"You fancy her, don't you?" Jane asked after Nina left.
"Maybe," I said, trying to be nonchalant. But Jane could always tell immediately what I was thinking - I shouldn't have even bothered. An after-effect of having gone out together for a few years.
"I knew it," she said excitedly. "So are you going to ask her out?"
"You'd love to fuck her wouldn't you?"
"Do you have to be so coarse?" I asked, rolling my eyes in an exaggerated manner.
"It's true though isn't it?"
"Yes, it is."
"What if you could play strip poker with her, would you do it?" Jane had a glint in her eye as she asked.
"Yes. Why?"
"What if I was to convince her to play a game with you and me. And since you're a bit funny about getting naked in front of people, I'll fix it so that she loses."
I was sorely tempted as soon as Jane explained her plan. "Do you think you can convince her?" I asked, the excitement showing in my voice.
"With a drink or two, yep I think so. I'll arrange it for next week."
"How about a game of cards?" Jane asked as Nina sipped her cocktail. My heart leapt; I had been waiting all evening for this. In fact, I had really been waiting all week, ever since Jane had proposed it to me.
"Sure," Nina said.
"Why don't we make it a bit more interesting, and play some strip cards?"
"Risque," Nina said with a laugh.
"Are you game?" Jane pressed.
"If you guys are, why not." Nina had agreed more easily than I had expected - perhaps Jane had softened her up beforehand, or maybe it was just the drink.
"I am," I said, trying not to sound too excited. "So is it poker?"
"No, just a high card draw I think - keep it simple." Jane gave me a look, and I understood that it would be the easiest way to fix the game. I readily agreed.
"Haven't you guys seen it all before though?" Nina asked. "I mean, you did used to go out together."
"I'm always up for seeing it again," I said truthfully.
"You wish," Jane said with a laugh. We sat down around the small table in the centre of the room. Jane was wearing her customary big jumper and jeans, whereas Nina was wearing a simple red top and some figure hugging trousers. Both girls were brunettes although Jane's hair was darker, almost black. Jane had a slightly plain face, and a fairly shapeless body. On looks alone she was not the most attractive girl I had seen, but she had an innate sexiness and allure that superseded any more superficial points. Many guys seemed to fall for her, and I was one of the lucky ones who had actually gone out with her. Nina, in contrast, was a fairly slim girl with a cute face and a grin that had already seduced me. I had only met her recently, through Jane, and was building momentum towards overcoming my natural reticence and asking her out. The game began in earnest. The early rounds progressed quickly; we all lost our socks and the serious rounds began with us all barefoot.
Despite knowing that Jane was fixing the game, I didn't know what order things would happen, so between the expectation of seeing Nina naked and that edge of danger, my heart was thumping against my ribcage. I cautiously drew an eight, Nina pulled a ten off the top of the pack, and then Jane took the six that turned out to be below that. Nonplussed, she slipped off her trousers and threw them aside. Jane's legs were neither fat nor thin, and nor were they shapely. They somehow managed to be distinctly average in every sense. I noted the simple pink underwear that she had chosen to wear; I had bought those for her.
Nina took a three from the top of the pack to start the next round and I smiled, knowing that this must be her first losing round. Jane took out a king, and I confidently took the next card. The smile fell from my face as I saw it was a two. I looked up angrily at Jane - this was her way of teasing me. She showed no signs of emotion on her face. I stood up and pulled off my jumper. Nina smiled at the sight of my bare chest, and I felt a swell of pride. I am no body-builder, but there are clearly muscles there, and little fat, with no body-hair to obscure my features. I sat back down as Jane took another card - a ten. I received a jack, and Nina an eight. I watched, confused, as she reached her hands behind herself.
Through some contorted movements she managed to take her bra off and get her arms out of it without ever removing her top. I felt cheated, but couldn't prevent my arousal at the knowledge that her breasts were bare beneath the exterior of her clothing. I drew my next card in annoyance, and lost the round. Jane gave me a reassuring look to indicate that Nina's time would soon be at hand as I stood up and slid off my trousers to reveal my legs. Not as hairy as I perhaps would like, but decently muscled.
Nina drew her next card - a five. Jane had a queen. I tentatively reached for the next card, and picked up a four. I instantly glared at Jane, who continued to make eye motions indicating that I should trust her.
"Come on then, show us what you've got," Nina said with a slight slur. I stood up, and peeled down my underwear, looping it over the top of my erection. Nina raised her eyebrows at the sight of my stiff cock, and Jane laughed at my embarrassment. I stood for a second, feeling my face flush as they both stared at my naked, aroused, form. My humiliation did not help my arousal; I have always been turned on by it, despite hating it. Jane made a motion to indicate that I should turn around, and I slowly span on the spot until I was facing the girls again. The one positive was that Nina seemed fairly interested in what she saw.
"Sit down, big boy," Jane told me. I followed her advice. "Now, I think it's only fair that we continue to play, don't you?"
"Yes," I said, irritation creeping in to my voice. Nina nodded.
"But don't you think," said Jane as she got up and moved towards me, "that it's also fair that our loser doesn't get to see us."
"That makes sense," Nina said with a giggle.
"This is to stop you seeing," Jane said as she walked behind me and slipped a sleeping-mask blindfold over my eyes, "and these are to stop you trying to peek." She pulled my wrists behind me and handcuffed them together before I knew what was going on. I opened my mouth to swear at Jane but then thought better of it. I wondered how I must look, now restrained. The bondage helped my erection as much as the humiliation had; Jane knew all too well that I would be simultaneously hating my predicament while being uncontrollably aroused by it. I didn't know whether to love her or hate her for it. Probably both.
I heard the clear crisp snap of the cards as I sat blind, wondering what was going on. As if reading my thoughts, Jane called out that Nina had lost her trousers. I began imagining the scene before me in my mind as Jane kept calling out what was going on. Jane lost her jumper, leaving her in bra and panties, but Nina lost all the other rounds. She was naked! I tried to subtly peek out from my blindfold but I could not manage it.
"Nina's all naked," Jane said as she walked over to me again, and began whispering in my ear. "Doesn't it just kill you that the girl you fancy so desperately is naked all of two metres away, and the only person who can see her is me? But don't worry, I'll help you out by describing her. As you've probably noticed, she has incredibly smooth skin, all over her body. Her tits are the size of apples, not sagging, with stand-out nipples that just roll a little bit away from each other, pointing out to the side. Her stomach just has a little curve on it, not quite flat, but still something that many women would kill for. Her legs are round and smooth, with a flat mole on her left inside thigh. Her bush is not too thick, but unshaven. And when she stood up and turned round - well, you won't find a more perfectly curved ass than that in any of the men's magazines that you read. I'm sure you want to see her right now, but just trust me. Hold on, don't say anything stupid, and I guarantee that she'll want to come back again next week."
Jane then unexpectedly pulled me to my feet and almost as quickly down onto my knees again. As my cock slapped lightly against my stomach I felt pre-come on my stomach, no doubt from Jane's teasing description of Nina. I was roughly shoved forward, leaving me bent over the low table that the cards were on. I heard Jane rustling in a bag behind the chair, and Nina laughed when she had finished.
"Do you know what this is Nina?" Jane asked.
"I think so," Nina answered. I stayed still, wondering what it was.
"Now, our mutual friend here George has a liking for this particular item." My mind was racing, thinking of all the things Jane could have that she knew I liked. It was not a short list. "This one is relatively small, so it shouldn't cause any trouble. Now, open your mouth." She didn't say my name but I knew it was directed at me. I did so, expecting food, and suddenly felt a dildo sliding all the way in until I gagged.
Realisation hit me all at once, as my body convulsed from the gag reflex. Jane was wearing a strap-on dildo, one of the pair that she and I had jointly owned when we were going out. Not only was she penetrating my mouth with it, she was doing so in front of Nina, who now knew of my penchant for them. I was fucked, in several respects. I felt so embarrassed, the girl I desired watching me trussed up and getting fucked in the mouth by my ex-girlfriend who was busy happily explaining that I had a fetish for them. All my hopes of going out with her were vanishing hand-in-hand with my dignity.
"He loves it. For me, it's like being a bloke really, quite fun," Jane explained casually to Nina as she pumped in and out of my mouth. "Tell me, has a guy ever asked you for anal sex?"
"Oh yes," I heard Nina say. She was sitting to my left, getting a profile view of the proceedings.
"And do they expect you to accept, despite the fact that they'd never let anything near their ass in a million years?"
"Well, the one good thing about George here is that he isn't afraid to endure exactly what you would have to. Would you George?" Jane asked as she suddenly pulled out of my mouth.
"No," I said through clenched teeth as I felt Jane cross around my body. I knew what was coming next, and did not react as I felt the tip of the thin saliva-covered dildo at my anal entrance. The only thing that I still found surprising was that Nina had not left yet. Jane slipped the dildo in deftly, and I groaned involuntarily at the feeling. I wondered why Jane felt that she had to screw up my chances like this.
"Do you think it looks interesting?" Jane asked, in the manner of a cheerful tour guide, as she began to fuck my ass.
"Yeah, kinda," Nina said coyly. That was not the answer I had expected.
"Well, there's another one in the bag," Jane called out over the sound of my moans as I was steadily fucked. The large one! And Nina was going to put it on. I was aroused, humiliated, excited and dejected all at once, that she should be involved in this sorry scene, that was admittedly turning me on quite a lot.
There was some rustling, and undefinable movement sounds over by the bag before Nina asked: "What should I do now?"
"Put it in his mouth," Jane said, and I opened my mouth as Nina inexpertly bashed the larger dong against my lips. She poked it in at the second attempt and as she went deeper and deeper I realised that I could faintly smell her pussy. It was intoxicating, and held me in a trance that meant I almost didn't notice the dildo in my ass. My attention was focused solely on the larger dildo sliding slowly in and out of my mouth over my prone tongue as I breathed Nina's sexuality in. It barely occurred to me that I was experiencing one of my ultimate fantasies - being worked over by two women with strap-ons while tied up, not to mention humiliated.
"How would you like to try his ass now?" Jane asked, and I was snapped out of my reverie. To my displeasure, Nina withdrew. Jane did the same, and I felt Nina's cock at my entrance. I wondered for a moment how stupid I must look to her, as she nestled the dildo between my ass cheeks, by my exposed ass-hole. Not exactly manly, I thought to myself. But all such thoughts were forgotten as she entered me. The invading phallus stretched me almost to the point of pain as it slid in. It was noticeably larger than the dildo that Jane wore, and I was really feeling the difference. Nina began sliding slowly in and out, with a sensation that hinged between pleasure and pain. Jane's breath was on my cheek, and she was whispering in my ear.
"See. The girl of your dreams is fucking you in the ass, and loving it. What more could you want?"
"Touch me," I pleaded, suddenly strongly aware of the large erection I had, my cock longing for Nina's pussy that was only inches away.
"You'd like that wouldn't you..." Jane's voice faded into my subconscious as suddenly Nina picked up her pace and began slamming me from behind. I could think of nothing else as she began fucking me hard, pounding my whole body into submission. Somewhere Jane's voice was getting through; I knew that I had to beg to come, and it had to be louder, and louder still, until I was dimly aware that I was shouting for one of them, either of them, somebody to make me come.
Then it stopped. Nina pulled out, and it was all over.
"How about?" Jane said, as I recovered from the slight shock of the sudden stop, "one last round of cards. The loser has to give head to the winner. George?"
"Yes," I said instantly, wondering how Jane would fix the cards for this round. It did not fit the pattern to allow me to receive a blow-job, but maybe she would be kind. Perhaps Nina would be made to suck my prick. The only gain for Jane seemed to be if I was to give her head; that therefore seemed most likely in her scheme.
"I'm game," Nina said, and my heart began pounding as I was pushed back from the table and the cards were gathered from around me. I heard Jane pick one off the pile before she put it in my mouth.
"A queen," she told me. Another card was picked. "I have a six," Jane announced for my benefit. What could this mean - I would not give her head. What were the possibilities, I thought quickly; Nina or Jane would give me head, unless-
"A king," Nina said aloud.
"Looks like I am going to be licking pussy then," Jane said. I thought that my cock could get no stiffer but I was wrong. Jane was doing this to tease me, I knew. It would not be the first time that Jane had licked out another girl - she had told me of one or two such prior encounters - but now she would be doing it right in front of me, and I would not be able to see. it was torture.
I was forced to remain there for twenty minutes, listening intently to the licking, slurping and kissing sounds, mixed in with moaning from Nina as Jane worked away, invisible to me despite being almost close enough to touch. My frustration was outweighed only by my arousal as Nina's moans became louder and more frequent. Once she had audibly come, Jane spoke.
"I bet you'd like to taste her juices wouldn't you?"
"Yes," I said earnestly. The next thing I knew, Jane was kissing me. My lips intersected with hers, our kiss lubricated by Nina's juices. Jane's tongue was in my mouth and I was trying to lick it clean. We broke our kiss and I started trying to lick her lips as our faces entwined again. Driven by my unrequited arousal I couldn't help myself as I tried to consume all of Nina that Jane offered.
Jane pulled away, and I heard her tell Nina to redress. By the time my blindfold was removed and light flooded my eyes, the two women were fully redressed and composed, while I was knelt naked on the floor, my hands still restrained, and dick still hard.
"So, are you up for doing this again next week?" Jane asked as Nina headed to the door.
"Yes," Nina said as she turned, and she paused while a smile crept across her lips. "But next time, there will be no need to fix the cards."
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