Her poor clit is now skewered thru with one of the bamboo slivers..she shivers and quakes..sobbing
between screams.....
Si Lun smiles at her tormented face.....so my sweet..what
have you to tell me?.......
Tears stream down Lori Beths face as she stares in wide eyed terrror at her
tormentor..torture sweat drips from her body to the
floor...she slowly shakes her head......the smile on Si Luns face broadens at
the hoped for reply....
Si Lun turns to her table of implements and picks up a long thin copper rod..rounded on one end...wires dangle from the other
end.....deftly she seperates the lips of Lori Beths vagina with two fingers...
OOOOOOOOO!!!! wimpers Lori Beth.... she is so tender there,,,,
Si Lun takes the copper rod and with a little searching and probing finds what
she is looking for.....the entrance of Lori Beths pee hole...Her slit is wet
and slippery...no lubrication is needed.....very slowly and deliberately Si Lun
forces the rod into the channel......
Further and further it penetrates.........finally a stream of yellow liquid
dribbles out around the rod...it has reached the trembling girls
bladder......Si Lun turns and tells the guard to bring her the black
box.....when he hands it to Si Lun she sets it on the table and connects up the
other ends of the wires from the copper rod.....the power cord from the box is
plugged into a recepticle in the floor nearby.....a green light winks
on,on the top of the box.........now my dear...ready??lowest setting
first.hmmmm?...she pushes a button on the box.......a red light illuminates and
there is a low hummmmm......
Lori Beth stiffens!!!!!!!!!!.........a lonnnggg scream bursts from her wide
open mouth as she convulses.....the sinews in her ams and legs stand out like
cables as she thrashes at the indescribable agony........
Lori Beth slumps...in the blackness of unconciousness
Si Lun is livid....what is the meaning of this??? she was to have been injected with the drugs to keep her
awake....she is not to be permitted the release of this......who is
responsible??.......I cannot continue.....Where is that Doctor??......bring him
here at once....
A few minutes later the hack Dr. enters......he is visibly afraid of Si
Lun.....A thousand pardons my lady......I left instructions for the injection
but it somehow got missed.....
Imbeciles....take her back to her cell..I am not able
to go on now...
Bring the other one,,Tiffany from her
cell......we will see if she is willing to impart the information we wish....I
understand they were quite close.....this Tiffany was in some sort of film
business I believe......the filthy pictures thing.......as i understand she is
quite spectacular physically
Tiffany is completely ignorant of any information whatever....she is in for a
very difficult time...
She is also Quite spectacular.....only 5ft 4in tall she weighs 132lb.her
measurements are 42FF/30/34..has long blonde hair and has very beautiful
legs....quite spectacular indeed......
Si Lun so loves woman with large breasts for her work on...her favorite
thing....she feels so very fortunate to be able to ply her talents which she
loves so well on such beautiful girls.....to hear their screams as she goes
about her beloved tortures...so very fortunate.....for her....
A few minutes later.....a strikingly beautiful young woman of overwhelming
assets is brought into the chamber......she is indeed physically
With her arms strapped behind her she is brought in front of the Colonel and Si
Lun.....the Colonel asks her if she knows why she is there......
No! I have no idea...what is it I am supposed to have done? ..
You are a companion to one Lori Beth......an enemy of the State........we wish
to ask you a few questions about her...
Enemy of the State? Lori? Thats
Ah but we have reason to believe otherwise..Tell us
what you know of her so called "Social Clubs"
They are charitable organizations....They help the poor and those who are sick
and cannot afford proper medical care..
Then they have no political agendas at all..eh????
Of course not!!
Well my dear young lady we have information that indicates otherwise..and being such a close confidant of her we are sure you
know what she is really doing against the State....
Against the State????thats
Really? What do you really do at these
meetings....or are they really rallies to stir unrest amongst the peasant
NO...NO...its nothing like that.....
I dont believe you.....I think you lie just as she does.......Tell us the
secret aims of your group...
There ARE no secret aims...we are a charitable group...helping
Then you refue to give us the information I know you have?
I have no secret information...I dont know what you mean.....
Ah so it must be like that hmmmm? Strip her!!!!
The huge gaurds hold her as the Sergeant rips her blouse from her torso.......she
is wearing no brassiere and her magnificent breasts are exposed to their
My god...look at them........they are
OHHH my Yessssss says Si Lun.....so delectable as she
licks her lips....
Her skimpy skirt comes next and she is left with just the tiniest of panties to
cover any of her charms......
Si Lun devours her body with eager eyes
oh YESSSSSS!!!!!
Let me GO....what are you doing? Stop!!!
Over here Si Lun tells the guards...they pull her over between two stout
posts.....her wrists..first one and then the other are
stretched up and out to cuffs high on each post.....she stands now on tip toe..arms spread out and up.....then each ankle is pulled to the
side and cuffed to the bottoms of the posts.. the
result leaves her suspended some inches off the floor.....
OH please..what are you doing?
Why my child says Si Lun I am preparing to ask you a few more
questions....Now...give her that injection you neglected giving the other
one.....I'll not have this one escaping into blackness on me.
WHAT questions? I already told you I dont know anything about the
operations of the groups..
Welll...we shall see shant we?...Si Lun approaches
Tiffany and reaches out to cup one of her large breasts in her palms........my
God.....magnificent!!....so soft..so
succulent........and smiling she places an open mouth kiss on one of the
nipples...already stiff and erect from the chillines of the chamber..sucking and licking it.....then pinching and pulling on
The guaurd wheels over her table of implements..Si Lun
selects two butterfly nipple clamps...she places one on each turgid point and
tightens it....
OOOOO...OWWW...dont do that....
Im glad to tell you that you have no say in Anything I
will do to you little one........
With that she fastens a cord to each clamp and feeds them thru a hoop some feet
in front of Tiffany......she pulls the cords tight and hangs
several weights of some 5 lbs or so to them....
OOOOOO..it hurts...stoppp
Of course it does ........its supposed to.....Si Lun goes to the wall and picks
a long single wire whip with a heavy leather handle....the handle is very
large..that is because it contains several batteries
which heat the wire.......Now little one.....what is the make up of the
I keep telling you I know nothing of its operation......
Lovely.....Si Lun flicks the whip out in back of her and swings it across
Tiffnys back.......ssswoooooshhhh!...........smaaakk!!
By now she has switched on the battery power...the wire glows
Again ssmaaaakkkk!!!...again...ssmmaaakkkk
Si Lun works her way down Tiffanys back...ssssnmmmaaakkkk!!!.....over
her bottom cheeks........ssmmmaaakkkk....the backs of her thighs.
.ssmmaaakkkk.. .smmmmaaakkkk!!!!
Oh my god ...stoppppp...stooppppp!!!!!
Of course.....just tell us the words we wish to hear....
I dont know anything I tell you.
Si Lun moves around in front of her..her eyes
devouring those fabulous breasts.
She checks to be sure the wire is at full glow.....then slashes out to place
the red hot wire across those gorgeous globes...
Tiffanys body is drenched in torture sweat...it runs from her soaked hair over
her face and down her chest to drip from her stretched nipples...down over her
torso it runs in rivlets.....
Now little one what do you have to tell us?...The
I DONT know any information to give you.....Please believe me..I
DONT know.....
Si Lun gives the whip to one of the guards to hang back on the wall....they
move a brazier filled with red glowing coals over next to Tiffany.......her
eyes bulge in terror at the implication.....she starts to tremble at the
thought of what may come next......Si Lun selects a skewer.....,big around as a
pencil...a full 24 inches long and buries most of its length in the
coals..........she looks at Tiffany and smiles........when it is white
hot......she picks it up with a holder and approaches Tiffany..........STILL
dont know?????
I heavens name dont......please noooo..dont......I
dont know anything.........
Si Lun smiles again..stepping in close.....she touches
the needle sharp point of the skewer to the outside of Tiffanys huge breast
flesh..........and oh so slowwwly pushes until it pierces her heaving
Further and further it sears its way thru the tit flesh...till it emerges
between the beautiful globes........still Si Lun pushes.......it covers the distance
between her breasts and pierces the other glorious breast.........it still
hisses and sizzles as it penetrates further and further until it emerges on the
outside of her other breast.......