feel like I was little kid again. “Sir, my name is Pete and I would like to help you out, if that is what you want. I am a good driver and if you are willing to give me a try, I promise you will not be disappointed.”
Holding my breath, I waited for him to answer me. He continued to stare at me and then sighed. “I am not used to just hiring people without knowing anything about them, but I will be needing a driver in the morning. I suppose I can give you a trial for a week and if I am satisfied, I may keep you on. Of course, if you do anything I don’t like, you will be out of here before you know what hits you. Collin, show Pete where he will stay and make sure he knows the rules.” With that our time was up and I was led out of the house and across the grounds to a little unit above the garage. It was nowhere near as fancy as the main house, but it was still a palace compared to my run down place.
Now that I was here in the house, the enormity of what I was doing began to sink in. I had to sit down and take a few deep breaths. “Hey man, are you OK? I though you would be happy you got the job, if only on a trial basis.” Wondering how much I should tell him, I thought it wouldn’t be a bad idea for someone to know what I was trying to do. “I am glad about the job, but I need to tell you something. Is it safe to talk here?” I was sounding like a bad spy movie, but I had suddenly wondered if the place was bugged. Collin looked a bit confused but just shrugged and said as far as he knew it was. I thought it best not to risk it and asked him to come outside with me for a few minutes.
Once we were out of the unit, I started to explain what I was up to. “Collin, I didn’t just happen to be here by chance. I saw Mr Thomas with a young girl the other night at a brothel in town and I just felt like she needed some help. I don’t know if I am being naïve but I just couldn’t sit back and not know what was really going on here. I have no idea what I am going to do other than try to talk to her and get her the help she needs.” Collin was just looking at me, making me feel like I had told the wrong person. Just when I was about to say to forget it, he came and put a hand on my shoulder.
“Pete, I have already told you something is going on and I have often wished I could help Julie, but I am not one to interfere. If you think you can help her, then I am not going to stop you, but be careful. Mr Thomas is not one for tolerating people snooping into his business and I have the feeling it would be dangerous if he found out what you were doing. I wish I could help more, but I just want to get out of here.” I thought again that he didn’t have much of a backbone but then had to remind myself it was because of this I was in a position to maybe help.
The rest of the evening was spent getting
my things from my unit and ringing my work to get some time off. By the time I
was ready for bed, I felt like whatever happened, I couldn’t stop it now. The
next morning I was dressed early, Collin’s suit a good fit on me. I had tried
to eat but had found I was too nervous.
The thought that kept running through my head was what would I do if I did have the chance to help. I just hoped that I would know when and if
the time came. Collin had told me I had
to be ready with the back door of the car open at exactly
The day went without me having any chance of talking to Julie, let alone find out more about her situation. I made sure I was polite and did my job well. For most of the day I was left sitting in the car, waiting while Julie and Mr Thomas were in the brothel. The rest of week was much the same, with some jobs just requiring me just driving Mr Thomas and other times Julie was with him. I couldn’t help but notice that she was very quiet and often seemed to be in pain after her visits to the brothel.
At the end of the week, Mr Thomas told me he was happy with my work so far and offered me the job if I wanted it. I rang my work and confirmed my need to take at least a few months off and settled into my job. In many ways, it was not very exciting, but each time I saw Julie I remembered why I was there and knew that eventually I would find the time to talk to her. Another three weeks went by before I was able to get some kind of clue of what was happening.
Julie’s view
Sean had been in the middle of telling me how I had to improve when he was called away for something. Not that it made me any more comfortable due to the way he had left me tied up on the top of a small table. He had pulled my legs out wide and tied my wrists to my ankles, then tied the rope off to a hook on each side, so I had no option but to sit with my pussy exposed. It was not the worst tie I had ever been put into but I still felt embarrassed by the exposure. He of course knew this and played on my embarrassment. With him gone for a while, I thought back again on the day I had stupidly run away from home and the way Sean had come into my life.
I had been in the city for about three days, my hard earned money quickly dwindling away. I had lived in a small town and had just assumed that it would be easy to get work and find somewhere to live. However, my small town ideas were soon proved wrong as no one was willing to give me a job with no references or contact details and I could not afford to stay somewhere decent without a job. I had spent the first night in a cheap hotel but the sounds that were coming out of the other rooms kept me awake all night. The next night I slept in the train station with a group of other kids, but I had woken up in the middle of the night to find someone going through my bag. I just grabbed it and ran, only finding out later that my meagre supply of money was gone.
I had been so angry that I had started to run back to where I had been sleeping, not looking out for cars as I ran out onto the road. The sound of a horn startled me and I had no time to get out of the way as the big black car came towards me. The next thing I knew I was waking up in a strange house with a two men looking at me. I went to get up but a pain in my head stopped me. One of the men told me he was a doctor and that apart from having a headache, I had no other serious injuries.
The other man, Sean, went on to explain that the car had just touched me but I had fallen and hit my head on the road. Not knowing who I was or where I lived, he had brought me to his house and called his doctor. I didn’t think to wonder why he had not just taken me to a hospital but I figured he was just being nice. I was allowed to sleep for a while and then was given the best meal I had had since I left home. I didn’t even think it was strange the way he was very curious about me, just assuming he was interested in me and wanted to help. It was a few days later, when I suggested that I was fine and should go, that things began to change.
We were in the kitchen and I had just finished another wonderful meal, when he asked me why I had come to the city. I told him I thought it would be a chance to get a better job. He then took me totally by surprise by asking me if I had run away from home. I tried to deny it, but he already knew the truth and just smiled at me in a way that was not like any smile I had ever seen before. It sent chills down my spine and for the first time since I had been in his house, I began to feel frightened.
Looking around to see if there was a way I could get out, I noticed a well-built man I had not seen before blocking the entrance to the kitchen. My heart began to beat faster but I still hoped that I was just imagining things. What Sean said next, though, put that thought out of my mind. I still shudder now at the way he casually started to tell me that I would be staying with him and that I would do anything he told me to do. I had tried to run at that point but did not get very far before the man at the door grabbed me, his hand blocking my mouth and my screams. Kicking out, I had felt my foot make contact with a body and had heard a curse, as Sean hopped around the kitchen.
The scene would have been funny, if it had not been for the way the man was holding me. I saw Sean heading back to me, his eyes filled with anger. He told the other man to let go of my mouth and then he hit me across my face. I had never been hit before and the way the pain spread over my whole face was a new experience. Before I had a chance to react to the slap, Sean had taken a handful of my hair and pulled it back, making me squeal. The look I could see in his eyes made me feel weak and I knew without him saying anything that I was in serious trouble. He almost hissed at me that I would be sorry for that and told the man to take me into his bedroom.
A chill had gone through my body, thinking they were going to rape me. If I had known then what I knew now, I would have fought tooth and nail to get away. As it was, I had decided that it would be better not to fight and hoped they would let me go as soon as they had their fun. Once I had been dragged to Sean’s room, he told me to undress. The hand was kept across my mouth as I tried to undress. I had been able to unbutton my shirt and loosen my skirt so it fell around my feet. The shirt had been harder to remove with the man’s body behind me but I had managed to get it off and then had been able to undo my bra. I had tried not to think about what I was doing, just wanting to get it over with.
All I had left to remove was my underpants and I had only been able to get them down just off my hips with the way my body was being held up. I had looked to see no mercy at all in Sean’s eyes and had begun to cry as I struggled to get them off. It took me what felt like a long time to get them off my hips by wriggling my body and eventually the pants were in a heap on the floor. I had worked up a sweat and had been able to feel my hair sticking to my forehead. Sean had moved in then and had begun to rub his hands over my body, his touch making me try to move around from him. When he had grabbed my nipples and pulled me to him, I had screamed behind the hand. Sean had continued to feel my body, squeezing and pinching me all over for what had felt like hours.
After he had tired of feeling me up, Sean had told the man holding me to uncover my mouth again. Fearing another slap, I had closed my eyes only to feel a ball being pushed into my mouth. It had been pushed in behind my teeth and I had found it impossible to close my mouth. I had started to find it hard to breath when I had been pushed down onto the bed. Sean had been me in seconds and I had screamed around the gag as his cock pushed its way into my dry pussy. I had always thought rape would be painful but the agony had been beyond any pain I had ever felt. I had just cried as he raped me, his body not giving me any time to get used to his attack as he buried his cock in to the hilt. The only saving grace was that I had not been a virgin, my old boyfriend having been my first and only partner, until then.
The rape went on and on, my body rocked by the force of his thrusts into me. I had tried to block it out, but the pain that raked my body kept me from being successful. When I had felt him cum in me, I had thought it was over but had then sensed a movement at the end of the bed and looked up to see the big man with his penis in his hand. I had really tried to back off the bed then, as the size of his penis had scared me. I of course got nowhere before he had me pinned down and was raping me with his huge cock. I had tried looked up at the ceiling while used me, but Sean had seen this and had pulled my head up off the bed so I had to watch the other man raping me. When he had cum in me too, I had just curled up and cried until Sean started to tie me to the bed.
Never having been tied up before, I had no idea what he was doing. Before I knew it, he had secured me to the bed with my arms tied up to the top of the bed and my feet up beside them, so that they could both see my pussy and all their cum dripping out of it. That is how Sean had left me, laughing as he told me that from now on I would be getting plenty of cock in all my holes. He left me crying and in pain for what would be the first of many times.
I heard the footsteps before Sean entered the room, his polished shoes sounding heavy on the wooden floors. He came up and rubbed his hand along my pussy slit and then forced one finger inside of me. “Slut, do you know what tomorrow is?’ I had no idea, the days and the weeks just seeming to blend into each other. “No Sir.” He smiled his evil smile at me and then pulled his finger out of my pussy.
“Tomorrow it will be exactly one year since you ran out in front of my car. What a lucky day that was, well it was for me anyway. So to celebrate, I have arranged a few special surprises for you. Of course, you will have to wait for the morning to find out what they are.” My heart sank at the thought of what he might have lined up for me, his cruelness well known to me now. I still sometimes wonder how I had not seen through his act when he first helped me, but I guess you see what you want to see.
He had moved behind me and just as I was wondering what he was doing, I felt something being pulled down over my head. The hood blocked off my hearing and my sight completely. I tried not to panic as he then pushed what felt like a penis gag into my mouth. It was big but short and make my jaw hurt after only a short time. I tried to hear his footsteps around me but could hear nothing, so I had no idea if Sean was still in the room or if he had gone. Time went by and I began to think about how he had said it had been a year since I had come to his house. A whole year and I was still as helpless as I had been when he and the man I now knew was Billy, had raped me.
A touch on my skin made me jump and I became aware of something being pushed into my pussy. It was not a real penis but one of the many dildoes or vibrators he had. I had never known how many different kinds of sex toys there were before this last year. I stiffened as he tried to push something in my bottom and removed it again. A finger on my hole rubbed in some lube and then he tried again, the object sliding in slightly this time. I moaned around the penis gag and tried to hold still as he continued to push what I could now tell was a fairly large vibrator or dildo into me. I had learnt that once Sean wanted something he didn’t give up, so I knew that he would keep on pushing until it was in place.
Under the hood, I was starting to feel very hot and sweat was already dripping down my face. I squealed as he finally pushed the object fully into my ass and then was rocked by vibrations in both my pussy and ass. His hand on my breasts made me aware of his presence and then I felt a pinch on each nipple, which remained when his hand was gone. His voice inside my ear started me and I figured he must have set up some form of speaker or something inside the hood. “Julie, I am going to leave you like this for a while and I do not want you to cum. If you do, you will be punished.” . I had no doubt that I would be receiving another punishment later, as there was no way I would be able to stop myself from cumming. I just hoped it would not be as bad as some of his punishment had been. I tried to think of anything other than the orgasm rising in me, but my lack of other senses meant I had nothing else to occupy my mind with. When I could fight it no more, the orgasm ripped through me and as I could not turn off the vibrators, the next one just started to build almost as soon as the first one had finished. I lost count of the number of times I came, all I knew was that each one was stronger then the last.
I think I may have even passed out for a short time, jumping as I felt his hands on my breasts. The blood rushing back to my nipples made me scream as he removed the clamps. The pain just made the next orgasm stronger still and I prayed he would stop the vibrators, not even caring what my punishment would be. Again I heard his voice in my ear. “I thought I told you not to cum but then I guess a slut like you can’t help themselves.” Another orgasm rocked my body as he finished speaking to me and it was all I could do to keep my head up. “Slut, you have two choices for your punishment, you can stay as you are for another thirty minutes or you can choose to be spanked. If you want to stay like you are, hold up one finger, if you want me to spank you, hold up two fingers.” He knew I hated his spankings, but no way could I stand any more orgasms. I held up two fingers and prayed that he would not be as severe as he had been last time.
He removed the gag and hood first, the feel of the cool air on my sweat-covered face felt wonderful. Teasing me, he would move his hand down where the vibrator were still buzzing and then move to undo another tie. By the time he had finally turned them both off and pulled them out, I had come one more time. Giving me no time at all to recover my breath, he pulled me to lie over his lap and began to spank me. It was intense, his slaps hard and regular on my bottom. I started to cry and then scream as he continued, never easing up as the slaps just seemed to get even harder. He must have started to grow tired as he picked up a paddle and gave me ten more slaps with it before finally letting me fall to the floor. I just lay there, my hands rubbing my sore bottom while the tears ran down my face. He left me there as he went and turned on the shower and then I was pulled up and with his help, placed under the warm water.
I moaned as the water hit my bottom, but then started to enjoy the warmth of the water. Sean was watching me, but this was something I had grown used to. My only hope was that he would be content to just watch, but this was shattered as he undressed and joined me in the shower. Pushing me against the wall, he worked his cock into my ass, his body rubbing against my sore butt making me scream again. The actual entry of his cock into me was nothing compared to the pain he was causing to my throbbing bottom. He powered into me and them proceeded to fuck me with all the strength he could muster. I tried to keep conscious as the pain level grew and I began to felt light headed. The only way I was remaining standing was because he was holding me firmly around my chest, his fingers squeezing my tender nipples. By the time his cock was ready to cum, I was ready to collapse. His feel of him cumming in me made me sigh with relief and when he finally pulled out I had to lean on wall to keep upright.
I had to allow him to help me get to my bed. He usually didn’t tie me down any more but attached a chain to one ankle so I couldn’t go anywhere. Sean had no sooner cuffed the chain in place before I began to fall into a deep sleep. I wondered what he had in store for me tomorrow but did not let it stop me sleeping as I knew no amount of worry would change it. I just hoped it was nothing I could not handle.
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